NEP+ Salary Study Final Report - Edited
NEP+ Salary Study Final Report - Edited
NEP+ Salary Study Final Report - Edited
Ethiopia (NEP+)
Prepared by
NEP+ - Salary and Benefits Survey
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 BENCHMARK POSITIONS AND COMPARATORS.......................................................................................................3
1.4 METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................................................4
6. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE......................................................................................................... 13
ANNEXES.................................................................................................................................................. 15
ANNEX I: SALARY COMPARISON................................................................................................................................16
ANNEX II: BENEFITS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................17
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NEP+ - Salary and Benefits Survey
1.1 Background
NEP+ is operating at national level and under it there are 12 constituencies. Under these 12
constituents (regional networks), there are over 500 PLHIV associations at the grass root level
throughout Ethiopia. These associations in turn have encompassed some 170,000 individual
PLHIV as members. Apart from these PLHIV association are reaching an estimated half a
million beneficiary (families of PLHIV) in prevention and care.
In order to keep its salary and benefit packages competitive so as to enable it attract and
retain qualified and motivated staff NEP+ commissioned Wisdom Consult to revise and update
its existing salary structure and benefits package.
In light of the above the Consultant has conducted the survey and produced this report. The
report is organized in six Sections. Section one is an Introduction. It contains the
background, objectives of the survey, benchmark jobs, list of comparators and the data
collection methodology. Sections two-four deal with comparative analysis of: cash pays,
factors affecting changes in compensation and benefits package. These consist of tabular
and graphic representations of salaries and benefits of comparators with that of NEP+.
Section five is recommendation on the cash pay and benefit and the last section briefly
discusses the implementation guide on the revised salary structure and benefit package.
1.2 Objectives
The salary and benefits survey is aimed at assessing the external environment in order to
understand how NEP+ compares to other agencies within the Ethiopian market for
competent, high caliber staff, and establishment of a conducive and competitive work
environment for staff through the development of a competitive salary and benefits scheme.
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Twenty four representative benchmark occupations (see Chart I) were selected. These
positions are considered to be excellent representative basis for the salary comparison.
Six comparator organizations were identified by NEP+ (see Chart II) to be included in the
salary survey.
Chart I
List of Benchmark Positions
Chart II
List of Comparators
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1.4 Methodology
The A/Executive Director of NEP+ wrote a support letter requesting cooperation and
assistance to the selected comparators explaining that Wisdom Consult has been
commissioned to carry out this survey on its behalf.
The key to a successful survey is ensuring that comparator organizations complete the data
questionnaire accurately and on timely bases. We contacted the appropriate personnel of
the comparators and discussed their remuneration practices and other relevant issues which
we would not have been captured in the questionnaire.
This enabled us understand their practices and how they compare with those of NEP+.
Incomplete or doubtful issues were cleared through the telephone.
b) Documents Review
The consultant reviewed the current salary and benefit package, Job Descriptions and job
Grades of NEP+. The Consumer Price Indices produced by the Central Statistical Authority
was reviewed to see the effect of price changes in the country.
c) Job matching
During the data collection process, we reviewed and compared the summary job
descriptions and specifications for the benchmark positions at NEP+ and the equivalent
positions in the comparator organizations. The market comparison is aimed at comparing
external relativities, i.e. the rates and trends of salary and benefits provided for equivalent
jobs in the selected comparator NGOs with those provided by NEP+. Market comparisons
are most valid when like is compared with like. This means matching jobs as fair as possible
in the following respects:
Job/position title (job titles by themselves give no indication of the range of duties or
the level of responsibility, therefore, used to limited extent that they fall under the
same generic job titles;
Range of responsibility (tasks or duties carried out by the job holders);
Level of responsibility (size or weight of the job in terms of its impact on end results).
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Once the required information has been collected we conducted detail review and analysis.
We compared the comparators’ positions with those of NEP+ to ensure we are comparing
like for like. We then carried out the following tasks:
1. Construct the appropriate matrices to allow comparison of NEP+’s salary and benefit
data with the market data obtained from comparators.
2. Referred back to comparator organizations to clarify any queries and address any
gap in the completed questionnaires.
