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Dimensions 79x115x42 mm (WxHxD)
Operating temp. -10°...+50°C
Range -50°...+150°C / 0...100% r.H.
Resolution 1°C / 1% r.H.
Input PTC 1000 / 0...1V
Relay power rating refer to data on unit
Connections screw terminal blocks, Ø 2 mm2 VIA PADOVA, 25
Supply voltage 230 Vac, 3 VA 31046 ODERZO /TV /ITALY
Front protection IP45
TEL. 0422 815320 - 815303
Enclusure inflammability fire-retardant
TELEFAX 0422 814073
E-mail: info@lae-electronic.com
We reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.
MTR4-MTC4 / MHR4-MHC4 way of controlling the outputs. 4 SETUP
In both cases the set point is the On to Off switch point MTC/MHC configuration is made in SETUP
but, in refrigeration (dehumidification) control, values through programming of the functioning modes and
1 INTRODUCTION lower than this will confirm the Off status, while in of the control parameters. Access to configuration is
This multi-task controller features particular heating (humidification) control they will cause the possible through a sequence of operations
flexibility, making it suitable for various output to switch On. preventing accidental activation.
applications. Using the vast set of parameters you 3a Keys and . After having displayed 4a Press key and and, by keeping them
can obtain the best control on heating the parameter to be changed with key or hys , pressed, push RESET key shortly. RESET key is
(humidification) or refrigeration (dehumidification) press key briefly to increase the value by one located on the upper-left side inside the instrument
plants or on the combination of both. unit or key to decrease it. Keeping it pressed on the bottom board. “PAr” is displayed; if only the
To get best performance, before installing and results in a progressively faster variation. The present control parameters must be changed then
using it, read this instruction sheet carefully. minimum and maximum programmable limits are press key and proceed as described in 4b.
1a Two outputs are available which are controlled selected in SETUP; to modify them proceed as per To change functioning modes press . “tyP”
by a microprocessor according to the pre-selected 4a and subsequent. appears; by pressing key the present functioning
functioning mode and the relative parameters 3b Key . By pressing it during the basic mode is displayed. By means of key skip through
programmed in SETUP. functioning, “L1” is displayed for 2 sec., followed by the various modes until the desired one is achieved,
The four functioning modes are: the pre-programmed value. L1 is the limit which, then confirm it by pressing .
MODE tv^ (MTR/MHR): one output refrigeration once reached by the input, causes the output RL1 4b The number of the parameters requested in
(dehumidification) controller allowing programming to switch from On to Off. SETUP varies according to the programmed
of the switch Off (L1) and the switch On (L2) Key , if pressed when programming a parameter, functioning mode; to skip through the whole set
temperature. allows its immediate storage with subsequent press key repeatedly. Parameter change is
MODE tHS (MTR/MHR): one output controller controller switchover to control function. The same achieved by pressing key and ; storage
allowing programming of the switch Off value (L1) sequence takes place automatically if no key is occurs with . It’s also possible to select a specific
and of the hysteresis (HY1). pressed within 6 sec. parameter and change its value by following the
MODE t2L (MTC/MHC../3): two output 3c Key hys . It allows to display the second diagram attached.
controller allowing programming of the main (L1) control parameter which, according to the 4c Parameter description:
and of the auxiliary limit (L2). functioning mode, is: uSP: L1 and L2 minimum set point limit
MODE t2S (MTC/MHC../4): two output MODE tv^: “L2” appears on display followed by (-50°...+150°); (0...100%).
controller allowing programming of the main limit RL1 output switch On temperature. Since this mode ^SP: maximum set point limit (uSP...+150°);
(L1) and of the relative gap (dt). is dedicated to refrigeration (dehumidification), the (uSP...100%).
1b The display, during the basic functioning minimum programmable value will always be rt1: minimum Off time for RL1. It determines the
shows the variable measured by the probe but, higher than limit L1. minimum Off time between the switch Off and the
when programming, is used to indicate the values Ex.: L1= -05° C; L2= -03° C switch On of RL1, regardless of the input values
chosen for the control parameters and their MODE tHS: “HY1” appears on display followed (0...10 minutes).
respective symbols, useful to simplify by the switching hysteresis, positive for refrigeration PF1: permanent status programmed for RL1 output
understanding. (dehumidification) control, negative for heating in case of probe failure (On...Off).
The parameters are shown and set by using the (humidification). The hysteresis represents the ADJ: offset which, added to the value read by the
four keys on front. difference between the switch On and the switch input, allows to alter the read out (-20...+20).
Off value. HY1 (tHS, t2L, t2S): in mode tHS it determines
2 INSTALLATION Ex.: L1= +25°C; HY1= -03°K the RL1 Off-On switching hysteresis programmable
2a To secure the instrument to the wall, remove the If programmed in this way, RL1 will carry out range; in mode t2L and t2S it represents the
locking screw and rotate the cover from the bottom heating control; it will switch Off at a temperature hysteresis value. With the sign + or - you select the
upwards. In this way you have access to the 4 of +25°C and switch On at +22°C. control carried out by RL1: refrigeration
