Learning Objectives
We begin each unit with the section Learning Objectives. It tells you briefly
what we expect from you once you complete working on the unit.
This section of each unit under the heading Summary, presents the whole unit
for the purpose of ready reference and recapitulation.
Sometimes certain topics may deal with abstract ideas and related concepts, as
well as some case studies. Thus, it becomes necessary to explain these related
concepts in a separate enclosure, which is called Box, in our units. This is added
information which is necessary to comprehend the main text. These boxes may
include (i) explanatory notes regarding concepts, (ii) information about main
works of scientists/psychologists who have contributed to a particular topic, (iii)
certain case-studies that are related to the concepts being discussed, etc.
There are several illustrations in each unit in the form of pictures, figures, diagrams
and images. The main purpose of these illustrations is to make the study
comprehensive and interesting.
Case Study
In many of the Units, disorders have been explained with the help of Case studies.
The case studies are integrated in the content and highlight the important features
of the disorders. With the case studies, you will become aware of how the disorders
affect one’s day to day functioning and the surroundings. Case studies will also
help you to understand that psychological disorders may occur in people across
diverse backgrounds.
We have given self-check exercises under the caption Check Your Progress at
the end of main sections. To answer the Check Your Progress questions, you
a) Write your answers using the space given below each question
b) Label the diagrams in the space provided (if any).
You will be tempted to have a glance of the main text as soon as you come across
an exercise. But we do hope that you will resist this temptation and turn to the
main text only after completing the answers.
You should read each unit and note the important points in the margin provided
in the course material. This will help in your study. It will also help you to answer
the self-check exercises and the assignment questions, as well as help in revising
your course before appearing for your Term End Examination.
Key Words
Each unit has key words at the end of the unit, to explain the basic ideas, technical
terms and difficult words.
We have given a list of references at the end of each unit. This is a list of books
and articles used by the course writers to prepare the units. This reflects that
your course material is based on a wide spectrum of literature available on a
particular theme, related to your course. This also informs you of the wide
literature available in the particular area of study. If interested in widening your
knowledge, you may look for the mentioned references. Each reference mentions
the name of the author, year of publication, title of the book/article, name of
publisher and place of publication.
The URL for the figures has been mentioned for the sources of images and pictures
in the unit. If interested, you may also look for the mentioned references.
Web Resources
We have given a list of online references, on various topics, in each unit. Apart
from the text material, if you are interested in learning more about the topic, then
you may access the website as mentioned, for a particular topic.
Review Questions
Besides Check Your Progress, we have given Review Questions after summary
section in each unit. You may practice these questions which will help you in
answering assignments and Term End Examination Question Paper, though the
pattern and style of questions asked may not be similar.
Some Units have been selected for the audio and video programmes to supplement
the printed material. This will help you to understand the units with greater clarity.
Preparation of Course Material
For any query or feedback related to the course, you may contact the Course
Coordinator at,
Unit 7 introduces eating disorders, namely bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa.
Their clinical features, probable causes and treatment options are discussed.
Unit 11 explains substance use and related disorders. The changes in the
classification from DSM IV are also discussed. The unit explains the differences
between substance use, abuse and dependency. Explanation of etiology and the
physical and psychological effects of substance use disorders are addressed.
Gambling disorder, a recent entry in DSM-5, has also been discussed briefly.
Block 4 consists of four units. Unit 12 and Unit 13 give a description of childhood
and adolescent psychological disorders. Developmental psychopathology is
discussed in Unit 12. The main disorders described are childhood depression,
oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorders. Neurodevelopmental disorders like, intellectual disability, autism
spectrum disorder and specific learning disorders are discussed in Unit 13.
Lastly, Unit 15 will introduce you to trauma and stressor related disorders. The
unit will explain the concepts of stress, stressors, and association of stress to
mental and physical health. Disorders like adjustment disorder, acute stress
disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder will be discussed. The unit will also
highlight the significance and objectives of crisis intervention for trauma related
Introducton to Psychological
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
What is a Psychological
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition and Criteria of Psychological Disorder
1.2 History of Psychological Disorders
1.3 Psychological Models
1.4 Classification of Psychological Disorders
1.5 Causes of Psychological Disorders
1.6 Assessment of Psychological Disorders
1.7 Types of Assessment
1.8 The Integration of Assessment Data
1.9 Ethical Issues in Assessment
1.10 Summary
1.11 Keywords
1.12 Review Questions
1.13 References and Further Reading
1.14 Web Resources
Learning Objectives
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
Explain the meaning and nature of psychological disorders
Discuss the clinical presentation, causal factors, and treatment of
psychological disorders;
Summarize the classification of psychological disorders;
Explain the meaning of abnormal behaviour; and
Elucidate the methods and techniques used in assessment of psychological
Psychological disorders are fairly common. This should not surprise you. When
we speak about health, it encompasses both physical and mental health. However,
invariably, our attention is drawn primarily towards physical problems and
diseases. Psychological disorders or psychopathology, have certain symptoms,
etiology (how it occurs), the conditions in which it is maintained, and effect on
day-to -day functioning of the individual. Psychological disorder may develop
in anyone, irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, region, and other such factors.
It affects the people surrounding the person who has a psychological disorder. At
times, people experience more than one disorder at the same time (comorbidity).
Psychological problems are on the rise not only in India, but across the world.
Observing the frequency, and widespread suffering that the disorder causes, it
* Dr. Gulgoona Jamal, Assistant Professor, Zakhir Hussain College, University of Delhi, New 15
Introducton to Psychological becomes pertinent to understand its nature. To start with this, in the present Unit,
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
history, classification, and criteria of psychological disorders will be discussed,
followed by the causal factors and assessment of psychological disorders.
China was one of the earliest developed civilizations to provide medical attention
to mental disorders (Soong, 2006). Chinese medicine took a natural than a
supernatural view of mental disorders. It was based on the premise that mental
disorders occur because of disbalance of yin and yang (positive and negative
forces) and treatment involved restoring the balance between yin and yang (Tseng,
Ancient Indian texts give description about mental disorders. In Ayurveda (Science
of Life), personality types and temperament depend on the humor, systemic and
mental perspectives. There are three humors - vata (ether), pitta (bile), and kaph
(phlegm). Based on this classification, there are seven personality subtypes. There
are five other basic elemental subtypes and eight systemic subtypes of personality
that are the basis of all physical and mental disorders (Dwivedi, 2002). Atharveda
classifies mental disorders of both mild and severe in nature. Charaka Samhita
and Sushruta Samhita also give a detailed description about diseases that include
mental disorders.