3. Certified the comparability of the data using statistical tools and indicate where
NEP+’s salaries fall relative to the parameters
4. Comparative analysis of factors affecting salary review, annual increment and cost of
living adjustment.
5. Detail comparison of NEP+’s benefit package with that of the comparators, etc.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the average change in the price paid by
consumers for a fixed market basket of goods and services. It is usually based on household
expenditure weights of the goods and services in the basket and their current market prices.
The April 5, 2017 issue of the Country and Regional Consumer Price Indices (CPI) published
by the Central Statistical Authority (CSA) were examined to see the changes in the cost of
living of the population.
The March 2017 Country Level Consumer Price Index has increased by 8.5 percent as
compared to March 2016. This increase in the General Consumer Price Index is attributed to
the rise observed in the indices of Food and Non-alcoholic beverages 9.6percent, Alcoholic
Beverages and Tobacco 2.5percent, Clothing and Footwear by 4.4percent, House Rent,
Construction Materials, Water and Fuel and Power by 10.4 percent, Furniture, Furnishings,
Household Equipment and Operation by 5.0 percent, Health by 10.4percent, Transport by
9.1 percent, Communication by 2.2 percent, Recreation and Culture by 9.0 percent,
Education by 0.2percent, Restaurant and Hotels 7.9 percent and Miscellaneous Goods by
6.0 percent. Most of the components of Food index showed increase as compared to similar
month last year (Table 1(b)). Bread and Cereals by (7.2percent), Meat (9.6 percent), Milk,
Cheese and Eggs (6.0 percent), oils and Fats by (10.3percent), Fruits by (9.8 percent),
Vegetables and Pulses, Potatoes and Tubers declined by(11.3 percent), Sugar, Jam, Honey,
and chocolate by (6.9 percent), Other Food Products and spices by (8.8 percent),and Non-
Alcoholic beverages and Coffee by(21.8 percent).
b) Comparison of CPI Movements, Current vs Last year at Country & Regional Levels
The March 2017Country level General Consumer Price Index has increased by 7.0 percent
as compared to March 2016. This increase was attributed to the rise in the indices of its
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constituent regions; namely: Addis Ababa 6.2 percent ,Afar by 4.3 percent, Amhara 11.6
percent, Benishangul umuz by 8.6 percent, DireDawa 12.7 percent, Gambella 6.4 percent,
Harari by 1.2 percent, Oromia 3.6 percent, SNNP by 11.7 percent, Somali by 18.4 percent
and Tigray by 5.1 percent.
Opinion of Staff
The staff view the salary scale of NEP+ is outdated and it is not competitive with
the market;
The salary difference/gap between positions is very high;
Main reasons for stuff turnover include low salary, lack of career path and work
Benefit is lower compared to other NGOs.
The comparative analysis took into account the monthly base salaries. The NEP+’s data is
compared versus market average,60th, 70th and 80th percentiles’ to identify its position in the
local market. The comparative analysis for the cash pay (base salary) is illustrated in charts IV
and V.
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Data with insufficient matches are eliminated. The comparative analysis is for 16
benchmark jobs with three and above matches (67%);
Values that have –ve sign show that NEP+ is below the market and vice versa;
Deviation above 10% is said to be significant;
For confidentiality purposes the names of the surveyed organizations are not shown
and instead code numbers have been used.
The analyses show 9 out of the 16 positions (or 56%) in NEP+ are below the market see
Annex 1).
The analyses show 7 out of the 16 positions (or 44%) in NEP+ are below the market.
The analysis shows 11 out of the 16 positions (or 69%) are below the 70 th percentile. Eight
positions are significantly lower (varied from 13% to 47%).
The analysis shows 14 out of the 16 positions (or 88%) are below the 80 th percentile. Ten
positions are significantly lower (varied from 27% to 190%).
Chart IV
Comparative Analysis of Base Monthly Salary in Birr
Percentile is a statistical term describing a division of observations into defined intervals
based upon the values of the data and how they compare to the entire set of observations.
