What You Didnt Know About Dream John Anosike Js5ckt
What You Didnt Know About Dream John Anosike Js5ckt
What You Didnt Know About Dream John Anosike Js5ckt
Did'nt Know
What is a dream- Page 3
Reasons why you forget your dreams - Page 4
Men who unlocked the power of dreams in the bible- Page 6
The illusion of sleep and slumber- Page 9
Occultic manipulation in the dimension beyond sleep- Page 11
How to control the past, present and influence your future with the
subconscious realm- Page 13
Keys to mastering your dream world- Page 16
Dear cherished reader,
Perfect greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. It is with immense joy and gratitude that I extend my
heartfelt congratulations to you for holding this book, "What You
Didn't Know About Dreams," in your hands at this very moment.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
In His service,
John Anosike, The Bondservant of Christ
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John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
A dream is a deployed timeline of an awaiting incident or
circumstance or accident to happen.
For God does speak, now one way, now another, though no one perceives
it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as
they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them
with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride,
to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword. Job
Once you have dreamed it, it has been timelined. It may be a result of
your day-to-day imaginations or some kind of fantasies or some kind
of wrong things you allowed to creep into your mind.
The transactions between your soul and your physical consciousness
is a tiny line called the dream world. God meets us in the dream world
because He is a Spirit. Ninety percent of the times God wants to talk
to you in the dream . The dream world is the consciousness of your
When you sleep bodily, another version of your soul comes into
consciousness, that one that comes into consciousness that you call a
dream is the very one that angels want to interact with. That one you
call a dream is the very one that God wants to speak to. God takes you
into different realms in the spirit to show you the things of the spirit,
these things that God shows you are within the languages of the
spirit, within the languages of the soul, the language of God.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
The Flesh: The second reason why you don't get to remember your dreams
is because there is too much flesh in you, there has to be a level of
crushing for the clarity of the voice of God. If you're full of bitterness
anger, resentment, fornication, your spirit will not be atuned to the voice
of God. This means you are conscious only in the physical realms which is
your lower nature.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
While fleeing from his brother Esau, Jacob spent a night in the
wilderness and dreamt of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven,
with angels ascending and descending. In this dream, God
reiterated the covenant He had made with Abraham and Isaac,
assuring Jacob that he would be blessed with descendants and
land. This dream marked a turning point in Jacob's life, shaping
his destiny.
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“You do not
have to
slumber and
sleep to step
into a
that has your
John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
At this point in time you are awake, you are in your physical
illusion you are in this physical temporal world and because your
entire consciousness is captured in the physical illusion, you can
see the sun, the moon, the cars, the movements around you but
you are unable to see that which is invisible to the human eye.
Remember before you slept you were dizzy on your bed with your
eyes going down. That is actually a call, a pull into another soulish
dimension, so at that point in time you were migrating to another
dimension to be able to interact with creatures of those
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
The reason why you dream is because you slumbered, If you are able
to get into that dimension willfully, intentionally without going
through the means of slumber and sleep then you will be able to
capture that dimension while still physically conscious on earth.
The challenge we have today is that you travel to the soulish realms,
through the means of slumber and sleep, then, Satan controls a
large part of what you experience in that dimension. Infact you went
in there as a king and you returned with defeat, you know why?
because you went through the medium of slumber and sleep and
because you went through that very medium of slumber and sleep
you returned with no memories of what you saw.
You lost ninety percent of the visions that you saw in that
dimension, you returned with distortions, you returned with
confusion, you have no understanding of what you saw because you
entered that dimension through the medium of sleep and slumber.
And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord
caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his
way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he
preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea. Acts 8:39-40.
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“ A man who
is always
ahead of time,
ahead of
John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
Now imagine you have a friend who is highly occultic and wants to
hurt you and that friend is in the village and you are in the city
working hard to survive and this guy would go a long way to use what
we call astral projection to target and reach you. Astral projection is
an occult means of traveling through the realms of the spirit to
descend in chronos.
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W hat you did'nt know About dreams
John Anosike
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
The natural realm was created for man. The consciousness that
rules over the conscious material world is the subconscious,
therefore mastering the subconscious dimensions enthrones a man
to rule over this conscious material world. By the time you begin to
operate in the subconscious as your consciousness, your authority
will be optimized in the natural sphere.