3) The Cognitive Model: The approach was first introduced by Allbert Ellis
(1962) and Aaron Beck (1967). The model proposes psychopathology to be
the result of individual acquiring irrational beliefs, developing dysfunctional
ways of thinking and processing information in biased ways.
Development of ICD (World Health Organisation) and DSM (American What is a Psychological
Psychiatric Association) Systems
1939, WHO: Added mental disorders to the International list of Causes of Death
1948, WHO: International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and
Causes of Death included classification of abnormal behavior, published the sixth
version, ICD-6
1952, APA: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
1968, APA: DSM-II, reliability was very low
1969, WHO: A new classification system
1980, APA: DSM-III
1987, APA: DSM-III-R (R stands for Revision)
1990, WHO: ICD-10 was endorsed
1994, APA: DSM-IV
2000, APA: DSM-IV-TR (TR stands for Text Revision)
2013, APA: DSM-5
2018, WHO: A version of ICD-11 was released
General Criticisms of Classification
1) Classification leads to loss of information: Classifying a person as
depressed or anxious results in loss of information about that person, reducing
his/her uniqueness. However, it is important to know whether the information
lost is relevant (Kring et al., 2012).
Not all the DSM classification changes seem positive, e.g., should a problem
in learning or arithmetic, or reading be considered a psychiatric disorder?
Many childhood problems are made into psychiatric disorder, without good
justification for doing so, thereby causing a risk of labeling a child with a
Introducton to Psychological Distinction between necessary, sufficient, and contributory causes;
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions The problem of feedback and circularity in abnormal behavior;
Concept of Diathesis-Stress model of abnormal behavior.
Further, what may be a proximal cause at one stage in life may become a distal
cause for a disorder later in life, e.g., loss of a parent in childhood may be a
proximal cause for the child’s grief reaction and may become a distal cause for
an anxiety disorder later in adulthood.
This theory is often used to describe the manifestation of mental disorders, like
schizophrenia that are produced by the interaction of a vulnerable hereditary
predisposition, with precipitating events in the environment. It was originally
introduced as a means to explain some of the causes of schizophrenia.
In the diathesis–stress model, a biological or genetic vulnerability or
predisposition (diathesis) interacts with the environment and life events (stressors)
to trigger behaviors or psychological disorders. The greater the underlying
vulnerability, the less stress is needed to trigger the behavior or disorder.
Conversely, where there is a smaller genetic contribution greater life stress is
required to produce the particular result.
Carson, Mineka, Butcher, and Hooley (2013) have enlisted the following factors
that influence the assessment process:
Clinician’s professional orientation, e.g., a psychiatrist will likely focus on
biological assessment methods;
Trust and rapport between the clinician and the client.
Reliability and Validity in Assessment
Reliability refers to consistency of measurement. Following are the types of
32 reliability:
Test-retest: the extent to which people being observed or tested twice score in What is a Psychological
the same way.
Alternate or Parallel Form: the extent to which scores on the two forms of the
test are consistent.
Inter rater: the degree to which two independent observers or judges agree.
Internal consistency: the extent to which items of a test are related to each other.
Validity refers to whether the measure fulfills its intended purpose. Following
are the types of validity:
Content validity: whether a measure adequately samples the domain of interest.
Criterion validity: whether a measure is associated in an expected way with
some other measure (criterion). It can be assessed by evaluating the ability of the
measure to predict some other variable in future, e.g., IQ tests are used as
predictors of later school achievement.
Concurrent validity: the extent to which a relationship exists between two
variables that are being measured at the same time, e.g., on a measure of distorted
thoughts, depressed people score higher than the non-depressed people.
Construct validity: whether a test is a measure of a characteristic or construct
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1955) A construct is an inferred attribute, such as,
anxiousness or distorted cognition.
3) Neuropsychological Assessment What is a Psychological
First let us see the difference between a neurologist and neuropsychologist.
A neurologist is a physician who specializes in medical diseases that affect
the nervous system, e.g., cerebral palsy. A neuropsychologist is a
psychologist who studies how dysfunctions of the brain affect the way, we
think, feel, and behave. They have developed tests called
neuropsychological tests. These tests assess behavioral disturbances caused
by brain dysfunctions.
Introducton to Psychological 4) It can control for educational level so that a less educated person will
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
not receive a lower score (Brickman et al., 1984). A version for children
ages 8-12 for diagnosing brain damage and in evaluating the educational
strengths and weaknesses of children (Golden, 1981; Sweet et al., 1986).
4) Psychophysiological Assessment
Psychophysiology is a field of study that is concerned with the bodily
changes that accompany psychological events or that are associated with a
person’s psychological characteristics (Grings & Dawson, 1978). Bodily
changes include heart rate, muscle tensions, blood flow in various parts of
the body, brain waves, etc.The activities of the autonomic nervous system
can be assessed by electrical and chemical measurements to understand the
nature of emotion, e.g.,
Heart rate is one important measure which is measured by
electrocardiogram (ECG).
Skin conductance or electrodermal responding; anxiety, fear, anger,
etc. increase activities in the sympathetic nervous system, which then
boosts sweat gland activity that in turn increases the electrical
conductance of skin.
Brain activity is measured by electroencephalogram (EEG), helps in
detecting abnormal brain activity, e.g., epilepsy, brain lesions, etc.
Portable devices are also being used to study blood presoure in vivo
(as people go about their daily business).
Critical evaluation of biological assessment
Many assessment techniques may not differentiate clearly among
emotional states such as, skin conductance which not only increases in
anxiety but in happiness also.
Usually, there is no one-to-one relationship between assessment and
psychological dysfunctions. Factors such as, duration of brain damage
(whether chronic or acute), coping strategies used by the patient, efforts
at special education should be taken into account.
A very important consideration is the abilities that the patient has
brought to the event of brain injury, i.e., the patient’s repertoire of
abilities before the brain damage should be taken into account.
B. Psychological Assessment: Interviewing, psychological tests and observing
behavior are the main methods to collect data about a psychological disorder.
Psychological Tests
‘Psychological tests are standardized sets of procedures or tasks for
obtaining samples of behavior’ (Butcher et al., 2014).The clinician compares
an individual’s responses on a given test with the test norms or test score
distributions and makes an evaluation about him/her based on those
comparisons. Nowadays, along with the manual or paper-pencil tests, their
computer-administered and computer-interpreted formats are also available.
