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Abstract-- In RF and Microwave Engineering course, usually of antennas [6] and RF-microwaves [7], an RF hardware
students struggle to build connections between the theory design laboratory with project oriented approaches [8],
they have learned and practical applications in the and wireless information networks [9] have been
laboratory. The laboratory applications are usually very integrated in the curriculum of these courses. As Cassara
limited for hands on experience since the high cost and [9] summarizes, some of these implementations exist that
maintenance requirements of the equipment. Additionally, generally focus on wireless networks, radio frequency-
new engineers need to know how to use at least one microwaves, antennas, radar or optical communications.
engineering design tool in order to practice designing RF These implementations and studies show the recognition
components, circuits, or antennas. In this study, a of the importance of these topics in the educational arena.
curriculum model including recent developments and
technologies in the RF and Microwave Engineering field by Parallel to these developments simulation (and CAD)
addressing above problems of the course is proposed. This applications are also started to be used as a critical and
study covers the description of the content of theoretical and efficient tool on these courses. Additionally, Web-based
hands on applications, the integration model of the and Web-assisted education alternatives are a new
technological tools into the proposed curriculum, and the paradigm that is started to play an increasingly significant
instructional approaches used in the new course design role in the instructional design efforts in these fields [4].
which covers the use of a remote laboratory environment, Accordingly, in order to prepare engineers satisfying the
Concept Maps and an engineering design tool. The course is requirements of the industry, new approaches need to be
structured with a balance between theory and laboratory, reflected and emphasized in the curriculum of these
including remote and in lab measurement experiments as courses.
well as modeling and designing microwave components by
means of computer tools and design fabrication. The newly In this study, the current situation and problems of
designed course is implemented at the Atilim University. electromagnetic, RF, and microwave courses offered at
The first semester implementation shows promising results. Atilim University are discussed first. In order to address
the identified problems, this study proposes a curriculum
model that reflects recent developments and technologies
Index Terms—RF and Microwave engineering course, such as remote laboratory environments, simulation tools,
curriculum design, remote laboratory, simulation tools
and mind map graphical representations. This study covers
a description of the content of theoretical and hands-on
I. INTRODUCTION applications, an integration model of the technological
Advances in the telecommunications industry and the tools into the proposed curriculum, and the instructional
widespread deployment of wireless network services have approaches that are used in the new course design. The
affected the career programs related to high frequency newly designed course has been applied during one
technology. These developments have also forced semester in the EE education program at Atilim
practicing engineers, computer specialists, and managers University. This study also describes how the newly
to re-educate themselves in the area of telecom/radio- designed course is offered, as well as the problems faced
communications technology [1], [2]. Parallel to these and gains achieved during this course.
developments, a report by an industry/education
partnership (Global Wireless Education Consortium- II. COURSE DESCRIPTION
GWEC) involving more than 30 universities and 9 large
As juniors, students with an EE major at Atilim
companies in the wireless sector in the USA has identified
University take one semester-long required RF and
new requirements for such professionals as well as noted a
Microwave Engineering course. The aim of the course is
lack of Radio Frequency (RF) specialists [3]. Accordingly,
to prepare the students for their future professional careers
several related educational programs have begun offering
in RF and Microwave Engineering and for the sequence of
courses covering electromagnetic, RF, antenna, and
senior courses, such as Antennas and Propagation, RF
microwave concepts, which are important components of
Microelectronics and Optical Communication Systems
any Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) and
and Design Projects. These courses are offered as
computer-related educational curriculum [4] and technical
technical elective courses in the curriculum of the EE
colleges, which are usually supported by hands-on
program of the university. The course is structured with a
experimental environments. For example, a remote
balance between theory and laboratory, including remote
laboratory on frequency modulation experiment principles
and in lab measurement and evaluation, modeling and
[5], a face-to-face laboratory implementation in the field
state the applications of electromagnetic spectrum Problem 4: There is a need for implementation of new
above 300MHz frequency band; technological tools in these courses. It is very important
for the industrial organizations that the new engineers
identify wave propagation on transmission lines should know how to use at least one engineering design
and expand it to include microstrip structures; tool in order to practice on designing RF components,
identify the fundamentals of transmission line circuits or antennas. For example, our graduates are
systems, radio frequency (RF) and microwave usually getting a job offer easily and becoming more
components, sub-systems, and technology; competitive if they have experience on the design tools for
RF, microwave or antenna. Additionally, the simulation
operate tools and equipment used in the design tools such as CAD, help them to better figure out and
and analysis of RF and Microwave components experience the real-world industrial applications based on
and sub-systems, the theories that they have learned in the classroom.
