RVCE CoE Brochure

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RV College of Engineering ®
(Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi

Centers of Excellence
Centers of Competence



RV Vidyanikethan Post, Mysuru Road, Bengaluru - 560059

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RV College of Engineering ®

About RVCE
RV College of Engineering (RVCE) established in 1963 is one of the earliest self-
financing engineering colleges in the country. The institution is run by Rashtreeya
Sikshana Samithi Trust (RSST) a not for profit Trust. RVCE is an autonomous college.
Currently the institution offers 15 Bachelors, 14 Master Programs and all the Other
departments have a Research Centre, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological
University (VTU) Belagavi. The institution has set itself Vision leadership in Quality
Technical Education, interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, with the focus on
Sustainable and Inclusive Technology.

Recent awards and achievements include - Ranked 89th in the Country by National
Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF: 2020-21), QS-IGUAGE -Diamond University
Rating (2021-2024), EduFuture Excellence Award -Best Private Engineering University
(South) by Zee Digital, “Engineering College of the Year-2022” by the Higher
Education Review Magazine, Ranked 13th in the country & 2nd in Karnataka - IIRF
Ranking (2022), Ranked 6th among the top 10 of 100 Pvt. Engg. Colleges in the
Country by Education World Magazine-22. Ranked 1501+ in Times Higher Education
World University Rankings-2023. Ranked 801+ in Computer Science and 1001+ Rank in
Engineering category in THE World University Rankings-2023. “Excellent” rating in
ARIIA Ranking-2021 and NPTEL (Local Chapter) “AA” Rating & Max. No. of NPTEL
Stars. Eleven UG programs and eligible M.Tech & MCA programs have been
accredited by NBA multiple times.

The institution has to its credit over 1500 National and International Journal
publications, filed 52 patents, 45 published patents, 15 granted patents, completed
sponsored research and consultancy projects worth Rs. 12.5 crores in the last three
years. The institution has established 24 Centres of Competence / Excellence in the
campus. The college currently has student strength more than 5500, faculty strength
of above 350, technical administrative staff of about 225 and around 350 research
scholars are pursuing Ph.D. The students have won awards and accolades in national
and international competitions.

Contact Details:
Dr. K. N. Subramanya
R V College of Engineering
R V Vidyanikethan Post
Mysuru Road, Bengaluru - 560059 principal@rvce.edu.in
Ph : 91 - 080-681881000/8111-12
Fax: 91 - 080-6717 8011
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Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation – A Preamble

Interdisciplinary research is a type of study or research that draws from two or more disciplines in
order to gain a more well-developed perspective or discover something new. Interdisciplinary
research is growing in popularity and is increasingly seen as essential. Multiple perspectives on
research challenges will often lead to better outcomes. In order to streamline and undertaking
focused research, the institution has followed the following approach for execution of funded
projects and industrial consultancy. Also to develop competency in students and faculty.

1. Identifying Thematic Areas of Research: Carrying out SWOC analysis of the institution and
aligning goals inline with Thrust areas of Govt. & Industry is helping identifying need based areas
of research. Thrust areas are identified through road maps, govt. policy documents, Vision 2035,
UN SDG 2030, funding agency requirements and such others.
2. Aligning with existing infrastructure and identifying new infrastructure needed: The institution has
separate PG / Research budget to cater to new equipment's and seed funding for students and
faculty. Many companies and funding agencies have helped in establishing physical infrastructure
and state of the art equipment and software are provided over a period of time.
3. Assigning Team: Based on the specialization and competency of the faculty, various
interdisciplinary teams are formed to undertake need based research, execute projects and
consultancy assignments.
4. Developing Modules and providing training: The newer areas of science and technologies need
learning through training from experts. Based on the need of the faculty, training in thematic
areas are provided through institutional funding and providing seed funding for initial
experimentation & Simulation, wherever needed. Mentoring by Industry & Research Experts in the
thematic areas are also taken up for better understanding of the need and execution.
5. Executing work as per standards: Funding agencies and industries expect deliverables in terms of
products, processes and systems, which are scalable. Efforts are made to execute the projects
and consulting work based on the goals set and measured through publishing in peer reviewed
journals, developing prototypes and and obtaining Patents and copy rights.
6. Reporting periodically & Scale Up the CoE / CoC: Documentation of the work carried out and
submitting to the agencies is a continuous assignment and also helps future work to be
undertaken. The whole exercise of interdisciplinary research and innovation is also helping in
developing incubation center and Start-ups for commercialization of IPs, and alternate Revenue
generation for sustainability.

The above approach is adopted to make sure learning happens to UG / PG / PhD students in a
expected way. The students are understanding the advantages of working in interdisciplinary way. As
an offshoot of this exercise, many interdisciplinary and innovative courses / internships / projects /
electives / skill labs are developed. This also meets the requirements of NEP -2020 and increasing the
employment opportunities for students.
Hope this approach and effort helps the institution, in particular and Nation, in general in developing
new products and systems for better economic development of the country.
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1. Macroelectronics
The CoE Macroelectronics is established in 2013 under TEQIP-II, sub-component 1.2.1 and is
designated as Inter-Disciplinary Research Center (IDRC). The focus of the IDRC is on thin film
deposition, synthesis, and characterization of emerging materials for novel applications including
wearable electronics, flexible displays, sensors, energy harvesting nanogenerators, tribological
functional coatings, e-skin, and biological devices. Emphasis is given to sustainable next-generation
IoT sensors, organic solar cells, large-area printed & flexible electronics material growth, scalable
processes, and product development.

