2021transco Po 164

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SAP No.510000 TSTRANSCO P.O.No.164/01-10-2021.

By Regd. Post with Ack. Due. TSSPDCL GSTIN : 36AACCC0125D1ZF

Energy Saved is


Energy Produced

Ph : 040 - 23431004 Phone : 9985522558

Fax : 040 - 23431034 Fax : 040 – 2402 4260.

From To

The Chief General Manager (P&MM), M/s.KEI Industries Ltd.,

TSSPDCL, 4th floor, SP-919/920, RIICO Indl.Area,
Corporate Office, Mint Compound, Phase-III, Bhiwadi, Dist. Alwar – 301109.
Hyderabad – 500 004. Rajasthan.

P.O.No.CGM/P&MM/E-12/STN-771/21-22/PM-2910/21-22, Dt:01-10-2021.

Dear Sirs,
Sub:- TSSPDCL – P&MM Wing – Tender Specification No. STN-771/21-22 – Order for
supply of 33KV, 3X400 Sq.mm TR XLPE UG Cable with round wire armoured –
Issue of Purchase Order – Reg.

Ref:- 1. Tender specification No. STN-771/21-22.

2. Your offer against Tender specification No. STN-771/21-22.
3. Lr.No.CGM/P&MM/E-12/STN-771/21-22/D.No.4738/21-22, Dt.25-09-2021.
4. Your Lr.No.KEI/HYD/TSSPDCL/STN771/20/Price accept./01/21-22,
5. Lr.No.CGM/P&MM/E-12/STN-771/21-22/LOI/D.No.4891/21-22, Dt.30-09-2021.
6. Your Lr.No.KEI/HYD/TSSPDCL/STN771/21-22/LOI accpt./01/21-22, Dt.01-10-2021.
I, acting for and on behalf of and by the order and direction of the Southern
Power Distribution Company of Telangana Ltd., to place order for supply of
33KV, 3X400 Sq.mm TR XLPE UG Cable with round wire armoured as mentioned in the
schedule of materials as per the above cited correspondence subject to the following
terms and conditions.


The prices noted below are variable in rupees, Free at Destination Stores, inclusive
of Freight and Insurance and GST @ 18%.

The prices are subject to adjustment due to variation in the following factors. The
prices are variable with 50% ceiling on Ex-works price on positive side and no ceiling on
negative side as per Clause 14.8 of General Terms and Conditions of specification with
base date as 01-08-2021 as per IEEMA Circular with the following price variation formula.
P = Po + AlF(AL-Alo) + XLFAL(CC-Cco) + SMIF(SMIF1-SMIF0)+CCFAI(PVCc-VCco) + FeF(Fe-Feo).

Price per MT of EC Grade Aluminium Rods (Al) as on 01-08-2021 : Rs. 2,25,702/-

Price per MT of XLPE Compound (CC) as on 01-08-2021 : Rs. 1,79,952/-
Price per MT of copper wire rod (Cu)as on 01-08-2021 : Rs. 7,37,115/
Price per MT of PVC Compound (PVCC) Grade CW – 22 as on 01-08-2021 : Rs. 1,68,075/-
Price per MT of Steel for Armouring (Fe) (Round 1.4 mm dia) as on 01-08-2021 : Rs. 73,000/-

For any price variation up or down in the prices of raw materials as defined above
of Rupee one in price per MT of EC Grade Aluminium Rods (Al), XLPE Compound (CC),
PVC Compound (CC) Grade CW – 22, Copper Tape Factor (SMIF) and Steel for
Armouring (Fe) (Round), the corresponding increase or decrease in price per KM of
finished Cable allowable shall be as given below.

Sl.No. Description Variation factor

1. AIF 3.374
2. XLFAL 3.229
3. SMIF 0.1638
4. CCFAI 5.736
5. FeF 8.760

For the purpose of calculation of price variation the prices of EC Grade Aluminium
Rods (Al), XLPE Compound (CC), PVC Compound (CC) Grade CW – 22, Copper Tape
Factor (SMIF) and Steel for Armouring (Fe) shall be taken as these prevailing one month
prior to the date of delivery.
The date of delivery for the purpose of price variation shall be date on which the
conductor is notified as being ready for inspection/despatch (in the absence of such
notification the date of manufacturer‟s despatch date shall be considered as the date
of delivery) or the contracted delivery date including any agreed extension thereto
whichever shall result in the least price (i.e., whichever is advantageous to the

If the date of delivery as defined in the P.V. formula is beyond the contracted
delivery date, the scheduled delivery date or inspection offer date or the actual delivery
date whichever is advantageous to the purchaser will form the basis for calculation of
price variation.

