Otherscape - Action Database

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Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers.

Order #218155
What is this reference guide
and who is it for?
The :Otherscape role-playing game uses an open
game system that supports any action players can
imagine and makes it easy and simple for players and
the MC to translate these actions into game elements
like tags and statuses.
The core rules of the game are presented in Chapter
2: //Play of the Metro:Otherscape corebook and
explain how to make rolls, use Effects, deliver Conse-
quences, and mitigate them to resolve the outcome of
any conceivable action player characters can take in
the world of mythic cyberpunk.
The Action Database is a supplement to the core
rules: an encyclopedic collection of suggestions for
typical :Otherscape actions and how to use the game
to resolve them. It can be used by players and MCs
CREDITS alike for inspiration for actions and Consequences, or
as a quick reference on how to resolve specific actions
Creator, Lead Game Designer, and Creative Director:
and situations during the game.
Amít Moshe
If you ever feel stuck for your next action as a player
Game Designers: Eran Aviram, Itamar Karbian, Kelly Black
or for Consequences as the MC, the Action Database
Developer: Kelly Black is here for you. If your group is coming from more
rules-heavy role-playing games, this will help you
Editor: Eran Aviram
bridge the gap to :Otherscape’s open system.
Proofreader: Matthew Pook
The Action Database is not required to play the game
Game Producers: Omer Shapira, Inbar Barzilay nor does it limit play; it is not a rulebook. You can use
the core rules to create any outcome, without ever
Art Production: Erina Liddle
referring to the Action Database. This may be your
Lead Writers: Itamar Karbian, Kelly Black group’s preferred way to play :Otherscape, especially
if you’re used to narrative games.
Writers: Amít Moshe, Eran Aviram
Lead Artist: Isago Fukuda
Additional Artists: Ario Murti, Bad Moon Studio, Chinh
Duc, Daniel Liang, Daniel Sachs, Jayden Morris, Juni Frio,
Krzysztof Bieniawski, Martina Belli
Lead Graphic Designer: Manuel Serra Sáez
Additional Layout: Alba Martínez Gil, Kristoff Alejo This game contains mild language as well as strong
Operations: Maria Jose Castañeda themes of violence, crime, and immorality. Parental
guidance is advised.
Customer Support: Alfonso Campos
Social Media & Content: Kevin Carpenter PRONOUN USE
Additional Contributors: Kend'or Wilson Where the third person is required, this book refers to
characters and players as ‘they’ and to the MC as ‘she’.
This is an arbitrary division for the sake of readability;
© 2024 Son of Oak Game Studio LLC characters, players, and MCs may be of any or no gender.

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

action database

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

• TIME MATTERS 9 » Accessing Data 29
» Connecting to a Node 29
COMBAT 10 » Data Forgery 29
• DIRECT ATTACKS 12 » Disconnecting 30
» Area Attacks 12 » Protecting Data or Programs 30
» Hand-to-Hand Attacks 12 » Repairing Data or Programs 31
» Homing Ranged Attacks 13 » Scanning the Network 31
» Multiple Attacks 13 » Tracing Data or Signal 32
» Precision Attacks 13 » Writing a New Program 32
» Ranged Attacks 13 • HACKING 33
» Restraining an Opponent 14 » Blocking a Digital Attack 33
» Surprise Attacks and Silent Kills 14 » Crashing a Node or a Program 33
» Two-weapon Fighting 14 » Disrupting Device Functionality 34
» Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program 34
» Taking Control Over a Node or a Program 35
» Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents 15
» Disarming and Sundering Gear 15 • VR MODELING 36
» Feinting and Distracting Attacks 16 » Altering the VR Environment 36
» Impairing Attacks 16 » Creating VR Constructs 36
» Trick Shots 17 » Customizing an Avatar 37
» Moving in VR 37
» Analyzing the Battlefield 18 • HARNESSING 38
» Assisting an Ally 18 » Harnessing a Brain 38
» Assuming a Battle Stance 19 » Taking Actions in VR While Harnessed 39
» Improvised Weapons 19
» Preparing an Attack 20 EXPLORATION & SURVIVAL 40
» Leadership 20 • NAVIGATING DANGER 42
» Tactical Teamwork 20 » Chases 42
» Treating Injuries 20 » Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles 43
• COMBAT MOVEMENT 21 » Scavenging 43
» Forcing an Opponent to Move 21 » Scouting and Guarding 44
» Moving Around the Battlefield 21 » Sneaking Past a Threat 44
» Retreating From Combat 22 » Surviving Environmental Hazards 44
» Vehicle Combat 22 » Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments 45


» Blocking or Soaking an Attack 22 » Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery 46
» Dodging an Attack 23 » Performance Enhancement 46
» Taking Cover 23 » Treating Injuries and Other Conditions 47

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

MYTHOS 48 » Manipulating Public Opinion 68
» Outsourcing a Job 69
» Persuasion 70
» Aiding Others with Mythos Powers 50
» Preparing an Approach 71
» Attacking with Mythos Powers 50
» Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation 71
» Divination or Magical Senses 50
» Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability 50 • TEAMWORK 72
» Granting Abilities to People or Items 51 » Helping and Supporting 72
» Healing with Mythos Powers 51 » Leadership 73
» Manipulating Others with Mythos Powers 52 » Team Preparations 73
» Moving and Evading with Mythos Powers 52
» Protecting with Mythos Powers 52 SPYCRAFT 74
» Shapeshifting and Transformations 52 • CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS 76
» Shaping the Environment with Mythos powers 52 » Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous 76
» Breaking and Entering 76
» Infiltration 76
» Communing with a Mythos 53
» Losing a Tail 76
» Identifying a Source 54
» Sneaking and Hiding 77
• CONJURING & COMPANIONS 55 » Surveilling 78
» Banishing a Conjuration 55
» Commanding a Conjuration 56
» Conversational Inquiry 79
» Summoning a Conjuration 57
» Reconnaissance 79
• THE ARCANE ARTS 57 » Researching a Topic 80
» Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting » Searching and Investigating a Scene 81
Mythos Powers and Sources 57
» Performing Magical Rituals 58 TECH & GEAR 82
» Sourcecraft 59
» Warding 59
» Evaluating and Activating Tech 84

SOCIAL INTERACTIONS 60 » Operating a Drone

» Programming a Drone
» Making a Purchase 62 » Reloading and Recharging 87
» Negotiating a Fee 63 » Setting a Trap 87
» Paying for a Service 64
» Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech 88
• IN-PERSON INTERACTIONS 65 » Maintaining and Repairing Tech 89
» Competitions 65 » Tampering with a Device 89
» Deception 66
» Gathering Support and Resources 67 APPENDICES 90
» Making an Impression 67
• Action Database Index 90
» Getting Close to Someone 68
• Effects 106
» Negotiation 68

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Database: Loading...>>
With its open-ended tag-based The following Action Database is provided as suggestions
rules, :Otherscape allows you to on how to handle the most common actions in the universe

simulate and resolve any imaginable

of :Otherscape using the rules. Each entry is an action or
a narrow category of actions that can be resolved in a
action that players could want to similar way, suggesting how the action’s outcome should
take in a scene. From hacking a be determined – as a narrative, quick, or tracked outcome
simple lock to piloting drones, from – although the MC may always apply their cinematic con-
brewing potions to summoning siderations to override these recommendations.
spirits, from driving a getaway Many actions offer both a quick and a tracked resolution
car to shooting rockets at a giant option, with the tracked option reserved for scenes that
spider tank – all actions of a mythic show the action step-by-step, blow-by-blow, or play-
by-play (e.g., a tense hacking heist in VR) and the quick
cyberpunk series can be resolved
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

option for when the MC wants to keep the game and story
using the same rules. moving, for instance, making an entire firefight play out
with a single roll.

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Each entry also lists:
• Suggestions for the kinds of tags and statuses that
would positively or negatively affect the action’s Power
• Suggestions for which Effects to choose in order to best
translate your action’s outcome into game rules, the tags Almost every action requires you to pay attention to what
and statues most likely to be created (or removed) as a you’re doing and be able to perceive your surroundings.
result of this action, and any related Limits For this reason, tags and statuses like darkness, heavy
» Suggestions for Extra Feats appropriate to the action, fog, loud crowd, distracted, in-pain, etc. can negatively
which can also be used as suggestions for a greater affect most actions. Likewise, stamina statuses like tired,
degree of success when using a quick outcome winded, or exhausted or mental statuses like light-headed
or distressed can affect any action that requires effort or
• Suggestions for likely Consequences that might result focus. Motivating or empowering feelings, such as save my
from a miss or a mixed hit brother or hates the corporations, can boost a wide variety
The recommended suggestions in this document are for of actions, if the MC deems determination and conviction
handling cyberpunk actions in the published :Otherscape as playing a part in the success of the action.
setting, but things could be different in your game. Per-
haps Harnessing works differently in your series, or your
PC practices an unusual type of Esoterica that unleashes
a different kind of Consequences. Use the Action Database
as a baseline and mix and match Effects and Consequences
as appropriate to your game.

D ata b a s e : Lo a d i n g . . . > >


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

• The target counterattacks (injured).
The Consequences below can be • You harm allies, innocents, or something valuable to you.
used most of the time with actions • You are forced into an inconvenient or dangerous

from the relevant sections, in

position (exposed).
• You run out of ammo.
addition to those noted for each • You lose your aim, your preparedness, or your cool
action type. They are summed up (remove status).
here for ease of access. • You get distracted or surprised; you fall prone or get
• Your enemies get a chance to prepare or set some-
thing up.
• You get frustrated, panicked, or otherwise emotional.

• You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
increasing the alarm level.
• The target is alerted to your presence (tagged).
• You attract ICs or enemy hackers.
• ICs counterattack (glitched, taken-over, tagged).
• Your system overloads or overheats (overheated).
• You are attacked by a hidden countermeasure
(glitched or burn tags).
• The target responds by loading additional protections
• You suffer from burnout (mentally-tired).
• Access to other connected devices or subdomains is
• The connection is overloading (disconnected).


• You run into a barrier (add story tags), stumble on an
obstacle (off-balance), or get hurt by a hazard (injured,
burnt, poisoned, etc.).
• You get lost or are forced to backtrack (remove traverse).
∙ You’re spotted, and optionally marked.
∙ Your activity raises suspicion, increasing the alarm level.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

∙ You maneuver through an open area (exposed).

∙ Equipment gets damaged or lost (burn a tag).
∙ You are exhausted (winded, tired).

• Your Source is sapped, your powers wane, or you
exhaust your magical resources such as ingredients
(burn a tag or drained).
• Your Source powers run rampant.

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

• There are undesired side-effects, such as an explosion
(injured, cursed). TIME MATTERS
• Your use of this Source attracts Source hunters. The actions listed in this document
• Your use of this Source is noticed by an interested party. vary in how long they take to
• Your use of this Source is an anathema to the Mythos
perform, from near-instantaneous
combat attacks to business or
within it (burn a tag).
• You disrupt helpful magic effects on yourself, your
target, or nearby (burn a tag). travel actions that could span days.
• You leave a Mythic scar on the area (cursed). Actions taken by PCs must match in
scope to the scene in which they are
SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES taken; a PC cannot go on a journey
• It’s gonna cost you (broke). across the world during a combat
• You harm your reputation (bad rap). scene that lasts under a minute.
• You get nervous, embarrassed, or otherwise emotion-
Furthermore, the very passing of time can trigger other
ally compromised.
events around the PCs. For example, searching a crime
• You insult them or otherwise make them decide to cut
scene could take a good chunk of time and while the PCs
the connection, at least for now.
are searching, others may notice them there, the gang of
• An enemy learns about your actions. perpetrators could be on the move, or a different problem
• The target changes their mind (reduce convinced). can arise for the PCs on the other side of town.
• The target behaves in an unexpected way.
The outcome of the action also affects its timing: an ex-
SPYCRAFT CONSEQUENCES ceptionally well-performed negotiation could be completed
quicker than usual, while a botched negotiation could burn
• You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
precious daylight, often for naught. To represent this, the
increasing the alarm level.
MC can always feature time itself as a Challenge in the
• Someone becomes suspicious or decides to approach scene. When establishing or re-establishing a scene, the MC
and investigate. can make Threats related to time, such as, “You’ve spent a
• A piece of intel or blackmail becomes irrelevant or out lot of time climbing the side of the KOCMOC complex; your
of date (burn a tag). synchronized watches are counting down nervously.” – and
• You draw attention from the enemy organization (marked). then deliver Consequences if the crew ignores it.
• The information you get is vague or part-true, part-false.
When delivering Consequences for any action, the MC can
• You trigger a trap or countermeasures (injured, poisoned, say the action took long enough for more trouble to unfold,
tagged, etc.). and then present these troubles to the players. For example,
as Consequences, a PC drone graveyard tinkerer working
TECH & GEAR CONSEQUENCES on building an assassin drone could find themselves black-
• You push the machine too far (wrecked). mailed by a stray vagabond who’s noticed their unusual
• The device is damaged (malfunctioning, glitchy, and illegal project and wants something in return for their
depowered). silence. If there is a progress Limit (Metro:Otherscape, page
• The drone or vehicle spins out of control (off-balance). 106) in the scene that is measuring the passage of time,
• A piece of gear or a mechanical system gets damaged such as a ticking time bomb or an ongoing ritual, the MC
(burn a tag). may, as Consequence, add statuses to that Limit to rep-
D ata b a s e : Lo a d i n g . . . > >

• You lose track of time or of your environment (distracted). resent the climactic moment drawing nearer and nearer.

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Armed and violent conflict is an COMMON COMBAT STATUSES
everyday part of the dystopian WINNING A FIGHT
future of :Otherscape, especially The Limit hurt-or-subdue tracks defeating a PC or a Chal-
for mercenaries engaged in the lenge by killing them, injuring them, restraining them, or
arms race for Sources and tech otherwise physically overpowering them. It includes all
such as your crew. Whether it’s physical harm statuses such as injured, wounded, burned,
crushed, shot, etc., but also subdual statuses such as re-
an alley knife fight, a battle with strained, knocked-out, and so on.
military-grade tank bots, or a
clash of monstrous Conjurations,
The generic statuses injured and wounded indicate any
injury or wound. For flavor and cinematic flair, they should
your characters will encounter usually be rephrased to indicate the specific injury or wound
armed resistance in most jobs inflicted, such as broken-arm or gunshot-wound.
and must know how to defend Wreck tracks defeating a PC or Challenge with a mechanical
themselves. Even when Harnessed body, such as a drone or a vehicle.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

into cyberspace, warriors and TACTICS

gunslingers use physical combat Statuses can represent a character’s current situation or
actions to hack, as explained under position on the battlefield, be it favorable, unfavorable, or
Harnessing (page 38). favorable for some and unfavorable for others.
• A character can be exposed, surrounded, or cornered,
which is positive for attacks against them and nega-
tive for mitigating attacks against them.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

• A character can secure an advantageous-position which
is positive for mitigating attacks against them and for
attacks they perform, while being negative for attacks
against them and mitigating attacks they perform.
• A character can position themselves behind-cover or be
hunkered-down, to boost their mitigation against attacks.
• A character can be prone, which may be favorable for
mitigating ranged attacks or unfavorable for mitigat-
ing attacks in close-quarters.
Challenges gain positive tactical statuses as Consequences;
if a player wants to take action to create one for their PC,
see Moving Around the Battlefield (page 21). The MC
may also interject to give, remove, or expire an appropriate
tactical status according to what happens in the fiction.
However, not all tactical aspects require a status – only
the most pertinent one should be reflected in a status.
A character could get distracted, either because their at-
tention is dispersed or because they are too focused on
something; they can also become blinded, blindsided, shell-
shocked, stunned, etc. Such statuses hinder a character’s
ability to notice enemies sneaking by or sneaking up on
the character, as well as most attack mitigation reactions.
When someone is physically overextended, they can become
tired, winded, exhausted, or similar. The MC may count When a PC is poisoned, the poison becomes a Challenge.
stamina statuses against their hurt-or-subdue Limit for The MC can pose a Threat using the poison (“The poison
simplicity, or separate them into a different Limit, which spreads in your body.”) The frequency of this Threat can
is usually equal to their hurt-or-subdue Limit. range from every time the scene is re-established to once
every downtime, depending on the effects of the poison.
If the Threat remains unaddressed, even during another
High morale, battle frenzy, fear, and demoralization can all PC’s spotlight, the MC can deliver Consequences such as
affect a character’s performance in battle. Statuses such increasing the tier of the poisoned status or shutting down
as momentum, raging, scared, or demoralized are common body and mental functions by burning tags.
factors in combat actions.
When a PC inflicts poisoned, the poison can be considered a
POISON secondary character controlled by the PC, not unlike a spirit
The poisoned status becomes incapacitating when its or a drone sent on a mission. Depending on the narrative
tier equals the victim’s hurt-or-subdue Limit and lethal or situation, the poison may continue to affect the Challenge at
permanently transformative when it exceeds that Limit. intervals decided by the MC (every minute, every hour, etc.).
A PC can use Combat Defense (page 22) to avoid being Whenever an interval arrives, the PC gets an interjecting
poisoned in the first place and they may also attempt to spotlight and can take action as the poison to increase its
resist the poison, see Mental and Physical Resilience and tier. See Triggering Story Tags Out Of Turn (Metro:Other-
Recovery (page 46). The poison is neutralized if the status scape, page 111) for a similar mechanism. If you’re using the
is fully removed, see Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Death Spiral Mode (Metro:Otherscape, page 109), the target’s
(page 47) or Healing with Mythos Powers (page 51). poisoned status is a positive status in such a roll.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Fire a missile or a rocket • Bombard • Shower Punch • Kick • Bash • Stab • Slash • Thrust •
with a hail of bullets • Cleave with a mighty Bite • Impale • Run over • Touch with harmful
weapon • Infuse an area with evil spirits • substance • Touch with magical effect
Blanket area with magical frost
You strike at close range in order to harm. Apply Scale to
You deliver an attack to an entire area. Targets in the area attack multiple targets or a larger target. To attack an area,
are hit selectively or indiscriminately, depending on the see Area Attacks (page 12).
nature of your attack. If there are defensive tags shared
by most of the targets, they apply to this roll; otherwise, POWER
targets mitigate this attack individually (Resisted Area
of Effect or Multiple Targets, Metro:Otherscape page 121). weapons • weapon skills • touch-based abilities •
specific maneuvers • strength or speed • empowered or
This action always has a target Scale; see Hand-to-Hand excessive energy • target’s weak spots or vulnerabilities
Attacks and Ranged Attacks for attacking single targets.
wounds or pain • physical restriction • unstable
ground • target’s armor, shielding, or dexterity • target’s
POWER natural resistances
attack rate or speed • large melee weapon • explosive
ammo • command of terrain • brute force • destructive SUCCESS
attitude • hazardous materials • targets in a choke point
At tac k Inflict a harmful status such as wounded,
targets are spread out • cover or hiding spots • slashed, bleeding, burned, electrocuted, dissolved, or
slow-firing weapon or slow projectile • detrimental corrupted, usually applied to the Limit hurt-or-subdue,
weather conditions wreck, or similar.
e xtra f e ats
• Cause pain.
A t ta ck Inflict a harmful status such as wounded, • Push them back.
slashed, bleeding, burned, electrocuted, dissolved, or • Block their path.
corrupted, usually applied to the Limit hurt-or-subdue, • Keep them focused on you.
wreck, or similar. • Draw someone else’s attention.
• Draw an item out of a pouch.
e x t r a f e a ts • Maneuver around or away from them.
• Create a mess or cause chaos.
• Disperse the targets around. CONSEQUENCES
• Remove obstacles or hiding places.
• Create a pile of rubble or debris. » The target counterattacks (injured).
• Cause the target to retreat in a certain direction. » You lose balance (off-balance).
» You expose yourself (exposed).
» You exert yourself (winded).
» You are caught in the area of effect. » You lose your weapon (burn a tag).
» You harm allies, innocents, or something valuable to you.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» The targets counterattack (injured).

» You overexert your resources (burn a tag).
» Your attack obscures your senses (creates smoke
cloud) or creates an unintended hazard (such as
pooled acid).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


See Ranged Attacks (page 13). Tags that describe hom- Shoot with a firearm or a cold ranged weapon
ing weapons such as guided missiles, smart ammunition, • Blast with a magical bolt • Throw or hurl a
or bewitched arrows can simply be used to increase the projectile
Power of a Ranged Attack action and therefore the chances You shoot, throw, launch, or otherwise propel a harmful
of a hit. Locking on with a guided weapon before making a projectile, object, energy, or substance at range. Apply Scale
ranged attack can also be reflected as Preparing an Attack to fire at multiple targets or a larger target. To attack an
(page 20). area, see Area Attacks (page 12).
Alternatively, the MC may choose to represent launching
a homing projectile as a Chase (page 42) where upon POWER
maxing out catch the target is hit and then takes a harm-
ful status of the MC’s choice or is narratively eliminated, weapons, weapon skills • specialized ammo • aiming
decommissioned, etc. or great accuracy • manual dexterity • ideal conditions
for a clear shot • empowered or excessive energy •
target’s weak spots or vulnerabilities

MULTIPLE ATTACKS wounds or pain • physical restriction • weapon faults

• extreme range • poor vision or visibility • environ-
Your rate of attack or ability to attack multiple times in mental interference, such as shooting through water
quick succession should be represented by a tag or several or unstable ground • target’s armor, cover, shielding, or
tags such as rapid fire or many-armed goddess. Multiple dexterity • target’s natural resistances
attack tags can add to the Power of Hand-to-Hand Attacks
(page 12) or Ranged Attacks (page 13), as long as SUCCESS
you attack in a fashion that utilizes your rate of attack. If
At tac k Inflict a harmful status such as wounded,
you’re attacking multiple opponents by Scaling an attack
pierced, bleeding, burned, electrocuted, dissolved, or
action, multiple attack tags can help to offset the Power
corrupted, usually applied to the Limit hurt-or-subdue,
loss from Scaling. Additionally, you may be able to use wreck, or similar.
multiple attack tags to unleash Area Attacks (page 12)
at an entire area. e xtra f e ats
• Cause them greater pain.
• Strike fear into them.
PRECISION ATTACKS • Keep them pinned down.
• Keep them focused on you.
Called shot • Accurate slice • Aim for a weak • Create a distraction.
point • Stunt shot • Stay hidden.
• Misdirect the source of the attack.
If you take a called shot to maximize damage, see Preparing
• Quickly reload.
an Attack (page 20) before making an Hand-to-Hand
Attack (page 12) or Ranged Attack (page 13). CONSEQUENCES

If you take a called shot to impair a target’s specific ability

or their equipment, see Impairing Attacks (page 16) or
» You lose sight of your target.
Disarming and Sundering Gear (page 15). » The target closes in to within melee range.
If you take a called shot as a stunt, see Trick Shots (page 17).
» The target shoots back at you (injured).
» You hit an unintended target.
» Your weapon jams, you run out of ammo, or your magi-
cal power is exhausted (burn a tag).
» You lose your aim.
» You expose yourself to harm (exposed).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



D i sr u pt A t ta ck
A combatant that is taken by surprise may receive the
Chokehold • Pin down • Throw down • Tackle • status surprised, whether through a player using Disrupt,
Body slam • Leg sweep • Control someone’s body as a Consequence, or as an interjection by the MC simply
• Grapple • Wrestle to translate the narrative into game Effects. The MC may
also rule that certain defensive tags are inapplicable when
You use your body or weapons to limit your target’s move- a target is surprised, such as agile, a riot shield, and even
ment in close quarters. See also Hand-to-Hand Attacks certain forms of armor that an unseen attacker can easily
(page 12). circumvent.
To keep an attack undetected to parties other than the
target, use an Extra Feat.
physical strength • large size • martial arts training •
tool or weapon such as a garrote, net, or whip • target’s
physical restraints
small size • target is nimble or slippery • target is elec-
trically charged, cold to the touch, or covered in spikes Two-weapon fighting is represented either by having two
separate weapon tags, by having a tag that outlines your
skill with two-weapon fighting, or both. You can perform
any combat action using these tags.
D i sr u pt Give your target a hindering status such as
prone, concussed, in-pain.
A t ta ck Max out your target’s hurt-or-subdue Limit with
subdued, restrained, or pinned. Combo Attacks
e x t r a f e a ts The actions listed in this section describe distinct
• Move them around. combat outcomes, but every offensive action can po-
• Position them in between you and a threat. tentially combine multiple Effects, depending on the
• Cause them to drop something. tags used and the amount of Power at your disposal.
• Take something off of their person.
• You might shoot your SMG at a loose block of
CONSEQUENCES concrete above a target to Attack and injure them
» The target attacks you (injured). while also Creating a block of concrete story tag
blocking the entrance.
» The target grabs you and restricts you in return (you
take a similar status). • You can use your vampiric Source tag suck life force
» You get thrown away into a precarious position to Attack and give the enemy drained-life, Weaken
(off-balance). their energized status, and Recover to heal your
own injured status.
» You fall down (prone).
» They take something from you (burn a tag). • Your drone combat platform could shoot an acid jet
to Weaken an enemy’s heavy armor and Attack to
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

give them acid-burns.

• You can appear from the darkness and stab an ene-
my’s arm with a demon-possessed knife to Disrupt
them with a weak-arm and Influence them to be


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


OR SPUR OPPONENTS At tac k We ak e n
Q u i ck D i sr u pt I n flu e n c e At tac k – S u s p e n d
Sunder a weapon • Swat weapon away • Break
shield • Damage cyberware • Destroy wand • Jam
Fire suppressive gunfire • Repel with sword or
signal • Break claws • Snatch out of their hands
spear maneuvers • Hold at gunpoint • Smoke the
enemy out • Deploy sentry drones • Unleash
You attack a piece of equipment on somebody’s person,
spirit dogs
either held, stowed away, or attached to their body, with
You use force or the threat of force to limit a target’s tactical the goal of making it unusable or unavailable to them.
options, forcing them to reconsider, give up, or take certain
actions, such as stepping into a specific area, revealing POWER
themselves, staying put, attacking, drawing their weapon,
physical strength • precision • appropriate weapon
or activating a device.
skills and maneuvers • long reach • opponent’s reckless-
ness • entangling equipment or weapons such as chains,
POWER nunchaku, or flails • fragile gear
area attack weapon, ammo, or spells • automatic or opponent’s strong grip or physiology • gear that
rapid-fire weapons • martial arts skills • tactical aware- is hard to reach, remove, or damage • limited space •
ness • intimidating demeanor • target’s fear • target’s robust or shielded gear
inferior position
countermeasures • target’s training • target’s resolve SUCCESS
• inconvenient angle of attack
Quic k Remove an item not represented by a tag. Actions
using the item are not available until it is retrieved.
We ak e n Remove an existing tag representing gear. If you
Q u i ck The opponent’s behavior is affected as planned. succeed, you could then Create to give yourself the same
tag, meaning you managed to grab hold of it and can now
D i sr u pt I nf lu en c e Give the target a tag or status that
use it yourself (see Improvised Weapons, page 19).
hinders their actions, like suppressed, cornered, threat-
ened, or harassed. Retrieving their gear might be as easy for your target
as reaching over to pick a crowbar up from the ground,
A t ta ck – Su spend Alternatively, describe your threat and
or as complicated as spending weeks in a specialized
suspend the roll (Metro:Otherscape, page 125). Should
laboratory to fix severe damage to a unique piece of cy-
the target not conform to your desired course of action
berware. If it is possible within the scope of a scene, the
for them, you can then roll and Attack to give a harmful
MC can use Consequences at a later time to determine if
status such as injured.
the target retrieved their gear.
e x t r a f e a ts
e xtra f e ats
• Improve your position. • Kick the disarmed item away or otherwise prevent it
• Push them back. from being retrieved.
• Keep them focused on you. • Maneuver around your opponent.
• Disrupt their tactics. • Place or plant something on your opponent.