For example, 70th percentile in the salary survey means the salary is better than 70% and
lower than 30% of the competitors. This means only 30 of the comparators pay more than
this scale. The 100thpercentile means this scale is the highest salary in the market
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80th %
50000 70th %
30000 NEP+
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Chart V
Comparative Analysis of Base Monthly Salary (in Birr)
60th NEP+ Vs. 60th %ile 70th NEP+ Vs. 70th %ile 80th NEP+ Vs. 80th %ile
S.No, Job Title NEP+ Percentile Percentile Percentile
Amount Var. % Amount Var. % Amount Var. %
1 Store Keeper 4560 5177 - 617 -14% 5,472 - 912 -20% 7,335 - 2,775 -61%
3 Driver 5150 5082 68 1% 5,351 - 201 -4% 5,619 - 469 -9%
3 Cashier 5890 5757 133 2% 5,896 - 6 0% 5,993 - 103 -2%
4 Purchaser Driver 5890 5965 - 75 -1% 7,944 - 2,054 -35% 9,923 - 4,033 -68%
5 M&E Officer 11420 13727 - 2,307 -20% 16,816 - 5,396 -47% 23,230 -11,810 -103%
6 HR & Logistics Officer 14690 9923 4,767 32% 10,037 4,654 32% 10,150 4,540 31%
7 Finance Officer 14690 12797 1,893 13% 15,671 - 981 -7% 17,196 - 2,506 -17%
8 Project Officer 14690 13772 918 6% 16,816 - 2,126 -14% 23,230 - 8,540 -58%
9 Project Coordinator 17530 16703 827 5% 16,973 557 3% 17,652 - 122 -1%
10 Internal Audit Coordinator 17530 18448 - 918 -5% 19,853 - 2,323 -13% 22,273 - 4,743 -27%
11 Resource Mobilization Manager 25730 16079 9,651 38% 18,592 7,139 28% 26,114 - 384 -1%
12 PR & Communication Manager 25730 17108 8,622 34% 18,077 7,653 30% 19,046 6,684 26%
13 M&E Manager 25730 19046 6,684 26% 23,080 2,650 10% 27,114 - 1,384 -5%
14 Program Manager 25730 26187 - 457 -2% 33,673 - 7,943 -31% 41,159 -15,429 -60%
15 Finance and Admin Manager 25730 26187 - 457 -2% 33,673 - 7,943 -31% 41,159 -15,429 -60%
16 Executive Director 32180 34771 - 2,591 -8% 5,800 -13,620 -42% 76,892 -44,712 -139%
2.2 Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Changes in
This section details the comparative analysis of factors affecting salary review, annual
increment and cost of living adjustment.
Out of the 6 comparators 2 reviewed their salary in 2013, 1 in 2014, 2 in 2015 and 1 in
2016. The salary scale of NEP+ was reviewed in 2014.
Annual salary increment rate varied between 4-10% for 4 comparators. Increment of 1
comparator is performance based. One comparator’s increment is as per UN rate. The
annual salary increment rate of NEP+ is 10%.
Three of the comparators review their salary every 1-3 years and the remaining 3 have no
salary review policy. NEP+ has no salary review policy.
The detailed comparison of benefits and allowances is presented in Annexes II. The
benefits are classified into four categories: lower, comparable, higher and not applicable
(N/A). In classifying NEP+ as lower, comparable, higher or N/A to the market with respect
to the common benefits, the following criteria are used:
Where a benefit is offered by 3 or more comparators but not offered by NEP+ or
NEP+’s benefit is lower than the market in terms of amounts, then NEP+ is rated as
Where a benefit is offered by 3 or more comparators and also offered by NEP+ at
comparable rates/amounts, NEP+ is rated as comparable;
Where a benefit is offered by less than 3 comparators but offered by NEP+ or NEP+
offers better terms, NEP+ is rated as higher.
Where a benefit is offered by less than 3 comparators but not offered by NEP+ itis
rated as N/A.
As shown on Chart VI the surveys revealed that the range and amount of benefits provided
by NEP+ are lower in 6, comparable in 3 and N/A in 3 of the 12 surveyed benefits and
Chart VI
NEP+ - Salary and Benefits Survey
Salaries are determined in accordance with NEP+’s job grades and salary scale. The salary
structure of NEP+ is graded pay structure. The graded pay structure consists of a sequence
of 12 job grades to each of which is attached a pay range. The graded structure has the
following features:
Job grades – are allocated to all positions on the basis of their relative score. All
jobs allocated to a grade are treated the same for pay purposes;
Pay range– a pay range is attached to each grade and level. This defines the
minimum and maximum rate payable to any job in the grade and indicates the scope
provided for jobholders to progress through the range. For pay purposes, jobs placed
in a level are assumed to be of equal value.