Now that we have come to the end of this unit, let us list all the major points that
we have already learnt.
Psychological disorder is a psychological dysfunction within an individual
that is associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response
that is not typical or culturally expected.
The earliest evidence about attempts to understand abnormal behavior comes
from sixteenth century BC from Egyptian Papyri.
Humanitarian treatment of mentally ill patients began in France by Phillipe
Introducton to Psychological Ancient Indian texts, like, Atharveda, Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita and
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
Sushruta Samhita have discussed about diseases that include mental disorders
Classification can be defined as making generalizations based on our
observations. Classification is a necessary step for making sense of
information in all formal fields of knowledge.
Classification differentiates among various types or categories of
maladaptive behavior and brings order to the nature, causes, and treatment
of such behavior
The DSM-5 was published in 2013 and has used an operational approach to
Necessary, sufficient, and contributory causes are required to classify
Psychological assessment refers to a procedure by which clinicians, using
psychological tests, observation, and interviews, develop a summary of the
client’s symptoms and problems.
There are three types of assessment: biological assessment, psychological
assessment and cogintive and behavioral assessment.
Psychological Dysfunction: Refers to breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or
behavioral functioning.
Distal causal factors: Causal factors that occur early in life and may not show
their effect for many years, but may contribute to a predisposition to develop a
Diathesis–Stress model: The diathesis–stress model is a psychological theory
that explains behavior as both a result of biological and genetic factors (“nature”),
and life experiences (“nurture”).
Brain Imagery: Seeing the brain and how its structure and functioning may be
related to abnormal behavior.
Neurochemical Assessment: Analyzing the metabolites of neurotransmitters
that have been broken down by enzymes
Neuropsychological Assessment: Assessing behavioral disturbances caused by
brain dysfunctions
Psychological tests: Standardized sets of procedures or tasks for obtaining
samples of behavior
Reliability: Refers to consistency of measurement.
Validity: Refers to whether the measure fulfills its intended purpose
2) ________ picks up effects of brain damage that are not detectable by What is a Psychological
neurological examination.
3) _________ assumes that a disposition towards a certain disorder may result
from a combination of one’s genetics and early learning.
4) The biological viewpoint emphasizing the importance of brain pathology
and mental disorders was posited by __________.
5) In ____________, people reveal their personal preoccupations, conflicts,
motives, coping techniques, and other personality characteristics through
their interpretations of the ambiguous materials.
6) What are the characteristics of a psychological disorder?
7) Discuss the various methods of classification.
8) How is DSM-5 different from DSM IV?
9) Explain the methods of biological assessment.
10) Elucidate the characteristics of clinical interviewing.
11) What is a psychological assessment?
12) Describe behavioral and cognitive assessment of psychological disorders.
What is a Psychological
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Difference Among Fear, Panic, and Anxiety
2.2 Clinical Features of Phobia
2.3 Why do Phobias Develop?
2.4 Treatment of Phobias
2.5 Clinical Features of Social Phobia
2.6 Causal Factors of Social Phobia
2.7 Treatment for Social Phobia
2.8 Clinical Aspects of Panic Disorder
2.9 Causal Factors for Panic Disorder
2.10 Treatment of Panic Disorder
2.11 Summary
2.12 Keywords
2.13 Review Questions
2.14 References and Further Reading
2.15 Web Resources
Learning Objectives
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
Differentiate between panic, fear, anxiety and obsession;
Describe the clinical aspects of anxiety disorders recognised in DSM-5;
Explain the causal factors of specific phobia and agoraphobia and their
treatment; and
Elucidate the causal factors of social anxiety disorder and panic disorder
and their treatment.
We often become anxious in our day to day life situations, such as, when we
have to appear for an exam/job interview, or caught in a traffic jam while already
running late, trying to meet the deadlines etc. Our level of anxiety decreases
once we come out of such situations, However, it is important to look at certain
situations when the individual remains anxious irrespective of the situation and
is unable to cope with it.When this happens, the person is said to be suffering
from anxiety disorder/s. There are several anxiety disorders that have been
identified by DSM-5, like generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social
phobia, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. In this Unit, you will learn the clinical
aspects, causal factors and treatment of specific phobia, social phobia, panic
* Dr. Gulgoona Jamal, Assistant Professor, Zakhir Hussain College, University of Delhi, New 47
Introducton to Psychological disorder, and agoraphobia. You will learn about generalized anxiety disorder
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
and obsessive-compulsive disorders in the subsequent unit. But before we delve
further into these disorders, let us first understand about anxiety and other similar
conditions such as fear and panic.
Cognitive/Subjective: “I am afraid”
Panic, like fear has all the above three components. However, additionally, panic
attack is characterised by subjective feelings of impending doom, fear of dying,
going crazy and losing control. Anxiety on the other hand is a more diffused,
future-oriented state that comprises of a complex blend of cognitions and
Specific Phobias
Specific phobia is diagnosed when a person shows strong and persistent fear
which is triggered by a specific object or situation. On encountering a phobic
stimulus, the person with specific phobia show an immediate fear response that
resembles a panic attack except for the presence of a clear external trigger (APA,
2013). She/he experiences anxiety on anticipation of the phobic stimulus and go
to great lengths to avoid it. The person is fearful and avoids even the mere
representations (picture/model) of the phobic stimulus. Most often, the person
has an insight about one’s condition, that is, the person recognizes that the response
to a phobic stimulus is unreasonable or excessive.
Introducton to Psychological
Disorders & Disorders of Box 2.1: Criteria for Specific Phobia according to DSM-5 (APA, 2013)
Anxiety and Obsessions
A. Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by
the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation (e.g., flying,
heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood).
B. Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an
immediate anxiety response, which may take the form of a situationally
bound or situationally predisposed Panic Attack.
Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums,
freezing, or clinging.
C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable.
Note: In children, this feature may be absent.
D. The phobic situation(s) is avoided or else is endured with intense anxiety
or distress.
E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared situation(s)
interferes significantly with the person’s normal routine, occupational
(or academic) functioning, or social activities or relationships, or there
is marked distress about having the phobia.
F. In individuals under age 18 years, the duration is at least 6 months.
G. The anxiety, panic attacks, or phobic avoidance associated with the
specific object or situation are not better accounted for by another mental
disorder, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g., fear of dirt in
someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (e.g., avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stressor),
Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g., avoidance of school), Social Phobia
(e.g., avoidance of social situations because of fear of embarrassment),
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, or Agoraphobia without history of
Panic Disorder.
