Letter CC

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La Salle University

College of Teacher Education

Ozamiz City, 7200

Letter Cc

Written and Prepared by:

Katrine Mae S. Bandiala

Respectfully Submitted to: Ms. Josie B. Engracia

Cooperating Teacher

May 01, 2023

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:

a. recognize letter Cc and its sound through words and objects;
b. produce the sound of /c/ correctly
c. share the importance of giving value to the things in our surrounding;
d. write the letter Cc correctly.

II. Subject Matter: Letter Cc

References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpM6EcggWcM
Materials: Pictures, flashcards, PPT
III. Procedure: Marungko Approach

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

I. Preparation

Good morning pupils! Before we will start (Pupils will do as told.)

our discussion, let us first have a prayer
which will be led by ______.

Thank you, ______.

Before you sit down, kindly pick up pieces

of paper that you can find on the floor (Pupils will do as told.)
and align your chairs in a count of 5.

Since, I am your teacher for today. I have

here rules for us to follow and it is
abbreviated as LPT.

L- stands for listen. You must listen

attentively for we will have our discussion.
P- stands for participate actively. I want
all of you to participate actively
throughout our discussion.

T- stands for talk which means talk when

you’re ask to answer and ask questions if
you have some clarifications.

Are the classrooms rules clear? Yes, teacher!

a. Apperception

What did we discuss last meeting? Last meeting, we discussed about the
letter Ww.

Very good, we discussed about the letter


What’s the sound of the letter Cc? (Pupils will do as told.)

That’s right! Before we will proceed to our

next topic. We will have an activity first.
This activity is called
b. Motivation

(The teacher will wear the face of a


Now class, what can you say on the

You’re wearing a colorful face, teacher.

Very good! Are you familiar with the It’s a clown, teacher.
picture class?

Excellent! Have you seen one in real life? Yes, teacher.

Magnificent! Where do you usually see

On Birthday parties, teacher.
this one?

Very Good! Clowns are usually present on

birthday parties.

Do you want to see a clown on your

Yes, teacher.
birthday also? Now class, do you know
what is the beginning sound of the word
Clown class?
Exactly! This morning we will discuss about
Letter Cc.

a. Statement of aims

I want you to listen attentively because at

the end of the lesson, you are all
expected to recognize letter Cc and its
sounds through words and objects;
produce the sound of /c/ correctly; give
the importance of your own things that
begins with letter Ww; and write the letter
Cc correctly.

Are we clear class? Yes, teacher.

1. Presentation

Now class, I will show you flashcards and I

want you to listen carefully as I read it to

Yes, teacher.
Am I understood?
(The teacher reads the flashcards)

1. Cat
2. Cupcake
3. Carrots
4. Clock
5. Car
6. Cap


Cat, teacher.
What animal is this?

Very good! Do you have cats at (Depends on the answer of the students.)

What is the color of your cat? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

What is the breed of your cat? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Okay! . Do they have a name class? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Very good! What is the name of your (Depends on the answer of the students.)


That’s a nice name!


Based on the picture, what can you A cupcake, teacher.

say about this?

Correct! Have you eaten a cupcake

(Depends on the answer of the students.)
already, class?

What does it taste like? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Where do you usually see this cupcake? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

That’s great!

Do you know what is in the picture Yes, teacher.


What kind of vegetables is this? Carrots, teacher.

Okay!What is the color of the carrots

Orange, teacher.
you usually see?

That’s right! Who among you here

(Depends on the answer of the students.)
wants to eat carrots?

What is the taste of the carrots? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

That’s right!

Do you know what carrots are (Depends on the answer of the students.)
important for class?

Excellent! Now, let’s proceed to the

fourth picture.

What is in the picture?

Clock, teacher.

That’s right! Do you have clocks at Yes, teacher.


What is the color of your clock? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Can a clock make a sound class? Yes, teacher.

Okay, what is the purpose of the clock (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Very good!

What is in the picture? Car, teacher.

That’s right! Do you have car at home? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

What is the color of your car? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Wow! Do they have a name class? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Very good! What is the name of your (Depends on the answer of the students.)


Now, let’s proceed to the last picture.


Now here in our last picture. What is Cap, teacher.


Yes, teacher.
Very good! This is a cap. Do you have
your own cap class?

What is the color of your cap? (Depends on the answer of the students.)

Alright! What is the purpose of the (Depends on the answer of the students.)

cap class?

That’s great!

2. Development
This time class, we will learn first the
sound of the letter Cc. Listen carefully
because I will let you repeat the

Okay everybody, kindly repeat the (Pupils will do as told.)

sound of the letter Cc.
Okay everybody, kindly repeat the
sound of the letter Cc.
That’s amazing! Now, I want ______.
and ______.to say the sound. (Pupils will do as told.)
Very good! How about ______..
That’s great!

a.Introduction of the letter (name

of the letter)

This is the big C and this is the small c.

What letter again is this class? Letter Cc, teacher.

Very Good! It is the letter C. The big c

and small x are just almost the same.

a. Reading of words
Now this time, we will read this words

(The teacher reads the flashcards)

7. Cat
8. Cupcake
9. Carrots
10. Clock
11. Car
12. Cap
a. Writing the letters

Now class, let us start to write the

letter Cc. First we’ll start with big or
uppercase C. To write uppercase C
we’’ start at the top in the corner and
then do a curved line all the way
around to the bottom of the corner.

Now, let’s do lowercase or small c. For

lowercase c we’ll start at the middle
and do a curved line all the way to
the bottom.

Be mindful with the blue lines class.

Very good! Now, I want you to get

ready because I will call you randomly
to come here in front and all you
need to do is to write letter Cc.

Am I understood? Yes, teacher.

Very Good!

Okay now, write it in your palm.

Now class, write it in your desk.

Very Good! How about at the back of

your classmates.
*Values Integration

Now class, Is it important to take good Yes, teacher.

care of our things?
(The answer of the pupils may vary.)
Why is it important?

Excellent! Now, What things do you (The answer of the pupils may vary.)
take care of the most? Give me one.

Excellent! Now, What things do you

take care of the most? Give me one.

Wow! Just like teacher katrine, I am

always careful with my things not just
in our surroundings but in my own
things also because they are very
valuable to me, so that I can use
them the next day. I don’t want to
waste my money again just to buy
those things.

Am I understood class?

III. Application
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

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