fastening holes located on the angles of the MODE t2L: “L2” appears on display followed by (dehumidification) with positive sign, heating
enclosure. the On-Off threshold of RL2 output. Since L2 is the (humidification) with negative sign (-25...+25).
2b For proper functioning the instrument needs an auxiliary set point, its programmable limits are HY2 (t2L and t2S): RL2 Off-On switching
ambient temperature between -10°...+50°C and conditioned by the value programmed for L1 and hysteresis. Also in this case the sign determines the
15%...80% relative Humidity. To improve protection the respective control actions. control, positive for refrigeration (dehumidification),
of the probe against electro-magnetic interference, This bond is useful to avoid control zone overlap. In negative for heating (humidification) (-25...+25).
which might compromise its function, place its cable other words, assuming that RL1 has been rt2 (t2L and t2S): minimum Off time for RL2. It
and the controller away from power lines. programmed for heating (humidification) control determines the minimum Off time between the
CAUTION: the internal parts of the instrument, when it’s (neg. HY1) and RL2 for refrigeration switch Off and the switch On of RL2, regardless of
connected to the mains, are subjected to high voltage. (dehumidification) (pos. HY2), L2 will have a the input values (0...10 minutes).
Contact with them may be fatal to the operator to the minimum programmable limit equal to L1 value. By PF2 (t2L and t2S): permanent status
instrument. inverting the respective signs of hysteresis HY1 and programmed for RL2 output in case of probe failure
2c Outputs, power supply and probe must be HY2, L1 will be considered the maximum value (On...Off).
connected strictly following the diagram indicated which can be programmed for L2. ^dt (t2S): dt maximum limit; the parameter has
on the internal label. The probe screen must not be Ex.: L1= +18°C; HY1= -02° K; L2= +20°C; always the same sign as HY2 (-25..+25).
connected to any other leads. As to the maximum HY2= +03° K After programming, press RESET key briefly. The
load that can be controlled by the output and With these parameters RL1 will be switched Off at new configuration will be operative immediately.
supply voltage, refer to the maximum value on the +18°C and switched On again at +16°C; RL2 will
label. be Off at +20°C and On at +23°C. L2 minimum ATTENTION: when programming the hysteresis HY1/HY2,
2d Should the instrument be recalibrated, in programmable value will be +18°C, equal to L1. please consider the number of switchings that can be
consequence of probe replacement or considerable MODE t2S: “dt” appears on display followed by performed by the relay, and if necessary adjust the rest time
cable lengthening, then proceed as follows: use an the difference between the On-Off switch point of rt1/rt2 to limit the switching frequency.
accurate thermometer, make sure that the two RL2 and RL1 output. Since this is a relative gap, RL2
probes are at the same temperature, immersing will change its switch point as a result of the WARRANTY
them in a liquid if necessary. By means of a variations of L1. LAE electronic Srl warrant that their products are
screwdriver turn the trimmer located near the This functioning mode is the best solution for free of any defects in workmanship and materials for
transformer. In case of humidity probe replacement, “neutral zone”, two step control or if you have to a period of 1 (one) year from date of production
MHR/MHC does not need any recalibration. If it’s set an alarm threshold above or below set point. shown on the enclosure. LAE electronic Srl shall only
necessary to recalibrate the humidity probe, then Ex.: L1= -15°C; HY1= +02° K; dt= +05° K; repair or replace those products of which defects
consult relevant instruction sheet. HY2= +01° K are due to LAE electronic Srl and recognised by
CAUTION!: • If the relays switch large loads frequently, we If programmed in this way, RL1 will be switched Off their technicians. LAE electronic Srl are not liable for
suggest you contact us to obtain information about the relay at -15°C and switched On at -13°C. If temperature damages resulting from malfunctions of the products.
contact life. risesto -09°C (L1+dt+HY2) RL2 will be also Defects due to exceptional operating conditions,
• Where delicate or valuable products have to be maintained switched On and switched Off at -10°C. misapplication and/or tampering will void the
in special conditions, the same instrument should not be used 3d RL1 and RL2 On status is displayed by the warranty.
for both control and limit functions. In such cases a separate lighting up of respectively the 1st and 2nd Led, All transport charges for returning the product to the
instrument for each function is recommended. located on the upper part of display. manufacturer, after prior authorisation by LAE
As a result of probe failure, its connection electronic Srl, and for the return to the purchaser are
3 FUNCTIONING DESCRIPTION breakdown or overrange, PFA is displayed and RL1 always for the account of the purchaser.
In the following description reference is made to and RL2 outputs will permanently operate as
(DEHUMIDIFICATION) control to express a different
Regolatore, Temp.On/Temp.Off Regolatore, 1 limite Regolatore, 2 limiti 1 limite + 1 gradino
Toggle mode, On Temp./Off Temp. Single set controller Double set controller 1 set + 1 step
Régulateur, Temp.Tout/Temp.Rien Régulateur, 1 limite Régulateur, 2 limites 1 limite + 1 étage
Regler, Aus-Temp./Ein-Temp. Zweipunktregler Zweipunktregler, 2 Sollwerte 1 Sollwert + 1 Stufe
Regulador, Temp. Parada/Temp.Arranque Regulador, 1 límite Regulador, 2 límites 1 límite + 1 etapa