» You harm allies, innocents, or something valuable to you. » The target attacks you (injured).
» You run out of ammo or magical power (burn a tag). » The target disarms you instead (burn a tag).
» You focus too much on the action (distracted). » The target grapples you (pinned-down).
» The target manages to partially circumvent your attack » You drop something.
(e.g., only one person escapes).
» The target secures their gear (strong-grip or inaccessible).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



ATTACKS Q u i c k I n flu e n c e D i s r u p t W e ake n

Hamstring • Disable a limb • Break cover •
Cause pain • Impair senses • Throw sand in
Misdirect • Battlefield manipulation • Shock • Disrupt
their eyes
minds • Hack an opponent’s AR layer • Jam a battle
drone • Throw flashbang • Feign weakness • Dazzle with
You shoot or strike your target with the intention
lights • Create a diversion • Fake retreat
to impair a specific ability. See also Feinting and
You use clever tactics or manipulation such as faking an attack, Distracting Attacks (page 16).
enacting a false retreat, pretending to let your guard down, or
creating an illusion or a loud noise in order to impair your target’s POWER
judgment or cognitive capacity and force them to make poor
special training or specific maneuvers • weap-
choices or expose them to a follow-up attack. At Scale, you can
on skills • precise weapons • ammo suited for the
confound a group or a larger consciousness, such as a hivemind.
task • agility and maneuverability • quick reflexes
POWER disadvantageous positioning • target’s quick
reflexes • target’s armor, shielding, or dexterity •
nimbleness • deceptiveness • light weapons • appropri- target’s resistance to impairment
ate gear • powers of distraction • booming voice • illusions
• knowledge of the battlefield • command and leadership •
target’s fear or gullibility SUCCESS

counterintelligence and surveillance • target’s alertness, Dis rupt Hit a specific limb, organ, or component,
resolve, training, sharp senses, or leadership • impaired communi- such as with a crippling shot (limping), kick to the
cation, e.g., due to loud ambient noise or cyberspace interference head (dazed), or a strike to the ears (deafened or
We ak e n Remove specific ability or advantage tags,
Q u i ck The target stalls or takes the desired action. such as by shooting off a scanner dish, punching
a proboscis to impair acute smell, or throwing a
I nf lu ence Dictate the target’s next actions by giving them a knife to slow down a fast runner.
compelling status such as hostile to their own allies, focused on
something else, docile, or overconfident. e xtra f e ats
• Make the impairment go unnoticed (if possible).
D i sr u pt Inflict a hindering status on your target, such as
• Cause your target to flinch or be distracted.
vulnerable, overextended, guard-down or unaware, surprised,
• Keep the spotlight to immediately attack.
dazed, or distracted.
W e a k en Reduce a positive tag on the target that represents CONSEQUENCES
preparation or commitment such as high-morale, energized, or
drilled maneuver. » The target attacks back (injured).
e x t r a f e a ts » The target is impaired, but in a different way.
• Draw attention away from your allies. » You hit someone or something you did not
• Move the target around the battlefield. intend to harm.
• Split up the target group. » Your weapon jams (burn a tag).
• Humiliate them.
» You run out of ammo (burn a tag).
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

• Keep the spotlight to immediately attack.

» You expose yourself to attacks (exposed). You
CONSEQUENCES lose your weapon (burn a tag).
» The target sees through your misdirection and it backfires.
» The target attacks you while you are feinting (injured).
» You stumble (embarrassed or off-balance).
» An ally gets confused as well.
» The target becomes resistant to future misdirection (alert).
» You lose your weapon or gear (burn a tag).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

TRICK SHOTS QU I C K C r e at e Influence

Ricochet a bullet • Disable a device • Puncture

a gas tank • Show off your weapon skills

You skillfully perform an impressive, accurate, or com-

plicated stunt with your weapon. For example, trying to
shoot at a console on the other side of the room, kicking
a tennis ball into an exhaust port, or slicing an apple in
half and making each half ricochet off an opponent’s face.
To harm multiple targets with a trick shot, see Ranged At-
tacks (page 13) with Scale. To impair a target’s specific
ability or disarm them, use Impairing Attacks (page 16)
or Feinting and Distracting Attacks (page 16). To perform
a trick shot to create a new hazard, see also Creating and
Removing Hazards and Obstacles (page 43).


weapon skills • precise weapons • ammo suited for

the task • agility and maneuverability • quick reflexes •
mischievousness • breakable or movable objects in the
heavy or bulky weapons • poor vision or visibility •
target’s size and distance • heavy, armored, or durable


Q u i ck You successfully pull off your stunt.

Cr e a t e Make tags that represent new elements in the
environment produced by your trick shot, such as a
fallen utility post, sudden flood, or rolling oil barrels.
I nf lu ence Give onlookers a status such as impressed,
amused, or threatened.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Destroy an object or remove it from the scene.
• Cause others to flinch or be distracted.
• Create a breach or opening.


» You hit, but cause a reversed or undesired outcome.

» You harm someone or something you did not intend to
» You’re embarrassed or ridiculed.
» Your weapon jams (burn a tag).
» You run out of ammo (burn a tag).
» You expose yourself to attacks (exposed).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



D i scov er D i sr u pt Quic k E n han c e Bestow

Peek out of cover • Deploy a scanner drone Gang up • Enact a team-up maneuver • Reposition
• Employ tactical thinking • Sense the life your ally • Shout a warning • Deliver a
force of combatants • Analyze a fighting style stimulant
• Analyze weaponry, cyberware, or Sources •
Identify a weakness You provide an ally with a momentary advantage or boost.
Several crew members can help together, each making their
You survey the battlefield to gather or surmise valuable own assistance roll, as separate actions. Assistance can
insights such as your opponent’s numbers, position, tactics, also be provided during another PC’s action by invoking
objectives, intentions, or capabilities. If appropriate, the MC one of your tags (Helping and Acting Together, Metro:Oth-
may reveal specific information from the Challenge Profile erscape, page 95).
such as tags, Limits, Consequences, and Specials to reflect
To extend medical treatment during combat, see Treating
the knowledge gained by a PC.
Injuries and Other Conditions (page 47). To help outside
of combat, see Helping and Supporting (page 72). See
also Granting Abilities to People or Items (page 51),
sharp senses • supernatural senses • tactical training Performance Enhancement (page 46), and Building,
• sense-enhancing gear, such as binoculars • superior Crafting, or Upgrading Tech (page 88). To prepare yourself,
position • combat analytics software or tech • warfare see Preparing an Attack (page 20).
knowledge or databases
poor visibility • opponent’s speed or cover • unique POWER
tactics, behaviors, or abilities • counterintelligence tech
relevant gear • combat maneuvering skills • tactical
or Sources
skills • camaraderie and leadership • blessings
confusion • internal strife • opponent’s preparedness
to prevent the assist • communication difficulties • large
Q u i ck You learn the most valuable details. distance between you and the ally
D i scov er Quantify how much was learned or fine-tune
the specific information you’re looking for. SUCCESS

D i sr u pt Give your opponent a weakness tag such as gap E n han c e Give your ally a status like on-alert, boost-
in armor, slow left hook, or same old tricks. ed-agility, got-your-back, protected-flank, or fortified-re-
e x t r a f e a ts
• Keep your target unaware that you have this information. Bestow Give your ally a tag such as emergency force
• Keep the spotlight to act on new information field, protective winds, or smoke cover.
immediately. e xtra f e ats
• Use new information to circumvent a Threat posed by
• Position yourself to protect your ally.
the target.
• Hide intentions from opponents.
• Extend the spotlight and give it to your ally.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» You are attacked while analyzing (injured). CONSEQUENCES

» The target changes their tactics. » Opponent attacks (injured).

» The target hides their tactics. » You hinder your ally (negative status instead or in
» You arrive at the wrong conclusion and make a tacti- addition to positive).
cal mistake. » You help the opponent (they get a positive status).
» You expose yourself to danger (exposed). » You exhaust yourself or run out of supplies (burn a tag).
» Your ability to analyze the battlefield becomes ineffec-
tive or impaired (burn tag).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


Adopt a martial arts stance • Go into a rage Pick up a discarded weapon • Pull a weapon out
• Fight defensively • Battle dance • Mystical of a bag • Smash a bottle • Conjure a weapon •
trance • Act as a bodyguard • Mark your prey • Distribute armaments
Lock on primary target
You grab something in your vicinity to serve as a weapon, or
You change your posture, focus, or demeanor in order to create a temporary weapon from nearby resources or using
gain certain combat advantages. A “stance” can be anything magic. This action can be used to invoke a “too broad” tag
that significantly skews your capabilities in combat, such by using it to create a specific weapon tag (Downgrading
as defensiveness over aggressiveness, focusing on one a Tag, Metro:Otherscape page 192).
target at the expense of others, or a physical position that
favors one specific kind of attack. POWER
resourcefulness • desperation • nearby debris • a
martial arts training • specialized weapons • men- stocked armory, lab, warehouse, or factory • conjuring
tal focus • specialization in a specific combat tactic or abilities • weapon dispensing allies
behavior • personality trait physical obstacles (object is secured, chained, or
exhaustion • physical or mental restraints • target’s buried) • hindered vision or manual dexterity
countering maneuver • energy block • distracting
environment SUCCESS

SUCCESS Quic k You grab a discarded weapon which is already a

tag in the scene, or acquire a weapon that has no tag.
Enhance Give yourself a status such as battle-rage,
defensive-stance, warrior-aspect, or hunter’s-guile. This C re ate Add a tag representing the new weapon, such as
status stays for as long as you maintain the stance, and assault rifle, broken drone blades, hypodermic needle,
serves to focus you on one set of actions at the expense or display glass shards. With extra Power, you can make
of others: it assists with any action in its scope, and a set (Story Tag Sets, Metro:Otherscape page 112),
hinders any other kind of action. For example, hunt- and add features such as full cartridge, wicked sharp,
er’s-guile will help guileful actions but hinder brute force secured grip, and the like.
actions, such as picking up a heavy brick and using it e xtra f e ats
to smash a drone forcefully, unless you first exit the
• Keep the spotlight to attack immediately.
stance, losing the status in the process.
• Brandish the new weapon threateningly.
A PC can exit a stance during their spotlight, usually • Hide the weapon on you.
without requiring an action to do so. Even so, the status • Remain unnoticed.
remains in effect until the scene is re-established, so it • Break or don’t break something as part of retrieving
can still affect their next mitigation roll, if any. the weapon.
• Deliver the weapon to a beleaguered ally.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Keep the spotlight for a stance-appropriate follow-up
• Improve position. » You cause unintended damage while grabbing the object.
• Draw or stow weapons under pressure.
• Grab a useful object from the environment.
» You strain (winded) or harm (injured) yourself.
• Strike an impressive pose. » An opponent grabs it before you do (they get the tag).
» The weapon has an unwanted feature (a negative tag).

» Your opponent maneuvers (surrounded).

» Something bad happened while you were focusing
your attention.
» You suffer physical, mental, or mystical strain (strained
or similar, or burn a tag).

» You take a status that will go into effect when you exit
the stance (e.g., disoriented).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


LEADERSHIP E n han c e R e stor e I n f lu e n c e TACTICAL TEAMWORK

See page 73. Crew members can act in coordination by using actions such
as Assisting an Ally (page 18), Feinting and Distracting
Attacks (page 16), Impairing Attacks (page 16), or
PREPARING AN ATTACK Enhance Leadership (page 73) with the intention of helping
teammates or hinder opponents in preparation for an ally’s
Aim carefully • Charge an enemy • Center in attack. One PC takes the spotlight first to provide a fellow
crosshairs • Prepare to pounce • Swing overhead PC with an advantage that they can use when they have
• Set laser to overcharge • Draw power the spotlight next to deliver a stronger attack.
You use your skills, tools, and perhaps an opportunity to In addition to the tags, Extra Feats and Consequences
hang back for another beat and prepare for a devastatingly listed in each specific action, consider also the following
powerful or precise attack. See also Preparing an Approach when the crew engages in tactical teamwork.
(page 71).
protectiveness • mentor or sidekick relationship •
favorite maneuver • martial discipline • laser scope • supporting attitude • leadership position • advantageous
chargeable weapon • energy channeling • safe position positioning
confusion or stress • harassing opponents • being internal distrust or discord • bad timing • no line of
rushed • crowded battlefield • unstable terrain sight between allies • poor or untrained coordination


Q u i ck Give yourself a helpful status, such as aim- e xtra f e ats

ing, momentum, positioned-for-impact, locked-on, or • Hide your involvement.
charging-up. • Make an ally look impressive when they charge.
e x t r a f e a ts • Draw attention to yourself.
• Drive opponents back.
• Keep the spotlight to attack immediately.
• Switch positions with an ally.
• Remain unnoticed.
• Extend the spotlight and give it to your ally.
• Draw their attention.


» Your opponent attacks while you’re preparing (injured). » You get separated.
» An unaddressed Threat manifests while you prepare. » Your opponents get reinforced to match your numbers.
» You draw attention to yourself. » You miscommunicate (out-of-sync).
» You lose your grip on your weapon or implement
(burn a tag).

TREATING INJURIES Re store Dis c ove r

A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

See page 47.



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


For scaling terrain and movement MOVING AROUND THE BATTLEFIELD
outside of combat, see Exploration Quic k E n han c e
& Survival actions (page 40) and
Reposition • Dash • Leap • Parkour • Tumble and
Sneaking and Hiding (page 77). roll • Attain the high ground • Hide and sneak
• Get behind • Fly around

FORCING AN OPPONENT TO MOVE You move to a desired position while facing opposition,
danger, or difficulty, or move under pressure, for example
Q u i ck D i sr u pt W e ake n
when under fire, maneuvering in tight spaces, racing to
Push or pull a target • Throw a target • beat time, moving while injured, not sure where to go,
Present an obstacle • Menace a target • Force a etc. Your desired position can be a specific position on the
target back • Employ fancy footwork battlefield such as “on top of the open hatch” or a relative
position such as “above my opponent”.
You use physical strength, magic, intimidation, tactical
maneuvering, or any combination of these in order to In many cases, moving around the battlefield does not require
move your target or force them to move to where you a roll – you narrate moving together with another action (see
want them to be. Narration, Metro:Otherscape, page 85). If you are moving to
take cover, see Taking Cover (page 23). If you are traversing
through a hazard represented by a tag or status, see Travel
and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45).
physical strength • tactical movement • appropriate
weapon • intimidating look • advantageous terrain POWER

limited mobility • target’s quickness or robustness fortitude • quickness • athleticism • invisibility • wings
• target’s wings or climbing appendages • disadvanta- • grappling hook • jet pack • handholds • map of the area
geous terrain
hesitation • injuries • opponent’s alertness and
senses • surveillance • physical barriers • rough terrain •
SUCCESS hazards • environmental opposition (e.g., crosswinds)
Q u i ck You move your target or force them to move to the
desired location.
D i sr u pt Create a status that represents the hinder-
Quic k You arrive at the desired destination.
ing nature of your target’s new position, such as E n han c e Give yourself a status that represents the benefit
exposed-back, neck-deep-water, life-drained (e.g., if of your new position such as improved-position, clear-
pushed into a magical field), or marked (by a security shot, high-ground, out-of-sight, blocking-the-path, etc.
e xtra f e ats
W e a k en Remove a beneficial status such as concealed, • Move unnoticed.
commanding-position, aimed-and-ready, or magical- • Get there in time.
ly-empowered (from a ley line confluence). • Keep the spotlight to immediately attack.
e x t r a f e a ts • Take someone else with you.
• Place them in between you and a threat. • Put yourself out of harm’s way.
• Cause them to drop something. • Make an impressive entrance.
• Keep the spotlight and follow-up with an attack.

CONSEQUENCES » The path is blocked.

» The target forces you to move instead. » You come under attack or suffer from a hazard on the
way (injured).
» The target attacks you (injured).
» The target hunkers down (dug-in). » You are ambushed at your destination.
» Your attempts draw unwanted attention to yourself. » You drop something on the way (burn a tag).
» You propel yourself into a barrier (concussed).

» You fall down (prone).

» You fall down (prone).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


RETREATING FROM COMBAT A PC with the right tags can

Tactical withdrawal • Run away • Escape a
combine different defenses in
dangerous scene • Let’s just get the fuck out the same mitigation roll. See
of here also Countering, Dispelling, or
In many situations, getting out of a scene does not require Disenchanting Mythos Powers and
a roll and can simply be narrated. If there are unaddressed Sources (page 57), and Blocking a
Threats, escaping means that the MC gets to inflict Conse- Digital Attack (page 33) for other
quences as normal, representing the PCs’ focus on getting forms of defense that can come in
away over acting in response to the Threats present. These
Consequences might be one last attack (injured, bleeding,
handy in combat.
scorched, or similar), equipment snatched or left behind


(burn tags), harm from an environmental effect (shocked,
cursed, or similar), harm from the escape itself (strained,
bruised, or similar), personal cost or aftermath (exhausted, M itigate
frustrated, defeatist-attitude, or similar), etc. Consequences
Parry • Shield and armor • Brace for impact •
might even come during the next scene (see Hard Open,
Take it on the chin • Absorb with nanobots or a
Metro:Otherscape page 81) or during downtime, in the form
spell of protection
of surveilled, guilt, bad-rap, broke, or similar, representing
fallout from leaving things hanging. You rely on passive means (such as bodily constitution or
If escaping poses a dramatic challenge, a roll may be re- armor) or actively block an attack to protect yourself from
quired. See Moving Around the Battlefield (page 21) or harm in a mitigation roll. You can raise a shield, activate a
Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45). device, or otherwise move to brace for the incoming harm;
If enemies pursue the PCs, set up a Chase (page 42). in some cases you might even be able to mitigate attacks
you are unaware of, using tags such as armored hide.
To absorb the energy of an attack and use it to Enhance or
VEHICLE COMBAT Restore yourself, see Reactive Effects (Metro:Otherscape,
page 122), as well as Granting Abilities to People or Items
Your vehicle or mount is usually represented by a tag that (page 51), Healing with Mythos Powers (page 51), and
you can add to any action that it can help you with, such Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery (page 46).
as running someone over (Hand-to-Hand Attacks, page
12), pushing someone back (Forcing an Opponent to POWER
Move, page 21), or flying over a barricade (Moving Around
the Battlefield, page 21). armor or thick skin • physical durability or constitu-
tion • pain tolerance • large size • shielding device or
A vehicle or a mount can be created through actions that magic • parrying weapon • opponent’s restricted move-
Create appropriate tags like Making a Purchase (page ment • natural barriers • poor visibility
62), Summoning a Conjuration (page 57), or Building,
weak points and vulnerabilities • intangible or energy
Crafting, or Upgrading Tech (page 88).
attacks • surprising attacks • attacker’s quickness and
skill • attacker’s powerful or accurate weapons • attack-
er’s superior position
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

DODGING AN ATTACK M i t i g at e TAKING COVER Quic k C re ate E n han c e

Duck • Jump back • Leap out of the line of fire Fall prone • Camouflage • Duck behind a wall •
• Roll with it • Fly away • Flow around the Power up electromagnetic shield • Throw down
attack • Lead the attack around you • Become furniture • Conjure a wall of stone
You move to a hidden position to avoid being seen, or, if
You move in order to avoid harm with a mitigation roll. already under attack, move to a defensive position or use
This represents using any of your natural and enhanced your abilities to improve your protective capabilities to
movement abilities capable of putting distance between physically block harm.
you and the incoming harm, moving around harm, or having
harm move around or through you. POWER

POWER heavy objects or barriers (e.g., loose stacked crates)

• thick undergrowth • higher ground • small body • quick
sharp or enhanced senses • speed and reflexes • thinking • self-preservation instincts
survival instinct • poor visibility • flexibility • combat
training • ethereality and incorporeality area, homing, or intangible attacks • flimsy objects or
barriers • small space • opponent’s sharp senses or quick
slowness • limited movement capabilities • attack- movement
er’s quickness and skill • attacker’s area attack weapons
and targeting systems • attacker’s superior position

Quic k You find cover, averting an incoming Threat, for now.

C re ate E n han c e Create a tag or status such as
camouflaged, shielded, dug-in, barricaded door, or
sandbags, with the aim of helping your next action to
move across dangerous terrain (Moving Around the
Battlefield, page 21) or to mitigate incoming harm.
You may also characterize your cover with additional
tags such as perfect lookout position.
e xtra f e ats
• Find cover further away from danger.
• Find an alternative path to advance.
• Leave something behind.
• Take something or someone with you.
• Misdirect your opponent.


» The cover you found does not provide actual cover

» The cover is temporary.
» The cover introduces a new hazard or opponent.
» The cover collapses on you (pinned-down).
» You expose yourself to a different opponent (exposed).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

For most individuals in the world
of :Otherscape, life takes place CYBERSPACE AND
in cyberspace. Everyone and
everything is connected, and every HACKING TERMS
aspect of society has been digitized: THE PHYSICAL LAYER
commerce, entertainment, warfare, As far as anyone knows, the existence of all cyberspace
politics, relationships, and so on and depends upon physical objects and individuals. Data is
so on. People can love, build, steal, stored in, and programs run on, devices – most common-
hate, and kill in cyberspace – so ly servers, but also desktop consoles, handheld devices,
they do, and their creativity sprouts drones, and cyberware. Communication between devices

new types of digital beings who is facilitated by tech that employs electricity, radio waves,
microwave, visible light (such as fiber optics and lasers),
engage in these same activities for and such to transmit data.
their own reasons. An aura is the surface communication information one
With this exponential expansion of online life, online crime can “see” when examining a device or a digital construct,
has become commonplace and security measures are whether from within cyberspace or from without, using an
constantly evolving to meet the challenge. This has been appropriate scanner. It is the information any communicating
exacerbated by the introduction of Harnessing technologies, device broadcasts due to simply existing in cyberspace and
which allow every lay person to “hack” by simply interacting being connected. An aura shows what this item is, how it’s
with a VR environment. Whether as everyday users, sea- connected to cyberspace, and what its obvious features are,
soned hackers, data specialists, or meathead Harnessed but further information may be encrypted. Reading an aura in
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

brains – your PCs are bound to engage with cyberspace. cyberspace is part of perceiving (Narration, Metro:Otherscape
page 85), but if you suspect something is being hidden from
you, you can Scan the Network (page 31).


Most of human interaction with cyberspace is done through
a shared metaphor, a sensory interpretation that represents
what the data is doing in a way that the human mind can
intuitively understand: data appears as objects, programs


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

appear as animated entities, and communication lines ap- DOMAINS VS. DEVICES
pear as glowing pipelines. Humans most commonly perceive
Cyberspace is made out of Domains and devices. This
and interact with the cyberspace shared metaphor through
distinction is mostly for cinematic purposes: Domains can
VR, whether through a direct neural interface connected to
be locations for scenes, whereas devices are objects in a
the brain, neuro-sensitive headgear, or some other type of
scene or off-scene.
VR headset. It is also possible to interact with cyberspace
using AR while engaged in meatspace activities, or even A Domain is a cyberspace location in which a scene can take
through slower mediums such as a screen and a keyboard. place: a database server, a VR club, a private VR meeting
Some people forego the shared metaphor to look directly room, or the heart of an AI. A Domain can be composed of
at code, but this process, if unassisted by other forms of multiple subdomains with different functions and different
technology, can be slow to the point of being useless. levels of security, which in the shared metaphor appear as
different rooms or spaces. The space in each subdomain can
Regular users, who run minimal programs, don’t need per-
conform to Earth-like physical laws or be completely abstract
formance-heavy computers to interact with cyberspace, and
or psychedelic. Each Domain has the following features:
use commonplace, everyday devices. In contrast, cyberspace
professionals – security experts, hackers, software design- • An admin or superuser: The current controller of the
ers, hardcore gamers, Harnessers, and the likes – engage Domain. By default this is the owner of the Domain,
cyberspace with high-performance computational devices although hackers can take over. An admin controls the
known simply as consoles. A cyberspace expert’s console behavior of constructs and the shape of the Domain
and the apps, or programs, they run on their console are environment, but their choices might be limited by the
important tags in their arsenal, comparable to weapons in programs they run.
combat. A console can also be used to Harness the hacker • A core: The system that controls access and per-
and their crew into VR, turning their physical actions into missions in the Domain, usually residing in its own
cyberspace actions; see page 38. subdomain. A hacker can become the superuser by
Digital entities native to cyberspace, such as programs reaching the Domain core and rewriting its permis-
and AI, do not need the metaphor and can perceive and sions, granting themselves a superuser status and
interact with data and programs directly. Whether because denying it from the current admin. (As an alternative,
they are restricted from duplicating themselves (like most a hacker can also impersonate the admin, but risks
programs) or are loathe to do so because they want to being discovered by the real admin.) A Domain’s core
preserve their uniqueness (like some AI), digital entities is represented by a Challenge with a take-over Limit,
usually host their source code somewhere in cyberspace which must be maxed out by the hacker to assume
(and therefore also in meatspace) and can connect to a superuser role. Alternatively, a Domain can also be
other places in cyberspace from their home server or move crashed by a hacker who reaches the core.
their source code between servers they consider safe. • Constructs: Every piece of programming that has a
Some hivemind software and AI are free of these human function in the Domain appears as a digital construct in
restrictions and can duplicate themselves endlessly, but VR. Most objects, such as walls, floors, and light sourc-
copies presumably need to communicate to update each es, are “dumb”, but agents, mechanism, and security
other on their experiences. programs are all semi-autonomous or full AIs, capable of
Digital entities can appear in VR in any of countless forms, taking action, and as such are most often represented as
but each entity’s appearance is usually hardcoded into it, Challenges. A construct can be crashed which causes it to
in a way that fits within the metaphor (a security app could stop existing in the Domain until it is reloaded, or it can
appear as a Roman legionnaire, for example). Users appear be taken-over, in which case the hacker can command it.
as avatars, which could be a form based on their physical • Environment: The default appearance of the Domain
appearance (if any), a modified version of themselves, or to users in the VR shared metaphor. The environment
a form completely different from their physical form such is represented by a tag: a jungle environment means
as a glowing orb of light or a favorite caricature. everything in the Domain is dressed in a jungle theme,

and so the default for constructs and objects is to take

the appearance of something that belongs in a jungle.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

• A device is a physical item connected to cyberspace THREAT SCANNING
that doesn’t host a VR space (and therefore cannot Most secure systems engage in other forms of passive
host a scene), but can still be hacked: a hand-held security processes, such as scanning a node for suspi-
device, a drone, cyberware, a Nearspace mechanism cious activity, validating the integrity of data in the node,
such as a lock or camera, or a network element such or encrypting sensitive information, all in the attempt to
as a transceiver. preemptively identify unauthorized activity.
Most hacking actions against a device can be resolved The general alarm level of a system represents its rising
with a quick outcome, or it can be crashed to aggressively suspicion that unauthorized activity is taking place and is
cause it to shut down, or taken-over to control its functions. tracked with the alarm Limit. The system gains alarm when
its scanning processes notice evidence that could indicate
INTRUSION COUNTERMEASURES (IC) unauthorized activity, but are still investigating. When alarm
All cyberspace actions related to a Domain or a device – re- is maxed out, the alarm is raised. Alternatively, the alarm
ferred to collectively as nodes – require you to have both a can be raised all at once without maxing out the Limit in
connection to it, whether wired or wireless, direct or over the case a scanning process or program identifies conclusive
cyberspace net, and authorization to interact with it. Togeth- incriminating evidence or perceives unauthorized activity
er, these aspects make up your ability to access the node. directly as it is happening.
Public Domains and devices, such as public Nearspace Once the alarm is raised, a system can lock up certain
and VR venues, feature an open network accessible to all. subdomains, fortify its core, and unleash active defenses
Secured Domains and devices, whether owned privately to locate and eliminate the threat.
or by an organization, can limit access and usage in dif-
ferent ways. For example, some cyberware devices are cut
off from wireless communications intentionally and can Active ICs are security programs that trace and attack
only be accessed through direct wire connection to avoid hackers within a Domain or beyond. ICs can be Challenges
hacking. However, since most Domains and devices have in and of themselves or they can be represented as Conse-
communication needs of their own, the most common quences in a user’s or Domain’s Challenge Profile.
form of protection are apps which prevent unauthorized
access and usage and even attack hackers, collectively USER VS. SUPERUSER
called Intrusion Countermeasure or IC. Every Domain and subdomain has specific permissions that
are automatically granted to their standard users: The public
front subdomain of a store sees everyone as standard users,
The most rudimentary IC is the firewall, a filter that controls but in the backroom subdomain only employees are accepted.
access to the Domain or device. Firewall software is varied and A hacker who gains appropriate permissions to become a
in a constant state of evolution, ranging from easily-penetrable standard user can take whatever type of actions are allowed
casual-user firewalls to ever-shifting, imposing AI firewalls, or to users in that subdomain: move around, access, and copy
even firewalls powered by a Source. Every node that is con- accessible data or even edit and delete it, activate and shut
nected to cyberspace, especially if it’s connected wirelessly, down connected device functions, and more.
has some form of firewall to prevent just anyone from waltzing
in, or else it is assumed to be completely unsecure. During a cyberspace heist, whenever a PC enters a new
subdomain, you can ask:
The quality of a firewall installed on a specific Domain or
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

? Is everyone allowed to access this subdomain (i.e., is

device Challenge is represented by the status firewalled.
Human users and digital entity Challenges also have the it public)?
firewalled status to represent their personal protection ? If not, does the hacker have the necessary
from hacking or counterhacking. Sometimes, firewalled can permissions to be here?
be used to describe general resistance to hacking, even if ? If not, did the hacker forge permissions, barge in, or
the Challenge isn’t protected by a firewall per se, such as
sneak in?
a construct’s robust coding which makes it resistant to
hacking. When running a deep-dive cyberspace heist, the ? What actions are permitted for users with the
firewall may instead be represented by a Challenge. hacker’s perceived set of permissions?