As far as practicable, prices will be revised (upward or downward) abinitio, to

take care of any variation in prices of raw materials as defined above but if for any
reason it is not found to practicable shall be effected at the contracted price and price
variation claimed subsequently through a supplementary bill which will be paid as per
the documentary evidence, proof or certificate in regard to the price variation bill is
required by this office, the supplier shall have to furnish the same.

If there is downward revision in the prices of raw materials at the time of supply,
the suppliers shall invariably claim the invoices at reduced rates on account of such
downward revision.

Sl. Particulars Qty. FADS price per KM Amount
No. (KM) (Rs. Ps.) (Rs. Ps.)
1. 33 KV grade under ground TR XLPE cable suitable for
earthed system having compacted circular stranded 17.00 30,33,426.00 5,15,68,242.00
aluminum conductor shielded with semi- conducting
compound extruded layer TR XLPE insulated dry cured Ex-works : 2495825.00
core shielded with semi-conducting compound F&I : 74875.00
extruded layer followed by metallic copper foil, GST @ 18% : 462726.00
screened inner sheath of extruded PVC, galvanized
single round wire armoured and PVC sheathed overall
conforming to IS:7098 Part-II/1985, IS:5831 and IS:3975 as
amended upto date with ISI marked of following size.
33 KV UG XLPE Cable (3Cx400 Sq.mm)
“The cable must have Dry Cured-Dry Cooled (Gas
cooled) Insulated Cores”.
“The cable must have Insulated Cores produced from
triple Extrusion through Common Triple Cross Head
(Single Point Triple Extrusion)”.
 During the manufacturing process, Water Tree Retardant
(TR) XLPE insulation should be used. Proof of Purchase of
insulating material should be submitted.
 Partial Discharge should be less. than 2 piccocolombs
 Curing chamber length and Cooling chamber lengths
should be specified.
TSSPDCL reserves the right to inspect the insulation
process, dry curing and dry cooling (gas cooling) during
the manufacturing process.
Total 5,15,68,242.00
(Rupees Five Crores Fifteen Lakhs Sixty Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Two Only)


 During the manufacturing process, Water Tree Retardant (TR) XLPE insulation
should be used. Proof of Purchase of insulating material should be submitted.

 Partial Discharge should be less than 2 piccocolombs.

 Curing chamber length and Cooling chamber lengths should be specified.

 TSSPDCL reserves the right to inspect the insulation process, dry curing and dry
cooling (gas cooling) during the manufacturing process.

 TSSPDCL reserves the right to select a random sample of 33KV, 3X400 Sq.mm TR
XLPE UG Cable with round wire armoured from the manufacturer end which are
ready to dispatch and also from the stores or works and will be sent to any of the
testing laboratory as desired by TSSPDCL at bidders cost.

 It the testing results are found to be not satisfactory TSSPDCL reserves the right to
reject the entire batch of cable and action will be initiated as deemed fit by

4. DELIVERY : You shall commence and complete the supplies as follows:

By 15-11-2021 5.00 KM
By 15-12-2021 5.00 KM
By 15-01-2022 7.00 KM
TOTAL 17.00 KM

Delay in delivery of materials free at destination stores due to non-availability of

Railway booking, non-allotment of wagons and any such reasons will not be considered.
It is your responsibility to make alternate arrangements for the transporting the materials
by road so as to see that the materials reach the destination stores of TSSPDCL in the
stipulated period.

TSSPDCL shall have the right to vary the delivery schedule mentioned in this
purchase order due to any operational exigencies at any time during the execution of
the order by the suppliers.

TSSPDCL shall have the right to vary the ordered quantity by  50% at any time
during the execution of the order. (The order would be treated as executed if the
quantity supplied is  2% of the ordered quantity).