Areas of Expertise
Thin Film Fabrication
& Characterization Sensor Development

State-of-the-art in-house fabrication & Prototyping
and characterization facility Gas sensors Fabrication
Development of novel materials and and Testing
devices Biological sensors and
Tribological, optical, anti-reflection, Testing Facility
and protective coatings

Skill Development Solar Cell -PV & Energy

Training/Workshop/FDP on Harvesting Technologies
fabrication and characterization Design and Development of
equipment A-Si/C-Si HiT Solar Cell
Technology transfer, prototyping, and Polymer-based Solar Cell
product development on smart Development of
materials, devices and sensors Piezoelectric, Triboelectric
nanogenerator (TENG),
Facility & Infrastructure MEMS, and Super Capacitor

The IDRC has state-of-the-art indigenous fabrication & characterization facilities for material
growth, thin film deposition, and device development including vaccum-based deposition, wet
chemical processing, tribological, optical, and electrical characterization. Assistance to Ideation,
prototyping, and product design are provided along with the consultancy services.


Funding Agencies

Indigenously Developed Automated Flame

Assisted Liquid Spray Pyrolysis Equipment

Turbo Electric Nano Generator Electro Spin Spray System

Activity & Research Collaboration (TENG) (ESSY)

Contact details
Dr. H N Narasimha Murthy Dr. Uttarakumari M Dr. Ramavenkateswaran N
Professor, Dept. of ME Professor, Dept. of ECE Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE
narasimhamurthyhn@rvce.edu.in uttarakumari@rvce.edu.in ramavenkateswarann@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9901745089 Ph No:+91-9945336808 Ph No:+91-9986165427
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2. Cognitive Intelligent Systems for

Sustainable Solutions


RVCE – HPCC Systems

RV College of Engineering in collaboration with HPCC Systems and LexisNexis Risk Solutions
established CISSS in 2017. Funding research projects, and offering industry-based elective
courses and internships to students are some of the motives for the collaboration. CISSS will
emphasize on advanced interdisciplinary research activities in the area of Cognitive Intelligent
Systems with assistive technologies to cater to the needs of industry and society. CISSS seeks
collaboration with national and international institutes, partnerships with social institutions and
industries to realize its goals.

Areas of Expertise

Facility & Infrastructure

The centre is well equiped with the necessary computational infrastructure and software tools.


09 Research & Consultancy Projects worth

94,000 USD

08 Summer Internships worth 25,400 USD

12 Publications in Reputed Journals &


Conferences, Workhops, and Hackthons

Activity & Research Collaboration

Research Facility Access Industry Connect

open for Consultancy Leverage HPCC
collaborative and Systems
academic research Training for Big Data Analytics

Projects & Internships Ideation & Prototype

Offers projects Contribution to
and Open source
internship for students HPCC Systems Community

For more details :

Contact details
Dr. Shobha G Prof. Jyoti Shetty
Professor, Dept. of CSE (Data Science) Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE
shobhag@rvce.edu.in jyothis@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9480280273 Ph No:+91-9900052901

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3. Internet of Things

Develop employable human resource to meet the challenges in the field of IoT. Strengthen
laboratories for training, design, implementation and maintenance. Establish a competence centre
in research and innovation across various verticals of IoT. Create technology business incubation
centre for IoT.

Areas of Expertise


Embedded Systems Networking and Cloud
(IaaS, PaaS and
SaaS for IoT)

Full Stack Application

Analytics and
Development for IoT

Facility & Infrastructure

The centre was initiated with the support of CISCO in 2016-17 with a fund of 3 crores for 3 years.
CISCO-RVCE-CoE-IoT has provided the necessary Infrastructure for different groups of faculties to
create training programs, hackathons, makathons, and proof of concepts. Currently, 40 lakhs
worth of sensors, actuators, development boards, and other devices are available across different
groups of faculties.

11 lakhs worth
LoRa based

40 lakhs worth 40 lakhs worth

Aquaponics facility to develop IoT Kits and 10 lakhs worth
IoT platform for Controlled Private Cloud Infra
Environment agricutlrre


Activity & Research Collaboration

Training Programs
Faculty Development Programs
Product and Solution Development
IoT Platform Development
Industrial IoT Application Development

Contact details
Dr. Renuka Prasad B
Associate Professor, Dept. of MCA
Ph No:+91-9901945674

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4. Computational Genomics
Centre of Excellence - Computational Genomics is an integrated base set to provide solutions
to challenges in the agriculture and healthcare research sectors.
The prime focus of the lab is to establish a robust facility in computational biology to provide
efficient solutions to research challenges. The center also provides skill development training
to students leading to enhanced research ability.
The lab is expertised is Drug design, safety profiling and formulation studies. It also provides an
comprehensive bioinformatics solution to omics research. We are pioneering in machine learning


aspects of genomics and drug discovery. We can support tools and database development.

Funding Agencies Areas of Expertise

Omics Drug design

research and safety

Tools and
Machine Learning

Collaborations with

Facility & Infrastructure

Journey and Milestones

Activity and Research

Contact details
Dr. Vidya Niranjan
Professor and Head, Dept. of BT
Ph. no:+91-9945465657

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5. Smart Antenna Systems and

The centre of excellence in smart antenna systems and measurements specializes in the analysis,
design, optimization and measurement of RF and microwave devices for wireless and defense
applications. This facility is utilized for multiple activities such as:


a. R & D Activities: Design and Development of Antennas for cutting edge technologies
b. Lab Facility: Antennas and RF Devices Characterization
c. Student Internships and Faculty Training (In house/External)
d. Consultancy Activities: Design, Development and Characterization of Antenna and RF Systems

Areas of Expertise

Optimization Array Signal Processing

of Antenna and RF systems

Computational Antenna Arrays and RF Devices

Electromagnetics Characterization

Facility & Infrastructure

a. EM Simulation Software b. Anechoic Chamber c. Vector Network Analyzer

d. RF Power Sensor e. RF Cables and connectors f. RF Phase Shifters for Beamforming

Vector Network Analyser operational upto 40GHz

Anechoic Chamber operational up to 40GHz

RF Power Meter - R&S®NRP-Z51

RF Phase Shifters for Beamforming


Activities and Research

R&D Activates:
Design and Development of
Antennas and RF Systems
Development of Hybrid Methods to
compute fields of Antennas

Training & Internship Activities:

Internship certificate with performance-
based grading from Centre of Excellence
RADAR Cross Section Measured in COE-
in SASM and WavCom Pvt Ltd
Invited talks from leading experts
through IEEE APS/MTT/Comsoc . OUTCOMES
Faculty Developed Programme's i 5 G Base station Antenna PATENTS PUBLISHED-01

Matlab Antenna Toolbox and Characterization & Measurements: COMPLETED

Characterization of Antennas and RF 25+ PROTOTYPES DEVELOPED
Phased Array toolbox
Measurements of S-parameters
Cadence AWR & Keysight ADS /Reflection/Absorption coefficients of 8 PROJECTS COMPLETED
LTspice software Materials

RF-Beamforming Module X-Band 4X4 Array Antenna

Contact details S-Band Active Antenna

Dr. Geetha K S, Dr. Mahesh A, Dr. Shushrutha K S, Prof. M. Shambulinga,
Vice Principal, RVCE Assc. Prof, Dept. of ECE Assc. Prof, Dept. of ECE Asst. Prof, Dept. of ETE
viceprincipal@rvce.edu.in mahesha@rvce.edu.in shushruthaks@rvce.edu.in shambulingam@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9900700990 Ph No:+91-9886531812 Ph No:+91-9964179197 Ph No: +91-9916292488

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6. Quantum Computing
The CIRQuIT (Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Quantum Information and Technology) is a
group of passionate students and faculty of RVCE. The group works under the Center of Excellence
in Quantum Computing to explore the potential of quantum computing technologies and
algorithms for solving the 21st-century problems of industry and society. The CoE works with the
vision “To inspire young minds to take up research in Quantum Computing and develop viable solutions


to real-world problems.”

Areas of Expertise

01 Quantum Algorithms 03

Quantum Communications 04
02 Quantum Machine
and Hardware

Facility and Infrastructure

01 Expertise in developing quantum programs on the IBM-Quantum experiencevtechnology.

Researching Quantum Key Distribution(QKD) schemes applications in Cyber Security and

02 Quantum Machine learning applications in Drug development

Quantum simulation experiences on Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Cryptography,

03 Quantum Machine learning, and Quantum communication.

Training programs/Hands-on workshops for students and researchers on

Quantum computing, Quantum mechanics, and Quantum mathematics.

Training Experience Problem Solving Research Guidance

01 02 03 04

Training over 400+ Working with Quantum

Offering project works on Providing research
quantum computing computing industries to take
Quantum computing- guidance to scholars who
developers by the end the technology to end users
based optimization want to work in Quantum
of 2023 and solve some industrial
problems. Milestines Computing.
Activity and Research Collaboration

01 Conducted month-long industrial internships for students and research scholars.

Faculty development programs and hands-on workshops at the

02 National level, sponsored by AICTE, IEEE, and others.

Funded project on “Experimenting the BB84 protocol to secure Smart

grid communications”, sponsored by CySecK – Govt. of Karnataka.

04 Training and research collaborations with IBM.

Contact details
Dr. B. Sathish Babu Dr. Tribikram Gupta
Professor and Head, Dept. of AIML Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics
bsbabu@rvce.edu.in tgupta@rvce.edu.in
Ph. No:+91-9844488329 Ph. No:+91-9591970797

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7. Connected Autonomous Vehicles

The future of the automobile is electric, shared, autonomous and connected – a very exciting
area. RV College of Engineering® (RVCE) has partnered with WIPRO and the Indian Institute of
Science(IISc) to establish a Center of Excellence for Autonomous Vehicle Research at RVCE . The
collaboration with WIPRO and IISc in a series of special programs devised by the WIPRO Innovation


Center brings together the best automotive sector experts, researchers, innovators, companies and
students to create a collaborative ecosystem at RVCE. The center seeks to focus on four key
technologies for autonomous vehicles: sophisticated AI technologies for vehicle control,
environment perception, route planning and vehicle navigation systems. It is a collaborative
platform to observe an essential component of contemporary transportation networks.

Areas of Expertise

Lab & Infrastructure


Activity & Research Collaboration

Contact details
Dr. Uttara Kumari M Prof. Raja Vidya
Professor, Dept. of ECE Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE
uttarakumari@rvce.edu.in rajavidya@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9945336808 Ph. No:+91-9008395966

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8. E-Mobility
Center of Excellence in Electric Mobility –COEEM is established with the objective to create a
platform for academia and industry to interact, innovate and co-create newer technologies for the
EV industry, all in India. The center also aims at nurturing enthusiastic students through the
development of futuristic electrical vehicle solutions such as next-generation controllers, battery
thermal management systems, embedded design for connected vehicles, and application
development for Electric Mobility.

Areas of Expertise
Motor Control
Vehicle Maintenance
Electric Motor Selection and Sizing
Electric Vehicle service, diagnostics
Principles for EV Application

and Maintenance Operations
Motor Control and Power Electronics
Full Breakdown and Benchmark
Technology for Traction Applications

Battery and BMS

Battery packs and design
Thermal Management and
challenges for Electric and Hybrid
Materials vehicle system application
Magic Materials and Manufacturing
Battery Management Systems
Techniques for EV applications
Thermal Management System for
Electric and Hybrid vehicle's
Charging Infrastructure
EV Charging Technology and
Safety, testing Regulations and

Lab & Infrastructure


Activity & Research Collaboration

Contact details
Dr.Dinesh M.N,
Professor, Dept. of EEE
Ph No: +91-9845063663

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9. Hydrogen and Green

United Nations has called for immediate action by all the countries. It emphasizes creating an
avenue for affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy, to combat climate changes and
their impact along with the revitalization of the global partnership for sustainable development.


Concurrently, the Government of India has initiated the National Hydrogen Energy Mission
(NHEM) with a prime focus on the generation of hydrogen from green power resources and linking
India’s growing renewable capacity with the hydrogen economy. In line with the initiatives of the
United Nations and the Government of India, RV College of Engineering has established the
Center for Hydrogen and Green Technology in March 2021.



