A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Outline of the In the opening scene preparations are being made for
the marriage of Theseus, Duke of Athens, with the
Amazonian Queen, Hippolyta. Egeus, an Athenian
citizen, entering to make a complaint against his
daughter, Hermia, who had been betrothed to Deme
trius, but whose heart has been won by Lysander, asks
of Theseus that the law of Athens, giving to parents the
disposal of their daughters in marriage or permission to
put them to death in case of disobedience, may be
enforced in his behalf. Hermia, being told by Theseus
that, should she refuse to marry Demetrius, the only
alternatives are death or seclusion in a nunnery, pre
fers the latter alternative to marriage with any but
Lysander. Lysander, however, on their being left
alone, persuades her to another course, that of escaping
with him to a place " remote seven leagues " from
Athens, where they would be beyond the reach of the
law and might be safely married . This plan of theirs
Hermia confides to her bosom friend, Helena, who in
her turn reveals it to Demetrius, with the result of his
following the pair ; while she, whose love Demetrius
had formerly sought and won, determines upon follow
ing him. Their flight takes them through a wood in
the neighbourhood of Athens where certain " rude
mechanicals " have met together to rehearse a play to
be acted before Theseus and Hippolyta on their wedding
night. This wood happens to be one of the haunts of
Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies. At
the present moment their elfin majesties have fallen out
about a " little changeling boy " in Titania's train whom
she refuses to give to Oberon. Determined to carry his
point, Oberon resorts to a stratagem, and commissions
Puck goes ' swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow ' ;
he says, ' he'll put a girdle round about the earth in
forty minutes ' ; and ' We,' says Oberon, ―
'We the globe can compass soon
Swifter than the wandering moon. '
7 22
not compulsively like ghosts and damned spirits.'
" Puck," the same writer says, " is evidently the same
with the old word Pouke, the original meaning of which
would seem to be devil, demon or evil spirit ... the
Icelandic Puki is an evil spirit ... in Friesland the
Kobold is called Puk, and in old German we meet with
Putz or Butz as the name of a being not unlike the
original English Puck. The Devonshire fairies are called
Pixies, and the Irish have their Pooka, and the Welsh
their Pwcca, both derived from Pouke or Puck ... ' The
peasantry,' says Mr. Allies, ' of Alfrick and those parts of
Worcestershire, say that they are sometimes what they
call Poake-ledden, that is, that they are occasionally way
laid in the night by a mischievous sprite whom they ca
Poake, who leads them into ditches, bogs, pools, and other
such scrapes, and then sets up a loud laugh and leaves
them quite bewildered in the lurch.' This is what in
Devon is called being Pixy-led." " Robin Goodfellow,"
with whom Shakespeare identifies Puck, "is," says
Keightley, “ evidently a domestic spirit, answering in
name and character to ... the Knecht Ruprecht, i.e.
Robin of Germany." From a little work published in
Elizabeth's reign and entitled " The mad Pranks and
merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow," Keightley thinks
that Shakespeare in a good measure derived his Puck.
This work relates many stories of Robin's mischievous
tricks in all of which he goes off laughing, " Ho, ho , hoh,"
as in our play , iii. 2. 421. From Reginald Scott's
Discoverie of Witchcraft, iv. 10, Keightley quotes, " Indeed
your grandams ' maids were wont to set a bowl of milk
before him (Incubus) and his cousin Robin Goodfellow,
for grinding of malt or mustard, and sweeping the house
butter would not come , or the ale in the fat [i.e. vat]
never would have good head ' .... Nash thus describes
them : ' Then ground they malt, and had hempen shirts
for their labours ; daunced in rounds in green meadows ;
pincht maids in their sleep that swept not their houses
clean, and led poor travellers out of their way." "
Rites and cus "The festival of May [referred to in i. 1. 167, iv. 1.
toms referred
to in the Play: 138] has," says Dyer, Folk-Lore of Shakespeare, pp. 287-9,
"from the earliest times been most popular in this
country, on account of its association with the joyous
season of spring. It was formerly celebrated with far
greater enthusiasm than now-a-days, for Bourne tells us
how the young people were in the habit of rising a little
after midnight and walking to some neighbouring wood,
accompanied with music and the blowing of horns,
where they broke down branches from the trees, which,
decorated with nosegays and garlands of flowers, were
brought home soon after sunrise, and placed at their
doors and windows. Shakespeare, alluding to this
practice, informs us, H. VIII . v. 4. 12-5 , how eagerly
it was looked forward to, and that it was impossible to
make the people sleep on May morning ;
The. In himself he is ;
But in this kind, wanting your father's voice,
The other must be held the worthier.
Her. I would my father look'd but with my eyes.
The. Rather your eyes must with his judgment look.
Her. I do entreat your grace to pardon me.
I know not by what power I am made bold,
Nor how it may concern my modesty, 60
In such a presence here to plead my thoughts ;
But I beseech your grace that I may know
The worst that may befall me in this case,
If I refuse to wed Demetrius.
The. Either to die the death or to abjure
For ever the society of men.
Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires ;
Know of your youth, examine well your blood,
Whether if you yield not to your father's choice,
You can endure the livery of a nun, 70
For aye to be in shady cloister mew'd,
To live a barren sister all your life,
Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.
Thrice-blessed they that master so their blood,
To undergo such maiden pilgrimage ;
But earthlier happy is the rose distill'd ,
Than that which withering on the virgin thorn
Grows, lives and dies in single blessedness .
Her. So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord,
Ere I will yield my virgin patent up 80
Unto his lordship, whose unwished yoke
My soul consents not to give sovereignty.
The. Take time to pause ; and, by the next new moon
The sealing-day betwixt my love and me
For everlasting bond of fellowship
Upon that day either prepare to die
For disobedience to your father's will,
Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would ;
Bot. First, good Peter Quince, say what the play treats
on, then read the names of the actors, and so grow to a
point. 10
Quin. Marry, our play is, The most lamentable comedy,
and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisby.
Bot. A very good piece of work, I assure you, and a merry.
Now, good Peter Quince, call forth your actors by the scroll.
Masters, spread yourselves.
Quin. Answer as I call you. Nick Bottom, the weaver.
Bot. Ready. Name what part I am for, and proceed .
Quin. You, Nick Bottom, are set down for Pyramus.
Bot. What is Pyramus ? a lover, or a tyrant ?
Quin. A lover, that kills himself most gallant for love. 20
Bot. That will ask some tears in the true performing of it :
if I do it, let the audience look to their eyes ; I will move
storms, I will condole in some measure. To the rest yet
my chief humour is for a tyrant : I could play Ercles rarely,
or a part to tear a cat in, to make all split.
The raging rocks
And shivering shocks
Shall break the locks
Of prison gates ;
And Phibbus' car 30
Shall shine from far
And make and mar
The foolish Fates.
This was lofty ! Now name the rest of the players. This is
Ercles' vein, a tyrant's vein ; a lover is more condoling.
Quin. Francis Flute, the bellows-mender.
Flu. Here, Peter Quince.
Quin. Flute, you must take Thisby on you.
Flu. What is Thisby ? a wandering knight ?
Quin. It is the lady that Pyramus must love. 40
Flu. Nay, faith, let not me play a woman ; I have a beard
Quin. That's all one you shall play it in a mask, and you
may speak as small as you will.
Bot. An I may hide my face, let me play Thisby too, I'll
speak in a monstrous little voice, ' Thisne, Thisne ; ' ' Ah
Pyramus, my lover dear ! thy Thisby dear, and lady dear !'
Quin. No, no ; you must play Pyramus : and, Flute, you
Bot. Well, proceed. 50
Quin. Robin Starveling, the tailor.
Star. Here, Peter Quince.
Quin. Robin Starveling, you must play Thisby's mother.
Tom Snout, the tinker.
Snout. Here, Peter Quince.
Quin. You, Pyramus' father : myself, Thisby's father.
Snug, the joiner ; you, the lion's part : and, I hope, here is a
play fitted .
Snug. Have you the lion's part written ? pray you, if it be,
give it me, for I am slow of study. 60
Quin. You may do it extempore, for it is nothing but
Bot. Let me play the lion too : I will roar, that I will do
any man's heart good to hear me ; I will roar, that I will
make the duke say ' Let him roar again, let him roar again. '
Quin. An you should do it too terribly, you would fright
the duchess and the ladies, that they would shriek ; and that
were enough to hang us all.
All. That would hang us, every mother's son. 69
Bot. I grant you , friends, if that you should fright the
ladies out of their wits, they would have no more discretion
but to hang us : but I will aggravate my voice so that I will
roar you as gently as any sucking dove ; I will roar you an
'twere any nightingale.
Quin. You can play no part but Pyramus ; for Pyramus is
a sweet-faced man ; a proper man , as one shall see in a
summer's day ; a most lovely gentleman-like man : therefore
you must needs play Pyramus.
Enter, from one side, OBERON, with his train ; from the other,
TITANIA, with hers.
Obe. Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania. 60
Tita. What, jealous Oberon ! Fairies, skip hence :
I have forsworn his bed and company.
Obe. Tarry, rash wanton : am not I thy lord ?
Tita. Then I must be thy lady : but I know
When thou hast stolen away from fairy land,
And in the shape of Corin sat all day,
Playing on pipes of corn and versing
To amorous Phillida. Why art thou here,
Come from the farthest steppe of India ?
But that, forsooth, the bouncing Amazon, 70
Your buskin'd mistress and your warrior love,
To Theseus must be wedded, and you come
To give their bed joy and prosperity.
Obe. How canst thou thus for shame, Titania,
Glance at my credit with Hippolyta,
Knowing I know thy love to Theseus ?
Didst thou not lead him through the glimmering night
From Perigenia, whom he ravished ?
SCENE I. The wood. Titania lying asleep.
Bot. Are we all met ?
Quin. Pat, pat ; and here's a marvellous convenient place
for our rehearsal . This green plot shall be our stage, this
hawthorn-brake our tiring-house ; and we will do it in action
as we will do it before the duke.
Bot. Peter Quince,—―
Quin. What sayest thou, bully Bottom ?
Bot. There are things in this comedy of Pyramus and
Thisby that will never please. First, Pyramus must draw a
sword to kill himself ; which the ladies cannot abide. How
answer you that ? 11
Snout. By 'r lakin, a parlous fear.
Star. I believe we must leave the killing out, when all is
Bot. Not a whit : I have a device to make all well. Write
Re-enter SNOUT.
Re-enter QUINCE.
Quin. Bless thee, Bottom ! bless thee ! thou art trans
lated. [Exit. 109
Bot. I see their knavery : this is to make an ass of me ;
to fright me, if they could. But I will not stir from this
- place, do what they can : I will walk up and down here, and
I will sing, that they shall hear I am not afraid. [Sings.
The ousel cock so black of hue,
With orange-tawny bill,
The throstle with his note so true,
The wren with little quill,—
Tita. [Awaking] What angel wakes me from my flowery
bed ?
Bot. [Sings] The finch, the sparrow and the lark, 120
The plain-song cuckoo gray,
Whose note full many a man doth mark,
And dares not answer nay ;—
for, indeed, who would set his wit to so foolish a bird ? who
would give a bird the lie, though he cry ' cuckoo ' never so ?
