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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200

Investigations on hard turning with minimal cutting fluid

application (HTMF) and its comparison with dry and wet turning
A.S. Varadarajan, P.K. Philip, B. Ramamoorthy
Manufacturing Engineering Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai 600036, India

Received 23 August 2000; received in revised form 13 July 2001; accepted 24 July 2001


Environmental concerns call for the reduced use of cutting fluids in metal cutting practice. New cutting techniques are to be
investigated to achieve this objective. Hard turning with Minimal Fluid application (HTMF) is one such technique, which can
alleviate the pollution problems associated with cutting fluids. In the present work a specially formulated cutting fluid was applied
as a high velocity, thin pulsed jet at the immediate cutting zones at an extremely low rate of 2 ml/min using a fluid application
system developed for this purpose during turning of hardened steel. The performance of HTMF is studied in comparison with that
of conventional hard turning in wet and dry form.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hard turning; Minimal; High velocity; Thin pulsed jet

1. Introduction action of cutting fluids. However recent concepts and
awareness of sustainable manufacture are often on a col-
Turning of hardened steel components may be carried lision course with the use of cutting fluids. Used in large
out by adopting suitable machining strategies [1]. Hard quantities they pose problems of procurement, storage,
dry turning is one such strategy. During hard, dry turn- disposal and maintenance. In other words, apart from
ing, the work can be turned to its final dimension in the the cost, flood application is not environment or people
hardened state. This is accomplished by selecting suit- friendly. This factor assumes considerable significance
able cutting tools such as CBN or ceramic tools and in the recent climate of strict work safety and environ-
machine tools of high rigidity [2]. This method elimin- mental protection. According to the Occupational Safety
ates the conventional process cycle consisting of initial and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, the per-
turning, subsequent hardening by heat treatment and missible exposure Level for mist within the plant (PEL)
final finish grinding. Hard turning can save time, is 5 mg/m3 and is likely to be reduced to 0.5 mg/m3
improve surface quality, reduce operations and decrease [6]. A plausible solution to overcome these issues is an
rejections [3,4]. But hard, dry turning involves heat dis- approach, which is intermediate between pure dry and
sipation without coolants and hence demands costly high conventional wet turning. The concept of pseudo dry
performance cutting tools and extremely rigid machine turning or turning with minimal cutting fluid is very
tools. In many instances this cannot be implemented much relevant in this context [7]. In this method
directly on the shop floor, as the existing machine tools extremely small quantity of cutting fluid is used and it
lack the requisite rigidity [5]. Hard turning in almost resembles dry turning. There are reports of
accompaniment with a copious supply of cutting fluid is attempts to introduce cutting fluid at the tool–chip inter-
face through specially designed cutting tools with the
objective of achieving better cutting performance. Such
attempts brought forth better tool life [8] better surface
finish [9], low cutting force [10] and better chip forms
the normal practice on the shop floor, which is supposed [11]. Research work carried out in our laboratory [12–
to exploit the cooling, lubrication and chip removal 16] has indicated that good cutting performance could
be achieved in terms of surface finish, tool wear and

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 91-44-445-8538; fax: 91-44-235-

E-mail address: ramoo@acer.iitm.ernet.in (B. Ramamoorthy).

0890-6955/02/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0890- 69 55 (01)00 11 9 - 5
194 A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200