Team and Expertise



Contact details
Ujwal Shreenag Meda, PDEng, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Ph No:+91-8050842363

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10. CCTV Research

Research to Reality

An Integrated research facility to bridge the gap in knowledge, practice, protocols, testing,
experiments, training, certification and expertise in video surveillance with various industry
partners providing a true multi-stakeholder research facility. The Center for CCTV Research has
been created with the intention of being the catalyst to bridge the wide gap between the industry
and creation & execution of humongous CCTV projects in the country.

Areas of Expertise


Facility & Infrastructure
The Center would be the synthesis and the coordination center for all major CCTV players in the
country and beyond. The creation and operations of this Center would be a clear manifestation of
this dream.

Indusrty Partners

Activity & Research Collaboration

Dr. Ramakanth Kumar P - HoD-CSE, RVCE, Head-CCCTVR
Dr. Sreelakshmi K - HoD-ETE, RVCE, Head Operations- CCCTVR
Shri. Sanjay Sahay, Director- TechConPro, Founder & Mentor - CCCTVR
Shri. T Shankar Head - Research and Projects
Shri. Gautam Goradia, CEO & MD-Hayagriva Software Private Limited, Mumbai
Dr. Surbhi Mathur, Senior Asst Prof. National Forenesic Sciences University,
Dr. Hemavathy R, Assoc Prof, CSE RVCE
Prof. Poornima Kulkarni, Asst Prof. ISE, RVCE
Prof. Nagaraj Bhat, Asst Prof. ECE, RVCE
Prof. Neethu S, Asst Prof. ETE, RVCE

For more details contact..

Dr. Azra Nasreen, Assoc. Prof, Dept of CSE
✉ ccctvresearch@gmail.co, Ph No: +91-9886923829
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11. Logistics & Supply Chain Management

The Centre of Excellence in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at RVCE is dedicated to carrying
out specialized theoretical and applied research on Supply Chain and Logistics Management.
The vision of the center is to be an internationally recognized Centre for supply chain and logistics


management dedicated to the creation and dissemination of new knowledge and a forum for
networking with various industries, educational centers and other related entities.

Areas of Expertise

Digital Technologies
Supply Chains Block Chain,
Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Digital twins
Health care, Augmented Reality, Virtual
Food processing, Reality
Public distribution system

Circular Supply chains Futuristic Supply chains

e-waste management, Omni Channel,
recycling, reuse, Warehouse Automation,
sustainable economy Lean Logistics,
Elastic Logistics

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is well equipped with trained faculty, computational infrastructure and softwares both
open source and commercial


Training students and Established in the year 2021,

MoU signed with Secure Meters
researchers in Digital
Conducted FDP for faculty under AICTE ATAL scheme
Supply chain and logistics
Research and Consultancy projects
Sanction received for a research project for Rs. 6 Lakhs
under VTU RGS Scheme

Offering internships to UG, PG students in
collaboration with Industry

Paper Publication
Papers published in reputed journals and conferences

Activity & Research Collaboration

Joint Certification courses on Research on specific issues

Supply chain and Digital faced by companies by
Supply chain (Duration - 3 RVCE Faculty and students
Collaborative paper
months & 6 months) and through project work

Applying for Joint Specialized Executive

research Development Programs
projects for various on SCM
funding agencies

Industry Partners

Contact details
Dr. C K Nagendra Guptha
Professor and Head, Dept. of IEM
Ph No:+91-9449612962

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12. Visual Computing

The Center of Excellence in Visual Computing provides computing facilities for students, research
scholars, and faculty members. The objective of the center is to bring the students and faculty of
various disciplines together to execute interdisciplinary projects. The center facilitates the
execution of computationally intensive research work in various state-of-the-art domains including
Edge Computing, Parallel Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. The center
offers internships, and training and facilitates skill enhancement in the areas like image/video
analytics, Mobile Application Development, Internet of Things, Natural Language Processing.


Areas of Expertise
Medical Imaging and
Food, Nutrition, Dentistry
Environment and Agriculture CBCT Imaging
Functional foods Cancer detection and
Nutraceutical Recommendation
Integrated water filtration system
Precision agriculture
Crop Monitoring

Machining and Remote Sensing and

Novel view synthesis Geo informatics
Tool Monitoring Satellite imagery Analysis
Tool Wear Spectral and Spatial resolution
EMR Analysis
Facility & Infrastructure Spatial Analysis

The centre facilitates students with required infrastructure to execute vision-based applications.
The available infrastructure of the centre includes high end workstations integrated with GPU
cards to execute computationally intensive tasks and model deployment devices like Jetson kits.

Research Collaborators and Sponsors

Activity & Research Collaboration

An Intelligent framework to detect child Student Projects
abuse using deep learning Ÿ Water Quality Assessment
Map a bat roost app development Ÿ Acoustic Signal Monitoring
BatEYE :An acoustic signal detecting and Object Detection in Satellite
monitoring device for bat habitat Ÿ Images
Network Architecture Comparison Tool

Technical Talk
Trained over 200+ students on Organised Tech Talks from
Machine Learning , Deep Dailyhunt
Learning, Data Analytics Samsung R&D
Accenture Labs
O9 Solutions

Contact details
Dr. Anala M R
Professor, Dept. of ISE
Ph No: 8618687573

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13. AI Research and

Business Solution
The COE is created jointly by RV College of Engineering and Boston Ltd. UK to cater to the
application of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Deep Learning in the research and
development of business solutions. The COE also provides the necessary infrastructure for start-


ups & technologyenabled training to encourage and support start-up ecosystems

Areas of Expertise


Graphcore IPU-based deep learning

solutions with Poplar SDKs
Computer Vision


Data Science and Analytics 04

Intel oneAPI - cross-architecture
programming model
Facility and Infrastructure

The COE has a Graphcore IPU M2000 machine with POD4 capacity to handle high-end AI workloads
01 without dependency on the cloud infrastructure. Clients can process their data locally and build and run
AI, ML, and DL models.

