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6th to 10th BOX QUESTIONS E.M.

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TNUSRB SI - 2023
6th to 10th BOX Questions (Science)
6th Standard
1. What is ten decimeters? - 1 meter
2. Which device is used to measure distance covered by automatic vehicles? - Odometer
3. The equation for velocity is
𝑪𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒅
Velocity (Speed) = 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒆𝒏 (𝒕)
4. How fast can a leopard run? - 112 km/hr
5. Which material undergoes the greatest amount of stress? - Gas
6. What do we call the process of changing substances from gaseous state to liquid state?
- Fluids
7. Compound is what kind of substance? - Impure substance
8. What is an example of flower plant? - Riccia
9. Example of open seed plant? - Cycas
10. Example of unicellular Organism? - Amoeba a, paramecium Euglena
11. Earthworm, Fish, Frog, are which type of cellular organism? - Multi cellular Organism
12. Example of an hibernation? - Turtle
13. Which is example of aestivation? - Snail
14. Beriberi diseases can be caused by deficiency of which vitamin? - Vitamin B
15. Which contains 20 times more than oranges vitamin C? - Amla
16. Which instrument measures the amount of current flowing in an electric circuit? - Ammeter
17. Who invented the light bulb? - Thomas Edison
18. Which phenomenon is the cooling of water vapor into water – Condensation
19. Which is an example of sublimation? - Camphor
20. In any kind of change new objects are formed? - Chemical process
21. Which % of oxygen is found in air? - 21%
22. Which gas aids in combustion? - Oxygen
23. Which cell has clear nucleus? - Eukaryotic cell
24. Which is the power house of the cell? - Mitochondria
25. What is the control center of the cell? - nucleus
26. What is Considered a storages tanks? - Vacuoles
27. A resting person usually has pulse rate of 72-80 beats per minute.
28. Which grand‟s located on Abdomen? - Pancreas
29. What is Gallon? - Measure of volume of liquids.
30. 1 Gallon is a? - 3.785 liter
31. What is used for laxative? - Aloe
32. Which disease is spread by contaminated water? - Cholera
33. Which bacteria disease is spread by Inhalation if airborne droplets from a sneeze or cough.
34. Which Contamination of wounds with the bacteria? - Tetanus
35. Which bacteria disease spread by contaminated food or water? - Typhoid
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36. Which disease is caused by phosphorus deficiency? - Osteomalacia
37. Cretinism in children, frontal neck disease in adults is a common disease of deficiency of which
mineral? - Iodine
38. Which disease is caused by calcium deficiency? - Rickets
39. What are the diseases caused by protein deficiency in children? - Kwashiorkar, Marasmus.
40. Stunted growth, selling of face, limbs and belly, Diarrhea are the symptoms of which type of
disease? - Kwashiorkar
41. Skinny appearance, slow body growth is the symptoms of which disease? - Marasmus.

7th Standard
1. What is the SI unit of Luminous intensity? - Candela (cd)
2. What is the formula for the volume of a sphere? - 𝟒 𝟑 𝝅𝒓𝟑
3. What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder? - 𝝅𝒓𝟐 𝒉
4. What is the formula for the area of triangle? - 𝟏 𝟐 𝒃𝒉
5. What is the unit of temperature ? - Kelvin
6. What is the density of water? - 1000 kg/m3
7. Which are good conductors of heat? - Metals
8. What is the symbol for the element potassium ? - K
9. What is the chemical formula for sucrose? - C12H22O11
10. Who discovered the proton? - Goldstein
11. Who discovered the Electron? - Sir John Joseph Thomson
12. Who discovered the Neutron? - James Chadwick
13. What is the Example of Isobars? - Calcium (20Ca40), Argon (18Ar40)
14. Example of Isotopes ? - Proteum (1H1), Deuterium (1H2), Tritium
15. Pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or to another flower
of the same plant is which type of pollination ? - Self pollination
16. Potten grain‟s are transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the
same kind or different plant is which type of pollination cross pollination
17. Which is an example of a storge of food? – Beet root
18. Which is an example of spines? – Opuntia
19. Which is an example of Mechanical support? – Banyan tree
20. Which is an example of Aerial modified? – Cactus
21. Which is an example of Tendrils? – Pisum
22. Which is an example of Gases Exchange? – Avicennia
23. Which is an example sub-aerial modified? – Eichhornia
24. Which is an example of Sucing root? – Cuscute
25. Which is an example of underground stem? - Colocasia
26. Which is an example of Traps? – Nepenthus
27. What causes bleeding gums? – Vitamin C deficiency
28. What causes night Blindness? - Lack of vit A,Disorder of the cells in your retina