2) Natural Environment Type: These include fears of heights, storms, and being
near water.
5) Other Type: These include other specific fears, including fears of choking
or vomiting after eating certain foods, fears of balloons breaking or other
loud sounds, or fears of clowns.
Comorbidity: People who suffer from specific phobia are likely to suffer from Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
and Obsessions-I
other anxiety disorders also (Crum and Pratt,2001).
The age of onset for specific phobias varies depending on the fear. Animal phobias,
storm phobias, blood-injection-injury phobias and dental phobias typically begin
in early childhood. The average age of onset for height phobias is in the teens,
whereas specific phobias of enclosed places (claustrophobia) and driving phobia
often begin in adolescence and early adulthood (Barlow, 2002a).
Some specific phobias (e.g., spiders, storms) are much more common among
women than men, whereas others (e.g., blood phobias) are more equally found
in men and women. Lifetime prevalence is about 7 percent for men and 16 percent
for women (Kessler et al., 1994).
Biological Perspective
Genetic Factors: The speed and strength of conditioning of fear is determined
by genetic and temperamental variables (Hettema, et al., 2003; Oehlberg &
Mineka, 2011). This means that phobias are acquired as a result of genetic makeup
or temperament and personality. People who are carriers of one of the two variants
on the serotonin-transporter gene which is linked to high neuroticism are more
likely to be conditioned to fear stimuli (Lonsdorf et al., 2009). Related to these
Introducton to Psychological findings, Kagan et al. (2001) reported that behaviorally inhibited (shy, timid)
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
toddlers showed a higher risk for the development of multiple specific phobias
at 7-8 years of age than were uninhibited toddlers. Studies have also indicated a
modest genetic contribution, for example, Fyer et al. (1995) reported an elevated
risk of specific phobias in first-degree relatives of those who had been diagnosed
with specific phobia. Twin studies on females and males found a higher
concordance rate for animal phobias in MZ than DZ twins (Kendler et al., 1999;
Hettema et al., 2005). The same studies have also reported the effect of the non
shared environment on the origin of specific phobias which implies the role of
other factors, such as psychological and socio-cultural in the acquisition of specific
Psychological Perspective
Psychoanalytic Viewpoint: According to Freud, phobias represent a defense
against anxiety that stems from repressed impulses of the id. As it is too dangerous
to know the repressed id impulse, the anxiety is displaced (defense mechanism:
displacement) onto an external object or situation that has some symbolic
relationship to the feared object. Freud (1909) explained the development of
phobia with the case study of little Hans, a five-year old boy with a phobia of
horses. Freud suggested that Hans’s phobia was developed as a result of anxiety
due to Oedipus complex. Hans unconsciously hated his father and wanted to kill
him and possess his mother. This led to a fear in Hans that his father would kill
or castrate him for having such negative feelings. Since these unconscious
conflicting thoughts were not acceptable to the conscious mind, the anxiety created
was displaced onto horses as these symbolically represented his father. This
explanation was criticized as being far too speculative by many researchers and
an alternative explanation of Hans’ phobia in terms of the learning theory was
provided by behavioral theorists.
Evolutionary Perspective
Our evolutionary history has affected which stimuli are likely to be feared,
e.g., snakes, water, heights, enclosed spaces are more likely to be objects of
fear than bicycles, knives, cars, even though the latter objects may be at
least as likely to be associated with trauma. Primates and humans have a
biological preparedness to rapidly associate certain kinds of objects- such
as snakes, spiders, water and enclosed spaces with aversive events. It has
been suggested that this preparedness may have been a selective advantage
(e.g., helped in survival) for our ancestors in the course of evolution (Mineka
& Ohman, 2002). Ohman (1996) has provided two lines of evidence to
support the preparedness theory of phobias. First, in case of human
participants, fear was conditioned more effectively to fear relevant stimuli
such as snakes and spiders than to fear irrelevant stimuli such as flowers
and vegetables. In case of primates, lab reared monkeys with no prior
experience to fear relevant stimuli also showed conditioning for fearing
relevant than irrelevant stimuli.
Exposure Therapy:
The client is exposed to the feared object, animal, or place in a controlled
environment (Choy et al., 2007). There are various forms of the exposure therapy,
for example, systematic desensitization, flooding, virtual reality. Systematic 53
Introducton to Psychological desensitization is based on the premise that one cannot be anxious and relaxed at
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
the same time. It is conducted in several steps. Firstly, with the help of client, a
hierarchy of the fear eliciting situation is formed, beginning from the least fear
producing to the most fear producing situation, e.g., dog barking in the next lane
to the dog barking just in front of the client. Secondly, the client is taught relaxation
exercises, such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing. Then the person
is asked to relax and imagine the fear producing situation in the ascending order
of the hierarchy, beginning from the least fear producing situation. Gradually,
the client learns to relax in the most fear producing situation, thereby extinguishing
phobia. An opposite of this technique is flooding, where the client is exposed to
the most fear producing situation and is taught that he/she can go through the
fear producing situation without being harmed contrary to his/her expectation of
getting hurt. Earlier therapists used the real situations or imagination (if the
situation was hazardous), whereas now therapists use virtual reality. In this type
of therapy, the therapists with the help of computers and other equipment simulate
the fear producing situation, e.g., heights, air travel and the client is exposed to
the simulation exercise. Through all these techniques, the client realizes the
irrationality of his/her fear and thus the fear gets extinct.
Based on Bandura’s (1977) vicarious learning theory, the client either observes
another person (sometimes the therapist) in real life or in a movie, acting fearlessly
in a situation that causes phobia in the client. By watching another person acting
fearlessly and calmly, the client also learns that the phobic situation or the stimulus
is harmless, which helps to treat phobia.
While the behavior therapies have been found to be effective in treating phobia,
medication and cognitive techniques, such as cognitive restructuring, have not
been found to be effective. According to the recent findings, a drug, called d-
cycloserine, when used in conjunction with exposure therapies like virtual reality,
has been found to increase the effectiveness of exposure therapies (Norberg et
al., 2008).
SAD usually begins during early or middle adolescence or early adulthood (Ruscio
et al., 2008). SAD is more common among women than men as 60 percent of the
women have been reported to suffer from the disorder. SAD is also affected by
cultural factors. Example, in Japan, fear of giving offense to others is very
important, whereas in USA, fear of being negatively evaluated by others is a
source of social anxiety.
