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Mysql and python project

computer science engineering (Amrita Vishwa


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This is to certify that the project titled TO DO LIST AND REMINDER

was completed by Master C.GANESH Reg. No. of
Class XII under my guidance and supervision within the stipulated
time as prescribed by the CBSE for AISSCE Computer Science
Practical Examination, 2023 – 2024 held at “Amrita Vidyalayam,
Nallampalayam, Coimbatore District”.


Mrs. LathaRamaswamy M.E.,

Department of Computer Science,

Amrita Vidyalayam,



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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our

honourable Correspondent Brahmacharini. Mukta Amrita Prana as
well as our Academic Director Mrs. SP. Visalakshi M.A, B.Ed, and
Principal Mrs. B.Padmaja M.C.A, B.Ed, who gave us the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project. This project helped us in doing
a lot of research and we came to know about so many new things. I am
really thankful to them.

Secondly, we acknowledge our sincere thanks to our Computer

Science teacher Mrs. Latha Ramaswamy M.E, Department of
Computer Science for her guidance, advice and supervision.

Finally, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who

helped me in the completion of this project.

Signature of the Student.

Name in upper case

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❖ About Python
❖ About MYSQL
❖ Synopsis
❖ Project Overview/Description
❖ System Requirements
❖ Backend Details
❖ Python Packages And Functions Used
❖ Source Code
❖ Output Screenshots
❖ User Manual
❖ Future Enhancements
❖ Bibliography
❖ Conclusion

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Python is a dynamic, high-level, free open source, and interpreted

programming language. It supports object-oriented programming as well
as procedural-oriented programming.

Features in Python :

1. Free and Open Source

2. Easy to code

3. Easy to Read

4. Object-Oriented Language

5. GUI Programming Support

6. High-Level Language

7. Large Community Support

8. Easy to Debug

9. Python is a Portable language

10. Python is an integrated language

11. Interpreted Language:

12. Large Standard Library

13. Dynamically Typed Language


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14. Frontend and backend development

15. Allocating Memory Dynamically

Advantages of Python Programming


➢ Easy to read, learn and code

➢ Dynamic Typing
➢ Free, Open Source
➢ Portable
➢ Extensive Third-Party Libraries
➢ Wide Range of Applications
➢ Extensible and Integrable to Other Programming Languages
➢ Interpreted Language
➢ Functional, Object-Oriented, and Procedural
➢ Involvement in Large Projects.
➢ Memory Management

Disadvantages of Python :

➢ It’s Simple in Nature

➢ Slow Speed and Memory Inefficient
➢ Weak Mobile Computation
➢ Poor Database Access
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MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database.

According to DB-Engines, MySQL ranks as the second-most-popular
database, behind Oracle Database. MySQL powers many of the most
accessed applications, including Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Uber,
Airbnb, Shopify, and Booking.com. Since MySQL is open source, it
includes numerous features developed in close cooperation with users
over more than 25 years. So it’s very likely that your favorite
application or programming language is supported by MySQL

MySQL is a Relational Database Management System

SQL is the most common standardized language used to access

databases. Depending on user’s programming environment, user might
enter SQL directly (for example, to generate reports), embed SQL
statements into code written in another language, or use a language-
specific API that hides the SQL syntax.

MySQL is a Open Source

Open source means it’s possible for anyone to use and modify the
software. Anybody can download MySQL software from the internet
and use it without paying for it. User can also change its source code to
suit your needs.

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MySQL: the #1 Choice for developers

Developers like its high performance, reliability, and ease of use.

MySQL supports the following popular development languages and

PHP Python Java/JDBC Node.js

Perl Ruby Go Rust

MySQL has also become the database of choice for many of the most
successful open source applications, including WordPress, Drupal,
Joomla, and Magento.

MySQL works in client/server or embedded systems

MySQL Database is a client/server system that consists of a

multithreaded SQL server that supports different back ends, several
different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a wide
range of application-programming interfaces (APIs).

MySQL Benefits

MySQL is fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use. It was originally

developed to handle large databases quickly and has been used in
highly demanding production environments for many years.

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MySQL’s key benefits include

✓ Ease of use
✓ Reliability
✓ Scalability
✓ Performance
✓ High availability
✓ Security
✓ Flexibility

Establishing a Connection with MySQL Server

MySQL is a server-based database management system. One server

might contain multiple databases. To interact with a database, you must
first establish a connection with the server. The general workflow of a
Python program that interacts with a MySQL-based database is as

1. Connect to the MySQL server.

2. Create a new database.
3. Connect to the newly created or an existing database.
4. Execute a SQL query and fetch results.
5. Inform the database if any changes are made to a table.
6. Close the connection to the MySQL server.

This is a generic workflow that might vary depending on the individual

application. But whatever the application might be, the first step is to
connect your database with your application.

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The problem definition for the project is to create a To-Do List

Manager that utilizes a MySQL database for task storage. The
application allows users to perform various operations, such as adding
tasks with titles, descriptions, and due dates, listing all tasks, setting
reminders for upcoming tasks, marking tasks as completed, and
updating task titles and due dates. The goal is to provide users with a
simple and interactive tool for managing their tasks effectively.