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29. What causes colour blindress? – Genetic condition
30. What causes conjunctivitis? - Caused by a virus and bacteria
31. What is called the Queen of Medicines? - Penicillin
32. Who invented the pencillin? - Alexander Fleming
33. What is the boiling point of water? - 100 ℃ (or) 212 ℉
34. What is the average temperature of the human body? - 37 ℃
35. What is 1 micro ampere? - 𝟏𝝁𝑨 = 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 Ampere
36. What is 1 milli ampere? - 𝟏𝒎𝑨 = 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 Ampere
37. What is the amount of energy required to move a unit charge from one point to another?
- Voltage difference
38. Simple voltaic cell, Daniel cell, Lechlanche cell, Dry cell are which types of cell?
- Primary cell
39. What type of cell are lead accumulator, Edison accumulator and nickel-iron accumulator?
- Secondary Cell
40. What is the phenomenon of heat generation due to the effect of electric current called?
- Thermal effect of electric current
41. Who invented the electric bulb? - Thomas Alva Edison.
42. What is the process of changing from gas to liquid called?- Evaporation
43. Which is the respiratory organ of the cell? - Mitochondria
44. Which carry oxygen to different parts of the body? - Red Blood cells
45. Example of phylum porifera? - Spongilla, Sycon, Leucesolenia
46. What is the Example of phylum Platyhelminthes? - Planaria, Liverfluke, Blood fluke, Tapeworm
47. What is the Example of phylum Annelida? - Earthworm, Nereis, Leech
48. Which type of camera used for take photograph of stationary objects, and also be used for
observing Solar eclipses? - Pinhole camera
49. Which instrument use the laws of refection? - Periscope
50. Which type of mirror form a laterally inverted image? - Plane mirror
51. Who is India‟s missile man? - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
52. Salmonellesis (diarrhea) caused by? - Bacteria
53. Ranikhat disese (cow pox) caused by? - Virus
54. Aspergilleses (Hypersensitivity) caused by? - Fungus

8th Standard
1. Which unit represent the amount of substance? - Mole
2. What is the value of an Avogadro number? - 𝟔. 𝟎𝟐𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟑
3. What is Luminous flux or luminous power? - The measure of the perceived power of light
4. What is plane angle? - two dimensional
5. What is solid Angle? - three dimensional
6. At what temperature does water boil when working in high mountain areas? - 80 ℃
7. What is the refractive index of air? - 1.0
8. What is the refractive index of water? - 1.33
9. What is moisture? - Amount of water vapor in the air

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10. What is the unit of wavelength? - meter
11. What is the unit of frequency? - Hertz
12. What is the unit of Amplitude? - meter
13. The first man who performed the systematic research on the properties of the lodestone?
- William Gilbert
14. What is curie temperature? the temperature at which the ferromagnetic material becomes
15. Who has served as the project director of chandrayan – I? - Dr. Mylsamy Annadurai
16. How many days rotates about its own axis of Red planet? - 24 hours 37 minutes
17. Who is popularly known as the „Rocket Man‟? - Kailasa vadivoo shivan.
18. Which doesn‟t have its own light, but it reflects the sunlight? - Moon
19. Which element represented by Sb? - Antimony
20. Which chemical used in Fire extinguisher? - Sodium bicarbonate[NaHCO3]
21. What is used to whitewash in walls? - Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]
22. What is used to soften hard water? - Sodium Carbonate [NaCO3]
23. Which is used for manufacture of cement and glass? - Calcium oxide [CaO]
24. Which chemical is present on the head of a matchstick?
- Potassium chlorate and antimony trisulphate
25. Who introduced the term electrolysis? - Michael Faraday
26. The relative charge number of electron? - (-1)
27. Relative charge number of proton? - (+1)
28. Relative charge number of Neutron? - 0 (No charge)
29. What is the density of pure water? - 1 g/cm3
30. What will turn red litmus paper blue? - base
31. Molecule formula for pentane - C5H12
32. Molecule formula for propane - C3H8
33. Molecule formula for Butane - C4H10
34. Molecule formula for Ethane - C2H6
35. Molecule formula for Methane - CH4
36. What is the % of methane in CNG? - 88.5 %
37. Example of Blue green algae? - Oscillatory
38. Example of Brown algae? - Laminaria
39. Example of Red algae? - Polysiphonia
40. Example of Green algae? - Chylamydomonas
41. Which pathogen causes blast disease in rice? - Pyricularia Oryzae
42. Which of the following is ranked third in R.H. Whittaker‟ s five kingdom of classification?
- Fungi
43. What is hallucinogenic fungi? - Claviceps purpuriya
44. Which species cause allergy to children? - Aspergillus
45. Which fungi protects against allergy? - Claclespolium
46. What is club moss? - Lycopodium
47. What is horse tail? - Equisetum

