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00:02 [Music]

00:07 in today's video we're going to discuss

00:09 a tool called Loom which has completely
00:13 revolutionized the way that I do
00:16 prospecting sales client communication
00:19 internal communication basically all
00:23 types of communication that I do online
00:26 for selling prospecting just
00:28 communicating whatever with friends and
00:30 family and for business I use this tool
00:32 called Loom so in this video I'm going
00:34 to explain to you what it is why it is
00:37 so powerful and why I highly recommend
00:38 that you start utilizing it so let's
00:40 dive into it all right we're inside of
00:42 my computer let's go here's what I'm
00:43 going to cover today we're going to talk
00:45 about Loom and then we're going to
00:46 summarize that pretty straightforward
00:47 make sure that you join the newsletter
00:49 if you haven't already for important
00:50 updates regarding the course also follow
00:52 me on social media for exclusive content
00:55 you can search for Max Pearson also
00:56 share the course if you haven't already
00:58 bring out your phone text T of your
01:00 friends let's start a revolution and
01:02 change people lives together also a
01:04 slight warning though this is the most
01:05 important video in the entire course as
01:07 of right now watch the entire video
01:09 don't skip around don't fast forward and
01:11 a pro tip as always make sure to watch
01:13 the video and double speed to save
01:14 yourself some time now let's talk about
01:17 Loom and what Loom actually is so what
01:19 is loom loom is an easy to use video
01:21 messaging app it's not like Zoom or
01:23 Google meet or FaceTime because it's one
01:26 way meaning you can only record yourself
01:29 and your scen screen and then send the
01:31 final video to others via a sharable
01:33 link and the cool thing about this tool
01:35 as well is that you press record you
01:37 record your message you stop and then it
01:40 will immediately get uploaded to the
01:42 internet within like a couple of seconds
01:44 and then you get a link you can send to
01:45 somebody so you don't need to record it
01:47 on your computer upload it to YouTube
01:50 takes 10 minutes or 15 minutes and then
01:53 processing everything and then you get a
01:54 link and then you send it you just
01:56 record stop recording get the link and
01:59 then you send the link away super super
02:01 powerful and the use cases for Loom is
02:03 that we use pretty much loom for pretty
02:05 much everything for all Communication in
02:07 sales marketing support and in internal
02:09 Communication in our agency so instead
02:11 of writing out a long email we just
02:13 simply send a quick loom video instead
02:16 it's easier to consume people much
02:17 rather watch a video and you can watch
02:19 the video in double speed as well as
02:20 you're most likely doing right now so
02:22 you can consume it faster it becomes
02:24 better communication less margin of
02:27 error where it's like no like there's
02:30 not going to be any miscommunication or
02:33 misunderstanding in any way shape or
02:35 form because you can articulate and you
02:37 can show stuff on your screen and you
02:39 can show your hands so you can use your
02:41 tonality you can show them that your
02:43 understanding like you can communicate
02:45 in so much more than just in text right
02:47 and we use that for pretty much
02:49 everything and also it gives a wow
02:51 factor right because most people out
02:53 there they've never received a loom
02:54 video so sending a loom can create a
02:57 great first impression like when you
02:58 reach out to somebody
03:00 a great way to prove to somebody that
03:02 this is actually a legit personalized
03:05 email is just to include a loom video
03:08 right it's because now it's you you say
03:11 their name in the video you maybe show
03:13 their website in that video you talk
03:15 about their specific pains and problems
03:17 and they can they can see you they can
03:19 listen to you they can hear you can they
03:21 can see what you look like how you
03:23 communicate how you move your hands they
03:24 can get to know you right you you're
03:27 communicating so much subconsciously as
03:29 as well it's not only what you say but
03:32 it's everything else that they get a
03:33 feeling for you you you make a first
03:35 impression and most people out there has
03:37 never received the loom and the first
03:39 Loom that I got I still remember the
03:40 first Loom that I got and that was from
03:42 my first media buyer Thomas he was the
03:44 first guy who sent me a loom video and I
03:46 ended up hiring him and started working
03:48 with him because I felt like I knew him
03:51 after that first video and I was like
03:52 yeah this seems to be like a really
03:54 really cool guy right pricing it's free
03:57 up to 25 videos per person up to 5
04:00 minutes of video recording if you spend
04:02 $8 or I think it's like potentially even
04:04 $12 right now you get unlimited videos
04:06 and recording
