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Q No Type of Question Answers

1. What is chemical Oxygen Ans:- Chemical oxygen demand is a measure of the amount of
Demand? oxygen required to chemically break down organic and in organic
matter in water.
2. Lithium salts are mostly hydrated Ans:- Lithium is the smallest alkali metal, which allows the li+ ion
why? to polarize after molecules more easily than other alkali metals.
3. Name any two man made Ans:- Man made silicates are Glass & Cement.
silicates? Brief dtls:- Silicates are family of polyatomic anions the contain silicon
& Oxygen. They are versatile materials used in manufacturing
technological and artistic applications.
Eg:- Glass & Cement are man made silicates.
4. Which Oxides cause Acide rain? Ans:- Sulfur dioxide & Nitrogen oxides are the oxides that cause
What is its pH value? acid rain and the pH of acid rain is typically less than 4.5.
5. Describe the importance of a Ans:- Plaster of Paris is a white powder that is important for many
Plaster of paris? reasons including
Medical use:- To joint broken bones & strains.
Dentistry use:- To fill the gaps & holes of teeth.
Decorations :- Use to make Statues.
Coating:- Used as coating on wood and metal structures to prevent fire
House constructions:- Used to fill gaps in walls & roofs and to beautify

6. Give the hydrocorbodization of Corbon in
(a) CO₃-² (b) Diamond (c) Graphite (d) Fullerene ?
Ans. (a) CO₃-² The state of hybridisation of carbon in: a CO3 2− C in
CO3 2− is sp2 hybridised and is bonded to three oxygen

In diamond each carbon atom

(b) Diamond 3
undergoes sp hybridisation and linked to four other
carbon atoms by using hybridised orbitals
in tetrahedral fashion.
(c) Graphite The type of hybridization of carbon in graphite is sp².
Moreover, each carbon atom includes one non-bonded
outer electron which becomes delocalized.
(d) Fullerene The type of hybridization of carbon in graphite is sp².
Moreover, each carbon atom includes one non-bonded
outer electron which becomes delocalized.
7. State the Grahm’s law of diffusion? Ans- Graham's law states that the rate of diffusion
or effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the
square root of its molar mass.
8. What is redox concept? Give an Ans:- An example of a redox reaction is: PbO ( s )
example. Lead oxide + H 2 ( g ) Hydrogen → Pb ( s ) Lead + H 2 O
( l ) Water. In the above reaction, hydrogen is oxidized to
water and lead oxide is reduced to lead
9. What is meant by ionic product of
10. Write the IUPAC name of Ans:- 1s- 2-PENTANONE

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(4-Marks Questions)
11. Explain the hybridization involved in SF6 Ans:- Hybridization and Geometry of SF
molecule? SF6 hybridization is sp3d2. Let's see how?
The orbitals involved in sulphur hexafluoride
hybridization, as well as the bonds created during the
interaction of sulphur and fluorine molecules, determine
hybridization. In its ground state, SF 6 has the electrical
configuration 3s23p4.

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12. Deduce
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CC BY-SA Ans:-
(a)Boyle’s law (a) Deduction of Boyle’s law:
(b)Charle’s law from kinetic gas Kinetic gas equation is PV = 13 mnu 2
PV = 13 mnu 2

= 13 × 22 mnu 2

= 23 × 12 mnu 2

PV = 23 [ kinetic energy (KE) ] [ ∴ KE( .n. moles


13. Write the general properties of Ionic Ans:- The properties of ionic compounds are as follows:
compounds?  They are crystalline solids, and are brittle in nature.
 They have high melting and boiling points.
 They are soluble in water.
 They conduct electricity in their solution and molten states.
14. Balance the following redox reaction Ans:-
by ion-electron method: Step 1: The skeletal ionic equation is
H2 O2 (aq) + Fe2+ (aq) → Step 2: Assign oxidation numbers to Fe and O
Fe3+ (aq) + H₂O (1) H2O−12(aq)+Fe2+(aq)⟶Fe3+(aq)+H2O−2(l)
(in acidic solution) This indicates that the peroxide ion is the oxidant and the ferrous
ion is the reductant.
Step 3: Calculate the increase and decrease of oxidation
number, and make them equal:
Step 4: As the reaction occurs in the acidic medium, and further
the ionic charges are not equal on both sides, add 2H+ on the
RIGHT to make ionic charges equal
Step 5: Finally, count the hydrogen atoms, and add an
appropriate number of water molecules on the right to achieve
balanced redox change.