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

The answers to these questions determine how admins, other Hi-res hacking happens only in Domains (not devices) and
users, and ICs respond to the hacker’s presence there. Hackers it is most appropriate for a dramatic cyberspace mission
may take a different approach to getting what they want with a significant reward or goal. During a hi-res hack, the
from a domain, from forcing their way in, to impersonating non-hacker PCs are either Harnessed into VR as added fire-
a user, to sneaking in – each with its own advantages and power or have something else to do in a parallel meatspace
disadvantages (see Hacking Styles, page 27). scene. Harnessing as a game mechanic only ever happens
in a hi-res hack.
Some Domain actions require a special set of privileges,
known as superuser privileges, which are represented
by the story tag superuser. In Domains not owned by the
PC, the admin is the default superuser, although hacker Hacking Styles
PCs and Challenges can become the superuser when they Most hacking actions can be categorized into three
max out the take-over Limit of the Domain. Superuser approaches.
privileges are required to enact certain restricted actions • “Fighter”: Brute force attacks, aimed at crashing
in a Domain: read, manipulate, or remove sensitive data, the target (which may be a Domain, a device, an
access secured subdomains, etc. They also allow a supe- admin, a user, a firewall, or an IC). Because their
ruser to take significant actions without making a roll, like effects are immediate and clearly noticeable, such
using the Domain’s connected devices or commanding its attacks usually raise the alarm and may prevent
constructs, unless they somehow face opposition. further advancement beyond the hacked node. Use
In the Domain of a building, for example, whereas a standard Crashing a Node or a Program (page 33) to hit and
user may only be allowed to open their own apartment Blocking a Digital Attack (page 33) to block. If you
door, a superuser can have any door open, close, lock, or are Harnessed, use Combat actions (page 10).
unlock at their discretion. • “Mage”: Impersonation attacks, aimed at forging
credentials to appear like an authorized user or even
HACKING AS A SCENE VS. superuser and withstand ICs scrutiny. High-security
HACKING IN A SCENE nodes continually search for infiltrators within them,
so hackers must be prepared to be scrutinized often.
Cinematically, hacking can show up in two ways in your game.
Use Data Forgery (page 29) to prepare a good dis-
Low-res hacking is shortened into an action or set of actions guise and to test it when it comes under inspection.
within another scene. While the hacker may slip into VR and If you are Harnessed, use Deception (page 66).
face opposition therein, the players and the MC do not de-
• “Rogue”: Exploit attacks, also known as back-
scribe each and every subdomain the hacker hacks through.
doors, aimed at finding or creating unguarded
Instead, the action is summarized as a single quick outcome
access channels that circumvent the IC. Once
or a single tracked outcome. This is most appropriate when access has been gained, the hacker must continue
there is only one PC performing the hacking. to avoid detection by the node’s IC. Use Scanning
Hacking a device is always low-res (with the exception of the Network (page 31) and Overriding or Fooling
unique devices that comprise an important part of the plot). a Security Device or Program (page 34). If you are
For example, hacking a foe’s targeting system, hacking a Harnessed, use Sneaking and Hiding (page 77).
drone, or hacking a magnetic lock.
Hacking a Domain can also be low-res, if the MC chooses not to
take a deep-dive into the Domain for cinematic considerations.
For example, hacking into a KOCMOC database just to retrieve
some files as part of an investigation may be a low-res hack.
Hi-res or deep-dive hacking is a VR scene or series of
scenes, depicting the PCs as their VR avatars, running
around a Domain’s environment, sneaking past constructs,

and interacting with the Domain as a location. The admin

and each construct or user in the Domain can be their own
Challenge, and there can be multiple subdomains to explore.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

COMMON CYBERSPACE STATUSES out by a hacker, the hacker controls the target and all its
functions, becoming its superuser. For example:
The Limit crash tracks any of the following: • If the target is a drone, an object, or a program, the
hacker controls it.
• Defeating a program by making it fail and shut down, at
least for the duration of a scene or until it is reloaded • If the target is the neural link of a human operator, the
hacker controls everything they perceive.
• Defeating a human or entity by crashing their hard-
ware or software or forcing them to disconnect from • If the target is a brain implant, the hacker can control the
the node or from cyberspace target’s thought processes and/or access their memories.

• Disabling a device or shutting down an entire Domain • If the target is cyberware, the hacker can control its
This Limit takes glitched, but under some situations it can
also take injured and similar statuses; see Taking Actions Upon taking over a node, the hacker gains superuser and
in VR While Harnessed (page 39). may remove the tag from any previous admins. There is
no other way to obtain this tag (including Bestow or Cre-
A user who is forcibly disconnected by maxing out crash may ate); this is a Special unique to cyberspace. In addition
suffer from additional statuses delivered with the final Conse- to allowing certain actions reserved to a superuser, the
quence that maxes out the Limit such as cyberspace-delirium tag empowers superuser actions within the Domain and
(meatspace disorientation following a sudden disconnect impedes actions against the admin within the Domain or
experienced by human users) or some temporary lagging against the Domain. The tag does not protect the superuser
to their origin code (digital entity). When the Limit is maxed from attacks originating from outside the Domain.
by an especially dangerous IC or enemy operator, it may re-
sult in damage to the user’s console, virus-infected, tagged DEFENDING AGAINST HACKING
(see below), or even brain-damaged, limited-motor-control, Users, devices, Domains, and even IC’s can be firewalled
wiped-memories, or the like. This can be represented with a against hacking. These statuses apply against attempts
Challenge Special. to Weaken them, because defensive software is designed
to protect itself first and foremost.
Take-over tracks gaining control over a Domain core, a TAGGING AND TRACKING STATUSES
device, program, or construct. When this Limit is maxed IC are likely to give a hacker tagged, representing the system
trying to identify them. This status hinders attempts to hide
and impersonate within the Domain that gave it. It can be


removed with Repairing Data or Programs (page 31).
Outside of a Domain, tagged represents a party discovering
A digital entity, whether a PC or a Challenge, exists more about their target’s real identity or location. This status
as source code somewhere on the net and can might have a located Limit, as the enemy closes in on the
project itself into other Domains as an avatar in the physical location of the hacker and is able to take direct action
same way human users do. To temporarily get rid against their physical form (whether a human body or their
of such a being, one must crash its avatar, its local home server). See also marked, under Common Spycraft
representation. To permanently destroy it, its source Statuses (page 75) and Avoiding Attention and Staying
code needs to be traced (Tracing Data or Signal, page
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Anonymous (page 76).

32) and crashed, causing the digital entity to lose
consciousness until the source code is reloaded. If DATA CORRUPTION
the source code is reloaded, the digital entity has no Data can get corrupted, making it difficult to read it or
memory of the time span since it was last running. If interact with it. It can be recovered with Repairing Data or
the source code is deleted everywhere and can’t be Programs (page 31).
reloaded, the digital entity is annihilated. Some digital
entities who are a mythic Source or are Touched by a DOMAIN SCALE
Source can bend these rules in ways that cannot be Some Domains and subdomains are larger than others,
explained with cyberspace science alone represented by giving them Scale (Metro:Otherscape page
118). A superuser tag automatically gains the same Scale
as the Domain it controls.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


ACCESSING DATA Qu i c k D i s c ove r C re ate CONNECTING TO A NODE
Download all the files • Harvest data archive • Connecting to a remote Domain or device with a known
Draw from tapped data streams • Intercept comms • address is equivalent to moving in cyberspace and should be
Collect drone data • Analyze with cybernetic eyes narrated as part of another action (Narration, :Otherscape
You use your computer skills to access data, whether page 85). When connecting poses its own challenges, such
stored as files or transferred as a data stream. Encrypted as roaming the dangerous Spirals as your avatar, see Travel
data may need specific decryption tags to decipher, while and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45). To
some data may require accessing a specific subdomain or find the address of an unknown node, see Scanning the
having superuser status. Network (page 31).

C re ate
computer skills • database and data analysis skills •
cryptography skills • decryption software • useful cre- Forge credentials or documents • Cook up the
dentials • fast download speeds • large storage capacity books • Set up a fake data stream • Create a
• video scrubbing and searching software • physically cyberspace illusion to fool IC • Edit a deep-
tapping the hardware fake recording

security measures such as firewalls, encryption, or You use your computer skills to create a digital deception of
ICs • download throttling • overabundance of data • poor some kind, creating forged credentials to fool security sys-
strength of signal from the source • hardware hardening tems or creating virtual objects that give a false impression.


Q u i ck You download the data or tap into a data stream forgery skills • forgery software or AI • existing docu-
and read its contents. ment to modify or copy • knowledge of the impersonat-
D i scov er When you are looking for specific information ed target or forged content • artistic talent
and must search a lot of data, especially if time is short. target’s alertness • fraud detection • firewalls • target’s
Cr e a t e Gain story tags that represent the data you unique features or complexity • lack of specialized skills •
collected such as incriminating evidence or Mutblade’s inadequate software or hardware • computational overload
e x t r a f e a ts SUCCESS

• Remain undetected. C re ate Create forged data tags such as unrecognizable

• Act quickly. avatar, superior credentials, or false evidence, or create
• Erase records of the download or tap. cyberspace constructs that have no content such as
• Erase the file or data stream after copying them (if illusory wall or decoys.
e xtra f e ats
• Complete the work quickly.
• Make the deception last longer.
» The download fails and can’t be restarted.
» The data is lost in transit, deleted at both ends. CONSEQUENCES

» The data is corrupted and needs repair. » You’re discovered.

» The target is alerted to your presence (tagged). » The forge is inaccurate, but you don’t notice the prob-
» The data storage drive on your console is full. lems in it.
» Your system overloads or is attacked by a hidden » You leave a trace that can be followed (tagged).
countermeasure (glitched or burn tags). » You accidentally delete the file you were editing.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



E n han c e C re ate
Log off • Unplug • Jack out • Awaken from VR
and/or Harnessed state
Set up a firewall • Mask a signal • Lock data
behind an encryption • Bounce data between
You pull yourself or another crew member out of cyberspace
satellites • Hide files within the system •
under pressure. Normally, disconnecting is a safe procedure
Leave an unpleasant surprise
that doesn’t merit a roll, but when disconnecting is rushed
or risky, such as during cyberspace combat or within a You use your computer skills to encrypt files or a commu-
hostile Domain, a roll may be in order. nication channel to limit access, possibly adding a trap or
Once disconnected from a device or Domain, its ICs and a sentry program as well. Creating a secure channel for the
admins can’t target you immediately and must trace you entire crew is a Scaled action.
to resume communications. Once you are completely
disconnected from cyberspace, nothing there can harm POWER
you directly.
intrusion countermeasure and data security skills •
cryptography skills • math skills • encryption software
POWER and hardware
hacking skills • VR experience • appropriate safety target is corrupted or glitchy • target has features
console add-ons or apps • high quality neural cyberware that make it hard to protect • inadequate software or
• meditation skills hardware • computational overload
bad cyberspace connection • poor Harnessing hard-
ware • addiction to cyberspace • unwillingness to leave SUCCESS

E n han c e C re ate Give the file, data stream, or app a

SUCCESS status such as firewalled, encrypted, or scrambled-com-
ms, or a tag such as rerouting the data through a
Q u i ck You disconnect from a specific device or Domain
hardened router or using a randomizer key. These allow
or from cyberspace.
you to better mitigate attempts to intercept, harm, or
decrypt the protected data. Use excess Power to Create
CONSEQUENCES a trap or a sentry program to guard the data.
» You suffer from cyberspace-delirium. e xtra f e ats
» ICs take advantage and strike before you flee (glitched, • Complete the work quickly.
tagged, fried-nervous-system). • Hide your sentry program.
• Greatly compress the data.
» You cause an unintended glitch.
» Your consciousness wakes up elsewhere in cyberspace CONSEQUENCES
or in a different body (if possible).
» The target files get partly corrupted.
» Data stream gets slow or glitchy.
» You lose the decryption key.
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

R esto r e Quic k Dis c ove r

Debug software • Defrag • Run virus check • Search cyberspace • Analyze communicational
Patch up apps • Free system resources • Turn it “aura” • Observe the digital environment •
off and on again • Restore from backup Interpret the metaphor • Notice hidden elements
• Identify constructs and avatars
You use your programming skills to repair a file, a datastream,
an app, a construct, an avatar, or the digital environment. You use your computer skills to scan cyberspace for spe-
cific data, analyze the aura of a node or transmission to
determine its nature, or analyze the VR world around
you or objects within it. If appropriate, the MC may reveal
computer skills • diagnostic or repair software • a specific information from the Challenge Profile such as
secure Domain tags, Limits, Consequences, and Specials to reflect the
inadequate software or hardware • computational knowledge gained by a PC.
overload • the target status or tag may also apply if it is
actively fighting back (e.g., virus-infected) POWER

hacking skills • analysis skills • databases recording

SUCCESS types of tech, communications, or software • knowledge
relevant to the VR environment • scanning apps • alert-
R esto r e Remove a harmful status such as glitched
ness • symbolic interpretive skills (in VR)
or recover burned software tags. You can also fix
corrupted data. deliberate masking or spoofing • hidden data •
obscure code or encoding • encryption • firewall • poor
e x t r a f e a ts communications • obstructing VR layers or constructs
• Complete the repair quickly.
• Make it look as good as new. SUCCESS
• Remain undetected.
Quic k You determine the nature of a node or transmis-
sion, or in VR, a construct or avatar.
Dis c ove r When you are looking for specific information
» The subject gains a new quirk (story tag). and must scan through a lot of information, especially if
» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated). time is short.

» An app proves to be useless for the job (burn a tag). e xtra f e ats
» The repairs take longer than expected, potentially • Keep the spotlight to act on the information you gathered.
exposing you to new dangers. • Remain undetected.
• Clean up the data trail.


» Your access to this domain, subdomain, or device is

» Access to a related domain, subdomain, or device is
» You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
increasing the alarm level.
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers.
» ICs preemptively attack (glitched, taken-over, tagged).
» The target responds by loading additional protections

» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated).
» You get the wrong impression about a construct’s capa-
bilities (wary or unimpressed).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Q u i ck A dva nce C re ate advan c e

Follow online activity • Combine and contrast All night coding • Cobble together software
public and private information • Get ready packages • Deploy black market code • Rewrite a
to doxx • Tap location data • Triangulate a similar program
You use your computer skills to write a program for use
You use your data analysis or hacking skills to track some- in cyberspace, on a console, or even inside of a piece of
one’s location in the material world using digital clues they cybernetic hardware. See also Creating VR Constructs
leave online. (page 36).


hacking skills • data analysis skills • experience programming skills • powerful console • premade
tracking targets • knowledge of geography • access to software plugins • advice from a programming mentor
comms towers, transceivers, drones, or other hardware • energy drinks • assistance from online databases or
that could be used for geo-location communities
scrambled or otherwise unknown online presence • exhaustion • distractions • computational overload
obfuscated signal (bouncing off multiple online nodes
or satellites) • masking or encryption software • location SUCCESS
with no net access
C re ate Gain a tag or a set of story tags (Story Tag Sets,
Metro:Otherscape page 112) representing the program
SUCCESS and its capabilities.
Q u i ck You locate the target. ADVAN C E The MC may choose to represent this as an on-
A dva nce Give pinpointed against a located Limit repre- going project. Advance to give making-progress against
senting how hard the target is to pin down and follow a complete Limit set by the MC. When complete is maxed
digitally. Once the limit is maxed out, you learn where out, the program is ready.
they’re at right now. If the target is a digital entity, you e xtra f e ats
learn the current location of their source code and the • Keep the spotlight to run your program (take an action
server it is on. as the program).
e x t r a f e a ts • Complete the work quickly.
• Track their movements in addition to their current • Use few resources.
location. • Make a new contact while getting help debugging.
• Keep the spotlight for a follow-up action. • Impress professionals who interact with the program.
• Remain undetected.
• Clean up the data trail. CONSEQUENCES

» Overwork your brain on the task (mentally-tired).

» Code does something different than intended (alter the
» The target knows you’re tracking them. tags created).
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» The target traces you back. » Console burns out from testing (burn a tag or overheated).
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers. » Your code triggers the admin’s or some authority’s
deep scans.
» ICs counterattack (glitched, taken-over, tagged).
» The target hides deeper (hidden).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Failsafe activate • Personal firewall • Cause to overload • Inject malicious code •

Defensive programs • Nerve-protecting hardware Distributed denial of service attack • Force a
• Anti-malware disconnect • Force into an endless loop • Kick
or ban from Domain • Crash an IC
You rely on pre-programmed apps, hardware blocks, or
quick programming to protect you from cyberspace harm You use your hacking skills to bring down a node (device
in a mitigation roll. In some cases, you might even be able or Domain) or a program (IC, construct, or avatar) with full
to mitigate attacks you are unaware of, for example with force. Unless adequately masked with an Extra Feat, this
firewalled. draws the attention of any admins or ICs in the Domain.
Crashing Domains is a Scaled action.

security apps • hardened hardware • bouncing the POWER

signal • shielding over the device • opponent’s glitched • superuser • hacking skills • powerful console •
low bandwidth • being in your Domain offensive software such as a malevolent virus • tar-
powerful penetration program or virus • compu- get’s exploits and vulnerabilities, such as knowledge of
tational power • your hesitation • your cyberspace killswitch codes or other “easter eggs” left by previous
weaknesses or vulnerabilities • a surprising attack • skill admins • maps of data hierarchies within the Domain
of rival programmer • being in their Domain firewall • defensive software • hardened hardware
• integrity of the node’s programming • skill of rival


At tac k Inflict glitched or another harmful status, usual-

ly applied to the crash Limit.
e xtra f e ats
• Remain undetected.
• Clean up the data trail.
• Sow fear in human users.
• Cause a violent disconnect (if crash is maxed out).


» You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,

increasing the alarm level.
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers.
» ICs counterattack (glitched, taken-over, tagged).
» The target responds by loading additional protections
» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated).
» Access to other connected devices or subdomains is


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Quic k S e t Bac k We ak e n
Make cybernetics go haywire • Fry hardware •
Unleash a packet storm • Signal blast • Infect
Lower the alert level • Sneak past ICs or
with a virus • Inject conflicting commands •
avatars • Retask IC programs • Shut down alarms
Disrupt communication device
• Tamper with the firewall
You use your hacking skills to wreak havoc on a piece of You use your hacking skills to undermine, stifle, or disable
hardware, remote, carried, or installed cybernetically. You security systems, either in meatspace or in cyberspace.
must be able to connect with the hardware to do so. Most vital
cybernetics such as cyber limbs or organs are intentionally Use a quick outcome whenever you attempt to circumvent
only accessible via a wired connection, but some can still or pass through a specific gate without being detected. Use
be accessed via other systems, such as a health-monitoring the tracked option to undermine a system for later hacking,
system, or disrupted by means such as electromagnetic or to lower the alarm Limit if it exists.
pulse. Drones are largely wirelessly connected.
Military-grade and other high-grade systems are generally able
to recover from such damage during a scene, as Consequences. hacking skills • powerful console • hacking apps •
Consumer-grade systems will require repair. To control devices, security credentials • experience with specific security
see Taking Control Over a Node or a Program (page 35). measures or programs
the alarm level itself • active ICs • firewalls • hard-
ware hardening • skill of rival programmer • complicated
hacking skills • powerful console • intrusion apps • or obtuse systems
electromagnetic interference devices (ECM, electronics
countermeasures) SUCCESS
EM shielding • firewall • target device is hard to con-
Quic k You pass the target security system undetected.
nect with • target device is of high quality, has redun-
dancies, or can self-repair S e t Bac k Reduce any alarm statuses on the alarm Limit
to lower the general alert level.
We ak e n Remove or reduce any system statuses or tags
D i sr u pt Create negative statuses such as fried-circuits, that represent security, such as firewall.
auditory-static, cybernetic-heart-attack, disconnected, etc. e xtra f e ats
W e a k en Remove cybernetic tags such as cyberlegs or • Keep the spotlight for a follow-up action.
reduce protective statuses such as firewalled. • Clean up the data trail.
• Activate some other system (open a door, raise a
e x t r a f e a ts
• Keep the spotlight for a follow-up action. • Give the system new targets or false targets.
• The damage lasts longer or is hard to bypass.
• The glitch isn’t immediately noticeable.
• Remain undetected.
• Clean up the data trail. » You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

increasing the alarm level.

» You or someone close gets tagged.
» You glitch your own gear or infect your own cybernetics » You lose your cool or realize your skill can’t help you
with a computer virus. here (burn a tag).
» The target knows it was you. » Your console or an app overloads (burn a tag).
» The target retaliates (glitched). » You leave identifying data behind.
» The target closes ports and redirects processing, gain-
ing firewalled or hardened against further attacks.
» You damage a related or nearby system you did not
intend to.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


OR A PROGRAM qu i c k advan c e i n f lu e n ce Quic k You gain superuser status in a Domain or control

over the device or construct.
Brute force password break • Exploit flaws in
security • Impersonate administrator • Hack Advan c e Increase the take-over status against the
into personal device • Remote takeover of node’s take-over Limit. Once take-over is maxed out, you
vehicle or drone • Gain control over cyberware become a superuser in the node.
In f lue n c e Inject commands into the node by giving
You use your hacking skills to take over a cyberspace node
a compelling status such as random-movements or
(a device or a Domain core) or a construct. When taking over attack-myself. Such commands can force a specific
a Domain or a device, you are attempting to become its behavior, but do not count toward take-over.
superuser; when taking over a program or construct you
flood it with commands to force a behavior, or otherwise e xtra f e ats
hack the code to gain control over it. • Keep the spotlight to take a follow-up action as a supe-
ruser (if achieved).
• Remain undetected.
POWER • Clean up the data trail.
hacking skills • powerful console • backdoors • Sow fear in human users.
or exploits in the system • password files • falsified
credentials • inside information on accounts active CONSEQUENCES

on the node • experience with the organization

» You attract ICs or enemy hackers.
that maintains or built the node or a certain type of
software of hardware used » ICs counterattack (glitched, taken-over, tagged).
opposing superuser • firewalls • hardened hardware » You are discovered.
• encryption protocols • secured node • ICs on alert • » Your activity raises suspicion, raising the alarm level.
poor connection • out of date credentials • skill of rival » The target responds by loading additional protections
programmer (firewalled) or locks you out completely.
» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated).
» Access to other connected devices or subdomains is
» You are counter-hacked, losing control of a device
(burn a tag).



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



B e stow W e a k en
Construct a bridge • Build an AI companion
• Create smart specialized applications •
Alter rules and procedures • Change laws of
Simulate life • Erect a fireworks display •
physics • God mode • Restyle a Domain to
Make up a vehicle
confuse the enemy or gain an advantage

You alter the fundamental rules governing activities around You write code or run an app to create a new digital construct.
you within cyberspace. In most environments, you must This can be a “dumb” environmental element such as a wall,
be a superuser to do so. an automated element such as a hurricane following a pat-
tern, or something autonomously intelligent. The entity you
This is akin to rewriting the laws of physics, but could also created operates on rules you program into it and has the
serve to change the way vehicles operate, alarms go off, or capabilities you give it. Its appearance is interpreted through
virtually any part of the Domain environment behaviors. the Domain’s environment, and so it most likely looks like
These alterations are fairly localized to the area of cyber- what it is. See also Writing a New Program (page 32).
space around you, unless you Scale the action.

POWER superuser • programming skills • authoring tools • VR

superuser • skill at programming operating systems or construct building experience • premade libraries and
other machine-level software • powerful console • devel- plug-ins • good design methodology
opment environment programs • familiarity with this part lack of creativity or creative block • Domain security
of cyberspace • changes that align with the logic of the such as local construct filters or modeling regulation
current VR environment (such as jungle environment) protocols
secured Domain • firewall • spaghetti code • many
interconnected parts • security protocols blocking alter-
ations • changes that go against the logic of the current C re ate Make up a story tag set (Metro:Otherscape page
VR environment (such as jungle environment) 112), with the first tag describing the entity in general and
each additional tag representing the entity’s description,
SUCCESS abilities, or constraints. Successive actions can be taken to
keep adding functions to your creation. For example, you
Bestow Create alterations such as reversed gravity, might build a winged archive-searching program with tags
intruders treated as friendly, or nothing is visible. like data searcher, butterfly wings, and eager to please.
W e a k en Remove the current VR environment tag or e xtra f e ats
specific elements in it. • Creation lasts longer before degrading.
e x t r a f e a ts • The program can be trusted to act in ways that
• Remain undetected. benefit you.
• Clean up the data trail. • The program is installed in a piece of gear, such as a
• Alterations last longer or are harder to scrub. weapon or cybernetic part.
• Changes are not easily noticed by the system or its • Complete the work quickly.
administrators. • Use few system resources.

A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» The construct displays unintended behaviors such as
» You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion, stupidity or malice.
increasing the alarm level.
» The construct can’t quite do what you wanted it to
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers. (slightly alter story tags created).
» You alter the rules in a negative way, such as causing » The construct displays obvious loopholes (add nega-
yourself to fall through the floor or get stuck in one place. tive tags).
» You interrupt your own data stream (glitched). » The construct is already glitchy or won’t last very long.
» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated). » You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
increasing the alarm level.
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

B e stow Enh a nce

Code someone a superpower • Glam up your visage

• Grant a VR gear or weapon • Transform an
avatar into something else

You use your programming skills or apps to alter an avatar

within VR, yours or that of an ally, granting it useful programs
in the form of gear, weapons and armor, or unusual abilities.


superuser • programming skills • authoring tools • VR

construct building experience • premade libraries and
plug-ins • good design methodology
lack of creativity or creative block • Domain security
such as local construct filters or modeling regulation


Be stow Give an avatar ability or item tags such as super

strength, underwater breathing, shotgun, etc. Create
a set (Story Tag Sets, Metro:Otherscape page 112) to
make the item or ability more powerful.
Enh a nce Give an avatar statuses such as shielded,
camouflaged, etc.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Abilities can break fundamental rules of this VR
• The avatar can shift between current and previous form.


» You accidentally delete or corrupt existing avatar func-

tionality (burn a tag or remove a positive status).
» Your new code is buggy (target avatar gets glitch).
» An item or ability created has an inherent weakness
(add a negative tag).
» You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion,
increasing the alarm level.
» You attract ICs or enemy hackers.

