Divine Will
This little booklet is intended to be a simple aid to living and praying in the Divine
Will as taught by Jesus to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta.
It is not a complete guide, but it is hoped that newcomers to this spirituality will find,
in these simple lessons, a means of embracing and understanding Jesus’ invitation to
live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
A little at a time
Jesus said to Luisa:
“Promise to be faithful to Me and I shall pour into you many graces that will
cause you to marvel. I have great designs on you, but only if you correspond
and conform to my Will. I shall delight in making you a perfect image of
Me. You shall imitate Me from My birth to My death. Do not have any doubt
about succeeding, because I will teach you how it can be done a little at a
Book of Heaven Volume 1
The Purpose of the
Gift of the Divine Will
The purpose of the Gift of the Divine will is to allow God to receive perfect
glory from the whole human family. (i.e. from Adam to the last person to be
From the moment he was created, Adam could give God a perfect return of
love and glory in everything, all of the time, because he possessed the Gift of
the Divine Will. At the Fall, Adam lost this Gift and was then able to
correspond to God with only his limited human capacity - not with the
unlimited capacity of the Divine Will which he previously enjoyed.
Jesus told Luisa that when He created Adam He placed within Adam’s human
will the Divine Will. The Divine Will ‘resided’ there only because Adam
consented to this, allowing himself to be animated by God in every way: his
thoughts, words, glances, steps, movements, breaths and heartbeats etc. For
this reason all of Adam’s acts were of a Divine order because he was
consenting to letting the Divinity do everything within him. It is because the
Divinity was doing everything in him that Adam’s acts were perfect, thereby
giving perfect glory and perfect correspondence of love to his Creator.
This does not imply a lack of free will on the part of Adam. Instead, Adam
was continuously consenting to giving the Divinity the freedom to ‘operate’
in him in this way*. The human will is presented by Jesus as an empty glass
in which the waters of the Divine Will reside. This was intended by God to
be the permanent condition of man. The human will was not created to be
isolated from the Divine Will. Up until the Fall, the Divine Will operated in
every aspect of Adam’s being. With the gift of freewill Adam could empty
himself, at any time, of this Divine capacity to glorify God perfectly. In fact,
he did empty himself of this Gift when he took the forbidden fruit.
* This does not mean that Adam was made divine. He was always a creature,
but a creature consenting to letting the Creator animate him in every act of
The Saints and the Gift of the Divine Will
A frequently asked question is: “But didn’t the saints possess the Gift of the
Divine Will?”
The answer is ‘No’.
Until now, the saints have been able only to align themselves to God’s Will -
i.e. as they became more aware of what God wanted them to do and how he
wanted them to be in their daily lives, they corresponded as best they could
to His Will.
However, the Gift of the Divine Will is not only about doing God’s Will, but
possessing God’s Will, i.e. letting God carry out His own will, Himself,
within you through your consent. This is what Adam was doing up until the
Fall, and what Jesus did in His humanity throughout His whole life while on
Jesus points out that Luisa, who received the Gift of the Divine Will on 8th
September 1889, marks the beginning of the era of the Kingdom of the Divine
Will on earth.
God prophesied the coming of a future Redeemer, the Messiah. The Jews
prayed for the fulfilment of this prophecy and so Jesus came. Before leaving
the earth Jesus gave another prophecy which He placed in the one prayer that
He taught us: the Our Father.
The prophecy is: “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven.” In other words, just as the saints in Heaven possess the Divine Will
with which to perfectly glorify God and correspond perfectly to His love, so
have the Christian generations (on earth) been praying for this same Will to
be enjoyed on earth as It is in Heaven.
Thus, we have been praying for a return of our original capacity to perfectly
correspond to our Creator. And this is why Jesus subtitled these writings:
“The recall of the creature to the Order, Place and Purpose for which it was
created by God.”
It was this same one Divine Will which Adam originally possessed in Eden
prior to the Fall, and which Jesus also possessed in His Humanity throughout
His earthly life. Thus Adam was able to correspond to God’s love as was
Jesus Himself. One could say that the Uncreated Son (Jesus) and the created
son (Adam) could perfectly correspond to the Father by the powers of that
same one Divine Will which they both possessed.
