Procurment & Materials Mgt Manual Final-Edited
Procurment & Materials Mgt Manual Final-Edited
Procurment & Materials Mgt Manual Final-Edited
Prepared by
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 4
I. Background............................................................................................................................ 4
II. Objectives of the Manual.................................................................................................. 5
III. Organization of the Manual.............................................................................................. 5
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
1. PROCUREMENT.................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 General Definition of Procurement............................................................................... 6
1.2 Objectives....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Policy............................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Duties and Responsibilities........................................................................................... 7
1.5 Purchasing Committee.................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Purchasing Procedures................................................................................................. 8
1.7 Procurement of Consultancy Services.......................................................................13
1.8 Foreign Purchases....................................................................................................... 14
1.9 Bid Bond........................................................................................................................ 14
1.10 Approval of Purchases................................................................................................. 15
1.11 Placing Purchase Order.............................................................................................. 15
1.12 Receipt of Materials and Services.............................................................................. 15
1.13 Follow-ups and Reporting........................................................................................... 15
1.14 Internal Controls........................................................................................................... 16
2. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT........................................................................................... 17
2.1 Definition....................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Objectives...................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Requisition.................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Receiving of Purchased goods................................................................................... 17
2.5 Storage.......................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Store Issues.................................................................................................................. 18
2.7 Store Return.................................................................................................................. 18
2.8 Stock Records.............................................................................................................. 18
2.9 Stock Taking/Inventory................................................................................................ 19
2.10 Internal Controls........................................................................................................... 19
3. FIXED ASSET MANAGEMENT......................................................................................... 20
3.1 Definitions...................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Acquisition of Fixed Assets......................................................................................... 20
3.3 Fixed Asset Tagging.................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Fixed Asset Register.................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Disposal of Fixed Assets............................................................................................. 21
4. TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENET............................................................................22
4.1 Objectives...................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 General Guidelines...................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Vehicle Logbook........................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance...............................................................................23
4.5 Safety Rules.................................................................................................................. 24
4.6 Reporting Loss of Property......................................................................................... 25
4.7 Vehicle Accident........................................................................................................... 25
5. AMENDMENT OF THE MANUAL..................................................................................... 26
ANNEXES....................................................................................................................................... 27
Annex 1: Delegation of Authority............................................................................................. 27
Annex 2: Purchase Requisition Form...................................................................................... 29
Annex 3: Store Requisition Form............................................................................................. 30
Annex 4: Tender Evaluation Form........................................................................................... 31
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
I. Background
Network of Networks of HIV Positive in Ethiopia (NEP+) was established in October 2004 to raise
the collective voice of People living with HIV. Its constituents become regional PLHIV networks
representing each regions and city councils. Where formal regional networks did not exist,
individual PLHIV associations were invited to join and NEP+ began establishing regional networks.
There are also three special members: The National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians
(NNPWE), and two national PLHIV associations
The institutional aim of NEP+ is to make the voices of PLHIV heard through participation in national
level including the Country Coordinating Mechanism, the National Review Board, the HAPCO
Management Board, the National Partnership Forum against HIV/AIDS and the HIV NGO Forum.
NEP+ also works on special public awareness creation and policy advocacy events for World AIDS
Day and the
Global AIDS Week of Action and arranges public debates and panel discussions. It also provided
capacity building support to the regional networks and PLHIV associations in a range of areas
including advocacy and leadership, monitoring and evaluation, and program areas such as
vocational and business skill training to improve the lives of PLHIV.
NEP+ envisions “Ethiopia free of HIV and its impacts.”
NEP+ is an umbrella network of networks and associations of PLHIV that leads and coordinates
the contributions of PLHIV to the national HIV responses.
Core Values
The Core Values that underpin the NEP+ responses are:
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
The purpose of this manual is to give NEP+ policies, rules and procedures governing its activities in
Procurement and Materials Management so as to enhance the efficiency of the overall
management of its operations.
The manual is expected to bring about consistency in operation and it will also serve as a reference
document against which the procurement and materials management practices of NEP+ can be
The manual is organized in four sections. The first section deals with the objectives, policies,
procedures and internal control system of Procurement. Inventory management is addressed in the
second section, the third part reviews Fixed Assets Management and the last section discusses
Transportation Management.
Appropriate formats to be used for recording transactions, analyzing and reporting them are
annexed in the manual.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Emergency Purchases (EP) means purchasing of supplies, services, or construction where the
urgency of need does not permit the delay in utilizing formal competitive selection methods.
