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1st layer 2nd layer 3rd layer 4th layer 5th layer 6th layer 7th layer

Resistivity –ohm.m 158 38 83 17 99 29 3

Depth – meter 2.3 5.7 11.7 29.1 72.6 172.7
Depth – feet 8 19 38 96 238 567
Est - sample Dry sand Sand Dry sand clay Sand Sand with water Sticky clay
Static water level Aquifer Max well depth
According to geophysical survey result we can detect 7 layer in this area. 5 th layer resistivity value 99 ohm.m is too hihe it’s layer may be unsaturated layer like dry sand.7 th
layer resistivity value 3 ohm.m is too low it’s layer may be impermeable layer like clay .6 th layer resistivity value 29 ohm.m can be contain water like aquifer.

- Estimated well depth maximum – 567 feet

- Estimated static water level may be – 238 feet
- Water quality may be potable.
VES DATA SHEET For Schlumberger array
Date 13 March, 2020 Location 20.090077
Place သစ်တောရုံးတ ှေ့ 95.749618
Village တ ွှေပန်း ွာအနီး Elevation 1102 feet
Township မြို့သစ် VES 1

AB/2 MN rho-a SP Current Potential R K R

5 2 101.43 26.9 56.305 151.49 2.69 37.7 2.69
7 2 72.37 8.5 53.201 51.063 0.959 75.4 0.96
10 2 58.49 102.7 60.973 22.934 0.3767 155.51 0.38
15 2 53.62 77.3 50.119 7.637 0.152 351.86 0.15
20 2 49.40 68.2 60.968 4.805 0.078 626.75 0.08
25 2 33.67 63.4 60.966 2.094 0.024 980.18 0.03
30 2 40.00 60.4 60.966 1.727 0.028 1412.15 0.03
35 2 19.77 57.2 60.962 0.627 0.010 1922.65 0.01
40 2 54.72 55.3 60.962 1.328 0.021 2511.70 0.02
45 2 #DIV/0! 3179.29 #DIV/0!
40 10 33.98 89.5 60.961 4.187 0.068 494.80 0.07
45 10 29.05 41.4 60.959 2.818 0.046 628.32 0.05
50 10 35.57 40.1 60.958 2.789 0.045 777.54 0.05
60 10 34.96 36.2 60.950 1.897 0.031 1123.12 0.03
70 10 48.70 35.7 60.951 1.938 0.031 1531.53 0.03
80 10 52.53 34.9 58.063 1.523 0.026 2002.77 0.03
90 10 38.86 34.9 58.031 0.889 0.015 2536.84 0.02
100 10 48.69 34.7 60.946 0.947 0.015 3133.74 0.02
120 10 #DIV/0! 4516.04 #DIV/0!
100 40 41.16 86.3 60.947 3.327 0.054 753.98 0.05
120 40 37.90 44.7 60.947 2.101 0.034 1099.56 0.03
140 40 31.77 37.1 60.276 1.270 0.021 1507.96 0.02
160 40 47.24 33.7 60.917 1.454 0.023 1979.20 0.02
180 40 44.04 30.5 60.944 1.068 0.017 2513.27 0.02
200 40 57.21 29.4 60.946 1.121 0.018 3110.18 0.02
230 40 53.99 28.5 60.942 0.798 0.013 4123.34 0.01
260 40 47.37 27.9 60.941 0.547 0.008 5277.88 0.01
300 40 #DIV/0! 7037.17 #DIV/0!
260 100 30.12 40.3 60.840 0.896 0.014 2045.18 0.01
300 100 42.95 5.1 49.409 0.772 0.015 2748.89 0.02
350 100 22.81 4.6 60.987 0.369 0.006 3769.91 0.01
400 100 20.46 3.8 60.929 0.252 0.004 4948.01 0.00
450 100 34.52 4.3 60.967 0.335 0.025 6283.19 0.01
500 100 24.61 4 60.967 0.193 0.003 7775.44 0.00
300 100 29.25 3.8 60.985 0.649 0.010 2748.89 0.01

Field analysis
0.4 1.25 0.15
Resistivity 90 36 45 6.75
Depth -m 4.5 40 180
Depth - ft 15 131 590

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