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ABSTRACT Floods are one of the most severe and most frequent natural calamities. It causes enormous
economic damage and even leads to higher mortality rates. Studies on damage detection of roads using
artificial intelligence (AI) methods gained more attention currently, especially in the development of smart
cities. Therefore, this study designs an optimal Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network based Road Damage
Detection (OFWNN-RDD) technique for Flooding Management. The OFWNN-RDD technique aims to
exploit the remote sensing images to classify different kinds of roads. For noise removal process, the
OFWNN-RDD technique utilizes Gabor filtering (GF) technique. In addition, the OFWNN-RDD technique
uses the DenseNet121 model for feature vector generation with modified barnacles mating optimization
(MBMO) based hyperparameter optimizer. Finally, FWNN image classification approach is used for road
damage detection. The simulation values exhibit the supremacy of the OFWNN-RDD technique over other
models with improved road damage detection accuracy of 98.56%.
INDEX TERMS Flooding, road damage, machine learning, parameter tuning, computer vision.
research efforts were held to help government agency for II. RELATED WORKS
automating the sample collection process and road inspec- Al Duhayyim et al. [11] introduced a novel Road Damage
tion, using technology with various degrees of complex- Detection modality utilizing Hunger Games Search and
ity. Current research works have implemented several Deep Elman NN (RDD–HGSENN) on High-Resolution RSI. The
Learning (DL)-related and Machine Learning (ML) methods RDD–HGSENN approach mainly intends to fix road destruc-
for automated damage detection or road surface survey [9]. tions through RSIs. In the approach mentioned above, the
DL, which depends on neural networks, will be an advanced RetinaNet method has been enforced to detect road damage.
conception of ML and grants solutions in application fields Besides, the RDD–HGSENN algorithm can categorise road
that are tough to model with classical statistical methods. damage through the ENN method. The HGS system has been
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are the main cat- used in this study for tuning ENN variables mechanically.
egory of deep neural networks (DNNs) that can be generally Reference [12] presents a new method relevant to the Track-
implemented for image classification and recognition [10]. ing, Learning, and Detector (TLD) structures for detecting the
The main benefit of CNN is that it mechanically finds critical damaged road area from post-disaster high-resolution RSI.
features after the training phase by not involving any human Initially, spoke wheel operators can be used to describe the
supervision. On the other hand, hyperparameters are settings initial template of the road. Afterwards, the TLD structure
that are not learned during training, but must be set prior to was exploited to find suspected road damaged regions. Lastly,
training. They can have a significant impact on the perfor- damaged road parts were extracted by pruning false damaged
mance of the model, and selecting the optimal values can roads.
lead to better accuracy. Most of the existing works have not Ochoa-Ruiz et al. [13] aim at bridging this gap through
addressed the hyperparameter tuning process. Since the trial 2 methods. First, the author presented a novel large asphalt
and error parameter tuning is a tedious process, metaheuristic dataset, which incorporated damages not existing in earlier
optimization algorithms are preferable. research works, making it very powerful and representative of
This study designs an optimal Fuzzy Wavelet Neural some reimbursements like potholes. The images are captured
Network based Road Damage Detection (OFWNN-RDD) in various weather and illumination circumstances, and a
technique for Flooding Management. The OFWNN-RDD quality-aware data augmenting technique has been used for
method uses Gabor filtering (GF) for noise removal. The sorting out examples of bad quality, which will be helpful in
OFWNN-RDD technique uses the DenseNet121 model enriching the performance metrics on the baseline. Then, the
for feature vector generation with hyperparameter tuning author well-trained various object detection methods agree-
using the modified barnacles mating optimization (MBMO) able for mobile applications with a suitable performance for
algorithm. This study employs the FWNN image classi- several applications. Hacıefendioğlu and Başağa [14] con-
fication approach for road damage detection. A complete centrated on identifying cracks in concrete roads for several
set of series was performed to highlight the proficient illumination levels, shooting and weather conditions utiliz-
classification performance of the OFWNN-RDD algo- ing a DL-related object detection technique. In this context,
rithm. In short, the key contributions are summarized as previous cracks will be determined unusually inexpensively
follows. and quickly. A descriptive method is taken into account for
detecting cracks of images on concrete road surfaces utilizing
• An intelligent OFWNN-RDD technique comprising of pre trained Faster R-CNN.
