hsptl report rjnnn
hsptl report rjnnn
hsptl report rjnnn
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Session 2024-2025
Submitted By-
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This is to certify that Mr. Rajan Kumar Yadav S/O Mr. Harendra Yadav has submitted the
report on Hospital Training for partial fulfillment of B. Pharm. 3rdyear 5th Semester, Session 2024-
2025 The content of the report here is does not from part of any other project or dissertation on
the basis of which a degree or award was confirmed on an earlier occasion on this or any other
Director of Pharmacy……………………………
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The training opportunity I had with C.H.C Seorahi was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so
many wonderful people and professionals who led me through this training period.
I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to G.C.R.G. College
of pharmacy BKT Lucknow who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with their duties gave us
an opportunity so that we could learn something so important.
It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regard, deepest sense of gratitude to chief
pharmacist Drx. Birendra kr. Bhaskar for their careful and precious guidance which were
extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically.
I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way and I will continue to work on their
Thanking You.
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14. SUMMARY 26
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The vision of the Hospital is to study the organization of various departments, the working and
development of the organization, the present status of the hospital & future prospects of the
organization to promote civic sense and shoulder the responsibilities with full potential by being
ultimate healthcare Professional and a Responsible Pharmacist.
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About Hospital
● A hospital is a health-care facility that provides specialized medical and nursing care as well
as medical supplies to patients. The most well-known form of the hospital is the general hospital,
which usually carries an emergency department to handle urgent health issues such as fire and
● According to the hospital definition, a district hospital is usually the region's primary
healthcare facility, with a large number of intensive-care beds and extra beds for patients who
need long-term care.
● I did my Training from C.H.C Seorahi(U.P.).
● It is a centre for all types of medical facilities especially for the poor people.
● This training also made me realize the importance of hospitals for people.
Departments in Hospital
2. Emergency
3. Pharmacy Department
6. Injection Room
7. Record Room
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The acute care of patients who present without prior appointment; either by their own
means or by that of an ambulance. The emergency department is usually found in a hospital
or other primary care center. Due to the unplanned nature of patient attendance, the
department must provide initial treatment for a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries,
some of which may be life- threatening and require immediate attention. In some countries,
emergency departments ,
Become important entry points for those without other means of access to medical care.
The emergency departments of most hospitals operate 24 hours a day, although staffing levels may
be viridian attempt to reflect patientvolume.
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A general ward is a large room in a hospital where people who need medical treatment stay
general in the wards.
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Surgical wards contain different types injured patients, accidental patient etc.
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Technique: Moisten a piece of gauze with solution and squeeze out the excess fluid. The gauze
should be damp, not soaking wet. Open the gauze Photo and place it over top of the wound to cover it Photo
B. You do not need many layers of wet gauze, Place a dry dressing over top. The dressing is allowed to dry
out and when it is removed it pulls off the debris. It's ok to moisten the dressing if it is toostuck.
How often: Ideally, 3-4 times per day. More often on a wound in need of debridement, less
often on a cleaner wound. When the wound is clean, change to a wet-to-wet dressing or an
Indication:to keep a clean wound clean and prevent build-up of exudates. Technique:
Moisten a piece of gauze with solution and just barely squeeze out the excess fluid so it's not
soaking wet. Open the gauze and place it over top of the wound to cover it. Place a dry dressing
over top. The gauze should not be allowed to dry or stick to the wound.
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How often: Ideally, 2-3 times a day. If the dressing gets too dry, poor saline over the gauze
to keep it moist.
Antibiotic Ointment
Indication: Antibiotic ointment is used to keep a clean wound clean and promote healing.
Technique: apply ointment to the wound- not a thick layer, just a thin layer is enough. Cover with
How often:
1-2 times per day. When to do which dressing Remember, the goal is to promote healing.
We know that a moist environment facilitateshealing.
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For a wound in need of debridement the wet-to-dry technique should be done until the
wound is clean and then change to a different dressing regimen.
Sharp Debridement
When a wound is covered with black, dead tissue or thick grey/green debris, dressings
alone may be inadequate. Surgical removal- sharp debridement- is necessary to remove the dead
tissue to allow healing.
Sedation or general anesthesia may be required. However, usually the dead tissue has no
sensation, so debridement may be done at the bedside or in the outpatients.
Photos A & B: Using a forceps, grasp the edge of the dead tissue and
Bleeding tissue is healthy, so cut away the dead stuff until you get to a bleedingbase.
The patient may only tolerate this for a short period of time.
Additionally, you don't want to cut off tissue that may be viable. So,
you may have to do this a little at a time, and repeat this procedure as needed until all of the
necrotic tissue has beenremoved.
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In a word, an injecting room is a place where drug users can inject narcotic substances in
a supervised environment without risking police interference.
But services provided by injecting rooms can also be expanded to include hygiene-
enhancing information, offering clean injection equipment, the presence of trained health
workers and injection advice. When the setting up of injecting rooms are discussed in
Norway, what is meant is specially outfitted rooms either standing alone or as part of a
wider activity and/or care service for drug users, where heroin users can inject under the
supervision of trained health staff and where guidance and advice are readily available.
Health room' may therefore be a more apt designation of the possible future function of
this initiative.
One essential precondition underlying the establishment of injecting/ health rooms are that
the people who make use of them shall avoid risk apprehension by police.