Research has also shown that medications such as antidepressants (e.g.,
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, or MAOIs and Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors, or SSRIs) have been proved to be effective treatment for social
phobia (Ipser et al., 2008). However, further comparative research in this
area has reported the cognitive-behavior therapy to be more effective than
the medications as it does not involve side effects and relapse rates are also
low (Stein & Stein, 2008). Lastly, researchers such as Guastella et al. (2008)
have reported that a medication, named D-cycloserine taken in conjunction
with cognitive-behavior therapy led to faster rates of successful treatment.
Introducton to Psychological
Disorders & Disorders of D) The disturbance is not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g.,
Anxiety and Obsessions the panic attacks do not occur only in response to feared social situations,
as in social anxiety disorder; in response to circumscribed phobic objects
or situations, as inspecific phobia; in response to obsessions, as in
obsessive-compulsive disorder; in response to reminders of traumatic
events, as in posttraumatic stress disorder; or in response to separation
from attachment figures, as in separation anxiety disorder).
It is clear from the above list that out of 13, majority (1 to 10) of the symptoms
are physical whereas only last three are cognitive symptoms. In addition to these
symptoms, panic attacks may be accompanied by other symptoms as well (e.g.,
blurred vision).
Panic attacks are experienced across all the anxiety disorders, triggered by a
feared situation object/situation/thought/worry. Many people without an anxiety
disorder may experience panic attacks from time to time (e.g., when giving a
formal presentation or taking an exam, or upon encountering some other stressful
situation). Panic attacks occur frequently in the general population, with some
studies showing that up to a third of individuals experience a panic attack during
a given year. Unlike most panic attacks, which are typically triggered by stress,
worries, or feared situations, the panic attacks that occur in panic disorder often
occur out of the blue, without any obvious trigger or cause.
In case of some people, panic disorder may lead to agoraphobia. In DSM-5 panic
disorder is diagnosed as with or without agoraphobia. The term agoraphobia
comes from the Greek word, agora which means market; hence it means a “fear
of the marketplace.” Though it implies a fear of open spaces, however, people
having agoraphobia are much more fearful of enclosed spaces, such as tunnels,
small rooms, and elevators. Some people with panic disorder develop a concern
that they will not be able to make an exit from a crowded place if they have a
panic attack. Hence, they avoid going to places where they believe that their
escape would be difficult in an emergency (i.e., panic attack) and it would cause
embarrassment to them. At first, people avoid those situations where they
developed agoraphobia but soon it gets generalized and they begin to avoid not
only places outside home, such as market, elevators, public transport but Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
and Obsessions-I
sometimes places within home also, e.g., attic, terrace which they believe would
be difficult to escape from. Most but not all, people with panic disorder develop
at least some degree of agoraphobia. In extreme cases, an individual with panic
disorder and agoraphobia may not leave the house at all. Usually people with
agoraphobia are able to leave the house, if someone they know accompanies
them whom they believe will be able to help them in making a safe exit in case of
a panic attack.
Comorbidity: Many people (83 percent approximately) suffering from panic
disorder with or without agoraphobia also have some other psychological disorder
such as GAD, specific phobia, social phobia, depression, substance use disorder
(such as smoking and alcohol consumption) and avoidant personality disorder
(Bernstein et al., 2006).
Prevalence, gender differences and age of onset: Lifetime prevalence for panic
disorder with or without agoraphobia has been reported to be 4.7 percent, but
panic disorder without agoraphobia is more prevalent. Prevalence varies cross-
culturally, e.g., in Africa; it was diagnosed in about 1percent of men and 6 percent
of women (Hollifield et al., 1990). In Taiwan, prevalence is quite low, perhaps
because of a stigma about reporting a mental problem (Weissman et al., 1997).
Among the Eskimo of west Greenland, e.g., Kayak Angst occurs in seal hunters
who are alone at sea. Attacks involve intense fear, disorientation, and concerns
about drowning.
Panic Disorder with and without agoraphobia is more prevalent in women than
in men with a prevalence of 5 percent and 2 percent, respectively (Kessler, Chiu,
et al., 2005c). About 80 to 90 percent of patients with agoraphobia are reported
to be women (White & Barlow, 2002). However, evidence has been found that
men with agoraphobia often indulge in self-medication with nicotine and alcohol
to endure panic attacks and often do not develop avoidance behavior as has been
found in agoraphobia (Starcevic et al., 2008). Panic disorder is a debilitating
disorder. Though its symptoms may increase or decrease at times however, it has
a chronic course. Recovery may take a long time (12 years as reported in a
longitudinal study) with recurrence in 58 percent of the patients (Bruce et al.,
The age of onset has been found to be 23 to 34 years on an average. For women
it usually starts in 30s or 40s (Kessler, Chiu, et al., 2006). Its onset is associated
with stressful life experiences (Pollard, Pollard, & Corn, 1989).
Psychological Perspective
Behavioral Factors: Several researchers have suggested that a comprehensive
learning theory can account for the development of panic disorder (Bouton, 2005;
Mineka & Zinbarg, 2006). Goldstein and Chambless (1978) have studied the
effect of interoceptive (internal to body) and exteroceptive (external to body)
stimuli in conditioning of panic disorder. Through classical conditioning
interoceptive cues, like heart palpitations, stomach ache and exteroceptive cues
such as a place or presence of specific people that were present during the initial
panic attack gets associated with it and later on act as triggers for anxiety about
future panic attacks (Acheson et al., 2007). In simple words, people end up
developing a “panic” about a “panic attack”! This also explains the agoraphobic
avoidance of places like markets or shopping malls as these serve as exteroceptive Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
and Obsessions-I
cues for an oncoming panic attack. Inhibitory learning which is required for
extinction of a conditioned response has been suggested to be impaired in panic
disorder, thus people with panic disorder are unable to learn to discriminate the
conditioned stimulus as a safety cue (Lissek et al., 2009). However, panic attacks
sometimes seem to be uncued, i.e., no trigger, internal or external, seems to be
present before the panic attack. This is because panic attack in some cases result
from the internal cues that are unconsciously experienced by the individual. This
can be understood with an example of a person frightened of a racing heart and
who while feeling happy and excited gets a panic attack and is unable to
understand the reason of it as he/she was happy. The panic attack in this case
occurred because while feeling happy and excited the person’s heart raced which
served as a cue (though not in awareness of that person) for the panic attack
(Mineka & Zinbarg, 2006).