pre-processing, DenseNet121 based feature extraction, Shim et al. [15] advanced a new sensor technology that
MBMO based hyperparameter tuning, and FWNN based finds road damage through a DL-relevant image processing
classification is presented for road damage detection. technique. The presented technology is a semi-supervised
To the best of our knowledge, the OFWNN-RDD model learning and super-resolution method related to GAN. In the
has never presented in the literature. previous days, the quality of road image so that damages
• A novel MBMO algorithm is introduced by incorpo- can be observed clearly. Such 2 techniques are allplied to
rating the concepts of self-adaptive population into the 4 lightweight segmentation neural networks. Li et al. [16]
BMO algorithm. modelled an automated common subsurface distress detec-
• Employ FWNN model for the identification and classi- tion technique unitizing conventional deep learning and sig-
fication of road damage detection process. nal processing. Wavelet transform was enforced to find the
• Hyperparameter optimization of the DenseNet121 road layer for function segmentations. A particular pseudo-
model using MBMO algorithm using cross-validation color map technique was modlle4d for converting reflected
helps to boost the predictive outcome of the signals for DL model training.
OFWNN-RDD model for unseen data. A novel large-scale manhole cover detection datasets are
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduced utilizing smartphones for collecting road image
provides the related works and section III offers the pro- datasets, and a hierarchical classification approach related
posed model. Then, section IV gives the result analysis and to the CNN is devised in [17]. Wang et al. [18] introduced
section V concludes the paper. an improved approach depending on YoloV3 that considers
Primarily, the OFWNN-RDD technique used the GF tech-
nique for the noise removal process. In the presented sys-
tem, the Gabor filter (GF) was exploited to relax the val-
leys and enhance the ridges by implementing a short-term
Fourier transformation involving a Gaussian window in the
spatial domain [22]. This statistical feature produced an
image feature emphasized by applying the orientations and
frequency information in fingerprint images by finetuning
GFs. A sequence of GFs is used on the image I (x, y) in
different frequencies, which have distinct orientations with
g(x, y) Gabor function as follows.
′ ′
x 2 + γ 2y 2 X′
g (x, y) = exp − cos 2π + φ (1)
2σ 2 l
the feature map size. Hence, the DenseNet includes 3 transi- where rand describes the random number within [0, 1],
tions, 1-classification, and 117 Conv, which makes the size of the recently produced offspring for exploration is produced
layer 121. using Mum’s candidates. The offspring would be evaluated
In this work, the hyperparameter tuning process uses the and added to parents for extending the solution matrix from
MBMO algorithm. In this work, the MBMO technique as candidate size. Therefore, a method has been exploited to
a hyperparameter optimizer has been employed. Barnacle arrange a single dimension, eliminating incorrect solutions.
is a specific type of arthropod that constitutes an infraclass The MBMO technique incorporates self-population-related
Cirripedia depends on lobsters and crabs [24]. They are initialization with the typical BMO technique. Like other
especially marine animals which live in shallow and tidal metaheuristics, BMO has a population-related optimized
waters. They will be available everywhere one seawater and algorithm initiated by random initialization. This shows that
raised on hard surfaces in seawater. Afterwards, they hatch it demands control parameters for determining population
eggs; barnacle larvae were dispersed in water to discover sizes. Yet, it is notable that the selection of population sizes
and stick towards hard surfaces. The hard surface covers the to overcome case problem become challenging. Here, the
body of the barnacle and improves the shell plate. They need primary population size in the first iteration was attained
to search for a balance between achieving additional mates using a self-adaptive population:
in a turbulent flow and dealing with ever-longer penises.
Depending on this behaviour, a new optimization approach, PopSize = 10 × d (9)
called the BMO algorithm, was proposed. The balance behav-
iors are developed by using Hardy Weinberg equilibrium in In Eq. (9), d denotes the problem dimension, and the
the following. The primary population of barnacles for the following expression determines it:
solution is defined as follows:
PopSizenew = max (d, round (PopSize + r×PopSize))
χ1 χ1
1 N
.. ..