04:08 length and I high highly recommend to to
04:11 pay for it because you can brand it as
04:12 well and it's also great experience when
04:15 you start to onboard your clients if
04:16 your client sends you a question instead
04:18 of you writing out a short answer over
04:20 email or you have to sit there and like
04:22 type it out and you know you just okay
04:26 you get an email you spend 2 three
04:28 minutes recording a loom video and send
04:30 send it back and your clients are going
04:31 to love you for it for sending Loom
04:33 videos I don't know how many times I've
04:34 heard it that they just love the
04:36 communication from our agency because
04:37 we're sending videos instead of messages
04:39 back and it just helps them and they
04:42 feel like they're talking to us right so
04:45 how to install record and send simply
04:46 visit loom.com sign up and then download
04:49 it to your computer right so let's do
04:51 this let me open up a chrome window so
04:55 when once you've downloaded it it's very
04:57 easy to use you get this um
05:00 now I think I have to open Loom because
05:02 I haven't I just restarted my computer
05:04 but this is what it looks like all right
05:06 so you can download it to your Mac into
05:08 your PC they also have a Chrome
05:09 extension I don't recommend that you use
05:11 the Chrome extension I recommend that
05:12 you actually download the app to your
05:14 computer and then here you will see that
05:16 it loads so then I can make myself a
05:18 little bit bigger so I can like move
05:20 myself around here on the screen and I
05:22 can simply just press record I can
05:25 select my
05:26 um whatever camera I want to use I can
05:29 select whatever mic I want to use I
05:31 don't want to use these ones I want to
05:32 use this mic but now I'm recording
05:34 another video so I'm not going to change
05:35 it you can do full screen you can also
05:38 do specific window or custom size or you
05:41 can do like camera only as well so now
05:42 it's only going to record uh you
05:46 know it's going to be full video with
05:48 only me in the screen like this all
05:50 right so that's that and uh yeah it's
05:53 pretty straightforward it's very very
05:55 simple and the cool thing here is that
05:56 you can either just send a video like
05:58 this where you just talk and that's it
06:00 or you can then do a full screen where
06:03 you have are yourself here in the corner
06:05 like this and you can do screen share
06:07 where you basically show different stuff
06:09 right and so to let me just exit out of
06:12 this now but if you go to loom.com and I
06:16 have to open up in Incognito because if
06:17 I don't do that I'm going to be logged
06:19 in and I want to show you their main
06:20 website so I highly recommend that you
06:22 go to loom.com
06:24 and here you can just watch the video
06:27 and see uh basically read through it but
06:30 I basically showed you exactly how it
06:32 works and you just press record you
06:34 record a video and then you get a link
06:36 uh and I can show you how to do that in
06:37 a second as well uh but you have Ed
06:40 cases but most importantly if you go
06:41 into into pricing for starter you can
06:43 use it for free and you can do five
06:45 minute videos and get up to 25 videos if
06:48 you spend $1250 so they've actually
06:51 increased this price it used to be $8
06:54 now it's
06:55 $12.50 still super uh valuable we use it
06:59 for all communication as mentioned I
07:00 highly encourage you that you do that as
07:01 well and especially now when you do
07:03 organic Outreach if you can include a
07:05 loom video when you reach out to people
07:07 or you do an initial text and when if
07:08 they respond then you send a loom video
07:11 super powerful right
07:14 um so yeah it's 1250 you get a 14-day
07:17 free trial as well so let me show you
07:19 how this works right so if I open up a
07:21 new window here let's say I do a loom
07:24 and let's say I want to do a full screen
07:27 like this um
07:30 and then I just start record so it's
07:33 going to count
07:35 down so it's going to count down like
07:37 that and then I say hi John saw your
07:41 website blah blah blah here is my
07:43 personal line I think you're doing an
07:44 all job with you and your partner Sarah
07:47 as well here is my social proof we've
07:50 been working with um some of the top 100
07:53 biggest roofing contractors in the US
07:54 since 2017 and here's my pitch I'm sure
07:57 you know that prettyy much all roofers
07:59 right now doing Facebook ads it's
08:01 becoming more and more competitive and I
08:03 even checked your guys website and looks
08:04 like you have some Facebook pixels
08:06 installed so you most likely been
08:07 running some Facebook ads that's why we
08:09 moved completely over to YouTube so we
08:11 leverage YouTube and Ai and uh then if
08:14 you're here's my pitch so or my call to
08:17 action rather if you would like to know
08:18 a little bit more about this I would
08:20 suggest that we jump on a call and you
08:21 can just press the link here in the top