“That they may be one with Me, as I, Father, and You are one.”
As we have learned (Page 8) the Trinity are not just good friends agreeing
with one another but are one in the Divine Will. Thus, for each disciple to be
one with Jesus, in the same way as Jesus is one with the Father, would require
the disciple to also possess the same one Divine Will as Jesus and the Father.
And this is what Jesus prayed for the night before He died.
“… you do not need paths, nor doors, nor keys to enter into My Divine Will
To enter creatures need but remove the pebble of their own will …
A soul has but to desire It and all is done, My Will assumes all the work …”
Volume 12 - 16th February 1921
We desire it
and Jesus does all the work
From the first moment a soul decides to embrace living in the Divine Will she
must learn to forget herself. Jesus says that there is only one way of achieving
this, and that it must be practiced for the rest of your life:
“My daughter, in order for the soul to be able to forget herself everything she
does or has to do must be done as if I wanted to do it in her. If she prays, she
should say: ‘It is Jesus who wants to pray, and I pray together with Him.’
If she works: ‘It is Jesus who wants to work,’ it is Jesus who wants to walk,
it is Jesus who wants to eat, who wants to sleep, who wants to get up, who
wants to enjoy Himself.’ And it should be like that in everything for the rest
of her life, excluding errors. Only in this manner is the soul able to forget
herself. For not only will she do everything because I want it, but, because I
want to do it, she will need Me.
Volume 11 – 14th August 1912
Everything should now be done with reference to Jesus because it is He who
is doing everything within us - except error, i.e. sin.
What if I sin?
If we sin we would lose the gift of the Divine Will. This is because we
obviously cannot make Jesus sin. If we make a sincere act of contrition then
we can ask Jesus to return the Gift to us, and He will do so.
Jesus is yearning so much for us to always possess this Gift that He gladly
returns the Gift to us. It is only through our having this Gift that Jesus can
ensure a perfect return of love and glory to the Father from within the
If our sin was of a serious nature - mortal sin - then we would first have to
go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and then ask Jesus to return the Gift
to us.
“I want to teach you the way of how you must be with Me.
First you must:
enter inside Me
transform yourself into Me
take that which you find in Me.”
Volume 8 - 9th February
Now you can find in Jesus the divine version of your life suspended in Him.
Take it, make it your own (by the ‘Golden Rule’) and offer it with Jesus to
the Father. You can do this repeatedly, not only with your own life, but also
repeatedly with every-one’s life. Jesus wants you to do this for every-one’s
Because Jesus redid the lives of everyone (from Adam to the last created soul)
in His Divine Will then we can also pray, work, speak, walk, eat, sleep, and
enjoy ourselves etc., in the name of everyone.
This is what Jesus said to Luisa:
“In my glances I took all the creatures’ eyes, in my voice their words, in my
movements theirs, in my hands their works, in my Heart their affections and
desires, in my feet steps; and, making them like Mine, my Humanity satisfied
the Father …”
“Now, why cannot you also do it? FOR HE WHO LOVES, ALL IS
POSSIBLE UNITED TO ME! In my Will pray and bring before the Divine
Majesty in your thoughts the thoughts of everyone; in your eyes the glances
of everyone; in your words, movements, affections and desires of those of
your brothers to make reparation for them; to obtain light, graces and love
for them. In my Will you will find yourself in Me and in everyone. You do my
Life. You will pray with Me; and the Divine Father will be content with it,
and all Heaven will say, “Who calls us upon the earth? Who is it that wants
to embrace this Holy Will in herself enclosing all of us together? And how
much good you can obtain for the earth by making Heaven descend upon the
Volume 11 - 3rd May 1916
If the whole of humanity prayed together in a human way, even this volume
of prayer would not compare with just one prayer in the Divine Will because
a divine prayer has infinite value, or merit, since it possesses the very
dispositions and qualities of Jesus Himself because it is He who is doing all
the work in His Divine Will.
