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Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes

Many words are made up of small parts. If you know what overspending
the parts mean, you can make a good guess about what
the whole word means. Think of the parts of the words in
the box. Then guess what each one means. exhalation
The main part of a word that has small parts is the root of
the word. In the word previewing, the root is view. rerouted

You can attach or fix other parts to a root word to make a

longer word.

A prefix is a part you add or fix before a root word.

root prefix new word
view re- review
Pre- means “before” and -fix means -ing
“attach.” A prefix is a word part you
attach before a root word.

A suffix is a part you add or fix after a root word.

root prefix new word
view -ing viewing

Suf- means “under” and -fix means

“attach.” A suffix is a word part you
attach to the end of a root word.

Look carefully at each word below. Think about the parts of each word as you guess what
each one means.

outdweller realignment unpardoned nonexistence

substructure prejudgment disrespect interstate

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Using Prefixes to Build Words 2
Each prefix in the box means with or together. Choose a prefix from the box to add to
each root word below. (You may use a prefix more than once.) Then write what each
new word means.

com- con- syn-

co- sym- sys-

Tip: Some of these root words do not make real words without a prefix.

1. _________plete ____________________________________________________

2. _________bine ____________________________________________________

3. _________operate ____________________________________________________

4. _________phony ____________________________________________________

5. _________pathy ____________________________________________________

6. _________tact ____________________________________________________

7. _________thetic ____________________________________________________

8. _________tem ____________________________________________________

9. _________onym ____________________________________________________

10. _________bolize ____________________________________________________

11. _________metry ____________________________________________________

12. _________cern ____________________________________________________

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Writing Words with Prefixes
List at least three words that begin with each prefix.

re- non- pre-

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

dis- trans- un-

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

sub- pro- com-

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

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Grammar Suffixes
Some suffixes are grammar signals. They tell you things like plurals or verb tenses.
Here are some examples.

The suffixes -s and -es make words plural. rabbit + -s = rabbits

wish + -es = wishes

The suffix -ed shows the past tense of a verb. kick + -ed = kicked
laugh + -ed = laughed

The suffix -ing shows the present tense or a swim + -ing = swimming
noun made from a verb. relax + -ing = relaxing

The suffixes -er and -est show comparisons. strong + -er = stronger (more strong)
strong + -est = strongest (most strong)

Underline each word that has a grammar suffix.

1. Ken was awarded three ribbons for his prize pig.

2. Which are easier to clean, your hands or your feet?

3. We’re watching movies tonight with some friends.

4. Ted wrapped the present and placed two bows on top.

5. We climbed higher today than we ever climbed before.

6. My aunt married a columnist for two national newspapers.

7. These math problems are trickier than I thought.

8. We walked along the water and looked for pretty shells.

9. We used the widest ribbon to make bows around the trees.

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Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes 30 Copyright © 2005 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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