DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, RIVER DEVELOPMENT & GANGA REJUVENATION RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 425 ANSWERED ON 24.07.2023 EASTERN RAJASTHAN CANAL PROJECT (ERCP) 425 #. DR. KIRODI LAL MEENA Will the Minister of JAL SHAKTI be pleased to state: (a) the current status of the Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP) necessary for the people and farmers of thirteen districts; (b) whether the Rajasthan Government has entered into any water agreement with Madhya Pradesh Government on ERCP, if so, the details thereof, if not, the reasons therefor; (c) the steps taken by the Central Water Commission and Government to remove the hurdles in declaring this a National Project, the details thereof; and (d) whether any study has been conducted to connect the dams left out in ERCP, if so, the details thereof, if not, the reasons therefor? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR JAL SHAKTI (SHRI BISHWESWAR TUDU) (a) to (d) The Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP) with an estimated cost of Rs. 37,247.12 crore (at 2014 price level) was submitted by the Government of Rajasthan in November, 2017 for techno-economic appraisal. As per the prevailing norms, the projects on inter-State rivers are required to be planned for 75% dependable yield. Appraisal of the project could not be completed as the project is planned for 50% dependable yield, which is not in consonance with the prevailing norms and also not acceptable to the Government of Madhya Pradesh (MP), which is a co-basin State. This position has been informed to the Government of Rajasthan. As per the extant guidelines, techno-economic appraisal and subsequent investment clearance is a pre-requisite criterion for inclusion of a project as a National Project. Further, with a view to optimize the utilization of water of the Chambal River System, the Task force on Interlinking of Rivers (TFILR) in November, 2019 decided to explore the integration of the ERCP with Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal (PKC) Link Canal Project, which is one of the 30 link projects identified under the National Perspective Plan (NPP). Accordingly, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) prepared a draft Pre-Feasibility Report (PFR) for the Parbati-Kuno-Sindh link project pertaining to the components in MP and proposing to integrate the same with ERCP to make it an inter- State interlinking project benefiting both MP and Rajasthan. The issue of integration of ERCP with PKC link has been deliberated with both the States at various platforms, with a view to bring them to a consensus with regard to, particularly, the issue related to the dependability criteria. Based on these deliberations, a proposal of the modified Parbati- Kalisindh-Chambal (Modified PKC) link, incorporating the components as proposed by Government of Madhya Pradesh in Kuno, Parbati and Kalisindh sub-basins along with components of ERCP corresponding to divertible water available at 75 percent dependability has been framed. Phase-I of the Modified PKC link project has, subsequently, been identified as one of the priority link projects, as approved by the Special Committee for Interlinking of Rivers (SCILR) in its 20th meeting held in December, 2022. Phase-I of the project is envisaged to provide benefits of annual irrigation of about 2.58 lakh hectare (ha) in MP utilizing 902 Million Cubic Metre (MCM) and annual irrigation in Rajasthan along with meeting drinking water requirement utilizing about 2,412 MCM of water. Subsequently, a joint meeting of both the States, Central Water Commission (CWC), Water and Power Consultancy Services (WAPCOS) Limited and NWDA was held in February, 2023 and framework for preparation of DPR of Phase-I of Modified PKC was finalised. Further, with a view to build consensus between the two States, the issue of modified PKC link has again been deliberated in the 17th meeting of TFILR held in March, 2023. *****