cutting force when a specially formulated cutting fluid a more localized one in Fig. 1(b). It consisted of a P-6
was applied on critical locations such as tool–work Bosch fuel pump generally used for diesel fuel injection
inter- face or the tool–chip interface using a cutting fluid in truck engines coupled to a variable electric drive. A
appli- cation system in the form of a high velocity, thin high-speed electrical mixing chamber facilitated thor-
pulsed jet during turning of round bars of through ough emulsification. The test rig facilitated the inde-
hardenable AISI 4340 steel of 46HRC using multicoated pendent variation of the injection pressure (p) the fre-
hardmetal inserts with sculptured rake face. No quency of injection (N) and the rate of injection (Q). The
modifications need be done on the cutting holder or system can deliver fluids through six outlets simul-
inserts. The fluid appli- cation system developed is taneously, so that cutting fluid could be injected to more
relatively simple and can supply cutting fluid to six than one location or more than one machine tool at the
machine tools without necessi- tating any modifications same time. By selecting proper settings, the rate of
on the existing system setup. The parameters of fluid injec- tion could be made as small as 0.5 ml/min.
application viz. composition of cutting fluid, pressure of Special fix- tures were designed, so that the injection
injection, rate of delivery, the frequency of pulsing, the nozzle could be located in any desired position without
mode of delivery and direction of delivery were interfering with the tool or work during actual cutting.
optimized using Response Table meth- odology. In the
present work, HTMF in its optimized mode is compared
with conventional wet turning and dry turning under 2. Experimental procedure
identical cutting conditions.
2.1. Selection of levels of parameters of fluid
1.1. Selection of work material application
The work material was a through hardenable steel The optimization procedure carried out during the
(AISI 4340) which was hardened to 46 HRC (460 HV) earlier work lead to the identification of the parameters
by heat treatment. It is a general-purpose steel having a of fluid delivery and fluid composition [16]. The investi-
wide range of application in automobile and allied gation revealed that a coolant-rich (60%) lubricant fluid
indus- tries by virtue of its good hardenability enabling with minimal additives is the ideal formulation for
it to be used in fairly large sections. Bars of 75 mm HTMF. The effect of fluid delivery parameters on cut-
diameter and 320 mm length were used in the present ting performance was evaluated and on that basis their
investi- gation. The composition of the work material is optimum levels were identified. Within the practical
given below range investigated these were a low (2 ml/min) delivery
rate, high (20 MPa) injection pressure, high (600
1.2. Selection of cutting tool pulses/min) pulsing rate and a collimated slug.
Based on their easy availability and widespread use 2.2. Cutting experiments
multicoated hardmetal inserts with sculptured rake face
geometry with the general specification, SNMG 120408 Experiments were carried out on a heavy-duty VDF
with a P30 or equivalent substrate with TiC, TiN and S500 lathe of Heidenreich and Harbeck, Hamburg, Ger-
TiCN coatings from SANDVIK, Sweden were used in many. The cutting velocity was varied from 40 to 120
the present study. The tool holder used from the same m/min at five levels while the feed was kept at 0.1
source had the specification PSBNR 2525 M12. mm/rev and the depth of cut at 1.25 mm. The perform-
ance parameters such as surface roughness, main cutting
1.3. Formulation of cutting fluid force, cutting temperature and the average flank wear
were measured during dry turning, wet turning and dur-
Since the quantity of cutting fluid used is extremely ing minimal application in the optimized mode. A stylus
low in this new method, specially formulated cutting type perthometer was used for measuring surface rough-
fluids with appropriate ingredients and properties were ness. The cutting force was measured using a Kistler
used in the present investigation. The base was a com- dynamometer. The cutting temperature was measured
mercially available mineral oil. The formulation con- using tool–work thermocouple technique and the aver-
tained, in addition to coolant and lubricant, additives age flank wear was measured using a tool maker’s
such as surfactant, evaporator, emulsifier, stabiliser, microscope.
biocide and a deodorizing agent. To evaluate the performance during the variation of
feed, experiments were conducted with the feed ranging
1.4. Fluid injection system from 0.05 to 0.14 mm/rev at five levels with the cutting
velocity maintained at 80 m/min and depth of cut at 1.25
An overall view of the special test rig developed for mm during dry, wet and optimized minimal application.
injecting the cutting fluid is presented in Fig. 1(a) and
A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200 195

Fig. 1. (a) Overall view of the fluid application system. (b) A more localized view of fluid application.

