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from Kathmandu while they were flying to join the narrator's father in the Himalayas.
2. i. False.
ii. Companies demand exemplary performance from their employees because of tough competition from other enterprises.
iii. (c) when there are chances to get financial gratification
iv. Team spirit and work environment.
v. Chance for personal development, relaxed working environment, promotion prospects, job satisfaction and monetary
vi. (d) happy
vii. Team spirit, competent boss, respect from colleagues and job satisfaction.
viii. (c) happiness
School Counsellor
ABC School
Let's Read a Book Week
Attention all Library Club members of classes X-XII. The Library Club is organizing an interschool "Let's Read a Book" week
to encourage children to read. We are looking for student volunteers to help out at the event. Interested volunteers should report
to the school library on September 15th, at 10:00 a.m.
Date: September 20th - September 25th, 2024.
Secretary, School Library Club
4. N.J. Public School
Pune, Maharashtra
September 14, 2024
The Principal
S.M. International School
Kala Puram, Maharashtra
Subject: Acceptance of Invitation to Address Class XII Students
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally accept your kind invitation to address the Class XII students of S.M.
International School on the topic of "Goal Setting & Time Management." It is an honour to be considered for this important role,
and I am delighted to confirm my presence at the seminar.
I will be available to deliver the session on the scheduled date, September 28, 2024, at 10:00 AM in the school auditorium. I am
looking forward to engaging with the students and sharing valuable insights and strategies that will help them in their academic
and personal lives.
Please let me know if there are any specific requirements or preparations needed from my end. I am eager to contribute to the
success of this event and ensure that the students gain maximum benefit from the session.
Thank you once again for this opportunity. I look forward to a fruitful and interactive session with your students.
Yours sincerely,
Priyanka Jadhav
Student Counsellor
N.J. Public School
Dr. Rao
C-5/8, Rohini Sector-7
New Delhi
13th September 2024
The Economics Society Flora Public School New Delhi
Dear Sir/Madam,
I regret to inform you that due to a sudden illness, I cannot attend the panel discussion on ‘Changing Economic Trends’ scheduled
for 15th September 2024 at 10:00 AM. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Dr. Rao
5. F112, Mall Road,
Delhi - 110007
7th September, 20XX
The Editor,
The Times of India,
Delhi - 110002
Subject: Need to improve living conditions in slums
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the municipal authorities of all big cities to the
miserable living conditions in the slums.
India is growing by leaps and bounds in every sector. However, the mushrooming slums in the city provide an altogether different
scenario. These slums are mostly inhabited by rural people who have migrated to cities for their livelihood due to lack of
employment opportunities in rural areas. As the houses in these areas are devoid of basic amenities like piped water supply and
sanitation, the residents, particularly the children, urinate and defecate in any open space they find. Living in such grim and
horrible conditions leads to spread of various diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc. Further, there is no sweeping or
cleaning of the streets done, leading to heaps of stinking garbage.
The living conditions of these slums can be improved if the municipal authorities bring these areas under their ambit, charging the
residents house tax and providing the necessary water supply and sanitation services by using the house tax collected for this
purpose. Only when the slum dwellers also get the basic necessities, can the nation be said to have truly progressed.
I hope my letter will find a suitable space in your newspaper and the concerned authorities will take the requisite steps to improve
the conditions of the slums.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
A-7, Shanti Park
16 December 2019
The Manager
NCR Group of Hotels
Subject: Application for the Post of Receptionist
In response to your advertisement in the Hindustan Times dated December 20, 2019, for the post of a receptionist, I hereby offer
my candidature for the same.
I possess the requisite qualifications and experience. I want to join your hotels to fully utilize my potential.
You may call me for an interview on any date at your convenience. I shall be able to join my duties at one month's notice if
appointed. I am enclosing my detailed resume for your perusal.
Thank You
Enclosure: Detailed Resume
Resume / Bio Data
Name: Sudha / Sudhir
Father's Name: Mr. Subhas
Age: 25 Years
Address: A-7, Shanti Park, Delhi
Hobbies: Music, Net Surfing, Photography, Sports
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Nationality: Indian
Educational Qualifications:
Passed Secondary Exam. from CBSE with 8.5 CGPA
Passed Senior Secondary Exam. from CBSE with distinction
vitiated by the virus of hypocrisy. In the workplace to dishonesty can bring ruin to the flourishing business. Hence people should
control their selfishness and be truthful in their dealings.
Visit to an Orphanage for the Blind
by Naveen, President, Social Activities Club
Seemapuri, 20th March, 20XX: 15 members of the Social Activities Club of ABC Public School, Deralwal Delhi, visited an
orphanage for the blind children on 18th March, 20XX. The orphanage is run by well-known Sarvappam NGO and is located at
the outskirts of Delhi. The students were amazed to see the kind of infrastructure that the place had. The infrastructure suited the
blind children so well that they did not seem to be disabled at all. Every step was designed to cater to the needs of those children.