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48. What is used to reduce friction between the articular cartilage in the joint? - Synovial fluid
49. Cyclone Fani Originated in which state? - Odisha
50. What are the names of cyclones formed in Tamilnadu? - Gaja, Ockhi, Vardah.
51. World Nature conservation Day is observed on? - July 28
52. Ozone Day - September 16
53. Environmental Day - June 5
54. World water Day is observed on - March 22
55. World Forest Day is observed on - March 21
56. National parks in India:
Jim Corbett National Park - Uttarakhand
Dudhwa National Park - Uttara Pradesh
Gir National Park - Gujarat
Kanha National Park - Madhya Pradesh
Sundarbans National Park - West Bengal

57. National Parks in TamilNadu:

Guindy National Park - Chennai
Gulf of Mannar National Park - Ramanathapuram
Indira Gandhi National Park - Coimbatore
Mudumalai National Park - The Nilgiris
Mukurthi National Park - The Nilgiris

58. Wildlife Sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu:

Meghamalai wildlife sanctuary - Theni
Vandaloor wildlife sanctuary - Chennai
Kalakad wildlife sanctuary - Thirunelveli
Grizzled squirrel wildlife sanctuary - Virudhunagar
Vedanthangal Wildlife Sanctuary - Kanchipuram

59. Biosphere Reserves in India:

Nanda Devi - Uttar Pradesh
Nokrek - Meghalaya
Manas - Assam
Sunderbans - West Bengal
Gulf of Mannar - Tamil Nadu
Nilgiri - Tamil Nadu
Nicobars - Andaman and Nicobars
Similipal - Orissa

60. Which metal pollutes water and causes sterility in female organisms? - Chromium
61. What is an expansion of NASA? - National Aeronautics and space Administration
62. What is the SI unit of Electric current? - Ampere (A)

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63. Which instrument measures the temperature of an object without directly touching it?
- Infrared Thermometer
64. The SI unit of light intensity is? - Lumen
65. The SI unit of plane angle? - Radian
66. The SI unit of solid angle? - Sradian
67. The principle of compress electric property of crystal is used in? - Quartz clock - 133
68. An accurate atomic clock was created based on which atom? - Cesium (Cs)
69. What is the boiling point of the substance due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure at higher
altitudes? - Lower
70. What is the nature of the image when the object is placed at a focal distance?
- Virtual and erect
71. What is the refractive index of diamond? - 2.4
72. Which compound is called caustic soda? - Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
73. Which compound is called Caustic potash? - Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)
74. Which compound is called calamine? - Zinc carbonate (ZnCO3)
75. What is called Blue vitriol? - Copper sulphate (CuSO4)
76. What is Green vitriol? - Ferrous suphate (FeSO4)
77. What is Muriate of Potash? - Potassium chloride (KCl)
78. What is oil of vitriol ? - Sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
79. Reactions in which heat is released during chemical reactions are called?
- Exothermic reactions
80. Reaction is which heat is taken during chemical reactions are called? - Endothermic reactions
81. What are beer breweries called? - Breweries
82. Which antibiotic has been used to treat bacterial infections in mice? - Pseudouridimycin
83. What are lactic acid bacteria? - Lactobacillus Acidophilus
84. African sleeping sickness is caused by? - Trypanasona
85. Which micro organism causes citrus canker in plants? - Xanthomonas citrie
86. Which microorganism causes anthrax is cattle? - Bacillus anthrax
87. Which micro organism causes malaria in humans? - Plasmodium
88. Which virus causes rabies in humans? - Rhabdo viridae
89. Which micro organism causes Amoebic dysentery in humans? - Endameba histolytica
90. Which is the vaccine given for tuberculosis? - BCG Vaccine
91. Which micro organism causes the common cold? - Influenza virus
92. Example for green algae? - Chylamydomonas
93. Example for brown algae? - Laminaria
94. Which micro organism causes Tikka disease in grounut? - Cercospora personata
95. Which fungus causes Red rot of sugarcane? - Colletotrichum falcatum
96. What is the name of the fungus that causes dandruff in human? - Mycosporum furfur
97. What is the name of the fungi that causes Athlets foot disease in humans? - Tinea pedis
98. Algae is what kind of organism? - Self sustaining organisms
99. What kind of organism in fungi? - Other dependent organism
100. What is an example of algae that have structure in prokaryotes? - Cyanobacterial

