b. What is the relationship between Geography and the following disciplines:
i. mathematics (2 mks)
ii. chemistry (2 mks)
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b. (i) Distinguish between revolution and rotation of the earth. (2 mks)
(ii). State four effects of the rotation of the earth. (4mks)
3a.(i). State four elements of weather. (4 mks)
(ii). Describe four reasons why weather forecasting is important. (8mks)
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b. With the aid of a well labeled diagram explain the formation of relief rainfall. (9 mks)
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b. State four uses of rocks. (4mks)
5a With the aid of a well labeled diagram, explain the formation of the rift valley by tensional
forces. (10 mks)
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b. State three characteristics of modified equatorial climate in the coastal region. (4 mks)
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(i) Differentiate between desertification and aridity. (2mks)
7a What is vegetation? (2 mks)
b Name three types of vegetation. (3 mks)
c. Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of vegetables. (2mks)
(i). Aspect (2 mks)
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(ii). Precipitation. (2mks)
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