Introducing a simulation tool in such introduction courses
design microwave components such as a
also help students to better prepared for the advanced level
microstrip line, microwave filters and single-stage courses such as RF and microwave circuit or antenna
microwave transistor amplifiers. design and design project courses. In these courses they
C. Laboratory Activities have a quick start without loosing time on learning and
Laboratory experience is an important part of an practicing on the simulation tools.
electrical engineering (EE) education. As shown in recent Problem 5: There is a need for implementation of new
Internet-based remote and virtual laboratory studies, instructional approaches used in these courses. The
effective learning in EE education can only be achieved by instructors of these courses should provide some
approaches that combine theoretical courses with instructional approaches for building relationships
laboratory work where the learner can practice as between the theory and practical content of the course.
necessary [1]. Laboratory experiments are usually Otherwise, students are having problems to build this
performed as demonstrations on the following subjects: relationship by themselves and they think that some of the
scattering parameters measurement, VSWR measurements theoretical content is not applied in theory. As a result,
and transmission line impedance, power measurements, students usually forget the theoretical information because
and antennas measurement. of the loss of connection with the theory and practice
components of the course. During the laboratory hours,
students always complain about finding related theory on a
D. Problems with the Course specific experiment that they are working on and
The course instructors face with several problems in performing and usually their intension is on thinking that
this course. We can group these problems under three the lecture instruction (theory of the course) is not related
main headings: Laboratory hands-on experience problems, with the experiments that they are performing. On the
implementation of new technological tools in these other hand, students’ learning expectation differ each
courses and implementation of new instructional other. Some students prefer to reach directly to the content
approaches used in these courses. that they are searching for, while others prefer to study the
content from the beginning and then continue the
Problem 1: Since the only chance to provide the
experiments. Some of them prefer the graphical
laboratory experiments by means of demonstrations in the
representations while the other prefer to read the text [10].
laboratory, it is usually not clear for the students that what
Accordingly, the instructors may have problems offering
B. Theoretical Instruction
One of the problems of this course was building
relationships between course content and laboratory
applications. Accordingly, as shown in Figure 5, we have
developed a concept map in order to help students develop
these relationships. The map in Figure 5 shows how the
relationships between the course content and laboratory
experiments can be formed. The graphical represantation
also helps to better visualize the possible relationships.
In this concept map experiments are connected by lines
to the course content by using keywords. In this way it is
expected that students will be able to build relationships
between the experiments and theoretical content and
analyze the experiment results accordingly. They are also
able to find the theoretical details by using the search
functionality of the remote laboratory environment .
We have applied this newly designed course for one
semester at Atilim University. Students’ feedback and
Figure 3. RF power amplifier. course instructor’s opinions were very positive after the
implementation of the new course. They all declared that
the problems that they had faced in previous years were all
Remote Experiment 5: Antenna Analysis. This addressed with the new course design.
experiment is focused on the measurement, of reflected-
transmitted power, of input impedance vs. frequency and
SWR of several antennas (Fig. 4). With this experiment
various measurements on wire, horn and patch antennas
are performed with the Vector network analyzer. Aims of
the experiment are measurement of loss power, reflected
power and transmitted power of the antennas and the SWR
and the input impedance of the antenna at the certain
frequency range.
Last three weeks (8-10th weeks) are reserved to the
students for designing, implementation and measuring 1
V. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS The course instructor also reported that the remote
laboratory environment significantly improved students’
In this study, we first listed the main problems of the
understanding of the experimental studies when compared
introduction to RF and Microwave (MW) systems course.
to previous years. Additionally, since the students were
Then, in order to address these problems, we proposed a
better prepared to understand the background of the
new curriculum model for both the laboratory and
RF/Microwave components design, they were able to
theoretical parts of the course. Finally, we applied the new
fabricate and measure the RF/Microwave component.
curriculum of the laboratory activities for the course over
one semester. After taking the newly designed course, the students
will not need to learn how to use the design and
The course instructor believes that, because of the new
measurement tools featured in elective courses and design
approaches used in this course, instructors will have more
projects that follow in the sequence of the EE program at
time to extend course content and provide more
this University. These skills are expected to eliminate the
experiments for the students. For example, in this semester
need to provide repeated instructions on the usage of these
the course instructor had time to demonstrate seven
tools throughout the curriculum, which allows for
experiments that had not been studied in previous years.