08:22 right corner of this video basically up
08:25 here you will find the link and uh you
08:28 can click there go to my calendar and
08:29 book a call and I would love to do a
08:31 quick presentation for you and so hope
08:33 to talk soon have a great one bye right
08:35 so just an off theough example you can
08:38 see here now it's already uploaded I can
08:40 play it
08:41 immediately I can play it in double
08:43 speed so you don't have to wait like
08:45 it's super quick right I just played
08:46 stop and now right now it's here in HD
08:50 1440p you can even record it in U
08:54 um in 4k if you want to right so here's
08:57 the video and also what I can do right
08:59 now since I mentioned the link right so
09:02 I can click here add a link so bottom
09:04 link URL let's say it's going to
09:07 be uh max.com but this should be like
09:10 your agency.com your calendar let's say
09:14 and
09:15 then
09:17 schedule
09:19 appointment here let's say or something
09:22 like that uh and then I can
09:25 do like so I can change the color here
09:27 to I don't know I want it to be blue
09:30 let's say no I want it to be read red
09:33 boom schedule appointment here I can
09:35 take this link copy link boom I can send
09:38 it to somebody so when they get the link
09:40 I can show you in incognito window it's
09:42 going to look like this and also I can
09:45 obviously here I can change the title so
09:47 hi
09:49 John
09:52 from Max like so I'm going to also here
09:56 personalize tailor your video title for
09:58 each each
10:00 viewer name company name
10:02 variable I haven't actually High name
10:05 let's
10:06 connect okay that's pretty cool I
10:08 haven't looked into that it's a beta but
10:10 I'm sure you can you can have like a um
10:14 automatically
10:17 basically create like a a a template for
10:21 each title and then it finds the name
10:22 that you're mentioning in the video but
10:24 let's say here I'm just going to say
10:27 hi John from like so I can then take the
10:30 link boom send in the link so when it
10:33 gets the link it's going to look like
10:37 this right so there's the video he can
10:40 change the the quality and the speed and
10:44 there it is and if he clicks here boom
10:46 it takes them to the link that I gave
10:47 them
10:48 right so you can see here click the link
10:50 over here boom right so it's a super
10:53 powerful tool it literally cost you 12
10:55 bucks I can't recommend to use this
10:56 enough like having Loom videos like this
10:59 in your emails or in your uh Twitter
11:02 messages or in your LinkedIn messages or
11:04 in your cold emails or leveraging this
11:06 on your cold calls as well if you cold
11:09 call somebody and um you basically pitch
11:12 them the link to your vsl you don't
11:14 pitch them they the book call
11:15 immediately but you tell them that hey
11:17 I'm going to text you a message after
11:19 this call that message or that link in
11:21 that text is going to take you to our
11:24 vssl video check the vsl video and if
11:25 you want to book a call afterwards
11:27 that's perfect and also then you should
11:29 know by now that when you get them to
11:31 your website you have the retargeting
11:32 place that's we're going to talk about
11:34 now in the coming video um but then if
11:36 you want to follow up with them you know
11:37 if you want to like hey they haven't
11:39 booked a call and you check your organic
11:41 tracking sheet right so if we just to be
11:44 100% clear here if we go to max.com
11:47 organic tracking let's say here I
11:50 followed up and the next followup here
11:54 for example I'm going to do a email Loom
11:58 and then the date right so in the email
12:02 I can leverage a loom or it's going to
12:03 be a text with a loom right so you can
12:06 you can mark that as well uh but using
12:09 loom is so powerful not only for
12:12 prospecting and sales but for follow-ups
12:16 which is sales but it's for internal
12:17 communication or client support making
12:20 sure that you keep your clients for
12:21 longer etc etc so let's continue what to
12:24 record well for background record your
12:26 screen with a prospect website Instagram
12:28 Facebook LinkedIn profile in the
12:29 background right so if you're doing an
12:32 loom video in the first message just to
12:34 like Peak some interest and have some
12:36 curiosity you can go to the website and
12:38 have their website as the background
12:40 right so let's say here if I go to I
12:43 search for roofer Miami let's say I find
12:48 that denst Roofing let's say I've been
12:50 in contact with his owner he said that
12:52 he was interested in what in uh whatever
12:55 we do and I'm going to send him some
12:56 more information or I'm using AUM video
12:59 in the first message that I'm sending
13:00 him like what I can do then to just Peak
13:03 some curiosity and Peak some interest is
13:05 that I can record a loom video right
13:07 here right so when I send him the loom
13:09 video he's going to see that hey here's
13:11 a guy with a video on and
13:15 he is on our website and he's scrolling
