Y12 paper 2 December 2024 (10)
Y12 paper 2 December 2024 (10)
Y12 paper 2 December 2024 (10)
* 5 2 5 1 9 9 0 3 8 0 *
PHYSICS 9702/22
Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions December 2023
1 hour 15 minutes
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.
● You may use a calculator.
● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.
● The total mark for this paper is 60.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
DC (PQ/JG) 303268/2
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= ut + 2 at
1 2
uniformly accelerated motion s
v2 = u 2 + 2as
upthrust F = ρgV
fs v
Doppler effect for sound waves fo = v!v
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radius 2.1 mm
weight 7.2 × 10–4 N constant
density ρ
Fig. 1.1
Three forces act on the moving sphere. The weight of the sphere is 7.2 × 10–4 N and the upthrust
acting on it is 4.8 × 10–4 N. The viscous force FV acting on the sphere is given by
FV = krv
where r is the radius of the sphere, v is its velocity and k is a constant. The value of k in SI units
is 17.
(b) Use the value of the upthrust acting on the sphere to calculate the density ρ of the liquid.
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(c) (i) On the sphere in Fig. 1.1, draw three arrows to show the directions of the weight W, the
upthrust U and the viscous force FV. Label these arrows W, U and FV respectively. [1]
(ii) Determine the magnitude of the terminal (constant) velocity of the sphere.
[Total: 8]
hose pipe
P 6.6 m s–1
path of water
Q ground
3.5 m
Point P is at height h above the ground. The water hits the ground at point Q. The horizontal
distance from P to Q is 3.5 m.
Air resistance is negligible. Assume that the water between P and Q consists of non-interacting
droplets of water and that the only force acting on each droplet is its weight.
(a) Explain, briefly, why the horizontal component of the velocity of a droplet of water remains
constant as it moves from P to Q.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Show that the time taken for a droplet of water to move from P to Q is 0.53 s.
h = ...................................................... m [2]
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(d) For the movement of a droplet of water from P to Q, state and explain whether the
displacement of the droplet is less than, more than or the same as the distance along its path.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(e) Calculate the magnitude of the displacement of a droplet of water that moves from P to Q.
[Total: 7]
horizontal jet
of water, vertical
density 1.0 × 103 kg m–3 wall
water runs
velocity down the wall
cross-sectional area
5.0 m s–1
1.5 × 10–4 m2
The water hits the vertical wall with a velocity of 5.0 m s–1 in a horizontal direction. The cross-
sectional area of the jet is 1.5 × 10–4 m2. The density of the water is 1.0 × 103 kg m–3.
(a) Show that, over a time of 1.6 s, the mass of water hitting the wall is 1.2 kg.
(b) Calculate:
(i) the decrease in the horizontal momentum of the mass of water in (a) due to hitting the
(ii) the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted on the water by the wall.
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(c) State and explain the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted on the wall by the water.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 7]
surface of slide
The child moves from rest at the top end X of the slide. An average resistive force of 76 N opposes
the motion of the child as they move to the lower end Y of the slide. The kinetic energy of the child
at Y is 300 J. The decrease in gravitational potential energy of the child as it moves from X to Y is
3200 J.
ratio = ...........................................................[1]
ratio = ...........................................................[2]
surface of
A spring connects the board to a fixed point. The spring obeys Hooke’s law and has a spring
constant of 63 N m–1. The child hits the board so that it moves to the right and compresses the
spring. The speed of the child becomes zero when the elastic potential energy of the spring
has increased to its maximum value of 140 J.
(ii) Calculate the percentage efficiency of the transfer of the kinetic energy of the child to the
elastic potential energy of the spring.
(iii) The maximum compression of the spring is x0. On Fig. 4.3, sketch a graph to show the
variation of the elastic potential energy of the spring with its compression x from x = 0 to
x = x0. Numerical values are not required.
0 x x0
Fig. 4.3
[Total: 10]
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5 (a) Define velocity.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) A rock of mass 7.5 kg is projected vertically upwards from the surface of a planet. The rock
leaves the surface of the planet with a speed of 4.0 m s–1 at time t = 0. The variation with
time t of the velocity v of the rock is shown in Fig. 5.1.
v / m s–1
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 5.1
Assume that the planet does not have an atmosphere and that the viscous force acting on the
rock is always zero.
(i) Determine the height of the rock above the surface of the planet at time t = 4.0 s.
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(ii) Determine the change in the momentum of the rock from time t = 0 to time t = 4.0 s.
W = ..................................................... N [2]
(c) In practice, the planet in (b) does have an atmosphere that causes a viscous force to act on
the moving rock.
State and explain the variation, if any, in the resultant force acting on the rock as it moves
vertically upwards.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 10]
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
4.00 m
1.70 m
1.10 m
F 44.0 N sphere
3.0 N
The rod has length 4.00 m and weight 44.0 N. The centre of gravity of the rod is 1.70 m from
end X of the rod. Point P is 1.10 m from end X.
A sphere hangs by a wire from end Y of the rod. The weight of the sphere is 3.0 N. The weight
of the wire is negligible.
A force F is applied vertically downwards at end X so that the horizontal rod is in equilibrium.
F = ..................................................... N [3]
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Calculate the force exerted on the rod by the pivot.
P liquid,
density 1100 kg m–3
F 44.0 N
Fig. 6.2
The density of the liquid is 1100 kg m–3. The upthrust acting on the sphere due to the liquid is
2.5 N. The magnitude of F is unchanged so that the horizontal rod is not in equilibrium.
r = ..................................................... m [3]
(ii) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant moment of the forces on the rod
about P.
[Total: 10]
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7 (a)
(i) A force F takes time t to move an object through a displacement x at constant velocity v
in the direction of the force. The work done by the force is W.
Use the definition of power to show that the power P transferred by the force is given by
P = Fv.
(b) A block is pulled up a slope by a wire attached to a motor, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
The useful power output of the motor is 56 W. The block has a weight of 430 N and travels
with constant velocity along the slope at an angle of 11° to the horizontal.
Assume that there are no resistive forces opposing the motion of the block.
T = ..................................................... N [2]
(iii) The rate of increase of gravitational potential energy of the block is equal to the useful
power output of the motor. One of the reasons for this is that there is no work done
against resistive forces.
By considering the motion of the block, state another reason for this.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Calculate the time taken for an input energy of 1.2 kJ to be supplied to the motor.
[Total: 8]
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