You are requested to furnish performance bank guarantee in the prescribed

proforma within 15 days of receipt of purchase order to the extent of 10% value of the
purchase order valid upto 6 months over and above the guarantee period to draw 100%
payment. The Bank Guarantee shall be furnished only from the Nationalized
Bank/Scheduled Banks.


100% payment along with F&I, taxes and duties will be made on or after 30 days
reckoned from the date of receipt of material/ equipment at destination/ stores (i.e., 103
entry in SAP module), duly transferring the said amount to the bank account of the
supplier by the purchaser bank. The supplier will have to predefine the Bank details while
entering into contract.

The 100% payment mentioned above is subject to on submission of 10%

performance security as per clause-39 of specification by the supplier.

The supplier should invariably submit test certificates and other documents, the
purchaser specifies as soon as despatch is made so that they can be checked and
approved well in advance.

The performance guarantee to be executed in accordance with this

specification will be furnished on a stamp paper of value Rs. 100. The Bank Guarantee
will be extended if required suitably, in accordance with the provisions of clause No. 39
of specification.

If the supplier has received any over payments by mistake or if any amounts are
due to the TSSPDCL due to any other reason, when it is not possible to recover such
amounts under the contract resulting out of this specification, the TSSPDCL reserves the
right to collect the same from any other amount and or Bank guarantees given by the
company due to or with the TSSPDCL.

When the supplier does not at any time, fulfill his obligations in replacing/
rectifying etc., of the damaged / defective materials in part or whole promptly to the
satisfaction of the TSSPDCL Officers, the TSSPDCL reserves the right not to accept the bills
against subsequent dispatches made by the supplier and only the supplier will be
responsible for any demurrages, wharf ages or damage occurring to the consignments
so dispatched.


(A) Please arrange to supply the cable specified herein on freight prepaid
basis to the consignees.

(B) Insurance: The insurance shall be done as per tender specification and
documents supporting proof of insurance coverage shall be submitted.


The Lorry receipt should be sent to the persons noted against each circle and
should be accompanied by two copies of the invoice/challan, one of which will be
returned to you direct in token of acknowledgement of receipt of the goods. A copy of
the invoice shall be sent to this office as soon as despatch is made.

External damages or shortages that are prima facie the result or rough handling in
transit or due to defective packing will be intimated within a fortnight of receipt of
materials. Internal defects damages or shortages or any internal parts which cannot
ordinarily be detected on superficial examination though due to bad handling in transit
or defective packing would be intimated within 2 months from the date of receipt of the
materials. In either case the damaged or defective materials should be replaced by you
free of cost.

Where any materials supplied by you are found defective in whole or in part
WITHIN THE GURANTEE PERIOD, you will be intimated of the same. You should take
immediate steps to rectify the defects or to replace the defective materials free of cost.
If no steps are taken within 15 days of receipt of intimation of defects or such other
reasonable time as the TSSPDCL may deem to afford the TSSPDCL may without prejudice
to its rights and remedies, cause to replace the same and recover the expenditure
incurred therefore from the deposits such as EARNEST MONEY SECURITY DEPOSIT AND
PERFORMANCE or other monies available with TSSPDCL or by resorting to legal action
and also decline to accept further deliveries of materials.

The defective portions or whole of the materials so replaced should give

satisfactory performance till the expiry of six months from the date of such replacement
or until the end of guarantee period whichever may be later.

For the purpose of any legal construction, the materials should be deemed to
pass into TSSPDCL‟s ownership only at the destination stores where they are delivered
and accepted.

The TSSPDCL reserves the right apart from the above said provisions, not to accept
further despatches of materials and the connected bills etc., under conditions of your
continued negligence to replace any materials supplied earlier and received in
damaged condition or failed within the guarantee period, or not conforming to the
purchase order specification.


i) The Cable shall be guaranteed by you for satisfactory operation for a

period of 18 months from the date of receipt of material at Stores by the
consignee in good condition.

ii) Please note that you shall replace the defective cable within 15 days of
receipt of intimation of defects or such other reasonable time as the
TSSPDCL may deem proper to afford failing which payment to the extent of
cost of defective cable will be withheld from subsequent supplies.

iii) Please note that the manufacturing process shall be dry Cured. The
manufacturing process shall ensure that insulations shall be free from voids.


If during the guaranteed period, any of the goods are found to be defective in
materials or workmanship, they shall be replaced by you free of cost.