tYP t tHS t2L t2S

Set Point minimo

PAr SP -50°...150°C Minimum Set Point
P.d.C. minimum
Minimaler Sollwert
Mínimo Punto de Ajuste
Set Point massimo
SP SP...150°C Maximum Set Point
P.d.C. maximum
S Maximaler Sollwert
Máximo Punto de Ajuste
E Fermata minima RL1
T rt1 00...10 min. RL1 Rest time
U Arrêt minimum RL1
Min. RL1-Auszeit
P Parada mínima RL1

Stato di RL1 con sonda difettosa

PF1 on/oFF(RL1) RL1 with Probe Failure
RL1 avec sonde défectueuse
RL1 bei Fühlerfehler
Estado de RL1 con fallo de la sonda

Correzione sonda
ADJ -20...20°K Probe Offset
Correction Sonde
t Corrección Sonda

Isteresi di RL1
HY1 -25...25°K RL1 Hysteresis
Hystérésis RL1
tHS Histéresis de RL1

Isteresi di RL2
HY2 -25...25°K RL2 Hysteresis
Hystérésis RL2
Histéresis de RL2

Fermata minima RL2

rt2 00...10 min. RL2 Rest time
Arrêt minimum RL2
Min. RL2-Auszeit
Parada mínima RL2

Stato di RL2 con sonda difettosa

PF2 on/oFF(RL2) RL1 with Probe Failure
RL2 avec sonde défectueuse
RL2 bei Fühlerfehler
t2L Estado de RL2 con fallo de la sonda

Scostamento massimo
dt -25...25°K Maximum step
Ecart maximum
Maximale Stufe
t2S Vacío máximo

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