Tita. I pray thee, gentle mortal , sing again :
Mine ear is much enamour'd of thy note ;
So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape ;
And thy fair virtue's force perforce doth move me
On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee. 130 .
Bot. Methinks, mistress, you should have little reason for
that and yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little
company together now-a-days ; the more the pity that some
honest neighbours will not make them friends. Nay, I can
gleek upon occasion.
Tita. Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful.
Bot. Not so, neither : but if I had wit enough to get out
of this wood, I have enough to serve mine own turn.
Tita. Out of this wood do not desire to go :
Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no. 140
I am a spirit of no common rate :
The summer still doth tend upon my state ;
And I do love thee : therefore, go with me ;
I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee,
And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep,
And sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep :
And I will purge thy mortal grossness so
That thou shalt like an airy spirit go.
Peaseblossom ! Cobweb ! Moth and Mustardseed !
Peas. Ready.
Cob. And I.
Moth. And I.
Mus. And I.
All. Where shall we go ? 150
Tita. Be kind and courteous to this gentleman ;
Hop in his walks and gambol in his eyes ;
Feed him with apricocks and dewberries,
With purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries ;
The honey-bags steal from the humble-bees,
And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs
And light them at the fiery glow- worm's eyes,
To have my love to bed and to arise ;
And pluck the wings from painted butterflies
To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes : 160
Nod to him, elves, and do him courtesies.
Peas. Hail, mortal !
Cob. Hail !
Moth. Hail !
Mus. Hail !
Bot. I cry your worships mercy, heartily : I beseech your
worship's name.
Cob. Cobweb.
Bot. I shall desire you of more acquaintance, good Master
Cobweb : if I cut my finger, I shall make bold with you.
Your name, honest gentleman ? 171
Peas. Peaseblossom .
Bot. I pray you, commend me to Mistress Squash, your
mother, and to Master Peascod, your father. Good Master
Peaseblossom, I shall desire you of more acquaintance too.
Your name, I beseech you, sir ?
Mus. Mustardseed.
Bot. Good Master Mustardseed , I know your patience well :
that same cowardly, giant-like ox-beef hath devoured many
Enter PUCK.
Here comes my messenger.
How now, mad spirit !
What night-rule now about this haunted grove ?
Puck. My mistress with a monster is in love.
Near to her close and consecrated bower,
While she was in her dull and sleeping hour,
A crew of patches, rude mechanicals,
That work for bread upon Athenian stalls, 10
Were met together to rehearse a play
Intended for great Theseus' nuptial-day.
The shallowest thick-skin of that barren sort,
Who Pyramus presented, in their sport
Forsook his scene and enter'd in a brake :
When I did him at this advantage take,
An ass's nole I fixed on his head :
Anon his Thisbe must be answered,
And forth my mimic comes. When they him spy,
As wild geese that the creeping fowler eye,
Or russet-pated choughs, many in sort,
Rising and cawing at the gun's report,
Sever themselves and madly sweep the sky,
So, at his sight, away his fellows fly ;
And, at our stamp, here o'er and o'er one falls ;
He murder cries and help from Athens calls.
Their sense thus weak, lost with their fears thus strong,
Made senseless things begin to do them wrong ;
For briers and thorns at their apparel snatch ;
Some, sleeves ; some, hats ; from yielders all things catch. 30
I led them on in this distracted fear,
And left sweet Pyramus translated there :
When in that moment, so it came to pass,
Titania waked and straightway loved an ass.
Obe. This falls out better than I could devise.
But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes
With the love-juice, as I did bid thee do ?
Puck. I took him sleeping,—that is finish'd too, —
And the Athenian woman by his side ;
That, when he waked, of force she must be eyed. 40
Re-enter PUCK.
Puck. 110
Captain of our fairy band,
Helena is here at hand ;
And the youth, mistook by me,
Pleading for a lover's fee.
Shall we their fond pageant see ?
Lord, what fools these mortals be !
Stand aside the noise they make
Will cause Demetrius to awake.
Puck. Then will two at once woo one ;
That must needs be sport alone ;
And those things do best please me 120
That befall preposterously.
Re-enter LYSANDER.
day : an the duke had not given him sixpence a day for play
ing Pyramus, I'll be hanged ; he would have deserved it :
sixpence a day in Pyramus, or nothing. 22
Bot. Where are these lads ? where are these hearts ?
Quin. Bottom ! O most courageous day ! O most happy
hour !
Bot. Masters, I am to discourse wonders : but ask me not
what ; for if I tell you, I am no true Athenian. I will tell
you every thing, right as it fell out.
Quin. Let us hear, sweet Bottom . 29
Bot. Not a word of me. All that I will tell you is, that
the duke hath dined . Get your apparel together, good
strings to your beards, new ribbons to your pumps ; meet
presently at the palace ; every man look o'er his part ; for
the short and the long is, our play is preferred. In any case,
let Thisby have clean linen ; and let not him that plays the
lion pare his nails, for they shall hang out for the lion's
claws. And, most dear actors, eat no onions nor garlic, for
we are to utter sweet breath ; and I do not doubt but to hear
them say, it is a sweet comedy. No more words : away ! go,
away ! [Exeunt. 40
Hip. Methinks she should not use a long one for such a
Pyramus : I hope she will be brief.
Dem. A mote will turn the balance, which Pyramus, which
Thisbe, is the better ; he for a man, God warrant us ; she
for a woman, God bless us.
Lys. She hath spied him already with those sweet eyes.
Dem. And thus she means, videlicet :
This. Asleep, my love ? 310
What, dead, my dove ?
O Pyramus, arise !
Speak, speak. Quite dumb?
Dead, dead ? A tomb
Must cover thy sweet eyes.
These lily lips,
This cherry nose,
These yellow cowslip cheeks,
Are gone, are gone :
Lovers, make moan : 320
His eyes were green as leeks.
O Sisters Three,
Come, come to me,
With hands as pale as milk ;
Lay them in gore,
Since you have shore
With shears his thread of silk.
Tongue, not a word :
Come, trusty sword ;
Come, blade, my breast imbrue : [ Stabs herself.
And, farewell, friends ; 331
Thus Thisby ends :
Adieu, adieu, adieu. [Dies.
The. Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead.
STAGE DIRECTION. Theseus, the great legendary hero of
Attica, was the son of Egeus, king of Athens. Among his
many exploits was the war he waged against the Amazons,
whose queen, Antiope, he, according to one tradition, carried off.
According to another, the Amazons, led by Hippolyte, in their
turn invaded Attica to avenge the capture of Antiope, when
Theseus, having vanquished them, married Hippolyte.
2. apace, swiftly ; " at an earlier period the word was written
as two words, a pas It is also to be remarked that the phrase
has widely changed its meaning. In Chaucer . it means 'a foot
pace, ' and was originally used of horses when proceeding slowly,
or at a walk. The phrase is compounded of the English indefi
nite article, a, and the M. E. pas, modern E. pace, a word of
French origin " (Skeat, Ety. Dict. ).
3. methinks, it seems to me ; me, the dative, and the A. S.
thyncan, to seem, which is quite distinct from the A. S. thencan,
to think ; slow, used adverbially.
4. lingers my desires, delays the realization of my desires ; for
lingers, used transitively, cp. R. II. ii. 2. 72, " Who gently
would dissolve
"" the bands of life, Which fond hope lingers in ex
5, 6. Like ... revenue. The picture here is of a widow who for
long years keeps the heir out of possession of that portion of his
father's property to a life interest in which she is entitled as her
dower, and which will be his at her death ; dowager is a coined
word from another coined word, dowage , endowment, ultimately
from the Lat. dotare, to endow, and is equally appropriate to
mother and step-mother, though step-dame is here used with
especial reference to the proverbial harshness of step-mothers to
464 ;; step-, in composition, is the A. S. steop, mean
ing orphaned, ' or ' deprived of its parent ; so that it was
bald, retaining ' man, ' reads ' witch'd ' : the bosom, the heart
within the bosom.
28. given her rhymes, addressed her in verse ; as though the
rhymes were a love-potion.
29. interchanged love-tokens, given to her and received from
her presents in pledge of love.
31. feigning voice, voice which pretended to be deeply moved
by love.
32. stolen ... fantasy, fraudulently made yourself master of the
impression upon her fancy, i.e. by impressing his own image upon
it. ~ The figure is that of surreptitiously obtaining the impression
of a seal to be used in giving validity to a document of possession ;
fantasy, the older form of ' fancy, ' i.e. love, or rather an inclina
tion to love.
33. gawds, ornaments, toys ; literally things which please the
fancy, from Lat. gaudium, gladness, joy ; cp. below, iv. 1. 164,
and T. C. iii. 3. 176 , " That all with one consent praise new-born
gauds " : conceits, " presents fancifully devised " (Schmidt).
34. Knacks, Skeat gives as the senses of the word (1 ) a snap,
crack, (2) a snap with the finger or nail, (3) a jester's trick, piece
of dexterity, (4) a joke, trifle , toy ; the two latter words being
the sense here ; cp. W. T. iv. 4. 360, " To load my she with
knacks " ; T. S. iv. 3. 67, " A knack, a toy, a trick, a baby's
cap. " The more modern form is the reduplicated ' knick-knacks '
== trifles, toys, which is found in Beaumont and Fletcher's Loyal
Subject, ii. 1. 126, in the sense of deception, " But if ye use these
knick-knacks. "
34, 5. messengers ... youth, which are most persuasive envoys
to those like my daughter whose tender age is easily impressed.
38. stubborn harshness, sullen obstinacy against my will ;
harshness is more generally used the rough treatment a
superior, as in Temp. iii. 1. 9, " O, she is Ten times more gentle
than her father's crabbed, And he's composed of harshness. "
39. Be it so, if it should prove that.
41. the ancient ... Athens, the time-honoured custom which the
citizens of Athens enjoy.
42. As she ... her, that, as she belongs to me, I may do as I
please with her.
43-5. Which shall ... case, and this disposal of her shall be
either marriage with this gentleman, or death in accordance with
that law which is expressly applicable to a case of such dis
obedience. Warburton points out that by a law of Solon's,
which Shakespeare may have assumed to be in force even in
Theseus' day, parents in Athens had absolute power of life and
death over their children ; but he also, and more probably,
ii. 2. 8, " Her vestal livery is but sick and green " ; Per. ii. 5. 10,
" One twelve moons more she 'll wear Diana's livery." Of course
the mention of nuns in Theseus' time is an anachronism.
71. For aye, for ever ; cloister, more commonly used for the
partially enclosed walk beneath the upper storey of monasteries,
convents, colleges, etc. , but also for the buildings themselves, or
any place of religious seclusion ; from Lat. claustrum, an enclo
sure : mew'd, confined ; a ' mew, ' from which the verb comes,
was originally a cage for hawks, etc. Cp. R. III. i. 1. 132,
" More pity that the eagle "" should be mew'd, While kites and
buzzards prey at liberty.
72. To live a barren sister, to spend your days as one of the
sisterhood (of nuns) without any children of your own to gladden
your life.