GENERAL:- The delivery of materials as per the agreed schedule of delivery is the
essence of the contract and no extension of the time for delivery would be allowed
except under recognized force majeure conditions.

For supplies made beyond the agreed delivery schedule, penalty shall be levied
for an amount of equivalent to ½ % of the ex-works value of the material not delivered
within the prescribed time limit for every week of delay or part thereof subject to a
maximum of 5% of cost of the undelivered portion within scheduled time.

The date of certified receipt of cable at destination stores in good condition will
be taken as the date of delivery. For calculation of penalty the date of receipt of
material at destination stores is the “Date of Delivery” subject to the condition that, the
materials are received in good condition. For penalty, the number of days would be
rounded off to the nearest week and penalty calculated accordingly.

Any variation up or down in Excise Duty, or Sales Tax or other statutory levies, or
new levies introduced after placing of the order, under this specification, shall be to the
TSSPDCL‟s account, provided that, the delivery schedules are adhered to by the
supplier. In case, if there are increases in excise duty or sales tax or other statutory levies
or new levies after the agreed delivery dates, the supplier shall bear the impact of these
levies and if there is downward variation/revision TSSPDCL shall be given credit to that

In case you do not adhere to the delivery schedule the TSSPDCL reserves the right
to purchase the balance quantity from the open market and recover expenditure
incurred from you. This is in addition to the right of the TSSPDCL mentioned in first para of
this clause and under law.


The accredited representative of TSSPDCL/accredited representative Govt.

Institution 3rd party identified by TSSPDCL shall have access to the suppliers works at any
time during working hours for the purpose of inspecting the materials and may select
samples from the materials to be offered for inspection. You shall offer the material for
3rd party stage wise inspection. The contractor shall provide facilities for testing such
samples at any time. The supplier shall keep this office informed 15 days in advance
about the manufacturing programme so that arrangements can be made for
inspection. As soon as the materials are ready, you shall submit the routine test
certificates. The despatches shall be effected only if the test results comply with the

In case of materials are not of acceptable quality or not confirming to

specification, the materials will be rejected. You have to re-offer the material for
inspection. In such case the 2nd inspection charges are to your account only. In case
the materials are rejected in the 2nd inspection also, the TSSPDCL reserves the right to
cancel the order.

The despatches shall be made only after the inspection by the TSSPDCL‟s
satisfaction or such inspection is waived by this office.

TSSPDCL reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/ routine tests of
the bought out items.


At least 5% of the total number of drums subject to a minimum of 2 drums of

Cable shall be selected at random and verified to ascertain and check the correct
weight/lengths by the following methods.

A) The drum along with the Cable shall be weighed 4 or 5 empty reels normally
used for winding the Cable shall also be weighed. Net weight of the Cable
shall be calculated by subtracting average weight of the empty reel from the
gross weight of the drum containing Cable. Having known the weight of the
Cable and other parameters of the Cable its length can be computed.

B) Transfer the Cable from one reel to the other while at the same time
measuring the length of the Cable so transferred by means of a meter.

14. INSURANCE :- The Materials / equipment supplied under the Contract will be fully
insured against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation
and delivery and also storage for 45 days at destination stores.

The bidder shall a) Initiate and pursue insurance claim till settlement, and b)
Promptly arrange for repair and/or replacement of any damaged items in full
irrespective of settlement of insurance claim by the under Writers. c) All costs because of
insurance liabilities covered under the contract will be to supplier‟s account. The supplier
shall provide the Purchaser with a copy of all insurance policies and documents taken
out by him in pursuance of the „Contract‟. Such copies of documents shall be submitted
to the purchaser immediately after such insurance coverage. The supplier shall also
inform the Purchaser in writing at least sixty (60) days in advance, regarding the expiry,
cancellation and/or change in any of such documents and ensure revalidation/renewal
etc., as may be necessary well in time.

The risks that are to be covered under the insurance shall be comprehensive and
shall include but not limited to, the loss or damage in transit, storage, due to theft,
pilferage, riot, civil commotion, weather conditions, accident of all kinds, fire, flood, war
risk(during ocean transportation) bad or rough handling etc. The scope of such
insurance shall cover the entire contract value.