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101. Which fungi having eukaryotic cell structure? - Agaricus
102. What is used in a once used in disposable baby diaper? - Sphagnum moss
103. How many ATP molecules does each glucose molecule produce during aerobic respiration?
- 36 ATP
104. In Aerobic respiration from the same amount of glucose produces many times more energy than
anaerobic respiration? - 19 times

9th Standard
1. What is the unit of pressure? - N/m2 (or) Pascal (pa)
2. What is the unit of energy ? - Newton meter (or) Joule
3. What is the unit of surface tension? - Newton/meter
4. What is the unit of force? - kgms-2(or) N
5. What is the value of astronomical unit? - 1.496 x 1011m
6. What is the value of light year (ly)? - 9.46 x 1015m
7. What is the value of parsec? - 3.08 x 1016m
8. What is the value of fermi - 10-15m
9. What is the mass of one mm of water? - 1 gram
10. What is the mass of 1L of water? - 1 kg
11. 10 how its represented by? - Peta (P)
12. 10 how its represent by? - Tera (T)
13. 10 how its represent by? - Pico (P)
14. 10 how its represent by? - Fermi (f)
15. What is the unit of mass? - Kilogram (kg)
16. What is the unit of weight? - Newton (N)
17. What is the unit of emf and potential difference? - Volt (V)
18. Which battery is used to carry out thermal effect and chemical effect studies?
- A battery with a capacity of volts.
19. What is the voltage value of alternating current used in homes? - 220 V
20. Who was the major contributor to electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis?
- Michael faraday
21. If you want to see one‟s full figure in mirror, what should be the weight of the mirror?
- Half of your height
22. What is the sound velocity in air? - 340 m/sec
23. What is LPG? - Liquefied petroleum Gas. It contains mixture of butane and propane gases
24. A solution containing two or more solids is separated by any methods chromatography.
25. What causes the sky to appear blue? - Tyndall effect (or) Ray light scattering
26. What is the mass of an electron? - 9.1 x 10-28g
27. What is the mass of a proton? - 1.6 x 10-24g
28. What is the mass of neutron? - 1.6 x 10-24g
29. What is the symbol of principal quantum number? -n
30. What is the symbol of Azimuthal quantum number? -𝒍
31. What is the symbol of magnetic quantum number? -m
32. What is the symbol of spin quantum number? -s
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33. In the modern periodic table, which group does the oxygen/ halogen family belongs to? - 16
34. Does the boron family belongs to in the modern periodic table? - 13
35. Does the carbon family belongs to in the modern periodic table? - 14
36. Does the Nitrogen family belongs to in the modern periodic table? - 15
37. Does the Halogens belong to in the modern periodic table? - 17
38. Does the Nobel gases belong to in the modern periodic table? - 18
39. What is the valency of the metal? - The number of electrons lost from a metal
40. What is the valency of non-metal? - the number of electrons gained by a non-metal
41. What is electrovalency? – The number of electrons that an atom of an element loses or gains
to form an electrovalent bond
42. Example of non-polar solvents? - Acetone, benzene, toluene, ether.