13:18 around our website like what does he
13:20 have to say about my website so that's
13:21 just an easy way to kind of peque
13:23 curiosity and interest that you've been
13:25 to the website and recorded a video to
13:27 them right uh so that is one easy way
13:30 you can do it let's go back to the
13:32 instructions so background then also
13:35 show face always show your face in the
13:37 Looms if you're not comfortable with it
13:38 then just start practicing like you will
13:41 show your face on the sees calls that
13:42 you do so you must start to become
13:44 comfortable with it and it's it's
13:45 important to remember this as well
13:47 people don't really care what you look
13:49 like unless
13:50 you like haven't showered in three
13:53 months and you have like clothing on you
13:55 that is like holes in just sit in a
13:58 professional
13:59 um background and the easiest way to do
14:01 that is just to have a white wall behind
14:04 you so you just have a wall white wall
14:06 behind you no clutter no dirty clothes
14:10 or bed that is not made just use common
14:13 sense right just have a white wall
14:15 behind you sit with a t-shirt on or
14:17 clean shirt or t-shirt or a whatever
14:21 like just look clean showered have
14:25 somewhat okay just look presentable all
14:28 right nothing extraordinary just look
14:30 presentable and then you just look into
14:33 the camera and you do your thing right
14:35 because at the end of the day people
14:36 don't really care about how you look
14:39 people don't care if you're a model if
14:40 or if you're not a model right they
14:42 don't care about that they're not going
14:44 to buy from you because you're you're
14:45 the best looking person in the world
14:47 they're going to buy from you because
14:48 you have something offered that they
14:49 care about and the same thing when it
14:50 comes to your accent or how you talk or
14:53 how you look or you might be you know a
14:55 lot of us are insecure but how we look
14:57 pretty much all of us are like at least
14:59 some through some part of our our life
15:01 has been insecure about certain things
15:02 it's completely fine everybody has it
15:04 don't care you know it's really only you
15:07 who care about that stuff the person
15:08 who's watching they're going to be glad
15:10 that that they got a loom video and if
15:12 you smile and just look happy and have
15:14 some positive energy and you have a
15:16 pitch that is actually something that
15:18 they haven't tested before that interest
15:19 them they're going to be thinkful that
15:21 they got a video obviously again it all
15:24 goes back to the fundamentals and the
15:26 principles and in the OR the the
15:29 fundamentals ESS right what you have to
15:30 sell it doesn't matter if you smile or
15:33 super cute or if you are super friendly
15:36 if you're pitching something that they
15:37 not that they do not want they're not
15:39 going to reply to you anyways
15:41 so make sure that you figure out your
15:43 messaging first your foundations your
15:45 fundamentals what is it that you sell
15:47 that you have something to pitch that
15:48 they haven't been pitched before in a
15:49 new and unique way that you're
15:51 interesting use curiosity send them a
15:53 loom video and it's going to prove to
15:55 them you don't even have to say that
15:57 this like have a personalized first line
15:59 it just goes to show automatically that
16:02 it's a personalized message because you
16:03 have a personalized video right now
16:06 script simply reiterate what you used in
16:09 your Outreach message send the same
16:11 message in both video and in text format
16:13 just the fact that you're sending a
16:14 personalized video increases the value
16:16 of the message like 10x and now so what
16:19 I'm meaning what I mean right here is
16:21 that if you're sending a loom video in
16:23 your first Outreach message then you can
16:26 like what you write in the email you can
16:27 just reiterate the same thing in your
16:30 video
16:32 okay however so you can either do that
16:34 send a loom video on every single
16:36 Outreach message which I've done for a
16:38 long period of time the problem with it
16:41 is that you're going to send this
16:42 message to A lot of people are never
16:44 going to see the message you're going to
16:45 record a bunch of videos that not a lot
16:47 of people are going to see and when you
16:48 repeat the same video over and over and
16:50 over again it's going to take on your
16:51 voice because you're sitting there
16:53 repeating the same thing in your voice
16:55 over and over and over again basically a
16:56 pitch so
16:59 what I started to do instead is that I
17:01 do my pitch and text and then if they do
17:03 respond or when I follow up with them
17:05 that's when I send as soon as I get a
17:07 sign of life from them essentially when
17:08 I know that I'm speaking to somebody a
17:10 little bit back and forth immediately
17:12 when I get it back and forth with them I
17:13 start to send looms instead so I use
17:15 everything first with text personalize