Size of range – the span of a range from the base to the ceiling allows for pay
flexibility. It recognizes that room should be provided for progression because people
in jobs placed in the same grade will perform differently and can possess different
levels of skill and competence.
Overlap between ranges – an overlap between adjacent pay range exist whenever,
in percentage terms, the span of the ranges exceeds the differentials between them.
Overlap between ranges acknowledges that an experienced person doing a good job
can be of more value to the organization than a newcomer to a position in the grade
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Considering the above factors three alternative salary scales are proposed (60 th, 70thand
80th percentiles ).
Chart VII
Proposed Salary Scales Option I (60th Percentile)
Grad Base Steps Inc.
e Salary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ceiling Rate
1 4500 4950 5445 5990 6588 7247 7972 8769 9646 10611 11672 10.00
2 4950 5420 5935 6499 7116 7792 8533 9343 10231 11203 12267 9.50
3 5750 6268 6832 7446 8117 8847 9643 10511 11457 12488 13612 9.00
4 6800 7378 8005 8686 9424 10225 11094 12037 13060 14170 15375 8.50
5 8420 9094 9821 10607 11455 12372 13361 14430 15585 16832 18178 8.00
6 10450 11234 12076 12982 13956 15002 16128 17337 18637 20035 21538 7.50
7 13050 13964 14941 15987 17106 18303 19585 20955 22422 23992 25671 7.00
8 16150 17201 18321 19514 20784 22137 23578 25113 26748 28490 30344 6.50
9 19850 21091 22409 23809 25297 26879 28558 30343 32240 34255 36396 6.25
10 24050 25493 27023 28644 30363 32184 34115 36162 38332 40632 43070 6.00
11 28950 30542 32222 33994 35864 37836 39917 42113 44429 46873 49451 5.50
12 34770 36509 38334 40251 42263 44376 46595 48925 51371 53940 56637 5.00
Please note:
Because of the difference in salary and grading structure of the comparators, irregularities
are observed in the computed base salaries.
Considering the assessment of the internal and external factors and the aim of NEP+ to
compare to other organizations within the Ethiopian market for competent, high caliber staff,
and to compare its staff salary and benefits with the comparator organizations, different
options have been developed.
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The current salary scale of NEP+ in general terms is a little bit lower than the market
average. Taking into consideration the constant rise in the cost of living, as evidenced by the
statistics provided by the Central Statistics Agency and NEP+’s intention to attract and retain
high caliber staff, the 60th percentile may not make NEP+ competitive, we therefore, propose
NEP+ to adopt the 70thpercentile. However, this should be decided based on the paying
capability of the organization.
5.2 Benefits
Benefits increase employees’ earnings as most benefits are not taxed, while salaries add to
one’s taxable income. As salary alone may not motivate staff, we believe remuneration
strategy must have a blend of cash payments and benefits.
The surveys revealed the benefits and allowances of NEP+ are lower than the market. The
benefits proposed by the consultant are illustrated in the last column of Annex 2.
The following recommendations are forwarded to guide the Management of NEP+ in the
implementation of the proposed salary and benefits structure.
6.1 Three alternative salary scales are put forward and one set of recommendation
is presented for the benefits. NEP+ should decide the best alternative taking into
consideration feasibility and equity of the package, implications, in terms of
financial requirement in particular, worked out.
6.2 In deciding the pay range of individual employees the internal equity should be
considered. Utmost care should be made as a lot of dissatisfaction could emerge
among staff if they feel inequity prevails in the implementation of the new scale.
It is recommended that the overall range of percentage change that the new
scale brings about to staff should be as narrow as possible. This, however,
should not harm positions that have been paid low salaries.
6.3 New employees who meet the required qualification for a given post shall start at
the amount given at base salary in the salary scale. However, in case where a
preferred candidate already earns more than the base salary but is urgently and
eagerly required by NEP+ negotiations could be carried out with the prospective
employee and her/his salary can get progression within a range which is
considered by management to be fair and attractive enough.