See Moving Around the Battlefield (page 21) or Travel

and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45).



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


The VR metaphor displays Harnessed PC’s tags and even entire themes being burnt
cyberspace data as objects in a while in cyberspace; this represents a failure to code a
certain aspect of that character, such as their battleax
three-dimensional space in order to Source. The MC can rule that some tags cannot be burnt
help users interact with it intuitively. this way because they are not reliant on the avatar, such
Harnessing adds another layer of as observant. A miss could mean the Harnessed PC has
technological wonder to this. a barely functioning avatar, is terribly glitched, or is even
floating in cyberspace without a digital body.
Not only does it display cyberspace data and program as
objects in a three-dimensional space, but it also translates POWER
computational problems to motor problems the brain
can understand, and then translates the brain’s reaction hacking skills • Harnessing skills • VR modeling skills
to these problems back into code. This allows lay people • Harnessing software • a powerful console • familiarity
with the Harnessed minds and bodies
to hack in cyberspace without knowing how to code, by
doing what they’re good at in the physical world: fighting, subject resistance • unusual or unique features to
breaking and entry, impersonation, etc. In practicality, this code • mysterious Mythos abilities
allows all PCs to participate in hacking a scene, by using
their regular abilities and gear. SUCCESS

A hacker can Harness a human brain by transferring into Quic k You create an avatar that retains all the Har-
the avatar the type of activities that the brain is used to nessed character tags in cyberspace (power, weakness,
engage in. This process can be involved and error-prone, loadout, and story).
so Harnessing is not cost-effective for short hack jobs. A Bestow Give the avatar tags that the original character
hacker must Harness themselves if they want to use their does not possess such as new abilities or weapons. See
physical abilities in a cyberspace job; otherwise, their avatar also Customizing an Avatar (page 37).
represents only their hacking capabilities. e xtra f e ats
While Harnessed, physical statuses, such as injured, con- • Avatars hit the ground running (keep the spotlight and
tinue to affect the digital avatar of a Harnessed character, give it to them).
as their mind cannot tell the difference between the two, • Avatars spawn in a specific place in another Domain.
• Avatars spawn undetected.
unless special coding is used to override this (see Repairing
• Harnessed are still partially aware of meatspace.
Data or Program, page 31). However, overriding neural
paths to heal an avatar in cyberspace does not heal the
physical body of the PC.
» Not all abilities were properly coded (burn tags of Har-
To unplug a Harnessed user, see Disconnecting (page 30). nessed PCs for the duration of the Harnessing).
» Your coding is buggy (target avatar is glitched).
» The target avatar has shortcomings (add negative tags).
» Your console overloads (burn tags or overheated).
You use your Harnessing skills to Harness yourself or another » Someone looking for the Harnessed detects their fea-
character, who must be connected to cyberspace through tures in cyberspace (Harnessed avatar is tagged).
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

a console you control. Successive actions can be taken to

keep fleshing out the Harnessed avatar. Harnessing all the
crew at the same time requires a Scaled action; only tags
that affect the entire crew count in such an action.
A Harnessing roll tests the hacker’s ability to build an
avatar for the Harnessed brain that will allow them to use
their meatspace abilities in cyberspace. A hit (whether
quick or tracked) means the avatar is functional, although
a mixed hit could bear the Consequences of several of the


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

While Harnessed, almost every physical action can be used as
normal and be just as effective in the digital world as in the
physical one; that’s the whole point of Harnessing software.
Actions taken in cyberspace using a Harnessed avatar are
translated from physical world actions into cyberspace
terms. For example:
• An armed mercenary firing a gun can injure a construct,
but the status would be applied to its crash Limit.
• A mastermind can convince a construct to let them access
the core, but the convinced status would be applied to
the take-over Limit.
• A stealthy PC can sneak past a gateway that represents the
firewall and effectively circumvent inspection, and so on.

Similarly, Harnessed PCs taking statuses such as injured

in cyberspace from enemy hackers or security systems
track these statuses against their crash Limit, and so on.



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

From flooded service tunnels to DIFFICULT TERRAIN AND
rolling favela rooftops, from ancient ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS
moss-strewn temples to sand- OBSTACLES
covered Megacity ruins, from the Story tags can be used to describe features of a location
acid-rain-drenched downtown that are likely to interfere or support PC’s actions, but will
streets to forbidden cyberspace not actively Threaten the PCs with Consequences.

Domains deep within the Spirals – When the MC describes the environment while Establishing
your crew’s jobs will take them far a scene, she can choose to make any detail into a story tag,
if she wants it to have mechanical significance. The MC can
and wide, through every imaginable also decide in the middle of a player action that a feature
terrain and climate. To survive the of the scene is worthy of a story tag and interject to add it.
hardships of a devastated world, Players can take actions to add or remove environmental
they must be prepared to endure story tags (Create or Weaken).
harsh conditions, face off with local
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Remember, only the most important features of an en-

opposition that holds the home vironment should be story tags; three such story tags is
advantage, and think on their feet usually more than enough.
– or else be consumed by nature,
Mythos, or urban wilds.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Environmental story tags can include: and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45) or
Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles (page 43).
• The inherent features of a place such as broken
ground, knee-high water, wide open space, high Hazards created and controlled by a PC are represented
waves, unholy power, etc. These features can be diffi- through their tags and use the rules for Triggering Story
cult or impossible to remove entirely, often requiring Tags Out of Turn (Metro:Otherscape page 111) to inflict harm
the right tech or Source and a Scaled action. on a PC’s adversaries or other PCs.
• Specific obstacles and objects that can provide cover, BARRIERS AND TRAVERSAL
block the way, be brought down on an enemy, picked Crossing barriers or traveling through difficult areas can
up and used, or removed from the scene, such as be tracked with a break or a traverse Limit. PCs trying to
piles of debris, high walls, heavy foliage, blocked road, penetrate the barrier or traverse the area can give it sta-
weapon rack, innocent bystanders, or holographic tuses with Advance until the Limit is maxed out.
display. See Creating and Removing Hazards and
Obstacles (page 43).
• Current conditions in the scene such as darkness, chilly
atmosphere, low reception, and the like. The MC can
present these conditions as statuses if she expects the
PCs to try and increase or decrease them. A rooftop can
have strong winds, but if the point of the scene is fight-
ing a wind demon, it can be windy instead. A club could
have ear-splitting music, but if the PCs are expected to
have a Battle of the Bands, it can be loud instead.
Features that actively pose danger to the PCs and their goals
are represented as Challenges. These may include a rickety
catwalk, raging flames, toxic clouds, or evil spirit energy.
The very presence of a hazard, as described by the
MC when Establishing a scene, is a Threat: the rag-
ing flames approach the gas tank, the toxic cloud is
spreading toward the crew, the evil energy is felt as
a visceral knot in the stomach.
Hazard Challenges deliver Consequence when the PCs
directly interact with them without taking the necessary
precautions (without addressing the Threat) or when the
PC’s actions cause them to interact with the hazard inad-
vertently: a PC who runs through a flame gets burned, the
toxic cloud makes everyone in it poisoned, and the spirit
energy creates a draining backlash with every spell cast
in the area. Hazard Challenges can also combine feature
story tags in addition to their Threats and Consequences,
such as low visibility, hindering actions that require good
E x p lo r at i o n & S u r v i va l

visibility. Adding a general tag to the hazard Challenge,

such as toxic clouds, would impact all action or mitigation
rolls related to it, making it also an obstacle.
Overcoming a hazard could entail simply crossing it, or it
may require removing it altogether. Either of these can be
resolved as a quick outcome or a tracked outcome, see Travel


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


CHASES A dvan c e Disrupt E n han c e M i t i g ate exhaustion or low fuel • opponent is hidden or
disguised • limited visibility • dense crowds • driving
After them! • Keep them in sight • Follow their challenges like a winding path, narrow alleyway, or
path • Cut them off • Take a shortcut • Pedal to muddy ground • bad weather • opponent’s home field
the metal • Weave through traffic • Veer sideways advantage
• Swerve into them • Maneuver into broken ground
• Throw caltrops in their path • Shoot the
engine, wheels, or gas tank • Jam their autopilot
Advan c e Add catch or outrun statuses to max out
A chase scene usually has a tracked outcome and revolves catch/outrun.
around the catch/outrun polar Limit. When outrun maxes
Dis rupt Give your opponent a hindering tag or status
out, the fleeing party manages to escape its pursuer(s),
such as tight path, oil slick, off-balance, or shot-tire.
ending the chase for the time being. When catch maxes out,
the pursuer catches the fleeing party and ends the chase E n han c e Give yourself more speed by adding speeding.
by blocking their escape or otherwise preventing them from M itigate Prevent your opponent from gaining on you.
running away. The MC determines the Limit as a measure of
e xtra f e ats
how lengthy she wants the scene to be and the stakes at hand.
• Block them on one side.
Outrun hinders any action at range that becomes less ef- • Block a specific path for them.
fective from a distance, such as most attacks, intimidation, • Avoid an upcoming obstacle.
communication, or noticing small details. The MC may rule • Change your position relative to them.
that as long as this outrun exists it is impossible to per- • Direct the chase to a specific area.
form close combat actions, such as hand-to-hand attacks, • Keep the spotlight to attack.
grabbing items, or attaching a tracker beacon by hand. • Have them lose track of you for a moment.

During a chase, you run, ride, drive, or pilot to catch up to

your target (if you’re the pursuer) or to escape your pursuers
(if you’re the target). You may also take action to impede » There’s an obstacle in your path (e.g., piled debris).
your opponent. » They circumvent an obstacle in their path (remove tags).
» You lose precious time (chase or outrun).
» You run into a barrier or obstacle (bruised or off-balance).
burst of speed • adrenaline • powerful leap • turbo
drive • your opponent’s panic or slowness • elevated » You lose speed (reduce speeding) or they speed up
position • spider legs • obstacles blocking your oppo-
nent • familiarity with the area • cover and hiding placed » You maneuver through an open area (exposed).
(when fleeing)
| A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


AND OBSTACLES C r e at e Di s r u p t W e ake n Loot the wreckage of a convoy • Rummage through

floating trash mounds • Tear out good components
Start a fire • Blast a hole in the floor • Release
from a dead drone • Steal scared effigies from
a nanite cloud • Overload doorway circuits •
a wayside shrine • Sample a bio-facility dump
Break the mutagen pipes • Clear the caltrops •
site • Forage for food, or hunt
Cut the undergrowth • Calm the spirits • Drive
off the swarm • Disperse the poison cloud You use your skills at searching and recognizing things of
You alter your surroundings in a way which creates a hazard value to gather useful things from the environment.
or obstacle or removes one. To create or remove something
bigger than one person, this action must be Scaled. Anyone
might be affected by the hazard, be they friend or foe. assessment skills • acute or supernatural senses
• good peripheral vision • scanning or surveying gear
POWER • extensive memory • relevant knowledge • catalog
databases • concentration-enhancing drugs • a likely en-
resourcefulness and inventiveness • relevant vironment or container to find loot in, such as crates
engineering skills • applicable tools and weapons such
as mobile barricade or a flamethrower • explosives • sensory obstructions such as darkness, fog, smog,
oil barrels • materials and elements that could pose a high winds, loud noise, or heavy rain • purposely-hidden
hazard or negate it • destructive glee items • very old or ruined items • deceiving features and
optical illusions • illusory Mythos powers
the hazard or obstacle itself • structural durability
preventing the obstacle from being created or disman- SUCCESS
tled • obstructions or distance between you and the tar-
get area • hazard-suppression systems (when creating) C re ate Add tags for the items or things you find, poten-
tially as a set (Story Tag Sets, Metro:Otherscape page
SUCCESS 112) such as berries, a loaded pistol, a cool windbreak-
er, extra plating, pouch of magic beans, or a case of
Cr e a t e Add obstacle or hazard tags such as wrecked car,
bullets. You may give what you find to an ally.
mutagen cloud, distracting noise, open pit.
e xtra f e ats
D i sr u pt Give your foes harmful environmental statuses
such as burning, electrocuted, or cursed. • Remain unnoticed.
• Leave no trace of having been there.
W e a k en Remove obstacle or hazard tags such as big • Have an exit strategy.
boulder, buzzing swarm, or caltrops, or statuses such as • Avoid setting off any traps.
heavy-shadows or curse-of-weakness. Once you remove
all relevant tags or status tiers, the hazard is either com- CONSEQUENCES
pletely gone or incapable of harming anyone.
» You set off a trap or are ambushed (injured).
e x t r a f e a ts » You expose yourself to a hazard (poisoned, weak-
• Sculpt the target area precisely. ened, etc.).
• Sculpt a safe area inside the hazard.
• Move around or across the hazard before or after it’s
» The items you find are of poor quality (add negative tags).
created. » The items you find are already falling apart and may
• Time precisely the creation of the hazard. not last long.
• Draw attention. » Someone notices you while you scavenge.
CONSEQUENCES » You drop something or are forced to leave it behind
E x p lo r at i o n & S u r v i va l

(burn a tag).
» You get hurt in the process (corroded, electrocuted,
bruised, bleeding, entangled, poisoned, weakened,
impeded, etc.).
» You end up caught in the hazard or behind the obstacle.
» Equipment gets damaged (burn a tag).
» The hazard expands or changes shape.
» A different obstacle appears.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Q u i ck D i scov er E n han c e » You only have a vague idea of your surroundings.

Scout ahead • Follow tracks • Explore urban
» You fail to notice a nearby danger (surprised or injured).
ruins or a corporate complex • Survey the land » You wander off too far (lost).
with a drone • Study local structures, flora, » You exhaust your senses or surveying tools (burn a tag).
fauna, or geology • Guard an encampment or
facility • Patrol a defensive line • Watch over » Instead of becoming alert, you daydream or doze off
a convoy • Stay alert
(distracted or sleepy).
» You’re spotted (marked).
You use your senses, skills, and tools to find your bearing
or identify new threats. This can be while exploring or
» The obstacles ahead are worse than you thought (bar-
ricades, anti-magic circle).
while standing guard. If appropriate, the MC may reveal
specific information from the Challenge Profile such as
tags, Limits, Consequences, and Specials to reflect the
knowledge gained by a PC.
POWER See Sneaking and Hiding (page 77).
acute or supernatural senses • alertness • stealthi-
ness • surveillance or reconnaissance tech • surveying
gear • guidance or protection of local Mythoi • databases SURVIVING ENVIRONMENTAL
about this locale, its hazards, and its inhabitants • alert-
ness-enhancing drugs • high ground or vantage point
HAZARDS M itigate
Break a fall • Leap out of a trap • Withstand a
sensory obstructions such as darkness, fog, smog,
heat blast • Survive radiation • Resist a swarm
high winds, loud noise, or heavy rain • camouflage • hid-
of nanites • Cope with seasickness • Endure
den traps or dangers • alertness of targets • deceiving
freezing cold • Hold your breath when drowning
features and optical illusions • illusory Mythos powers •
• Survive dehydration
blurring or cloaking devices
You attempt to withstand the harm inflicted by an environ-
SUCCESS mental hazard. To survive an environment for a long period
of time, see Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments
Q u i ck You gather the most pertinent information.
(page 45).
D i scov er When you are looking for specific information,
such as the location of a target, the best path to a des- POWER
tination, imminent threats around, the main attributes
of the most dangerous threat, entrances and exits, and quickness, instincts, and reaction speed • resource-
the main features of the area (number of levels, hidden fulness and inventiveness • protective and environ-
chambers, and the like). ment-appropriate gear • safety protocols • resistance
Enh a nce Give yourself alert to improve future scouting
to this type of hazard • guidance or protection of local
Mythoi • harm-preventing spells or abilities
and possibly mitigating surprise attacks.
slowness, grogginess, or apathy • gear that is det-
e x t r a f e a ts
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

rimental for surviving this hazard • vulnerability to this

• Keep the spotlight to act on the information you gathered. type of hazard • wrath or disapproval of local Mythoi
• Remain undetected.
• Leave no tracks.
• Prevent a potential Threat from catching you or your
allies off guard.
• Secretly communicate your findings to allies.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS Quic k You arrive at your destination.

Q u i ck A dva nce Advan c e Build up approaching statuses to max out
traverse, at which point you arrive at your destination.
Get from A to B • Climb a wall • Travel a long Use this tracked option when reaching the destination
distance • Ride in a vehicle • Blaze through involves multiple steps such as skipping from stone to
the undergrowth • Dig a tunnel • Breach a fence stone over a murky pond, racing on a gyrocycle to cross
• Bridge a crevasse • Jump over a fire • Weave the Megacity, or traveling across a land in a montage.
between the acid pools • Duck under the live
wire • Sidestep the cursed ground • Cross a maze e xtra f e ats
• Brave the nano-cloud with nothing but prayers • Time your arrival or get there on time.
• Control exactly where and how you arrive.
You move through difficult or hazardous terrain by making a • Make a flashy entrance.
path or enduring its dangers. In order to move with a larger • Find something useful on the way.
party or vehicle, this action must be Scaled. • Bring someone with you.
• Find an easier path to travel back.
This action could encapsulate anything from a tactical
• Arrive unnoticed.
traversal of an obstacle or hazard (see also Moving Around
• Keep the spotlight to act immediately.
the Battlefield, page 21) to a prolonged journey. Only
tags that affect the scope of the action are relevant. For
example, an arctic jumpsuit can help survive both a one-
time leap through a cloud of sublimating liquid nitrogen » You don’t make it there, or don’t make it on time.
and a long journey through the Alps, but food rations can » You are hurt by a hazard (poisoned, burnt, infected-
only help the latter. This action can also be used when the blood, etc.).
destination is a point in time and not in space, such as » You suffer accidents, harm, or attacks along the way
surviving throughout a harsh winter in Siberia. (injured).
» You are ambushed (surprised).
» You get stuck in hostile territory or in the middle of a
speed and agility • athleticism and stamina • hazard.
resilience and resolve • skill in hiking, running, climb- » You can’t find the path, or your chosen path turns out
ing, driving, etc. • appropriate vehicle • defensive and to be a dead end (lost or reduce previously gained
survival gear • provisions • tools to make a path such approaching).
as explosives • knowing the lay of the land • map data-
bases • pathfinding skills • engineering skills • protec- » Your escape route is blocked.
tion of local Mythoi • helpful natural features such as » You drop something on the way (burn a tag).
shelter or foothold » You expend resources (burnt a tag).
hazards such as fire, cold, electricity, toxic sub- » You become exhausted, hungry, sweltering, freezing, etc.
stances, etc. • rough terrain • obstacles and barriers •
inclement weather • hostile territory • enemy surveil-
lance • dangerous flora or fauna • roaming Conjurations
• blind advance E x p lo r at i o n & S u r v i va l


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Mitigate R esto r e B e stow E n han c e
Battlefield stim • Blood nanite assistance •
Dosing pixie dust • Mutagenic injection • Nose
Bite your lip • Show force of will • Endure a
candy • Sports doping
poison • Kick off a disease • Self medicate •
Walk it off • Apply psychological techniques •
You use drugs or other medical treatment to improve a
Resist brainwashing • Recenter • Regenerate
target’s capabilities. The treatment could take the form
You overcome a condition with which you are afflicted, of a simple injection or be as complex and involved as a
whether by resisting it or recovering from it over time. It hospital stay. The more involved the procedure, the longer
may be physical, like a toxin, a poison, or a disease; psy- the effects will generally last. Treatment could also involve
chological, such as guilt, pain, psychic control, resurfaced consuming certain magical items or Sources with appro-
emotions, or a recurrence of mental illness; or a combination priately Mythic results.
of both, like hallucinogenics or torture. Since enhancers are usually consumable, it is common to
burn them for Power (Consumable Story Tags, Metro:Oth-
erscape page 113). For giving a booster during a fight, see
general health • nerves of steel • fortitude and also Assisting an Ally (page 18). To upgrade cyberware,
resilience • strong natural resistance and body functions see Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech (page 88).
• calm mind • psychic defenses or emotional armor •
meditation or mindfulness skills • regenerative abilities • POWER
conducive recovery environment • blessings and guard-
selection of drugs or medical supplies • drug abuse
ian entities • help from friends or medical professionals
experience • skill at boosting others with medicines •
the condition itself • physical or mental issues that cybernetics that monitor vitals
keep you from functioning • the source of the condi-
addiction or tolerance for drug used • lower grade
tion or issue • sensitivities and vulnerabilities • dark or
medicines • lack of equipment • complex cybernetics or
demonic forces eroding your psyche
multiple Sources clash • blood-cleaning cybernetics or
purifying magic

Mi t i g a t e Reduce incoming statuses or story tags of a SUCCESS

condition when you are first afflicted by it to lower its
Bestow E n han c e Give yourself or someone else at-
impact on you.
tractive, peppy, hyper-focused, roid-raging strength,
R esto r e Remove a debilitating tag or status when you drug-heightened senses, nanite-boosted reflexes, etc.
take action to recover from a condition.
e xtra f e ats
Be stow Enh a nce Give yourself tags and statuses that
• Make it last longer or shorter.
represent temporarily-elevated constitution or new- • Avoid side effects or aftermath.
ly-gained strength to face similar conditions, such as • Do it on the down low.
poison resistance, strong will, fortified emotions, calm
acceptance, or becoming positive, energetic, or healthy.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Recover faster than normal. » You become addicted.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

• Ignore the next immediate Threat to afflict you with » You are temporarily afflicted by severe side effects
the same venom, brainwashing technique, etc. (sickened, can’t-breathe, overconfident, cursed, or
• Inspire others with your strength. glitchy).
CONSEQUENCES » You have lasting side effects (e.g., weakened immune
system, hallucinations, uncontrolled ticks, or burn tags).
» You suffer from complications (get a different status or
negative tag). » Someone sees you using.
» You’re exhausted (exhausted or burn tags). » You become tolerant to the substance and cannot use
it again soon.
» You lose your cool in front of others (burn tags or get
» You lose patience with the recovery process.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

CONDITIONS R e stor e Di s c ove r
Give first aid • Perform laser-knife surgery •
Dispense medpack drugs • Stitch together wounds
• Street doc visit • Have a heart to heart •
Support someone through crisis • Spend a week
at the hospital

You use your abilities to treat a harmful condition such

as an injury or a personal psychological issue. Depending

on the tools and magic at hand, while some issues can
be treated in the field or on the job, other, more complex
problems may require advanced treatment, a hospital stay,
or lengthy rehabilitation. See also Healing with Mythos

Powers (page 51).


medical training • medical equipment • drugs and

supplies • corporate insurance • a sterile, well-equipped
workspace • healing magic • medical drones • the
target’s regenerative attributes (see Mental and Physical
Resilience and Recovery, page 46)
battlefield conditions • unhygienic conditions • psy-
chological pressure • other health conditions
A harmful status or tag being removed does not count as a
negative status or tag for this action, unless you are treat-
ing yourself or it is particularly aggressive or stubborn.


R esto r e Remove the harmful tag or status.

D i scov er Understand the condition better or pinpoint its
e x t r a f e a ts
• Complete the treatment faster or allow for a speedy
• Leave no scars or treatment side-effects.
• Prevent wounds from reopening, for now.
• Move the patient while treatment is ongoing.
• Prevent the condition from spreading to others.
• Prevent the condition from doing more harm (e.g.,
E x p lo r at i o n & S u r v i va l


» The patient’s state deteriorates or they suffer from

complications (increase status or add tags).
» The condition takes a lot of gear or medicine to treat
(burn a tag).
» You are overworked (tired).
» Focusing on the treatment left you exposed or distracted.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Now that the ancient legends have Along with the advent of accessible magic Sources came
returned, it seems every jackass the forgotten horrors of old: vampires and ghosts, demons

who is in-the-know possesses a

and angels, faeries and dragons all swarmed back into the
world, crawling out of Thin Places and Relics or summoned
little bit of their endless magic. by Esoterica and Avatars. Now, hunting for Sources in the
Mercenaries walk the streets with Megacity and the territories beyond involves facing fan-
the power to muddle their enemies’ tastical beasts, wrathful spirits, and wicked monstrous
senses or set their bullets aflame beings. Your crew must pack their own Sources and foster
with hellfire; invisible and intangible an understanding of the Mythic world if they want to survive.

assassins creep unimpeded all the MYTHIC TERMS

way to their targets’ beds; seers A Source is a place, item, animal, or knowledge (or more
and diviners foretell market changes rarely a person) which serves as point of origin for the
and drive speculative investment; powers of a Mythos.
and curses and love potions are
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

A Touched person, item, or place is deeply affected by a

once more sought after by haters Source, usually after an intense or prolonged exposure, to
and lovers, sold by peddlers in the the point of possession of some of its magic and abilities.
backstreets of the Megacity. To keep their powers, Touched individuals must maintain
their connection with the Source through specific Rituals
that befit the nature of the Mythos.
A Conjuration is an autonomous being, monster, spirit,
summoned object, and in some cases even a place, that
is created solely through the power of a Mythos and exists


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

only as an extension of a Source. It is made completely
out of magic, and could therefore be created, controlled,
or banished with the application of magical power. A Con-
juration may be sentient or intelligent. See Summoning
a Conjuration (page 57).
Places of power, such as Thin Places, natural ley lines,
artificial ritual chambers, a dragon’s den, and others,
are mystically charged and can affect magical creatures
and effects, positively or negatively.


All Conjurations and some Sources have a banish Limit
that can take statuses created by magic power and cleans-
ing techniques, but also by evoking the entity’s known
weaknesses, such as a classic vampire being banished
by presenting it with a holy symbol. When maxed out, the
entity is forced to retreat or is destroyed, depending on its
nature. See Banishing a Conjuration (page 55).
The all-purpose cursed status represents debilitating
magical effects. By itself it represents a general hindering
magical “weight” that burdens a PC’s actions, but it should
usually be rephrased to indicate a specific magical harm,
such as sapped-strength, haunted-by-demons, terrible-luck,
laughing-uncontrollably, etc.
With the proper magic, any person, object, or place can be
warded against undesired Mythical influences. The status
applies against magical attempts to Weaken it. See Warding
(page 59).
Running out of magical energy or losing the concentration
or willpower required to use your powers can be represent-
ed by a status such as spiritually-exhausted or drained,
or by burning relevant tags. A status such as empowered
or boosted-magic represents having additional magical
power, beyond the normal.
Mythos powers can also be affected by the presence of other
Mythoi or ambient magical energies they emanate. Tags
and statuses like unhallowed ground or magical-dampening
can affect PCs’ ability to use Sources, if their Sources are
affected by those energies.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


When trying to achieve a “mundane” FINDING AND FOCUSING ON A

outcome – one that can normally SPECIFIC ABILITY C re ate
be achieved with non-magical
Find the right page in the grimoire • Combine
abilities, such as all other actions in runes in a new way • Memorize spells or prayers
this reference guide – your Mythos • Pull the right thing out of a magic hat •
tags can be counted as normal Sense a new ability bubbling up inside you •
Discover a hidden feature of your Source
when adding up Power. This section
lists actions that simply cannot be You take a moment to tap into a specific Mythos ability
accomplished without magic. out of the broad range available to you. This action is
used with a Mythos tag that is too broad to directly help
a specific action (an indirectly relevant tag) to generate

AIDING OTHERS WITH a more specific Mythos power tag (Downgrading a Tag,
Metro:Otherscape page 192). See also Granting Abilities to
MYTHOS POWERS People or Items (page 51).
Lifting their load with telekinesis • Breathing
courage into their hearts • Conjuring a magical POWER
sword • Shining bright to ward off fear
your broad or indirectly relevant tag • anything
See Assisting an Ally (page 18), Improvised Weapons that can speed up the focusing such as a self-flipping
(19), Leadership (page 73), and also Granting Abilities grimoire or rapid mimicking
to People or Items (page 51). distractions and confusion • slowness and inefficiency



C re ate Give yourself a tag representing a specific ability

Lay a curse • Smite down with lightning • Bind in or item that you focus on in the moment, such as magic
magical chains • Chant a spell of slumber • Cast mirror, fireball spell, levitation bead, or protection incan-
a fireball • Tear with shadow claws • Slow time tation. With extra Power, you can make a set (Story Tag
Sets, Metro:Otherscape page 112), and add features or
See Direct Attacks (page 12) and Tactical Attacks
additional abilities such as freezing halo, silent casting,
(page 15). channel divine magic, and the like.
e xtra f e ats

DIVINATION OR MAGICAL SENSES • Hide your prepared ability.