02 The COE also offers curated training programs on the latest and cutting-edge technologies,
like Intel One API, for Industry participants and students.

The COE also supports incubating ideas under industrial mentor ship and gives bootstrapping
03 services to launch the ideas as workable products and business services.

The COE invites industrial consultancy inquiries in verticals such as commerce, science, healthcare,
smart cities, agriculture, and others,where data science and AI technologies are needed.


Training Consultancy Incubation and StartUp Research Guidance

01 02 03 04

Offering consultancy to Incubating Start-up ideas Providing infrastructure

Training over 100+ data integrate IPU-based deep of the MSME sector inside support and guidance
scientists and AI learning models in
Bangalore and across India. for research scholars
developers by the end Milestines
AgriTech, HealthTech, who works in the
of 2023 FoodTech and EduTech domain of Data Science
and AI..
Activity and Research Collaboration

01 Successfully launched the first batch of the certification course in data science on 20/08/2022.
Number of Participants: 10 (05 Industry + 05 Academics).

02 Train-the-trainer workshop on Intel Unnati Gaudi DL Lab

Contact details
Dr. B. Sathish Babu
Professor and Head, Dept. of AIML
Ph No:+91-9844488329

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14. Women in Cloud CoE in India

Women in Cloud Center of Excellence in India at RV College of Engineering® in association with

Women in Cloud (WIC), USA would like to extend the benefits of the CoE to the beneficiaries
across Karnataka state. The objectives are in line with Engineering (R & D) policy 2021 and
include innovation lab programs to encourage open innovation, boost the Engineering R&D
ecosystem, and recruitment assistance. WIC is a community-led economic development


organization taking action to generate $1B in net new global economic access for women
entrepreneurs by 2030 through partnerships with corporations, community leaders, and
Areas of Expertise Industry & Community partners

Facility & Infrastructure

Software Resources: Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, ThingSpeak, ELK Cloud, Google Data Studio,
Docker, Python Flask, MongoDB, GitHub, Atom IDE.
Hardware Resources: Data Center Rack Server.


Activity & Research Collaboration

Contact details
Dr. Mamatha G S Dr. B M Sagar
Professor, Dept. of ISE Professor & HoD, Dept. of ISE
mamathags@rvce.edu.in hodise@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9886311120 Ph No:+91-9886332226

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15. Sensor Technology and CSTA

Applications Center for Sensor Technology Applications

The Center for Sensor Technology and Applications (CSTA) is established in September 2022 to
support academic and research programs in sensor fabrication and their integration. The center


has established a strong collaboration with experts from academia, research organizations, and
industries related to the domain. The CSTA was launched to suffice the need for sensors and
automation in robotics, agriculture, biomedical, IoT, AI, and ML. The center has the state of the art
facilities for sensor fabrication and characterization for various applications using appropriate
processor/controller modules. CSTA center also supports the execution of R&D projects related to
sensors, funded by various government funding agencies and industrial consultancy. In addition to
research, the center also conducts national/international conferences, workshops, seminars, and
Internship programs.

Areas of Expertise
Sensors Integration


Design Thinking IoT and IIOT

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is well-equipped with the infrastructure necessary for sensor fabrication and its
integration with processors/controllers to meet the industry standards.

Sensors Actuators Processor/

Fabrication Controller

Thin Films & Coatings Analog/Digital Linear / Rotary MP & MC Boards

Sensors The centre has various
The centre is able to The centre has
The centre has 23 Sensors MCU boards to develop
synthesize Nano various types of
under the categories of robotics / agriculture /
materials and fabricate contacting, non-contacting, Actuators according
biomedical / IoT / AIML
thin films and coating rotary and Linear types. to the energy source
and industrial
using various techniques These Sensors can be used in like Hydraulic,
automation applications.
to develop Sensors. industrial & consumer Pneumatic ,Electric
applications development. and Mechanical
Automatic Sanitizer
Designed and developed 50 automatic sanitizer units under the center
during pandemic period. Based on the client requirements. the center is
capable enough to develop such Sensor based products.

Color sorting Instrument

Designed and Developed Color sorting Instrument for
Industrial engineering applications.

Methane GAS Sensor

Designed & developed polymer composite gas Sensor to detect
methane from colorectal cancer patients. Similarly the Centre
is capable of developing different GAS Sensors.
Urea Detection Sensor
Designed and developed metal nano oxide sensor for detection of
urea in milk.

Activity & Research Collaboration

Research Internship Publications

We are open to academic Students and Faculties can We are open to collaborate
research collaboration and apply for internships and support joint paper and
funding opportunities with throughout the year. patent publications.
shared IP.

Consultancy Ideation
Sensor technology and Involvement with startups to
automation based startups initiate new ideas and
can outsource the work. shared IP.

Contact details

Dr.Kendaganna Swamy S
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EIE
Ph No:+91-9980672756

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16. Nanomaterials and Devices

The Centre for Nanomaterials and Devices (CND) at RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, INDIA,
was started in June 2022 to support academic and research programs in nanoscience and
nanotechnology. The centre has established a strong collaboration with overseas and national
nanomaterials experts in academia and industry. It has the state-of-art facilities in developing
nanomaterials and characterization. The focused area of research includes
nanomaterials/nanocomposites synthesis for energy, environment, electronics, electrical,


telecommunication, mechanical, biotechnology, IoNTs, smart devices, chemical and civil angering
applications. CND is also supporting in execution of research and development projects related to
nanomaterials and devices funded by various agencies and is providing consultancy services to
research institutes and industries. In addition to research, the centre also conducts
international/national conferences, seminars, workshops and internship programmes on various
themes of nanomaterials.