Brief of Above Steps:-

In this reaction, the species undergoing oxidation is: Fe3+
(the O.N. of Fe increases from 2 to 3)
The species undergoing reduction is: O2 (the O.N. of O decreases
from -1 to -2)
Step2: Write out oxidation and reduction separately and balance
the atoms other than H and O.
Oxidation half reaction: Fe2+ → Fe3+
Reduction half reaction: H2O2 → H2O
Step3: Multiply the oxidation reaction with the extent of reduction
and reduction reaction by the extent of oxidation and add.
16. What is the conjugated acid-base Ans:- An acid and a base which differ only by the presence
pair? illustrate with one example. or absence of a proton are called a conjugate acid-base pair.
Thus NH3 is called the conjugate base of NH 4+, and NH4+ is the
conjugate acid of NH3. Similarly, HF is the conjugate acid of F –,
and F– the conjugate base of HF.
1. HCl (hydrochloric acid) and Cl- (chloride ion): HCl donates
a proton (H+) to water, forming the hydronium ion (H3O+), which is
the conjugate acid. The chloride ion (Cl-) is the conjugate base.
2. NH3 (ammonia) and NH4+ (ammonium ion): NH3 accepts a
proton (H+) from water, forming the ammonium ion (NH4+), which is
the conjugate acid. The hydroxide ion (OH-) is the conjugate base.
3. H2O (water) and OH- (hydroxide ion): Water can act as both
an acid and a base. In this case, it acts as a base by accepting a
proton (H+) from the hydronium ion (H3O+), forming the hydroxide
ion (OH-), which is the conjugate base. The hydronium ion (H3O+) is
the conjugate acid.
17. Name the isotopes of the hydrogen Ans:- Hydrogen has three naturally occurring isotopes, which
write the ratio of the masses of these are indicated as 1 1 H (Protium), 1 2 H (Deuterium), and 1 3 H
isotopes? (Tritium).
Mass ratio:

 The atomic mass of 1 1 H = 1u

 The atomic mass of 1 2 H = 2u
 The atomic mass of 1 3 H = 3u
 Mass ratio = Atomic mass of 1 1 H : Atomic mass of 1 2 H :
Atomic mass of 13H.
 Mass ratio = 1 : 2 : 3
18. Explain borax bead test with a Ans:- Sodium metaborate Boric anhydride The metaborates of ma
suitable example? transition metals have characteristic colors and therefore, borax bead te
can be used to identify them in the laboratory. For example, when bor
is heated in a Bunsen burner flame with CoO on a loop of platinum wir
a blue colored Co(BO2)2 bead is formed.
19. What are the postulates of Bohr’s Ans:- Postulates of Bohr’s Atomic Model:-
model of hydrogen atom? 1) The electron in hydrogen atom revolves around the nucleus in
Discuss the importance of this fixed circular path called orbit.
model to explain various series of 2) Each orbit is associated with definite energy so these are calle
line spectra in hydrogen atom. energy levels or energy shells
3) These energy levels are represented as 1,2,3,4
K,L,M,N….from the side of nucleus

4) As long as the electron revolves in an orbit, it neither loose n

gain energy so the energy of an electron is an orbit remain
constant, hence these orbits are called stationary orbits
5) The angular momentum of an electron is always integral multiple of
It is given by Mvr = nh / 2pie
Where m=mass of the electron, v=velocity of the electron, r=radius
of the orbit , h= Planck’s constant, n= principal quantum number
6) If an electron jumps from one level to the another level it may emit or
absorb energy.
ΔE=E2−E1= hv
Where E2 is the energy of the higher object
E1 is the energy of the lower object

7) If electron jumps from lower orbit to higher orbit, it absorbs energy.

