Cgt164 Fa24 Project f4

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Structural Drawings for a concrete building


Graphics for Civil Engineering and Construction

CGT 164
Semester: FALL 2024
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2. Project learning Objectives ............................................................................................ 3
3. ABET Student Outcome ................................................................................................. 3
4. Project Narrative ............................................................................................................ 4
4.1 Description: ................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Technical requirement: ............................................................................................... 5
4.3 Deliverables: ............................................................................................................... 5
5. Project Management ...................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Project planning .......................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Group formation.......................................................................................................... 6
6. Project Grading .............................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Grading Distribution .................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Deliverable Rubrics .................................................................................................... 7
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction
Engineering projects help students to learn and acquire practical knowledge. Despite the theory
concept they acquire, various industries also need to know their capacity to complete projects using
their specific initiatives. Thus, we recommend students to realize engineering projects in their four
years of engineering and try to present as many white papers as possible. Students who give
importance to their course projects are expected to learn how to:
• Work in teams including multidisciplinary teams
• Build a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course work
• Build a major design experience incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple
realistic constraints
• Apply both analysis and synthesis in the engineering design process, resulting in designs that
meet the desired needs.

2. Project learning Objectives

The CGT164 project intends to demonstrate students’ ability to generate structural drawings for multi-
story concrete buildings using the theories and applications learned in the class.

The aim of this project is to:

• Draw engineering drawings according to the standards’ requirements (SO1).

• Know the basic knowledge of the structural elements and their connections (SO1).
• Know the basic knowledge of engineering drawings professions and the importance of the
graphical language to communicate with other disciplines (SO3).
• Devolve and produce engineering drawings using Computer-Aided Design “CAD” software (SO7).

3. ABET Student Outcome

This course project measure the following ABET Student Outcomes.
(1) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of
engineering, science, and mathematics.
(2) Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental,
and economic factors.
(3) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
(7) An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
4. Project Narrative
4.1 Description:
In this project, the students are required to generate structural drawings for five floors of a concrete
building (ground, first, second, third, fourth and roof) using AutoCAD software.

Description of the structure system:

As a structural engineer in an engineering design firm, you are responsible for generating the structural
drawings for a five-level concrete office building, including the ground floor, with total dimensions of 18
m + F m in width by 14+ F m in depth. The building has a total height of +19m.
Note that: F = your group number *0.1
The information provided by the designer of structural engineering is as follows:

• There are five vertical axes in the long direction and four horizontal axes in the short one.
• Distances between axes due to the design requirements should be:
Not equal,
Not more than 6m.
2m between only two of the middle vertical axes in the long direction
• The height of any floor should not be less than 3.5m and more than 5m, However, the ground floor
should have a greater height than the other floors.
• There are concrete columns that are centered at the intersections of all axes.

o The external columns “C1” have square cross-sections of 250mm, instead, the internal columns
“C2” have circular cross-sections with a typical diameter that ranges between 350mm to
500mm, and should satisfy the following equation:
o Column diameter (d), mm ≥ (Max span between axes (mm))/12
• The foundation system is isolated footings for all columns, except for the columns with 2-meter
spacing, which shall be combined footings due to the limited spacing between the columns.
• The isolated footings of the external columns “C1” and the internal columns “C2” are 700mm x 700mm,
and 800mm x 800mm, respectively. However, you should use combined footings if the distance
between the columns is less than 2.5 m. All the footings have the same depth, which is ranging between
500mm to 800mm.
• The foundation shall be cast at level -2.5 – (F) m, while the top of the ground slab is +0.5m.
▪ All columns are connected with ground beams under the ground slab. The ground beams have a
width of 300mm by a height of 400mm, on the other hand, All the columns are connected on the
typical floors by concrete beams with a width of 200mm and a height of 600mm.
▪ The thickness of the ground slab is 500mm, whereas, the slab thickness of other floors is ranged
between 200mm to 350mm and should satisfy the following equation:
𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 (𝑚𝑚)
➢ Slab Thickness (ts), mm ≥
4.2 Technical requirement:

Students are required to generate and deliver the following structural information and drawings:

1- Technical Information
2- Axes of Columns Plan,
3- Foundation Plan,
4- Ground Floor Structural Plan,
5- Typical Floor Structural plan,
6- One Structural Section (through the whole structure but between axes B and C [no stairs])

All drawings must be in the correct order.