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Placing a drug directly into blood stream;-May be intravenous (into a vein) or intra- arterial
(into an artery).Drug solution in injected directly into the lumen of a vein so that it is
diluted in the venous blood. The drug is carried to the Heart and circulated to the tissues.
Drugs in oily vehicle or those
thatcausehemolysisshouldnotbegivenbythisroute.Sincethedrugisintroduced directly into
blood, the desired concentration of the drug is achieved immediately which is not possible
by any other procedure.
This route is of prime importance in emergency also certain irritant drugs could be given
by thisroute also this is the only route for giving large volume of drugsblood transfusion.
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Intramuscular:-( Into The Skeletal Muscle) (I.M.)
In humans, the best site is deltoid muscle in the shoulder or the gluteus muscle in the
buttocks. This method is suitable for the irritating substances that cannot be given route.
The speed of absorption from site of injection is dependent on the vehicle used, absorption
is quick from aqueous solutions and slow from oily preparations.
Absorption is complete, predictable and faster than subcutaneous route.
Suitable for injection of drug in aqueous solution (rapid action) and drug in suspension or
emulsion (sustained release).
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Subcutaneous Routes:-(Under The Skin)
The drug is dissolved in a small volume of vehicle and injected beneath the skin
from where the absorption is slow and uniform. Substances causing irritation to
the tissues should not be injected otherwise they will cause pain and necrosis
(deadening of tissues) at the site of injection.
This method is particularly useful when continuous presence of the drug in the tissues is
needed over a long period. The usefulness of this method is enhanced by the use of depot
preparations from which the drug is released more slowly transfrom simplesolution
(deadoftissues)atthesiteof injection insulin.
Drug are injected into papillary layer of skin. For example tuberculin injection for
Mantoux test and BCG vaccination for active immunization against TuberculosisBC:
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IntrathecalRoute:-(Into The Spinal Canal )
Blood brain barrier often prevents the entry of certain drugs into the central nervous
system also the blood SF barrier prevents the approach of drugs to the meanings thus when
local and rapid effects of drugs on meanings are desired the drugs are injected into
Subarachnoid (between arachnoids mater and piamater) space and effects of the drugs are
then localized to the spinal nerves and meanings e.g. intrathecal injection of streptomycin
in tuberculosis and meningitis used to be used by this route but with the invention of third
generation cephalosporin's it is not used any more to treat these conditions.
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Pathology is a Branch Of Medical Scienceprimarily concerning the cause, origin, and
nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids, and autopsies
in order to study and diagnose disease.
1. Widal test
2. Glucose test
4. Urine test
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The Widal test measures the capacity of antibodies against LPS and flagella in the serum
of individuals with suspected typhoid fever to agglutinate cells of S. Typhi; the test was
introduced over a century ago and it is still widely used.
2.Glucose test:-
A blood glucose test measures the amount of glucose in your blood. Glucose, a type of
simple sugar, is your body’s main source of energy. Your body converts the carbohydrates
you eat into glucose.
Insert a test strip into your meter. Prick the side of your fingertip with the needle (lancet)
provided with your test kit. Touch and hold the edge of the test strip to the drop of blood.
The meter will display your blood sugar level on a screen after a few seconds . A blood
sugar lavel less than 140mb/dl is normal.
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4.Blood group test:-
The test to determine your blood group is called ABO typing. Your blood sample is mixed
with antibodies against type A and B blood. Then, the sample is checked to see whether or
not the blood cells stick together. If blood cells stick together, it means the blood reacted
with one of the antibodies.
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Sixth Week
A dispensary is an office in a school, hospital, industrial plant, or other organization that
dispenses medications, medical supplies, and in some cases even medical and dental
treatment. In a traditional dispensary set-up, a pharmacist dispenses medication per the
prescription or order form.
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After 45 days of hospital training I came to learn about how to attend patient, how to inject
injections to them, how to handle trauma and emergency cases. I also can dealing with
hospital conditions like diseases of the patients, wards, staff members, different
departments, etc.
Almost 2000 of prescriptions were received by the dispensary and emergency OPD , we
have to treat them with full hospitality services.
Future Plan
As I had completed my hospital training from District Hospital, So, I can use my
knowkeldge in medical field . For ex- If I will be posted in rural area, and if there is no
doctor at the time of emergency, So,'ll be able to handle the situation by giving proper
treatment to the patient at that time I had to know another thing in my training period about
the whole procedure of the hospital, start the from admit at patient upto there treatment.
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Thus I observed that the hospital is a plice where people of all kinds come with theorems
which they believe to be solved by the medical staff. The working in the hospital takes
place by maintaining proper cleanliness in the environment. The staff and the doctors are
all hostile and good-natured towards the patients and kestin to theproms. Each and every
department has its own way of working and at the end of the day: all of the work is finished
by it. There is no carelessness towards the patients for their drugs or injections and they
are tre: ed on time, The nursing staffs are present at all times for their care. This type of
methodology should really be applicable in all hospitals so that the public may get treated
once and for all to maintain a healthy country.
The training in a hospital gives us a conclusion that the training in the hospital we necessary
as it not only helped us to see how hospital operates, but it also helped me to know basic
functions of it like first aid of drugs how to give injections and dispensiry etc. The
conclusion drawn out can be that I have finally learned as to how important role a hospital
plays in peoples lives and that the hospital staff can since its their duty. District Hospital
receives only 1 rupees per patient, so it also shows us their good dead towards mankind
and to their service.
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