73. Chanting moon, with languid monotony offering_up
hymns of praise to that chaste- cold divinity, the moon. The
faint hymns are in contrast with the fervid devotion offered to
divinities from whom some warm return of favour might be
expected ; the moon (personified as Diana, the goddess of
chastity) making no return of love to her devotees. For fruit
less in this sense, and for an illustration of the passage generally,
cp. V. A. 751-5, " Therefore, despite of fruitless chastity, Love
lacking vestals and self-loving nuns, That on the earth would
breed a scarcity And barren dearth of daughters and of sons, Be
prodigal. "
74. that master ... blood, who attain such a mastery over their
natural inclinations.
75. To undergo ... pilgrimage, as to submit themselves to a
pilgrimage through life uncheered by the joys of love. For
undergo, cp. W. T. iv. 4. 554, " if you will not change your
purpose But undergo this flight " ; for pilgrimage, as applied to
the weary journey through life, cp. R. II. ii. 1. 154, " His time
is spent, our pilgrimage must be ; Genesis, xlvii. 9, " The days
of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years " ;
Hebrews, xi. 13, " strangers and pilgrims on the earth. "
76-8. But earthlier blessedness, but as regards earthly happi
ness, better is the lot of the rose whose sweetness is distilled
from it than that of the rose which, unplucked , lives a lonely
existence, and at length withers away upon its bush ; i.e. putting
aside the figure, happier, as far as earthly joys are concerned, is
the maiden who marries than she who dies unwedded. For
earthlier happy Capell would read " earthly happier,' thus
sacrificing the far more poetic reading of the text which empha
sizes the earthly character of the happiness to be enjoyed ;
virgin belongs to rose rather than to thorn ; Malone compares Sonn.
v. 13, " Flowers distilled, though they with winter meet, Leese but
their show ; their substance still lives sweet " ; for thorn, = a
tree or shrub armed with thorns, cp. i. H. IV. i. 3. 176, " To
put down Richard, that sweet lovely rose, And plant this thorn,
this canker, Bolingbroke. "
80. my virgin patent, the privilege of remaining unmarried,
which belongs to me.
81 , 2. Unto ... sovereignty, to the sway of him to whose un
palatable yoke my soul utterly refuses submission ; for lordship ,
as applied to a husband, cp. A. W. v. 3. 156, " I wonder, sir,
sith wives are monsters to you, And that you fly them as you
swear them lordship, Yet you desire to marry : My soul, em
phatic ; I from the bottom of my soul. For the ellipsis of ' to '
before whose, see Abb. § 201.
83. Take ... pause, take time to reflect on the matter.
84, 5. The sealing- day fellowship, the day on which Hippo
lyta and I are to ratify by marriage a bond of everlasting partner
ship in love ; cp. T. N. v. 1. 164, " And all the ceremony of this
compact, Seal'd in my function, by my testimony."
87. For disobedience, as a punishment for disobedience.
88. as he would, as he (sc. your father) desires that it should
89. to protest, to make solemn profession of ; cp. T. G. iv. 2.
7, " When I protest true loyalty to her."
90. austerity ... life, a hendiadys for ( the austerity of a life of
singleness, ' such as was led by those who devoted themselves to
religious seclusion .
92. Thy crazed ... right, the utterly invalid title you set up to
the right which is assuredly mine ; the original sense of craze '
is ' break,' ' weaken. '
95. he hath my love, I have given him my affection.
96. my love, the affection I bear to him : render, give ; as
often in Shakespeare without any idea of giving in return , or
giving back.
97. my right of her, the right in her which as a parent I pos
98. estate unto, devolve upon, as an estate is devolved ; else
where Shakespeare uses estate on, ' or ' upon, ' as in Temp. iv.
1. 85, " And some donation freely to estate On the blest lovers " ;
A. Y. L. v. 2. 13, " all the revenue that was old Sir Rowland's
will I estate upon you. ”در
99. as well derived , of as noble descent ; as frequently in
Shakespeare, e.g. J. C. ii. 1. 322, " Brave son, derived from
honourable loins. "
100. As well possess'd , as richly endowed in point of wealth.
147, 8. And ere up, and before a man can so much as say
' Behold ! ' it is again swallowed up by darkness ; cp. R. J. ii. 2.
119, 20, " like the lightning, which doth cease to be, Ere one
can say ' It lightens.
149. confusion, ruin ; as frequently in Shakespeare.
150. ever, constantly : cross'd, thwarted by circumstances.
151. It stands ... destiny, it (sc. that they should be thwarted)
is a decree firmly established by destiny ; edict, with the accent
on the former syllable, as often in Shakespeare.
152. teach ... patience, teach ourselves, thus tried, to endure
with calmness.
154. As due to love, as much a part of, as much belonging to,
155. poor fancy's followers, the constant attendants on poor
156. A good persuasion, a good belief, doctrine, to hold ; cp.
Cymb. i. 4. 125, " You are a great deal abused in too bold a per
suasion " ; M. M. iv. 1. 47, " whose persuasion is I come about
my brother."
157. a widow aunt, an aunt who is a widow ; widow, used as
an adjective.
157, 8. a dowager ... revenue, one endowed with a rich
jointure ; see note on 1. 5.
159. remote, removed, distant ; cp. L. L. L. v. 2. 806, 66 some
forlorn and naked hermitage Remote from all the pleasures of
the world."
160. respects, regards ; cp. i. H. IV. v. 4. 20, " I do respect
thee as my soul. "
161. may, shall be able ; on the original sense of may, see
Abb. § 307.
162. sharp, cruel.
163. If... then, therefore if.
164. forth, out from ; on forth, used as a proposition, see Abb.
§ 55.
165. without, outside.
167. To do observance ... May. See Introduction.
170. By his ... head. Cupid is by Ovid ( Metam. i. 469-71 )
spoken of as armed with two arrows, one of gold, the other of
lead ; the former exciting, the latter repelling, love ; cp. T. N.
i. 1. 35, " How will she love, when the rich golden shaft Hath
kill'd the flock of all affections else That live in her. "
171. simplicity, innocence : Venus ' doves, or pigeons, are men
resemble the voice of Hermia ; and would read ' My hair should
catch your hair, ' since catch in all three clauses is evidently
used in the technical sense of contracting some affection from
another person. If any change were allowable, I should be in
clined to read, ' My fair should catch your fair, ' i.e. the personal
beauty you have ascribed to me should catch your personal
beauty ; my eye should catch the fascination of your eye ; my
tongue, etc. , fair being the general term including the particulars,
eye and tongue. Voice seems clearly wrong, since the next line
deals with that particular ; and with my conjecture we have in
these two lines a complete correspondency with ll. 182, 3. For
catch, used in a good sense, cp. ii.˜H. IV. v. 1. 85, " It is certain
that either wise bearing or ignorant carriage is caught, as men
take diseases, one of another." Abbott (§ 237) points out that
mine is almost always found before ' eye, ' 6 ear, ' etc. , where no
emphasis is intended. But where there is an antithesis, as here,
we have my, thy.
190. bated, excepted , left out ; cp. Temp. ii. 1. 100, " Bate, I
beseech you, widow Dido " ; Haml. v. 2. 23, " no leisure bated. "
191. translated, transformed ; cp . below, iii. 1. 109, " Bless
thee, Bottom ! bless thee ! thou art translated " ; Haml. iii. 1 .
113, "the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from
what it is ... than the force of honesty can translate beauty into
his likeness."
193. sway the motion ... heart, make his heart move in what
ever direction you please.
194. still, nevertheless ; in spite of my frowning.
195, 7. O that move ! Would that my warmest welcome
and my most earnest prayers could effect that which is the prompt
result of your disdain and maledictions !
200. is no fault of mine, is not a thing for which I am to be
blamed, since I do everything in my power to cure him of it.
201. None, ... beauty, I grant that all you can be blamed for is
your beauty.
203. will fly, am determined to quit with all speed.
206, 7. O, then ... hell ! How powerful must be the graces of
my beloved one, seeing that they have made Athens a place of
torture to me ; i.e. since so long as she remained in it she could
not marry Lysander. As Johnson points out, Hermia is en
deavouring to comfort Helena by showing that personal beauty,
such as Helena covets, does not necessarily bring happiness with
it. Johnson, however, seems to take my love as = the love which
I feel.
209. Phœbe, the moon, sister of Phoebus, the sun.
210. in the watery glass, mirrored in the water.
22. let the audience ... eyes, i.e. or else they will weep their
very eyes out.
22, 3. I will measure, probably means ' I will make a fine
story of grief ' ; though condole is probably intended for a
blunder, the word in Shakespeare and his contemporaries was
used as a neuter and as a transitive verb, and not merely as now
with the preposition with , ' in the sense of sympathizing. Thus,
Marston, ii . Antonio and Mellida, v. 2. 81 , we have the stage
direction " Piero seems to condole his son," who is dead ; and
"" Fortune by Land and Sea, uses the word absolutely,
My heart begins to condole. ' Bunyan,"" Pilgrim's Progress, has
the phrase " To condole his own misery.'
23. To the rest seems to me nothing more than a stage direc
tion that has crept into the text. Bottom having made his
former remarks to Quince, the stage-manager, in particular, now
turns to his fellow-actors in general, and tells them that though
he is ready to play Pyramus, the part of a tyrant is the one he
especially fancies.
24. Ercles, Hercules ; a character often exhibited in the bom
bastic dramas of the time. Delius quotes Greene's Groatsworth
of Wit, " The twelve labours of Hercules have I terribly thun
dered on the stage. "
25. or a part ... in, or a part in which some doughty deed was
66 be done, such as rending a cat. Steeven quotes Histriomastix,
' Sirrah, this is you that would rend and tear a cat upon a
stage " to make all split, a phrase like the last expressive of
violent action, and of nautical origin. Rolfe quotes Taylor, the
Water Poet, " Some ships have so great a sayle, that they heave
their masts by the boord and make all split againe. "
30. Phibbus' car, the chariot of the sun-god, Phoebus, which he
daily drove round the earth. The lines seem to be rather a bur
lesque of, than a quotation from, some old play.
34. This was lofty ! That is the kind of noble verse that I
should enjoy having to recite ! name ... players , call out the name
of each and tell them what parts are assigned to them.
34, 5. This is Ercles' vein, such language as that would Her
cules use condoling, pathetic.
38. must take ... you , must_undertake the part of Thisbe ;
probably with an allusion to taking somebody on one's back.
39. a wandering knight, a knight in quest of adventures, a
' knight errant. '
40. must love, has to make love to in the play.
41. let not me ... woman, the parts of women were in those days
played by boys or young men, and actresses were not regularly
employed till the revival of the drama in the time of Charles the
dances of the fairies , but now said to result from the outspread
ing propagation of a particular mushroom, the fairy-ringed
fungus, by which the ground is manured for a richer following
vegetation. For the infinitive To dew used indefinitely, and
here = by dewing, see Abb. § 356.
10. pensioners, an allusion, says Warton, to Queen Elizabeth's
"establishment of a band of military courtiers, by the name of
pensioners. They were some of the handsomest and tallest young
men, of the best families and fortunes, that could be found " :
cowslips are mentioned, Temp. v. 1. 89, in connection with the
fairy Ariel, " In the cowslip's bell I lie. "
11. gold coats, yellow blossoms ; with an allusion to the hand
some uniforms of the gentlemen pensioners : the spots are what
in 1. 13 are called freckles, a word now used only of tan-spots in
the face.
12. fairy favours, tokens of the love in which cowslips are
held by the fairies.
