EXP.NO 4 (1)
EXP.NO 4 (1)
EXP.NO 4 (1)
Static Structural Analysis-A static structural analysis determines the effect of steady
(or static) loading conditions on a structure, while omitting inertia and damping
effects, such as those caused by time varying loads.
Total Deformation-Total deformation is the vector sum all directional displacements
of the systems.Directional deformation can be put as the displacement of the system
in a particular axis or user defined direction.
Equivalent (von mises) stress- The von Mises stress is used to predict yielding of
materials under complex loading from the results of uniaxial tensile tests. The von
Mises stress satisfies the property where two stress states with equal distortion energy
have an equal von Mises stress.
STEP 2 Meshing
The mesh can be automatically generated in the initial stage using default value.
Mesh Sizing: Click on Mesh Edit and give element size 0.25mm.
Click on Generate Mesh.
Now, the complete meshing can be seen from fig1.
STEP 5 Solution
Insert Total Deformation from solution analysis.
Insert Von Mises stress from solution analysis.
Click on “Solve”OR “Generate all solutions”.
The final graph of total deformation and von mises stress will be plotted as shown in
Fig2. below.
The red region shows the maximum values of the both analysis while the blue region
shows the minimum values.
Thus, the different coloured countoured shows the distribution of stress and
deformation respectively
Carefully import the geometry of turbo blade.
Geometry must be clearly defined
Forces and boundary conditions must be carefully defined to reduce chances
of error.
Carefully Save the project