80+ International peer reviewed Journal Publications
50+ Scopus/SCI/Web of science indexed Journal articles
Q-1 articles = 20; Q-2 articles = 18; Q-3 articles = 08;
PhD : 5 (Persuing); PG projects = 30; UG Projects = 20


Ba ry

ios so


Contact details
Dr. Manjunatha C Dr. Sudha Kamath M K
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry Assoc. Professor and Head, Dept. of Physics
cnd_rvce@rvce.edu.in sudhakamath@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-90366 51277 Ph No:+91-94804 04395

Go, change the world

17. Integrated Circuits and

The CoE consists of passionate students and faculty members willing to create an eco-system that
inspires the VLSI/Electronics system designer, to nurture the skills and innovative ideas, and to
promote sustainable and interdisciplinary research, with inclusive societal concerns. The CoE
promotes a coherent training program that enhances the skill set of young designers in the
specified areas with academia-industry collaboration in India and abroad. It aims at engaging


enthusiastic students in design/development activities through funded projects and consultancy
works from various organizations thereby contributing to the growth of the nation.

Areas of Expertise

Digital IC Design
RF IC Design

Mixed Signal IC Design

Analog IC Design

Our Activities
Invited talks: Talk was delivered by Mr. Prakash Bettadapur
on the topic “Product Engineering and Agility- An overview”.

Consultancy Projects with Lekha Wireless Solutions Inc.

MoUs: Entuple technologies to assist the centre with

fabless design. Lekha Wireless solutions which will
offer consultancy projects and internships.WPIF
which will offer internships to students. SCL
technologies have offered 180nm PDK.

Paper Publications: Publishing research

papers in the field of IC design

Activity & Research Collaboration


Open to academic research Internship opportunities PROGRAMMES
collaboration and funding throughout the year for
opportunities students and faculties

IC design consultancy Involvement with
projects with various industry to initiate new
industries ideas

Contact details
Dr. Chinmaye R Dr. Ravish Aradhya H V
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE Professor & Head, Dept. of ECE
chinmayer@rvce.edu.in ravisharadhya@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9611109269 Ph no:+91-6360290588

Go, change the world


CEDLR is a lab dedicated to providing excellence in education to enhance teaching and learning for
holistic growth. The CoE works with the vision of “Transformation of education and learning through
the adoption of digital initiatives to enhance learnability and research in engineering education”

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is well equipped with

trained faculty, computational
infrastructure and neccessary
teaching learning softwares both
open source and commercial

The Center conducts training and

workshops for faculty on ICT usage,
the teaching-learning process and

Activity & Research Collaboration

Contact details
Dr. B V Uma
Professor & Dean-Student Affairs
Ph No:+91-9845593646

Go, change the world

19. Automation Technologies

RV-Bosch Rexroth
The Center for automation technologies was established in 2010 in collaboration with Bosch
Rexroth. This interdisciplinary facility provides training to students, faculty, and industry
personnel in the area of Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Mechatronics, PLC, and the Industrial Internet
of Things.

Areas of Expertise


Hydraulics &
Industry 4.0
IoT Application &
Circuit design & Analysis

Applications &
Demonstration PLC & SCADA
Programming& Simulation

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is well equipped with H/W and S/W facilities such as hydraulic and pneumatic training
kits, new generation PLCs, Mechatronics system, Motion controllers, CNC simulator, Automation
Studio software, Indralogics, Winstudio, and IoT gateway software.


Activity & Research Collaboration

Department Involved:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation

Contact details
Dr. S K Harisha
Associate Professor, Dept. of ME
Ph No:+91-9886435884

Go, change the world

20. Automotive Mechatronics

(RVCE - Mercedes Benz)


RVCE in association with Mercedes Benz Academy offers a globally valid one-year 'Advanced
Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics'. The course is predominantly skill-based with an emphasis
on hands-on learning. Mercedes is involved in planning the syllabus, development of state-of-the-
art EV - technology, car bay, aggregate training rooms equipped with Mercedes-Benz training cars,
engines, transmissions, training of faculty, and supply of tools & equipment to train students in-line
with the rapidly growing luxury automotive sector not only in India but across the globe. The aim of
the course is to produce qualified, industry-ready professionals to be recruited at dealerships of
MBIL as well as other brands of automobiles, automotive manufacturing plants, and also at
automotive R&D centers.

Facility & Infrastructure

Faculty /trainers from RVCE, are Doctorates/Postgraduates in Engineering with rich experience and
are trained on Automotive Mechatronics at Mercedes-Benz plant in Chakan, Pune



Contact details
Dr. Sridhar R Prof. Ravishankar Holla
Associate Professor, Dept. of ME Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE
sridharr@rvce.edu.in ravishankarholla@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9740400717 Ph No:+91-9480111040

Go, change the world

21. Automation and Robotics

RV - Center of Excellence in Automation and Robotics (RV-CAR) is an interdisciplinary center
initiated by the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department to train students and faculty
members in the area of CNC robotics and IoT. This center provides academic projects, consultancy
projects, and FANUC expert support for a better Industrial exposure.


Areas of Expertise

MT Link-i (MQTT) CNC

System Integration & Programming &
Monitoring Fabrication

System Engineering Robotics

Interfacing & Testing Programming &

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is well equipped with latest H/w and S/w facilities such as FANUC Robot, CNC
Hardware kit, NC guide software, Roboguide software, MQTT IoT software, Production CNC
Turning and Milling machines and also system integrated components.


Activity & Research Collaboration

Contact details
Dr. S K Harisha Prof. Shruthi M N
Associate Professor, Dept. of ME Assistant Professor, Dept. of IEM
harishask@rvce.edu.in shruthimn@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9886435884 Ph No:+91-8217061588

Go, change the world

22. 5G and Emerging Wireless

The Center for 5G and Emerging Wireless technologies at RV College of Engineering® was started in
September 2022 to support training, consultancy, and Research. The center aims at enhancing
knowledge and skill through training. The center focuses on undertaking interdisciplinary research


projects through collaboration with industry and research organizations. The center has signed an
MoU with the German Academy for Digital Education to provide training for students and faculty to
enhance their knowledge in the 5G and Allied technologies.