All drawings must be submitted in one PDF file with each drawing on a separate page and titleblock with
all the correct information including appropriate scale and size A3 paper.
All drawings must also be submitted as one AutoCAD file.

4.3 Deliverables:
The project shall be submitted as a single deliverable, divided into two parts within the same week: the
technical report and a Q&A session.

Project Deliverable 1 : Technical Report

• Students of each class need to form project groups (groups of 3).
• Each group should submit the project deliverable with all the required drawings in one
AutoCAD file and all the required drawings in one PDF file.
• The students should provide each required drawing on a landscape titleblock with all the
required information and schedules on A3 size paper. All drawings must be in millimeters
and should include dimensions.
• The project should start with technical details about the structural system of the building,
and all required calculations.

Project Deliverable 2 : Q&A

• The instructors will pose questions about the work process, and each student will be individually
graded based on their responses.

5. Project Management
5.1 Project planning
Project Deliverable Deliverable Type Due Date

PD1 Technical Report Week 16 – 06/01/2024 - 08:00

PD1 Q&A Week 16 – during lab session

5.2 Group formation
- Students in each class need to form project groups (2 to 3 members per group).
- It is the students' responsibility to form a group and submit the group members to the
- If a student is unable to find a group, they are required to report to the instructor for assistance.
- Once groups are formed, each group must submit the following table to the instructor:

Team Members Responsibility of each team member



✓ Students have the full responsibility of:
o submitting the required documents within the deadline
o verifying that the correct files are submitted
o verifying that the submitted files are not corrupted
✓ Softcopies are required to be uploaded into Turnitin when applicable.
✓ The regulations mentioned in the course syllabus apply. Please ensure you are fully aware of all
sections in the syllabus, especially (but not limited to) the following: APA style, plagiarism, AI
usage, group work, group submission, and forming groups.

6. Project Grading
6.1 Grading Distribution

Project PD 1 - Technical Report 6%

PD1 - Q&A 4%
Total 10%
6.2 Deliverable Rubrics
The project is worth 10% of the total grade of your course. The student will be evaluated based
on the grading scheme provided in the project template. The student will be evaluated based on
the below rubric

Technical Report:

Grading Rubric - Technical Report

Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Excellent

(0-59%) (60%-74%) (75%-87%) (>88%)
Technical - The student fails to - The student partially - The student provides a - The student thoroughly
Information provide a summary of summarizes the structure clear summary of the summarizes the structure
(10%) the structure system or system, with incomplete or structure system, with system, providing accurate
to perform necessary inaccurate column diameter correct column diameter column diameter and slab
calculations. and slab thickness and slab thickness thickness calculations, following
calculations. calculations. appropriate methodology.
Technical - The student fails to - The student provides - The student provides - The student delivers detailed
Drawings provide or incomplete technical drawings, but they clear and mostly accurate and accurate technical
(90%) technical drawings with lack clarity, accuracy, or technical drawings with drawings, including all required
missing key elements. completeness. minor omissions. elements and information.

Grading Rubric – Q&A

Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Excellent

(0-59%) (60%-74%) (75%-87%) (>88%)

The student fails to meet any The student meets only one The student meets only two The student meets all of the
of the following criteria: of the following criteria: of the following criteria: following criteria:
1) Accurately and confidently 1) Accurately and 1) Accurately and 1) Accurately and
address all of the posed confidently address all of confidently address all of confidently address all of
questions. the posed questions. the posed questions. the posed questions.
(100% -
2) Utilize relevant technical 2) Utilize relevant technical 2) Utilize relevant technical 2) Utilize relevant technical
terminology when terminology when terminology when terminology when
responding. responding. responding. responding.
3) Offer thorough 3) Offer thorough 3) Offer thorough 3) Offer thorough
explanations and rationale explanations and rationale explanations and rationale explanations and rationale
for the answers provided. for the answers provided. for the answers provided. for the answers provided.
Appendix A

A.1. Civil and Architectural Engineering Program Student Outcomes – ABET:

1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of
engineering, science, and mathematics
2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental,
and economic factors
3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make
informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic,
environmental, and societal contexts
5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a
collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and
use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

A.2 Course contribution to the global goals

AUM is committed to encouraging sustainable practices and supporting the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), also known as global goals. For more information about the global goals,
please refer to Sustainability at AUM.

This course project particularly focuses on the following SDG(s):

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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