13. savours, sweet odours.
14. go seek, for the omission of ' to, ' see Abb. § 349.
15. a pearl, i.e. a dew-drop ; with an allusion to pearl ear
rings, common then as in more modern days.
16. thou lob of spirits, you lubberly spirit ; Puck being of a
less ethereal nature than the fairies ; lob, literally dolt, block
head, and etymologically connected with ' lubber. '
17. anon, immediately ; A. S. on = on or in, and án, old form
of one ; literally in one (moment).
18. doth keep, has determined to hold.
19. come, for the conjunctive after verbs of command, see
Abb. § 369.
20. passing ... wrath, surpassingly, exceedingly, angry ; wrath,
the A. S. adjective wrað, wroth : fell, bitter-tempered ; A. S.
fel, cruel.
21. Because that, for the conjunctional affix , see Abb. § 287.
23. changeling, here and in W. T. iii. 3. 122, a child whom
the fairies had carried off ; but more usually the child left in the
place of the one carried off, fairies being supposed to be addicted
to stealing the most beautiful children they could find, leaving
in their place those that were ugly and misshapen. Cp. Spenser,
F. Q. i. 10. 65, " From thence a Faerie thee unweeting reft, There
as thou slepst in tender swadling band, And her base elfin
brood there for thee left. Such men do chaungelings call, so
chaunged by Faeries theft. "
24. would have, desires to have.
25. Knight of his train, as leader of his retinue of attendants :
68-70. Why art that, what brings you here all the way from
the plains of India, except that, etc. , i.e. your only reason for
having taken this long journey is your desire to be present at the
marriage of your mistress, Hippolyta. The first quarto gives
steppe, the second and the folios 6 steep, ' a reading adopted by
many editors because there is no proof of steppe being known in
Shakespeare's day, and also because it was the mountains, rather
than the plains, of India་ which had impressed the minds of
travellers. In support of steep ' commentators quote Comus, 1.
139, " The nice morn on the Indian steep From her cabin'd loop
hole peep " ; but there the word is especially appropriate in a
description of the sun just making itself visible over the lofty
mountains of the extreme East. Here there is no reason why
Oberon should prefer the plains to the mountains.
70. forsooth, in truth ; said with scorn : bouncing, large and
plump ; stalwart ' would be the corresponding epithet for a
man, though in bouncing there is also the radical idea of activity.
71. Your buskin'd mistress, that mistress of yours always so
ready to don the buskin ; buskin, ' Gk. κółopvos, Lat. cothurnus,
was a boot reaching to the middle of the leg. It was worn in
war, the chase, etc. , and by tragic actors in heroic characters,
with very high heels serving to add stateliness to the figure : your
warrior love, that warrior maiden with whom you are in love.
72. must be, is to be ; for must, meaning no more than definite
futurity, see Abb. § 314.
73. To give ... prosperity. The presence of benevolent fairies
at births, christenings , weddings, was supposed to bring good
fortune, as that of malevolent ones to bring misfortunes.
74. How canst ... shame, how can you without being ashamed,
etc.; i. e. if you had any sense of shame, you would not, etc. For
for = for want of, H. V. i. 2. 114, " cold for action " ;
Macb. i. 5. 37, "6 dead for breath " ; A. W. i. 2. 17, " sick for
breathing " ; T. S. iv. 3. 9, " starved for meat. "
75. Glance at my credit with, hint at the favour with which I
am regarded by ; cp. J. C. i. 2. 324, “ wherein obscurely Cæsar's
ambition shall be glanced at " ; and, without the preposition,
C. E. v. 1. 66, " In company I often glanced it . "
76. Knowing I know, when you well know that I am aware of.
77. the glimmering night, the night faintly illuminated by the
light of the stars ; cp. Macb. iii. 3. 5 , " The west yet glimmers
with some streaks of day. "
78. Perigenia, called Perigouna by Plutarch, her real name
being Perigune.
79. Egle, a nymph beloved by Theseus, for whom he forsook
92. have, for every with a plural verb, cp. Lear, ii. 2. 82,
" Smooth every passion That in the natures of their lords rebel ":
continents, confining banks ; cp. i . H. IV. iii . 1. 110 , " Gelding
the opposed continent as much As on the other side it takes from
93. stretch'd his yoke, laboured in dragging the plough ; the
yoke was the curved piece of wood put upon the neck of oxen
and attached by traces to the plough.
95. ere his youth ... beard , before it has grown old enough to
get a beard, the word applied to the prickly spines on ears of
corn, from their likeness to hair-bristles on the human face ; cp.
Sonn. xii. 8, " And summer's green all girded up in sheaves Born
on the bier with white and bristly beard " : his, its.
96. fold, sheep or cattle fold, the enclosure in the fields in
which they were penned : drowned, flooded with rain to such an
extent that cattle could not be put into it.
97. the murrion flock, the flock of sheep among which the
murrain had spread owing to the great damp ; murrion, here
used in an adjectival sense, is another form of ' murrain, ' an infec
tious disease among cattle, ultimately from Lat. mori, to die.
98. The nine men's morris, " A game played by two persons,
with nine men or pieces each. It was played indoors with a
board ; out of doors, on a square of turf, with lines marked and
holes cut, which in rainy weather would become ' filled up with
mud.' The game was originally French, under the name of
'merelles,' counters ; and was first called in England ' merrils,'
afterwards corrupted into ' morris ' " (C. Clarke).
99. quaint mazes. " This alludes," says Steevens, "to a sport
still followed
"" 66 by boys ; i.e. what is now called running the figure
of eight. But," adds Wright, " I have seen very much more
complicated figures upon village greens, and such as might strictly
be called mazes or labyrinths. On St. Catherine's Hill, Win
chester, ' near the top of it, on the north-east side, is the form of
a labyrinth, impressed upon the turf, which is always kept entire
by the coursing of the sportive youth through its meanderings '...
(Milner, History of Winchester, ii. 155 ) " : wanton, playful ; a
transferred epithet properly applicable to those who by their
playing formed the mazes.
100. For lack of tread, owing to their not being trodden.
101. human mortals, though Titania and her elves were im
mortal, some fairies were mortal, and the expression is probably
meant to contrast human beings who were mortal with fairies
that were so too : want their winter cheer, are unable to enjoy
their usual winter amusements ; cheer is Theobald's emendation
for 'heere ' of the earlier quartos and folios.
explaining the word from adama-re ' to take a liking to, have an
attraction for, ' took the lapidem adamantem for the loadstone or
magnet ... ; and with this confusion the word passed into the
modern languages " ... (Murray, English Dict. ).
196, 7. But yet ... steel, if the reading is right, the meaning
probably is, ' Though you draw my heart it is not a substance
like iron, famed for its hardness, but a substance like steel famed
for its truth.' Lettsom suggests though ' for for, which gets rid
of all difficulty. There seems, however, the possibility that
Shakespeare sometimes used though ' and ' for ' convertibly ;
cp. Oth. iii . 3. 145, " I do beseech you -Though I perchance am
vicious in my guess , " where we should have expected " For I
perchance," etc.
197, 8. leave you ... shall, if you will abandon your power to
draw, I shall, etc.
199. Do I ... fair? questions of appeal equivalent to ' You well
know that I do not, ' etc. speak you fair, make you fair speeches,
pay you compliments.
201. nor I cannot, the emphatic double negative ; se Abb.
§ 406.
203. your spaniel, an illusion to the proverb, " A spaniel, a
woman, a walnut-tree, The more you beat them, the truer they
be"; for the, as the ablative of the demonstrative, see Abb. § 94.
204. I will fawn, i.e. the more I will fawn.
205. but as, i.e. no better.
206. lose me, cast me off and have nothing to do with me.
207. Unworthy as I am, though utterly unworthy, as I confess
myself to be.
208. worser, for the double comparative, see Abb. § 11.
209. And yet ... with me, and yet even that I look upon as a
place of honour.
214. impeach, expose to slander ; cp. R. II. i . 1. 189, " Shall I
seem crest-fall'n in my father's sight ? Or with pale beggar-fear
impeach my height Before this out-dared dastard?"; properly to
hinder, from F. empêcher, thence to arraign before a tribunal,
the first step towards that end being to hinder the escape of the
person charged.
215. To leave, by leaving ; on the infinitive used indefinitely,
see Abb. § 356.
217. the opportunity of night, the opportunity which the
night-time affords ; the subjective genitive.
218. the ill ... place, the suggestions to evil which a place so
lonely as this offers.
249. where, Pope reads ' whereon, ' and is followed by some
editors. If the reading is right, the word must be pronounced
as a dissyllable : wild thyme, a plant of which bees are especially
fond ; there is also a variety grown in gardens and used for
seasoning dishes : blows, blossoms.
250. oxlips, "the ' bold ox lip ' [ W. T. iv. 3. 125] ... is so like
both the Primrose and Cowslip that it has been by many supposed
to be a hybrid between the two It is a handsome plant, and is
a great favourite in cottage gardens " (Ellacombe, Plant Lore of
Shakespeare) : grows, the verb for the rhyme's sake being made
to agree with the singular noun only.
251. over-canopied, covered over as with a canopy. The
word ' canopy ' has a strange origin, it being from "the Greek
κωνωπειών , κωνωπεῖον ,an Egyptian bed with mosquito curtains.
Gr. Kwvwπ, -stem of kwvwy, a gnat, mosquito ; literally ' cone
faced,' or an animal with a cone-shaped head, from some fancied
resemblance to a cone.-Gk. Kŵvos, a cone ; and "y, a face, appear
ance " ...(Skeat, Ety. Dict. ) : luscious, sweet-scented ; Steevens for
the sake of the metre reads ' lush ' : woodbine, the great convol
vulus, or bindweed , so called from its twining about other plants ;
cp. M. A. درiii. 1. 30, " who even now Is couched in the woodbine
252. musk-roses, a species of rose prized more for its sweet
scent than for its beauty : eglantine, more commonly called
sweet- briar ; literally, the prickly-one, from its sharp thorns.
Cp. Cymb. iv. 2. 223, "The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander,
Out-sweeten'd not thy breath. ”
253. of the night, during the night ; for the preposition with
this sense, see Abb. § 176 : for sometime see note on ii. 1. 38,
255. throws, casts ; the word more commonly used : enamell'd,
glittering like enamel, a glass-like substance made of glass and
metals fused together.
256. Weed, covering ; from A.S. wed, and wœde, a garment,
in which sense it is frequent in Shakespeare. So we still speak
of ' widows' weeds , ' meaning the head-dress worn by widows.
257. streak, smear, as with a painter's brush.
258. fantasies, fancies, especially love-fancies.
261. disdainful, sc. of her love.
262, 3. But do it ... lady, but take care to do it at such a time
that the next thing she espies is sure to be the lady.
266. More fond on, more in love with ; on, of : her love, him
whom now she loves so distractedly.
267. look thou meet, take care to meet ; see note on 1. 19 : the
first cock crow, when the cock crows for the first time ; in Haml.
1. a roundel, a round dance ; but used also for a song beginning
and ending with the same words.
2. hence, go hence ; the verb of motion omitted, as frequently.
3. cankers, small worms that prey upon blossoms""; cp. Haml.
i. 3. 89, " The canker galls the infants of the spring.