The insurance will be in an amount equal to 100% FADS value of Materials /

equipment on all risks basis. The policy will have a provision for extension to cover further
storage if necessary at destination stores / site at TSSPDCL cost. The insurance beneficiary
shall be TSSPDCL.


The technical particulars as per the ISI shall be guaranteed by you for the supplies
against this order. Also refer to the Annexure-I.


You shall not be liable for any liquidated damages for delay or for failure to
perform the contract, for reasons for force majeure such as Acts of God, Acts of Public
Enemy, Acts of Government, Fires, Epidemics, Quarantine restrictions, strikes, Riots, Freight
Embargoes and provided that you shall within ten days from the beginning of such
delay, notify the TSSPDCL in writing the cause of delay, the TSSPDCL shall verify the facts
and grant such extension as facts justify.


If the completion of supplies is delayed due to reason beyond the control of the
supplier, the supplier shall without delay give notice to the purchaser in writing of his
claim for an extension of time. The purchaser on receipt of such notice may agree to
extend the contracted delivery to such date as may be reasonable but without
prejudice to other terms and conditions of contract.


The latest certificates containing the results of the tests as per ISS (of latest issue)
must be submitted to Chief General Manager, P&MM, 4th floor, Corporate Office, Mint
Compound, Hyderabad-500 004 and got approved by him before sending bills for


All the materials detailed in Clause-3 must be consigned and despatched as per
despatch instructions to be issued after inspection and the bills sent to as follows:

Materials to be consigned and Paying Officer to whom

Sl. To be sent to the
despatched to bills & receipted
No. TSSPDCL’s Stores at
ADE/Stores/TSSPDCL. challans to be sent
01. Nalgonda Nalgonda
02. Mahaboobnagar Mahaboobnagar
03. Sangareddy Sangareddy, Medak Pay officer/TSSPDCL/
04. Siddipet Siddipet, Medak Corporate office
05. Ranga Reddy R.R. Dist. Stores, Hyd. through Concerned
06. Hyderabad City Stores Erragadda, Hyd ADE/ Stores
07. Wanaparthy Wanaparthy
08. Suryapet Suryapet
Note : Detailed despatch instructions will be issued as and when the material is offered for
inspection and cleared for despatch.

The cable shall be wound on a drum of suitable size and duly packed. You should
ensure that the packing is such that the cable reaches the departmental stores without
damage after transport by Rail and Road.

a) The out ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of non-hygroscopic

sealing materials.

b) The following information shall be marked on the drum

i) Trade name or Trade mark.

ii) Name of the manufacturer.

iii) Nominal sectional area of the conductor of the cable.

iv) Number of cores.
v) Type of cable and voltage for which it is suitable.
vi) Length of the cable on the drum.
vii) Direction rotation of drum (by arrow)
viii) Gross weight.

c) The cable shall also be marked with the ISI certification mark.

d) IDENTIFICATION : The manufacturer shall be identified through out the length

of the cable by manufacturer‟s name or trade mark and the voltage grade
and year of manufacture of the cable along with letters “TSSPDCL”
“PM-2910/21-22” embossed on the cables. The embossing shall be done only
on the outer sheath. The distance between any two consecutive embossing
shall be not more than 1 meter. Outer sheath of cable shall be “India Saffron
with paint shade No.574 of IS-5, 2007 permanent colour for 50% of the bid
quantity and another 50% will be of black colour.

e) Whenever materials are supplied to a consignee you should prepare the

following information in the form of packing slip in quadruplicate and send
the same to the consignee and obtain his acknowledgement on the same.
The consignee will return to you one copy of the packing slip with his remarks.
The proforma of the packing slip shall be as follows:


1. Purchase order No. and date.

2. Quantity allotted to the stores and rate applicable.
3. Quantity so far supplied and the rate applied.
4. Total quantity supplied under the purchase order with rates applied.