Advantages of the proposed system :

The proposed To-Do List Manager system offers several advantages:

1. Database Integration (MySQL) : Utilizing MySQL for data storage

ensures structured and organized task management, enabling
efficient retrieval and manipulation of task information.

2. User-Friendly Interface: The program provides a

straightforward menu-driven interface, making it easy for users to
interact with the application and perform various task management

3. Task Details: Users can add detailed information about

tasks, including titles, descriptions, due dates, and completion
status, facilitating comprehensive task tracking.

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4. Reminder Functionality: The system includes a reminder feature,
helping users stay on top of upcoming tasks by notifying them based
on due dates.

5. Task Status Tracking: Users can mark tasks as completed,

providing a clear visual indication of their progress and helping them
stay organized.

6. Task Updating: The system allows users to update task titles and
due dates, accommodating changes and modifications to task details.

7. Structured Code: The code is organized into functions, enhancing

readability and maintainability. The use of functions for different
operations promotes code reusability.

8. Clean-Up Process: The system closes the MySQL cursor and

connection after the user exits, ensuring proper resource
management and preventing potential issues related to open

Overall, the proposed system aims to enhance task management

efficiency, user experience, and data integrity.

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Project Description

The To-Do List Manager project is a simple yet effective task

management application designed to help users organize and track
their tasks. Here is a brief project description:

Project Overview:
The To-Do List Manager is a Python-based application that employs a
MySQL database for storing and managing tasks. Users can interact
with the system through an intuitive menu, performing various
operations such as adding tasks, listing existing tasks, setting
reminders, marking tasks as completed, and updating task details.

Key Features:
1. Add Tasks: Users can input task titles, descriptions, and due dates
to add new tasks to the system.

2. List Tasks: The application displays a comprehensive list of all

tasks, providing users with an overview of their to-do items.

3. Set Reminders: A reminder feature notifies users of upcoming

tasks, helping them stay organized and on schedule.


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4. Mark Tasks as Completed: Users can indicate task
completion, providing a visual representation of their progress.

5. Update Task Details: The system allows users to modify task

titles and due dates, adapting to changing priorities.

Technology Stack:
- Programming Language: Python

- Database: MySQL

- Library: mysql.connector

- Date and Time Handling: datetime module

User Interface:
The application features a user-friendly menu-driven interface, allowing
users to easily navigate and perform desired actions.

Code Structure:
The code is organized into functions, enhancing readability and
facilitating code reuse. Proper resource management ensures the closure
of database connections.


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Minimum Hardware Requirements:

- Display: LED Monitor or above

- Processor: Pentium core or above

- Hard Disk: 100 GB

- RAM: 1 GB

- Keyboard: PS/2 or USB

- Mouse: PS/2 or USB

Software Requirements:

- Operating System: Windows 8 or above

- Python IDE: Version 3.6 or above

- MySQL Server: Version 8.0 or above


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It provides a database management system with
querying and connectivity capabilities, as well as
the ability to have excellent data structure and
integration with many different platforms.

It can handle large databases and quickly in high

demanding production environments.

Database Name : todo_db

Details : Table Name: tasks


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Mysql.connector: Provides connectivity between

mysql server and python program.
Datetime: It is used in this software to provide date
and time.


Menu: this function displays the main menu of

the application , allowing user to choose from
various actions.

Display_reminders(): reminders are implemented as

part of the project , this function display reminders
to the user at the appropriate times

List_tasks(cursor):this function lists all tasks

stored in the database.

Delete_task(cursor,task_id):function deletes a task

from the database based on the task id given by the


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Source code


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import mysql.connector

import datetime


Configuration config =

"host": "localhost",

"user": "root",

"password": "flash",

"database": "todo_db",

# Connect to MySQL

conn =

mysql.connector.connect(**config) cursor

= conn.cursor()

# Function to Add a Task

def add_task(title, description, due_date):

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sql = "INSERT INTO tasks (title, description, due_date, completed)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"

values = (title, description, due_date,

False) cursor.execute(sql, values)


# Function to Add a Task

def add_task(title, description, due_date):

sql = "INSERT INTO tasks (title, description, due_date, completed)

VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"

values = (title, description, due_date,

False) cursor.execute(sql, values)


# Function to List

Tasks def list_tasks():

sql = "SELECT * FROM

tasks" cursor.execute(sql)

tasks = cursor.fetchall()

if not tasks:

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print("No tasks found.")


print("\nAll Tasks:")

for task in tasks:

print(f"Task {task[0]} - Title: {task[1]}, Description:

{task[2]}, Due Date: {task[3]}, Completed: {task[4]}")

# Function to Set a Reminder

def set_reminder(task_id):

current_time = datetime.datetime.now()

sql = "SELECT title, due_date FROM tasks WHERE id =

%s" cursor.execute(sql, (task_id,))

task =

cursor.fetchone() if


task_title, due_date = task

if due_date > current_time:

print(f"Reminder: Task '{task_title}' is due at {due_date}.")


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print(f"Task '{task_title}' is already overdue.")

# Function to Mark Task as

Completed def


sql = "UPDATE tasks SET completed = True WHERE id =

%s" cursor.execute(sql, (task_id,))


print("Task marked as completed.")