43. What is oxidation process?

i) Addition of oxygen
ii) Removal of hydrogen
iii) loss of electron

44. What is reduction process?

i) Removal of oxygen
ii) Addition of hydrogen
iii) Gain of electron
45. What is electro negativity? – The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract towards itself
the shared pair of electrons
46. Acids are taken from which source
i) Apple - Malic acid
ii) Lemon - Citric Acid
iii) Grape - Tartaric acid
iv) Tomato - Oxalic acid
v) Vinegar - Acetic acid
vi) Curd - Lactic acid
vii) Orange - Ascorbic acid
viii) Tea - Tannic acid
ix) Stomachjuice - Hydrochloric acid
x) Stings of Ant, Honey bee - Formic acid
47. Which is the world‟s lightest and strongest compound? - Graphene
48. What is the divalent form of carbon? - Graphene
49. Which radio isotope is used for measure water content of the human body? - Hydrogen – 3
50. Which Radio isotope is used for measure pumping action of heart? - Sodium – 24
51. Which Radio isotope is used for diogonis of anaemia? - Iron 59
52. Which Radio isotope is used Diagones to find location and detection of brain tumor, thyroid gland
disorder? - Iodine -131
53. Which Radio isotope is used for treatment of blood disorder and skin disease?- Phosphorous–32

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54. Binominal names of some common animals:
i) Ameoba - Amoeba proteus
Hydra - Hydra Vulgaris
Tape worm - Taenia solium
Roundworm - Ascaris lumbricoides
Earthworm - lampito mauritu / perionyx excavates
Leech - Hirudinaria granulose
Cockroach - Periplaneta Americana
Snail - Pila globosa
Frog - Rana hexadactyla
Star fish - Asterias rubens
Wall lizard - Podarcis muralis
Crow - corvus splendens
Peacock - Pavo cristatas
Dog - Canis familiaris
Cat - Felis Felis
Man - Homo sapiens
55. Which is the smallest vertebrate? - Philippine goby/ dwarf pygmy goby
56. Which is the state bird of Tamilnadu? - Emerald dove
57. Which is the biggest vertebrate animal? - Blue whale
58. How many days does it take for red blood cells to be replaced? - 120 days.
59. What is Renin? - the absorption of water and Na+ from glomerular filtrate.
60. Who was the „Father of Gastric physiology‟? – William Beaumont
61. Which enzyme is found in salivary gland? – Ptyalin
62. What is the largest human cell? - Ovum
63. Who introduced the term of „Vitamin‟? – Dr. Funk
64. Which mineral Regulates nerve and muscle activity? – Potassium
65. Which mineral maintains fluid balance and involved in neuro transmission? – Sodium
66. Which mineral is constituent of bones and enamel of teeth? – Calcium
67. Which mineral involved clotting of blood and controls muscle constraction? – Calcium
68. Anemia is caused of a deficiency of any mineral? – Iron
69. Goitre is caused by a deficiency of any mineral? – Iodine
70. Which is the important component of haemoglobin? – Iron
71. Which mineral forms thyroid hormone? - Iodine
72. Scurvy disease is caused by any vitamin deficinap - Vitamin C
73. Anoemia is caused by any vitamin deficiency? - Vit B12
74. Dermatitis is caused by any vitamin deficiency? - Vit B6
75. Pellagra is caused by any vitamin deficiency? - Vit B3
76. Ariboflavinosis is caused by vitamin deficiency? - Vit B2
77. Beriberi is caused by Vitamin deficiency? - Vit B1
78. Which vitamin affects blood clotting? - Vit K
79. Deficiency of any vitamin causes infertility and reproductive disorders in rats? - Vit E

