Answer 1 Passage 1 (a) (i) revealing yourself (b) communication skills (c) (ii) watering plants (d) The company of friends from different cultural backgrounds teaches us tolerance. Friendship means learning to accept a person from a completely different family to your own or from a completely different cultural background. This is the way we learn tolerance. (e) (iii) Frequent (f) Friendship is different from other relationships as: (i) it is an unconditional experience where one receives as much as one gives. (ii) it can bring out the positive side that one never shows in any other relationship. (g) resilience (h) (iii) A and C are true (i) Active listening skills, questioning skills negotiation skills, reflecting content skills reflecting emotion skills and editing yourself are the communication skills which help in building friendship. Answer 2 Passage 2 a (ii) lungworm disease (b) Nuclear technology can be used to meet power shortages, to create artificial dams, to increase the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, in medical purposes etc. (c) (iv) artificial dams can be made (d) India cannot depend on coal for meeting power shortage because good quality coal lies very deep and the cost of its extraction is high. (e) to meet her power shortage (f) False (g) (i) Colossal (h) Yes, nuclear energy can help in increasing our agricultural production. Radiation is also used for preparing mutant seeds. Many varieties of rice and some cereals have been prepared at Tarapur laboratory. SECTION-B CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS Answer 3.A P.S. Public School, Aram Nagar NOTICE 09 September, 2024 Gym Opening Announcement All the students are hereby informed that the school's gym is now open for your fitness journey the gym offers a range of facilities including cardio machines, weights, rowing machine and more. Timings are from 6:00 am. to 10:00 am. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your health and well-being. Grab your gym gear and join us to break a sweat! For more details contact the undersigned. Sunil Sharma Sports Captain OR B. Ganga Society, Pushp Nagar NOTICE 2 June 20XX Free Yoga Classes We are excited to announce free yoga classes for all residents starting next week. Classes will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 am to 7 am at the Community Hall. All age groups are welcome. Please bring your own yoga mats. Join us for a healthy start to the day! For more details you may contact the undersigned. Sd/- Sharmila Tiwari (SHARMILA TIWARI) President of RWA Answer 4. A Sunrise Global School, Agra Seeks your gracious presence on the Annual Onen Act Play Competition EKLAVYA Date: 09 September 2024 Time: 4 pm Venue: School Auditorium Chief Guest: Mrs Nalini Maheshwari (Noted Theatre Artiste) RSVP Best wishes Karuna Kaushik School Management (Cultural Secretary) 9594333XXX Guests are requested to be seated by 3:30 pm. OR B. Mr. Shyam Sundar Sundar Nagar-254400 09 September,2024 Principal S.K.M College Mahboob Nagar -254401 Subject: Inability to attend the annual conclave Sir, I am deeply honoured to receive the invitation to be the keynote speaker at S.K.M. College's Annual Conclave on "Student Health. The Emotional Impact of Social Media. Regrettably, due to prior commitments, I am unable to accept the invitation. However, I appreciate the opportunity and commend the college for addressing such crucial topics. Wishing the conclave a great success! Yours sincerely Shyam Sundar Answer 5. A Ghar B-94. Balimela Road Malkangiri Odisha 15 May 20XX The Coordinator (Each One Teach One) Ambaguda Malkangiri Odisha-764045 Subject: Application to Volunteer for the Each One Teach One Campaign Madam This is with reference to your advertisement for committed volunteers to teach underprivileged children. I came across the advertisement in a local daily. I wish to apply for the position of a volunteer for the Each One Teach One campaign. I can speak, read and write Odiya fluently and also have the experience of teaching the language before. I have completed my graduation and I am available for one hour a week. I look forward to a positive response from your end. Thanking you Yours faithfully Shantanu Sahu Resume Personal Details Name Shantanu Sahu Father's Name Mr Santosh Sahu Date of Birth 2 June 20XX Marital Status Unmarried Address Ghar B-94, Balimela Road, Malkangiri, Odisha E-mail Academic Qualifications: (i) B.A. with an aggregate of 80% from Berhampur University, Odisha in 20XX. (ii) Intermediate with an aggregate of 84% from St. Mary's Malkangiri in 20XX. (iii) High school with an aggregate of 76% from St. Mary's Malkangiri in 20XX. Languages Known: English, Odiya and Hindi Hobbies : Reading and travelling. 5.B. 18, Civil Lines Meerut 09 September 2024 The Editor The Indian Express Meerut Subject: Need for a Healthy Balance between News and Commercials on News Channels Sir Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the news channels towards the increasing number of commercial ads on news channels. The 24-hour news channels on television are a major source of information for the common public. But sadly, it is being observed these days that the news content shown on these channels is quite a little. After every few minutes, commercial advertisements appear in between. As compared to the foreign channels, the Indian channels are more full of advertisements. Whenever, the TV is switched on to watch the news updates, advertisements are seen on the screen and the viewer has to wait for a pretty long time for the actual news to begin. This is quite disgusting. The very purpose of the news channels seems to be lost among the advertisements. My appeal to the news channels is that a sensible and a reasonable balance must be maintained between the commercial breaks and the news. Thanking you Yours truly John Answer 6. A Snap Safe: A Guide to Selfie Safety By Ravi In the age of smartphones and social media, selfies have become an integral part of our lives. But amidst the rush to capture the perfect shot, it's crucial to prioritize safety above all