English 5
Lesson Objectives:
Through PowerPoint presentation and varied activities, the Grade 5 pupils with 75% accuracy, will be able to:
• identify prepositions in sentences;
• explain the importance of prepositions in enhancing sentence clarity and coherence; and
• write a short poem using correct prepositions.
Essential Question:
• Why do we need to study prepositions?
Enduring Understanding:
• Prepositions are important because they show the relationship between words in a sentence. They tell us where something is, when something happens, or how things are connected.
This helps make sentences easier to understand and more organized.
Content Standard:
• The learner demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Performance Standard:
• The learner uses the correct functions of prepositions in general and their functions in various discourses, both oral and written.
Transfer Goals:
• The learners, on their own, will be able to write a short poem correctly using different prepositions, demonstrating their ability to identify prepositions used in sentences and can explain
how prepositions help make sentences clearer and more organized.
Cecilian Graduate Attribute:
Graduate Attribute:
He/ She shows dedication to understanding and using prepositions effectively.
Standard of Learning:
Demonstrate proficiency in identifying and using prepositions in effective communication.
Graduate Attribute:
He/ She is an articulate writer and speaker.
Standard of Learning:
Develop the ability to choose appropriate words and organize their thoughts effectively to convey their ideas to others.
▪ Prayer
▪ Checking of Attendance
▪ Classroom Rules
Drill (5 min.)
With the use of flashcards, the teacher will show different words in front, and the pupils will read the word each flashcard shows.
in by at on for from
Review (3 min.)
Directions: The sentences below have either a subordinating conjunction or a coordinating conjunction.
Circle the conjunction in each sentence. In the blank, write SC if it is a subordination conjunction or CC if it is a coordinating conjunction.
1. James picked the dinner, and Sam picked the dessert. __________
2. She laughed when the puppy chased its tail. __________
3. The tiger limped as it crept through the jungle. __________
4. Because it began to rain, the game was called off. __________
5. I called Tasha, but she didn’t answer. ____________
(After the review, the teacher will go back to the flashcards in the activity part of the drill and ask the students what they have observed in the words written on the flashcards.)
Ask: What do you think will be our next lesson for today?
Through PowerPoint presentation and varied activities, the Grade 5 pupils with 75% accuracy, will be able to:
• identify prepositions in sentences;
• explain the importance of prepositions in enhancing sentence clarity and coherence; and
• write a short poem using correct prepositions.
Essential Question:
• Why do we need to study prepositions?
(Pupils will be informed that they will answer the question after the discussion.)
Focus Cecilian Core Values:
EXPLORE (5 min.)
To do: Story Time!
Directions: Read and analyze the story.
Once upon a time, in a village by the sea, lived a boy named Tom. During summer, every eight o’clock
in the morning, he walked to the beach and sat beside the big rocks under the palm trees. One day, he
found a shiny seashell in the sand and took it. Tom put the seashell into his pocket.
At home, Tom placed the shell on his windowsill. As the sun set, colorful lights danced on his walls,
making him smile. That night, he dreamt of finding treasure in a hidden cave under the sea.
When Tom woke up, he looked at the shell for a minute, remembering his dream and the adventures
by the sea. From that day on, he kept the shell close, always ready for new wonders just around the
Follow-up Questions:
1. What did Tom find one day at the beach?
2. What did Tom dream about the night he brought the seashell home?
3. How did the seashell change Tom's outlook on his daily adventures?
4. What do you think are the highlighted words use to show relation to noun or pronoun?
Integration across Discipline:
Science- the story of an animal the Sea Shell
Values Integration:
The character of the story shows dedication and passion for new wonders and adventures. (Commitment)
Learning Competency FIRM-UP (ACQUISITION) (10 min.)
➢ Prepositions of Time
These are words that show the relationship between one time and another. They help us understand when something happened or will happen.
(at, in, on, for, during)
1. During summer, every eight o’clock in the morning, he walked to the beach.
2. When Tom woke up, he looked at the shell for a minute, remembering his dream and the adventures by the sea.
3. From that day on, he kept the shell close.
Other examples:
4. We have a piano lesson at 3 o'clock every Tuesday.
5. Johana will have a test on Friday.
Let us identify the preposition used in each sentence.