4. rere-mice, bats ; the word is still used in the west of Eng
land ; A.S. hrére-mus : for, in order to obtain.
7. At our quaint spirits, at our delicately- formed spirits ;
Titania speaks as a queen ; quaint, from " O. F. coint, ' quaint,
neat, fine, ' Cotgrave ... Certainly derived from Lat. cognitus,
known, though confused ... with Lat. comptus, neat, adorned ."
(Skeat, Ety. Dict. ).
8. your offices, the different duties assigned to each.
9. double, forked ; cp. Temp. ii. 2. 13, " All wound with adders
who with cloven tongues Do hiss me into madness ”; and iii . 2.
72, below.
10. Thorny, with spines which they erect at will ; cp. Haml.
i. 5. 20, " Like quills upon the fretful porpentine. ”
11. Newts, a kind of lizard ; properly an ewt, the initial n being
borrowed from the indefinite article. Similarly formed words
are nick-name for an eke-name, nugget formerly niggot =- ningot for
an ingot. Conversely an adder is properly a nædder, an auger,
a nauger, an orange, a norange blind-worms, so called from the
smallness of their eyes, known also as ' slow-worms ' ; both again
mentioned in Macb. iv. 1. 14, 16.
13. Philomel, the nightingale ; in ancient mythology the
daughter of King Pandion of Attica, who was metamorphosed
into a nightingale.
14. Sing in ... lullaby, take part in singing our lullaby ; lullaby,
a song sung to soothe to rest, from the verb ‘ lull , ' to sing to rest.
16-8. Never ... Come, may it never come ; let it never come.
19. So ... lullaby, so may you sleep sweetly, accompanied by
your lullaby.
21. spinners, i.e. of the spider's web ; cp. R. J. i. 4. 59, " Her
waggon- spokes made of long spinners ' legs, " said of the chariot of
Queen Mab, the fairies' midwife.
26. One ... sentinel, let one of our number stand apart as
sentinel ; aloof, " perhaps immediately from Du. loef, in te loef,
to windward ... From the idea of keeping a ship's head to the
wind, and thus clear of the lee-shore or quarter to which she
might drift, came the general sense of steering clear of, ' or
' giving a wide berth to ' anything with which one might otherwise
come into contact with " (Murray, Engl. Dict. ).
29. languish, pine, grow weak.
30. ounce, a kind of lynx : cat, wild cat.
31. Pard, panther.
33. it is thy dear, it is the object with which you shall fall in
34. Wake, may you wake.
35. you faint, you have become faint ; for with, used to express
the juxtaposition of cause and effect, see Abb. § 193.
36. troth, a doublet of ' truth ' ; forgot, for the curtailed
form of past participles, see Abb. § 343.
38. tarry .... day, wait for the comfort which daylight will bring
with it.
39. a bed, sc. for yourself.
42. One heart ... troth, since there is but one heart between us
(i.e. as we are one in heart), one bed will serve for us to lie upon ;
though there are two bosoms, there is but one faith between us
(i.e. that which we have pledged to each other).
45. O, take ... innocence ! " Understand the meaning of my
innocence, or my innocent meaning. Let no suspicion of ill
enter thy mind " (Johnson) ; take, apprehend ; cp. v. 1. 90,
46. Love ... conference, in talk between those who love, love
catches the meaning intended by love ; where two mutually
love, each readily understands the thoughts of the other without
the need of gloss or commentary on the words used.
47. knit, for the omission of -ed in the participle of verbs ending
in -te, -t, and -d, see Abb. § 342.
48. So that ... it, so that, as I said (1. 43 ), we can make but
one heart out of the two ; it, used indefinitely, the circumstance,
the fact.
49. interchained , linked each to the other.
52. For lying ... lie, for in lying by your side, I am guilty of no
treachery ; with a pun on the two senses of lie.
54, 5. Now much ...lied, a mischief upon my bad manners
and my pride if in the words I used I meant to imply that
Lysander was false ; i.e. I am not so ill-mannered and arrogant
cp. Macb. i. 3. 19, 20, " Sleep shall neither night nor day Hang
upon his pent-house lid. "
82. So wake ... gone, I leave you to wake after I have gone
with this result (i.e. of your not being able to find sleep again).
86. darkling, in the dark ; cp. Lear, i. 4. 237, ""'So, out went
the candle, and we were left darkling. " "There were some
adverbs in O. E. , originally dative feminine singular, ending in
-inga, -unga, linga, lunga. A few of these, without the dative
suffix, exist under the form -ling or -long, as headlong (O. E. heed
linge), sideling, sidelong, darkling (darklong), flatling, and flat
long " (Morris, Hist. Outl. p. 194).
87. on thy peril, at thy peril, as we should now say ; i.e. at
the risk, if you follow me, of being ill-used by me : I alone will
go, I am determined to go unaccompanied by you.
88. fond, foolish ; the radical sense of the word.
89. the lesser ... grace, the less is the favour, kindness, I meet
with at your hands ; the, the ablative of the demonstrative.
91. blessed and attractive, happy in being able to attract to
her those she wishes to attract.
92. How came ... bright ? What is it that has made her eyes,
93. If so ... hers, for, in that case, mine would be brighter than
hers, seeing that they are oftener washed with such tears.
96. no marvel, it is no wonder.
97. Do, subjunctive : as a monster, as that of a monster.
98, 9. What wicked ... eyne ? how could any mirror be so
wickedly treacherous as to make me think my eyes rivalled the
star-like orbs of Hermia ? compare with, make comparison
between her eyes and mine, and assume an equality in bright
ness ; for this intransitive use, cp. Haml. v. 2. 146, " I dare not
confess that, lest I should compare with him in excellence " ; for
eyne, see note on i. 1. 242.
103. And run, I do so and will run.
104. Transparent, though indicating also the brilliancy of her
beauty, refers especially to the transparency of her nature which
enables him to see her heart through her bosom ; Nature and
Art are usually contrasted , but here Nature employs Art. With
Dyce, Delius, etc. , I have followed the later folios in reading
Nature here shows, the quartos giving ' Nature shewes.'
106, 7. O, how ... sword ! i.e. how well does the bearer of that
vile name deserve to perish at my hands ! Cp. above, ii. 1. 190.
109. What though, even though he loves your Hermia, that
does not matter ; that is not sufficient reason for you to wish to
kill him .
12. By'r lakin, by our little lady, i.e. the Virgin Mary, used in
an affectionate sense ; cp. Temp. iii. 3. 1 : parlous, a contraction
of ' perilous ' ; always used by Shakespeare with a certain comic
13, 4. when all is done, after all ; more commonly in modern
speech 6 when all is said and done.'
15. Not a whit, not in the least ; by no means ; whit, 66 a thing,
a particle, a bit. The h is in the wrong place ; whit"" stands for
wiht = wight, and is the same word as wight a person ... (Skeat,
Ety. Dict. ) : to make all well, to set everything straight ; to
obviate the difficulties you fear.
16. seem to say, merely Bottomese for ' say.' Wright compares
Launcelot's language, M. V. ii. 4. 11 , " An it shall please you to
break up this, it shall seem to signify."
18. more better, for the double comparative, see Abb. §11 .
22. written in eight and six, in verses alternately of eight and
six syllables.
25. afeard, afraid ; though in affeard a- represents a corruption
of the A.S. intensive of, the E. E. form of the verb being offeren,
while ‘ afraid ' is the participle of affray, to frighten.
26. I fear ... you, I fear they will be afraid, I can assure you.
27. consider with yourselves, ponder the matter among you.
28. God shield us ! God protect us ! Bottom is horrified at the
very idea. Malone compares a real occurrence at the Scottish
Court in the year 1594, at the christening of Prince Henry, when
a triumphal chariot was drawn in by a blackamoor because it was
feared that the lion by which it was intended to be drawn might
frighten the spectators, or the lighted torches drive the lion
to fury.
29. wild-fowl, of course for ' wild-beast : ' living goes with
wild-fowl, not with lion.
30. ought to look to 't, ought to be careful what we are doing.
35. defect, effect.
37, 8. my life for yours, I stake my life for yours ; I pledge
you by my life that there is no reason for you to fear.
38, 9. it were ... life, it would be a thing I should regret
most bitterly ; or6 perhaps of my life == I swear on my life ;
the phrase with of, ' as here, or ' on,' is frequent in Shake
speare ; e.g. M. M. ii. 1. 77, T. N. ii. 5. 14 ; for of = as regards,
see Abb. § 174.
40. there, at that point in his speech. Malone thinks there is
here an allusion to a contemporary incident. " There was a
spectacle presented to Queen Elizabeth upon the water, and
among others Harry Goldingham was to represent Arion upon the
106. you see ... do you ? do you see as great a fool as yourself ?
Bottom is as yet unconscious of Puck's transformation of him by
the ass' head on his shoulders.
108. translated, transformed.
112. do what they can, whatever they may do to frighten me.
113. that, so that shall, the future where we should use the
subjunctive ; see Abb. 348.
114. ousel cock, the male blackbird, whose bill is of a bright
orange colour.
116. throstle, the song-thrush, which, like the blackbird, has
a very sweet note ; the word is " a variant of throshel [a form
not found], a diminutive of thrush " ... (Skeat, Ety. Dict. ).
117. quill, pipe, i.e. throat-pipe.
121. plain-song cuckoo, the cuckoo whose note is without
variation ; plain-song, " the uniform modulation or simplicity
of the chaunt was anciently distinguished , in opposition to prick
song or variegated music sung by note " (Warton).
122. Whose note ... mark, the cry of the bird, ' cuckoo ! ' was
of old supposed to be connected etymologically with the word
' cuckold," a man whose wife has been unfaithful to him, and,
when uttered, to point at some man thus situated.
123. dares not utter nay, is unable to repel the charge.
124. set his wit... bird, oppose his wit to, challenge, the cuckoo
by denying its slanderous accusation ; cp. T. C. ii. 1. 94, “ Will
you set your wit to a fool's ? "
125. give a bird the lie, tell a bird that it is lying : though ...
so, however often it might cry ' cuckoo ! '
127. of, with.
128. enthralled to thy shape, led captive by the beauty of
your form.
129. thy fair ... me, the overpowering modesty which restrains
you from urging your love, compels me, etc.
130. On the first view, hers is love at first sight, as we say :
to swear, not merely to say, but even to swear.
132, 3. reason ... now-a-days, are not often found together in
these times.
133. the more the pity, all the greater pity is it.
134. will not ... friends, will not do their best to bring them
more together.
135. gleek, jeer, joke in a satirical way ; cp. H. V. v. 1. 78,
" I have seen you gleeking and galling at this gentleman twice or
thrice." Staunton remarks, " The all-accomplished Bottom is
boasting of his versatility. He has shown, by his last profound
157. at the ... eyes, as the light of the glow-worm is in its tail,
Johnson thought he had here caught Shakespeare napping, but,
as Mason points out, ' eye ' is here used poetically for the
luminous point.
158. To have arise, to conduct my love to his bed, and to
wait on him when he gets up ; cp. C. E. ii. 2. 10, “ Your mistress
sent to have me home to dinner.'
159. painted, gaudily decorated.
160. to fan from, to keep off from, using the wings as
fans, shades.