• Keep the spotlight to act immediately.
Sniff out your enemies with superhuman senses •
foretell fortunes • psychometry • etch a glyph of CONSEQUENCES
forewarning • read minds • scry through a mirror
» The ability you gain is flawed or comes with strings
See Analyzing the Battlefield (page 18), Scouting and attached (add negative tag).
Guarding (page 44), and Intel Gathering (page 79). » You panic or lose your head (panicked).
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» This is the last ability you’ll gain for a while (burn the
indirectly relevant tag).
» This ability comes at the expense of another (burn
specific tag).
» There are dangerous side effects to the creation (a
negative status).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

PEOPLE OR ITEMS B e stow C r e at e E n han c e Re store Dis c ove r

Concoct a potion • Coat sword with flames • Healing touch • Calming whispers • Blessed
Giant’s strength enchantment • Blessing of blood • Troll regeneration • Concocting an
accuracy • Protective charm • Eyes of the eagle antidote • Qi infusion • Banishing the evil
• Adorn with illusionary disguise spirit of a disease • Undo a curse • Free
a mind from hypnotic grip • Remove a Mythic
You create a magical effect on the fly, temporarily en- parasite • Cure a legendary disease • Heal a
hancing your own abilities or those of an ally or conjuring tainted soul
a magical item that lasts for a short while. To create a
being, see Summoning a Conjuration (page 57). Scale If you’re healing a natural condition, see Treating Injuries
up the action to grant the abilities to several targets; to and Other Conditions (page 47).
grant size, Bestow tags representing size. Otherwise, you use Mythos powers to cure a supernatural

enchantment abilities • familiarity with the target
• suitable or receptive target • appropriate expertise healing powers • connection to the target • expe-
(anatomy, herbalism, weapon-forging) • well-equipped rience with the condition or Source used to cause it •
and suitable workspace medicinal items • environment conducive to the curing
target’s resistance • target’s contradictory features • and to healing
poor quality items or ingredients the condition itself (when healing oneself or if it is an
aggressive condition) • continued contact with the caus-
SUCCESS ing Source • using a healing Source which is ineffective
against the condition Source
Be stow Give ability tags such as flying, time-bending
speed, intangible, blessing of the nymph, etc.
Cr e a t e Give tags representing a magical object or effect,
such as arcane shield, or add a tag to an existing item Re store Remove harmful statuses and tags.
such as adding nightmare claws to cyberware arm or Dis c ove r Understand the malady better, or pinpoint its
runic ammo to machine guns. With extra Power, you can source (or Source).
add features such as strikes true, dragon-slaying, and
the like. e xtra f e ats
• Contain the condition temporarily (if it’s a Challenge).
Enhance Give a status such as hasted, blessed-aim,
magically-warded, or hidden.
e x t r a f e a ts
• New abilities or items last longer. » The patient is left with complications (negative tags or
• Keep (or give) the spotlight to act immediately. statuses).
• Grant the user the ability to switch new powers on » The condition spreads to you or those nearby (negative
and off. tags or statuses).
» You have exhausted what your healing could do in this
CONSEQUENCES case and can’t try again.
» The new ability comes with inherent flaws (add nega-
tive tags).
» The target is adversely affected by the new ability (e.g.,
in-pain, blinded, addicted, or burn a tag).
» The target is disfigured or transformed into something


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Mind control • An aura of fear • Beguile with Cover a road with ice • Telekinetic shaping •
sorcerous charm • Make someone forget • Uncanny Raise a wall of salt • Summon tropical winds
bestial allure • Influence emotions • Animate everything metallic • Create deep
See Deception (page 66), Persuasion (page 70), and
Making an Impression (page 68). You use your Mythos powers to alter objects and conditions
around you, or conjure new ones. See also Creating and
Removing Hazards and Obstacles (page 43). This action
MOVING AND EVADING must be Scaled to match the size of the affected area, except
WITH MYTHOS POWERS when creating individual, person-sized objects (Scale 0).

Flight • Teleportation • Silent step • POWER

Traveling through or as an element • Travel
between shadows • Underwater breathing • shaping powers • familiarity with the location • abun-
Spiderwalking dance of the desired material or element
See Moving Around the Battlefield (page 21), Travel and opposing or contradicting conditions such as weather
Survival in Dangerous Environments (page 45), and • toughness or durability of materials transformed
Sneaking and Hiding (page 77).

C re ate Add to the environment tags that represent what

PROTECTING WITH you have conjured into the area or what scene elements
MYTHOS POWERS you have transformed, possibly in a set (Story Tag Sets,
Metro:Otherscape page 112), such as mounting snow
Elemental shield • Hover out of the way • Wards banks, unnatural silence that is deeply disturbing , a wall
or blessings • Intangibility • Invulnerability of iron that is very thick, or a portal to hell that emits heat.
• Monstrous hide
We ak e n Remove tags of unwanted elements in the envi-
See Combat Defense (page 22) and Countering, Dis- ronment.
pelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers and Sources e xtra f e ats
(page 57).
• Make a show out of it.
• Block someone’s path or clear a path for someone.
• Keep the option to reverse it at will.

Become invisible • Assume a were-form • Grow » Your shaping adds or eliminates something you didn’t
bark on your skin • Mimic the appearance or intend (add negative tags or burn tags).
abilities of others • Duplicate yourself • » An ally or an innocent is caught in your shaping (injured).
Become incorporeal
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

See Granting Abilities to People or Items (page 51).



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


The following actions represent POWER

abilities gained through a deep, spiritual abilities • properties or qualities associated

mystical connection with the Mythos with the Mythos • strength of will • knowledge of the
of a Source. As such, they can be Mythos • ritual trappings • location related to Mythos •
appropriate offering or sacrifice
rolled with Mythos (Rolling With Self,
physical, mental, or spiritual exhaustion • doubt or
Mythos, or Noise, Metro:Otherscape fear • Noise-related statuses, bad relationship with the
page 122). Mythos • location or qualities offensive to the Mythos


Q u i ck D i scov e r Quic k You commune with the Mythos and learn perti-
nent information.
Project an astral body • Speak to your
reflection • Meditate • Make an offering Dis c ove r Glean answers to specific questions.
or sacrifice • Pray • Listen to the winds • e xtra f e ats
Ritually invoke a Mythos’ true name
• Impress onlookers, those Touched by the Mythos, or
You communicate with a Mythos in the Otherscape to ob- Conjurations of the Mythos.
tain mystical, magical, or mythological secrets. You must
possess a Source of the Mythos. To beseech a Mythos to CONSEQUENCES

cause supernatural phenomena, see Using Mythic Powers » Your relationship with the Mythos worsens (it becomes
(page 50). resentful or you might Mark Decay on a Mythos theme).
Common topics are history of a Source; relationship between » The Mythos strikes out at you (burn any tag or an entire
Mythoi; capabilities of a magical Challenge; general guidance theme).
(“what would the Mythos do”), and earthly knowledge within » The Mythos invades reality, creating a temporary Thin
its domain of influence (“when will the next storm hit” or Place or Conjuration.
“what’s the best way to make a buck”). The information is » The experience leaves you spent (burn a tag or
usually provided in symbolism and metaphors and is often exhausted).
heavily skewed through the biases of the Mythos.
» Touching the Mythos proves to be too much (delirious
or a compelling servant-of-the-Mythos).



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Q u i ck D i scov er advan c e Quic k You uncover the Mythos behind this Source and
its powers.
Read an astral aura • Sense resonance • Listen
to the Source whisper • Ask your own Source Dis c ove r Quantify how much was learned or how to fine-
about another Source tune the specific information you’re looking for, such as
the details suggested above and also the Ritual required
You examine a Source and attempt to use your knowledge to maintain a connection with the Source, who else pos-
of Mythoi, powers of perception, or magical senses to figure sesses a similar Source, or what could negate its powers.
out which Mythos grants it power and what this power ADVAN C E The MC may choose to represent this as an on-
might be. If you use mundane research instead, see Intel going project. Advance to give making-progress against
Gathering (page 79). an unlocked Limit set by the MC in order to spend time
studying the Source. When unlocked is maxed out, you
The information revealed might include visions of the
unlock all the secrets of the Source.
Mythos, knowledge of who last possessed the Source, or a
sense of the Source’s purpose or powers. If appropriate, the e xtra f e ats
MC may reveal specific information from the Source’s theme • Briefly communicate with the Mythos.
kit or Challenge Profile such as tags, Limits, Consequences, • Make the Source momentarily show a visible aspect of
and Specials to reflect the knowledge gained by a PC. the Mythos.


intuition and uncanny senses • arcane or mystical » You get the wrong impression or false visions.
knowledge • relevant historical knowledge • general » Other Sources around you are disrupted (burn a tag).
knowledge of Mythoi • qualities that resonate with the
target Mythos • sage and learned advisors » You anger the Mythos or act in a manner not aligned
with its nature (cursed).
distractions • illusions or other deceptions • effects
suppressing the Source’s power • qualities offensive to » You hit a setback in your research (reduce mak-
ing-progress) or a temporary impasse (you must come
the Mythos
up with a new approach).
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



TAKING ACTION WITH A CONJURATION force of spirit • magical skills • applicable wards •
OR COMPANION UNDER YOUR CONTROL incantations and abjurations • medium powers • expe-
rience with this specific class of Conjuration • magic
A Conjuration you control, or any creature represented that excels at banishment or destruction of this class
by the Companion theme, are secondary characters rep- of Conjuration • things abhorrent to the Conjuration or
resented by one or more tags (power, loadout, or story). Mythos (salt, religious symbolism, flowers cut under a
full moon, and the like)
Depending on its capabilities, such a creature can
perform or assist with almost any Combat (page 10), presence of the origin Source • target’s banishment
Exploration & Survival (page 40), Spycraft (page resistance • objects or spiritual fetters that bind the
74), or Mythos (page 48) action, and if it’s sentient, target to the Megacity
could even engage in Social Interactions (page 60).
If the creature’s assistance is directly helpful to an
action, such as when a dire bear helps break down At tac k Give a banished status against the target’s
a door, simply add its relevant tags to the action as banish Limit. Once this Limit is maxed, the target is
positive tags. Any relevant weaknesses the creature dissipated or flees back to the Otherscape, and is
has are also applied as negative tags. removed from the scene.

When the creature is the one taking the action, use its e xtra f e ats
tags when you count the action’s Power. Intelligent • Ward the possessed person or area against this type of
and semi-intelligent creatures can act autonomously, Conjuration, for now.
based on their disposition and your orders. If you are • Keep the Conjuration focused on you.
• Momentarily bind the Conjuration from using a
able to take full control over a creature and “ride” its
specific ability.
senses, see Operating a Drone (page 85). Either
• Perform the banishment without being noticed.
way, the player of the PC controlling the creature • Banish the Conjuration into a neighboring area.
rolls for its actions (Playing with Secondary PCs, • Don’t let up and keep the spotlight to continue the
Metro:Otherscape, page 111). banishment.


» The banishing is interrupted (reduce banished that was

BANISHING A CONJURATION At tac k previously gained).
» The Conjuration retaliates (injured, cursed, or other
Make a banishing sign • Exorcism ritual • Consequences from its Challenge Profile).
Psychic blast • Spiritual cleansing • Turn
undead • Undo a golem’s animating force • » The Conjuration grows in power (energized) or gains
Disperse living nightmares • Send a demon back additional powers (gain tags).
to hell » Your powers are ineffective here (burn a tag or narra-
tively prevent further attempts).
You use your Mythos powers to eliminate a Conjuration,
sending it back to the Otherscape realm from whence » You lose your concentration (exhausted or drained).
it came and dispersing its mystical energies. This could » You attract the attention of the Source of the Conjura-
affect a materialized or incorporeal Conjuration as well as tion, its current master, or other Conjurations like it.
a Conjuration possessing a host body, object, or location.
Exorcizing a location might require a Scaled action.
Banishment typically does not affect Sources or those
Touched by them. See instead Countering, Dispelling, or
Disenchanting Mythos Powers (page 57).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


COMMANDING A CONJURATION Give a compelling status such as bound,

In f lue n c e
controlled, helpful, grudging-respect, or sympathetic.
Q u i ck I nf lu ence Initially, this is a helpful status for mitigating any actions
the Conjuration takes in defiance of your wish; the Con-
Cast a binding spell • Offer tribute • Outsmart
juration comes fully under your control when you max
in conversation • Bear down with psychic force
out its bound Limit (if unlisted, it is equal to banish). The
• Attune to its resonance • Speak its true name
MC will give you a set of tags to represent the Conjura-
You use your Mythos powers or conversation skills to force tion, if one does not already exist.
or cajole a Conjuration into following your commands. e xtra f e ats
Conjurations you summon are normally already under • The Conjuration follows you around for a while.
your control, unless that control is lost at any point due • The Conjuration holds you in high esteem or is proac-
to Consequences. tively helpful.
• Keep the Conjuration focused on you.
POWER • Perform the command without being noticed.
• Momentarily bind the Conjuration from using a specific
force of spirit • magical skills • appropriate magical ability.
implements • negotiation skills • aligned goals • experi- • Block someone else from attempting to take control,
ence with this specific class of Conjuration • magic that for now.
excels at binding this class of Conjuration • qualities you • Don’t let up and keep the spotlight to continue your
share with the Conjuration or its Mythos • existing rela- influence.
tionship with the Conjuration • offerings or sacrifices
other bindings on the Conjuration • past antagonism CONSEQUENCES
with this Conjuration or its class • the Conjuration’s
recalcitrance or force of will • the Conjuration's current » The Conjuration flees the scene.
master’s force of will or magical aptitude • distractions • » The Conjuration retaliates (injured, cursed, or other
your social quirks Consequences from its Challenge Profile).
» The Conjuration becomes harder to command (willful or
angered) or you lose your hold on it (reduce bound, etc.).
Q u i ck You force the Conjuration to do one thing within » You attract the attention of the Source of the Conjura-
the scope of the scene. tion, its current master, or other Conjurations like it.
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


Summon hellhounds • Animate golem • Craft a DISENCHANTING MYTHOS POWERS
living illusion • Arouse spirits in seance •
Zombie reanimation • Call upon the elves of
AND SOURCES M itigate We ak e n Dis rup t
the Black Forest Counter a spell • Break an enchantment • Dampen
a Mythos power • Release someone from magical
You use magic to summon a Conjuration into being – a bonds • Fight fire with fire • Fight fire with ice
Mythic creature or being associated with a Mythos you have • Disperse malign forces
access to through a Source. The Conjuration behaves in a
way that befits its Mythos, but it can be influenced. Scale You use your Mythos powers to nullify another Mythos power.
up the action to summon more than one Conjuration or to
summon a giant one. POWER

A Conjuration you summon obeys you and is under your magical skills • specific skill at countering or disen-
control, unless this control is lost due to Consequences. chantment • knowledge of or power over other super-
natural forces • specific abilities that perfectly counter
POWER the target ability

conjuration powers • the Source of the Conjuration powerful or alteration-resistant magic • the target’s
• appropriate implements, location, and offerings • a magical skills or force of spirit • the raw power of the ef-
relevant place of power (a ritual chamber, ley line, etc.) • fect • place of power • the magic aligns with your Mythos
experience with summoning this class of Conjurations
wards against magical summoning • magical damp- SUCCESS

ening • setting or situation that essentially contradicts M itigate Reduce or remove the Effects of a Mythos pow-
the Mythos er just as it is being activated.
SUCCESS We ak e n Remove the target’s tags and statuses repre-
senting Mythos powers or originating from them such
Cr e a t e Create a story tag set (Metro:Otherscape page as door-binding spell, giant’s strength, or warded. Some
112) with the first tag representing the Conjuration and Challenges are able to restore lost abilities as Conse-
each additional tag representing further abilities and quences or Specials.
attributes. Successive actions can be taken to sum-
mon new Conjurations or to add attributes to existing Dis ruptGive the target tags and statuses that hinder the
ones. For example, you might summon a laughing pixie use of Mythos powers such as dampened-magic, cut-off-
with tags like small and elusive, magically contagious from-the-divine, or muted. These are treated as helpful
laughter, and cooperative. when mitigating the Consequences they’re affecting.

e x t r a f e a ts e xtra f e ats

• The Conjuration lasts longer. • Entirely block the target from using a specific ability,
• Summon the Conjuration in an advantageous position. for now.
• Summon the Conjuration without being noticed. • Keep the spotlight to act immediately.
• Keep the spotlight to act immediately as the Conjura-
tion or with it. CONSEQUENCES

CONSEQUENCES » Your own Source is sapped (burn a tag or drained).

» You lose control of the Conjuration, and it may be » The target effect grows stronger.
defiant toward you. » You are unable to dispel this power again, for now.
» The Conjuration shows typical yet unwanted charac- » There are undesired side-effects, such as magical
teristics or flaws (add negative tags). backlash (dampened-magic, injured, cursed).
» The creature can’t quite do what you wanted it to » You disrupt helpful magic effects on yourself, your
(slightly alter story tags created). target, or nearby (burn a tag).
» Additional effects or creatures are conjured, not under » You leave a Mythic scar on the area (cursed).
your control.

» The Conjuration is fleeting (lasts for only one or two



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Q u i ck A dva nce E n han c e Quic k You complete the ritual with the desired narrative
Meditative trance • Religious rite • Casting a
complicated spell • Drawing more power Advan c e Give a status such as chanting or making-prog-
ress with the intention of maxing out complete-ritual.
You perform involved or complicated magic in order to Upon maxing out the Limit, the expected narrative
achieve a specific narrative effect, such as opening a portal outcome of the ritual occurs.
to hell or restoring the soul of a possessed child. Depending E n han c e Give yourself an empowered status that will
on your goal, the MC will tell you whether to roll for a quick boost a designated magical action; taking that action
outcome, to use Advance to reach a Limit, or, if you are completes the ritual and expires empowered. Succes-
seeking an outcome beyond your powers, to Go Out With sive actions can be taken to increase empowered before
a Blaze (Metro:Otherscape page 123). Alternatively, you completing the ritual, but empowered does not help
can perform a ritual with the sole purpose of empowering successive actions, only the final action.
yourself in preparation of a future action. e xtra f e ats
Completing a PC’s Ritual motivation may or may not in- • Keep the spotlight to continue the ritual or complete it.
volve a magical ritual such as this; a motivational Ritual
is more commonly a recurring mundane activity that the CONSEQUENCES
PC must partake in.
» The ritual is interrupted (reduce making-progress or
empowered that was previously gained).
» The ritual backfires or blows up in your face (cursed or
ritual library • tomes of knowledge • mentors • pa- injured).
tience or willpower • raw magical talent • tags related to
the spell being prepared • arcane sanctum • solitude or
» The ritual costs you your magic (burn tags).
other focus-aiding conditions • ingredients or sacrifices » There are undesired side-effects, such as a partial
• properly prepared ritual site transformation (skin of gold, blind in one eye).
distractions • flawed understanding of the ritual or » A hostile Conjuration appears.
Mythos • abundance of Noise
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


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SOURCECRAFT WARDING E n han c e At tac k – S us pe n d

Craft a Relic • Sanctify a Thin Place • Uplift Protective circle • Psychic bubble • Salt
a Familiar • Birth an Avatar across the doorstep • Sign of the cross •
Whispered prayer • Present a hamsa
The ability to create new Sources is rare even among the
most powerful beings in the world. Even Avatars, who You use your Mythos powers to limit the activities of other
can Touch a person and grant them magical powers with Mythos powers generally, a particular kind of Mythos powers,
the flick of a finger, do not always know why their own their Conjurations (ghost, kami, kelpie, etc.), or even just
Mythos picked them or how to turn others into independent one specific manifestation of a Mythos. Mythos powers
Sources. No one has truly solved the mystery of where a activated against warded people or things, or within the
Mythos will next manifest and why – and no-one ever will, area of the ward, are inhibited by it. Warding an area any
not completely. However, limited understanding of how to bigger than a doorway requires a Scaled action. To create
awaken Sources – and how to snuff them out permanently a magical trap, see Setting a Trap (page 87).
– can be achieved, especially through strange and ancient POWER
forms of Esoterica.
force of spirit • warding rites • knowledge of local
Creating a Source is almost always an involved project or Mythoi • useful ley lines or other magical flows • appropri-
an unleashing of raw power. Use the rules for Performing ate magical implements • items and symbols anathema
a Magical Ritual (page 58). to the Mythos
vulnerability to specific Mythoi or powers • a strong
presence of an opposing local Mythos • distractions • con-
ditions that erode the ward (rain against markings, etc.)


E n han c e Give the target the status warded.

At tac k – S us pe n d Create the warded area but suspend
your roll (Metro:Otherscape page 125). When a character
crosses into your warded area, make the roll and Attack
them, typically inflicting banish against Conjurations or
depowered against Source-wielders.
e xtra f e ats
• Conjurations are pushed back when they encounter
the ward.
• Conjurations can’t perceive what is warded.
• You cast the ward without being noticed.
• The ward lasts longer.


» The ward won’t last as long as it should.

» The ward harms those who are warded (dazed, sick,
» The ward attracts the attention of more Mythic dangers.
» The ward works both ways, keeping Conjurations in (if


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While many in :Otherscape lead COMMON SOCIAL STATUSES
their lives behind a wall of Noise, SOCIAL LIMITS
alienated from the world within a Social statuses are often compelling (Compelling Statuses,
private bubble of information and Metro:Otherscape page 108) and limit the actions of a PC
stimuli, many more others engage or Challenge. For a PC, they reduce the Power of actions
with each other in all manner of that go against the directive of the status; for a Challenge,
they increase the PC’s Power to mitigate those actions.
sociable spaces. There has never
been a time in history where people Once maxed out, these statuses force the PC or Challenge
to comply with the directive, at least for the duration of the
interacted with each other more. scene, and any action to the contrary becomes impossible.
Over cyberspace and in VR clubs, at divey bars and corporate • Convince, negotiate: The character is on board with the
office complexes, at the drone-dominated factory lines and new perspective or plan of action and will comply as
in the gaming sphere – people are talking. The definition needed.
of a person has expanded beyond just humans; AIs and • Bribe: The character’s greed is satisfied and they will
androform bots, as well as Mythic Conjurations, can all en- do as their briber asks (including just looking away and
gage in social interactions: if it can communicate and feel, doing nothing), as in convinced.
it’s a person, even if you don’t understand how it thinks. • Charm, befriend: The character is beguiled and will do
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

The life of a mercenary, operative, or hustler is full of their best to assist their charmer, whether because
negotiations. Negotiating fees, hiring the right help, in- they trust them or desire to get their approval.
timidating an informant into talking, and closing a deal • Threaten: The character is too afraid to act against or
with the other side just to stay alive are elementary tools defy the imposing character.
in your crew’s survival kit. For social engineers and expert
fixers, connections, leverage, and influence offer an even
greater, potentially even limitless power, as they step over Long-term mutual commitment, engagement, familiarity,
the dead bodies of their betrayed enemies in their climb or feelings the PC has with another person or groups can
to the top of the social food chain. be represented by tags such as begrudging, my mentor,
or loyal to the gang. These tags are also used to represent


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relationships between crew members (Crew Relationships, with good-standing or Manipulating Public Opinion (page
Metro:Otherscape page 75). Generally, a PC who has a fa- 68) to sway it back to their favor. Since reputation sta-
vorable relationship tag with another character can use it tuses are often polar statuses (Metro:Otherscape page
as a positive tag when taking social actions against them, 108), gaining positive reputation statuses first reduces
even if the relationship is on equal ground. any existing bad ones.
FEELINGS, MOODS, AND CURRENT STANCE Alternatively, leaders of factions with whom the PC has
A character’s transient feelings are represented by statuses had issues could ask for something in return to restoring
such as excited, shamed, angry, frightened. These feelings good relations, such as a job completed or a sacrifice made.
can affect many social actions for better or worse, whether The MC can expire any negative social statuses once the
they are the PC’s own feelings or the target’s feelings. A PC has regained the faith of the faction.
status can also be used to represent the target’s stance BEING YOURSELF
towards the PC in this scene such as friendly, guarded,
The MC may allow the player to roll with Self (Rolling With
annoyed, or hostile. Many feelings are polar opposites of
Self, Mythos, or Noise, Metro:Otherscape page 122) if the
one another (Polar Statuses, Metro:Otherscape page 108)
action does not require any special skill or knowledge and
and so shifting a PC or Challenge mood may involve first
the PC is just being authentically themselves.
reducing their current mood status before being able to
increase the desired mood status, e.g., from despaired to
Leverage, debt, and favors: Within the scope of a social
action, the MC can interject to add tags that represent one
side’s leverage over the other, either as leverage, or more
specifically, such as cash on the table, vital info, or aggres-
sive stance. One party owing money or favor to another
party can also be represented in the same way: I owe you
one, Silk won’t forget this, Mutblade’s favor.
A PC’s or Challenge's general reputation is represented by
their tags, such as known in corporate circles and street
cred. A PC’s current reputation or rapport with a particular
person, group, or faction can be represented as a status,
such as good-standing or reviled. It may also be represented
with a status on the other party such as hostile. There isn’t
a single “reputation” status – a PC must develop one for
each social group, though the MC can decide that reputa-
tion with one group is shared with connected groups. The
opposite may not always be true unfortunately because
news travels fast in the merc world, and having a bad-rap
could affect interactions with most underworld groups a
PC interacts with.
Reputation statuses reduce or expire if the convo changes
and the past drowns in the Noise, but some transgressions

are hard to forget and won’t expire until the PC takes action
to rectify the relationship.
Actively working to repair one’s damaged reputation involves
interacting with the groups and communities in which a PC
has made a bad name for themselves, and either Making
a (good) Impression (page 68) to offset that bad-rap


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As in a story or in a movie, in MAKING A PURCHASE Quic k C re ate

:Otherscape the exact monetary Buy basic supplies • Buy that jet yacht you
balance that a character has to their always wanted • Score some drugs • Buy stolen
name is never discussed directly. goods off the back of a truck • Facilitate an
Instead, a character’s earthly arms deal • Book tickets • Pay for dinner •
Bankroll a new pad for the crew • Procure a
belongings are measured by their rare artifact
assets, represented by tags, and
solvency, represented by statuses. You use your financial assets to procure an item by pay-
ing for it in cash. You can only attempt to procure what is
Wealth: A PC’s general wealth level is determined by their reasonably accessible for your character at their general
power tags such as cushy bank account, wealthy, corporate wealth level, social role, and current location. This general
business holdings, the high life (usually as part of an Assets starting point is modified by your PC’s current solvency.
theme), or by their weakness tags such as slumming it or If the purchase is straightforward, within your means, and
penniless. A character with no financial permanent tags does not involve creating tags, you can obtain the item with-
is considered to be at the lower-middle income class of a out rolling. If the purchase is complicated, illegal, involves
typical mercenary, unless the setting of the series dictates negotiations, etc., or if you wish to create story tags for the
otherwise. The crew’s general wealth level is a rough average item you buy, you can roll for it. If you are purchasing for a
of the wealth level of its members. group or purchasing something large, this action must be
Scaled. If you are funding something together as a crew, see
Liquid assets: Permanent financial tags can be used to
Helping and Supporting (page 72) to create and combine
generate more specific assets by Creating story tags,
a single solvency status to assist with this action.
such as offshore accounts or a bunch of credits. Burning
financial tags indicates the character is cut off from their
assets. For power tags this is temporary; only replacing
a theme or getting a tier-6 status could permanently cut solvency • liquid financial assets • general wealth •
off a character from an asset represented by a power tag. negotiation skills • good standing with the seller • lever-
age • familiarity with the item or the market • contacts
Solvency: The character’s current solvency – how much cash
or leads that could facilitate the deal • buying at the
they can spend relative to their general wealth level – is right place and/or the right time
represented by positive solvency statuses, such as flush,
insolvency • financial straits • bad rap • bad standing
solvent, lots-to-spend, rolling-in-it, or negative insolvency
with the seller or supplier • item at low supply • honesty
statuses such as broke, low-on-cash, or depleted-accounts.
and naivete
Normally, a character does not need this status to make a
purchase; it is only added if the character is extra flush or
running short. If a solvency or insolvency reaches tier 6,
the MC may opt to permanently change the PC’s financial Quic k You obtain the item(s) and pay the price.
status by adding or removing power or weakness tags, or C re ate Give yourself or someone else story tags describ-
entire relevant themes. ing the purchased item, possibly as a set (Story Tag
Earned fees and rewards: In addition to offering new loot Sets, Metro:Otherscape page 112).
catalogs (Metro:Otherscape page 114), NPCs can reward the e xtra f e ats
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

crew for a successful job by giving them a solvency status • Do it on the down low.
or valuable liquid assets. • Leave no paper trail.
• Have it delivered to a place of your choice.
• Prevent any trouble during the transaction.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

» It’s a significant expense (broke). Haggle • Change the terms • Squeeze them for
» You pay through your nose or get ripped off (broke). more • Get them with the extras • Threaten to
» You max out a financial asset (burn a tag). walk away • Bloat the invoice

» Word about the deal gets around. You use your haggling skills to squeeze out a few more
» You start getting promotional spam on your AR bucks for the job you’re about to undertake or for the job
(spammed). you just completed. The MC will set the baseline fee or
» The seller gets antsy or even hostile. reward as a solvency status relative to the crew’s general
wealth and based on how deep the employer’s pockets are
» You get a reputation of being a big spender or easy to and the nature of the job. If the employer needs this job
done urgently or you hold something they want, you have
leverage over them; if they are doing you a favor for even
paying you, they have leverage over you.


negotiation skills • financial or accounting skills •

fraud and deception skills • leverage • familiarity with or
sway over the employer • inside tip • good standing
the employer’s negotiation or deception skills •
counter leverage • the employer’s familiarity with you •
bad rap • your severe insolvency • honesty and naivete


Give a new solvency status and stack it with

E n han c e
the existing reward status. The final status is the modi-
fied reward.
e xtra f e ats
• The employer doesn’t mind it or overlooks it.
• You get half upfront (get the solvency status at one tier
less and update it after the job is done).
• You get some other extra benefit or kickback, possibly
just for your PC.


