Project Report Healthcare
Project Report Healthcare
Project Report Healthcare
Bachelors of Technology
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BHOPAL (M.P.)-466114
We hereby declare that the Dissertation entitled “IOT Based Paralysis HealthCare System” is
my own work conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sangram Keshari Das, Assistant
Professor, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at VIT Bhopal University,
We further declare that to the best of my knowledge this report does not contain any part
ofwork that has been submitted for the award of any degree either in this university or
in another university / Deemed University without proper citation.
This is to certify that the work embodied in this Capstone project report entitled “Iot Based
Paralysis Healthcare System” has been satisfactorily completed by Ms. Anjali S Kumari
(21BAC10028), Ms. Anagha Challa (21BAC10011), Mr. Harsh Tripathi (21BAC10016) in
the School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal. This
work is a Bonafide piece of work, carried out under my guidance in the School of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering for the partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology.
Forwarded by Approved by
In the first place I would like to record my gratitude to “Dr. Sangram Keshari Das” for his
supervision, advice, and guidance from the very early stage of this thesis work as well as giving
me extraordinary experiences throughout the work. Above all and the most needed, he provided
me unflinching encouragement and support in various ways. His words have always inspired
me to work in an efficient and comprehensive way. I would like to thank him for his constant
encouragement that enabled me to grow as a person. His presence has definitely improved me
as a human being.
I express my gratitude towards “Dr M Suresh”, Associate Professor & Dean, School of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, VIT Bhopal University, for providing me
all the help and permitting me to work in the laboratory with no time limits.
I shall ever remain indebted to “Dr. Senthil Kumar Arumugam”, Vice Chancellor, VIT
BhopalUniversity, for providing me institutional and administrative facilities during my project
work at VIT.
The report identifies key gaps in existing systems, such as limited accessibility, interoperability
issues, and data security concerns. To address these challenges, the study proposes using low-
power microcontrollers and secure IoT frameworks to enhance system usability, reliability,
and patient autonomy.
This review provides a foundation for further research and development in assistive
technologies, aiming to improve the quality of life and independence of individuals with
List of Figures
1 Hardware Design 20
2 Application Dashboard 20
3 Block Diagram 21
List of Tables
1 Literature Review 14
2 Components 19
List of Symbols & Abbreviations
A Ampere
DM Data Mining
ACC Acceleration
TEMP Temperature
Table of Contents
Contents Page No.
Abstract v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
1.1 Motivation 10
1.2 Introduction 10
1.3 Objective 12
1.4 brief methodology 12
2.1 Gaps Identified 16
2.2 Justification for current project 16
Chapter 1:
• Motivation
Paralysis patients often encounter significant health risks due to their limited mobility and
inability to communicate effectively. Timely monitoring and intervention can dramatically
improve their quality of life. This project is motivated by the need to create a comprehensive
system that continuously tracks vital health parameters, detects emergencies such as falls, and
alerts caregivers instantly. By integrating cost-effective technologies, the system aims to
provide reliable, accessible, and efficient healthcare support, bridging the gap between patient
needs and caregiver capabilities.
● Introduction
Healthcare technology has evolved significantly in recent years, addressing challenges faced
by individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities. Among these, paralysis patients represent
a particularly vulnerable group due to their restricted mobility and limited ability to
communicate. For such individuals, proactive health monitoring and timely medical
intervention are critical to maintaining their well-being and preventing life-threatening
Modern healthcare leverages sensor technologies and IoT (Internet of Things) to enable real-
time monitoring, data collection, and communication. These advancements have
transformed healthcare, especially for patients requiring continuous monitoring and
personalized care.
● Sensors: Devices like temperature sensors, pulse monitors, and accelerometers are
essential for tracking patient health.
● Communication Modules: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules transmit real-time data to
caregivers or healthcare professionals.
● Local Display and Alerts: LCDs and audio-visual alerts provide immediate feedback
for on-site caregivers.
Monitoring specific health parameters provides insights into a patient\u2019s condition and
ensures timely intervention:
Although tailored for paralysis patients, the system can be adapted for:
● Elderly Care: To monitor fall risks and chronic health conditions.Post-
Surgical Recovery: Ensuring patients recovering from surgery are closely
● Chronic Illness Management: Continuous tracking of vitals for conditions like
hypertension and diabetes.
● Objective
● Brief Methodology
● Integration of Sensors:
○ Connect the LM35 sensor to measure the patient’s body temperature, ensuring
accurate real-time monitoring.
○ Use a pulse sensor to track heart rate, providing critical information about
cardiovascular health.
○ Implement the ADXL335 accelerometer to detect motion or falls by
analyzing changes in the X, Y, and Z axes.
● Microcontroller Implementation:
● Communication Modules:
○ Integrate the HC-05 Bluetooth module for short-range wireless
communication, enabling caregivers to receive real-time health updates on
nearby devices.
