NDC Application Guideline V2
NDC Application Guideline V2
NDC Application Guideline V2
Application Process
There are 3 different application methods for our business partners who want
to connect to TKCONNECT:
1. Direct connection (via API),
2. via an “Aggregator”,
3. via User Interface (UI),
Our partners can choose from these three connection types the one that suits
them best.
A. Short Version
In summary, you have 6 main steps to make TKCONNECT application as follows:
A.1 Pre-Application:
For any application type, start by filling out the preliminary application form available here.
A.5. API Demand & Developer Portal (Only for Direct Connection): After
completing the application process, partners who wish to connect to TKCONNECT via
direct connection (API) should request the NDC API in our Agency Portal by providing the
necessary information.
A.6. Finalizing Integration and Ready for Sales (Only for Direct
After completing all application and contract processes, partners can finalize their test and
production developments with support from our IT team. The next phase will be certification
and final approval. Once completed, partners will be ready to access and sell our NDC
B. Detailed Version
B.1. Pre-Application
The pre-application form is filled in by clicking on the Agency Portal application link.
The pre-application form consists of 2 steps.
Incorrect email address: It is important that the email address is written correctly as the
application link will be sent to the email address after the form is filled in.
B.1.2 Role Selection
This page allows you to select your role as either an aggregator or an agency. Please
ensure you choose your company’s role, not your connection type. If you are an
agency connecting to TKCONNECT via an aggregator, you should still select “agency” as
your role. Your connection type will be specified in later steps if you are an agency
connecting through an aggregator.
Option 1: Aggregator
Select this option if you are an aggregator. In the next section, you will specify the type of
aggregator you are. Options are:
• Aggregator
• Aggregator Consolidator
(an additional field “Is IATA Member” will appear if you select this)
• GDS Aggregator
Option 2: Agency
Select this option if you are an agency. In the next phase, you will indicate whether
you are an IATA/ARC or non-IATA agency:
• Non IATA
Once all fields are completed, you can proceed to create your account. If everything is correct,
your next screen should look like this.
B.2. Mail Confirmation
After the pre-application, your application will be evaluated. At the end of the evaluation, if your
application is approved, an e-mail will be sent to you. The content of this email is as follows:
By clicking on the "Application tracking" link in the email that you receive after confirmation,
you will be taken to the following page:
You can access the main form by entering the “application tracking number” and “agency e
mail address” information on this page.
You can also use the following link to access the “application tracking” page directly to the
link received in the mail.
If you forget the “Application tracking number”, you can use the “Forgot application tracking
number” button on the same page. When you click this button, you will be asked for your
email address. If your email is registered in our system, the application tracking number will
be sent to you via email.
For your questions about the agency portal, you can get support via email by clicking the
“Support” button on the same page.
B.3. Main Form
B.3.1. Page 1
After completing the previous inputs, you will be directed to our main application form. Below
is a screenshot of this page.
Fill out the required information in the form, then select your connection type in the “Select
Preferred Connection Type” field.
If you are an aggregator you should choose active countries here additionally.
B.3.3. Page 3
In the next tab you will see “User information” page. Please fill out the fields.
B.3.4. Page 4
On the next tab, you will see the “Agency Documents” section. Here, you need to
upload the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) along with any other required
documents. Once this section is complete, you should see the “Complete the
Application” button. Click it to finalize your application.
• Manager: The user in this role can make all requests on behalf of your agency in
the Agency Portal. In order to make a request through the Agency Portal, you
must have a user with the Manager role. Users without a Manager role cannot
make requests on behalf of your agency in the Agency Portal.
• Administrative: This role is given for agency personnel who will not be given
Manager, Ticket Sales, Accounting authorizations.
• Ticket Sale: You need to give the Ticket Sales role to the user you want to
authorize to sell tickets. User without Ticket Sales role cannot sell tickets.
1. You can save your application as a draft and continue later by clicking the
“Save Draft” button..
2. The content or information in the application form may vary depending on
whether you are an agent or an aggregator.
3. Agency applications consist of 5 steps, while aggregator applications have 4
steps. The payment information step is only visible for agency applications.
See the screenshot below.
For partners who will use User Interface;
With this username, users can access their new password by clicking the
forgot password button on parola.thy.com.
Agencies that have obtained their username and password can log in to
the system via the TKCONNECT UI link.
An Agency with Completed Approval Process;
• Viewing Users
• Adding New User
• User Role Update Request
Viewing Users
The TKCONNECT UI user list and codes of our partners who have successfully
completed the Agency Portal process and whose application status is
'APPROVED' have been created. Partners who want to view their user list and
codes can view them from the 'Agency Card' section in the Agency Portal as
1. You can request a new user by clicking the 'Add' button at the bottom of the
Agency Users page on the previous page.
2. Unlike the above method, a 'User Add Request' can be made from
the 'Requests' menu on the Agency Card page as follows.
NOTE: Users without a Ticket Sales role cannot log in to the TKCONNECT
User Interface system.
B.5. API Demand & Dev Portal (Only for Direct Connection-via API):
The process to be followed by our partners who want to connect to TKCONNECT with
the direct (API) connection option is given below.
Before starting this process, partner companies should make sure that the
Agent Portal approval processes have been switched to 'APPROVED' status.
Otherwise, they will receive errors in Developer Portal processes and will not be
able to perform transactions through the system.
After application process is completed, our partners who want to connect TKCONNECT
with Direct connection (via API), they should demand NDC API in our Agency Portal
(marked yellow in the images below) by providing some information needed.
After clicking the “Demand NDC API” button above (marked yellow), a new field will appear
where partners should enter the required information and submit their API request by clicking
the “Demand NDC API” button shown in the screenshot below.
Once the NDC API request is submitted, it will be evaluated. Upon approval, the agency will
receive an email with a link to the Developer Portal for registration. After the first user
registers in the developer portal, additional users can be added by the first user. Once these
steps are completed, partners will be able to access the NDC API in their Agency Portal
account under the “Documentation” section.
B.6. Finishing Off the Integration and All Set For Sales:
After completing all of the application and contract processes, our partners will be able to
complete their test and PROD developments with our IT team’s support. Next phase will be
certification and final approve. Then our partners are all set for start to see and sell our NDC