» You lose the negotiations (the reward status is reduced).

» Your employer is pissed off or even hostile.
» You overcommit – your reward is conditioned by much
tougher terms or mission objectives.
» You’re exhausted by the negotiations (mentally-tired or
burn a tag).
» The employer is getting annoyed from your repeated

negotiation attempts.
» Your employer turns on you or leaves you to die.


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See Outsourcing a Job (page 69). » The sale falls through.

» The effort is exhausting (mentally-tired).
» The buyer decides to rob you instead.
SELLING STUFF E n han c e B e stow » You get swindled, selling it for an amount of cash that
barely moves the needle (burn the item tag without
Sell loot • Sell Sources • Put your gear up
getting anything back).
for sale on cyberspace • Cash in on an asset •
Auction off the battle drone you built • Fence » The item breaks during the sale (burn the item).
stolen items • Sell off your games collection » You get bad rap for selling crap, being inflexible, or
• Pawn your wedding ring or favorite curved setting your prices too high.
ritual dagger
» The buyer conditions the deal with additional favors or
You sell items you possess to improve your financial situ- kickbacks.
ation. If the item sold is represented by a tag, you should
burn it for Power. You cannot sell a power tag or weakness
tag item unless the tag represents an inexhaustible sup-
ply of that item. Selling a Scaled item story tag, such as
a Scaled armored van, could give you a Scale advantage
for this action. Distributing the funds among the crew or
a large group requires this action to be Scaled.
The MC may limit the Effects you gain depending on what
you are selling and your general wealth level. For example,
as a wealthy corporate financier you may not be able to
sell your bubblegum to get solvent-3 because selling a
bubblegum won’t normally generate enough money to
make you solvent-3 at your general wealth level.


the item tag • desirable feature tags • negotiation

skills • good standing with the buyer • leverage •
familiarity with the item or the market • contacts or
leads that could facilitate the deal • selling at the right
place and/or the right time to the right people
item flaws or low quality • bad rap • bad standing
with the buyer • honesty and naivete


Enh a nce Give yourself a solvency status.

A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Be stow Give yourself an asset tag.

e x t r a f e a ts
• Do it on the down low.
• Leave no paper trail.
• Prevent any trouble during the transaction.


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Sports competitions • Gaming tournaments • » Your opponent scores (winning).

Debates • Battle of the bands • Competitive » Useful game elements are wasted or tactics become
gambling • Hackathon • Flight simulator • Race useless (burn a tag).
to the finish • Wizarding duel » A new NPC or obstacle stands in your way.
You use your skills to win a game or competition against » You become tired, stressed, or despaired.
other competitors or the game itself. Competitions can be
represented by a quick outcome, combat actions (e.g., a
play-by-play sumo match, or a fight between two piloted
robots or VR constructs), or the resolution rules presented
here. For zero-sum competitions, in which both sides are
fighting over the same single resource (rope pulling, popular
vote), use a polar Limit (Polar Statuses, Metro:Otherscape
page 108). See also Chases (page 42).
Each competitor has their own win Limit, with the same
maximum as the others (assuming the competition
is fair). The first one to max out win is the winner.
The Limit can be rephrased or even reversed as lose,
if it’s a game of attrition, in which case the last one
standing is the winner.


relevant skills in sports, music, gaming, or gambling

• experience with this specific game or its analog •
quick reflexes • drive to win • good-quality gear such
as professional golf clubs or a customized VR avatar
• performance-boosting magic, drugs, or tech • luck
stress and nervousness • the challenge level, such
as a tough course or tough crowd to please • cynical,
indifferent, or defeatist attitude • poor-quality gear • dis-
tractions and disruptions • curses • bad luck • interfering
magic or tech


A dva nce Give yourself statuses such as winning, points-

scored, rounds-completed, successful-hits, or areas-ex-
plored, depending on the competition or game, to max
out win.
Set Ba ck Lower your opponent’s winning status, if possible.
Depending on the game you might be able to Enhance
to set up your next move, Disrupt your opponent’s next
move, Create a shortcut, etc.

e x t r a f e a ts
• Entertain onlookers.
• Gain an extra turn (keep the spotlight).
• Make the hall of fame (if you win).


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Mislead • Manipulate • Impersonate • Lie your » The target sees through the attempt and becomes
ass off • Dishonestly seduce • Sweet talk •
hostile, attacks (using their own Consequences), or
Lure in • Con
raises the alarm.
» The target is suspicious and demands more proof.
You use lies and deceptions, possibly including a disguise,
to make someone feel or behave in a specific way: open
» The target falls for your deception, but reacts in an
unexpected way.
a secured door, ignore the mistake, stop paying attention
to something, accept you as a VIP, or tell you something » You get nervous.
they don’t realize they shouldn’t have. » You get deceived yourself and don’t realize it until it’s
too late.
During a fight, see Feinting and Distracting Attacks (page
16). If you’re integrating yourself somewhere over a » Your lies reach unwanted ears or catch up with you.
long time, see Getting Close to Someone (page 67). To
spread false rumors see Manipulating Public Opinion (page
68). If you’re using Deception to gather information, see
Conversational Inquiry (page 79).


skill at lying • social engineering training • disguises •

relationship with target • knowledge of the person being
impersonated • acting experience • dark lighting, loud
room, or other distractions • magical charm • microex-
pression AR assistant
target’s suspicion and alertness • the target’s knowl-
edge of the situation, you, or the impersonated person
• well-lit area • lie detection and expression-reading
software • your honesty and naivete


Q u i ck The target behaves as planned.

I nf lu ence Give your target a compelling status that nar-
rows the range of actions they might take. For example,
you can give them trusting or intrigued to lure them into a
trap, or make them friendly at you, or enraged at some-
one else. This can be used to counter a polar status, such
as giving them complacent to reduce their alert (Polar
Statuses, Metro:Otherscape page 108) or to max out a
Limit in order to overcome a Challenge for the scene.
e x t r a f e a ts
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

• The target won’t remember you.

• Convince them to do one more thing.
• Get an extra perk or benefit.
• Make them follow complicated instructions.
• Others nearby also fall for the act or at least can’t tell if
you’re lying.
• You have an exit plan in case things go south.


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AND RESOURCES C r e at e Advan c e
Become “friends” • Get invited to the poker
game • Build rapport • Grill suspect • Pillow
Find friends • Call on your followers • Rally
talk • Talk around the cult’s watercooler
allies • Seek mentorship • Recruit a militia •
Rely on your family • Cash in favors with the You work to get close to a target through intimidation,
gang • Crowdfund your project coercion, seduction, or bribery, or ingratiate into a group.
You work to gather help from around the world, a specific com- This could be done in order to gain information or exclusive
munity or faction, or even just one person of importance. The access to the target.
support provided can aid one person; to gather resources enough To get information, see Conversational Inquiry (page 79).
for your whole crew or to gather support on a greater scale, such To get their support, see Gathering Support and Resources
as raising an army, this action must be Scaled. See also Making (page 67). To influence them, see Making an Impression
an Impression (page 68), or Persuasion (page 70). (page 68) and Persuasion (page 70).

connection to a community, group, or person • posi-

tive reputation • charisma and persuasiveness • leverage
• something to rally people around, such as a cause or a A negotiation is best resolved as a narrated conversation
revenge • shared troubles • appropriate gifts followed by a quick outcome Persuasion (page 70). See
bad rap with the group • remoteness of where you are also Negotiating a Fee (page 63).
• recent scandals • hesitation and fear, e.g., of retaliation If the scene is tracked and both parties are attempting to
by a common enemy • barriers in contacting the group or
convince each other, then the first one to max out the other
person, or interferences in the communication
party’s convinced has the upper hand and can dictate the
SUCCESS outcome. The outcome is still limited by what is achievable
through negotiation: maxing out this Limit does not give
C re a t e Give yourself or your allies tags that represent
the winner complete control over the target’s mind.
the support you mustered: equipment or assets, such
as funding, borrowed motorcycle, backdoor passwords;
backing or political clout, such as support of the punks,
sense of community; new allies, such as stolen drones,
spirits of the dead, Wilson the Oni. You can add additional
tags and create a set (Story Tag Sets, Metro:Otherscape
page 112) to represent trained or powerful allies.
Adva nce The MC may choose to represent the gathering
of support as an ongoing project. Advance to give mak-
ing-progress against a fully-backed Limit set by the MC in
order to work on garnering the support you need. When
fully-backed is maxed out, you gain a set of tags.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Word of this support gets out and sparks additional
action by the group or community.
• Keep the spotlight to immediately put the asset to use.


» Your would-be benefactors are insulted by your manipu-


lations or audacity.
» An enemy group learns of your rallying allies against them.
» Your reputation is harmed by the act of asking for help
» You spend more resources on this than you planned
(burn tags or broke).


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Q u i ck I nf lu ence E n han c e In f lue n c e

Charm • Act tough • Make a big entrance • Impressive Info leak • Anonymous data drop • Mass
handshake • Yes, that is a signed copy • Throw cash manipulation • Online rabble rousing •
around • Show off • Activate a magnificent AR display • Reporting the news • Start a rumor • Boost
Brandish a weapon reputation • Spread propaganda • Educational
You conduct or express yourself in a way that will make a
desired impression on those present. To impress a crowd You manipulate online forums, local hangouts, or the media
or an audience, this action must be Scaled. with a drop of intel, whether manufactured or true. This
can have hard to predict effects, but you act with a goal
in mind. How you present the information, the channels
you use to disseminate it, and the particular facts you
charisma and charm • looking good • broadcasting highlight can help in getting your desired outcome. This
competence • keeping your cool • fashion, luxury items, is a Scaled action.
or other impressive accessories • display of powers or
abilities • magical aura or glamor
social awkwardness • inappropriate appearance •
bad standing with target • qualities that are a turn off or effective, explosive, or sensational content • con-
warning sign to the target • obvious flaws or weakness- tacts in the media • cyberspace dissemination bots •
es • anything interfering with or vying for the attention influence over a large community • reputation as a news
of the target source, data leaker, or whistleblower • high-quality forg-
ery • shadows that can whisper in people’s dreams
SUCCESS reputation as a liar or forger • anonymity • disliked by
the media or online communities • information is hard to
Q u i ck The target is impressed.
believe • counter social engineering techniques
I nf lu ence Give the target a status, most likely for use in SUCCESS
upcoming social actions against them, such as attracted,
dazzled, awed, admiring, wary, or fascinated. In f lue n c e Give a large number of people a compelling
status such as angry-at-Stratosphere-Strategies, suspi-
Enh a nce Improve your standing with the target by giving cious-of-cyborgs, excited-for-the-Hooded-Scoundrel, or
yourself good-rap with them. just generally paranoid.
e x t r a f e a ts e xtra f e ats
• Remain anonymous despite drawing attention. • The effect is long lasting.
• Draw attention away from someone else. • Be recognized as the face of this movement.
• Time the triggering of the attention-grabbing moment. • Use the masses to block a Threat, e.g., prevent your
assassination – for now.

» You come out looking like a fool or are mocked (em- CONSEQUENCES

barrassed). » You harm your reputation (bad-rap).

» You get a bad rap on the street (bad-rep). » The organization most tied to the info comes after
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» You ruin your fancy outfit, car, avatar, etc. or find out you (marked).
it’s useless here (burn a tag). » You make a major enemy.
» You make the opposite impression (threatened instead » The community you galvanized now hates you (hated).
of attracted).
» You lose control of the narrative and/or how people
react to it.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

OUTSOURCING A JOB Qu i c k Var i e s • Enhance the navy with tactical-preparedness; get the
media talking about you to become popular.
Pull strings • Blackmail the powerful • Pay • Restore the old stadium by having a company remove
someone to do it • Make a campaign donation • the demolished status; get a shaman to remove the
Bribe the right people • Call your old college curse from the temple.
roommate • Have it taken care of
• Advance your campaigning to become the leader of
You use your money, contacts, or leverage in order to get the commune.
something done in the world, usually to acquire something • Set Back a growing-crimewave status that’s on a
you want or to hurt someone else. The effects of your local-chaos Limit.
manipulations can be material, social, or even changes to • Discover dirty secrets the mafia boss keeps for them-
policy at the highest levels. In any case, you’re not directly selves.
responsible for them. To affect more than a single person,
e xtra f e ats
this action needs to be Scaled.
• Discretion from parties involved.
The MC can decide the third party you’re acting through is
• Block a commensurate Threat from happening – for now.
considered a secondary character under your control, and
have you play them in a scene your main PC is absent from
(Playing with Secondary PCs, Metro:Otherscape, page 111).
» Your proxy botches the job.
» A bridge is burned and the contact or ally is lost, at
leverage • network of contacts or associates • rela- least for now (burn a tag).
tionship with specific power players • money to spend • » The result does not completely match what you wished
political position • charisma, persuasiveness, or cunning for or it’s a complete opposite of what you wanted.
• experience with the high-stakes political game
» The job has an unwanted side effect.
the targer’s resources, people, and influence • » A rival retaliates (broke, cursed, bad-rap, burn tags, etc.).
incompetence or limitations of people working for you
• insolvency • specific challenges of the job, e.g., the
target always wears a bulletproof vest


Q u i ck The job is done.

Va r i es All Effects can be used through this action; refer
to the entry of the action being outsourced for specific
details. The tags you use must be able to mobilize the
resources needed to get the Effects you choose.
• Attack with a corp’s drone strike and demolish a ware-
house; have a rival assassinated.
• Disrupt a rival gang by cutting off their suppliers (lack-
ing-supplies); pile legal claims on a rival.
• Influence an online community so they are excited to
gather for an event; get someone to offer a job abroad
to a rival team to get them out of the city.
• Weaken a political rival by killing off their campaign
assistant; cut net access to a rival hacker.

• Bestow a protective blessing on the block; get to test

the latest NM3 cyberware.
• Create smuggled weapons for the gang, pro-android
policies in the government, or personal VIP access to
the club.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


PERSUASION Qu i c k I n flu e n c e SUCCESS

Convince • Threaten or intimidate • Have a Quic k The target behaves as planned.

heart-to-heart • Rile up • Bribe • Talk down In f lue n c e Give your target a compelling status that
from ledge • Talk sense into someone • Make a narrows the range of actions they might take and will
case or present an argument • Hypnotize lead them to take the desired action, such as convinced,
relaxed, terrified, or infuriated. This can be used to
You interact with a target to make them do something that counter a polar status, such as giving them friendly to
they currently or normally wouldn’t do: let you through, reduce their hostile (Polar Statuses, Metro:Otherscape
deliver a package, or let something slide. You achieve this page 108) or to max out a Limit in order to overcome a
by altering their state of mind, making them feel a certain Challenge for the scene.
emotion, or making them accept your point of view, by
e xtra f e ats
being genuine or using an honest approach. For dishonest
or subversive manipulation, see Deception (page 66). • The target will remember you.
• The target won’t remember you.
• Convince them to do one more thing.
POWER • Get an extra perk or benefit.
• Make them follow complicated instructions.
social skills • leverage • attractiveness • knowledge
• Leave a lasting good impression.
of or connection to the target • useful information to
bring up • logical arguments • emotional pressure • bribe
or gifts • appropriate atmosphere • supporting appear- CONSEQUENCES

ance • mind control or suggestive powers » The target refuses your requests and ends the discus-
bad reputation • hostile or strained relationship with sion, for now.
the target • communication problems or interference » The target’s mental state changes in an unintended
such as loud ambient noise • undermining appearance way (emotional status).
• social awkwardness • belonging to a social circle or
faction opposed by the target
» The target is willing, but demands something in return.
» The target changes their mind (reduce previously
gained convinced).
» The target tries to convince you to the contrary (con-
» The target becomes hostile.
| A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Encourage someone • Practice cover story • EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION M itig ate
Remember why you’re doing this • Reinforce
Maintain composure • Ignore the haters • Laugh
resolve • Hide intentions • Hype yourself up •
it off • Reassert dominance • Resist temptation
Measure your words
• Stay steady • Resist interrogation
You take a moment to rearrange your thoughts before You keep from losing control of yourself in the face of
engaging in interaction with another person. manipulation, social pressure, a terrifying revelation, an
exciting opportunity, or any other interaction or emotional
spike. This is a mitigation action used to decrease the tier of
strong character and discipline • being an emotional negative social, emotional, or mental statuses, or to avoid
chameleon • self-suggestion training • coaching and related story tags. See also Mental and Physical Resilience
supportive skills • important memories or role models and Recovery (page 46).
confusion or stress • distractions • mental rigidity or
habitual feelings POWER

SUCCESS willful or indignant personality • unshakable com-

posure or sense of self • support of friends or allies • a
Enh a nce Give yourself or an ally a helpful emotional or free or enlightened mind • experience, street smarts, or
social status, such as convincing, hidden-intentions, wisdom
resolute, entertaining, or secretive.
other negative emotions • low self-esteem or
e x t r a f e a ts self-image • emotional vulnerability • stakes in the so-
• Keep the spotlight for a follow-up action. cial situation • it’s personal • leverage they have on you


» The oncoming social interaction catches you off-guard

(alarmed, enraged, cowed, confused, etc.).
» You draw attention to yourself.
» You neglect or push aside some irrelevant part of your-
self (burn a tag).
» You end up frazzled or tired.



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


Your crew is not just a random HELPING AND SUPPORTING

collection of individuals, it’s a Bestow E n han c e
coherent group whose members can
Fund endeavor • Offer advice • Point out
help each other out. problems • Share intel • Tune up gear
Beyond the actions suggested below, remember that other
You take action to assist someone in an action they are
crew members can help you during your action by invoking their
about to take, providing guidance, resources, or just mor-
tags (Helping and Acting Together, Metro:Otherscape page 95). al support for their efforts. More than one crew member
can help, each with their own action, if there is time and
if it would benefit the final action. If you are only casually
helping while they do the action, you can invoke one of
your tags to provide them with Power (Helping and Acting
Together, Metro:Otherscape, page 95).
To prepare yourself, see Preparing an Attack (page 20)
and Preparing an Approach (page 71). To help during a
fight, see Assisting an Ally (page 18).


relationship tags • background in education • being

a people person • skills relevant to the task at hand •
useful gadgets for the job • rapport with the target •
appropriate resources
difficulty to coordinate or get together • different
goals • communications interference • distractions • hot
heads • know-it-alls


Bestow E n han c e Give your ally a status representing

your help such as flushed-with-funds, highly-informed,
dripping-with-confidence, or at-home-in-high-society, or
a tag such as cash fund, weapon stockpile, I’ll be there,
or hoard of data files.
e xtra f e ats
• The benefits of your support last longer.
• Your relationship is strengthened.


» You also give some bad advice (a status in a different

A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

» Your own resources are depleted (burn a tag or get
winded or broke).
» The items gathered are not quite what was intended
(slightly change the tags).
» One of you isn’t happy about this (change a relation-
ship tag).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


LEADERSHIP E n han c e R e sto r e I n f lu e n c e

» Your crew become less coordinated or confident in
Lead by example • Point and yell a lot • Refer their abilities (confused-orders).
back to the plan • Whisper over the comms • » Your crew blunders into a group of enemies.
Inspire allies • Rally troops • Bolster resolve
• Command subordinates • Recite battle song
» Your leadership skills are proven unfitting to the situa-
tion (burn a tag).
You use your charisma, rank, command skills, rhetorical » Your opponents act or attack while you speak (injured).
skills, networking capabilities, or specific knowledge to lift » Your opponents learn your tactics and weak points.
your alles’ spirits and improve their tactical performance.
You can use your leadership skills to inspire or command
» Someone has faltering faith (one or more allies gets
a single person, or Scale the action to command a group.
» The plan has some holes in it (vulnerable-position).

charisma • rank or authority • performance and ora-

tory • tactical skills • communication gear • camaraderie
• devotion or zeal • inspiring song or speech • mood-al-

tering magic Hatch a plan • Agree on the rules • Discuss

tactics • Look over the blueprints • Meet up
self-doubt • fear or confusion • internal strife • in cyberspace • Talk it through at a dive bar •
supernaturally fearsome opponents • opponents’ home Run simulations • Train for a specific task
turf advantage • impaired communication, e.g., due to
loud ambient noise or cyberspace interference You work with your fellow crew members to come up with a
plan of action for a job or activity and possibly prepare and
SUCCESS train for it. This often happens during downtime or during
Enh a nceGive your allies a positive status such as a flashback to the prep scene during a heist. This action is
coordinated-movement, unshakable-resolve, or Scaled because it affects the entire crew.
Reduce a negative status on your allies, such as
R esto r e
exposed, stymied-advance, battlefield-chaos, or panic. intel gathered on the mission or task • mutual under-
I nf lu ence Give your allies a compelling status that would
standings in the crew • relationship tags, analytical and
planning skills • simulation software • inside help
make them follow your commands such as obedient,
sticking-to-the-plan, or in-line. bad intel • inability to coordinate • impulsiveness
and trigger-happy mentality • being under pressure
If anyone defies your command, acts against you or your
allies, or otherwise breaks away from the group, they do
not benefit from this status any longer. If they fall back
in, they might benefit from it again, depending on con- Bestow Give your crew theme a number of tags rep-
text. Depending on the status, it may act as a compelling resenting likely approaches, tactics, backup plans, or
status to keep subordinates in line. escape routes you might employ while on the job such
e x t r a f e a ts as tunneling inside, guns blazing, no innocents harmed,
or smoke bomb retreat.
• Reposition the entire group (e.g., charge or fall back).
• Misdirect opponents’ attention. e xtra f e ats
• Grant the spotlight to an ally to act immediately. • The plan is flexible (a tag could be slightly changed
during the job).


» The plan is full of holes (confused-orders or out-of-sync).

» The plan is leaked to your enemies (tags are burned
during the job).
» Crew infighting (burn crew tags or rephrase relation-
ship tags).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Everyone in :Otherscape is in each Conspiratorial Source cabals, rebellious cyberspace com-
other’s business. Corporations munes, and sentient AIs fight a constant battle to keep
their secrets from enemies and allies alike. Even on the
employ industrial espionage to steal street level, every sleazy fixer and hustler tries to stay
each other’s knowledge and data ahead of the game by snooping around, making the rounds,
assets while hiring assassins from and secretly creeping after their latest obsessions in the
crime syndicates to take out the flicker of neon light.
competition or sabotage a vital R&D Knowing is half the battle – usually the first half. To survive,
facility. Remnants of the world’s your crew must know what they’re getting into and develop
collapsed governments operate their an understanding of their enemies, their capabilities, their

old intelligence agencies, sending patterns, and the nasty surprises they have in store for – all
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

while expertly avoiding their prying eyes.

military-trained operatives to tug
at an ever-shifting network of
informants and intercept the next
political whistleblower.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Security systems of all kinds (mundane, cyberspace, etc.)
have an alarm Limit that takes alarm statuses. This rep-
resents a security system or outfit’s rising suspicion or
indication that an unauthorized activity is taking place
under its purview. When the Limit is maxed, security is
fully engaged, usually by introducing a new Challenge to
tackle the unauthorized activity. However, certain narra-
tive developments can cause the alarm to go off without
maxing out the status, such as if one guard becomes
aware and raises the alarm. The status can potentially
be Set Back with technical skills (Overriding or Fooling a
Security Device or Program, page 34) or using Social
Interactions (page 60).
The alert status represents someone being aware and ready.
An alert guard is harder to sneak past or catch by surprise.
A PC could get marked by systems or organizations, a
status which hinders many spycraft actions. This signi-
fies that this group now knows who you are, at least in
general terms, and is either actively searching for you
or is able to recognize you should you resurface in its
neck of the woods. Spycraft specialists can attempt
to avoid getting marked (see Avoiding Attention and
Staying Anonymous, page 76), but once a person’s
true identity is made, it is very hard to scrub. Nothing
short of the most sought-after Sources – such that
can erase someone from all memory – can be used to
quickly Restore things to normal. Luckily, the Noise
flushes through all systems and brains, washing away
unused information with new stimuli. If you keep your
distance for long enough, the status will eventually
narratively expire when the organization has better
things to worry about. See also tagged under Common
Cyberspace Statuses (page 28) and Repairing Data
and Programs (page 31).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



ANONYMOUS M i t i gat e Get in unnoticed • Use fake credentials

• Utilize disguise • Impersonate staff •
Replace cover identity • Switch to emergency
Circumvent surveillance • Recon security
communication channels • Meet in the safehouse
• Burn the documents • Program your face mesh
Usually, infiltrating a location or organization is a long op-
to a new face • Vanish from locator spells and
eration requiring multiple steps and scenes against various
scrying • Disappear into the Noise
Challenges. Different phases of the infiltration could require
While in most cases it is nigh impossible to reverse being actions such as Sneaking and Hiding (page 77), Data
seen or noticed (a narrative Consequence which cannot be Forgery (page 29), Deception (page 66), or Getting
mitigated), those skilled in spycraft have contingencies to Close to Someone (page 67), alongside Intel Gathering
prevent their identity being recorded and compared against actions (page 79).
security databases.
You rely on contingency plans, quick thinking, high-tech
gizmos, and obscuring Sources to mitigate being marked sharp senses • stealth • camouflage • disguise •
or tagged. In some cases you might even be able to miti- deception skills • hacking skills • credentials • illusion
gate tagging attacks you are unaware of, using tags such magic • researched security protocols • familiarity with
as cover identity. the organization
noticeable physical features • being wanted, tagged,
POWER or marked • tight security • live camera monitoring • sus-
picious or alert guards • sentry drones or AI • security
emergency protocols • alternate and cover identi- checkpoints
ties • face-altering tech or magic • being forgettable or
inconspicuous • magical obscuring • fate or memory
manipulation • planted false leads • bribed contacts • SUCCESS

spycraft experience • familiarity with the opposition Varie s See above.

the opposition’s familiarity with you • the opposition’s Advan c e The MC can choose to abstract the process of
spy tech and scrying Sources • being caught by surprise •
infiltrating a secured location by placing an infiltrate
the marking agent’s quick reactions or alertness
Limit and requiring a series of Advance Effects. When
the Limit is maxed, the PC (or the crew) arrives where
they intended. This is a quick and tense way of creating
an infiltration scene, which is especially useful if the
BREAKING AND ENTERING infiltration is just a part of a larger job.
See Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program The infiltrate Limit represents how close the PCs are to
(page 34) or Tampering with a Device (page 89). gaining access to their goal, be it a person, a server, a
vault, or a guarded Source. This infiltration might still be
narrated as a complicated process, with each infiltration
action presenting a different situation with different
tags, Threats, and possible Consequences. This means
that tags that helped with one step of the infiltration
might not be helpful with the next one.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

e xtra f e ats
• Stumble across a golden opportunity to penetrate
deeper (keep the spotlight).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


» You are discovered, or your activity raises suspicion, Quic k E n han c e Dis rupt
increasing the alarm level.
» You’re forced to move back (reduce previously gained Hide • Burgle • Observe unseen • Camouflage •
infiltrate). Skulk underground • Rooftop hopping • Sneak up
on someone • Move silently or while invisible •
» Security procedures recently changed (burn a tag
Move between shadows
representing prep such as forged credentials, maps,
passwords, or similar). You avoid being spotted or found. You might be moving
» You lose an item you used or exhaust an ability (burn silently, staying still, using cover, finding hidden paths, or
a tag). using powerful magic and tech that provides invisibility
» An approach proves to be ineffective (burn a tag). or illusory darkness.
» Someone sees something out of place and decides to To track a series of sneaking actions into a place, see
investigate. Infiltration (page 76). To follow a target unnoticed, see
Surveilling (page 78). To sneak up on a target, see also
Surprise Attacks and Silent Kills (page 14).
LOSING A TAIL R e sto r e
You can shake off a tail or surveillance with speed, stealth,
guile, or maneuverability, using your skills or surroundings small silhouette • camouflaged outfit • cloaking tech
in order to keep the observer back while you move to a hid- or magic • thick foliage • crowded street • lots of Noise •
den or far away spot, preventing them from following you. piled trash and debris • darkness
sentry’s sharp senses and alertness • surveillance •
Remove the tailed or surveilled status. This
R esto r e
open terrain • loud terrain such as knee-deep water or
action uses the reverse of the positive and negative tags creaking wood • bright floodlights
listed under Surveilling. Losing a tail cannot rid you of
tagged or marked, it only stops the surveillance on you.