else. Fintly, youngsters must steer clear of danger zones and avoid posing near moving trains or vehicles, as even a split-second distraction can lead to disastrous consequences. Similarly, they should resist the temptation to snap a selfie with wild animals, no matter how tempting the photo opportunity may seem. Your safety is worth more than a few likes. Secondly, youngsters must be mindful of their surroundings. Whether they are out in the wilderness or in a bustling city moreover they must stay alert to potential hazards and always try to keep a safe distance from stairs, drop-offs, or any precarious locations that could pose a threat to their well-being. Lastly, youngsters are advised to think twice before casually posting selfies online. What may seem like harmless fun could inadvertently reveal sensitive information about your location or daily routine, making them vulnerable to risks. Remember, a selfie is never worth risking your safety. So, let's snap responsibly and ensure that every selfie moment is a safe one. OR Answer 6. B Women's Day with Flavorful Cooking Competition (By-XYZ) September 09, 2024 Preeti Nagar Community Center In celebration of Women's Day, Preeti Nagar Residential Welfare Association (RWA) recently organized a delightful cooking competition, bringing together residents to showcase their culinary skills and creativity. The event, held at the community center on March 8th from 10:00 am. to 2:00 p.m was a testament to the talent and enthusiasm within our neighborhood. A total of 20 participants, both seasoned chefs and passionate home cooks, eagerly participated in the competition. The array of dishes on display ranged from traditional Indian delicacies to innovative fusion creations, highlighting the rich diversity of our community's gastronomic heritage. Renowned chef Sanjay Kumar graced the occasion as the esteemed judge, bringing his expertise and discerning palate to the table. After much deliberation, the coveted title was awarded to Mrs. Meera Sharma for her exquisite rendition of a delectable paneer tikka masala, perfectly balancing flavors and presentation. The event was not just about cooking; it was a celebration of community spirit and empowerment. The Preeti Nagar RWA extended its heartfelt gratitude to all participants, the esteemed judge, and everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success. "We look forward to more such enriching experiences in the future" said, one of the residents. SECTION- C LITERATURE Answer 7. A (i) (b) invite readers as part of the poem's larger call to humanity. (ii) (a) Atwood endorses Neruda's call to not speak in any language. (iii) (b) To emphasize the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life. (iv) (b) 1 - (i); 2 - (iii); 3 - (ii); 4 - (iv) (v) Speaking creates ruckus, we don't need any language for introspection; moreover, we divide people in the name of languages. (vi) 'Arms' could refer to weapons that we have been using incessantly to destroy humanity. It has also been used to show unceasing activities of man like machines in the modern world. OR B. (i) (c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred. (ii) (b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when (iii) (c) Only 5 (iv) (c) Title 3 (v) This line implies an acceptance that her mother was ageing. (vi) The poet was worried to see her mother dozing, aged and pale. Answer 8. A. (i)-(b) ; (ii)-(d) ; (iii)-(d) ; (iv)-(c) OR B.(i)-(d); (ii)-(d); (iii)-(b); (iv)-(c) Answer 9. A. (i) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (c) (iv) (b) (v) The old man was able to make a roof over his head. He says it glowingly because many people failed in it. OR B. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (a) (iv) (b) (v) His own turn had come of being trapped in because he was tempted by the money, hanging in a leather pouch in crofter's house. Answer 10. Ans (i). Ragpicking carries two different meanings for children and the elders. For children, garbage is something wrapped in wonder as, sometimes they happen to find a silver coin or a ten rupee note. But for their parents it is a means of earning their livelihood-it is a means of survival for the family. Ans(ii). The narrator received a bolt from the blue as if, when the teacher, M. Hamel mounted on the chair and made the announcement that he was there to teach his last lesson in French that day. They had received orders from Berlin and consequently teaching of French was being banned, only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Ans (iii). The merry children 'spilling out of their homes' present an image of happiness, energy and lively life. They are enjoying the golden period of their life in contrast of the poet's mother who is sitting beside her in the car. She looks lifeless and pale like a corpse. She presents an image of ageing, decay and passivity. Ans. (iv)According to M. Hamel, the people of Alsace used to shirk work. They often thought they had plenty of time. But due to this attitude, they couldn't learn their language any more. He said that the Germans would mock at them saying that they pretended to be the French but couldn't even speak or write their language. Ans.(v) The tramp, though illiterate and a thief, found himself raised to the level of a captain through Edla's kindness and compassion, he got a chance to redeem himself, hence he signed the letter as Captain Von Stahle. Ans. (vi)The instructor worked with Douglas for seven months. Through rigorous training, the instructor made him get rid of his fear of water. But still some vestiges of fear used to haunt Douglas whenever he was alone in water. So he decided to go to the various water bodies to overcome his fear of water and become confider. Answer.11 Ans(i)Sam's letter was addressed to Charley. In the letter Sam informed Charley that he had found the third level. He also told Charley and his wife to keep looking for the third level. The letter was clearly a product of Charley's imagination. The letter reflects that, Sam also felt insecure and yearned for an escape. He started believing that he too had found the third level. Ans.