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Subject Name with code:(083) Computer Science


Sno Area Marks

1 Lab Test:
1. Python program(60% logic+20% documentation+20% code quality) 8
2. SQL queries (4 queries based on one or two tables) 4
2 Report File: Minimum 15 Python programs. 7
SQL Queries – Minimum 5 sets using one table / two tables.
Minimum 4 programs based on Python - SQL connectivity.
3 Project (that uses the concepts that have been learnt in Class11 and 12) 8
4 Viva voce 3

Order of the points required in practical file:

1. AIM : means the problem which you are going to solve
2. CODING : actual code in Python (Handwritten code)
3. OUTPUT : output of the program on sample data (Handwritten or screenshot)
4. VARIABLE AND FUNCTION USED: list of variables and function used in the program.
Sno Variable/FunctionName Datatype Purpose

Practical Program List (Use functions in your code)

1. WAP to show functionality of a basic calculator using functions.
2. Write a function in python which accept a number from user to return True, if the
number is a prime number else return False. Use this function to print all prime
numbers from 1to100.
3. Write a function in python which accept a list of marks of students and return
the minimum mark, maximum mark and the average marks. Use the same
function to test.
4. WAP to read a textfile“myfile.txt” line by line and display each word separated by a #.
5. WAP to read a text file “myfile.txt” and display the number of vowels/
consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in the file.
6. Remove all the lines that contain the character `a' in a file and write it to another file.
7. Write a program to create a text file and print the lines starting with ‘T’ or
‘P’. (Bothuppercaseandlowercase).
8. Read a text file to print the frequency of the word ‘He’ and ‘She’ found in the file.
9. Create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll
number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message.
10. Create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and
update the marks.
11. Read a CSV file from hard disc and print all the details on the screen.
12. Read a CSV file(containing item no, name, rate)from hard disc and print all the
items whose rate is between Rs.500 and Rs.1000.
13. Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password, read and search the
password for given user id.
14. Write a random number generator that generates random numbers
between1and6(simulates a dice). Throw the dice for10 times and print their
15. WAP in Python to demonstrate linear search.
16. Write a Python program to implement a stack using a list data-structure.
17. WAP to pass an integer list as stack to a function and push only those
elements in the stack which are divisible by 7.


1. Queries using Create database, Show databases, Use, Create table, Show Tables,
Describe, Rename, Alter, Select, From, Where, Insert, Update commands
3. Queries for Aggregate functions-SUM(), AVG(),MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()
4. WAP to connect Python with MySQL using database connectivity and
perform the following operation on data in database: Create a table in
5. WAP to connect Python with MySQL using database connectivity and
perform the following operation on data in database: Insert record in the
6. WAP to connect Python with MySQL using database connectivity and perform
the following operation on data in database: Fetch records from the table using
fetchone(), fetchall() and fetchmany( ).
7. WAP to connect Python with MySQL using database connectivity and
perform the following operation on data in database: Update record in the
8. WAP to connect Python with MySQL using database connectivity and
perform the following operation on data in database: Delete record from
the table


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