1.2 Objectives
The objectives of preparing a procurement policy and procedure include the following:
1.3 Policy
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
h. Once a supplier is selected by the purchase committee and approved by the appropriate
authority, provided there is no change in price and quality, the same items could be
purchased without collecting proforma invoice for six months with the approval of the ED;
i. All purchases shall be based on purchase requisition filled by a requesting department and
duly authorized by the delegated authority (see Annex 1: Delegation of Authority).
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Purchasing Committee and present it for the approval of the Executive Director.
d. Be responsible to make a close follow-up and make the necessary arrangement regarding
meeting of the Purchasing committee, checking of bid submission dates, etc.
e. Remind the bidders on the bid opening date, time and venue.
f. Work on a simple quorum majority basis and keep minutes of its discussions and
g. Ensure that the task is part of the planned activity of NEP+ having its own budget; or any
other urgent task approved by the Executive Director.
h. Ensure that the basic selection factors are clearly reflected in the Terms of Reference.
i. Ensure the timely distribution of invitation.
j. Ensuring that all sealed offers are intact prior to opening;
k. Open bid documents and sign on each page of the technical and financial proposals.
l. Initiate new ideas and recommend amendments to the working procedures, directives,
guidelines, etc., as and when necessary. This can include use of selected consultants on
retention basis for appropriate assignment on a long-term agreement basis.
a. Annual Purchase Plan: - Each department shall prepare an annual purchase plan to be
approved by the ED. This plan should itemize all items expected to be purchased over the
b. Purchase Requisition: - When the stock reaches a re-order level, a Purchase Requisition
(Annex 2) is prepared and initiated by the storekeeper. When a need for materials and
services arises in a certain department or section, a store requisition will be sent to the
storekeeper and if the materials are available in store, they will be issued to the
requisitioning department upon submission of approved Store Requisition Voucher (Annex
3). If the requested materials are not in stock, a Purchase Requisition shall be prepared by
the storekeeper.
The purchase requisition should have detail specification, especially for technical items. The
proforma to be collected should have the same specification as in the purchase
c. Purchasing Goods or Services: - Once the purchase requisition is approved, NEP+ can
procure the goods or services in one of the following methods;
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
i. Direct Purchase
For purchases up to Birr 3,000.00 no Proforma invoices will be required. Direct purchases should
be made from reputable and reliable supplier.
For purchases between Birr 3,001 to 50,000 the Purchaser should collect at least three proforma
invoices from existing major suppliers.
When there is only sole supplier the material shall automatically be purchased from the sole
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
1. Tender may be placed to competitive and reliable suppliers;
2. Written invitation to submit tender documents will be sent on the same day to all supplies
on the list that are capable to supply the required materials. The invitation should include
all detailed specifications with regard to financial and technical conditions;
3. The minimum period for submission of bid documents shall be 15 calendar days. The
date, time and place of the tender opening shall be stated in the invitation;
4. Depending on the nature and amount of the procurement, bid bond may be required. The
amount of bid will be 2% of the total cost and conditions to release or to cash shall be
5. All tenders received will be registered upon receipt by the HR and General Service
6. All tenders will be opened on the date, time and location indicated in the tender invitation.
The tender will be opened by the purchasing committee in the presence of the suppliers
or their official representatives;
7. All tenders are analyzed and evaluated against the criteria for the quality of the materials,
service, price, delivery time and overall compliance with the requirements stated in the
specification. The comments of the committee shall be presented to the ED or to his/her
Delegate for approval. The winner of the bid will be duly informed of the award;
8. Tender can be canceled partially or fully. In circumstances of canceling bids, the reasons
shall be written on the bid analysis form and filed with Finance and Administration
9. The Bid bond shall be returned to the bidders.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
4. The HR and General Service Officer receives the offers and will mark the date and time of
receipt upon the envelope.
