Mat-Su Area Burn Permit

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CAMPING, COOKING AND State of Alaska Division of Forestry

You are REQUIRED to call the

Burn Permit Hotline before WARMING FIRES
burning or if weather conditions
become hotter, drier or windy
A campfire not more than three feet in
diameter and two feet in height, or a
commercially manufactured outdoor burning
device does NOT require a burn permit.
This permit is issued by the Alaska Division of
Forestry as authorized by AS 41.15.010
(protection from wildland fire), 41.15.050 (fire To burn a brush pile larger than ten feet in Required from April 1st - August 31st
season) and 41.15.060 (permits). diameter and four feet in height, more than
one pile at a time, or undertaking burning You are REQUIRED to call the Burn
This burn permit may be denied, suspended or more complex than allowed under this permit, Permit Hotline prior to the start of
revoked by an authorized employee of the you must contact the nearest Alaska Division
Alaska Division of Forestry. 11 AAC 95.430
any burning or if conditions get
of Forestry Fire Prevention Office listed on
(Denial, suspension, or revocation of permit). hotter, drier or windy
the front of this permit, either by phone or in

person, to request information about
The permittee shall sign this permit and obtaining a Large Scale Burn Permit 11 AAC
possess it while burning and shall display it 95.416 (Large Scale burn permits).
upon request. 11AAC 95.422 (Permit

Non-compliance with this permit may lead to a Burning during adverse weather conditions
fine or criminal prosecution. This permit does (hot, dry, windy) or during a burn permit
not relieve the permittee from civil or suspension or burn closure.
criminal liability for damages resulting from an Failure to possess a valid burn permit.
unpermitted burn or escaped fire. Burning that exceeds the scope of the
Burning materials that emit black smoke,
This permit is valid thru December 31st of the year issued
obnoxious odors or toxic fumes. Examples Mat-Su Area Forestry
I have read and understand the conditions include plastic, rubber, vinyl, animal Fire Prevention Office
and requirements of this permit. waste/carcasses, household garbage, waste
101 Airport Road
oil, etc.
Palmer, AK 99645
W.S. Stemmons Failure to clear the ground around a
______________________________________________________ 907-761-6305
(Print Name) campfire, brush pile or burn barrel.
Leaving a fire unattended or not fully
7/5/2024 For information visit:
____________________________________ _____________ extinguishing a fire until it is cold to the
(Signature-Required) (Date) touch.
3962 E Serendipity Loop Wasilla 99654
______________________________________________________ The Wildland Fire Protection
(Physical Burn Location) Statutes and Regulations can be found at:
To receive NIXLE alerts from local agencies TEXT YOUR ZIP CODE TO 888777 TO OPT-IN

55 Gallon Barrel Pile Specifications Lawn Specifications

Circular, outdoor metal drum, in good Only ONE pile burning at a time Maintained lawn
condition, with no more than a 55 gallon Max ten foot diameter and four foot height Max one acre and four inches in height
Metal mesh cover on top in good condition,
with mesh openings no larger than 5/8"
At least three evenly spaced 3" square
holes covered with metal mesh along the
Situated on top of non-burnable materials

Maintain an 8 foot wet perimeter on the

ground around the burn at all times
Stay with the lawn until completely out and
Only ONE barrel cold to the touch
burning at a time
At least 10 feet of ground cleared to
mineral soil extending to all sides of the pile
Stay with the pile until completely out and
cold to the touch
Sufficient water to
At least 6 feet of ground cleared to mineral Burn only untreated
soil extending to all sides of the barrel wood, leaves, grass
extinguish fire and
Stay with the barrel until completely out clippings, cardboard
tools close by when
and cold to the touch and paper
Burn only untreated
wood, leaves, grass
clippings, cardboard
Sufficient water to
and paper
Sufficient water to
extinguish fire and
extinguish fire and
1 Adult tools close by At least one adult
a tool close by
when burning
with the
barrel at
when burning with the pile at all
3 Adults
at all

all times

Do not burn within 30' of structures and power lines

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