Keywords: deep foundation pit engineering, weak strata parameters, counterweight double-row piles,
deformation in uence, sensitivity analysis
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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0 10 20 30 40
D epth/m
D epth/m
B ack-row pile
0 10 20 30 40
D epth /m
S im ulated values
M easured values
Figure7. Comparison of deep horizontal displacement of front-pile in the third stage
H orizontaldisplacem ent /m m
0 10 20 30 40
D epth /m
S im ulated values
-25 M easured values
Figure8. Comparison of deep horizontal displacement of back-pile in the third stage
5. Sensitivity analysis
5.1 Orthogonal experimental analysis
In this paper, an orthogonal experimental design is used to investigate the effects of the
cohesion C, internal friction angle φ, and elastic modulus E of the two weak layers of filling
stones and silt on the numerical simulation. A three-factor and five-level orthogonal numerical
simulation experiment is conducted, with a total of 25 groups of experiments. The specific
parameter values for each factor are shown in Tables 2 to 4.
Table2. Parameters of cohesiveness of soil
Cohesion /MPa
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
1-1 Rockfill (Q4mL) 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
2-1 Silt (Qm) 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
3-1 Silty clay(Q4al+pl) 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
4-1 Gravel clay (Qel) 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0
5-1 Completely weathered granite (γK1) 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0
mL) 25.0 25.0
1-1 Rockfill (Q4 25.0 25.0 25.0
Table3. Parameters of internal friction Angle of soil
12 A3 B2 C4 36.94 36.91
13 A3 B3 C5 35.63 35.60
14 A3 B4 C1 37.5 37.47
15 A3 B5 C2 36.09 36.06
16 A4 B1 C4 36.62 36.62
17 A4 B2 C5 35.34 35.31
18 A4 B3 C1 37.21 37.18
19 A4 B4 C2 35.8 35.77
20 A4 B5 C3 34.51 34.48
21 A5 B1 C5 35.03 35
22 A5 B2 C1 36.88 36.85
23 A5 B3 C2 35.48 35.45
24 A5 B4 C3 34.21 34.18
25 A5 B5 C4 33.06 33.03
Front Back Front Back Front Back
Range R 20.08 20.06 17.88 17.90 13.56 13.57
10.88 10.87 9.68 9.70 7.29 7.36
5.2 Orthogonal Experimental Results
This paper uses the relative range of the maximum horizontal displacement of the pile body
in the orthogonal experimental results to study the sensitivity of the balance-type double-row pile
deformation to weak stratum parameters. The results show that the larger the relative range, the
greater the impact of the corresponding factors on the target parameters, and vice versa. From the
above calculation results and the relative range value curve of the influencing factors of the front
and rear row piles in Figures 9 and 10, it can be seen that in the front row piles, the relative range
value of the cohesive force C factor of the soil is the largest, with a value of 10.88%, which is the
key factor; the relative range value of the internal friction angle φ factor of the soil is 9.68%,
which is an important influencing factor; and the relative range value of the elastic modulus E
factor of the soil is 7.29%, which is a general influencing factor. Similarly, in the rear row piles,
the results of the analysis of the influencing factors are consistent with those of the front row piles.
11 F ront-row pile
R elative range /%
C φ E
Influencing factors
B ack-row pile
R elative range /%
C φ E
Influencing factors
df ( k ) k
Tk ( k ) = (k = 1,2,3) (4-1)
d k Q
Replacing βk* into equation (4-1) yields the sensitivity factor Tk* of factor βk, with a larger Tk*
indicating a higher sensitivity of Q to parameter βk at the reference state. By comparing Tk* values,
the sensitivity evaluation of system parameter Q to each factor can be obtained.
5.4 Theoretical Analysis Results
In this section, due to the consistent method used for sensitivity analysis of soft soil layers
such as fill and silt, and considering the length of the paper, the sensitivity analysis is only based
on the cohesive force C, internal friction angle φ, and elastic modulus E of the silt layer.
(1) Sensitivity analysis of cohesive force C
Keeping the internal friction angle and elastic modulus constant, the maximum deformation
of the front and rear pile bodies under different cohesive forces is extracted, and the relationship
between the maximum pile deformation and the cohesive force is shown in Figure 11: the
maximum pile deformation decreases with the increase of cohesive force C. The polynomial
function curve fitting the relationship between the maximum pile deformation μ and C is:
T ( ) = − 0.352C + 1.951
C (4-3)
Substituting the reference value of C into equation (4-3) yields a sensitivity factor S1 of 0.393
for the maximum pile deformation μ.
F ront-row pile
M axim um deform ation value /m m
7 8 9 10 11
C ohesion /kP a
2 3 4 5 6
InternalF riction A ngle /( °)
Figure12. Relationship between pile maximum deformation and internal friction angle
(3) Sensitivity Analysis of Elastic Modulus E
Keeping the cohesion and internal friction angle constant, the maximum deformation of the
front and rear pile bodies under different elastic moduli is extracted, and the curve of the
relationship between the maximum deformation of the pile body and the elastic modulus is shown
in Figure 13. The maximum deformation of the pile body decreases with the increase of the elastic
modulus E. The polynomial function curve of the relationship between the maximum deformation
μ of the pile body and the value of E is fitted.
= −0.164 E 2 − 4.433 E + 65.169 (4-6)
According to formula (4-6), the sensitivity factor function can be obtained.
T ( ) = 0.328 E − 4.433
E (4-7)
By substituting the benchmark value of E into formula (4-7), the sensitivity factor S3 of the
maximum deformation μ of the pile body can be obtained, which is 0.310.
F ront-row pile
Maximum deformation value /mm
7 8 9 10 11
E lastic M odulus /MPa
Cohesion C 0.393
6. Conclusion
(1) A three-dimensional numerical simulation analysis model of the excavation of the
foundation pit was established using the finite element analysis software MIDAS GTS NX. The
comparison analysis of the numerical simulation results with the field measured values showed
that the numerical analysis results were basically consistent with the field measured values. This
validates the rationality and accuracy of the model and parameter selection established in this
paper, and provides guidance for the design and construction of similar deep foundation pit
(2) Sensitivity analysis was carried out using the orthogonal test method, and the sensitivity
of the horizontal deformation of the front and rear pile shafts to various soft soil parameters during
excavation was studied through 25 groups of orthogonal numerical simulation experiments with
three factors and five levels. The results showed that the cohesion C of soft soil such as fill stone
and silty clay was the key factor, the internal friction angle φ was an important influencing factor,
and the elastic modulus E was a general influencing factor.
(3) Sensitivity analysis was carried out using the theoretical analysis method, and the
relationship curve between each soft soil parameter and the maximum deformation of the pile
shaft was obtained by controlling the variables. The sensitivity factors were calculated by curve
fitting to study the sensitivity of each soft soil parameter to the horizontal deformation of the pile
shaft during the excavation of the foundation pit. The results showed that the cohesion C of soft
soil such as fill stone and silty clay was the key factor, the internal friction angle φ was an
important influencing factor, and the elastic modulus E was a general influencing factor.
Therefore, the reasonable selection of various soft soil parameters is extremely important for the
design and construction of deep foundation pits.
Data availability
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding
author on reasonable request. The materials used in this study are commercially available or can
be obtained from the corresponding author upon request.
In addition, all relevant codes and protocols used in the study are available on GitHub and can be
freely accessed and used for non-commercial purposes.
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The data that support the findings of this study are available from Shenzhen Dasheng
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Dasheng Surveying Technology Co.