Cognitive factors: People with panic disorder have hypersensitivity for their bodily
sensations which are interpreted by them as a sign of an impending panic attack
(Beck & Emery, 1985; D. M. Clark, 1986, 1997). The tendency to interpret bodily
sensations as a sign of impending catastrophe such as a heart attack, tumors etc.
has been called catastrophizing by Clark.
Such frightening thoughts start the vicious cycle as it increases the already present
physical symptoms of anxiety which in turn increase the catastrophic thoughts
which in turn triggers the panic attack. It should be noted that the person may be
unaware about catastrophizing as these thoughts are out of consciousness (Rapee,
1996). Beck has called these thoughts as automatic thoughts which actually trigger
the panic attack. However, the cause of developing catastrophizing thoughts is
not known, nevertheless only those people who have a tendency for
catastrophizing develop panic disorder (e.g., Clark, 1997). Evidence has been
found in line with this theory, e.g., Clark (1997) and Teachman et al. (2007) have
reported that individuals with panic disorder have a greater tendency to
catastrophize their bodily sensations. This cognitive theory of panic disorder
also predicts that model also predicts that the panic can be reduced or prevented
by changing people’s cognitions about their bodily sensations. Further, likelihood
of panic attacks was significantly reduced when people suffering from panic
disorder were given a detailed explanation of what physical symptoms to expect
when injected with sodium lactase in a panic provocation study (Clark, 1997;
Schmidt et al., 2006).
Both learning and cognitive theories provide explanations about panic attack,
however the main difference between the two theories is the emphasis that the
cognitive theory puts on the meaning that people with panic disorder give to
their bodily sensations. Such interpretation of bodily sensations is not necessary
for conditioning as the interoceptive or exteroceptive stimuli could be outside
the realm of awareness (Bouton et al., 2001). In the light of this difference, learning
theory is better able to account for uncued panic attacks as well as panic attacks
while sleeping as both occur in the absence of automatic cognitions.
Anxiety Sensitivity and Perceived Control: Several explanations have been
provided that can find support in both learning and cognitive perspectives. For
example, McNally (2002) and Pagura et al. (2009) found that people with
hypersensitivity to anxiety are more likely to develop panic attacks and
subsequently panic disorder. Interestingly, some studies have also shown the
role of perceived control in reduction and even prevention of panic attacks, e.g., 63
Introducton to Psychological in a panic provocation study if a person has a control over inhalation of carbon-
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
dioxide (inhalation of CO2 is known to bring on panic), the possibility of suffering
from a panic attack is reduced significantly or even blocked (e.g., Sanderson et
al., 1989; Zvolensky et al., 1998, 1999). Further, Bentley et al. (2012) have shown
that anxiety sensitivity interacts with perceived control for the development of
panic attack, i.e., lower the perceived control, greater was the effect of anxiety
effect on panic disorder. Lastly, higher the perceived control over emotions and
threatening situations, lower was the agoraphobic avoidance as the person feels
in control of the situation (Suarez et al., 2009; White et al., 2006).
Safety Behaviors and the Persistence of Panic: Panic disorder once developed
is maintained despite contrary evidence. That is, someone who has always suffered
from a panic attack about having a heart attack on finding his/her heart racing
but never actually had a heart attack should understand that a racing heart does
not lead to a heart attack. But this logic does not prevent a panic attack because
each time the person was apprehending a heart attack he/she indulged in a “safety
behavior” like slow breathing and believed that this “safety behavior” prevented
the heart attack. Thus, the “safety behaviors” maintain the panic disorder. Thus,
people with panic disorder should be persuaded to abandon the “safety behaviors”
so that they could realize that their indulgence in safety behaviors does not prevent
the heart attack or any other impending fatality like fainting (Clark, 1997;
Salkovskis et al., 1996). Research suggests that dropping of safety behaviors by
people with panic disorder increased the effectiveness of the treatment (Rachman
et al., 2008).
Cognitive Biases and the Maintenance of Panic: People with panic disorder have
a tendency for processing the threating information in a biased manner. For
example, such people interpret the ambiguous bodily sensations as well as other
ambiguous situations as more threatening than the people in the control group
(Clark, 1997; Teachman et al., 2006). Also, such people have a biased attention
also as they focus more on the threatening information, such as words indicating
panic like palpitations, numbness, fainting etc. (Lim & Kim, 2005; Mathews &
MacLeod, 2005).). fMRI studies have shown greater activation of memory areas
that are involved in processing information about threatening stimuli in people
with panic disorder than the normative group (Maddock et al., 2003). However,
the role of biased information processing as a cause or as a symptom of panic
disorder remains unclear.
Overall, it can be concluded that both biological and psychosocial factors have
been found to play a role in the development of panic disorder and neither of the
two in isolation can explain its development.
Exposure Therapy:
Integrative technique:
Now that we have come to the end of this unit, let us list all the major points that
we have already learnt.
The main anxiety disorders that have been identified by DSM-5, are
generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder,
and agoraphobia.
A phobia is a persistent and disproportionate fear of a specific object or
situation that presents little or no actual danger to a person.
According to DSM-5, Specific phobia, previously known as simple phobia,
has five sub types: animals (e.g., snakes, spiders, dogs); natural environment
(e.g., water, heights, storms); blood-injection-injury; situational (bridges,
tunnels); others (vomiting, choking, ‘space phobia’ where the person has a
fear of falling down if he/she is away from walls or support).
Phobias develop as a result of psychological, behavioural, biological,
evolutionary, or cognitive factors.
A social phobia is a persistent, irrational fear generally linked to the presence
of other people. It can be extremely debilitating.
The difference between social phobia and social anxiety disorder (SAD) is
largely chronological, in that social phobia is the former term and SAD is
the current term for the disorder.
Panic disorders are characterised by panic attack which are a discrete period
of intense fear or discomfort, in which at least four from a list of 13 standard Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
and Obsessions-I
symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes.
Panic attacks are experienced across all the anxiety disorders. Cognitive-
behaviour therapy and medication is found to be effective in the treatment
of panic disorder.
Anxiety: Feeling experienced only in anticipation of danger/threat when such a
danger/threat is not present or cannot be specified
Comorbidity: When two or more disorders or illnesses that occur in the same
Panic: Subjective feelings of impending doom, fear of dying, going crazy and
losing control.
Panic attack: Discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which at least
four from a list of 13 standard symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak
within 10 minutes
Gamma Amino Butyric Acid or GABA: Inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps
to keep the feeling of anxiety away
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH): The CRH plays a role in GAD as it
is an anxiety producing hormone.
