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Detailed Lesson Plan in English


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils can:
1. Identify the objects that starts with Letter S;
2. Appreciate the importance of Letter S through an activity called
Draw me; and
3. Write correctly the capital S and small letter s

A. Content Standard: Letter representation of sounds -that letter

symbols have names and distinct sounds.
B. Performance Standard: Identify the letter names and sounds.
C. Learning Competency: Identify the letters of the alphabet(mother
tongue, orthography) (LLKAK-Ih-3)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Identifying Objects that Start with Letter S
Reference: K-12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide
Materials: Video presentation, activity worksheet, television, laptop
Other Learning Materials:

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
Everybody stand up let us pray. Angel of God my guardian
dear to whom God’s love
commits me here, ever this
day be at my side, to light my
guard, to rule and guide
Good morning class!
How are you today? Good morning teacher
Okay everybody sit down now. Were good teacher
Who are absent this morning?
Do you know why Ria is absent? Ria teacher
Maybe I will ask her parents for that. No teacher

Now class what can you say about this

picture? There are children and teacher

Okay very good.

How about the way they sit, what can
you say about that?
They are sitting properly
Very good! So our first classroom rule
is sit down properly. What’s again our
1st classroom rule?
Let me see if you are sitting properly. 1. Sit down properly

What else do you see about this

picture? Some children are raising their
Exactly! So our 2nd classroom rule is to
raise your hand if you want to answer. 2. Raise your hand if you want
Okay! to answer.
Where is your hand?
They will raise their hand
Now take a look at this children
Are they talking to each other?
Yes so meaning to say our 3rd
classroom rules is? 3. Do not talk to your
Did you understand our classroom
Okay very good! Yes teacher

(explain the incentive chart)

Whose group got more star?

So to start our class let’s sing our

Good morning song, but before that
what is the weather for today? Is it
sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day!
Sunny day!
Yes today is sunny day!
So the song goes this way….

Good morning it’s a happy day (2x)

Happy (4x) day (children are singing)
Tell me the weather, the weather now
And today is a sunny day (3)
And that is the weather today.

Do you like the song class?

Yes teacher

B. Motivation

Okay so this morning we will be having

a new lesson but before that we will
sing another song again.

For an S I make just a curvy little

For an S I make just a curvy little (children are singing)
And that /s//s//s//s/ snakey,
Makes my knees a little shakey!
For an S I make just a curvy little
For an S I make just a little curvy
And that /s//s//s//s/ snakey,
Makes my knees a little shakey!
For an S I make just a curvy little
For an S I make just a curvy little

C. Discussion
So base on the song, do you have now
an idea what is our lesson for this
Okay, so our lesson is all about the
letters in the alphabet but this
morning we will focus to the Letter S.

So this is letter S

So this picture is the big letter S, and

this one is the small letter s.

/s/ /s/ /s/

/s/ /s/ /s/

/s/ /s/ /s/

So what the sound of S?
Everybody say /s/ /s/ /s/
What is the sound of letter S?
Very good!
Now what are the things that start
with letter S? So in order for you to
know, I have here a video.

v=nxOn8EPzLRo )
Now base on the video what are the
things that start with letter S?
Yes, 1st is Saging

The word saging start with Letter S.

Everybody say /s//s//s/saging
Very good!
So S is for Saging


Next picture is?

Yes exactly!
Everybody say s-s-s sampalok
Sampalok start with letter s sili
Everybody say s-s-s sampalok
So S is for Sampalok

Next picture is?

So this is a sili
What is the taste of sili?
Okay very good! Sabon
So S is for sili

Next picture is a

Yes it is a sabon
Sabon start with letter S
Everybody say /s//s/s/sabon
Next picture is


Yes very good

It is a sapatos…
What is the color of the sapatos? sudlay
So S is for Sapatos..

Next is?

To comb the hair

What do you called this object?

Where do we use the sudlay?
Sudlay start with letter s

Now what is this?
Okay very good..
Sando start with letter s?
Everybody sando. saya
Actually there are plenty of words that siko
start with letter S, but I just give you Suka
8. Silhig
What are those words that start with Sapa
letter S? Salag

Now this time, I’ll teach how to write

the the letter S.
I’ll give you a practice sheet..
Trace the capital letter S and small
letter S.

D. Application
Draw Me!! Yes teacher
Divide the class into 4 groups. Each
group will draw the things that start
with letter S. and then on the top write
the capital letter S and the small letter
s. Then paste your work on the board.
Is that clear?
E. Generalization Sudlay
What are the things that start with sando
letter S?

Very good!!

IV. Evaluation
Direksyon: Lingini ang mga butang nga
nagsugod sa letrang S.

V. Assignment

Direction: Write the capital letter S

and small letter s in your assignment

Prepared by: Checked by:

Student Teacher Cooperating

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