A methodology that prioritizes inspection based on the A traditional methodology where inspections are
Definition risk posed by equipment, considering both probability of scheduled at fixed intervals, regardless of the
failure (PoF) and consequence of failure (CoF). equipment’s condition or operational risk.
Risk reduction by optimizing inspection resources on Ensuring compliance with codes and standards through
Key Focus
high-risk assets. periodic inspections.
- Risk assessment - Regulatory compliance
Primary Drivers - Asset criticality - Manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Operational history and data. - Historical inspection intervals.
1. Asset data collection. 1. Define inspection intervals based on standards.
2. Risk analysis (PoF & CoF). 2. Schedule inspections for all equipment.
Implementation Process 3. Assigning inspection priorities. 3. Conduct inspections without prioritization of risk.
4. Planning and executing inspections based on risk
Highly flexible. Inspection frequency and methods are Rigid schedule. All equipment follows the same
adjusted based on evolving risks. predetermined intervals, regardless of changing risks.
- Optimizes resources by focusing on high-risk assets. - Simple to implement.
- Reduces downtime for low-risk equipment. - Ensures all assets are inspected at regular intervals.
- Integrates with predictive maintenance systems. - Satisfies regulatory and compliance requirements.
- Increases safety and reliability.
- Requires detailed asset data and significant upfront - Inefficient use of resources; low-risk equipment is
analysis. inspected unnecessarily.
- Can lead to over-maintenance or missed failures
Disadvantages - Needs specialized software and expertise.
between intervals.
- May not satisfy regulators in some industries without
- Does not account for changes in risk over time.
additional compliance inspections.
- Extensive data collection on failure mechanisms,
- Minimal data collection. Relies on historical inspection
Data Requirements operating conditions, and historical performance.
intervals and compliance with codes.
- Requires risk models and analytics.
- Fixed intervals as per regulatory standards or
- Dynamic and based on risk analysis.
manufacturer recommendations.
Inspection Interval - Typically, every 1, 3, 5, or 10 years depending on the
- High-risk assets: frequent inspections.
- Low-risk assets: extended intervals.
Cost-efficient in the long term by reducing unnecessary Can be cost-inefficient due to blanket inspections
Cost Effectiveness
inspections and focusing on critical assets. without prioritization.