Phobia: A phobia is a persistent and disproportionate fear of a specific object or
situation that presents little or no actual danger to a person
Social phobia: A persistent, irrational fear generally linked to the presence of
other people. It can be extremely debilitating.
Agoraphobia: A fear of “agora”, Greek word for public places of assembly or
marketplace. It is a fear of crowded places.
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Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
3.2 Clinical Features of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
3.3 Causal Factors: Why Does GAD Develop?
3.4 Treatment of GAD
3.5 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
3.6 Clinical Aspects of OCD
3.7 Causal Factors of OCD
3.8 Treatment of OCD
3.9 Summary
3.10 Keywords
3.11 Review Questions
3.12 References and Further Reading
3.13 Web Resources
Learning Objectives
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
Describe the clinical features of generalised anxiety disorder;
Elucidate treatment of generalised anxiety disorder;
Identify the clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorders; and
Explain the various treatment options for obsessive-compulsive disorders.
As you learnt in the previous Unit, there are several anxiety disorders that have
been identified by DSM-5, like generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia,
social phobia, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. The clinical aspects, causal factors
and treatment of specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder, and agoraphobia
were covered in the previous unit. In this Unit, you will learn the clinical features,
causal factors and treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive-
compulsive disorders. Previous DSMs classified obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) as an anxiety disorder. However, DSM-5 has listed it under a separate
category, named as obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Let us learn about
these disorders in detail.
* Dr. Gulgoona Jamal, Assistant Professor, Zakhir Hussain College, University of Delhi, New 79
Introducton to Psychological anchored to a specific object or situation as in phobias, it was earlier described
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
as free-floating anxiety (Butcher, Hooley, Mineka, & Dwivedi, 2017). Individual
with GAD is persistently anxious often about minor things, and worry chronically
(Davison, Neale, & Kring, 2004). People with GAD spend a great deal of time
worrying about a wide range of topics and describe their worrying as
uncontrollable (Ruscio, Borkovec, & Ruscio, 2001).
Age of onset: Nearly 60 to 80 percent people with GAD report that they have
been anxious for as long as they remember whereas many others have reported a
slow and insidious onset (Roemer et al., 2002). It is difficult to determine the age
of onset, but research has suggested that older adults often develop it and it is the
most common anxiety disorder for them (e.g., Mackenzie et al., 2011).
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Generalized anxiety is the result of a constant unconscious struggle between id
impulses and ego. Id impulses are aggressive and sexual in nature, and struggle
for expression whereas the ego because of its unconscious fear of being punished,
does not let id express its desires. Since the source of anxiety is unconscious,
person does not know the reason for anxiety and as a result is always anxious
and apprehensive. The person cannot evade anxiety as he/she can not escape
from id, for escape from id means that the person is no longer alive. Furthermore,
since anxiety is not displaced onto a specific object or situation as it happens in
the case of phobia, hence the person is anxious nearly all the time. But due to
lack of empirical verification, this viewpoint is not clinically accepted.
Behavioural Perspective
According to Wolpe (1958), the elicitors of anxiety may be environmental factors,
e.g., other people or social situations. A person who spends most hours of his/her
day with other people may be anxious because of the people or the social situations
and not because of any internal factors, i.e., the person learns to associate their
anxiety with the presence of other people.
Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective
The main underlying idea is that GAD results from distorted cognitive processes.
People with GAD often misperceive benign events, such as crossing the street as
involving threats, and their cognitions focus on anticipated future disasters (Beck
et al., 1987). Their attention is easily drawn to threatening stimuli (Mogg, Miller,
& Bradley, 2000). Studies have shown that in contrast to non-anxious people,
generally anxious people tend to notice threat cues when presented with a mixture
of threat and non-threat cues (Mineka et al., 1998).Furthermore, they are more
inclined to interpret ambiguous stimuli as threatening and to rate ominous events
as more likely to occur to them (Butler & Matthews, 1983).The heightened
sensitivity to threatening stimuli occurs even when the stimuli cannot be
consciously perceived (Bradley et al., 1995).
Uncontrollable and unpredictable aversive events are much more stressful and
hence more anxiety provoking than the controllable and predictable events. People
with GAD may have a history of experiencing many important life events as
unpredictable and uncontrollable (Mineka & Zinbarg, 1998).Early experience
with control and mastery can immunize to some extent against the harmful effects
of exposure to stressful situations and may in turn immunize against GAD (Barlow
et al., 1998).
Borkovec et al. (1998) have proposed another cognitive view as they focused on
the various functions served by worry. Worry can be negatively reinforcing; it
may serve five positive functions for people with GAD:
Superstitious avoidance of catastrophe (worrying will lessen the likelihood
of a feared event);
Introducton to Psychological Actual avoidance of catastrophe (worrying helps to generate ways of avoiding
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
Avoidance of deeper emotional topics (worrying distracts from more
troublesome emotions);
Coping and preparation; and
Motivating device (helps in motivating oneself to work).
A subset of people with GAD believe that worry has positive functions, which in
turn helps in maintenance of high levels of anxiety (Dugas et al., 2007). Worrying
is self-sustaining as it does not produce much emotional arousal, e.g., it does not
produce the physiological changes that usually accompany emotion, and it blocks
the processing of emotional stimuli. Despite its positive functions, worry has
some negative consequences as well (Newman & Liera, 2011). Worry is not an
enjoyable activity as it involves thinking about the negative catastrophic outcomes
and can lead to a greater sense of anxiety and danger. According to Wells and
Papageorgio (1995), it may lead to more intrusive thoughts as they found in a
study that involved three groups watching a gruesome movie in three conditions.
After watching the movie, one group was told to relax, the second group was
told to imagine the events in the movie and the third group was asked to verbally
worry about the movie. It was found that people in the third group had more
intrusive thoughts as compared to the other two groups after several days of
watching the movie. Worrying also leads to more intense negative emotions
(Newman & Libera, 2011). Further, there is evidence for paradoxical effect of
worry also, that is, attempts to control worry leads to more intrusive thoughts
which lead to a feeling of uncontrollability. This in turn leads to anxiety which
further enhances worry. Thus, it leads to a vicious cycle of worry, intrusive
thoughts and anxiety (Mineka & Zinbarg, 2006).
