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org © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 4 April 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882

The Science And Technology Of Ancient India



Abstract. Over the course of several millennia, the amazing scientific achievements made by ancient Indians
are reviewed in this research paper. Indian culture made significant advancements in a variety of scientific
domains, such as astronomy, medicine, metallurgy, and mathematics. The paper focuses on the major
contributions made by ancient Indian scientists, their work's profound impact and the great intellectual legacy
they left behind for future generations. The great scientific legacy of our country includes a wealth of
information from antiquity that has had a significant impact on global history. Ancient scientists achieved
innovative discoveries and amazing hypotheses in fields ranging from metallurgy and medicine to astronomy
and mathematics. Their knowledge and perceptions have inspired and changed our understanding
Keywords: Ancient India, Scientific contributions, Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine, Metallurgy.
India has advanced science and technology significantly since ancient times. The basis of what we today refer
to as "traditional knowledge" is nonetheless scientific reasoning. Although early humans developed
technologies such as woodcarving, sailing, stone-working, agriculture, animal husbandry, ceramics,
metallurgy, and textile production, technology is now referred to as applied science. The earliest stone tools
were manufactured in the Indian subcontinent almost two million years ago. Certain parts of the Indus and
Ganges basins experienced a boom in agriculture. Pots, metal tools, transportation, and water management
became necessary as a result. Metallurgy brought out a whole new class of tools, weapons, and utensils, which
had a significant cultural impact on humans.
The extraction, purification, alloying, and application of metals can be described as metallurgy. The Indian
subcontinent's first evidence of metal is found at Mehrgarh in Baluchistan. Around 300 BC, wootz steel was
first made in South India by carburizing iron under strict guidelines. The items fashioned from this Indian
steel became referred to as Damascus swords. The main component of wootz steel is iron with a high
percentage of carbon (1.0–1.9%). Additionally, because such steel has been shown to have super-plastic
qualities, it qualifies as an advanced material in contemporary parlance and prompted advancements in
modern metallographic investigations. Delhi's Iron Pillar (IPD) It is made of wrought iron weighing roughly
six tons. The main cause of the iron's resistance to rust is the phosphorus content of the metal.

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Vagbhaṭa provides an organized description of the main metals in a well-known Alchemical treatise in his
Rasaratna Samuchaya. The characteristics and therapeutic applications of every metal are amply demonstrated
within the historical alchemical context. The Rasashastra. Its literal translation is "Science of Mercury." This
specific area of Ayurveda works mostly with substances referred to as "Rasa dravyaas." Its development can
be traced back to Nagarjuna, the Sage. Naagaarjuna declared that the goal of the science of mercury is not just
Alchemy (Dhaatuvaada), but also to uphold health and fortify the body in order to reach Mukti, or ultimate
salvation. The Ramayana and Mahabharata show their understanding of alchemy by mentioning weapons with
arrowheads coated in a variety of chemicals. The atomic theory put forward by Kanad very first atomic theory
ever proposed.


Ayurveda, a science of life, places great importance on a comprehensive approach to health and individualized
medicine. The foundations of Ayurveda can be traced back to the ancient Hindu philosophical teachings of
Vaisheshika and the school of logic known as Nyaya. According to Ayurveda, everything in the universe,
including the human body, is made up of five fundamental elements known as Panchamahabhutas: Akash,
Vayu, Agni, Jala, and Prithvi. Siddha, another system of medicine, follows a scientific and holistic approach
to provide preventive, promotive, curative, rejuvenating, and rehabilitative healthcare. It is believed to have
originated between 10000 - 4000 B.C. with its Dravidian roots and is attributed to the renowned Siddhas who
developed numerous life-prolonging compositions enriched with mineral medicines. The Siddha system
utilizes various procedures, including calcination, to prepare plant and mineral-based powders. Yoga,
developed as a complementary science to Ayurveda, focuses on healing at both the physical and mental levels
without the use of medicine. Patanjali is credited with systematically presenting the principles of yoga. In
ancient times, evidence suggests the existence of veterinary hospitals and dispensaries during the Mauryan
Empire. Veterinarians were referred to as salihotriya, named after the esteemed authority on horse medicine,

