Invitation gr 12

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Lesson plan: English Class: XII

Cycle : 05 Dates:27 July 21-13 August 21

1. Invitations and Replies
2. Chapter wise revision using the CBSE study material


Invitations are extended to relatives, friends, acquaintances and clients on a number of social occasions like
marriages, births, engagements, deaths or other public functions.

Invitations are of two types. - 1) Formal Invitations 2) Informal Invitation

While formal invitations are sent for the above mentioned occasions, many people also send a handwritten
informal invitation beforehand to make these occasions more personal, cordial and intimate as is appropriate to
their relationship.
Replying to invitations is essential. It is an essential courtesy to the host who has extended an invitation and also
helps the host know how many guests will arrive so that he she may make arrangements accordingly.
Like the invitations, replies to invitations also may be:-
• formal replies
• Informal replies
Formal Invitations:-
1. Formal Printed( Meant for many people)
2. Formal (Not Printed, meant for one person eg judge of the competition etc)
Formal invitations are sent in offical capacity for public functions except in the case of Marriage/
• A simple yet elegant printed card is preferred.
• Such invitations are written in the third person.
Example:- Mr. and Mrs .S Surendran request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Rajkumar…………
• Note that the English etiquette requires the husband's name to be written first.
Example:- Mr and Mrs G Joseph
• Avoid use of abbreviations for the names of guests, days, dates. However, the abbreviations RSVP.
(Respondez s'il vous plait) which means 'Please Reply' is put at the bottom.
• The subject matter is written in the centre setting. Details like address, dress code or any other instructions are
written at the bottom to the left or the right as per choice or convenience.
Important Points
The invitation is laid out so that each of the following is in a separate line:
• the name(s) of the host (s) issuing the invitation
• the standard expression 'request the pleasure of the company of ………….'
• the reason for the invitation.
• the time and date of the event.
• the venue of event
• In case a VIP is to be invited (at an official function), his/her name appears prominently
• In case of Printed cards, the name of the invitee may not figure in the invitation.
• The date of issuing the invitation is not mentioned.
• No punctuation is required at the end of a line.

• The simple present tense is used.

Your school is organizing the Annual Day next month in one of the prestigious auditoriums of your city. Draft
an invitation in not more than 50 words giving all the essential details. Do not forget to include necessary
instructions against mobile phones and cameras.

The Management, Staff and Students

Government Model Sr. Sec. School, School, Chandigarh
Cordially invite you to their
at 6:00 p.m. on 4 December 2016
The National Auditorium
Sh. Pramod Kumar
Secretary Higher Education,Ministry of HRD,Govt.Of India
has kindly consented to be the chief guest
1. The card admits two people only
2. Please be seated by 5:30 p.m.
3. The use of mobile phones and cameras is prohibited

Program overleaf

Accepting the Invitation (Formal)

Format (Formal Reply)
Sender's address/
letter head
Follow-up, if any

Dr Geeta Sahni
75, Sector 11 A


20 September 2015

Geeta Sahni Thanks Ms Neha Rawat, President of the English terry and Debating
Society to preside over the inter school declamation competition to be held on 5
October 2015 at 10.00 am.
She is be delighted to accept the invitation. It will be kind of you if She is provided
with transport for the occasion.

1. Formal (Not Printed, meant for one person eg judge of the competition etc)
2. Meant for an individual (a formal letter of invitation)

• Written in the first person.

• Format of formal letter
• Reason for the invitation.
• Time and date of the event.
• Venue of the event
• Other details are similar to the mass-scale invitations.
• Request for availability of the guest concerned


You are the Cultural Secretary of the of Sacred Heart Convent School, McLeod Ganj. The school is holding
its Annual Function at 5.00 p.m. on 5 September 20XX. The Education Minister of the state has consented
to be the Chief Guest. On behalf of the Principal of the school , design an invitation card to be sent to the
parents and other invitees. Do not exceed 50 words.