Quic k You are not noticed. If moving, you arrive at your

destination without being noticed.
E n han c e Give yourself hidden.
Dis rupt Give your target surprised, when you attempt to
catch them unawares.
e xtra f e ats
• Bring someone with you.
• Keep the spotlight to act immediately again.


» You are spotted at the least convenient time.

» You get lost and end up somewhere else.
» You leave something behind (burn a tag).
» You are spotted and remembered (marked).
» You are not spotted, but something you did makes a
sentry suspicious or raises the alarm level.
» You get nervous.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


SURVEILLING Qu i c k Di s c ove r E n han c e SUCCESS

Follow from a distance • Shadow • Stakeout • Quic k You have current information on their where-
Satellite surveillance • Camera surveillance abouts and/or activities.
• Send a drone to watch them • Keep tabs Find out specific details. You can also ask to
Dis c ove r
on someone • Monitor their accounts or VR be notified when something changes in their routine or
activity • Track their astrological map • when a specific event or behavior takes place.
Stalk someone like a creep
E n han c e Give the target a tailed, surveilled, marked, or
You follow someone with the intention of tracking their tagged status, which supports your future intel actions
location, movements, and actions, possibly for an extended against them.
period of time. Unlike a chase (Chases, page 42), you’re e xtra f e ats
not trying to intercept or stop them, but rather to monitor • The target won’t become suspicious, for a while.
them at a distance and keep them in your sights. Also unlike • Remain unnoticed (by others).
a chase, a tail has no Limit or built-in endgame. Surveilling • Have a fast exit strategy, in case you are made.
does not necessarily mean that you are observing their
every step up close; the MC will decide the level of detail CONSEQUENCES
you gather based on your methods.
» You lose your target.
» The target notices you.
» You lose track of the target for a time, during which
surveillance skills or tech • stealth skills • dark anything could have happened.
clothes • tracking skills • unmarked vehicle • tracking
device • silent drones • hidden vantage point • signal » The information you get on the target is blurry, incom-
monitoring app • a dedicated VR tracker construct plete, or spotty.

noticeable physical features • poor vision • target’s

» The target is more protected or informed than you realized.
alertness • target’s security escort • target’s disguise • » Maintaining the tail becomes taxing (bored, cramping,
target’s familiarity with you • being marked • distrac- broke).
tions • digital fingerprint erasers • hiding in a high Noise
area • being off the grid
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Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


These actions cover gathering CONVERSATIONAL INQUIRY
information and turning it into Quic k Dis c ove r C re ate
actionable data. Some actions that
Hit the streets • Ask around the neighborhood •
can be considered Intel are found Meet informants • Visit the local bar • Chat up
in other categories, among actions the street vendors • Bribe a city worker • Tap
that are affected by similar tags or into contacts network • Gossip with colleagues •
Canvas the neighborhood • Interrogate • Interview
statuses. These are Accessing Data
(page 29), Tracing Data or Signal You get out to where people are talking and invest
(page 32), and Scouting and the time, legwork, and resources in order to locate up-to-
date information about your current subject of interest.
Guarding (page 44).
The quality of the information given will depend on your
The information garnered by successful intel actions is choice of where to go and who to talk with – a bar frequented
provided by the MC and by default must be useful to the PC by VR enthusiasts will have a lot of information about new
as well as truthful. However, as a common Consequence, developments in Harnessing cyberware, and less about the
the MC can choose to give intentionally vague or part-true, current gang war downtown. Strictly secret information is
part-false information to represent the imperfect execution unlikely to be available.
of this action.
While the information shared in the game is mostly nar- POWER

rative, it can also contribute directly to a player’s rolls if it personal charm • intimidation • street cred • cash to
is expressed as a story tag. If a player has already spent throw around • favors owed by others • membership in a
a point of Power on Discover in order to find a physical gang, club, community, or other in-group
clue that could be a useful story tag, such as a keycard,
bad reputation • grating personality • fear and mis-
the MC should consider giving it to the PC without having trust • cultural barriers • obscure or hidden information •
them spend more Power. However, if the player wants to dangerous side of town
dictate what they find, or what is important, they can Create
specific tags as long as these are reasonably found in the
scene. For example, a player may decide to Create a DNA
sample of the burglar. Quic k You gather the most pertinent information.

In some cases, when a PC is trying to identify or understand Dis c ove r Get answers to specific questions.
things on a rudimentary level, the MC may rule the player C re ate Give yourself tags based on the information you
could Roll With Self, Mythos, or Noise (Metro:Otherscape collect such as incriminating holograms, profile of the
page 122). killer, or word on the street.
e xtra f e ats
• Keep it on the down low.
• Circulate your own rumor, message, or warning.
• Take action based on the intel to avert an incoming


» The information is vague or part-true, part-false.

» You antagonize your interviewees or your network.
» You run into an old enemy.
» You misstep and cause trouble (unwelcomed or bad-rap).
» The target of your research learns about your questioning.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



See Scouting and Guarding (page 44) and Surveilling Quic k You gather the most pertinent information.
(page 78). Dis c ove r Get answers to specific questions.
C re ate Give yourself tags based on the information you

RESEARCHING A TOPIC collect such as building schematics, weather ritual, or

secret codes.
Q u i ck D i scov er C r e at e
e xtra f e ats
Run a search on Infospace • Spend the day • Information goes back decades.
in the VR library or agency archives • Rifle • Information is complete, including video footage or
through old documents • Purchase files on the other digital proof.
black market • Use a scrying pool • Enter • Discover who last perused this data.
fringe chatrooms • Run database queries • Information hints at something else useful.
• Leave a hidden message or hint.
You search for information about a topic of interest. By default,
you’re running a search on Infospace (Metro:Otherscape CONSEQUENCES
page 29) to get some details on something, but this action
can also cover divination magic which requires an involved » Your research is vague or strewn with inaccuracies.
examination of many sources of information. » You alert the target of your search or an interested party.
Finding easily accessible facts does not require a roll; make » You get sidetracked or lost down a rabbit hole of info.
a roll when finding information is difficult, involved, or » You learn something useful, but not at all what you
dangerous due to pressing time, resistance, obscurity of were looking for.
info, common mistakes, or other interested parties. » You get a threatening message telling you to back off.
If you know where the answers are online, but you can’t » A group decides to track you until you get doxxed.
access them, see Accessing Data (page 29). » You get magical feedback (cursed).

research or analysis skills • sophisticated search heu-

ristics • expertise in relevant fields of knowledge • privi-
leged database access • speed reading • fast cyberspace
connection • academic background • scrying Sources
scant clues or rumors to go on • poor cyberspace
connection • target is deep in the Noise • target or topic
has little online presence • magical protection • infor-
mation is considered dangerous or taboo • database is
huge, corrupted, or incomplete • outdated or obscure
language or interface
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Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

A SCENE Q ui c k Di s c ove r C r e at e
Quick glance around the scene • Read the
room • Look for evidence • Search thoroughly
• Use forensic tools • Go dumpster diving •
Find hidden spaces and passages • Deduce what
happened here

You look around your immediate surroundings and use

your skills, knowledge, and tools in order to extract useful
information. Merely perceiving the room does not require
a roll; make a roll when you attempt to notice details that
are obscured or hidden.


enhanced or boosted senses • alertness • detec-

tive and deduction skills • familiarity with the location
• forensic or scanning equipment • helpful AR apps •
support from drones or familiar
bad lighting • messy area • deliberately hidden ob-
jects • camouflage


Q u i ck You gather the most pertinent information.

D i scov er Get answers to specific questions.
Cr e a t e Give yourself tags based on the items or evidence
you collect such as keycard, databank, or magic scroll.
e x t r a f e a ts
• Remain unnoticed.
• Leave no evidence of being there.
• Leave a hidden message or hint.


» The evidence you find or the deductions you make are

vague or part-true, part-false.
» You’re spotted by the authorities, your enemies, or a
party of interest.
» The physical item you were after is in the hands of
someone else.
» You spring a trap (electrocuted, poisoned, cursed, or


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

With technology exponentially surg- Every function of life involves tech, every step in the Meg-
ing since the previous century, every acity triggers a thousand sensors and procedures. A crew

day that passes introduces new

will always need at least one tech-obsessed tinkerer on
board, but the question is what kind: in the vastness of
possibilities for what mankind is possibilities, it is their field of specialization – drones,
able to achieve. vehicles, firearms, biomed – that defines today’s techies.
In the year 20XX, computers can think for themselves, not
only piloting machines and conversing with lonely hearts,
but even inventing new tech and designing their own AI DECOMMISSIONING TECH
offspring; material engineering offers constantly-evolving Vehicles and drones have a wrecked Limit, on which they
textiles, alloys, and chemical compounds with an endless take statuses representing structural damage that pre-
range of practical applications in consumer goods, industrial vents them from being operated as intended. Maxing out
design, and warfare; this is then applied to self-governing this Limit means the vehicle or drone has been damaged
drones and state-of-the-art vehicles which perform any beyond the point of operation.
type of manual task imaginable in exceedingly harsh en-
vironments; and cognitive sciences and bioengineering
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

bridge the human-machine gap and tap the very network of The power, fuel, or ammo supply of a device is handled
consciousness with superhuman cybernetics and immersive narratively. The MC can make Threats about supply running
neural interfaces. At the cutting edge are technologies that low (“You’ve fired half your clip by now”) and use Conse-
can, and do, go completely out of hand: nanites, rapid gene quences to announce supply has run out, which prohibits
editing, geoengineering, extraterrestrial research – and any further actions using that device, weapon, vehicle, etc.
with Source-powered science, not even the sky’s the limit. (“You’re empty.”), but does not decommission the device
in the same way that burning a tag does. Players can
Reload or Recharge (page 87) using a quick outcome,
or spend Power on an Extra Feat or a great success in a
related action (such as while moving) to reload supply


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

and remove the narrative restriction. They may also use
an Extra Feat to prevent the supply Consequence for that
action (representing using supply economically).
Tags for supplies do not affect normal use of the device,
but have three other effects: (1) they can inspire the MC to
use supply-related Threat and Consequence more or less
often, (2) they can affect reloading actions, and (3) they
can affect actions that require ample supply to perform.
For example, extra cartridges can help to quickly reload or
it can simply stave off the MC from using the running-out
Threat and Consequence often; a short magazine can affect
suppressive fire negatively; an EMP generator with a built-
in generator can employ it when covering a larger area; or
journeying very far in the desert depends on whether your
truck has a large gas tank or is a guzzler.
Supply issues can be a status when they are ongoing. For
example, electronic devices can have power fluctuations
and be depowered, forcing them to operate more slowly
and with less effectiveness. These can be recovered with
repairs, see Maintaining and Repairing Tech (page 89).
Mechanical devices, especially weapons and cyberware, can
be overheated, malfunctioning, or overloaded, affecting their
operation in different circumstances. A jammed electrical
device is suffering from severe connectivity issues which
may affect its operation, either regionally, due to a net-
work failure, or localized to the device. If the malfunction
impairs the use of a device, use a status to represent it;
if it prevents the use of the device altogether, such as a
weapon jam or a disconnected device, burn its tag instead.
All vehicles and drones might become off-balance due to
a collision, rough terrain, or environmental forces such as
high winds. This status is usually removed after affecting
an action or two, but the MC can decide a Piloting action
(page 86) is required to stabilize the vehicle and reduce
the status.
The MC may allow the player to roll with Noise (Rolling
With Self, Mythos, or Noise, Metro:Otherscape page 122) if
the action does not require any special skill or knowledge
beyond a general understanding of technology.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Q u i ck D i scov er Advan c e Quic k You gain a good understanding of this piece of

tech and its purpose and may also activate its basic
Poring over a flashing control console functions as part of the same action, if you wish.
• Figuring out how to fly this thing •
Encyclopedic knowledge of vehicles (or other Dis c ove r Quantify how much was learned or to fine-tune
tech) • Scanning and comparing to databases the specific information you’re looking for, such as what
• Interfacing with a new device • Analyzing is the purpose of the device, how to operate it, what its
schematics • Asking a smithing deity features are, what types of technological or scientific
principles it employs, who manufactured it or designed
You examine a device or technological component to find it, and so on.
out more about it and, optionally, operate it at a basic level. Advan c e The MC may choose to represent this as an on-
Operating a device to achieve specific Effects may require going project. Advance to give making-progress against
a different action, see Operating a Drone (page 85) or an unlocked Limit set by the MC in order to spend time
Piloting (page 86). If appropriate, the MC may reveal studying the device. When unlocked is maxed out, you
specific information from the tech’s theme kit or Challenge unlock all the secrets of the device.
Profile such as tags, Limits, Consequences, and Specials e xtra f e ats
to reflect the knowledge gained by a PC.
• Perform the evaluation unnoticed.
• Activate a simple function.
POWER • Change a simple configuration.
• Keep the spotlight to immediately operate this device.
tech and science skills in an appropriate field •
reverse engineering software and tools • technological
databases • a workshop • contacts at the manufacturer CONSEQUENCES

or other relevant consultants • divinatory Mythos pow- » You draw the wrong conclusions about this tech.
ers in the invention, crafting, or smithing domain
» You accidentally interface or activate the device, to
rarity or uniqueness • unknown or masked make or detrimental results.
manufacturer • distractions or inclement conditions •
poor tools or workspace
» You damage the device or disrupt its functionality
(burn tags, malfunctioning, or depowered).
» You hit a setback in your research (reduce mak-
ing-progress) or a temporary impasse (you must come
up with a new approach).
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

A drone is a secondary character represented by a tag Programming your own drone normally does not require a
(power, loadout, or story), with additional tags in the theme roll – you narrate it together with the action you want your
or set representing its features. drone to take (Narration, Metro:Otherscape page 85). In
rare cases, when your drone is resisting you, the situation
Depending on its functions, a drone can perform or assist
is tense, or someone is trying to take control over it, you
with almost any Combat (page 10), Exploration & Survival
can roll this as a quick outcome.
(page 40), Spycraft (page 74), or Tech & Gear (page
82) action, and if it is AI-powered, could even engage To program new capabilities, see Writing a New Program
in Social Interactions (page 60). (page 32). To take over someone else’s drone, or to regain
control over your own hacked drone, see Taking Control
If the drone assistance is directly helpful to an action, such
Over a Node or Program (page 35).
as when a targeting drone helps shooting, simply add its
relevant tags to the action as positive tags. Any relevant
weaknesses the drone has are also applied as negative tags.
When the drone is the one taking the action, use its tags
when you count the action’s Power. Drone actions can be
initiated autonomously, based on programming or orders,
or enacted directly by a pilot controlling it; either way, the
player of the PC controlling the drone rolls for its actions
(Playing with Secondary PCs, Metro:Otherscape page 111).
The tags and Consequences suggested here refer to general
use of drones and are given in addition to those given in
the actions used.


the drone tag itself • relevant features • remote pilot-

ing skills • relevant apps
difficult environmental conditions (e.g., storms for
flying drones) • bad reception or failing connectivity
(for non-autonomous drones) • damage to the drone •
corrupted or infected programming


» You’re too focused on piloting or monitoring the drone

» The drone is damaged in the process of its operation
» The signal to the drone is lost (disconnected).
» You lose control over the drone and it takes undesir-
able actions.
» The drone wrongly interprets simple commands, lead-
ing to a disastrous outcome.
» The drone expends too much power to complete the
task (depowered).


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


PILOTING Qu i c k E n han c e R e sto r e SUCCESS

Burn rubber • Fly casual • Maneuver around an Quic k You pilot the drone or vehicle to the desired
obstacle • Stay on their tail • Land safely • destination.
Move into position E n han c e Give your drone or vehicle a movement status
such as speeding, high-up, under-the-radar, careful-ap-
You maneuver a drone or vehicle you control. proach, evasive, or the like.
Driving or flying in normal conditions does not require a Re store Remove unwanted movement and position
roll – you narrate moving together with another action statuses from your drone or vehicle such as off-balance
(Narration, Metro:Otherscape page 85). Roll for this action or exposed.
when piloting is difficult or dangerous because you’re un-
e xtra f e ats
der fire, maneuvering in tight alleys, not sure where to go,
landing in difficult conditions, bypassing a road hazard, etc. • Keep the spotlight and immediately take action from
the new position.
If you are piloting to set up some other action, such as • Pull off a stunt to reposition the vehicle or drone.
maneuvering into position so that a gunner can fire on a • Move behind an enemy.
target or so that surveillance systems can get the perfect • Move to an unseen location.
footage, see Assisting an Ally (page 18) and Helping and • Make a lot of noise as you peel out.
Supporting (page 72). If you’re traveling somewhere, • Block another vehicle from a certain path.
see Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments (page
45). If you’re facing opposition during your movement, CONSEQUENCES

see also Chases (page 42). » You push the machine too far (wrecked).
» You spin out (off-balance).
» The vehicle or drone gets stuck or blocked.
dexterity, coordination, and reflexes • skill at driving
or piloting • good piloting UI • AI assistance • the vehicle » A subsystem is damaged (burn a tag).
or drone’s maneuverability • supportive backwind » A passenger or a bystander is hurt (injured).
inclement weather • damage to the vehicle or drone
• bad reception or failing connectivity (for remote
driving) • road hazards or obstacles
|A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

RELOADING AND RECHARGING Quic k Play this as a suspended action (Metro:Otherscape page 125):
instead of rolling when you set the trap, you only narrate
Load a new clip • Recharge battery • Recharge what type of trap you set and what would trigger it. When
Source • Refuel your trap triggers, you get an interjecting spotlight to im-
mediately roll to see if the trap ensnared your target. If you
You load a new clip in a weapon, fill up the motorbike’s
roll a hit, the trap may interrupt the action that triggered it.
tank, put new batteries in the device, or replenish the bat
guano that powers your Source. See Common Tech & Gear
Statuses (page 82) for details on how to handle devices
running out of supply. trap setting skills • the trap tag itself (if any) • cam-
ouflage materials • explosives kit • skill at hunting or
POWER demolitions • familiarity with the location • a location
conducive to hiding a trap • target’s confusion, distrac-
the weapon, device, or Source itself (representing the tion, or sensory limitations
supply you pack with it) • extra supply • preparedness or
resourcefulness • deep pockets and packed bags • equip- open space • target’s alertness • target’s trap detec-
ment storage • munitions storage • refueling depot tion skills, tech, or magic • target’s armor, reflexes, and
other protections against the trap’s payload
damaged equipment • shaky hands • distractions • SUCCESS
inclement conditions (e.g., rain making a magazine wet)
• unwieldy supply such as heavy batteries or unstable Quic k – S us pe n de d The trap delivers a narrative outcome
explosive rounds • being under fire such as sounding an alarm, distracting a foe and making
SUCCESS them fumble their action (if possible), or collapsing a
passageway and blocking it.
Q u i ck You reload, recharge, or refuel (removing any
Varie s – S us pe n d Attack for traps that give a harmful sta-
narrative restrictions).
tus such as injured, electrocuted, or poisoned, or Disrupt
e x t r a f e a ts for traps that give a hindering status such as ensnared,
• Do it without being noticed. distracted, or depowered. Other Effects may also be
• Keep the spotlight and use the item immediately. used, such as Weaken to shut down cybernetics, Create
to summon a creature, or Discover to scan the target
and reveal its weak points.
e xtra f e ats
» You’re absolutely out of ammo (e.g., you drop your
last magazine down a fire escape) and must restock • The payload is extra flashy or very quiet.
somehow. • Disrupt the target’s intended action (preventing its
» You are attacked while reloading (injured). • Keep the spotlight to act immediately.
» The weapon or device jams (burn a tag).
» You drop something else (burn a tag). CONSEQUENCES

» The target becomes more alert.

» The target spots you.
SETTING A TRAP Qu i c k Var i e s – S u s p e n d » The target spots other traps you have set.
» The target surprises you with their own trap (injured).
Fasten snare • Lay tripwire • Plant bomb •
Set delay on grenade • Place a detonating » The target figures out your MO (burn tags).
rune on a door » You’ve put a lot into that trap, and now you’re running
out (burn tags).
You carefully place a trap that will hopefully surprise your
intended target. The trip for the trap is timed, sensor-based,
» Your trap goes off prematurely or is triggered by unin-
tended targets, such as an innocent or an ally.
or remotely activated, and it commonly triggers an alarm,
an explosive charge, a turret, or even a Source such as

blowing faerie dust. To lay multiple traps or a trap that

affects a greater area, this action must be Scaled.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155


BUILDING, CRAFTING, e xtra f e ats

OR UPGRADING TECH C r e at e B e stow Advan c e

Customized size or shape of item.
You do it quickly.
Build from scratch • Hybrid two devices • • It doesn’t look modified.
Improvise explosives • Jury-rig solution • • It’s confusing to other techies, making it difficult for
Aftermarket add-ons • Custom-tailor a gun • them to predict the new functionality or remove it.
Overclock • Overcharge • Pimp out • Construct • You build backup copies of the prototype.
from plans • Model and 3D print • Tinker in the • Use fewer materials.
garage • Heat up the forge • Science up some • The item is particularly easy to store, move, or handle.
weird shit
You use your technical abilities to create a useful piece of
gear or tech: a weapon, a device, cyberware, a vehicle, etc. » You waste time, break tools, or expend resources (burn
tags or broke).
This could reflect a quick, jury-rigged assembly using parts
and tools at hand or days-long project at your workshop. To » The device is damaged (malfunctioning, glitchy,
work on tech that would be larger than a person or affect depowered).
more than one person, this action must be Scaled. » You have a work accident (scorched, electrocuted).
» Your work attracts unwanted attention.
POWER » You activate dangerous functionality in the device.
appropriate technological, crafting, and design skills » Your device is flawed (add negative tags).
(e.g., weapon smithing, cyberware engineering, drone » You overwork yourself or your helpers (burn a tag or
building) • quality tools • workshop • special compo- exhausted).
nents • quality materials and resources • innovative
thinking • diagrams, plans, and schematics • mentorship
distractions and stress • scarcity or insufficient parts
• damage to the upgraded item • low quality tools • inad-
equate workspace • safeguards placed by manufacturer


Cr e a t e Give yourself tags representing the device and

its abilities, such as electricity conduit, makeshift lock-
pick, hidden compartment, or sentry drone.
B e stow Give your tech upgrade tags such as a smoke
grenade launcher underneath your rifle’s barrel or
tweaking a cyberleg regulator to be extra fast.
You can represent your device as a set of tags (Story
Tag Sets, Metro:Otherscape page 112). The first tag rep-
resents the item and each additional tag represents its
functionality and properties. A katana can have honed
blade, perfectly balanced, and maybe light as a feather.
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

A dva nce The MC may choose to represent this as an on-

going project. Advance to give making-progress against
an assembled Limit set by the MC in order to spend time
working on your project. When assembled is maxed out,
you gain a set of tags.


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING TECH You disrupt the operation of a device using your technical
skills or brute strength. You might be trying to stop a spe-
R esto r e
cific function, or just get the thing to stop working. If the
Debug software • Defrag and run virus check • device is bigger than a person, this action is Scaled unless
Lubricate joints • Organize parts • Patch holes you’re targeting a specific part in it.
• Run diagnostics • Strip and clean If you’re using your hacking skills, see Disrupting Device
You use your technological skills to keep your equipment Functionality (page 34). See also Overriding or Fooling a
functioning and to repair broken parts. Security Device or Program (page 34) and Taking Control
Over a Node or a Program (page 35).
POWER Military-grade and other high-grade systems are generally
tech skills • diagnostic software • blueprints • repair able to recover from such damage during a scene, as Con-
and maintenance tools • a workshop • having a relation- sequences. Consumer-grade systems will require repair.
ship with the item
distractions or inclement conditions • malfunctions
that are subtle or complex • unfamiliar equipment • poor tech skills • brute strength • proper tools • explosives
tools or workspace device is fortified against tampering • device is of
The removed status or tag does not count as a negative high quality, has redundancies, or can self-repair
for this action, unless you are using a device to repair
itself (such as a cyberhand or maintenance drone) or SUCCESS
repairing a particularly complex issue.
Quic k The device ceases to operate or malfunctions in
the way you intended.
Dis rupt Give the device negative statuses such as
R esto r e Remove negative statuses or tags and recover
malfunctioning, stuttering-operation, disconnected,
burnt tags of a weapon, device, vehicle, or cyberware. etc. If the device is big, the MC might decide to give it a
e x t r a f e a ts malfunctioning Limit.
• You do it quietly. We ak e n Remove from the device tags representing its
• The damage or malfunction leaves no mark or trace. functions such as security doors or protective statuses
• You keep the spotlight to take immediate action with such as firewalled.
the repaired device.
e xtra f e ats
CONSEQUENCES • You do it quietly.
• You time the effect to trigger later.
» You make things worse (inflict a different status or • You keep the spotlight for a follow-up action.
burn a tag).
• The damage lasts longer or is hard to bypass.
» Your tools break or you use up all your extra parts
(burn a tag). CONSEQUENCES

» You misplace the item in question. » You destroy your own gear (burn a tag).
» You become engrossed in the work and lose track of » Bystanders are hurt as well.
time or of the environment (distracted).
» You set off an alarm, or your activity raises suspicion,
increasing the alarm level.
» Enemies close in on your location.
TAMPERING WITH A DEVICE » You damage a related or nearby system you did not
Q u i ck D i sr u pt W e ake n intend to.

