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5 1. Which car stops? A.

Car A

B.Car B
C.Car C

2. Which car is not A.Car A

breaking the law?
B.Car C
C.Car B

3. This sign indicates? A.Direction

B.4 way stop
C.A near-complete
round about ahead

4. Driving instructor is A.When carrying

exempted from learner drivers
wearing a safety
B.When conducting
driving lessons
C.Only when reversin
5. A learner driver is A.When he is in the
allowed to carry company of
passengers qualified instructor
B.If the passengers
are learner drivers

6. Which is the correct A.Maintaining a firm

way to negotiate a position in the lane
right turn? centre
B.Moving far to the
right as possible
within your lane
C.Moving far to the
left as possible
within your lane
7. A double A.Be crossed if the
continuous white road ahead is clear
line with a broken
line in the center of
a road may:
B.Not be crossed.

C.Be crossed only on

busy highways
8. This road sign is A.For information
purposes only
B.Related to trucks
C.Of regulatory
9. Which car goes A.Car A
last? B.Car B
C.Car C

10. This road sign A.Buses are being

means regulated
B.Buses are being
C.Buses are being
11. In which A.Very late at night
circumstances B.When directed by
would a driver a police officer
proceed against a C.When there is a
red robot? red filter arrow
12. This road sign A.Overtaking
means prohibited
B.Heavy goods
vehicles may not
C.Heavy goods
vehicles may not
overtake another
goods vehicle
13. This road sign A.Overtaking
means prohibited
B.Overtaking by
light vehicles
C.Light vehicles may
not overtake one

14. To drive a A.Registration book,

public service defensive driving
vehicle one needs certificate and 5yrs
driving experience
B.Defensive driving
certificate, 5yrs
driving experience
& medical
C.Defensive driving
insurance and 5yrs
driving experience
15. Which car A.Car B
stops? B.Car C
C.Car A
16. Which car A.Car B
moves last at this B.Car A
intersection? C.Car C

17. Which car goes A.Car C

last? B.Car B
C.Car A

18. To drive an A.Sixteen years

agricultural tractor B.Nineteen years.
in Zimbabwe, the C.Eighteen years.
minimum age
required is:
19. When changing A.Signal, change lane,
lanes you check blind spot
B.Signal, check blind
spot, change lane
C.Change lane and
signal after
20. Hand signals A.By learner drivers
should be used only

B.To emphasize the

driver's intention
C.Only when turning
21. In Zimbabwe's A.Overtake on the right
Highway code the B.Overtake from
general rule is to between lanes if
C.Overtake from
whichever side is
22. The colours of A.White on red
an 'L-plate' are background
B.Red on yellow
C.Red on white
23. When A.Height and length
approaching a tunnel restriction
or a flyover, I must B.Height and width
pay attention to: restriction
C.Height and weight
24. This road sign A.Weight restriction
indicates: B.Width restriction
C.Height restriction

25. You see a person A.Call the ambulance

being knocked B.Check for clear
unconscious in a road breathing
accident. What action C.Report to the police
do you take? as soon as possible

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