OCD lowers the quality of life and leads to significant functional impairment
and thus it is often considered to be one of the most disabling mental disorders
(Stein et al., 2009). Unlike schizophrenia (in which absence of insight is a
characteristic feature), the person suffering from OCD must recognize that the
obsessions and compulsions have not been imposed externally but are the product
of his or her own mind and are senseless and excessive. However, this insight
may be absent in a minority of cases (Ruscio et al., 2010). As mentioned above,
many of us may experience obsessions and compulsive behavior occasionally
but the diagnosis of OCD implies spending at least 1 hour in obsessional and
compulsive activities and most of the waking hours in severe cases. But research
has shown that normal and abnormal obsessions and compulsive behaviors are
placed on a continuum in terms of differing frequency, intensity, troublesomeness
and the degree of resisting the obsessions and compulsions (e.g., Steketee &
Barlow, 2002). More than 25 percent of people in the National Comorbidity
Study (NCR-R) were found to have experienced obsessions or compulsions at
some point in their lives by Ruscio et al. (2010).
To deal with such tormenting thoughts, people with OCD are often compelled to
indulge in meaningless and sometimes absurd activities are known as
compulsions. There are 5 primary compulsive behaviors, cleaning (washing),
checking, ordering, arranging, and counting (Mathews, 2009). At a given time,
different kinds of compulsive behaviors may be shown by people. Some people
may show extreme slowness in performing daily chores while others may insist
on having things in a strictly symmetrical fashion (Mathews, 2009). Washing or
cleaning may range from washing hands for 15-20 minutes (with only water or
general soap) to several hours of washing hands with detergents or disinfectants.
This may lead to bleeding hands with scaling and peeling skin. Similarly, checking
rituals may range from mild (checking for lights, locks etc.) twice or thrice a day
to extreme checking where people would go back to their third-floor apartment
after reaching the basement parking and repeatedly indulge in the same behavior,
so that they are unable to perform the activity that they were supposed to do.
Since both cleaning and checking rituals are carried out a specific number of
times so these also involve repetitive counting. Although, performing the
compulsive acts lead to reduction in anxiety and a sense of control but the relief 87
Introducton to Psychological is short-lived and so the person has to keep on repeating the act (e.g., Purdon,
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
Psychological Factors
Learning Theory: Mowrer (1947) has explained the obsessive-compulsive
disorder through his two-process theory of avoidance learning. In the first step,
through classical conditioning, the neutral stimuli get associated with frightening
thoughts and elicit anxiety, for example, a person associates behaviors like,
Introducton to Psychological touching a door handle or brushing of clothes against the wall/floor with infection
Disorders & Disorders of
Anxiety and Obsessions
and so develops fear of contamination. In the second step, the person tries to
prevent infection by washing hands or clothes which also reduces the fear of
contamination. Thus, the person learns that washing behavior is effective in
anxiety reduction thereby reinforcing the washing response. In future, the person
would indulge in washing behavior whenever he/she feels anxious about
contamination (Rachman & Shafran, 1998). Since such behaviors reduce anxiety
hence these are extremely resistant to extinction (Mineka & Zinbarg, 2006).
Animals and humans have been reported to indulge in avoidance behavior
frequently when they face stressful and anxiety provoking events (e.g., Cromer
et al., 2007). In support of this theory, Rachman and Hodgson (1980) conducted
several studies. They purported that although an anxiety eliciting situation may
provoke many of us but people with OCD are forced to perform some action
repeatedly to reduce anxiety caused by an obsession. Despite realizing the futility
of his /her obsessions and related compulsive behaviors, the person is unable to
control such compulsive behaviors because these lead to reduction in anxiety
caused by the obsessions.
Thus, this model suggests that exposure to the anxiety provoking situation without
allowing the person suffering from OCD to indulge in an anxiety reducing
compulsive act will help in treatment. The underlying reasoning is that when the
person will find their anxiety subsiding on its own without indulging in any
compulsive act, it will help them realize the futility of their compulsions (Rachman
& Shafran, 1998). This model helps us to understand the maintenance of the
obsessive-compulsive behavior however, it is silent on the causal factors.
Several researchers like Salkovskis (e.g., 1989), Rachman (1997) have suggested
that rather than the obsessive thought itself, it is the appraisal of that thought in
terms of negative and catastrophic automatic thoughts that produces disturbances
and subsequent compulsive behavior. Thought-action-fusion has also been
suggested to explain OCD fusion (Berle & Starcevic, 2005; Rachman et al.,2006;
Shafran & Rachman, 2004). According to this explanation, people with OCD
have an exaggerated sense of responsibility and they interpret having a negative
thought as equivalent to acting on it. For example, if a person with OCD has a
thought of harming ones parent(s) they would appraise it as morally equal to
actually harming their parent(s), that is, ones thoughts and actions have been
fused together. To decrease the anxiety associated with this thought-action-fusion,
90 the person may indulge in compulsive behaviors.
People with OCD also show cognitive biases and cognitive distortions, for Disorders of Anxiety, Panic
and Obsessions-II
example, research studies have shown that just like people suffering from other
anxiety disorders, their attention is also focused on disturbing events that are
part of their obsessions (Mineka et al., 2003). Further, they lack confidence in
their short-term memory and hence indulge in ritualistic behavior repeatedly
that increases their compulsive behavior (Dar et al., 2000). According to
researchers (e.g., Morein-Zamir et al., 2010; Bannon et al., 2008), such people
also fail to inhibit motor responses and irrelevant information.
Evolutionary Factors
According to the evolutionary theorists, OCD has a role in our survival, for
example, thoughts about contamination and subsequent actions to prevent it helps
us to protect ourselves from potential infections and thus are valuable to our
lives (Mineka & Zinbarg, 1996, 2006). Also, displacement activities shown by
many animals in stressful situations resemble compulsive actions of OCD, such
as birds preening feathers in threatening situations (Craske, 1999).
Now that we have come to the end of this unit, let us list all the major points that
we have already learnt.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a state of chronic, excessive and
unreasonable worry about multiple life events or activities and is caused
due to genetic, psychological, chemical, behavioural or cognitive causes.
The Corticotropin Releasing Hormone plays a role in GAD as it is an anxiety
producing hormone.
CBT uses a combination of behavioral techniques such as progressive muscle
relaxation exercises to relieve the physiological symptoms, such as
breathlessness, muscle tension and cognitive techniques, in the treatment
of GAD.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by the occurrence
of unwanted, intrusive obsessive thoughts and distressing images which
are usually accompanied by compulsive behaviors.
OCD lowers the quality of life and leads to significant functional impairment
and thus it is often considered to be one of the most disabling mental
Behaviour therapy is considered essential in the treatment of OCD, though
medication is also used.
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