➢ Prepositions of Place
These are words that show the relationship between objects or people and their position in space. (in, on, at, by, under)
1. He walked to the beach and sat beside the big rocks under the palm trees.
2. He found a shiny seashell in the sand and took it.
3. At home, Tom placed the shell on his windowsill.
4. Colorful lights danced on his walls.
5. That night, he dreamt of finding treasure in a hidden cave under the sea.
➢ Prepositions of Location
These words employed to denote the location of a particular object. (at, in, on,)
1. Once upon a time, in a village by the sea, lived a boy named Tom.
2. At home, Tom placed the shell on his windowsill.
3. That night, he dreamt of finding treasure in a hidden cave under the sea.
Another example:
4. Tom is walking on the beach.
5. The cat is sleeping at the foot of the bed.
1. He walked to the beach and sat beside the big rocks under the palm trees.
2. From that day on, he kept the shell close, always ready for new wonders just around the corner.
Other examples:
3. The lion sat beneath the rocks.
4. Aya stood leaning against the wall.
5. The cat chased its toy mouse around the living room furniture.
Learning Competency DEEPEN (MAKING MEANING) (10 min.)
Learning Competency 2
To do: Memory Game!
Explain the importance of
prepositions in enhancing Procedures:
sentence clarity and coherence. 1. The pupils will be divided into 5 groups.
2. The teacher will show a picture on the tv screen in a limited time only. (They will be given 10 seconds)
3. Each group should analyze and remember the location of the things shown in the picture.
Learning Target 4. After the given time, the group members will collaborate with each other and recall the exact location of the things shown in the picture earlier.
I can explain the importance of 5. Each group will choose one representative to share their answers with the class.
prepositions in enhancing 6. After sharing their answers, ask students how important the role of prepositions in enhancing sentence clarity and coherence.
sentence clarity and coherence.
Values Integration:
The student shows their interest and dedication in answering the activity. (Commitment)
The willingness of the students to express their ideas to others. (Excellence)
Prepositions play an important part in the following:
• Enhances both Writing and Speaking skills
• Clarity in Communication
• Effective Instructions
• Everyday conversations
Learning Competency TRANSFER (10 min.)
Transfer goal: The learners, on their own, will be able to write a short poem correctly using different prepositions, demonstrating their ability to identify
Learning Competency 3 prepositions used in sentences and can explain how prepositions help make sentences clearer and more organized.
Learning Target
Directions: Using MS Word or WPS,
Use of Prepositions 8
I can write a short poem using write a short poem and include
Structure and Flow 5
correct prepositions. prepositions in your sentences. Your Creativity and Theme 7
poem should consist of 2 stanzas and 4
lines per stanza. Overall Total 15 pts.
Activity 2
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Identify the preposition being used in the sentence.
Write your answer in the space provided.
1. The cat jumped onto the table. _______
2. She found her lost ring under the couch. _______
3. The airplane flew over the mountains. ________
4. The children are playing at the park. ________
5. We sat beside the lake and enjoyed the sunset. _______
6. The keys are on the kitchen counter. _______
7. The dog ran towards the ball. _______
8. She will arrive here by 6 o’clock. ________
9. The mouse hid behind the curtain. ________
10.We walked for an hour. ______
After, ask the students to share with you which part of the activity he or she found easiest and hardest.
WRAP-UP (3 min.)
Essential Question:
• Why do we need to study prepositions?
Let’s go back to the objectives and check whether we attained them or not. Students will give a sign with their hands if attained and sign if not attained.
What part of the lesson was easy for you to understand? What is the muddiest point of the lesson?
Using the Quizizz app, the teacher will send the link and code in the GCR for the given assignment.
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the box.
❖ Additional References
❖ Materials Integrated with ICT tools:
Smart TV
PowerPoint Presentation
Video Presentation (CapCut Application)
❖ Computer-based:
Smart TV
PowerPoint Presentation
Video Presentation (CapCut Application)
MS Word Application
WPS Application
Quizizz Application
❖ Non-computer based:
Prepared by:
Gumera, Regine
Racoma, Jessel
Alfeche, Alessa
Serapin, Juvelyn
Checked by:
Maria Flordeliza R. Raganas, LPT