Tool life tests were carried out in the three modes at a

constant feed of 0.1 mm/rev. conditions. It is observed that cutting force is lower dur-
ing minimal application when compared to dry turning
and conventional wet turning. Presumably minute capil-
3. Results and discussion laries exist at the tool–chip interface especially if the
seizure and sublayer plastic flow at the tool–chip contact
3.1. Main cutting force
zone are not total, as was found in this case by an exam-
Fig. 2(a,b) shows the variation of cutting force with ination of the chip underside. So capillaries can also
feed and cutting velocity respectively under specified exist in the body of the chip as extensions of outer
surface serrations. Penetration of the cutting fluid with
EP addi-

Fig. 2. Variation of cutting force during dry, wet and during minimal application in optimized condition.
196 A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200

Fig. 3. (a,b) Variation of tool–chip contact length during dry, wet and during minimal application in optimized condition.

tives in to the interface can reduce the frictional contri- 3. Overall reduction of cutting temperature.
bution to cutting force. So also penetration of the fluid
through the mass of the chip can influence chip curl and It can be seen that all the three mechanisms are active
the primary deformation process. Through high-pressure during fluid injection. The penetration of fluid vapor as
injection the fluid is fragmented into tiny droplets the described earlier leads to the contamination of the rake
size of which is inversely proportional to the pressure face. This prevents adhesion of the virgin chip surface
of injection [17]. The velocity varies as a function of on to the tool surface and shifts the condition from seiz-
the square root of the injection pressure [18]. This high ure and sublayer plastic flow to one of sliding and as
velocity (of the order of 100 m/s for a pressure of 20 a consequence there is a considerable reduction in the
MPa) facilitates better penetration of the cutting fluid on contact length.
impact to the root as well as the underside of the chip Environmental factors can affect the mobility of near
facilitating its passage to the tool–chip interface surface dislocation on the chip surface and this chemo-
resulting in the reduction of friction. Such a condition is mechanical effect is known as the Rebinder effect [21].
not poss- ible in conventional wet turning where no such During minimal application the cutting fluid is applied
fragmen- tation is taking place and the kinetic energy of at the tool–work interface and there is a possibility of
the fluid jet is in no way comparable to that during fluid some tiny fluid particles penetrating the work surface
injection. near the cutting edge, which will form the top of the
chip in the next revolution [22]. These particles, owing
3.2. Tool–chip contact length to their high velocity and smaller physical size can pen-
etrate and firmly adhere to the work surface resulting in
Reduced contact length and improved cutting ratio are the promotion of plastic flow on the backside of the chip
indicative of favorable frictional conditions at the tool– due to Rebinder effect. This relieves a part of the com-
chip interface. A quantitative analysis of the former is pressive stress and promotes chip curl that reduces tool
given in [19]. Reduction of tool–chip contact length is chip contact length.
expected to occur due to the following [20]. In the present investigation the tool–chip contact
length was the least during minimal application
1. Contamination of tool rake face, followed by wet turning and dry turning over the entire
2. Promotion of plastic flow at the backside of the chip cutting range as observed in Fig. 3(a,b) respectively. In
due to Rebinder effect and conven-

Fig. 4. (a,b) Variation of cutting ratio during dry, wet and during minimal application in optimized condition.
A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200 197

is minimum during minimal application followed by wet

turning and dry turning. It is also observed that the
deformation on chips formed during minimal
application is less when compared to the other two.

