What is QC? QC is the part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements
(ISO 9000:2000 [3.2.10]). Simply put, it is examining “control” materials of known
substances along with patient samples to monitor the accuracy and precision of the
complete analytic process. QC is required for accreditation purposes.
In 1981, the World Health Organization (WHO) used the term "internal quality
control" (IQC), which it defined as “a set of procedures for continuously assessing
laboratory work and the emergent results”. The terms QC and IQC are sometimes
used interchangeably; cultural setting and country may influence preferences for
these terms.
In the past few years, "internal quality control' has become confusing
in some settings because of the different meanings that have been
associated with the term. Some manufacturers of test kits for qualitative tests have
integrated "built-in" controls in the design of their kits, which they sometimes refer
to as internal controls. Other manufacturers include their own control materials
with the kits they sell and they refer to these as "internal controls", meaning that
the materials are meant specifically for that manufacturer’s kit. Finally, some people
refer to any quality control materials that are used in conjunction with test runs as
IQC, as in the 1981 WHO definition.