Astronomy and Space

Vedanga Jyotisa, attributed to Maharishi Lagadha, is considered the oldest astronomical text dating back to
the 6th century BC. As part of the Vedangas, it encompasses a wide array of subjects, such as the lunar and
solar calendars, the phases of the Moon, and the planetary positions. In northern India, Maharajah Sawai Jai
Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories, known as "Jantar Mantars," in New Delhi,
Jaipur, Ujjain, Mathura, and Varanasi. These observatories consist of distinct buildings with unique designs,
each serving a specific purpose in astronomical measurements.


Baudhyana is recognized as the author of the earliest Sulba sutras, which are supplementary texts to the Vedas.
These sutras serve as instructional manuals, providing guidelines for the construction of Vedic altars, which
are essential for Vedic sacrifices. Within these sutras, Baudhyana sheds light on various significant
mathematical concepts, such as the calculation of the value of 'pi' and a version of the Pythagorean Arithmetic
(PA). Many fundamental principles in basic arithmetic originated in India, including the decimal system,
place-value, zero, square roots, and cubic roots. Aryabhata I further contributed to the development of
numerical representation by introducing a system that utilized consonants and vowels, based on the principle
of decimal place value. Trigonometry emerged as a crucial component of astronomy, with most astronomical
texts containing accurate sine tables to facilitate efficient calculations of astronomical elements.

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Ancient Indian Scientists

Baudhayana, renowned as the 'Father of Geometry', was a mathematician who possessed great knowledge in
various fields such as philosophy, religion, mathematics, and language. Among his notable works are the
books Shulba Sutra and Shrauta Sutra. Baudhayana is credited with being one of the early discoverers of the
value of 'pi'. Additionally, his Baudhayana Theorem is considered an earlier version of the Pythagorean
Theorem. He also made significant contributions to trigonometry by determining the sine of any angle without
relying on a table.
Sushrutha, on the other hand, is widely recognized as the 'Father of Plastic Surgery'. He was not only a skilled
surgeon but also a philosopher who compiled an extensive treatise on surgery called 'Susrutasamhita'. It was
in India that rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure developed by Sushrutha, was first invented and practiced. His
remarkable advancements in the field of surgery elevated the practice to unprecedented heights, leading to the
era being later referred to as the Golden Age of Surgery.
Kanada, a prominent figure in the realm of science and philosophy, was the first proponent of the 'atomic
theory'. He proposed that atoms are indivisible and that the world is composed of these fundamental particles.
Kanada further posited that there exist various types of atoms, each distinct from one another just as different
classes of substances are. In 200 BCE, he wrote about gravity, and in his Vaishesika Sutras, he expounded
upon the Laws of Motion. Kanada's contributions led to the establishment of the Vaisheshika school of Indian
philosophy, which embodied the earliest forms of Indian science.
Charaka, known as the "Father of Ayurveda", was a pioneer in advocating the philosophy of "prevention is
better than cure". He authored the Charak Samhita, a comprehensive treatise on Ayurveda that encompasses
descriptions of numerous diseases, their causes, and their treatments. Charaka also delved into the
fundamentals of genetics and was the first physician to elucidate concepts related to digestion, metabolism,
and immunity.
Aryabhatta, a mathematician and astronomer, made significant contributions to the field of mathematics. His
work, the Aryabhatiya, covers various mathematical topics such as arithmetic, algebra, plane trigonometry,
and spherical trigonometry.


Ancient Indian scientific achievements have left an eternal impact on the scientific heritage of the world.
Their discoveries have stood the test of time and still have an impact on contemporary scientific ideas,
especially in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and metallurgy. Global seeking knowledge has
been enhanced by the scientific method brought by ancient Indian scholars and the strong philosophical
underpinnings of Indian thought. In addition to demonstrating the genius of ancient Indian culture,
acknowledging, and recognizing their achievements serves as a reminder of the significance of protecting and
maintaining scientific inheritance across the globe.

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