5. Total quantity supplied under the purchase order with rates applied.

6. Programme for supplying of balance quantity to the stores.

f) You shall invariably send to the purchasing office a copy of the delivery
challan whenever materials are despatched.


a) Prices cited are Variable, delivery free at destination stores inclusive of Freight
&Insurance and GST @ 18%.
b) The C-form will be issued by the consignee.
c) The ownership of the materials would rest with the supplier till it is received in
good condition at destination stores and accepted by the consignee.
d) Railway freight or lorry freight charges shall be prepared.
e) The transit insurance together with storage at destination stores for a period of
30 days thereafter shall be responsibility of the supplier. When a policy is taken
it should contain a provision for extension to cover further storage and
erection at TSSPDCL‟s cost.


i) Your bills in duplicates along with a duplicate copy of invoice and substantiating
vouchers for all extra claims to be made separately should be forwarded to the paying
officers mentioned in the despatch instructions.

ii) All general and technical correspondence should be addressed to the

Chief General Manager, P&MM, TSSPDCL, 4th floor, Corporate Office, Mint Compound,
Hyderabad-500 004.

iii) All correspondence regarding bills payment etc., should be addressed to the
Paying Officers cited in despatch instructions with a copy to CGM (Finance), TSSPDCL, 3rd
floor, Corporate office, Mint Compound, Hyderabad-500 004.

iv) All and any disputes or differences arising out of or touching this order shall be
decided by courts or tribunals situated in Hyderabad/Secunderabad Cities. No suit or
other legal proceedings shall be instituted elsewhere.

v) Unless otherwise specified, you shall abide by all the terms and conditions
specified in the specification No. STN-771/21-22.

vi) This is in regularization of preliminary acceptance Lr.No.CGM/P&MM/E-12/

STN-771/21-22/LOI/D.No.4891/21-22, Dt.30-09-2021.

vii) Please return within a period of 15 days one copy of the purchase order duly
signed in token of acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this purchase order.

Encl: Annexure-I
Yours faithfully,

Acting for and on behalf of TSSPDCL

We accept all the terms and conditions of the

Purchase order and specification.


Copy to:
The Chief General Manager/Finance/TSSPDCL/Hyderabad – 04.
The Pay Officer/TSSPDCL/Hyderabad-04
The General Manager/SP & P&A/TSSPDCL/Hyderabad – 04.
The Superintending Engineer/Opn./Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Medak, Siddipet,
Ranga Reddy-South, Ranga Reddy-North, Ranga Reddy-East,
Hyd-North, Hyd-South, Hyd-Central.
The Accounts Officer/Expr. O/o.SE/Opn./Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Medak, Siddipet,
Ranga Reddy-South, Ranga Reddy-North, Ranga Reddy-East,
Hyd-North, Hyd-South, Hyd-Central.
The Asst. Divisional Engineer/Stores/Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Sangareddy, Siddipet,
Ranga Reddy, City-Hyd.
The Chief General Manager/P&MM/ TSNPDCL/APEPDCL/ APSPDCL

\\\ade(t)\ade-12(cb cd pt)\FY 2021-2022\STN-771-33 KV, 3X400Sq.mm TR-XLPE UG Cable\POs\PM-2910- KEI Industries.doc



Bidder's Name KEI Industries Ltd.

19/33 33KV, 3X400 Sq.mm TR
Class of Power Cable XLPE UG Cable with round
wire armoured
1 Name of the Manufacturer and country of origin KEI INDUSTRIES LTD
2 Country of Manufacture INDIA
19/33 KV HT Power cable/
3 Type of cable / cable code
4 Applicable standard IS:7098 (Part -2) 2011
5 a. Rated Nominal voltage 19/33KV
b) Rated Maximum voltage 36 KV
Suitability for :
6 a. Earthed system YES
b. Unearthed system NO
a) Nominal cross section (sq.mm) 400
Stranded (Class 2) Compacted
b) Material Circular Aluminium Conductor as
7 per IS 8130, H2/H4 grade
c) Shape Compacted Circular
d) Diameter of conductor (mm) 23.60(approx)
e) Number of wires per conductor (Nos.) 59
f) Nominal diameter of wire in conductor (mm) 2.98 mm(Before stranding)
Conductor screen
Semiconducting tape of approx
0.1mm shall be applied over
a) Material and type conductor and Extruded Non
8 matallic semi conducting
b) Thickness (mm) 0.3(Min)
c) Maximum volume resistivity at 90 deg C before
1x 10^12
and after ageing (ohm-cm)
Maximum value of Electric stress at
9 a) Conductor screen KV/mm 2.85
b) At the insulation KV/mm 1.67
Insulation XLPE
a) Curing process (furnish details separately) Dry Curing
Extruded TR -XLPE as per IS: 7098
b) Material/Composition
10 c) Dia over insulation 42.6
d) Radial thickness
i. Nominal (mm) 8.8 mm
ii. Average (mm) 8.8 mm
iii. Minimum (mm) 7.82 mm
Insulation screen (Non metallic)
Strippable type Extruded Semi
Conducting Compound over
a) Material insulation followed by a
11 Semiconducting tape of approx
b) Nominal thickness (mm) 0.30(Min)
c) Maximum volume resistivity at 90 deg. C. (ohm-