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80. Rickets is caused by a deficiency of any vitamin? - Vit D
81. Xerophithalmia, Nyctalopia is caused by a deficiency of any vitamin? - Vit A
82. On which day is world food day observed? - October 16
83. What is the protein force pathogenic RNA of Virus? - Viroids
84. What causes whooping cough? - Bordetalla pertussis
85. What causes chicken pox? - Varicella zoster virus
86. What causes mumps? - Myxovirus parotidis
87. What causes measles? - Rubeola virus
88. What causes Influenga? - Myxovirus
89. What causes common cold? - Rhino virus
90. What causes Tuberculesis? - Mycobacterium tuberculosis
91. What causes Diphteria? - Cornyebacterium diptheriae
92. Who proved that malaria is teansmitted by mosquitees? – Sir Ronald Ross
93. In June 2009, what was declared a pandemic by the WHO? – Swine flu
94. Where was AIDS first diagnosed in India? – Tamil nadu
95. Which micro organism causes syphilis? – Treponema pallidum
96. Which micro organism causes Gonorrhoea? – Neisseria gonorrhea
97. Who developed vaccine against Chicken pox, cholere, anthrax? – Louis Pasteur
98. When launched this scheme (PM FBY) prodhan mantra fasal Bima yojana? - 18th February 2016
99. Which government launched „Bio fertilizer Scheme‟. - TamilNadu
100. Which ayurvedic drug was launched India‟s first and diabetic cuyurvedic? - BGR – 34
101. Tamilnadu is at the position in coastal fish? – 6th
102. Where is the headquarters of the central brackish Aqua culture Institute? – Chennai
103. Which bacteria is involved in nitrogen fixation? – Azotobactor, Rhizobium
104. Which bacteria is involved in Nitrification? – Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter.
105. Which bacteria is involved in dentrification? – Pseudomonas

10th Standard
1. What is used to correct farsightedness? – Convex lens
2. What is used to correct nearsightedness? – Concave lens
3. What is used to measure the current? – Ammeter
4. What is used to measure the potential difference? – Voltmeter
5. What is used to indicate the direction of currents? – Galvanometer
6. What is the speed of sound waves? – 340 m/s
7. What is the speed of light waves? – 3 x 108 m/s
8. What kind of waves is sound? – Longitudinal waves
9. What kind of waves is light? – transverse waves
10. Which radioactivity can be controlled? – Artificial radio activity
11. Which radio activity emitted Alpha, beta and gamma radiations? – Natural radio activity
12. What is the electron affinity value of Nobel gases? – O
13. What is the main are of iron? – Hematite (Fe2O3)
14. What is the main are of Aluminium? – Bauxite (Al2O3.2SiO2, 2H2O)

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15. What is the main are of copper? – Copper pysites (CuFeS2)
16. Which compound is used to make statues, coins, bells, gongs? – Bronze (Cu+Sn)
17. Which compound is used to make Electrical fittings, medal decorative items, hardware?
– Brass (Cu+Zn)
18. Which compound is used to make Aircrafts, tools, Pressure cookers?
– Duralumin (Al+Mg+Mn+Cu)
19. Which compound is used to make utensils, Cutlery, automobile parts? – Stainless steel
20. Which compound is used to make cables, propeller, aircrafts? – Nickel steel (Fl, C, Ni)
21. What is example of Gas-Gas binary solution mixture of helium – oxygen gases
22. What is an example of Gas-liquid binary solutions CO2 dissolved in water (soda water)
23. What is an example of Liquid – Gas Gaseous solution water vapor in air (cloud)
24. What is the molecular formula for blue vitriol? – CusO4. 5H2O
25. What is the molecular formula for Epsom salt? – MgSO4. 7H2O
26. What is the molecular formula for Gypsum? – CaSO4. 2H2O
27. What is the molecular formula for Green vitriol? – FeSO4. 7H2O
28. What is the molecular formula for white vitriol? – ZnSO4. 7H2O
29. What is the P value of HCL? – 0 (or) 1
30. What is the P value of vinegar? –3
31. What is the PH value of Human saliva? – 6-8
32. What is the P value of pure water? –7
33. What is the P value of Ammonia water? –11
34. Which part of the plant transports water and minerals? – Xylem
35. Which part of the plant transports food? – Phloem
36. What introduced the technology of Artificial photosynthesis to produce Hydrogen fuel?
– C.N.R. Rao.
37. Who discovered chemical pathway for photosynthesis? – Melvin Calvin
38. What is ATP? – Adenosine Triphsphate
39. What is ADP? – Adenosine Diphosphate
40. What is NAD? – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
41. What is NADP? – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide phosphate.
42. How much portion of food will the leaches can suck? – Five times more than their body weight
43. Which animal of saliva used for preparation of pharmaceutical drugs that can treat hypertension?
– Leech saliva
44. Decrease in number of erythrocytes is a disease? – Annemia
45. Increase in the number of leukocytes is a disease? – Leucocytosis
46. Decrease in number of leukocytes is a disease? – Leucopenia
47. Decrease in the number of thrombocytes is disease – Thrombocytopenia
48. Who is the father of modern physiology? – William Harvey
49. How many heart chambers do fish have? –2
50. How may heart chambers do Amphibians have? –3
51. How many chambered heart does reptiles have? – 3 (Completed) 1 (Incomplete)