Technology Trends in 5G

Facility & Infrastructure

The center is supported by MODROB AICTE under the title, Modernization of Advanced RF and
Wireless Communication Laboratory with full-fledged testing and characterization of the passive
and active circuits for 5G and Allied technologies with a sanctioned amount of Rs.15,97,650.

Mixed Domain USB Spectrum Arbitrary /

Oscilloscope Analyzer Function Generator

Integrated Research Facility

Activity & Research Collaboration

Certification Program on 5G

Contact details
Dr. Nagamani K Dr. K Saraswathi
Professor, Dept. of ETE Associate Professor, Dept. of ETE
nagamanik@rvce.edu.in ksaraswathi@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9916075071 Ph No:+91-9880166866

Go, change the world

23. Electric Vehicle Technology

RVCE - Morris Garage

The CoC-EV (Centre of Competence in Electrical Vehicle) is a group of passionate students and
faculty from RVCE. The group works in association with industry partner MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd.,
offering career‐oriented skill development in EV Technology to cater to the Automobile Industry. The
CoC works with the vision “To provide Quality skill training, professional Knowledge, and employment
opportunities in Electric Vehicles domain to the Young Professionals.”


Facility & Infrastructure

State of the art Lab facility provided by Morris

Garages India Pvt Ltd.
The centre is supported by MGI with ZS-EV car.
Practical experiments on high end Morris Garages Introduction to EV
EV car.
Regular interaction with experts from Morris
Garages to keep abreast of latest developments in

Activity & Research Collaboration

Certification program- MG-RVCE Nurture Program in Electric Vehicle Technology

Course Modules

1 Introduction to EV
Extensively trained faculty by
Morris Garages India Pvt Ltd.
2 High/Low Voltage System Two batches of 20 students per year

Educated through invited

3 Periodic maintainance talks/webinars from automotive

4 Connected car

Placement assistance

ris Global
or ges s program for certification
M a
r ship young

G ler by MG

a professionals


cto urin

Start up
nu V

and research Delivering

Volvo,Hyundai experts in EV

Tata with EV sector technology

Contact details
Dr. M Krishna Prof. Mahendra B M
Professor and Head, Dept. of ME Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE
krishnam@rvce.edu.in mahendra.bm@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-9980480001 Ph No:+91-9164602538

Go, change the world

24. Decibels RVCE - EV Center

of Competence
EV COC is established by the Decibels lab at RV College of Engineering with the help of govt. Of
Karnataka Elevate 2021 fund, KBITS, department of IT, BT, Govt. of Karnataka.

The aim of COC is to create an industry-ready talent pool for EV sector demands by facilitating
Domain-specific, hands-on training programs for students, fresh graduates, faculties & Industry


Professionals. And hand-hold technical colleges & universities in assisting/creating courses,
Elective subjects, honors, post-graduate diploma programs, master degrees, practical labs & E-
learning learning content. Decibels aim to create 100+ COC within 2025 across India and abroad to
become the leader in talent Development for automotive industry needs.

Areas of Expertise

Electric Vehicle Battery Management System

Powertrain Development Algorithm Development

Electric vehicle
Cell & Battery testing &
Integration & testing

Facility & Infrastructure

The center facilitates the state of art lab infrastructure to perform cell testing for cell selection, cell
behavior analysis, validation of simulation to real-world behaviors, and environmental chamber for
studying the cell/pack b/w -20 to +80 Deg celsius and vehicle level testing with a chassis
dynamometer for perfromace analysis and controller tuning.
Cell testing & Environmental chamber 2W chassis
characterisation lab (-20to +80 Deg) dynamometer

Milestones: Student placements

Course offerings at COC

1. Certification Course (3 Days)

1.1 Electric Vehicle Engineering

2. Educational Internships (4 Weeks)

2.1 EV Powertrain Modeling
2.2 Li-ion Cell & BMS Algorithms Modeling
2.3 Motor Controls

3. Micro-Specialization / Pre-Master Courses (3-Month)

3.1 EV Powertrain Design
3.2 Li-ion Cell & BMS Algorithms
3.3 EV CAE

4. Master Courses (9-Month)

4.1 Electric Vehicle Powertrain Design & Validation
4.2 Battery Management Algorithm Development

Contact details
Naveen C S Dr. Sridhar R
Center Head Associate Professor, Dept. of ME
naveen@decibelslab.com sridharr@rvce.edu.in
Ph No:+91-8951503455 Ph No:+91-9740400717

Go, change the world

About Centers of Excellence & Centers of Competence

Centers of Excellence
Sl. Year of
No Center starting Activity

To fabricate and characterize new class of materials, devices and systems

Center for Macro based on nano materials, amorphous semiconductors, polymers, metal
1 Electronics 2013 oxides and MEMS and also to develop flexible microelectronics devices,
sensors, solar cells and TFTs for applications in health care, defense,
communication fields, etc.
RVCE-HPCC Center To promote interdisciplinary research and outcome-based education to
2 for Cognitive 2017 nurture future experts in Intelligent Systems. To develop sustainable
Intelligent Systems for innovative solutions to solve real world problems. Utilizing open-source tools
Sustainable Solutions for developing Cognitive Intelligent Systems and optimizing the resources.
Develop employable human resource to meet the challenges in the field of
Center for Internet of IoT. Strengthen the connected-technology laboratories for training, design,
3 Things (IoT) (CISCO- 2018 implementation and maintenance, Establish a competence center in research
RVCE) and innovation across various verticals of IoT. Create technology business
incubation center for IoT
Center for To provide skill development training to students leading to enhanced
4 Computational 2019 research ability. An integrated base to provide solution in agriculture and
Genomics [Intergene healthcare research sectors.
Life Sciences]
Center for Smart
Antenna Systems & Analysis, Design, Development of Antennas and RF devices and their
5 Measurements (SASM) 2019 Characterization for Defence and Wireless Communication Applications.
[Wavcom Pvt
Center for Fundamentals and advances in quantum physics and quantum information
Interdisciplinary theory to develop quantum safe security techniques for cyber physical
6 Research in Quantum 2019 systems, solve optimization problems and work on experimental and
Information and theoretical quantum physics.
Technology [CIRQuIT]
Analytical models for automation, Data Analytics. Vehicle Automation Hands
Center for Connected on modules: Data Acquisition using sensors – RADAR, LIDAR, Data processing
7 Autonomous Vehicles – 2019 and Actuation; Self Driving Car Vehicle Simulator (SDV in a Box), Acoustics
WIRIN Simulator, Application of Deep Learning models for vehicle detection – image
annotation, LIDAR annotation, Acoustic annotation, object detection,
compressive sensing, obstacle detection.