6.4 If the current salary of an employee is below the new scale, his/her salary must
be upgraded to the base salary.
6.5 When the current actual salary of a staff falls above the new base, reasonable
step increment may be considered or in order to maintain the internal equity, the
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number of service of years in NEP+ may be considered. Any staff who worked
for less than a year in a particular grade shall not get any increment.
6.6 Management should be transparent to staff with regard to the process the
revision was undertaken and the new salary and benefits scale. Therefore, the
Finance and Administration Department should ensure that staff are clearly
informed of the new salary scale and benefits. What should be confidential to
non-concerned employees may be individuals’ salaries.
6.7 Individual staff members who are promoted shall start at the amount given at
base salary for the corresponding grade. However, in case where the current
salary is higher, than the base salary of the new grade, her/his salary can get
progression within a step which is considered by management to be fair and
attractive enough.
1. The Board of Management is vested with the authority to introduce additional policies
as well as to amend or alter existing policies and procedures as may be required
from time to time. Such changes shall be communicated to the staff through the ED.
Any process of policy change or revision shall be led only by the ED or his/her
delegate. Such process shall be participatory prior to Endorsement. This manual
replaces all personnel policies and procedures issued previously and shall come into
effect on the date of its approval by the Board of Directors;
2. The Executive Director, in consultation with the management committee, is vested
with the power to issue organizational guidelines for the effective implementation of
the provision of this manual.
3. This Salary and Benefit Policy and Procedures Manual shall come into effect from 1
August 2017
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Annex I: Salary Comparison
Comparators benefits
No. NEP+
Particular 1 2 3 4 5 6
Insurance: Endowment& Life
a) Type Insurance for
permanent staff &
Life Term & Endowment Life group accident for Life Insurance
Life Insurance Accident N/A Life Term & GPA Life Insurance Insurance contract staff.
30 months salary For endowment 1 year
for natural disease For accident death 5 salary after 20 years
& 60 months years salary and for 4 years salary; as per of service and for
b)Amount of salary for natural death 21/2 years the damage, medical Birr 25,000 after group accident 24 hrs
1 Coverage Birr 25,000 accidental case N/A salary. maximum Birr 10,000 serving 10 years coverage. 1 year salary
For staff outpatient
Birr Birr 12,000 for outpatient Up to Birr 10,000 for Birr 7,500 for
10,000+10000for 80% up to Birr & 15,000 for inpatient. staff and its outpatient & Birr 7,500
inpatient; 10,000 including The unused balance of beneficiaries for hospitalization +
for spouse spouse and children outpatient will be unemployed couple For male staff Birr additional Birr 5,000 80% of Birr 5,000
outpatient Birr under 18 years released to employees’ and children below 4500and female with approval from the and 10,000 to
2 Medical Benefits 80% of 4000-6000 15,000 included. end of the fiscal year 18 years. staff 5500 CD. PLHIV
8 % of employee's basic 80% covered based Current practice
salary per annum for on the relevance of
education & staff When budget is 10% of education the subject &
3 Education N/A N/A N/A development available. fee covered. availability of budget.
A top up of 5% for male N/A
Transfer/Relocation & 10% for female of their
4 Allowance N/A N/A N/A basic monthly salary N/A N/A Birr 2000
Directors& Area Birr 600
Manager’ vehicle with
For all staff below fuel. To the
Director position Birr. remaining staff: Addis
For ED vehicle with 1000 flat rate for position Ababa Birr 500 and
Transport fuel unlimited. The above Director car with for outside Addis Transport service
5 Allowance/Service 600 N/A rest Birr 400 -1000 fuel provided Ababa Birr 400 provided. Birr 200 - 975
Birr 275,225 and 150 Birr 600 /day
for AA & Region, Zone
and Woreda
respectively +
Per diem/Travel Birr 350 + Birr 600 Birr 250 for all staff Regional Towns Birr
Allowance/ Birr 300 /day + accommodation with and accommodation 500, Zonal Towns Birr
Accommodation accommodation receipt; without Maximum of Birr 280/day with receipt from Birr 350 and Woreda
6 a) local 500 with receipt receipt Birr 500. for all staff 500 - 700 Birr 425 Towns Birr 200
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