Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
Executive summery
The reason for this short call number is to participate in transport agent business in
Oromia region south east shoa zone Adama/Nazret city.
The business is new in Nazret/Adama city and it will be managed by well-educated and
experienced management teams.
KEMART TRANSPORT SERVICE PLC has five shareholders and each of them has an equal
share amount of 200,000 (Two hundred thousand ETB) and totally the company has a
1,000,000 (One million ETB) capital.
The main objective of the study is to make the transportation safe, to mitigate the price
variation, to make transportation accessible 24/7 in general to standardize the city
transport service and to earn revenue to the promoter.
The implementation of the business has many benefits to the community and to transport
service providers as a result to this the city mayor, the city citizens and the transport
service providers assent the business.
When the plc get this four digit short call number the plc shares the income to Ethiopian
Telecommunication Corporation at 70/30 percentage and the tariff per minute will be 3
2. Establishment of the plc
KEMART TRANSPORT SERVICE Plc is established on late June 2012 e.c in Adama city with
registered capital of 1,000,000.00(one million ETB) by 5 shareholders with 200,000(Two
hundred thousand ETB) equal share each.
The plc all over work is run through the general manager namely Fitsum Assefa. Like any
business the company established to make revenue by rendering service for the public
mean while this company provides many advantages for the public like creation of job
opportunity, playing a vital role in social responses, helping peoples to own capital and the
3.2 Vision
To become one of the best transport agent in peoples and freight transport in all over
Fair price for peoples and freight transport
Competitive rate for taxi and bajjag drivers
Accountability and transparency
4. Objective of the study
This proposal is held by KEMART TRANSPORT SERVICE plc to Ethiopia Telecommunication
Corporation in order to ask a four digit short call number in order to work as a transport
agent in Oromia region south east shewa in naztet/adama city.
In order to participate in transport agent business there is a need for short digit call
number for call center and a need for mobile application.
However when one company or any promoter get a four digit short call number he will
share the phone call income to Ethiopian Telecommunication with 70/30 system and the
price per minute will be 3 birr.
5. Marketing analysis
The business is new in Adama/Nazret/ city due to this and other factors it may be difficult
to enter the market but, it is also an opportunity for the company for becoming the pioneer
one as a result to this there will be a higher demand within the sector b/c there are many
problems are there currently.
In order to participate in one market any one should clearly identify the opportunities and
threats of the market accordingly to this there are many opportunities within the city for
the sector these are:-
5.1 Marketing strategies
Here the company take the above opportunities in to consideration and prepare different
strategies to boost the revenue and the growth of the company. Due to newness of the
service to the city the company deployed two distinct marketing efforts to raise awareness
and to generate new customers these are:-
In relate to this the company will deploy different strategies so as to exist and to defeat
competitors when it is needed and it will be determined by research and study.
The company structure is linear, which lends the staff responsibilities and decision making
The management team of the company are well experienced and the general manager Ato
Fitsum Assefa have B.SC in Information technology and more than 14 years business
experience and the deputy manager is Tulu Ketema and have B.A degree in accounting and
finance and more than 10 years business experience.
The implementation of this company creates a job opportunity for 29 skilled and semi-
skilled peoples and their departments
2 drivers with 3,500ETB
Internal audit
Deputy Manager
7. Financial structure
The finance structure briefly explains that, the sources of the finance and the distribution
among the beneficiary groups. In such business there are many beneficiaries groups and
they share some of the income based on their agreement
7.2 Expected expenses of the business
The operation of this business has many expected expenses these are classified in to two
they are operational expenses and fixed expenses
Assumptions:- if from these partners 50% of them used to work per day with only 2
reputations 2665 taxis & bajajes per minute 3 birr and if each call takes 2 minute
2,665*3 = 7,995 7,995*2 = 15,990 ETB per day only with 50% capacity
3,731*3 = 11,193 11,193*2 = 22,386 ETB per day only with 70% capacity
5,330*3 = 15,990 15,990*2 = 31,980 ETB per day full capacity this all are only
with twice reputation only
If there are around 10 reputations the revenue will be 79,950ETB with 50%, 111,930ETB
with 70% and 159,900 with full capacity per day.
Expected income/loss for one physical year
8. Conclusion
As one can understand from the project proposal, the project is accurate, fully assessed and
supplemented by the relevant experts who have experience in the field.