161. Nod, bow.
162. Hail, health to you ; A.S. hæl, health.
166. I cry ... heartily, from the bottom of my heart I beg your
pardon ; an expression of deprecatory politeness frequent in
169. I shall desire ... acquaintance, I shall hope to become
better acquainted with you ; literally, I shall make a request
to you as regards more acquaintance ; for of, in this sense, see
Abb. § 174.
170. I shall you, I shall venture to make use of your
services ; the cobweb film being sometimes applied to a cut by
way of plaster.
173. commend me, make my respectful compliments to, and so
ensure me a welcome by, etc.: a squash ' is an unripe peascod ;
cp. T. N. i. 5. 166, " Not yet old enough for a man, nor young
enough for a boy ; as a squash is before ' tis a peascod, or a cod
ling when ' tis almost an apple. "
178. I know ... well, I know how much you have to endure.
179. that same oxbeef, that oxbeef which you and I know
so well.
179, 80. hath devoured house, mustard being taken as a
relish to beef, that meat is spoken of as devouring, etc.; house,
180, 1. I promise now, I can assure you that the members of
your family have often brought tears into my eyes ; as though
the pungency of mustard which causes the eyes to water, had
made him weep for its family misfortunes.
183. bower properly means a chamber, thence used generally
of a shady recess formed by trees and shrubs.
184. with a watery eye, the watery look of the moon, caused
by vapours hanging round it, indicates rainy weather.
185. weeps ... flower, their tears being the dew.
186. enforced chastity, violence done to some chaste maiden.
130. give her o'er, abandon your interest in her ; throw her
over, as we say colloquially.
131. Weigh ... weigh, if you weigh the worth of your oath to
her with the worth of your oath to me, you will find that you
are weighing nothing at all ; each of the oaths, as she goes on to
say, being equally worthless.
133. tales, mere empty stories ; cp. A. C. ii. 3. 136, “ Truths
would be tales, When now half tales be truths. "
134. swore, sc. my oaths of loyalty.
135. mind, opinion, judgment.
138. eyne, see note on i. 1. 142, above.
139. Crystal is muddy, i.e. in comparison with your bright
139, 40. O, how ripe ... grow ! O, how ripe your lips show,
growing like two cherries resting against each other, and tempt
ing one to pluck them ; ripe and tempting used adverbially.
141. Taurus, a chain of mountains running through Asia from
W. to E., forming the southern margin of the great tableland of
Central Asia ; the word Taurus means a high mountain.
142. Fann'd ... wind, which the east wind winnows of all stains
upon its whiteness ; Wright compares W. T. iv. 4. 375, " I
take thy hand, this hand , As soft as dove's down and as white
as it, Or Ethiopian's tooth, or the fann'd snow that's bolted By
the northern blasts twice over " ; for with by, see Abb. § 193 :
turns to a crow, appears as black as a crow.
144. This princess ... white, this hand so peerless in its white
ness ; for princess, in the sense of supreme impersonation of a
thing, Malone compares W. T. iv. 4. 161, " she is The queen of
curds and cream.' Staunton adopts Collier's conjecture ' im
press, ' quoting in its support Virolet's apostrophe to Juliana's
hand in Beaumont and Fletcher's Double Marriage, iv. 3, " White
seal of virtue " ; but though a hand may be said to be a seal of
bliss, we could scarcely talk of an ' impress of pure white,'
whether impress ' means an impression or a device.
145. spite, misfortune, misery : bent, determined.
146. To set against me, to make a set against me ; to unite in
flouting me ; the figure here, as in iii. 1. 137 , is probably from
card-playing, in which a sum is set, staked, by one party against
a sum staked by another party.
147. civil, well-bred : knew, were practically acquainted with.
148. injury, wrong in the shape of insult ; see note on ii.
1. 147.
150. But you must join, without your joining ; in souls, soul
with soul, as we talk of ' joining hand in hand, ' in heartily doing
something together.
51. in show, in appearance, outwardly.
152. gentle, tenderly nurtured.
153. To vow, by vowing ; the indefinite infinitive ; superpraise,
praise in exaggerated and insincere terms.
156. And now... mock, and now rival one another in mocking ;
the substantive verb ' are ' being supplied from the former line.
157. A trim exploit, a pretty piece of bravery, a fine exhibition
of your courage ; for trim, in this ironical sense, cp. T. C. iv. 5.
33, " O, this is trim ! " ; T. A. v. 1. 96 " and 'twas Trim sport
for them that had the doing of it. "
159. sort, nature, condition.
160. offend, affront.
160, 1. and extort ... patience, exhaust the power of endurance
of one so forlorn as myself ; literally, twist it out of me : all …..
port, wholly and solely to amuse yourselves.
164. with all good will, most willingly and sincerely.
166. And yours ... bequeath, and do you, on your part, leave
me all your share in Helena's love ; bequeath, generally used of
devising property by will ; though there is nothing in the deri
vation so to limit the sense, the word being from the A.S. be
cweðan, to say, declare.
169. I will none , I will none of her, i.e. I do not want to have
anything to do with her, to have any part in her love ; cp. , for
this adverbial use of none, T. N. i. 3. 113, " it's four to one
she'll none ofme " ; ii. 2. 13, “ She took the ring of me ; I'll none
171. but as sojourn'd, stayed for a short visit as a guest
does with his host ; as guest-wise is redundant ; guest-wise by
itself meaning ' in the way of a guest ' ; for the sentiment, cp.
Tennyson, The Gardener's Daughter, 14-7, " she To me myself,
for some three careless moons, The summer pilot of an empty
heart Unto the shores of nothing ! " to, some editors adopt
Johnson's conjecture with ' ; but probably, as Delius points
out, to belongs to guest-wise, i.e. as a guest to her. Malone
quotes Sonn. cix. 5, 6, " This is my home ""of love : if I have
ranged, Like him that travels I return again. '
175. to thy peril, here to expresses the consequence : aby it
dear, pay dearly for it ; see notes on iii. 1. 12, above, and 1. 426 ,
177. his function, its office ; sc. of seeing.
178. quick, lively.
179, 80. Wherein ... recompense, by that same act (i.e. of dark
ening the earth) by which it weakens the sense of sight, it makes
a double recompense in giving greater acuteness to the sense of
hearing ; impair, through F. empeirer, from Low Lat. impeiorare,
to make worse.
182. thy sound, the sound made by you, i.e. your voice.
184. press, ply hard, constrain ; probably in this and the next
line used in the sense of ' pressing ' for service ; the word in that
sense being a corruption of prest, ready, prest-money, ready money
advanced when a man was hired for service.
186. bide, stay, remain.
188. oes and eyes of light, stars ; oes, for round objects, leads
to the pun upon the letters O and I. For oes, cp. H. V. Prol. i.
13, " Within this wooden O, " i.e. the circular building of the
Globe Theatre ; A. C. v. 2. 81 , " The little O, the earth "; L. L. L.
v. 2. 45, “ O, that your face were not so full of O's " ( i.e. marks
of small-pox) ; also quotation from Bacon's Essays on ii. 1. 29.
189, 90. could not ... so ? could not the fact of my leaving you
teach you that I did so because of the hatred I feel towards you?
191. it cannot be, sc. that you hate me, as you say.
192. she is ... confederacy, she has banded herself together
with Lysander and Demetrius.
194. fashion, shape, concoct : false, treacherous, cowardly : in
spite of me, out of malice towards me ; not ' without regard to
me,' ' caring nothing for me, ' as the words would mean in modern
195. Injurious, insulting.
196. contrived, plotted ; cp. Haml . iv. 7. 136, “ Most generous
and free from all contriving.
197. bait, worry ; as dogs worry a bear ; to ' bait ' is properly
to cause to bite.
198. counsel, mutual confidences ; as above, i. 1. 216.
199. The sisters' vows, the vows of sisterly love ; protestations
such as two sisters would make to each other : spent, wearily
200. chid, for the curtailed form of the participle, see Abb. §
343 : hasty-footed, so quickly slipping away.
201. O, is it all forgot ? Various suggestions have been made to
complete the metre, but the pause probably accounts for the
syllable wanting.
202. Childhood innocence, the innocence of children ; cp. M. V.
i. 1. 144, " I urge this childhood proof"; and for substantives used
as adjectives, see Abb. § 3.
260. Hang off ... cat ! cease to claw me as a cat does its prey ;
said to Hermia as she throws her arms around him to prevent
his following Demetrius : for cat, used in a contemptuous sense,
cp. A. W. iv. 3. 295, " he's more and more a cat ” : burr, the
prickly case of the seeds of certain plants, e.g. the burdock,
which clings to anything it touches.
264. loathed medicine, as nauseous to me as medicine.
265. Do you not jest ? Surely you must be jesting.
267, 8. I would ... you : I wish I had something more than your
word, -your bond ; for I see (alluding to Hermia's throwing her
arms round Lysander and so detaining him) you are easily held
by a bond.
269. What, should ... dead ? What, does your taunt mean that
you expect me to be so inhuman as to prevent her from clinging
to me by striking her dead ?
271. what, hate ? i.e. you need not be scrupulous about
striking me, for no personal injury you can do me will be worse
than your hatred .
272. what news, that is a strange story to tell me (sc. that you
hate me).
274. erewhile, only a short time ago (when you swore you
loved me) ; literally, before (the present) time ; in Temp. iii. 2.
117, we have while-ere, = during (the time) , before, while being
there used adverbially.
275. Since night ... me, no longer ago than last night you, etc.;
it is but the time since night that you, etc.
276, 7. Why, then ... say ? Am I then to say, to believe, that
you were in earnest in leaving me, that you really meant to
have nothing more to do with me ? May the gods forbid such a
thing !
279. Therefore ... doubt, cease therefore to retain any hope,
cease to question me on the subject, or to buoy yourself up with
the possibility that you are mistaken. I have followed Pope in
omitting 6 of before doubt. Lettsom compares ii. 1. 237, 67 Ay,
in the temple, in the town, the field. "
280. nothing truer, i.e. that nothing is more certain.
282. juggler, cheat : canker-blossom, you who have destroyed
the love which was blossoming between Lysander and myself
just as the canker destroys the blossoms of flowers ; cp. above,
ii. 2. 3, and, for the figurative use of the word, Temp. i. 2. 415,
66 grief that's beauty's canker " ; i. H. IV. iv. 2. 32, “ the
cankers of a calm world and a long peace.'"" The word is a
doublet of C cancer, ' from Lat. cancer, a crab, the tumour being
so named from its eating into the flesh.
" Like a right gipsy " ; ii. H. IV. ii. 1. 206, “ This is the right
fencing grace " ; for, as regards, in the matter of.
304. something, somewhat.
305. That I can match her, that I am her match, her equal in
a quarrel.
308. counsels, secrets entrusted to me ; cp. above, i. 1. 216.
310. your stealth, your having stolen away, secretly gone ; cp.
Macb. ii . 3. 152, "there's warrant in that theft Which steals
itself, when there's no mercy left, " said by Malcolm to Don
albain as they are preparing to steal away from Macbeth's
311. for love, out of love.
314. so, provided that.
315. bear my folly back, rid you of my foolish self, and bear
alone the burden of my folly.
317. simple, silly : fond, foolish.
318. get you gone, see note on ii. 1. 194.
319. A foolish ... behind, my heart is with Demetrius here,
and drags me back though wishing to go.
