org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
D. Geometry Creation
In this process, geometry for the Landing Gear
assembly is created. The Landing Gear and its
components are modelled in CATIA V5 earlier
which is a 3D model. The Landing Gear
assembly has to be imported as an IGS file
format to get a proper structure. The imported
Landing Gear assembly model is as shown in
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) employs
numerical methods and algorithms to solve and
analyse problems involving structural or object
analysis using computers.
B. Outline Finite Element Analysis Process
The three basic elements are
i) Pre-processor
ii) Solver
iii) Post-Processor
C. Material Selection
Materials selection for the Landing Gear is made
using Ansys.. In general the landing gear is made
of metal substrate which is a Titanium alloy Ti-
6 Al – 4V. The SAE 1035 steel and 7075-76
aluminium alloy is replaced to improve the
structural behaviour of the Landing Gear
assembly. The properties of these materials are Fig. 7: Piston assembly
E. Meshing
Different meshing characteristics were
used for the domain. In the simulations, the
piston component surfaces were discretized
with triangular mesh elements.
G. Boundary Condition
The problem is a structural analysis
problem. The boundary condition for the
problem is Force of 10 KN with the arm to be Fig. 8: Deformation for case-1
H. Numerical Results
The structural behavior of the Landing Gear has been
studied for the above mentioned boundary
conditions. The results obtained by these are shown
below. The Table. II shows the structural behaviour
of the Landing Gear assembly. From the table it’s
clear that holds a very good structural property. The
stress concentration over the SAE 1035 Steel is more Fig. 9 :Deformation for case-2
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