8) If electrons jump from higher orbit to lower orbit, then it emits energy
Bohr’s Explanation of Hydrogen Spectrum: -
1)Hydrogen atom has one proton an done electron in the ground state
2)By the absorption of 13.56ev energy, electron jumps of the higher energy
level which is unstable hence it comes back to the ground state by emitting
the energy which is unstable hence it comes back to ground state by emitting
the energy.
3)The emission of energy may occur in one step or in several steps since a
sample of hydrogen contains many atoms several spectral lines are formed
Name of the series n1 n2 spectral region
Lyman series 1 2,3,4,5… uv region
Balmer series 2 3,4,5,6… visible region
Paschen series 3 4,5,6,7… Near IR
Brackett series 4 5,6,7…. Middle IR
Pfund series 5 6,7,8,9… Far IR
The wave number and wave length of these spectral lines can be calculated
by usin Rydberg’s Equation.
υ= =R( 2 – 2 ),
1 1 1
λ n 1 n2
R is Rydberg constant =109677cm-1
n1=lowest orbit
n2 higher orbit
20. Write on essay on s,p,d and Solution: -
f block elements?
 The s-block is one of four blocks of elements in the periodic table.

The element of s- group have a common property. The electron in

their most outward electron shell are in the
s-orbital. Elements in the s- are in the first two periodic table
groups. The elements in group one are called the alkali metals.
 The p-block is on the right side of the periodic table and includes
elements from the six columns beginning with column 13 and
ending with column 18. Helium, though being in the top of group
18, is not included in the p-block. This contains variety of elements
and is the only block that contains all three types of elements:
metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Generally, the p-block elements
are best described in terms of element type or group.
 The d-block is on the middle of the periodic table and includes
elements from columns 3 through 12. These elements are also
known as the transition metals because they show a transitivity in
their properties i.e. they show a trend in their properties in simple
incomplete d orbitals. Transition basically means d-orbital lies
between s and p orbitals and shows a transition from properties of s
to p. The d-block elements are all metals which exhibit two or more
ways of forming chemical bonds. Because there is a relatively small
difference in the energy of the different d-orbital electrons, the
number of electrons participating in chemical bonding can vary.
This results in the same element exhibiting two or more oxidation
states, which determines the type and number of its nearest
neighbors in chemical compounds.
 The f-block is in the center-left of a 32-column periodic table but in the
footnoted appendage of 18-column tables. These elements are not
generally considered as part of any group. They are often called
inner transition metals because they provide a transition between
the s-block and d-block in the 6th and 7th row (period), in the same
way that the d-block transition metals provide a transitional bridge
between the s-block and p-block in the 4th and 5th rows. The known
f-block elements come in two series, the lanthanides of period 6 and
the radioactive actinides of period 7. All are metals. Because the f-
orbital electrons are less active in determining the chemistry of
these elements, their chemical properties are mostly determined by
outer s-orbital electrons. Consequently, there is much less chemical
variability within the f-block than within the s-, p-, or d-blocks.
21. How does acetylene react (a) Acetylene react with water to produce acetaldehyde(CH3CHO) . In this reaction, the
with the following reagents? catalyst is can be salt mercury(II) in the acidic medium.
Give the corresponding
equations and name the (b) Acetylene reacts with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to form
products formed in the ethane according to the following reaction: C 2 H 2 ( g ) + 2 H 2 O ( g ) → C 2 H 6 ( g )
(a) Water (b) Hydrogen (c) How does acetylene react with halogens?
(c) Halogens (d) Hydrogen Ans: - The halogenation of acetylene occurs in a stepwise manner through an addition
Halide (e) Bromide (f) reaction. First, a halogen atom is added to one of the carbon atoms in acetylene to form a
Ozone vinyl halide intermediate. The second halogen atom attacks the other carbon atom,
forming the final product, 1,2-dichloroethene.
(d) CH ≡ CH Acetylene + HBr → CH 2 = CHBr Vinyl bromide → HBr CH 3 CHBr 2
Ethylidene bromide.

(e) Ethylidene bromide is formed when acetylene is reacted with hydrogen bromide.

CH ≡ CH+HBr → CH 2 = CHBr → CH 3 CHBr 2
Acetylene vinyl bromide Ethylidene bromide

(f) When acetylene reacts with ozone, it forms ozonide which on hydrolysis gives glyoxal
and then formic acid.

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