5. All tenders will be opened on the date, time and location indicated in the tender invitation.
The tender will be opened by the purchasing committee in the presence of the suppliers
or their legal representatives. The bid opening process shall proceed even if the suppliers
or their legal representatives are not present on the opening date
6. Member of the purchase committee shall put initial on each page of the offer. A record of
every meeting of the purchase committee shall be kept which includes:
Name of those presented at the opening
Closing and opening date
List of offers opened
Signatures of those presented in the opening
7. After opening, tenders will be analyzed and evaluated against the criteria of the quality of
the materials, services, price, delivery time and overall compliance with the requirements
stated in the specification. The comments of the Purchasing Committee shall be
presented to the ED or his/her delegate/Board Chair Person/Board for approval as per the
level of signatories. for the cost of purchase up to birr 300,000 ED, 300,001 to Birr
500,000 by the Board Chair Person and for purchase cost more than birr 500,000the
board shall approve the minute of the purchase;
8. The winner of the bid will be duly informed of the award;
9. An agreement prepared by Finance and Administration Department may be signed by the
Chief Executives of the two organizations;
10.Tender can be canceled partially or fully. In circumstances of canceling bids, the reasons
shall be written on the bid analysis form and filed with Finance and Administration;
11.The bid bond shall be returned to the bidders.
12.At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, NEP+ may, for any reason modify
the bidding documents by issuing addendum. If the modification is made later than three
days before the deadline for the submission of the bids, the institution has the right to
extend the deadline in order to give bidders enough time to consider the modification in
the preparation of their bids.
13.The amendment will be notified by Finance and Administration Department in writing, by
fax or mail to all prospective bidders that have collected the bidding documents.
14.Bidders can change their document before the tender is opened and the former one will
be returned as sealed after opening the tender
15.If the winner fails to supply the goods/services, the 2nd winner will be invited;
16.All Suppliers of stationery, IT equipments and spare parts and for other purchases
amounting more than birr 100,000 suppliers shall be VAT registered
17.In a situation where all bidders are found to be not suitable for the job or in the event of
small number of bidders, the Committee shall invite other bidders or directly appoint a firm
or freelancer on the basis of their previous positive experience with NEP+. In the case of
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
the latter situation however, adequate justification needs to be given and prior approval
needs to be obtained from the Executive Director.
Rejection of Bid
18.NEP+ reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and amend the bidding process and
reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability
to the affected bidder.
19.NEP+ will reject bidders like not substantially responsive and lack of competitiveness,
fraudulent practices in competing or other causes
A two-stage procedure (technical and financial) will be followed for evaluating the bids. Based on
the criteria stated below, the Procurement committee can establish detail evaluation criteria (see
Annex 5: Model Detail Evaluation Criteria).
a) Technical Evaluation
Detailed evaluation of technical offers shall be accomplished in accordance with the major
evaluation elements for the specific Task (the table below shows, an example for service Bid).
Evaluation Criteria:
1. The total score shall be obtained by adding the weight of the Technical Proposal and the
scores for the Financial Evaluation;
2. The Scores for the Technical Proposal Shall be weighted out of 70% and Financial Proposal
out of 30%;
3. For a bidder to be eligible for inclusion in the financial evaluation he/she has to score a
minimum of 50 out of the 70 allotted to the Technical Proposal.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
1. NEP+ shall reject those bidders who did not comply with the technical evaluation
requirements. Their financial proposal will be returned unopened;
2. NEP+ shall notify those bidders who have met the minimum technical requirements
indicating the date and time set for the opening of the Financial Proposal. NEP+ shall send
the notification by registered letter or fax;
3. The financial proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence of the bidders or duly
authorized representatives who choose to attend. The name of the bidders and the
representatives and the proposed prices shall be read loudly and recorded when the
financial proposal is opened. NEP+ shall take the minutes of the public opening;
4. The Evaluation Committee will then review the Financial Proposals and allocate points as
The lowest aggregate financial offer will be awarded a maximum of 30 points and the
rest shall be proportionally evaluated as a percentage of the least cost;
The formula that would be used in calculating the financial proposal scores is:
FS= 30xFM/F, where
FS is the financial score;
FM is the lowest price quoted by a bidder;
F is the price quoted by each bidder under consideration.
The bidder who has scored the highest total score (Technical + Financial) will be declared a
If the least price offered by firm A is birr 60,000, Firm B is birr 90,000 and Firm C is birr 112,000
c. Proposal will be opened on the date, time and location indicated in the tender invitation. The
tender will be opened by the purchasing committee (in the case of open tender, in the
presence of the bidders or their official representatives);
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
d. After opening, tenders will be analyzed and evaluated against the set criteria: relevant
experience and competence of the consultant, quality of services, price, delivery/completion
time and overall compliance with the requirements stated in the TOR. The comments of the
Purchasing Committee shall be presented to the ED for approval. The winner of the bid will
be duly informed of the award;
e. The criteria for evaluation will be 70% for the technical proposal and 30% for the financial
f. The Finance and Administration Department shall prepare Service Contract Agreement and
have it signed (as per the signatory level) and the Consultant;
g. Based on the Time Schedule which has been agreed and signed, the concerned
department ensures that Progress Draft and Final reports are submitted in accordance to
the terms and conditions of the agreement;
h. When reports are received and accepted by NEP+, the concerned department shall send
payment request for approval to the concerned authority. After approval, Finance and
Administration shall effect the payment.