d) The TR-XLPE insulation shield should be: Strippable YES

Tape swellable (Longitudinal water / Moisture /

12 a) Material NA
b) Thickness (mm) NA
c) Tolerance NA
Extruded PVC Type ST-2 as per
a) Type / composition
b) Material PVC Type ST-2
c) Minimum thickness 0.7 mm
No tolerance since the
d) Tolerance on thickness
mentioned thickness is minimum
e) Diameter of cable over sheath (mm) 94.8mm +/-3mm
Bedding Tape over Inner sheath
i) Material NA
14 ii) Dimension (Wxt) (mm) x (mm) NA
Nom. (mm) NA
Min. (mm) NA

Concentric screen / Armour of wires

Galvanised Steel Round Wire as

a) Material
15 per IS:3975
b) Dia of wire
Nom. (mm) 4.00
Min. (mm) As per IS:3975
Binder open Helix, contact copper Tape over screen
/ Armour wires
a) Material Copper Tape
b) Approx. Dimension (Wxt)
Nom. (mm)( Width X thickness) 60 x 0.035
Min. (mm) -

Non-woven water swellable Tape over Binder Tape NA

a) Material NA
b) Dimension NA
Overall sheath
Extruded PVC Type ST-2 as per IS:
i) Material & Type
18 ii) Thickness
NA - for armoured cables as per
Nom. (mm)
Min. (mm) 3.00 mm
Conductive coating outer sheath NA
19 a) Material NA
b) Thickness NA
Anti-termite treatment to outer sheath YES
a) Material PVC
21 External overall dia of cable 109.4 mm -/+3mm tolerance
Short circuit rating of conductor 90 deg. C operating
22 37.60 KA
temperature for 1 Sec.
Minimum cable bending radius (in terms of cable 15 X D (D is overall dia of the
diameter) cable)

24 Permissible maximum tension 30 N/mm2

Continuous current rating under specified insulation
conditions at conductor temperature of 65 deg. C 315/400
and 90 deg. C.
Ground Temperature 30 deg. C 30 deg c
Thermal resistivity of soil 150 deg. C CM/W 150 deg c cm/w
Depth of laying 200 mm 1000mm
Ambient Air temperature 40 deg. C 382/548
No. of circuits 1 OR 2 single circuit
Spacing between two circuits (600 mm) 600 mm
Formation Not applicable cable is 3 core
Maximum permissible conductor temperature for
26 continuous operation under specified installation 90
conditions (deg. C)
27 Conductor temperature at rated current (deg. C) 90
Basic impulse level at conductor temperature of 90
28 as per IS:7098-P-2
deg. C (KV)
29 Impulse wave shape as per IS:7098-P-2
30 Power frequency with stand voltage (KV) as per IS:7098-P-2

31 Tan Delta at 50 Hz (at U.KV and 90 (-5/+10) deg. C. 0.004

32 Sheath voltage at max. load NA

33 Withstand voltage of sheath on spark test NA

Permissible short circuit current ratings of conductor

i) 0.1 Sec KA 118.90

ii) 0.2 Sec KA 84.08
iii) 0.5 Sec KA 53.17
iv) 1.0 Sec KA 37.60
Conductor resistance DC & AC
a) at 20 deg. C (d.c)/A.C. ohm/KM 0.0778/0.0793
35 b) at 90 deg. C (d.c)/A.C. ohm/KM 0.0998/0.1016
c) at 105 deg. C (d.c)/A.C. ohm/KM over load
temp) a.c. (ohm)