We can now pray the Rosary, for example, in the name of everyone; and keep
Jesus company in the Blessed Sacrament in the name of everyone, etc., so
that God is receiving a perfect return of love and glory from everyone
simultaneously in every-thing we do - providing we desire it!
Remember: the size of your prayer group, if you are praying in the Divine
Will in the name of all, is every-one from Adam to the last created soul!
Rounds in the Divine Will
There is much to be said about ‘Rounds’ in the Divine Will, but here is a
On one occasion, as Jesus was taking Luisa around the Universe, she could
hear Jesus’ voice saying ‘I love you’ on everything - every star, planet, moon,
etc. While she was enjoying this experience, Jesus turned to her and said:
“Luisa, where is your ‘I love you’ to Me?” Jesus explained that if she desired
it (in the Divine Will) she could place her ‘I love You’ to Jesus on everything
too, because Jesus would do it for her.
And so we are invited by Jesus to do the same: to place our ‘I love You’ to
Jesus on every created being/thing (past, present and future). These are the
Rounds of Creation.
We can place our ‘I love You’ on everything that Jesus said and did during
His life on earth, including His resurrection and Ascension. These are the
Rounds of Redemption.
We should also place our ‘I love You’ on all the acts of the Holy Spirit, e.g.
the sacraments, prayer, inspirations, graces etc. These are
Rounds of Sanctification.
Jesus told Luisa to make these Rounds incessantly Volume 18
Our Lady gave Luisa thirty-one lessons* on the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
With this Gift, what one would strive for in years can be accomplished in just
one day! (Lesson 13*)
Three times a day Our Lady wants us to sit upon her lap, (morning, noon and
evening), and say to her:
“My Mother, I love you. Love me, too, and give me a sip of the Will of
God for my soul. Give me your blessing also, that I might do all my
actions under your maternal gaze.”
At night Our Lady also wants us to present all our acts of the day onto her
maternal lap.
As far as your memory allows, one should continue throughout the day in this
way. Fortunately, Jesus does not accuse us for our poor memories. Our acts
continue to be in the Divine Will because of the Prevenient Act, but, as Jesus
“Both acts are necessary; the prevenient act assists, creates the disposition
and makes room for the actual act. The actual act preserves and enlarges
the disposition for the prevenient act.”
There is no set formula for praying in the Divine Will. So, alternatively one
might pray:
Jesus said to Luisa that the Kingdom of the Divine Will, will not reign fully
on earth until a certain number of Acts in the Divine Will have been
[Saint] Hannibal di Francia’s
Little Rosary of the Divine Will
One Our Father… One Hail Mary… One Glory Be…
In conclusion
Lord Jesus, we praise You, we love You, we bless You and we thank You
together with the Father and the Holy Spirit in Your Holy and Eternal Divine
Prayer for Luisa’s Beatification
O Most Holy Trinity,
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that as we pray we should ask that our
Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth and that
His Kingdom should come to reign among us.
In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice and peace,
we humbly ask that you glorify your Servant Luisa, the Little Daughter of the
Divine Will who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for
the salvation of souls and the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.
Following her example we pray to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to help
us joyously embrace the crosses of this world so that we may also glorify your
Name and enter into the Kingdom of your Will. Amen.
Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity of Your
Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me
enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable
Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into
the little group of the sons and daughters of your Supreme FIAT.
With It shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness
that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God.
Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity, that They permit
me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first
order of creation, just as the creature was created.
Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and
introduce me into the light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most
tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order
and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole
being to your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine
Will and I will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me
with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this
sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will.
Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they
may burn me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine
Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will
keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and
shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of
My Guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my
Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom
of the Divine Will. Amen.
By 1938 Luisa had written 36 volumes. The title to this work was given by
Jesus Himself (in Volume 19). He called the volumes; “BOOK OF
HEAVEN” and Jesus also gave the subtitle: “The recall of the Creature to
the Order, to the Place and to the Purpose for which he was created by God.”
5. Make your Rounds in the Divine Will — pray the Rosary of the Divine