That was why Jesus, when he walked the earth as a man (not as a
God) but as a man, had access to another higher consciousness which
gave him an edge to always be ahead of time. Jesus was operating in
the time of kairos or in the Eden time which is in the second heaven,
this time is actually a timeline that has already been programmed to
come into manifestation in the physical realm. So the future in kairos
is something that was pre-ordained or what has already been
orchestrated in the realms awaiting manifestation in the physical.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
They are able to do this because our lives and our future have been
timelined in the realm of the subconscious. Their access to the
happenings and the timelines of the subconscious gives them the
edge to predict the future in the natural conscious realm. please
note, the spirit of divination is of Satan, do not enquire from its
agents such as sorcerers, false prophets, witch doctors.
In the last days I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and
daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old
men shall dream dreams. Joel 2:28
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
Do not take your dreams lightly. Don't ever try that. One statement
you make casually after a dream stands strongly. For example, you
saw an accident in a dream, meaning it has been timelined to
manifest, even if you are tired, say a word, in the name of Yeshua
the accident is reversed and cancelled.
Better still, you should use the tongue of dimensions, and then go
back to your sleep! The moment you are back to the dream, stop the
accident, say it will not happen, it is cancelled in the name of Jesus
then you re-timeline it with fortunes, with longevity.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
The movies you watch will create your dream. That is why I said that the
ability to dream can be influenced. Visuals, thoughts, imaginations can
influence the power of dreams and once it gets into that dimension
demons will work with it. Even you will be surprised that you watched an
accident happened but when you looked into that car in the dream you
did not know who was there, it could be you because strange actors and
unknown actors can act in your dreams, so it is up to you to know who is
the person in that accident.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
Unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or
think. Ephesians 3:20
Many a time we ask but we don't think, we talk too much but we
don’t think. We think that in talking too much God will move. Oh No,
God moves more when you imagine. There is power on the inside of
you to carry out the imaginations and every thought in your heart. So
you must revisit and challenge every contrary imagination in the
name of Jesus the Christ.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
Dreams are essential and if you desire to be effective in the world of
dreams then you ought to learn how to abide in Him and He in you.
Very often you will be transported into the world of dreams, which is
one of the places where God speaks to His people.
In Acts 27:22-23 An angel of the Lord appeared to Paul in his
dream and told him that this ship will wreck but nobody in the ship
would die.
And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of
any man's life among you, but of the ship. For there stood by me this
night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall
meditate therein day and night. Joshua 1:8a
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
God said Joshua what you're carrying is more spiritual than natural.
You have succeeded my servant Moses but Moses was a man of
mountains, Moses was a man of great visions, Moses lived in
dimensions beyond here and that is why I interacted frequently
with him but you Joshua you are far from these dimensions. Your
mental realms are still detached from the frequencies of the
So Joshua if you want to elevate to meet me where I meet men, there
has to be a collapsing, a crushing of certain strongholds of your
nature, within the jurisdictions of your mind.
Come check up the articles of meditation- “the book of the law”, stay
within the written articles of scriptures. Infuse scriptures into your
mental realms until your brain cells sweat.
This book of the Law is the article of dreams, this book of the law,
these scriptures, these Epistles these synoptics, these letters of
Paul, Peter these revelations of God as inspired by God should not
depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
Have you lifted the truths to govern every aspect of your life?
What is the truth? What are the witnesses of God concerning your
body? What is the witness of God concerning your life on earth?
Have you timelined it? You must see it first in the dream before it
can happen in the physical.
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
In the name of Jesus Christ, my prayer for you right now is you should
capture this quickly so you don’t die naturally.
May you know how to depart your body and operate in another
dimension and meet creatures of those realms and interact with
angelic creatures. May you see all the dimensions of the Spirit. Wake
up from the physical illusion, wake up from the slumber in the name
of Jesus the Christ.
I say wake up!
I say wake up!
Wake up!
Your consciousness is hereby elevated and you shall see clearly in the
subconscious realms and take charge of this inferior consciousness
that is a prisoner and subject to the subconscious this shall be your
experience in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen
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What you did'nt know About dreams John Anosike
The Lord has granted the him access to this revelation for the
preceding days of the emerging age of the sons of God. It is written
the earnest expectation of creation is waiting for the manifestation
of the sons of God. Romans 8:19