Equivalent star resistance at 50 Hz of 3 phase current

a) at 20 deg. C (d.c)/A.C. ohm/KM 0.0778/0.0793

b) at 90 deg. C (d.c)/A.C. ohm/KM 0.0998/0.1016
c) at 10% continuous overload temperature
37 Star reactance at 50 hz (ohm/KM) 0.1125
Approximate impedance at 50 hz per KM
a) at 20 deg. C ohm/KM 0.0793+j0.1125
38 b) at 90 deg. C ohm/KM 0.1016+j0.1125
c) at 10% continuous overload temperature
Self electrostatic capacitance per phase (Micro
39 0.250

Maximum power factor at charging KVA of cables

when laid direct in ground at normal voltage &
40 frequency
a) at ambient Temperature 0.004
b) at Maximum conductor Temperature 0.004
a) Positive and negative sequence impedance
41 (ohm/KM)
b) Zero sequence impedance (ohm/KM) 0.595+j0.0436
Zero sequence data
a) Series resistance (ohm/KM) 0.595
b) Series reactance (ohm/KM) 0.0436
c) Shunt capacitive reactance (ohm/KM) 12242.7

a) Sheath resistance at 20 deg. C ohm/KM NA

b) Screen resistance at 20 deg. C ohm/KM NA
c) Combined resistance at 20 deg. C ohm/KM NA
44 Surge impedance of cable (ohm/KM) 37.1
Volume Resistivity - at 27 deg C
45 IR value at ambient temperature per KM
1 x 10^14 Ohm-cm
Volume Resistivity - at 90 deg C
1 x 10^12 Ohm-cm
Maximum magnitude of partial discharge at 1.5 U.o
46 At Ambient Temperature (Po) < 2 PC
At High Temperature (Po) < 2 PC
47 Losses per Km.
NOTE : (i) Cable Conductor size 400 sq. mm
a) Total 3 phase dielectric loss
i. One circuit alive Kw/KM 0.357
ii. Both circuits alive KW/KM on each circuit 0.357
b) Total 3 phase resistive loss
i. One circuit alive Kw/KM 48.8
ii. Both circuits alive KW/KM on each circuit 38.1
c) Total 3 phase sheath / screen loss
i. One circuit alive Kw/KM 0.10680
ii. Both circuits alive load KW/KM on each circuit 0.0831
d) Other losses due to reinforcement (ARMOUR)
i. One circuit alive KW/KM 7.06
ii. Both circuits alive KW/KM on each circuit 5.49
e) Total losses
i. One circuit alive KW/KM 56.29
ii. Both circuits alive KW/KM 44.00
48 Charging current at rated voltage per Km (Amps) 1.56
Short circuit capacity of conductor for one second
49 at 90 deg. C prior to short circuit and 250 deg. C 37.6 KA/1 sec, at 90 deg.C
during short circuit (KA)
50 Circulating current under the BEB condition in
i. sheath Amps Not applicable
ii. Copper tape screen Amps Not applicable
iii. In both Amps Not applicable
when current in conductor is the rated current

Circulating current in sheath armouring /Cu screen

51 (when the conductor is carrying 25 KA S.C. current. Not applicable

Combined short circuit capacity of Metallic sheath

and screen for 1 Sec. at metallic sheath/screen 0.30 KA for 1 Sec (combined
temperature of 75 deg. C (conductor temperature Three Cores)
90 deg. C before S.C and 250 deg. C during S.C
Screening factor of cable for calculating
53 interferance on control and communication cables Not applicable
Approximate value of attenuation of carrier current
Not applicable
signals operating over a frequency range
i. 50 KC/s - dB/KM Not applicable
ii. 100 KC/s - dB/KM Not applicable
iii. 150 KC/s - dB/KM Not applicable
iv. 200 KC/s - dB/KM Not applicable
Shipping weight and size of cale drum
a) Size of Drum
i. Dia of Drum (M) 2.7

55 ii. Width of Drum (M) 1.6

iii. Gross Weight (Kgs) / 300 mtrs 5700 Kgs
300 Mtrs (Non Returnable steel
iv. Length of cable per Drum (M)
v. Approx. Weight of Cable (Kg/M) 17
Tolerance on each drum +2%, No negative
Overall quantity tolerance +/- 2%

Note : All the tolerances should be +/- 2%.

\\\ade(t)\ade-12(cb cd pt)\FY 2021-2022\STN-771-33 KV, 3X400Sq.mm TR-XLPE UG Cable\POs\PM-2910- KEI Industries.doc

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