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Treatment 1

Day advert


Female character: She is in her late teens/ early twenties and is pretty. She seems scared and in a rush. She wears a red cape and a white dress with ballet pumps, which give her a more childlike/ fairytale edge. Additional character: Antagonist, chases protagonist. He isnt seen much during the sequence. Appearance is quite shady and wolf-like.

Locations Forest: This adds to the fairytale edge to the advert. This location, along with the fast paced editing adds tension at beginning of the sequence.

Plot A play on Red Riding Hood.

The first shot is of a pair of feet, the character is running from someone. There are harsh sounds of branches snapping along with non-diagetic heavy rock music playing. After the first shot, theres an extreme close up of the protagonists eyes, looking back as shes running looking terrified. The editing is fast paced as there are other shots of her running from different angles and shot types (high angle, low angle, medium close up, long shot.) There are some extreme close ups of the material flowing as the character is running, the red material chasing her connotes that danger is close behind her. Straight after this the character falls to the floor as she trips over a log she didnt see, she drops her basket full of muffins and the music stops. She pulls herself up and sees a bottle of perfume floating in the air. Mesmerized, she gets up and reaches out for the bottle and sprays the perfume. The pack shot appears with a voice over saying the slogan, whilst the antagonist can be seen in the background turning around and walking away.

Night advert

Female character: Like Cinderella, when the clock strikes midnight she flees from the male. Male character: Based on the prince from the Cinderella tale, desperately tries to find the girl that fled from the dance. Other: Characters that slam the door in the male characters face Other characters at the dance.

Location: House party, street, bedroom.

Plot A play on Cinerella.

The first shot is a mls of a female staring at an invitation to a party longingly. A fairy godmother appears and exclaims You will go to the party she sprays her with a perfume, and her pajamas turn into a party dress. There are a few shots of the party then theres a close up of a clock, with the hands turning fast. The clock hits midnight and the female character looks up, shocked. The female character pulls away from the male character and frantically runs away. The male character searches the house and runs outside for her. A shot of the female character spraying the perfume on herself again followed by a shot of the male character sniffing the air and running after her appears. They reunite and live happily ever after. The music is more upbeat than in the other advert, but will be diagetic as well as non-diagetic.

Both adverts adhere to Todorovs narrative theory as we wanted a fairytale take on the adverts. (Through narrative and mise-en-scene) We wanted a narrative for our advert as we thought this would be most appealing to the target audience.

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