○ Calibrate the sensors to ensure they deliver precise and reliable data.
○ Test the system under various scenarios, including normal operation, fall
detection, and threshold breaches, to validate its performance and robustness.
● Modular Design for Scalability:
Literature Survey
Reference Summary of the Paper Gaps Identified Our Approach
[3] Sharma et al. Investigated the use of Focused only Combine muscle
(2015) EMG signals to assess on muscle activity data with
muscle activity in activity, without mobility tracking
patients with spinal cord addressing and environmental
injuries. mobility interaction for a
challenges or more holistic
environmental approach to health
context. monitoring.
[9] Agarwal et al. Proposed a real-time fall Focused mainly Integrate fall
(2023) detection and on fall detection with
rehabilitation system for detection, ongoing health
spinal cord injury without monitoring,
patients using wearable addressing including vital signs
sensors. continuous and muscle function,
monitoring of to provide a
other vital comprehensive
signs. system.
[10] Patel et al. Examined the use of a The system Integrate autonomic
(2016) non-invasive system to focuses solely nervous system data
monitor autonomic on autonomic with muscle strength
nervous system activity functions, not and movement
in paralysis patients addressing monitoring for a
using wearable sensors. muscle strength more holistic health
or movement. assessment.
Gaps Identified:
● Hardware Components-
Arduino uno
Temperature Sensor
Table 2
2. Data Processing: The Arduino UNO processes the collected sensor data, filtering
noise and converting it into meaningful outputs.
3. Alert Generation: The processed data is sent via blue-tooth module for real time
monitoring over application and LCD display. Along with that fall detection alert is
sent in case of emergency.
5. Data Display: The LCD screen provides real-time visualization of key parameters,
giving immediate feedback to the user.
Block Diagram
Fig 3.
c) CODE-
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "DHT.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#define DHTPIN 2
// ADXL335 pins
#define X_PIN A0
#define Y_PIN A1
#define Z_PIN A2
void setup()
// Initialize LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("System Starting");
pinMode(X_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(Y_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(Z_PIN, INPUT);
void loop()
// Read DHT sensor values float
t = dht.readTemperature();
float f = dht.readTemperature(true);
// Print temperature readings to Bluetooth
B.print("Temp: ");
B.print(" C, ");
B.print(" F");
B.print("; ");
// Print temperature readings to LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Temp: ");
lcd.print("BPM: ");
d) Result -
The Paralysis Health Monitoring System successfully met its objectives through thefollowing
Overall, the system demonstrated reliable performance, ensuring continuous monitoring, timely
alerts, and improved caregiver efficiency.
e) Conclusion -
The Paralysis Health Monitoring System provides a comprehensive and cost-effective solution
for improving the safety and quality of life for paralysis patients. By integrating advanced
sensor technology with a robust communication framework, the system ensures real-time
monitoring of critical health parameters, enabling caregivers to respond promptly to
emergencies. The inclusion of fall detection and instant alert mechanisms further enhances its
This system not only addresses the unique challenges faced by paralysis patients but also shows
potential for broader applications, including elderly care, post-surgical recovery, and chronic
illness management. Its scalability and affordability make it a valuable tool for both home and
clinical use. Future enhancements could include IoT-based cloud storage for data analysis and
machine learning models for predictive health monitoring, paving the way for smarter
healthcare solutions.
1. Mahor, R., et al. (2010). Assistive technology system for paralyzed patients using wearable
2. Zhang, Y., et al. (2017). Wearable sensors for tracking vitals and body posture in paralyzed
patients. IEEE Xplore.
3. Wang, Z., et al. (2019). IoT-powered smart wheelchair for enhancing mobility in paralyzed
patients. Springer.
4. Nandhini, S., et al. (2023). Automated system for assisting paralyzed patients with
gesture-based communication and IoT alerts. Bohr Publications.
5. Smith, A., et al. (2018). Telemedicine platform using IoT for remote healthcare consultations.
6. Shiva Rama Krishnan, D., et al. (2018). IoT-based patient health monitoring system for
real-time updates. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts.
7. Modern Bluetooth Technologies for Paralysis Patients (2021). Bluetooth advancements for
assistive communication. WARSE Publications.
8. Embedded Systems and IoT for Paralysis Monitoring (2024). IoT and Arduino solutions for
paralysis patients. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews.
10. Wearable Devices for Health Monitoring (2024). Advanced health monitoring and alerting
systems. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews.
12. Cloud Computing in Wearable Devices (2024). Real-time health data processing and
analysis. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews.
Title of Appendix
Here is the List of Symbols & Abbreviations, formatted as per your requirements:
Roman Symbols
Symbol Description
ECG Electrocardiogram
EEG Electroencephalogram
EMG Electromyography
ML Machine Learning