(ii) As the injured American war prisoner gradually recovered his health Dr. Sadao and his wife were in a state of dilemma as to what should be done with him. Their loyal servants had left them and sheltering the war prisoner in their house could pose a threat to their lives. As his wife's impatience and distress grew he revealed the matter to the General who decided to send assassins to kill the young American while sleeping. The American war prisoner survived because the assassins did not come to kill the war prisoner. He decided to save his patient once again. He secretly sent him to an isolated island with food, bottled water, clothes, blanket and his own flashlight on a boat from where he boarded a Korean ship to freedom and safety. Ans. (iii) Man has committed the unpardonable sin of defiling mother earth. His dominance over nature, coupled with over population and the "unmitigated burning of fossil fuel" is creating a thick blanket of carbon dioxide around earth, which is hazardous and life threatening for all the flora and fauna. The resultant increase in average global temperature, depleting resources, receding glaciers, collapsing ice shelves and increasing townships have only aggravated the problem. The future of mankind, in fact, all life on earth is bleak. Hence, the author is correct in saying that the prognosis for man is not encouraging and healthy. Answer 12 Ans.(A) We can overcome the anxieties and insecurities bred from our inevitable existence in the modern world by getting involved in some practical and beneficial activities. Cultivating hobbies, spending time with family and friends, going on trips and excursions, pursuing meditation and exercises help us live a balanced and healthy life. Reading good books is equivalent to having good friends with great insight. They not only enrich us with the vast store of knowledge but also help us to learn from other's experience and stay rooted to some basic qualities of humanity. Joining hobby classes, gym, attending social events like birthdays and weddings, going for outdoor games, interacting meaningfully through social-networking sites and writing diaries etc. can also help us relieve our worries and stay focussed and disciplined in life. Simple activities like listening to music, playing with pets, an occasional dinner out, watching cinema or plays or going to places like parks etc. can go a long way in helping us get rid stress, boredom and insecurities. OR B. Ans: There are at least three characters in the story who suffer from loneliness and express the need to bond with others. They represent three strata of the human society as well. The peddler with the rattraps, the old crofter and the ironmaster all suffer from loneliness. The peddler is called a tramp, a vagabond and stranger at various points of the story. He moves wearily from one place to the other. He is lost in his own thoughts. He seeks shelter for night and people look at him with sour faces. Even the blacksmith looks haughtily at him and nod consent. The old crofter suffers from loneliness as he has neither wife nor child with him. Hence, he feels happy when he gets the peddler to talk to in his loneliness. The ironmaster is also lonely in his manor house. His wife Elizabeth has died and his sons are abroad. There is no one at home except his oldest daughter and himself. His requests to Captain Von Stahle to accompany him show his need for human bonding. He admits frankly that they didn't have any company for Christmas. The stranger turns down the request not because he is against bonding with others but because he fears being caught with stolen money. Answer.13 Ans.(A) In today's world of machine, man's life has become so hectic that he can hardly enjoy a moment of peace. Insecurities of war, worry, fear and stress rob man of his peace of mind. So, our subconscious mind constantly forces the invasion of tension and anxiety. Devoid of all thrill and excitement, modern man rather than living life in the real sense of the world, merely goes through the process of existing. In order to get out of this labyrinth, he turns to religions. world of fiction, fantasy, hobbies, sports, music and creativity. These things divert his attention from the harsh realities. Thus, man experiences some sort of relief from his worries. The degree of involvement in such activities ascertains the level of calmness, he attains. The serenity that he experiences for himself saves him from the psychiatric problems caused by stress, strain and apprehensions. As Charley's style of work, the fast pace of life, overwork and subconscious apprehension made him too uneasy and restless. He yearned for peace and tranquility. He turned to philately but the degree of relief that this hobby provided him was not sufficient to calm him down emotionally. So, he redoubled the efforts of his subconscious mind for escape which resulted in his flight to the third level. OR B. Ans. Life has many facets. We live it by maintaining a delicate balance between the various facets it offers to us as part of our existence as an individual in a society. Living for our own self, family, profession and country are just a few of them. However at times, it becomes difficult to maintain this balance, and gets overpowered by confusion and dilemmas. The story about Dr. Sadao, Hana and the war prisoner exemplified that, on finding a wounded war prisoner washed ashore, Dr Sadao and his wife were unable to decide what to do. They were confused whether they should save and tend the injured or leave him to die or inform the army. Eventually, he struck the balance by deciding to save him before handing him over to the army. He and his wife sympathetically tended him but secretly hid a war prisoner in their home by going against the rule of the law and subdued self-conscience. In a bid to get rid of that burden, he revealed the fact to the General who promised to get the prisoner killed through assassins. His inner conscience did not allow him to get the war prisoner killed and he helped the enemy soldier flee to the safety.