Special care was devoted to keep their surroundings clean along with attention to their educational needs. The children had all
kinds of toys and games suitable for them to play with. Exceptional attention was also given to their hygiene, sanitation and good-
quality food. The staff showed much care for these children and had created a friendly, family kind of environment. The normal
students, who cribbed for petty things instead of being thankful for what they already had, had an enlightening experience.
7. i. Hands that shivered out of fear
ii. Chained with responsibilities
iii. (2) can be inferred from the extract but (1) cannot.
iv. All of these
v. Prancing
vi. Alliteration
i. It increase in loveliness.
ii. All of these
iii. A shady place
iv. never fade away
v. Nature
vi. (2) can be inferred from the extract but (1) cannot.
i. (a) a celebration of life
ii. (a) bitter
iii. (d) illustrate that there should be no distinction
iv. The word from the above extract that most nearly means the opposite of difference is "same"
9. i. old terror
ii. He wanted to be sure that all of the fear had left him.
iii. Sure
iv. The terror returned in small phases but now, as he (the author) knew how to swim, he faced the terror with confidence. He
swam another length of the pool.
v. All of these
vi. (1) cannot be inferred from the extract but (2) can.
i. To help the poor peasants
The primary purpose and nature of Gandhi's mission was to help the poor peasants who were getting exploited in the
sharecropping agreement.
ii. Sharecroppers started to visit the champion.
iii. (2) is the reason for (1).
iv. 1 and 4
The Sharecroppers had come to visit Gandhi because they hoped that under the leadership of this popular leader they would be
able to get justice.
v. The news of Gandhi’s advent and the purpose of his mission spread through Muzaffarpur.
vi. for the sharecroppers against the tyrannical British landlords.
10. Answer any five of the following questions in 40-50 words each:
(i) When he discovered that the peddler was not who he had mistaken him to be, the ironmaster first wanted to call the
sheriff. Later, he asked the peddler to leave his house immediately. However, Edla was kind-hearted and felt sorry for the
peddler. She believed that since they had invited him to their house, they should show him some kindness and hospitality
because it was Christmas.
(ii) When Kamala Das looked back at her mother after the security check at the airport, she noticed that her mother had
turned wan and pale like the late winter’s moon. It reminded her of her old age and her old fear of losing her mother
came back.
(iii)The government, and the civic authorities who appear to help them but actually end up harming them are relocating
them to the vicinity of the towns near the theatre and the shops which is a great disservice to the people. They will be
thus, robbed of their voices and their freedom and ability to find solutions to their problems.
(iv)Sophie and Jansie ,both belonged to a middle-class family. Sophie was a dreamer and lived in a fantasy world . She
wanted to open a boutique though it was not within her reach.Sophie also thought of becoming an actress or a fashion
designer. Jansie was practical girl and knew her shortcomings. She was aware that the best work they would get was in
the biscuit factory.
(v) The ideology of communism was once thought to be the best way of governance. The ideology failed and the book, 'The
God That Failed' conveys that. The book is a compilation of six essays written by six eminent writers, namely, Andre
Gide, Richard Wright, Ignazio Silone, Arthur Koestler, Louis Fischer, and Stephen Spender wherein the respective
writers have described “their journeys into Communism and their disillusioned return”.
(vi)There is no one reason for the huge success of the novel 'The Name of the Rose'. Umberto Eco himself calls its success a
mystery. It is possible that this detective story that delved into metaphysics, theology and medieval history, interested the
readers because the time in which it was written was most appropriate, neither a decade earlier nor a decade later.
11. Answer any two of the following questions in 40-50 words each:
(i) According to Geoff Green, High School students are the future policy-makers and through this programme, they would
be able to save this planet from the environmental hazards and the harmful effects of global warming. Antarctica, with
its simple ecosystem and lack of biodiversity, is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can
have major repercussions.
(ii) The servants didn’t like the idea of giving shelter to an enemy in the house. Yumi the governess of the children
stubbornly refused to wash the white man and threatened to leave the job if she was forced. When Dr. Sadao told his
gardener about the wounded white man he got upset and even frightened. He opposed Dr. Sadao for treating his enemy.
In fact, all the servants in the house were critical of Dr. Sadao’s sheltering the enemy. They refused to help him. They
were superstitious and fearful of the wrath of nature. They tried their level best to send the white man away. Finally,
when Dr. Sadao didn’t listen to them and decided to give shelter to the white man in his house they left the house.
(iii)Antarctica and its understanding are important for the survival of the world because it helps us to know that the southern
supercontinent of Gondwana existed and centred around present-day Antarctica. Human beings had not come on the
global scene but a huge variety of flora and fauna was present in the supercontinent.
12. Reporter: Congratulations, Mukesh! You have achieved what you aspired for. Please share with us your story of struggle that
paved the way for your success.
Mukesh: Thank you. My journey has indeed been a challenging one, but it has taught me valuable lessons and shaped me into
who I am today. Growing up in Firozabad, I witnessed the harsh reality of child labor and the limited education opportunities.
However, I was determined to break free from that cycle.
