63. Nadeem Omar Tarar BARU
63. Nadeem Omar Tarar BARU
63. Nadeem Omar Tarar BARU
14. NCAA, Box File No. 273-E. The classes for 18. NCAA, Box File No. 238-E, Convocation File
fine arts were initiated in 1956 with the help of (1958–66).
graduates from Punjab University, which had set
19. NCAA, Box File No. 54-E, Report of the
up a department of fine art in 1941, which ran
Commission on National Education (1958–59),
courses exclusive to women until then.
p. 5. The commission was chaired by S. M.
15. NCAA, Box File No. 202-E, Miscellaneous Sharif, Vice Chancellor of Punjab University
Reports on the Mayo School (1957–59). assisted by two American advisors, and two
renowned Pakistani academics, namely historian
16. A small number, however, rallied around S. L.
I. H. Qureshi, the ideologue of Two-Nation theory
Prasher, then Assistant Principal of the MSA, to
and scientist Dr Abdul Salam, the Nobel laureate.
relocate the school after partition in the Indian
soil. Such was the affiliation with the school that 20. In collaboration with Harvard University, the
the Government College of Art, Chandigarh Ford Foundation financed mainly American
(India) traced its origin from the MSA in 1875 and advisors on the newly created Planning Board of
included all the faculty of the school until 1947 Pakistan, which was entrusted with the task of
as part of their institutional heritage. For a brief preparing Pakistan’s second five-year plan for
overview of the College, see www. economic development. See Noman (1988).
21. Bauhaus had major impact on art and
17. Sponenburgh (b. 1916), graduated from architecture trends in Western Europe and the
the Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1940 and United States, the latter received the full crop of
then began working as a sculptor. After his Bauhaus graduates as most of the advocates of
distinguished military services during Second Bauhaus including Gropius were driven out by
World War, he attended the Ecole des Beaux the Nazi regime. Gropius taught at Harvard
Arts in Paris. He later received an AM from the Graduate School of Design in the post-world-war
University of Cairo in 1952 and his Master’s from period, and from there the influence of Bauhaus
the University of London in 1957. He received an spread further in the third world. See Benevolo
honorary doctorate from the National College of (1984).
Arts in 1970s. Dr Sponenburgh taught at the
22. NCAA, Box File No. 288-E, Free Cinema
University of Oregon from 1946 to 1956 and then
Shows to Educational Institutions (1949–72). In a
spent a year as a visiting professor at the Royal
leaflet announcing new film titles by USEF to be
College of Arts in London in 1957. In 1958,
shown to students at NCA including Anatomy of
Sponenburgh received a Fulbright research
Aggression, which describes ‘the techniques
fellowship and taught in Egypt before being
and tactics used by the Communists to gain
appointed as Principal of the NCA a year later.
control and enslave the people of free counties
He returned to Oregon in 1961 and embarked
since the end of Second World War. The same
on a lengthy career at Oregon State University,
techniques are being used to enslave the people
where he was named Professor Emeritus in
of Berlin.’.
1984. Today, the university maintains the
Sponenburgh Travel Award, which is awarded to 23. NCAA, Box File No. 238-E, Convocation File
a graduate student every year and endowed by (1959–66).