January 2013
This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International
Development. It was prepared by CDM International Inc.
Kilombero Valley Irrigation Schemes:
10-14 December 2012
The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views
of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States
ES.1 Background
Under the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future (FTF) program, CDM International Inc. (CDM
Smith) is implementing USAID/Tanzania’s Technical Assistance to Support the Development
of Irrigation and Rural Roads Infrastructure Project (IRRIP21). Among other activities,
IRRIP2 is supporting the development of irrigation schemes in the Kilombero district of
Morogoro region.
This report covers the activities and findings of a week-long field trip to the four IRRIP 2
irrigation areas in the Kilombero Valley between 10 and 14 December 2012.
Each project area was visited and meetings held with all the key village councils.
The Zonal Irrigation Office (ZIO) within the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and
Cooperatives (MAFC) generated rapid appraisal documents for each of the schemes
between 2006 and 2010. The objective of this field visit was to establish whether the land
identified for inclusion in the four schemes remains available and to confirm the villagers
desire to have access to irrigation water.
The team included the CDM Smith Irrigation Head, the ZIO counterpart Irrigation Engineer,
the ZIO surveyor responsible for much of the original scheme identification and the
Kilombero District Irrigation Engineer.
ES.2 Findings
Without exception, at all the villages we visited, the farmers were enthusiastic about the
prospect of having their lands included within an irrigation project and were keen to point out
where additional lands might also be incorporated within the schemes.
The status of a number of private investors with land holdings within the irrigation areas
requires confirmation and a decision needs to be taken whether to include or exclude them
from the schemes. Ideally they will not be excluded, but must agree to contribute to the
upkeep and operation of the scheme and will be responsible for developing the irrigation
distribution system within their own lands.
The area of Mpanga-Ngalimila scheme appears to have been incorrectly recorded in the
original rapid appraisal document, reducing the area from the initial estimate of 31,500 ha to
21,500 ha. The available area at this scheme has been further reduced by the newly
defined Ramsar site boundary which reduces the available area to 12,776 ha if the Ramsar
site boundary is ratified.
The catchment area of the Udagaji River is only 25 km2. This is wholly inadequate to service
the irrigation needs of the Udagaji scheme as envisaged by ZIO. Surplus water is however
available from the Kihansi River and the potential for transferring water to supplement
Udagaji water will be explored.
The airfield operated by the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) which services
the Kihansi hydro-electric scheme is fully within the proposed Mgugwe project area.
A closely related but contractually separate project, “Engineering Services for the Tanzania Irrigation and Rural
Roads Infrastructure Project”, is undertaken concurrently by CDM International Inc. and is referred to for
convenience as IRRIP1.
(2) These are areas proposed by the scheme villagers. Their availability also needs to be confirmed with the
Land Use Planning Commission
Of the 43,000 ha identified by ZIO, approximately 24,034 ha gross (20,028 ha net irrigable
land) appears to be available from first estimates. A further 8,348 ha (7,453 ha net) may be
available surrounding the schemes, subject to status confirmation through the Ministry of
Land (MoL), National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC).
1.1 Discussions with District Agriculture Office, Ifakara (10 Dec 2012) ............. 1-1
1.2 Discussions with District Land Administration Office, Ifakara (10 Dec 2012)1-1
1.2.1 Process for Obtaining Title Deed ................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 What the Land Department Has .................................................... 1-2
1.3 Kisegese Project Area (11 Dec 2012) .......................................................... 1-2
1.3.1 Discussions ................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Preliminary Conclusions ................................................................ 1-4 Weir Structure .............................................................. 1-4 Flood Protection Works ................................................ 1-4 Drainage Works ........................................................... 1-4 Irrigation ....................................................................... 1-4 Additional Blocks of Land ............................................. 1-5
IRRIP1 Engineering Services for the Irrigation and Rural Roads Infrastructure Project
IRRIP2 Technical Assistance to Support the Development of Irrigation and Rural
Roads Infrastructure Project
1.1 Discussions with District Agriculture Office, Ifakara (10 Dec 2012)
Rice is generally grown in the wet season and maize in the dry season; however,
with adequate water it is possible to grow three crops of rice per year.
Extension services are available covering all project areas. Most Wards have a full-
time agricultural extension officer.
Feed the Future’s (FTF) associated NAFAKA Value Chain Project (NAFAKA) is now
active in the area advocating improved rice varieties and cultivation techniques.
There are 23 Wards in Kilombero District and 92 villages. Population statistics for
2002 were provided in digital format.
1.2 Discussions with District Land Administration Office, Ifakara (10 Dec
Land is vested in Villages or State.
This process needs to be understood more clearly, in particular the acceptable structure and form of
the cooperative to whom the deed will be transferred.
TAZARA Railway Irrigation
Irrigation for the Chiwachiwa lands (Block 1) will be from a canal offtaking from the
right side of the Ruipa River. Block 1 is the subject of an on-going court case
between the villagers and the Ministry of Land disputing its allocation to a private
investor by a neighboring village. In the meantime, the villagers have chased the
investor off and are cultivating the land as before.
Irrigation for the Kisegese village lands (Block 2) will be from a main canal offtaking
from the weir and travelling down the left side of the Ruipa River (eastern side).
Before the majority of the irrigable land can be brought under command the irrigation
water must be conducted under the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA)
1.4.1 Discussions
Meetings were held with the Village Councils of Mpanga/Ngalimila/Utengule,
Kamwene and Mlimba A. These are presented in Appendix B in sections B.1, B.3
and B.4 respectively.
The revised area was calculated by digitizing the ZIO proposed area from the Survey of Tanzania
1:50,000 scale mapping using AutoCAD. Presumably the difference is a typing error in the final
Mnyera River
1.5.1 Discussions
Meetings were held with the Village Council at Mgugwe. These are presented in
Appendix C in section C.1. Irrigation
Irrigation will be run-of-river, from a weir on the Mgugwe River. Left and right side
offtaking canals will be required. The left main canal will service the left side of Block
1 whilst the right main canal will service the right side of Block 1 and all of Block 2.
Both Block 1 and Block 2 areas are divided by the TAZARA railway embankment
which runs north-south through both blocks. Negotiations must be opened with
TAZARA to establish the process for designing/implementing any conduits. It is likely
that only 2 conduits will be required if all the land is to be commanded.
1.6.1 Discussions
Meetings were held with the Village Council at Udagaji. These are presented in
Appendix D in section D.1.
Railway Irrigation
Irrigation will be run-of-river, from a weir on the Mgugwe River. Left and right side
offtaking canals will be required. The left main canal will service the left side of Block
1 whilst the right main canal will service the right side of Block 1 and all of Block 2.
Block 1 is divided by the TAZARA railway embankment which runs diagonally
northeast to southwest through both blocks. Negotiations must be opened with
TAZARA to establish the process for designing/implementing any conduits. It is likely
that only 1 conduit will be required if all the land is to be commanded.
Under a large mango tree which kept everyone awake by punctuating the meeting at regular intervals.
In Ifakara we were given GPS coordinates by the Land Use Planner for the lands allocated to
SAGCOT. These fall wholly within the area identified by ZIO for the Mpanga-Ngalimila scheme and
cover an area of 5,126 ha. These have been plotted onto Figure 1-2.
Later discussions at Ifakara with the Land Use Department confirmed that this is not correct.
We stopped at the TANESCO offices to try and obtain this data but were advised to apply to
TANESCO head office in Dar es Salaam.