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52. How may heart Mammals and Reptile crocodiles, Aves have? – Four
53. What type of heart beat is found in mollusia and vertebrates? – Myogenic heart beat
54. What type of heart beat is found in Annelids, arthsopods? – Neurogenic heart beat
55. Antigen unit found in any type of blood? – O type
56. Which type neurons found in cerebral cortex in brain? - Multipolar neurons
57. Which neurons found in retina of eye? - Bipolar neurons
58. Which neurons found in early embryos? – Unipolar neurons
59. Which instrument records the electrical impulses of brain? – Electroencephalogram (EEG)
60. What acts as the relay station of brain? – Thalamus
61. What acts as temperature control of brain? – Hypothalamus
62. Which part of the brain is involved in the sleep- awake cycle? – pons and medulla
63. Which hormone is called as a „time messenger‟? – Melatonin
64. What affects the natural sleep cycle? – decrease of melatonin production
65. How much iodine is needed to secrete thyroxime? – 120 𝝁𝒈
66. Who discovered the molecular structure of thyroxine hormone?
– Charles Harrington and George Barger.
67. Which hormone is known as life saving hormone – Cortisol
68. Which part of the body secretes cortisol hosmone” – Adrenal cortex
69. Which Contains immune substances and provides immunity to the new born? – Colestrum
70. When is menstrual hygiene day observed? – May 28
71. Nappies were subsidized by the menstrual hygiene scheme which was introduced in which year?
– 2011
72. Which is used a graphical representation to calculate the probability of all possible genotypes of
off springs in genetic cress? – Punnett square
73. Who was awarded the nobel prize for his discovery of the role of chromosomes in heredity?
– T.H. Morgan
74. Which rule states that in DNA, The proportion of Adenvie is always equal to that of thymine and
the proportion of guanine always equal to that of cytosine? – Erwin chargaff rule
75. Who called as the “Father of Indian Green Revolution”. – Dr.M.S. Swaminathan
76. Who create public awareness about the benefits of organic farming? – Dr. G.Nammalvar
77. What are the gamma rays used in Gamma garden (or) Atomic garden? – Cobalt – 60 (or)
Caesium – 137
78. Which enzyme is used to cleave DNA? – Restriction enzyme
79. Who developed the first cloned female sheep named dolly? – Dr.Ian Wilmut
80. In which year the protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act was introduced?
– 2012
81. When (WHO) World Health Organization suggested the used of the term drug? – 1984
82. When was the Anti - Tobacco Act passed? – May 1st, 2004
83. When it is observed no Tobacco Pay? – May 31st
84. How many diabetic patients are found in India? – One is every 8 individuals in India
85. Which foods are helps to reduce blood sugar levels?
– Flax, seeds, Guavas, Tomatoes and spinach

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86. What is the desirable level of cholesterol in the blood of Indians? – 200mg / dl
87. World cancer day is observed on? – Febuary 4
88. National cancer Awareness day is observed on? – November 7
89. What is malignant Humorirs? - Mass of proliferating cells which grow very rapidly invading
and damaging the surrounding normal tissues
90. When its observed as the “World AIDS Day‟s? – 1st December
91. What is the meaning of the word‟ Chipco‟? – embrace
92. In which year was chipco movement started? – 1973
93. In which year tiger conservation program was started – 1973
94. In which year Elephant conservation program was started? – 1992
95. When was the crocodile conservation program started? – 1976
96. When was the sea turtle conservation program started? – 1999
97. When was the India Rhinoceros protection Act initiated? – 2020
98. Which chemical compounds have changes the white marble of the Taj Mahal in Agra?
– Sulphur and Nitrogen oxide
99. Which is the fourth largest dam in the world? – Kallanai Dam
100. How many areas in India have been identified for shale gas extraction?
– 6 areas
101. Which E-waste affects the central nervous system in humans and brain development in
children? – Lead (Pb)
102. Which E-Waste affects the development and function of the reproductive System?
– PVC Plastics
103. Which E-Waste effects kidney and liver function? – Cadmium
104. Which E- Waste causes shortness of breath asthma? – Chromium

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