X= . . (2)
1 N In Eq. (10), r determines a random value within [−0.5,
χn χn
In Eq. (2), n determines the candidate numbers, and N
indicates the amount of decision variables based on the upper Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of BMO
and lower limiations: Initializes population of barnacle Xi
h i
lb = lb1 , . . . , lbi (3) Evaluate the barnacle fitness valu
h i Sort for locating an optimal outcome at the population
ub = u1b , . . . , uib (4) (T=the optimal solutions)
while (I < Maximal iteration)
Now, ub and lb denote the upper and lower boundaries of Fix values of pl
parameter i. By evaluating the objective function for every if select of Dad and Mum =pl
candidate, best to worst upshots are arranged and stored for every variable
during primary iteration. The proposed technique includes Offspring generations:
exploitation and exploration. The offspring generation is end for
enforced using sperm cast as an exploration term: else if selective of Dad and Mum >pl
bD = rand (n) (5) for every variable
Offspring generation
bM = rand (n) (6)
End for
From the expression, bD and bM indicates mated parents. end if
Based on Hardy Weinberg’s concept, the BMO technique Apply existing barnacle backs when it moves
considers the inheritance feature or parents’ genotype fre- outside the boundary
quency during the generation of offspring for modelling the Evaluate barnacle fitness valu
reproduction technique: Arrange and upgrade T when there was an
optimal solution
XiNnew = pXbND + qXbNM (7) l=l+1
In Eq. (7), XbNM and XbND correspondingly characterize the end whil
variable of Mum and Dad candidates, and p determines a Return T
pseudorandom number that lies within [0,1], = (1−p).
Once the candidate selection to mate excels pl amount was The MBMO approach derived a fitness function to have
initially considered, then exploration term is performed: an enriched classifier outcome. It determined positive values
for signifying superior outcomes of candidate solutions. This
XiNnew = randd×XbnM (8) article uses the reduced classifier error rate as the fitness
In Eq. (14), ψ(x) ∈L 2 (R) denotes the wavelet function as Moreover, each node in layer 3 demonstrates one fuzzy
follows: rule:
Z +∞ Y
Cψ = dω< +∞. (15) Ok = µkj , k, 1, . . . ,M (18)
0 ω j=1
In Eq. (15), ψ̂(ω) denotes the FTs of ψ(x). To stimulate (4) Fourth Layer. The output of the wavelet component was
multi-variable processes, a multidimensional wavelet should calculated:
Rk : IF x1 is Ak1 . . . AND xn is Akn , layer output neurons produced the quotient that demonstrates
THEN every WNNs output is proportional to the FWNNet results.
Nk (5) (3) (4)
X Ok = Ok ·Ok = Ok · Yk ,
Yk = wki 9ik + yk (19)
i=1 (6)
X (5)
O1 = Ok
where x1 , x2 , . . . ,xn signify the input feature, Y1 , Y2 , . . . ,YM k=1
characterizes the 4th layer resultant layer, and Akj signifies the M
k th fuzzy set with standard membership. The weight matrix (6) (3)
O2 = Ok (20)
and bias were saved in the hidden layer as wki and yk . k=1
(5) Fifth Layer. The results of FNN and WNN in the third
(7) Seventh Layer. The result of the output is gathered at
and fourth layers, Ok and Yk , are integrated. The defuzzifi-
the 7th layer.
cation inference was s in this layer, and it multiplies the 3rd
resultant layers dataset by the 4th resultant dataset. O1
(6) PM
(7) k=1 Ok Yk
(6) Sixth Layer. Two neurons correspondingly act as a y = O = (6) = P M
summing operator for 5th and 3rd layer resultant signals. 7th O2 k=1 Ok
TABLE 2. Road classifier outcome of OFWNN-RDD system under 70:30 of TABLE 3. Road classifier outcome of OFWNN-RDD method under 80:20
TABLE 4. Comparative analysis of OFWNN-RDD methodology with other values inferred the betterment of the OFWNN-RDD tech-
nique over other models. It is noticed that the RetinaNet
and MobileNet models have obtained lower classifier out-
comes. Next, the AlexNet and GoogleNet models have
reached slightly enhanced performance. In contrast, the
RDD-HGSENN technique has ensured reasonable perfor-
mance with anaccuy of 98.03%. However, the OFWNN-RDD
technique surpassed recent DL models with a maximum
accuy of 98.56%. These results guaranteed the maximum
performance of the OFWNN-RDD technique on the road
classification process.
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