ABC School
Kumbh Nagar

December 10, 2020

Mr. Sudesh Gupta

XYZ Lane
PQR Colony

Subject: Invitation as Chief Guest

Dear Sir

The Literary club of our school is putting up the play ‘Doll’s House’ on 7th January, 2020 in our school
auditorium from 5pm-6pm. On behalf of our club, I would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to grace the
occasion as the Chief Guest of the function. It would be our privilege if you consent to grace this occasion with
your esteemed presence. Kindly confirm your availability by the December 20, 2020.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Secretary (Literary Club)

The Literary club of our school is putting up the play ‘Doll’s House’ on 7th January, 2020 in our school
auditorium from 5pm-6pm. On behalf of our club, I would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to grace the
occasion as the Chief Guest of the function. It would be our privilege if you consent to grace this occasion with
your esteemed presence. Kindly confirm your availability by December 20, 2020.

• Written in the first person.

• Format of formal letter
• acknowledging the invitation
• mention acceptance/ refusal (It is essential to give a reason for refusing an invitation)
• Formal tone

You are Lakshya / Kriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’,
organised by the Lions Club of your distinct. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the

25Gandhi Marg

5 December 2020

The Secretary
Lions Club Agra

Sub: Acceptance of Invitation

Thanks for your invitation to attend the seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, and your concern for the
under-privileged children. I would like to utilise this opportunity to share my experiences with other like-
minded enthusiasts and experts.
I hereby confirm my participation in the seminar.

Yours sincerely
Akshya I Aakriti

Sub: Inability to accept the invitation

Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’. I feel
honoured and obliged. However, I shall not be able to accept your invitation due to some previous commitments
which keep me confined to my place on that day.

Thanking you once again for your kind invitation.

Yours sincerely

Akshay / Aakrit

Informal Invitation
Informal invitations are sent for personal occasions.
Important points
The main characteristics of an informal invitation are:-
• It is written in the first person (I/We)
• The sender's address is written as usual but the receiver's address is not mentioned.
• The date of writing the invitation is given but there is no need to write the year.
• The salutation is 'Dear+ name'.
• The complimentary close is 'Yours Sincerely'.
• Various tenses of the verb are used unlike the formal invitation.
• The Invitation does not ask for a reply as in the formal invitation. However, it is polite to reply to the
• The vocabulary is less formal.
Mr and Mrs G Joseph of 27, The Apple Tree Orchard, Kottayam have decided to have a party on the occasion
of second birthday of their son, Vineet. Write the invitation giving details of the date, time and venue. Do not
exceed 50 words.

27, The Apple tree Orchard


8 April 2020

Dear Naomi

You will be pleased to know that our Vineet has turned two. It’s a great occasion for a party,
isn’t it? So get ready for an evening full of dance, music, fun-n- frolic.

Of course there will be food too! Do come with Merry.

Remember 17th April, 8.00 p.m., Hotel Imperial the Mall.

No excuse. See you!

Yours sincerely


Reply to Informal Invitations : -

It is an essential courtesy to reply to an invitation. The layout of a reply to an informal invitation
is also informal, like the invitation.
The reply is written in the first person. The salient points in the reply to an informal invitation
• acknowledging the invitation
• mention acceptance/ refusal (It is essential to give a reason for refusing an invitation.)
• making use of warm and simple language.

27, Sardar Patel Marg

Civil Lines, Allahabad

20th July 2016

Dear Joseph
Questions for Practice :
1. On 30th November your school is going to hold its annual sports day. You want Mr. Dhanraj Pillai, a noted
hockey player to give away prizes to the budding sports-persons of the school. Write a formal invitation in
about 50 words requesting him to grace the occasion. You are Karuna/Karan, Sports Secretary, Sunrise Global
School, Agra.
2. You are Ankit Verma. Your friend from Malaysia is in the hostel. Invite him to join Diwali Celebrations with
you at your residence.
3. Your parents have completed 25 years of happy married life. Invite your aunt, living in Hyderabad, to join
you in the Silver Jubilee celebration of their marriage at your residence.
4. You are Navin/Neha, the Secretary of the Youth Club of your Locality. You are organizing an inter-school
group song competition. Invite a prominent musician to act as one of the judges.
5. You are Manoj. You are going on a picnic with a group of your classmates to Karna lake, near Karnal. Write
an informal invitation to your friend Mohit to join you on that day.

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