First and foremost, education played a crucial role in my success. Despite the odds, I pursued my studies and gained knowledge
about car mechanics, which was my passion. I worked hard to develop my skills and expertise in this field.
Reporter: Being from the family of bangle-makers, how difficult it was to not opt for bangle-making as your karam or fate in
Mukesh: Yes, it was a great challenge for me. As you know I belong to a family of bangle makers and had a dream of becoming a
car mechanic since my childhood. On the contrary, my family is traditionally engaged in bangle-making, and the children born in
the family are expected to accept it as their destiny.
However, I had a different goal and somehow managed to convince my parents that this profession was challenging us in two
ways. Firstly, it harms us physically as it made us prone to ailments like lung cancer and loss of vision. Secondly, we hardly earn
any money out of it. And this way, I was able to win their trust.
So, the support from my family also played an instrumental in my journey. They believed in me and encouraged which kept me
going during difficult times.
Reporter: So, what would your message be to the ones who cannot handle failure? How did you handle your rough times?
Mukesh: When my family members came to know that I did not intend to join the family business, they were mad at me. Also, I
had to face many tooting problems being a greenhorn in this field. Moreover, I believe that having a positive mindset and
resilience are key factors in achieving success. I faced setbacks and failures, but I never let them define me. Instead, I used them
as stepping-stones to learn and grow.
Reporter: How do you look at the workers who you hire to work under you?
Mukesh: Since I run a service, so for me the trust of my customers is of utmost priority. So, I always want my worker to learn so
that there is a minimum complaint from the customer. I look at my workers as my young reflection and try my best to impart to
them the skill needed here. I intentionally don’t look for skilled or experienced workers because for me training a fresher is easier
as they would do the type of work I want. Besides, these young boys give up their traditional professions for better opportunities,
so I love to give them a chance to learn and grow, a chance for which I had to struggle. Providing employment opportunities to my
younger brothers gives me great satisfaction.
Reporter: Do you want to convey any message to the young children of Firozabad through your journey?
Mukesh: I faced numerous challenges along the way, including financial constraints and societal expectations. However, I never
let these obstacles deter me. I remained focused on my goal and persevered through hard work and dedication.
To the younger generation, I would say that my journey from aspiring to become a car mechanic to owning a successful shop has
been a result of firm determination, education, support from loved ones, overcoming challenges, networking, maintaining a
positive mindset, and delivering excellent service. I hope my story inspires others to pursue their dreams and overcome any
obstacles they may face.
Reporter: Thank you, Mukesh, for sharing your inspiring story of struggle and success. Your journey is truly remarkable and
serves as an inspiration to many.
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The word "quiet" has different implications in the given context. In Neruda's poem "Keeping Quiet," the word "quiet" refers to a
moment of stillness and introspection. It is a call to action, urging people to take a break from the world's frenzy and reflect on
their actions.
Neruda ends up this poem by saying that now he will count up to twelve so that we all may become quiet. Here ‘quiet’ means to
calm down and move towards the path of peace and harmony. After saying this he says, ‘I will go’. He says so as he has conveyed
his message to the people and wants them to be left alone to think about it and work in the direction of peace. In this context,
"quiet" is a positive force that can lead to peace and brotherhood.
On the other hand, in "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet, the word "quiet" has a negative connotation. The phrase "as quiet
as Sunday morning" refers to the silence that has descended upon the classroom, as the students realize that it is their last French
lesson. In this context, "quiet" is associated with sadness and loss.
13. Author Kalki has subtly presented the eccentricities of the king who tries to avoid death following an astrologer’s prediction
subjecting the innocent animals to his willfulness. The whimsical king is unaware of the fact that there is no way to avoid death
and that which is destined is inevitable. Citing an old saying that it is legit to kill a cow in self-defense, Maharaja Jung Jung
Bahadur set out on a tiger hunting expedition. The author has used satire in this story to talk about the indiscriminate killing of
tigers. The entire species of tigers become extinct in the state of Pratibandapuram and that of his wife’s native state by the time the
king himself dies. Moreover, the silence on the death of tigers itself draws a strong correlation between the life of the king and that
of the ninety-nine tigers killed by him. Besides, no second thought is ever given while killing the tigers because they are killed by
men in power. There is also an implicit suggestion of killings for preserving the vainglory of humans in the British officer’s
request for a photograph with a dead tiger. It is as if these animals’ existence is at stake for more than one reason and no fault of
their own. The absurdity highlighted in the killings, by the author, also makes the readers wonder if these animals deserve more
security than human beings.
I tried really hard today, but I couldn't prevent this from happening. They forced me to cut my hair, and I feel like I have lost a part
of myself. My hair was a symbol of my identity, and now it's gone. I feel like I have submitted to my herders like a tamed animal.
I miss my mother badly. I wish she was here to comfort me and tell me that everything will be alright. But I know that's not
possible. I have to be strong and face the reality of my situation. I have to find a way to reclaim my identity and show the world
that I am not just a tamed animal. I am a proud Native American woman, and I will not let anyone take that away from me.