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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882


A. Ramanjaneyulu, 2Y. Vinod Kumar
Assistant professor,2PG Scholar, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
PBR Visvodaya Institute Of Technology And Science,Kavali,Nellore (Dt),A.P

Keywords—Landing gear, shock absorber,

Abstract— Landing gear is an aircraft or loads, stresses, rebound chamber models
spacecraft's undercarriage that is used for both
takeoff and landing. The landing gear shock
absorber is an important part of an aircraft's I. INTRODUCTION
landing gear. The shock absorber's role is to An aircraft landing gear shock absorber is a
absorb and dissipate energy upon impact, mechanical structure, pneumatics, and
allowing the forces imposed on the aircraft's hydraulic damping system that is used to
frame to be tolerable. The shock absorber can be transmit impact loads. This project focuses on
a separate component or integrated into the shock absorber energy modelling. An aircraft
landing gear strut. The aircraft may land in a mass with wing lift, shock absorber piston and
smooth or even a rough manner. The landing cylinder structure, three hydraulic chambers
gear components must be strong enough to representing the air chamber, hydraulic
withstand the full force. The goal of this project chamber and rebound chamber, and tyre are all
is to create a landing gear that is also suitable for part of a landing gear shock absorber model.
rough landings. The landing gear is modelled in The goal of the design is to minimise ground
catia v5 and the modelled component is analysed reaction loads. The primary design variables
in Ansys to study its structural performance. The revolve around fixed or variable orifice
same characters are studied in order to compare definitions. Aircraft landing gear supports the
the results obtained by both cases during the entire weight of an aircraft during landing and
same landing conditions. ground operations.
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1. They are attached to primary structural

members of the aircraft.
2. For snow it will be skis type
3. For water it may of pontoon type
4. For ground and water An amphibious
aircraft with retractable wheels
Types Of Landing Gear Arrangement Fig 2:Landing Gear padding
A. Tail wheel type (Conventional)
B. Tandem loading gear (longitudinally
Tricycle type landing gear

Retraction Type –Stowed in fuselage or wing

compartments while in flight . As speed of aircraft
Fig 3: Landing Gear 2d
increases the drag caused by the landing gear
Greater and a means to retract the gear to eliminate
parasite drag is required. landing gear.mp4
Shock Absorbing-The shock energy is altered and
transferred throughout the airframe at a different rate
and time than the single strong pulse of impact. Fig 4: Landing Gear padding rod
Non Shock Absorbing- The shock is absorbed by
converting the energy into heat energy.

Fig 5:Landing Gear 3d

Fig 1: Parts modelled using catia v5

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D. Geometry Creation
In this process, geometry for the Landing Gear
assembly is created. The Landing Gear and its
components are modelled in CATIA V5 earlier
which is a 3D model. The Landing Gear
assembly has to be imported as an IGS file
format to get a proper structure. The imported
Landing Gear assembly model is as shown in


Fig 6:Landing Gear pocket

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) employs
numerical methods and algorithms to solve and
analyse problems involving structural or object
analysis using computers.
B. Outline Finite Element Analysis Process
The three basic elements are
i) Pre-processor
ii) Solver
iii) Post-Processor
C. Material Selection
Materials selection for the Landing Gear is made
using Ansys.. In general the landing gear is made
of metal substrate which is a Titanium alloy Ti-
6 Al – 4V. The SAE 1035 steel and 7075-76
aluminium alloy is replaced to improve the
structural behaviour of the Landing Gear
assembly. The properties of these materials are Fig. 7: Piston assembly

listed in below table.1

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E. Meshing
Different meshing characteristics were
used for the domain. In the simulations, the
piston component surfaces were discretized
with triangular mesh elements.
G. Boundary Condition
The problem is a structural analysis
problem. The boundary condition for the
problem is Force of 10 KN with the arm to be Fig. 8: Deformation for case-1
H. Numerical Results
The structural behavior of the Landing Gear has been
studied for the above mentioned boundary
conditions. The results obtained by these are shown
below. The Table. II shows the structural behaviour
of the Landing Gear assembly. From the table it’s
clear that holds a very good structural property. The
stress concentration over the SAE 1035 Steel is more Fig. 9 :Deformation for case-2

than the Titanium alloy 6A1-4V and 7075-76

Aluminium alloy.


Fig. 10: Deformation for case-3

Fig. 11: Stress for case-1

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observed. Since the stress is directly

proportional to strain the performance of the
strain also will be better for the SAE 1035
material. So in terms of all structural paramters
the SAE 1035 material holds a good

Fig . 12 Stress for case-2

Fig. 14: Strain for case -1

Fig.13: Stress for case-3

From figure 8,9 and 10 the values of deformation
for three cases were observed. The deformation
contour clearly shows that the deforamtion is
high for the aluminium alloy when compared to
other two materials.
The SAE 1035 holds a less deformation even
blow that of titanium. So interms of deformation
the SAE 1035 holds a better performance than Fig. 15: Strain for case -2

the other two materials. From figures 11,12 and

13 the value of stresses are determined. The
stress concentarion over the SAE 1035 is higher
than the other cases. The SAE 1035 holds a
higher yield value than the other materials.

So the higher stress doesn’t affect the SAE 1035,

so interms of stress concentation over the model
its recommended to us SAE 1035 material. From
figures 14,15 and 16 the value of strain are
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www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

gear damage and also it can have a better life

than the other materials due to its less damage.
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