Shut down net access • Overpower with EMP • Plug

» Your tools break (burn a tag).
in and reprogram • Force a door open • Take » You become engrossed in the work and lose track of
control of system • Switch off AI at the terminal time or of the environment (distracted).

• Turn off hardware • Find the killswitch • Blow

up batteries • Burn out components • Destabilize
thermal systems • Pull out parts


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Absorb Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
Access data Accessing Data Quick, Discover, Create 29
Source Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
tech Evaluating and Activating Tech Quick, Discover, Advance 84
medicine Healing with Mythos Powers; Treating Injuries Restore, Discover 51, 47
and Other Conditions
stimulant or booster Performance Enhancement Bestow, Enhance 46
with Mythos powers Aiding Others with Mythos powers Varies 50
in an endeavor Helping and Supporting Bestow, Enhance 72
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

under pressure Assisting an Ally Quick, Bestow, Enhance 18

before an attack Preparing an Attack Enhance 20
for a weak point Precision Attacks Varies 13
memory Manipulating Others with Mythos powers; Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken, Varies 52, 89
physical environment Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles; Shaping Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43, 52
the Environment with Mythos powers
VR environment Altering the VR Environment Bestow, Weaken 36


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

battlefield Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
communications Scanning the Network Quick, Discover 31
data aura Accessing Data Quick, Discover, Create 29
opponent's weaponry, cyberware, or Sources Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
schematics Evaluating and Activating Tech Quick, Discover, Advance 84
Source or magic Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
terrain Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Animate objects Shaping the Environment with Mythos powers; Summoning Create, Weaken 52, 57
a Conjuration
Area attack Area Attacks Attack 12
wearing Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
breaking Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
growing Shapeshifting and Transformations Varies 52
Assist an ally Assisting an Ally Enhance, Bestow 18
area Area Attacks Attack 12
at range Ranged Attacks Attack 13
in melee Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
in VR Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33
to hold off or spur opponents Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents Quick, Disrupt, Influence, 15
Attack – Suspend
with Mythos powers Attacking with Mythos powers Varies 50
with a drone Operating a Drone Varies 85
Avoid attention
lay low Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous Mitigate 76
sneak Sneaking and Hiding Quick, Enhance, Disrupt
Conjuration Banishing a Conjuration Attack 55
person or being Manipulating Others with Mythos powers Varies 52
Battle of the bands Competitions Advance, Set Back 65
Battle stance Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
Conjuration Commanding a Conjuration Quick, Influence 56
contractually Deception, Persuasion Quick, Influence 66, 70
Familiar Sourcecraft Varies 59
person Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
Bite Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
area Area Attacks Attack 12
through a surface Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43
Bless Granting Abilities to People or Items; Protecting with Bestow, Create, Enhance, 51,52
Mythos Powers Varies

digital attack Blocking a Digital Attack Mitigate 33

physical attack Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
Brace for impact Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Brag Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68
cover Impairing Attacks Disrupt, Weaken 16
weapons Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
shield or armor Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
Breaking & Entring Infiltration; Overriding or Fooling a Varies, Quick, Advance, 76, 34, 77
Security Device or Program; Sneaking and Hiding Enhance, Disrupt, Set Back, Weaken
Brew potion Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
Bribery Persuasion; Conversational Inquiry Quick, Influence, 70,79
Discover, Create
VR construct Creating VR Constructs Create 36
new device, object, or feature Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Create, Bestow, Advance 88
information Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 80
supplies, gear, or products Making a Purchase Quick, Create 62
services (hire) Outsourcing a Job; Paying for a Service Quick, Varies 69, 64
obstacles and dangers Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
security Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
someone who can do it Outsourcing a Job Quick, Varies 69
allies Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67
Called shot Precision Attacks Varies 13
spirits Commanding a Conjuration Quick, Influence 56
with magic Healing with Mythos Powers; Manipulating Others with Restore, Discover, Varies 51, 52
Mythos powers
oneself Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation Mitigate 71
Camouflage Sneaking and Hiding; Taking Cover Quick, Create, Enhance, 77, 23
Cash in favors Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67
Change - see "Alter"
at an enemy Preparing an Attack Enhance 20
weapon or device Reloading and Recharging Quick 87
built up energy Preparing an Attack Enhance 20
Making an Impression; Manipulating Others with Quick, Influence, 68, 52, 70
Mythos powers; Persuasion Enhance, Varies
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Chase Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
Cleave Area Attacks Attack 12
cyberspace fraud Data Forgery Create 29
VR objects and entities Creating VR Constructs Create 36
new program Writing a New Program Create 32
user's avatar Customizing an Avatar Bestow, Enhance 37


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Conjuration Commanding a Conjuration Quick, Influence 56
team Leadership Enhance, Restore, Influence 73
drone Operating a Drone Varies 85
hypnotically Manipulating Others with Mythos powers Varies 52
Commune with a Mythos Communing with a Mythos Quick, Discover 53
Compete Competitions Advance, Set Back 65
useful item Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
weapon Aiding Others with Mythos Powers; Improvised Weapons Quick, Create, Varies 50, 19
being Summoning a Conjuration Create 57
Connect (cyberspace) Connecting to a Node Varies 29
program or device Taking Control Over a Node or a Program Quick, Advance, Influence 35
supernatual being Commanding a Conjuration Quick, Influence 56
mind Manipulating Others with Mythos powers Varies 52
team Leadership Enhance, Restore, Influence 73
Mythoi Communing with a Mythos Quick, Discover 53
people Conversational Inquiry Quick, Discover, Create 79
Convince Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
team efforts Leadership Enhance, Restore, Influence 73
in advance Team Preparations Bestow 73
Counter (magic) Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
relic Sourcecraft Varies 59
new device, object, or feature Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Create, Bestow, Advance 88
node or a program Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33
device Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 89
into someone Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
VR construct Creating VR Constructs Create 36
cover or shield Taking Cover Quick, Create, Enhance 23
diversion Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
hazard or obstacle Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles; Quick, Create, Disrupt, 43, 52
Shaping the Environment with Mythos powers Weaken
Conjuration Summoning a Conjuration Create 57
VR gear or weapons Customizing an Avatar Bestow, Enhance 37
mental and physical harm Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
with magic Healing with Mythos Powers Restore, Discover 51

enemies Attacking with Mythos powers Varies 50

remove Healing with Mythos Powers Restore, Discover


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

avatar Customizing an Avatar Bestow, Enhance 37
gear Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Create, Bestow, Advance 88
Cut off a vehicle Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
device or cyberware Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 89
weapons or gear Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
reputation Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
Dampen a power Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
Dash Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
forgery Data Forgery Create 29
encryption or masking Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
Dazzle (senses) Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
Debate Competitions Advance, Set Back 65
Debug software Repairing Data or Programs; Reloading and Recharging (Quick) Restore 31, 87
Deceive Deception Quick, Influence 66
Deduce Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
Deep-fake Data Forgery Create 29
security system alert Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
hostility Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
Defend - see "Protect"
Defensive fighting Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
alarm Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
limb or bodily function Impairing Attacks Disrupt, Weaken 16
shoot to switch off Trick Shots Quick, Create, Influence 17
tech Disrupting Device Functionality; Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 34,89
become invisible Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
into the Noise Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous Mitigate 76
while being followed Losing a Tail Restore 77
from scrying and divination Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous Mitigate 76
Disarm Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
safely Disconnecting Quick 30
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

force to disconnect Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33

Disenchant Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
Disguise Data Forgery; Deception Create, Quick, Influence 29, 66
Disrupt device Disrupting Device Functionality Disrupt, Weaken 34
summoned being Banishing a Conjuration Attack 55
curse or magical condition Healing with Mythos Powers Restore, Discover 51
magic Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

armaments Improvised Weapons Quick, Create 19
medpacks Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover
booster drugs Performance Enhancement Bestow, Enhance 46
advice Helping and Supporting Bestow, Enhance
Divination Divination or Magical Senses Varies 50
Dodge Dodging an Attack Mitigate
Download (data) Accessing Data Quick, Discover, Create 29
Drone piloting Operating a Drone Varies 85
Emotional manipulation
infiltrate Getting Close to Someone; Infiltration Varies, Advance 67
deceive Deception Quick, Influence 66
convince Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
make an impression Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68
resist Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation Mitigate 71
Team up Assisting an Ally Quick, Enhance, Bestow 18
Enchant Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
Encourage Assisting an Ally; Helping and Supporting Quick, Bestow, Enhance 18,72
Encrypt (data) Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
Endure (physical hardship) Surviving Environmental Hazards Mitigate 44
with drugs Performance Enhancement Bestow, Enhance 46
with magic Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
with tech Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Create, Bestow, Advance 88
Exploit security flaws Taking Control Over a Node or a Program Quick, Advance, Influence 35
Explore environment Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
credentials Data Forgery Create 29
retreat Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
intentions Deception Quick, Influence 66
intimacy Getting Close to Someone Varies 67
Fall prone Taking Cover Quick, Create, Enhance 23
Feign weakness Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
Fence (stolen items) Selling Stuff Enhance, Bestow 64
Find - see "Search"
explosive projectile Area Attacks Attack 12
suppressive shots Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents Quick, Disrupt, Influence, 91
Attack – Suspend
at a target Ranged Attacks Attack 13
aerial chase Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
in combat Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
to avoid harm Dodging an Attack Mitigate 23
vehicle Chases; Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 42, 86


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

digitally Tracing Data or Signal Quick, Advance 32
chase after Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
shadow a target Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 78
tracks Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Forage for food Scavenging Create 43
being to obey Commanding a Conjuration; Persuasion Quick, Influence 56
open a door Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
opponent to move Forcing an Opponent to Move Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 21
disconnect Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33
device functionality Taking Control Over a Node or a Program; Quick, Advance, Disrupt, 35, 89
Tampering with a Device Influence, Weaken
Forensic search Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
Foretell fortunes Divination or Magical Senses Varies 50
Forge credentials or documents Data Forgery Create 29
Free system resources Maintaining and Repairing Tech; Repairing Data or Programs Restore 89, 31
provide Helping and Supporting Bestow, Enhance 72
raise Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67
Gamble Competitions Advance, Set Back 65
support and resources Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67
useful loot Scavenging Create 43
Get paid Negotiating a Fee Enhance 63
magical abilities Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
courage Helping and Supporting Bestow, Enhance
Grapple Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
data Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
tactical position Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
ally Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
a door or barrier Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
block with a firewall or other app Blocking a Digital Attack Mitigate 33
brute force attack Crashing a Node or a Program; Taking Control Over a Node Attack, Quick, Advance, 33, 35
or a Program Influence
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

circuvent a firewall Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
crash a program Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33
defend against hacking Blocking a Digital Attack; Protecting Data or Programs Mitigate, Enhance, Create 33, 30
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack Crashing a Node or a Program Attack 33
hack a device Disrupting Device Functionality Disrupt, Weaken 34
infect with a virus Crashing a Node or a Program; Taking Control Over a Node Attack, Quick, Advance, 33, 35
or a Program Influence
opponent's devices or cyberware Disrupting Device Functionality; Feinting and Distracting Quick, Influence, Disrupt, 34,16
Attacks Weaken
take over a program Taking Control Over a Node or a Program Quick, Advance, Influence 35


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Haggle Persuasion; Negotiating a Fee Quick, Enhance, Influence 70,63
Hand-to-hand attack Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
Harness Harnessing a Brain Quick, Bestow 38
Harvest components Scavenging Create 43
Hazardous materials Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43
with magic Healing with Mythos Powers Restore, Discover 51
with help Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
recovery Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
Help others
in combat Helping and Supporting Bestow, Enhance 72
out of combat Assisting an Ally Quick, Enhance, Bestow 18
files Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
from someone Sneaking and Hiding Quick, Enhance, Disrupt 77
intentions Deception Quick, Influence 66
movements and identity Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous Mitigate 76
Hire (service provider) Outsourcing a Job Quick, Varies 69
Hold at gunpoint Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents Quick, Disrupt, Influence, 15
Attack – Suspend
Hold attention Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68
Hold your breath Surviving Environmental Hazards Mitigate 44
for food Scavenging Create 43
someone Surveilling; Chases Quick, Advance, Discover, 78,42
Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate
yourself up Preparing an Approach Enhance 71
other people Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
Hypnotize Manipulating Others with Mythos powers; Persuasion Quick, Influence, Varies 52,70
digital entities Scanning the Network Quick, Discover 31
fighting style Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
Source Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
weakness Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
in combat Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
disguise Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
Impair Impairing Attacks Disrupt, Weaken 16
specific person Data Forgery; Deception Quick, Create, Influence 29
system administrator Taking Control Over a Node or a Program Quick, Advance, Influence 35
Impress Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68
Improvise a weapon Improvised Weapons Quick, Create 19
Incorporeality Dodging an Attack; Protecting with Mythos powers; Mitigate, Varies 23, 52,52

Shapeshifting and Transformations

Infiltrate Infiltration Varies, Advance 76
Inflict pain Impairing Attacks Disrupt, Weaken 16


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Information gathering
doxxing info Tracing Data or Signal Quick, Advance 32
profile Surveilling; Researching a Topic Quick, Create, Discover, 78, 80
field report Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
crime scene report Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
making calls Conversational Inquiry Quick, Discover, Create 79
searching online Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 80
Inspire allies Leadership; Persuasion Quick, Enhance, Restore, 73, 70
Intangibility Dodging an Attack; Protecting with Mythos powers; Mitigate, Varies 23,52,52
Shapeshifting and Transformations
Interface (with tech) Evaluating and Activating Tech Quick, Discover, Advance 84
Interview witness Conversational Inquiry Quick, Discover, Create 79
Intimidate Feinting and Distracting Attacks; Persuasion Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
structures, flora, or fauna Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
the room Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
someone or something Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 80
Invisibility Shapeshifting and Transformations Varies 52
Invulnerability Protecting with Mythos powers Varies 52
Jam device Disarming and Sundering Gear; Feinting and Quick, Influence, 15, 16,89
Distracting Attacks; Tampering with a Device Disrupt, Weaken
away from a hazard Surviving Environmental Hazards 44
away from an attack Dodging an Attack Mitigate 23
across the battlefield Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
across a chasm Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
Jury-rig Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Create, Bestow, Advance 88
Kick Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
Knock down Forcing an Opponent to Move; Restraining an Opponent Quick, Disrupt, Weaken, Attack 21
Land safely Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
Lead Gathering Support and Resources; Leadership Create, Enhance, Restore, 67, 73
Influence, Advance
Leak information Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
Leap - see "Jump"
about a topic Conversational Inquiry; Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 79, 80
enemy tactics Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

from a Mythos Communing with a Mythos Quick, Discover 53

new skills Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
the controls Evaluating and Activating Tech Quick, Discover, Advance 84
Lie Deception Quick, Influence 66
program Writing a New Program Create 32
weapon Reloading and Recharging Quick 87
Lock on target Assuming a Battle Stance; Preparing an Attack Enhance 19, 20
Log off Disconnecting Quick 30


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Look - see "Search"
Loot Scavenging Create 43
Lose a tail Losing a Tail Restore 77
Lure Deception; Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, 66,16
Maintain composure Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation Mitigate 71
Maintain tech Maintaining and Repairing Tech Restore 89
Make - see "Build" and "Create"
in a chase Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
in a fight Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
in a vehicle Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
into dangerous terrain Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
public opinion Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
individual or crowd Deception Quick, Influence 66
with Mythos powers Manipulating Others with Mythos powers Varies 52
Martial arts
stance Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
grips and locks Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
strike Hand-to-Hand Attacks; Impairing Attacks Attack, Disrupt, Weaken 12, 16
block Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
Mask a signal Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
Medicine Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
Mental resilience Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
Mimic appearance or abilities Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability; Shapeshifting Create, Varies 50, 52
and Transformations
Misdirect Deception; Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, 66, 16
Move Weaken
around the battlefield Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
in a vehicle Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
with Mythos powers Moving and Evading with Mythos powers Varies 52
stealthily Sneaking and Hiding Quick, Enhance, Disrupt 77
Multiple attacks Multiple Attacks Attack 13
Navigate Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
diplomacy Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
haggle Making a Purchase; Selling Stuff Quick, Bestow, Create, 62, 64
payment Negotiating a Fee Enhance 63
Notice Scanning the Network Quick, Discover 31
in cyberspace Scanning the Network Quick, Discover 31
in meatspace Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Overload (tech) Crashing a Node or a Program; Tampering with a Device Attack, Quick, Disrupt, 33, 89
Override (tech) Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34

Parry Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22

Patrol Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Pay - see "Buy"
ritual Performing Magical Rituals Quick, Advance, Enhance 58
diagnostics Evaluating and Activating Tech Quick, Discover, Advance 84
surgery Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
for a crowd Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68
Persuade Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
Pick up (weapon) Improvised Weapons Quick, Create 19
Pilot Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
Pin down Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
Portal travel Moving and Evading with Mythos powers Varies 52
Precision attack Precision Attacks Varies 13
approach Preparing an Approach Enhance 71
attack Preparing an Attack Enhance 20
magic Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
plan of action Team Preparations Bestow 73
trap Setting a Trap Quick, Varies – Suspend 87
ally Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
data or programs Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
with cybersecurity apps Blocking a Digital Attack Mitigate 33
with Mythos powers Protecting with Mythos powers; Warding Varies, Enhance, 52, 59
Attack – Suspend
yourself Taking Cover Quick, Create, Enhance 23
emotional support Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
midcal aid Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
Psychometry Divination or Magical Senses Varies 50
Pull (an opponent) Forcing an Opponent to Move Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 21
Pump for information Conversational Inquiry Quick, Discover, Create 79
Punch Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
Puncture gas tank Trick Shots Quick, Create, Influence 17
Push (an opponent) Forcing an Opponent to Move Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 21
Rabble-rousing Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
Race Chases; Competitions Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, 42, 65
Mitigate, Set Back
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

raise an army Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67

encourage your team Leadership Enhance, Restore, Influence 73
Rage Assuming a Battle Stance Enhance 19
Raise the dead Summoning a Conjuration Create 57
Ranged attack Ranged Attacks Attack 13
aura Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
the room Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
minds Divination or Magical Senses Varies 50
Recharge Reloading and Recharging Quick 87


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Reconnaissance Scouting and Guarding; Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Recover Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
Recruit Gathering Support and Resources Create, Advance 67
Regenerate Healing with Mythos Powers; Mental and Physical Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, 51, 46
Resilience and Recovery Enhance
build rapport Getting Close to Someone Varies 67
convince Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
get close to someone Getting Close to Someone Varies 67
undermine Deception Quick, Influence 66
Reload Reloading and Recharging Quick 87
Remove hazards or obstacles Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43
data or programs Repairing Data or Programs Restore 31
hardware or tech Maintaining and Repairing Tech Restore 89
Repel opponent Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents Quick, Disrupt, Influence, 15
Attack – Suspend
ally Assisting an Ally Quick, Enhance, Bestow 18
opponent Forcing an Opponent to Move Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 21
self Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
build or destroy Manipulating Public Opinion; Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Enhance 68, 68
protect Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation Mitigate 71
Research Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 80
magical effects Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
physical and mental harm Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
social or emotional manipulation Resisting Social or Emotional Manipulation Mitigate 71
Restrain Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
Retreat Retreating From Combat Varies 22
Rewrite program
add features Writing a New Program Create 32
change function Taking Control Over a Node or a Program Quick, Advance, Influence 35
disrupt function Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program; Quick, Set Back, Disrupt, Weaken 34
Tampering with a Device
Rile up Persuasion Quick, Influence 70
cleansing Banishing a Conjuration Attack 55
protection Warding Enhance, Attack – Suspend 59
performing Performing Magical Rituals Quick, Advance, Enhance 58
Roll with a fall or a hit Dodging an Attack; Surviving Environmental Hazards Mitigate 23, 44
Rumor mongering Manipulating Public Opinion Influence 68
in combat Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21

away Retreating From Combat Varies 22

through danger Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

battlefield Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
network Scanning the Network Quick, Discover 31
terrain Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Scavenge Scavenging Create 43
Scout Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Scramble hardware Disrupting Device Functionality Disrupt, Weaken 34
Scry Divination or Magical Senses; Researching a Topic Varies 50
an area Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
cyberspace Researching a Topic; Scanning the Network Quick, Discover, Create 80,31
for answers Researching a Topic; Conversational Inquiry Quick, Discover, Create 80, 79
for evidence Searching and Investigating a Scene Quick, Discover, Create 81
information online Researching a Topic Quick, Discover, Create 80
something in your magic bag or spellbook Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
Seduce Deception Quick, Influence 66
Self medicate Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
Sell Selling Stuff Enhance, Bestow 64
environment Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Disrupt 44
magic Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
opponents Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
supernatural senses Divination or Magical Senses Varies 50
Set up
fake data stream Data Forgery Create 29
firewall Protecting Data or Programs Enhance, Create 30
trap Setting a Trap Quick, Varies – Suspend 87
Shadow a target Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 78
Shape - see "Alter"
Shapeshift Shapeshifting and Transformations Varies 52
Shield Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
Shock and awe Feinting and Distracting Attacks; Making an Impression Quick, Influence, Disrupt, 16, 68
Enhance, Weaken
Show off Making an Impression; Trick Shots Quick, Create, Enhance, 68, 17
Shut down
alarm Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
device Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 89
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Slam Hand-to-Hand Attacks; Restraining an Opponent Attack, Disrupt 12, 14

Slow time Attacking with Mythos powers Varies 50
Smoke out Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents Quick, Disrupt, Influence, 15
Attack – Suspend
Snatch (item) Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
attack Surprise Attacks and Silent Kills Varies 14
movement Sneaking and Hiding Quick, Enhance, Disrupt 77
shadow a target Surveilling Quick, Enhance, Disrupt 78


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Speed up Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
binding Restraining an Opponent Disrupt, Attack 14
counter Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
find Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
identify Identifying a Source Quick, Discover, Advance 54
lightning bolt Ranged Attacks Attack 13
memorize Finding and Focusing on a Specific Ability Create 50
ritual Performing Magical Rituals Quick, Advance, Enhance 58
shield Protecting with Mythos powers; Warding Varies, Enhance, 52, 59
Attack – Suspend
sleep Attacking with Mythos powers Varies 50
underwater breathing Granting Abilities to People or Items Bestow, Create, Enhance 51
withering touch Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
banish Banishing a Conjuration Attack 55
command Commanding a Conjuration Quick, Influence 56
summon Summoning a Conjuration Create 57
ward against Warding Enhance, Attack – Suspend 59
Sports and gaming Competitions Advance, Set Back 65
Sprint Moving Around the Battlefield Quick, Enhance 21
Stakeout Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 78
Start a fire Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43
attack Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
device Disrupting Device Functionality; Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 34, 89
magic Countering, Dispelling, or Disenchanting Mythos Powers Mitigate, Weaken, Disrupt 57
and Sources
opponent "
Attacks to Hold Off or Spur Opponents; Quick, Disrupt, Influence, Weaken, Attack – Suspend
Forcing an Opponent to Move"
vehicle Piloting Quick, Enhance, Restore 86
Stunt shot Precision Attacks Varies 13
Summon an entity
being Summoning a Conjuration Create 57
weapon Improvised Weapons Quick, Create 19
obstacles Creating and Removing Hazards and Obstacles Create, Disrupt, Weaken 43
Sunder (weapon or tool) Disarming and Sundering Gear Quick, Weaken 15
Surprise attack Surprise Attacks and Silent Kills Varies 14
avoid Avoiding Attention and Staying Anonymous Mitigate 76
circumvent Infiltration Varies, Advance 76
surveil Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 78
Survey Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
Survival Surviving Environmental Hazards; Travel and Survival Mitigate, Quick, Advance 44,45

in Dangerous Environments


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

Swerve Chases Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, Mitigate 42
Tackle Forcing an Opponent to Move; Restraining an Opponent Quick, Disrupt, Attack, 21, 14
Tatical thinking Analyzing the Battlefield Quick, Discover, Disrupt 18
Tactical withdrawal Retreating From Combat Varies 22
Take cover Taking Cover Quick, Create, Enhance 23
device Tampering with a Device Quick, Disrupt, Weaken 89
security Overriding or Fooling a Security Device or Program Quick, Set Back, Weaken 34
Taunt Feinting and Distracting Attacks Quick, Influence, Disrupt, Weaken 16
Teamwork Leadership; Team Preparations Bestow, Enhance, Restore, 73, 73
Telepathy Manipulating Others with Mythos powers Varies 52
Teleportation Moving and Evading with Mythos powers Varies 52
Threaten Feinting and Distracting Attacks; Persuasion Quick, Influence, Disrupt, 16, 70
Throw Ranged Attacks Attack 13
Trace Tracing Data or Signal Quick, Advance 32
Track Surveilling Quick, Discover, Enhance 78
Train Team Preparations Bestow 73
body Shapeshifting and Transformations Varies 52
digital avatar Customizing an Avatar Bestow, Enhance 37
Transport Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
Trap Setting a Trap Quick, Varies – Suspend 87
Travel Travel and Survival in Dangerous Environments Quick, Advance 45
Treat injury Treating Injuries and Other Conditions Restore, Discover 47
Trick shots Trick Shots Quick, Create, Influence 17
Tumble and roll Dodging an Attack; Moving Around the Battlefield Mitigate, Quick, Enhance 23, 21
Tune up Maintaining and Repairing Tech Restore 89
Turn undead Banishing a Conjuration Attack 55
Two-weapon fighting Two-Weapon Fighting Varies 14
Unarmed strike Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
hardware Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Bestow, Create, Advance 88
software Writing a New Program Create 32
Vehicle combat Chases; Vehicle Combat Advance, Disrupt, Enhance, 42, 22
Mitigate, Varies
Vigilance Scouting and Guarding Quick, Discover, Enhance 44
A C T I O N D ATA B A S E - : OT H E R S C A P E

Volley Area Attacks; Multiple Attacks Attack 12, 13

Wake up (from cyberspace) Disconnecting Quick, Attack, Enhance – Suspend 30
Ward Protecting with Mythos powers; Warding Varies, Enhance, 52, 59
Attack – Suspend
fire Ranged Attacks Attack 13
improvise Improvised Weapons Quick, Create 19
reload Reloading and Recharging Quick 87


Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

repair Maintaining and Repairing Tech Restore 89
strike Hand-to-Hand Attacks Attack 12
upgrade Building, Crafting, or Upgrading Tech Bestow, Create, Advance 88
attack Blocking or Soaking an Attack Mitigate 22
hazards Surviving Environmental Hazards Mitigate 44
physical and mental harm Mental and Physical Resilience and Recovery Mitigate, Restore, Bestow, Enhance 46
Wizarding duel Competitions Advance, Set Back 65



Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155



Slash, punch, Blind, confuse, Convince, threaten, Break, sunder,
shoot, zap shock, trip, jam, provoke, hack, defuse, neutralize,
interrupt mind-control nullify, silence
Give your target a
harmful status Give your target a Give your target a Remove a target’s
hindering tag or status compelling status useful tag or status
1 Pow er pe r t i e r
1 P ow e r p e r tie r 1 Powe r pe r tie r 1 Powe r pe r ti er
2 P ow e r p e r tag 2 Powe r pe r tag



Teach, learn, Craft, find, Assist, aim, Heal, repair,
impart, empower, purchase, loot, boost, energize, rejuvenate, regain,
enchant, equip summon, build, take cover, gain alleviate, undo
rally advantage
Give yourself or an ally Reduce a harmful
new abilities using tags Create a new object or Give yourself or an ally status or recover a
being using tags a helpful status burnt power tag
2 Pow er p e r tag
2 P ow e r p e r tag 1 Powe r pe r tie r 1 Powe r pe r ti er
2 Powe r pe r tag



Make progress, Delay, ruin, Sense, recall 1 Power per additional
get closer, push sabotage, reverse information,
forward research, converse, feature or minor
Decrease a progress reveal achievement included
Increase a progress status in the action
status Discover a valuable
1 P ow e r p e r tie r detail
1 Pow er pe r t i e r
1 Powe r pe r de tail

© 2024 Son of Oak Game Studio LLC

Property of City of Mist. Issued to Stephen Powers. Order #218155

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