3.4. Cutting temperature

Cutting temperature is a dominant factor in tool wear

as all the wear mechanisms are temperature-dependant.
Apart from reducing wear, low cutting temperature
reduces adhesion tendency and promotes contact area
restriction. During conventional wet turning the quantity
of heat (Q) extracted by convective heat transfer is
given by
Q=MCpΔT (1)
where Q is heat quantity in kcal, M is the mass of
cutting fluid, Cp is the specific heat capacity and ΔT is
tempera- ture reduction brought about.
However, during minimal application, cooling occurs
due to both convective and evaporative heat transfer.
Fig. 5. (a–c) Chip section micrograph during dry turning wet turning
The evaporative heat transfer is facilitated by the
and HTMF in optimized condition (cutting velocity80 m/min, increase in surface area caused by atomization and the
feed0.10 mm/rev, depth of cut1.25 mm). quantity of heat removed (Q1) is given by
tional wet turning rake face lubrication is not as Q1=MCpΔT+mL (2)
effective as in fluid injection, as the fluid particles Where M, Cp and ΔT have the same notation as before.
cannot have penetrant contact and consequently the chip m is the mass of the evaporation fluid and L is the evap-
curl due to Rebinder effect and the associated reduction oration enthalpy. In the case of water, the evaporation
in contact length is less pronounced. enthalpy is 2260 kJ/kg and in the case of mineral oil it
3.3. Cutting ratio is about 210 kJ/kg. The specific heat capacity Cp for
water is 4.2 kJ/kg K and that for mineral oil is 1.9 kJ/kg
The cutting ratio (t/tc) is an index of the frictional K. Since the evaporation enthalpy of water is very high,
conditions existing at the tool–chip interface. A higher evaporation of even a very small quantity of water is
cutting ratio implies better lubrication at the tool–chip sufficient to create significant cooling.
interface and formation of chips of thinner sections. In The cutting fluid droplets by virtue of their high velo-
Fig. 4 (a,b) it is observed that higher cutting ratios are city can puncture the blanket of vapor formed and reach
possible during minimal application than during dry the hot interfaces facilitating more efficient heat transfer
turning and conventional wet turning. Chip section than is possible in conventional wet turning, where the
micrographs during dry turning, conventional wet turn- adherent film of lubricant retards the heat transfer. The
ing and during minimal application are presented in Fig. lower cutting temperatures recorded in a cutting velocity
5(a–c) respectively. It is observed that the chip thickness range of 40–120 m/min and that in a feed rate range of

Fig. 6. (a,b) Variation of cutting temperature during dry, wet and during minimal application in optimized condition.
198 A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200

Fig. 7. (a,b) Variation of surface roughness during dry, wet and during minimal application in optimized condition.

0.05–0.14 mm/rev during minimal application. Fig. 3.5. Surface finish

6(a,b) are direct consequences of the above factors. Cut-
ting fluid injection thus provides effective heat transfer
The reduction in cutting force, lowering of cutting
leading to lower cutting temperatures than is possible
temperature, shortening of tool–chip contact length and
during conventional wet turning.
increase of shear angle during minimal application
should bring forth better surface integrity and improved
tool life than otherwise, as is seen from Fig. 7(a,b).

3.6. Tool life

Fig. 8(a) represents a comparison of the variation of

surface roughness as a function of time. It is observed
that a surface roughness within Ra1 m could be
main- tained for 360 s during minimal application where
as it is 150 s in dry turning and 210 s in wet turning.
Fig. 8(b) represents the comparison of average flank
wear with time. It is observed that during dry turning the
aver- age flank wear was 0.3 mm after 150 s when the
surface roughness became Ra1 m. Photographs of
flank wear after a cutting time of 120 s during dry
turning wet turn- ing and during minimal application
are shown in Fig.
8(c). The results are self-explanatory.

3.7. Comparison of chip forms

The form of chip produced is one of the major para-

meters influencing productivity in metal cutting
industry. According to Kaldor et al. [23], there are two
groups of chip forms, (1) acceptable chips and (2)
unacceptable chips, based on the convenience of
handling. Acceptable chips do not interfere with the
work or the machine tool and do not cause problems of
disposal. Unacceptable chips interrupt regular
Fig. 8. (a,b) Variation of surface roughness and average flank wear manufacturing operation, as they tend to tangle around
with time of cut during dry, wet and during minimal application in
optimized condition (cutting velocity80 m/min, feed0.1 mm/rev the tool and work piece and pose safety problems to
and depth of cut1.25 mm). (c) Photograph showing flank wear operators. Entangling chips can harm the surface finish
during dry turning wet turning and HTMF respectively. and even lead to unexpected tool fail- ure.
(WorkAISI 4340 steel Fig 9(a) presents a comparison of chip forms obtained
46 HRC, toolmulticoated hardmetal, cutting velocity80/min,
feed0.10 mm/rev, depth of cut1.25 mm). during dry, wet and minimal application at different
feeds. The chip sampled shown in Fig. 9(b) correspond
A.S. Varadarajan et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 193–200 199

Fig. 9. Comparison of chip samples during dry turning, wet turning and during turning with minimal application for a feed range of 0.1–0.14
mm/rev. (b) Comparison of chip samples during dry turning, wet turning and during HTMF for the cutting velocity range of 80–120 m/min.

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