322. though part, even though you espouse her cause (sc.
Helena's) and are thus guilty of an officious piece of interference.
As below, 330-3, Demetrius resents even an act of kindness to
wards one whom he considers to belong entirely to himself, and
whose cause he claims to uphold alone.
323. shrewd , bitter-tongued ; see note on ii. 1. 33, above.
"" 324. a vixen, a sharp-tempered hussy ; properly, a she-fox ;
by the ordinary laws of vowel-change, the feminine form is
fyx-en, made by changing the vowel from o to y, and adding the
feminine suffix -en ... The use of vox for fox is common ; so
also vane for fane, and vat for fat "... (Skeat, Ety. Dict. ).
327. flout, jeer at.
329. minimus, an atom ; literally, smallest one : of hindering ...
made, Steevens points out that knot-grass was anciently supposed
to prevent the growth of animals and children, and compares
Beaumont and Fletcher's Coxcomb, ii. 2, " We want a boy ex
tremely for this function, Kept under for a year with milk and
330. bead, no bigger than a bead or drop ; a name given to a
fairy in M. W. v. 5. 53.
330, 1. You are ... services, you put yourself forward a great
deal too much in offering to help one who scorns both you and
your offers of help ; for her, as the antecedent of a relative, see
Abb. § 218.
333, 4. if thou dost ... her, if you venture to make the least
display of love to her ; for intend = put forward, direct, cp. M.
W. ii. 1. 188, " If he should intend this voyage towards my wife ":
Never so little, however small ; literally, a show of love so little
as has never been shown.
335. aby, pay dearly for ; see note on 1. 175, above : holds me
not, no longer clings to me and prevents my following you, as
you just now (1. 268) taunted me with not doing.
336, 7. to try ... Helena, to put to the test of combat the ques
tion which of us has the better claim to Helena : a confusion of
two constructions (1 ) to try whose right, yours or mine, is most ,
etc. (2) to try which, of you or me (i.e. us ), has most, etc. Cp.
Temp. ii. 1. 28, 9, " Which of he or Adrian, for a good wager,
first begins to crow. "
338. cheek by jole, with the utmost closeness ; literally, as
near as cheek is to cheek ; jole, an old spelling of jowl, and " a
corruption of chole, chowl, or chaul ... Again, chaul is a corruption
of chavel = chavel ...-A.Ś. ceafle, the jaw " ... (Skeat, Ety. Dict. ).
339. coil, trouble, disturbance ; cp. K. J. ii. 1. 165, " I am
not worth this coil " : 'long of you, of your doing ; literally, in
close connection with you, and so due to you ; now used pro
vincially only.
342. for a fray, when a quarrel has to be decided.
343. to run away, for running away ; when the question comes
of running away.
345. still, constantly.
347. shadows, shadowy beings, the fairies ; cp. below, v. 1.
408, " If we shadows have offended. "
352, 3. And so far . sport, and my gladness that matters
turned out as they did is proportionate to the amusement their
quarrelling affords me ; so and As are correlative ; sort, turn out,
from Lat. sors, lot, destiny ; cp. M. A. v. 4. 7, " I am glad that
all things sort so well. "
355. overcast the night, envelope the night in a mantle of
356. welkin, sky ; A.S. wolcnu, plural of wolcen, a cloud.
357. Acheron, the name of several classical rivers , and one of
the five rivers of the lower world ; also used in late classical
writers for the whole of the lower world. Shakespeare seems to
have taken it for a burning lake.
358. testy, quarrelsome ; literally, heady ; from O. F. teste,
M. F. tête, the head.
359. As, as that, so that.
360. Like to ... tongue, at one time attune your voice to that
of Lysander.
361. wrong, insults.
363. from, away from.
364. death-counterfeiting, cp. Macb. ii. 3. 81, " Shake off this
downy sleep, death's counterfeit ” ; Cymb. ii. 2. 31 , “ O sleep ,
thou ape ofdeath. "
365. batty wings, wings like those of bats, who fly abroad in
the night-time only ; hence slumberous.
367. This virtuous property, this efficacy belonging to it ;
' virtue ' in this sense is very frequent in Shakespeare ; cp. ii.
H. IV. iv. 5. 76, " Culling from every flower the virtuous
sweets. "
308. all error, all delusions ; his, its ; see Abb. § 228 : might,
369. wonted sight, usual vision.
370. this derision, this deception of which they have been
made the fools.
371. fruitless, empty.
372. wend, go, take their way ; from " A.S. wendan, ( 1 ) transi
tive, to turn ; (2) intransitive, to turn oneself, proceed ; its past
tense, went, is now used as the past tense of go " (Skeat, Ety.
373. league, sc. of friendship.
374. Whiles, the old genitive used adverbially.
375. I'll to, the verb of motion being omitted , as frequently.
377. From monster's view, from the sight of the monster with
whom she is in love ; for the omission of the article, see Abb. §
379. night's swift dragons, cp. Cymb. ii. 2. 48, " Swift, swift,
you dragons of the night, that dawning May bare the raven's
eye !" and Il Penseroso, 59, " While Cynthea checks her dragon
yokes : " dragons , because of their supposed wakefulness : full
fast, with all possible speed.
380. Aurora's harbinger, the forerunner of the goddess of
the dawn, i.e. the day-star ; harbinger, forerunner ; properly an
officer in the royal household , whose duty it was to allot and mark
the lodgings of the king's attendants in a royal progress.
382. Troop churchyards , hurry back in troops to their graves
in the churchyard : cp. Haml. i. 1. 150-6.
383. in crossways, suicides were formerly buried in crossways
so that their graves instead of being kept sacred as in churchyards
might be trodden by every wayfarer ; a stake was also driven
' buy ' and ' aby ' are both from the A.S. bicgan, to buy ; cp.
above, iii. 2. 175. “' Lest, to thy peril, thou aby it dear."
428. Faintness, weariness.
429. To measure ... length, cp. Lear, i. 4. 100, “ If you will
measure your lubber's length again, tarry, " i.e. if you wish to be
knocked down again.
430. look to be visited, expect to be met and punished by
432. Abate thy hours, shorten your duration : Shine comforts,
let comforts shine ; the imperative used optatively.
435. sleep, that ... eye, see note on iii. 2. 85, above.
436. steal, gently remove.
437. Yet but three ? are there only three here as yet ? Come
one more, let one more come.
439. curst, see note on 1. 300.
442. Never, on this word where we more commonly use ' ever, '
see Abb. § 52.
443. Bedabbled, wetted thoroughly, see note on 1. 121 .
444. go, walk.
447. mean a fray, intend to fight.
458. And the ... known, and the proverb so well known to
460. In your ... shown, shall be exemplified in your case when
you awake.
461. Jack shall have Jill, every lad shall have his lass ; Jack
and Jill, names common among rustics ; cp. L. L. L. v. 2. 885,
"Our wooing doth not end like an old play ; Jack hath no Jill.”
87. And bless ... prosperity, and shower our blessings upon it
with the result of its being ever prosperous .
89. with, at the same time with.
91. the ... lark, cp. R. J. iii. 5. 6, " It was the lark, the herald
of the morn. ""
92. sad, sober ; as frequently in Shakespeare.
93. Trip we shade, let us lightly follow the darkness of the
night to that part of the globe which it will be shadowing.
95. Swifter, see note on " moon's sphere, " ii. 1. 7, above.
100. the forester, the huntsman who was to bring the hounds
for the chase.
101. our perform'd , our rites to the May morning have been
duly observed ; cp. above i. 1. 167.
102. vaward, forepart ; another spelling of vanward ' (or
‘ vanguard '), from O. F. avant before and ward ' (or ' guard ').
For the word used in a figurative sense, cp. ii. H. IV. i. 2. 199,
" and we that are in the vaward of our youth, I must confess, are
wags too. "
103. My love, sc. Hippolyta : music, tuneful voices.
104. Uncouple, let the dogs out of the slips. For the sake of
the metre, Pope omits the words let them, and Dyce follows him.
105. Dispatch, make haste.
106. We will ... up, the verb of motion omitted.
107. the musical confusion, the harmonious blending of the
baying of dogs and the echo of that baying.
110. bay'd the bear, brought the bear to a stand-still ; " bay
-F. abois, abbois. Cotgrave says ' a stag is said rendre les
pois, when, weary of running, he turns upon the hounds, and
holds them at or puts them to a bay ' The original sense of aboi
is the bark of a dog" (Skeat, Ety. Dict. ) : bear was altered by
Hanmer to boar, ' but bear-hunting is frequently mentioned in
old English literature, and bear-baiting was a pastime common in
Shakespeare's day.
111. hounds of Sparta, the Spartan hounds were from early
days a famous breed.
112. chiding, noise made by the hounds giving tongue ; used of
the wind in A. Y. L. ii. 1. 7, of the sea in H. VIII. iii. 2. 197,
of the tempest in T. C. i. 3. 54.
113. fountains has been objected to on the ground that water
could not give an echo (though Virgil, quoted by Malone, has the
same thought) and mountains ' proposed in its place ; but
Shakespeare in speaking of the whole landscape is not careful
140-2. How comes ... enmity ? How does such gentle concord
prevail in the world that hatred is so completely a stranger to
suspicion as to sleep side by side with hatred without fearing any
injury ? i.e. how is it that you and Demetrius, who are known to
hate each other so bitterly, should be found lying close to one an
other, each without any fear of injury from the other ? for
jealousy , = suspicion, cp. H. V. ii. 2. 126, " O, how hast thou
with jealousy infected The sweetness of affiance ! " for so ... that,
see Abb. § 281 .
143, 4. I shall ... waking, my answer must be made in a be
wildered way as by one half asleep, half waking ; there seems to
be a confusion of constructions between ' I shall reply half asleep,
half waking,' and ' my reply shall be half sleep, half waking. '
Delius and Staunton read sleep, ' i.e. asleep for shall, = must,
see Abb. § 318.
146. for truly ... speak, for I should wish to speak the truth.
147. so it is, this is the state of matters.
149, 50. Was to be ... law, was to escape from Athens to some
place or other beyond the reach of the Athenian law. If the read
ing is right, the construction seems to be ' Was to be gone with
out the peril of the Athenian law by going from Athens where we
might.' Fisher's quarto puts a dash after law, to signify that
the speech is incomplete ; Hanmer gives "Be without peril
of th³ Athenian law" ; for without, used locally = outside, see
Abb. § 197.
151. you have enough, enough has been admitted by Lysander
to prove their guilt.
152. I beg the law, i.e. the application of the law ; cp. M. V.
iv. 1. 141, " I stand here for law."
154. Thereby me, so that they might in that way disappoint
both of us ; cp. H. V. iv. 175, " Now, if these me: have de
feated the law and outrun native punishment " ; Sonn. xx. 11 ,
"Till Nature ... fell a-doting And by addition me of thee de
157. their stealth, their stealing away.
158. Of this ... wood, of this intention of theirs to make for
this wood.
160. in fancy, out of love for me.
163. Melted, being melted. I have followed Dyce in inserting
melts before snow ; other conjectures are, " Melteth as does,"
etc.; " All melted as, " etc.
164. gawd, toy, bauble ; see above, i. 1. 33.