Center for e-Mobility Developing futuristic Electrical vehicle solutions such as Next Generation
8 [Greaves Cotton] 2020 Controller, Battery Thermal Management – GCL IP project, Embedded Design
for Connected vehicles and Application development for Electric Mobility.

Center for Hydrogen Developing affordable, reliable, an sustainable Hydrogen energy systems.
9 and Green Technology 2021 Providing sustainable solutions to industrial and societal problems. Enhancing
Research employability and creating startup culture in aspiring minds. Promoting
innovation and entrepreneurship among youth.

Center for CCTV To bridge the gap in knowledge, practice, protocols, testing, experiments,
10 Research [TechconPro] 2021 training, certification and expertise in video surveillance with various industry
partners providing a true multi-stakeholder research facility.
Center for Logistics
11 and Supply Chain 2021 Advanced supply chain management models for small, medium and large-
Management [Secure scale industries for Healthcare, General Engineering and other sectors.

Center for Visual Execution of computationally intensive research works in various state-of-
12 Computing 2021 the-art domains including Edge Computing,Parallel Programming, Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Center for AI Research AI Research & Business Solutions, Industry Certification Course in Data
13 and Business Solutions 2022 Science, Consultancies in the domain of AL
Go, change the world

Women in Cloud: To accelerate women and allies’ access to digital skilling, technology
14 Center of Excellence 2022 innovation, and job placement by leveraging public-private partnerships
in India
To establish state of the art facilities for the development of Sensors
fabrication and their characterization to develop various applications. To
enable collaboration with national and international experts in the field of
Center for Sensor sensors fabrication and its applications development leading to papers,
15 Technology 2022 patents and products. Connecting academia and industries by
Applications commercializing the developed products and internship execution. To
[Nexsys] produce highly trained industry ready researchers to address the societal
challenges like robotics / agriculture/biomedical/IoT/AIML and industrial
automation applications through Sensor Technology and its integrations,
using appropriate processor/controller modules.
To develop advanced nanomaterials for sustainable solutions. To establish
state-of-the-art facilities to enable a strong foundation for research and
development of prototypes devices. Facilitate the
Center for Nano interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary collaboration with foremost experts at
16 Materials and 2022 national and international level, leading to papers, patents, prototypes, and
Devices products. To produce highly-trained researchers to address the challenges of
energy, environment, engineering, agriculture and biomedical fields though
nanoscience and technology approach. Connecting academia and industries
by commercializing the developed products. Establish start-ups in
nanomaterials devices for product development.
The CoE consists of passionate students and faculty members willing to
17 Center for IC and 2022 create an eco-system that inspires the VLSI/Electronics system designer, to
Systems nurture the skills and innovative ideas, and to promote sustainable and
interdisciplinary research, with inclusive societal concerns.
Center for Education
18 & Digital Learning 2022 Hands on modules - Content Development for teaching and learning
Research (CEDLR) integrating advanced digital technologies

Centers of Competence
Bosch Rexroth – Training on Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Mechatronics, PLC, SCADA and Industry
19 RVCE Centre of 2010 4.0, Student project execution, Consultancy projects, Guest lecture from
Competence in Industry Experts.
RV-Mercedes Benz
20 Center for 2018 1 Year course on Advanced Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics, Student
Automotive internship training
Center for Training on Robotics, CNC,MT Link-i, System Engineering Equipment’s,
21 Automation and 2022 Student project execution, Consultancy projects, Guest lecture from Industry
Robotics (Digital Experts
Building state of the art infrastructure for designing and implementation of
Center for 5G and advanced wireless solutions for industrial and societal benefit. Enhancing
22 Emerging Wireless 2022 Knowledge and Skill through training to make students industry ready.
Technologies Undertaking interdisciplinary research projects through collaboration with
Industry & research organizations and developing Sustainable Solutions.
Center for Electric Skill development certification program on Electric vehicle technology is
23 Vehicle Technologies 2022 provided for young professionals. Joint internships and research projects
(RVCE-Morris with MG India
Offering state of the art courses in the automotive & other technology
Center of domains.To continuously be abreast with the pace of technology
24 Competence in 2022 development & engage with technology companies, IT tools & the latest
Advanced learning techniques.To establish a relevant connect & relationships with the
Automotive Systems industry for placements & on boarding the trained professionals, Execution
[Decibels] of ELEVATE GRANT, selected by Govt. of Karnataka.
Go, change the world

RV College of Engineering ®

Leadership in Quality Technical Education, Interdisciplinary
Research & Innovation, with a Focus on Sustainable and Inclusive


To deliver outcome based Quality education, emphasizing

on experiential learning with the state of the art
To create a conducive environment for interdisciplinary
research and innovation.
To develop professionals through holistic education
focusing on individual growth, discipline, integrity, ethics
and social sensitivity.
To nurture industry-institution collaboration leading to
competency enhancement and entrepreneurship.
To focus on technologies that are sustainable and
inclusive, benefiting all sections of the society.

Contact Details:
Dr. K. N. Subramanya
R V College of Engineering
R V Vidyanikethan Post
Mysuru Road, Bengaluru - 560059
Ph : 91 - 080-681881000/8111-12
Fax: 91 - 080-6717 8011

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