17:17 text if they respond boom Loom videos
17:20 right so because then I know that the
17:21 person is going to watch the loom video
17:23 I'm not wasting my time and my voice and
17:25 my energy on sending looms to people
17:26 that are not going to watch the video
17:28 but just sending a loom to somebody that
17:29 I know that they're actually going to
17:31 watch it
17:32 right keep it simple so don't overdo it
17:35 keep it short and to the point one
17:37 minute in length is like more than
17:39 enough also keep the format the same
17:40 custom first line with compliment Quick
17:42 Pitch social proof and at the end the
17:44 call to action again if this is if you
17:46 send it in the first video and you guys
17:49 might be thinking as well like what
17:50 should I say in the video should I have
17:52 a script it doesn't really like I you
17:54 don't need a script for your loom videos
17:56 just talk openly from the heart
17:58 obviously you need to know kind of what
17:59 the point is that you want to get across
18:01 so if I send a cold email to somebody
18:04 and I ask them about something and they
18:06 say sure tell me some more then I send a
18:08 loom video back and then have a kind of
18:11 call to action at the end of the video
18:12 as well because you can have that button
18:14 as I showed you in the loom video so you
18:15 can like hey click this button if you're
18:17 interested let's just jump on a quick
18:18 call we can jump on a 15 quick 15 minute
18:20 quick call and can I show you a quick
18:21 presentation on what we do you can find
18:23 my available times here up in the top
18:25 right corner Boom book it book a time to
18:27 to talk some more now right
18:29 um but yeah that's basically it just
18:32 keep it simple the main thing that
18:34 you're just sending videos to people
18:35 they're going to absolutely love it but
18:37 don't waste your time sending videos to
18:38 people are not going to you don't even
18:39 know if they're going to watch it right
18:41 so use text first when you get a respond
18:43 boom that's when you send Loom so quick
18:46 simple video I just want to recommend
18:48 you to use Loom it's very very powerful
18:50 so start using loom it's powerful it's
18:52 not mandatory that you send Looms in all
18:54 of your messages but if you do get a
18:56 reply back and start a conversation with
18:58 somebody then you send the loom as a
19:00 reply it's a great trust Builder right
19:02 it's going to let the guard down nobody
19:03 else is pretty much sending looms
19:05 neither so you're going to stand out
19:06 they're going to remember you and maybe
19:07 if you're lucky you're the first person
19:09 who ever sent them a loom so they're
19:11 going to remember you from just the fact
19:13 of that but again remember again the
19:15 secret is not in the tool loom in itself
19:18 is not going to make you a bunch of
19:19 money right it's in what you sell in
19:21 your message in your positioning what do
19:24 you sell to whom what's your offer do
19:25 you have an offer that converts pay plan
19:28 up to the pay plan it's just $8 per
19:29 month or really right now it's $12 per
19:32 month you'll make it back thousand times
19:34 over you're going to keep your clients
19:35 longer you're going to build better
19:36 relationships it's just a no-brainer I
19:38 would I would recommend Loom over any
19:40 other tool like that I mentioned you
19:42 know in the cold email like all this
19:44 wood picker and LM bless and all these
19:46 tool I would take loom every day over
19:49 all of those tools every day literally
19:52 Loom is something that I use pretty much
19:53 every day as well so if you haven't
19:57 already make sure to leave leave a
19:58 testimonial and you can win special
19:59 prices join Max premium if you haven't
20:02 already get more help and support reach
20:04 your income goals faster and easier
20:05 learn additional wealth creation skills
20:07 from millionaire coaches and remember to
20:08 share your wins in set of the fre SMA
20:10 course to have the chance to win
20:12 one-year free access to Max premium and
20:14 also enter the Hall of Fame and for
20:16 today's quote from Thomas a Edison many
20:18 of life's failures are people who did
20:20 not realize how close they were to
20:21 success when they gave up and I
20:23 mentioned this one in the previous video
20:24 as well but it's worth reiterating it's
20:26 a super super powerful quote so don't
20:29 give up you're getting closer and closer
20:31 to your goal just stick to it remember
20:34 hard work stick to ATIV and Common Sense
20:36 and the Common Sense part is just see
20:39 what everybody else is doing and not
20:40 don't do that stand out be different
20:43 think differently as Steve Jobs said as
20:45 well right so that's it for today's
20:47 video use
20:49 Loom that's not an option it's pretty
20:51 much
20:52 mandatory use it sign up send looms and
20:55 you will make a lot more money a lot
20:57 faster let's get
21:00 [Music]
21:05 work

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