166-8. And all ... Helena, all the firm loyalty of my heart has
Helena for its mark, she is the sole object of delight to my eye.
170-2. But ... wish it, but, just as one in sickness loathes the
most pleasant food, so did I loathe Helena ; yet again, just as
one in health desires pleasant food, so I, having now recovered
my natural taste, desire Helena ; But and But, if the reading is
correct, may be used as correlatives = as, so.
175. this discourse, this narrative.
176. overbear, bear down by my command, over-rule.
177. by and by, in a short time ; see note on iii. 1. 77.
179. for, since : is something worn, has partly gone by.
181. three and three, each of us three with the object of our
184. These things ... undistinguishable, these matters to which
I attached so much importance, now that I am awake and in my
right mind, seem so trifling as to be scarcely perceptible.
185. turned into clouds, which to the physical eye look no
more substantial than clouds.
186. with parted eye, as one would if one's eyes were not in
focus with each other.
188, 9. And I ... own, and as when a man finds a jewel and
does not know whether he may call it his own, or whether he
will have to give it up to some one claiming it, so I, in finding
Demetrius, feel the same uncertainty as to his really belonging
to me.
190. That we are awake ? Capell and Lettsom both conjecture
' well ' before awake ; Malone would insert ' now.'
196. by the way, as we go along.
198. next, sc. cue.
200. God's my life, i.e. by God who is my life, or as God is my
202. past the wit was, which it is beyond the wisdom of
man to say what its nature was.
203. go about, endeavour.
205. a patched fool, no better than a fool dressed in motley.
206. offer, attempt .
206-9. The eye ... was. Bottom is clumsily parodying Scrip
ture ; see i. Corinthians, ii. 9.
210. of this dream, on the subject of this dream.
212. our is Walker's conjecture for ‘ a. '
213. gracious, pleasing : her death, if the true reading, can
refer to Thisbe only ; Theobald conjectured after ' for at her,
i.e. after he has slain himself in the character of Pyramus.
74, 5. And now ... nuptial, and now have exercised their
hitherto unpractised memories in studying this play I have men
tioned in preparation for your66 wedding feast ; for toil'd, transi
tive, cp. Haml. i. 1. 72, 'Why this same strict and most
observant watch So nightly toils the subject of the land " ; in
unbreathed the figure is from exercising horses and so getting
them into good wind ; cp. A. Y. L. i. 2. 230, " Yes, I beseech
your grace : I am not yet well breathed " ; T. S. Ind. ii. 50, 66 as
swift As breathed stags " ; for against your nuptial, see note on i.
1. 125.
77. not for you, not fitted for one of your greatness.
79, 80. Unless ... pain, unless the fact that they have desired
to please you, and with that desire have laboured to the utmost
in getting up their parts, will afford you amusement in spite of
their shortcomings ; properly speaking, it is not the intents that
are Extremely stretch'd, but their labour due to those intents ;
conn'd, see note on i. 2. 102.
83. When simpleness ... it, when offered out of simple-minded
"" ; Steevens compares Ben Jonson, Cynthia's Revels,
Nothing which duty and desire to please Bears written on the
forehead, comes amiss. "
85, 6. I love not ... perishing, it is no pleasant sight to me to
see poor wretches labouring under a task too heavy for them, and
those who from a feeling of duty offer their services failing in
their attempt to acquit themselves well ; Hippolyta is unwilling
that the poor rustics should be allowed to play before her and
break down in the attempt ; his, its ; for perishing, in this
sense,"" cp. M. M. v. 1. 458, " an intent That perish'd by the
way. "
88. kind, way, i.e. of acting.
89. The kinder ...nothing, if so, answers Theseus playing upon
the word kind, our gracious thanks will be all the more gracious
as being given for what does not in itself deserve them.
90. Our sport mistake, our amusement shall consist in
accepting, as something worthily offered, their shortcomings ,
whatever they may be.
91, 2. And what ... merit, and in a case where poor creatures,
anxious to show their duty, fail in their efforts, a generous mind
accepts those efforts, taking into consideration their capacity as
performers rather
( than the merit of their performance. Seymour
would insert aright, ' Coleridge, ' yet would ' after do, putting
noble respect into the latter of the two lines.
93. great clerks, deeply learned men ; " learning," as Wright
points out, "having been at one time almost confined to the
clergy." He compares Per. v. Prol. 5, “ Deep clerks she dumbs, ”
i.e. she puts to silence profound scholars.'
147, 8. And Thisby ... died, and Thisbe, who was hiding her
self, for fear of the lion, in the shelter of the mulberry trees,
coming out drew the dagger from his wound and killed herself
with it : For all the rest, as for the rest of the story.
150. At large, at length, in full detail.
151. be to speak, has to make a speech.
152. No wonder, it would be nothing wonderful if he had to, etc.
154. interlude, properly something played in the intervals of
a festivity.
157. crannied hole, a crevice cut in the wall.
162. right and sinister, going right and left ; sinister, an
affectation partly for the sake of a rough rhyme with whisper.
164. Would you . better ? Could any one expect lime and
hair to speak more eloquently ? hair, an admixture with lime to
give it greater consistency ; cp. below, 1. 193.
165. partition, Fanner proposed "This is the wittiest partition
that ever I heard in discourse," with an allusion to the many
absurd partitions in the argumentative writings of the time.
168. grim-look'd, for the termination -ed loosely employed for
ful, -ing, see Abb. § 374.
175. blink, peep through.
176. shield, guard, protect from storms.
180. sensible, endowed with sense ; the wall being represented
by a man should, ought, might be expected to : curse again,
return curse for curse.
181. he should not, Bottom, taking Theseus' words seriously,
replies, ' No, that is not in his part. '
183. pat, exactly ; see above, iii. 1. 2.
186. For parting, on account of your separating.
188. hair ... thee, see note on 1. 164 above.
189. see a voice, see above, iii. 1. 82.
192. thy lover's grace, your graceful lover.
193. Limander, for Leander, as Helen is for Hero, Shafalus for
Cephalus, and Procrus for Procris. Everyone knows the story of
Hero and Leander ; Cephalus, son of Hermes and Herse, was
loved by Aurora, but out of loyalty to his wife Procris, rejected
the offers of the goddess.
200. 'Tide life, ' tide death, whether life or death happen to
me ; 'tide, for ' betide. '
201. discharged, enacted ; cp. above, i. 2. 82.
202. being done, the part being played.
203. mural, if the right reading, = wall ; Theseus probably
A Between, i. 1. 131.
Bob, ii. 1. 49.
Abide, iii. 1. 10. Brake, iii. 1. 66.
Abridgement, v. 1. 39. Breath, ii. 1. 151 .
Aby, iii. 2. 175. Breath'd, v. 1. 74.
Accidents, v. 1. 34. Brief (sb. ) , v. 1. 42.
Acheron, iii. 2. 357. Broach'd, v. 1. 146.
Adamant, ii. 1. 195. Bully, iii. 1. 7.
Advance, iii. 2. 128. Burr, iii. 2. 260.
Advised, i. 1. 46. Buskin'd, ii. 1. 71 .
Afeard, iii. 1. 25.
After-supper, v. 1. 34.
Against, i. 1. 125 ; iii. 2. 99. C
Amiable, iv. 1. 2. Calendar, iii. 1. 46.
Apace, i. 1. 2. Canker-blossom, iii. 2. 282.
Approve, ii. 2. 68. Cankers, ii. 2. 3.
Apricocks, iii. 1. 153. Capacity, v. 1. 105.
Argument, iii. 2. 242. Carried, iii. 2. 240.
Artificial, iii. 2. 203.
Avouch, i. 1. 106. Carthage queen, i. 1. 173.
Casement, iii. 1. 49.
Aweary, v. 1. 241. Chance (vb. ), i. 1. 129 ; v. 1 .
B 300.
Changeling, ii. 1. 23.
Bacchanals, v. 1. 48. Cheer, i. 1. 122.
Badges, iii. 127. Chiding, iv. 1. 112.
Bait, iii. 2. 197. Childhood (adj. ), iii. 2. 202.
Barren, iii. 2. 13. Childing, ii. 1. 112.
Bay'd, iv. 1. 110. Civil, iii. 2. 147.
Bead, iii. 2. 330. Clerks, v. 1. 93.
Bean-fed, ii. 1. 45. Cloister, i. 1. 71.
Bedabbled, iii. 2. 443. Coats in heraldry, iii. 2. 213.
Bequeath, iii. 2. 166. Coil, iii. 2. 339.
Bergomask, v. 1. 338, 346. Collied, i. 1. 145.
Beshrew, ii. 2. 54. Compact, v. 1. 8.
Companion , i. 1. 15 . G
Compare (sb. ), iii. 2. 290. Gait, v. 1. 353.
Con, i. 2. 88. Gawds, i. 1. 33.
Condole, i. 2. 23. Glance at, ii. 1. 75.
Confusion , i. 1. 149. Gleek, iii. 1. 135.
Contagious , ii. 1. 90. Goblin, iii. 2. 399.
Contrived , iii 196.
Counsel, i. 1. 216 ; iii. 2. 198. Gossip, ii. 1. 47.
Grisly, v. 1. 138.
Crab, ii. 1. 48. Guest-wise, iii. 2. 171.
Crazed, i. 1. 92.
Crossways , iii. 2. 383. H
Cue, iii. 1. 66.
Hail'd down, i. 1. 243.
D Handicraft, iv. 2. 10.
Harbinger, iii. 2. 380.
Dank, ii. 2. 75. Hare-lip, v. 1. 396.
Darkling , ii. 2. 86. Hearts, iv. 2. 23.
Death- counterfeiting, iii. 2. 364. Hempen, iii. 1. 67.
Debate, ii. 1. 116. Henchman, ii. 1. 121 .
Derived, i. 1. 99. Homespuns, iii. 1. 67.
Dian's bud, iv. 1. 70. Humble-bees, iii . 1. 155.
Ditty, v. 1. 380.
Discharge , i. 2. 82 ; iv. 2. 8. I
Distemperature , ii. 1. 106.
Dotes, i. 1. 109. Impair, iii. 2. 180.
Dowager , i. 1. 5. Impeach , ii. 1. 214.
Duke, i. 1. 20. Injury, ii. 1. 147.
Intend, iii. 2. 333.
E Interlude, v. 1. 154.
Edict, i. 1. 151 . J
Eglantine , ii. 1. 252.
Erewhile , iii. 2. 274. Jack, iii. 2. 461 .
Estate unto, i. 1. 98. Jealousy , iv. 1. 141 .
Exposition , iv. 1. 35. Jill, iii. 2. 461.
Extenuate , i. 1. 120. Jole, iii. 2. 368.
Eyne, i. 1. 242. Juvenal, iii. 1. 84.
F " K
Kind (sb. ), i. 1. 54.
Fair (sb. ) , i. 1. 182. Knacks, i. 1. 34.
Fantasy, i. 1. 32. Know, = ascertain, i. 1. 68.
Favour, = appearance, i. 1. 186.
Fell, v. 1. 218. L
Flew'd, iv. 1. 117.
Forsworn, ii. 1. 62. Lakin, iii. 1. 12.
French-crown- colour, i. 2. 84. Latch'd, iii. 2. 36.
Fruitless, i. 1. 73. Leviathan, ii. 1. 174.