Prefix With Unchanged Root Words - Dyslexia

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Lesson Objective
• To read and spell words with prefixes where the root word remains
Introduction to Prefixes


A prefix is a string of letters A root word is a basic word, from which

that are added to the other words are made, by adding
beginning of a root word, prefixes and suffixes. Today we will be
which changes its meaning. using root words that remain unchanged
Each prefix has a meaning when the prefix is added.
Introduction to Prefixes

Common prefixes include:


A prefix changes the meaning of the root word.

Which part is the root word and which is
the prefix?

re: to happen again and to back away

I had to repaint the wall because it was patchy.

Can you fill in the missing prefix in this sentence?

Sam had
heard the instructions.

The word 'misheard' uses the prefix mis-

meaning 'wrong'.
Can you fill in the missing prefix in this sentence?

Kiran had to disonnect the printer

from her computer.

The word 'disconnect' uses the prefix dis-

meaning 'to remove'.
Activity 1: Can you work in pairs to sort the
words into the right box?
Activity 1 Answers

mis over re dis

mistake overtake react disappear

misplace overact reappear display

misheard overplay replay displace

replace disorder

Activity 2
Work in groups and see how many words you can think of with the prefix 're-'.
Activity 2 Answers

reapply rebuild

remake re- return

remodel repay
Lesson Objective
• To read and spell words with prefixes where the root word remains

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