# Function to Update Task Title and Due Date

def update_task(task_id, new_title, new_due_date):

sql = "UPDATE tasks SET title = %s, due_date = %s WHERE id =


cursor.execute(sql, (new_title, new_due_date,

task_id)) conn.commit()

print("Task updated successfully.")

# Main Menu

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while True:

print("\nTo-Do List

Menu:") print("1. Add a

Task") print("2. List

Tasks") print("3. Set


print("4. Mark Task as Completed")

print("5. Update Task Title and Due

Date") print("6. Exit")

choice = input("Enter your choice: ")

if choice == "1":

title = input("Enter task title: ")

description = input("Enter task description: ")

due_date = input("Enter due date and time (YYYY-MM-

DD HH:MM): ")

add_task(title, description, due_date)

print("Task added successfully!")

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elif choice == "2":


elif choice == "3":

task_id = int(input("Enter the ID of the task for which you want

to set a reminder: "))


elif choice == "4":

task_id = int(input("Enter the ID of the task to mark as completed:



elif choice == "5":

task_id = int(input("Enter the ID of the task you want to update: "))

new_title = input("Enter the new title: ")

new_due_date = input("Enter the new due date and time



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update_task(task_id, new_title, new_due_date)

elif choice == "6":


# Clean up




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Main menu:

Add task:


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List tasks:

Set reminder :

Mark task as completed:


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To-Do Reminder
27 - User

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1. Installation:
- Ensure you have Python installed on your system.

- Install the mysql-connector-python library using pip install

mysql- connector-python.

2. Setup:
- Make sure your MySQL server is running.

- Modify the config dictionary in the code with your MySQL

server details.

3. Running the Program:

- Execute the Python script in your preferred environment.

4. Main Menu:
- The program will present a menu with the following options:

- *1. Add a Task:* Enter task details to add a new task.

- *2. List Tasks:* Display a list of all tasks.

- *3. Set Reminder:* Set reminders for upcoming tasks.

- *4. Mark Task as Completed:* Mark tasks as completed.

- *5. Update Task:* Modify task titles and due dates.


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- *6. Exit:* Terminate the program.

5. Adding a Task:
- Choose option 1 from the menu.

- Enter the task title, description, and due date as prompted.

6. Listing Tasks:
- Choose option 2 from the menu.

- All tasks will be displayed with their details.

7. Setting Reminders:

- Choose option 3 from the menu.

- Enter the task ID to set a reminder for.

8. Marking Task as Completed:

- Choose option 4 from the menu.

- Enter the task ID to mark as completed.

9. Updating a Task:


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- Choose option 5 from the menu.

- Enter the task ID and provide the new title and due date.

10. Exiting the Program:

- Choose option 6 from the menu to exit the program.

11. Clean-Up:

- The program automatically closes database connections upon exit.

Note: Ensure your MySQL server is configured correctly and accessible

from the Python environment.

This user manual provides a step-by-step guide for interacting with the
To-Do List Manager. Follow the instructions to efficiently manage
your tasks and stay organized.


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Future enhancements

1. User Authentication:

- Implement user accounts and authentication for personalized

task management.

2. Task Categories and Prioritization:

- Allow users to categorize tasks and set priorities for

better organization.

3. Search and Filtering:

- Incorporate search and filtering options to quickly locate

specific tasks.

4. Mobile Application:

- Develop a mobile app for on-the-go task management and reminders.

5. Collaboration Features:

- Enable collaboration by allowing users to share tasks or assign

them to others.


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6. Recurring Tasks:

- Add functionality for recurring tasks with customizable intervals.

7. Data Analytics:

- Implement basic analytics to provide insights into task

completion patterns.

8. Integration with Calendar:

- Integrate the application with calendar tools for seamless scheduling.

9. Notifications:

- Enhance reminder notifications with customizable settings.

10. Data Backup and Restore:

- Provide options for users to back up and restore their task data.

11. Dark Mode:

- Include a dark mode option for users who prefer a different visual

12. Voice Commands: - Integrate voice recognition for hands-free

task management.

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1. Computer Science with Python: Sumitha Arora

2. Computer Science with Python: Preeti

Arora Web Sites

➢ www.cbseprojectguide.com
➢ www.python4csip.com
➢ www.codewithfaraz.com


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The To-Do List Reminder project offers a practical solution for

individuals seeking a straightforward and efficient way to organize and
track their tasks. The integration of a MySQL database provides a
structured approach to task management, while the user-friendly
interface and comprehensive set of features contribute to a positive user

The ability to add, list, update, and mark tasks as completed enhances
the flexibility of the system, accommodating changes in priorities and
reflecting the user's progress. The reminder feature adds a proactive
element to task management, helping users stay on top of upcoming

The clean and readable code structure, along with proper resource
management, ensures the reliability and maintainability of the
application. Users can navigate the menu-driven interface with ease,
making the To-Do List Manager a practical tool for daily task

Overall, this project demonstrates a successful implementation of a To-

Do List Manager, providing a valuable resource for individuals
seeking a simple yet effective solution for managing their tasks

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