Foreign Purchases can be carried out when the equipment, materials and services required by
NEP+ are not adequately or reasonably available or could not be obtained in the country.
a. For all purchases three quotations will be required from reputable and reliable suppliers.
The purchasing committee will be required to indicate its recommendations. The
recommendations should be passed to the ED for approval.
b. At least three quotations will be required from reputable and reliable suppliers.
c. The suppliers requested for quotations should be given clear information on goods or
services required. The prices quoted should be CIF port or Airport. Delivery dates and
required terms of payment, etc. should be indicated by the suppliers.
d. Evaluation procedure conducted by the purchase committee for other purchases will apply
e. Upon approval by the ED or Board Chair Person or Board, the Finance and Administration
Manager shall, through a letter signed by the ED, inform the selected supplies of the
decision and places a purchase order;
f. L/C will be opened in favor of the supplier, the purchaser collects advices from the bank
and passes it to Accounts for entry purposes;
g. The foreign supplier will ship the goods according to the terms of shipment specified in the
purchase order and L/C;
h. Customs clearing may be expedited by the Liaison/Purchaser or through licensed Clearing
i. Imported materials should be received by the stores of NEP+ by official GRN, after
comparing the materials against airway bill, packing list etc. It should be noted that
Insurance or independent surveyor should conduct preliminary and final survey either at
port, warehouses, or both places should claims arise. Any defects, shortfalls should be
remarked on the GRN;
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
j. Finally, customs import declaration signed and stamped by customers office should be
presented to the bank as evidence of entry of the goods to the country.
Bid Bond: is a type of bond where bidders are required to submit together with their bid document
to show their commitment for the bidding process. The bid bond shall be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders together with letter of appreciation for participation in the tender, in three days
from the first day when contract award is written to the successful bidder.
Bid bond shall apply only on open tenders and the value of the bid bond should not exceeds 2% of
the estimated cost of the bid.
Performance Bond: Used to guarantee the proper performance by the contractor. It is the security
which is required in order to obtain compensation for non-performance. Such bonds are applicable
depending on the nature of the procurement when recommended by the tender committee during
bid preparation.
Retention: Retention of a certain percentage of payments (not exceeding 10% of the value of
individual payment) may be made for procurement of works, where the accumulated retention will
be paid back to the contractor after the period of warrantee depending on.
Purchase of materials and services shall be made based on recommendation of the Purchasing
Committee and decisions of the ED or his/her delegate.
In many cases, a single document, the Purchase Order (PO) incorporates both the order and the
contract details (Annex 6). Normal practice is to make it a rule that all purchases, subject to a few
specified exceptions, must be made by means of the official Purchase Order form.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
c. Upon inspecting the quality and quantity of the delivered materials as per the Purchase
Requisition and Purchase Order, the Storekeeper should signify receipt of the goods by
preparing Goods Receiving Voucher – GRN (Annex 7).
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
2.1 Definition
Inventory management is the process of acquiring, storing and distributing of goods to achieve
defined objectives. The stores section is responsible for receiving, stocking and issuing of materials
and supplies of the organization. The objectives, methods and procedures to be followed in
carrying out these operations are outlined below.
2.2 Objectives
A good inventory management system will achieve the following objectives:
2.3 Requisition
Each department shall present duly authorized store requisitions to the stores to enable it get the
required materials and supplies available in the stores.
Every requisition is required to provide the following essential information by filling them in the
stores requisition form it submits to the stores:
a. The name and the requisitioning department;
b. The date the stores requisition form is filled;
c. Complete description of the items requested including models, the serial numbers
and/or part number;
d. The quantity and the unit of measurement of each item requested;
e. The stores requisition should be signed by the Head of the requesting department
initiating the request in the “Requested by” space and also by the delegated authority
in the “Approved by” space.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
The distribution of the GRN will be: Original and with other supporting documents to finance,
second copy to the purchaser third copy to store and the fourth copy remains in pad. Stocks
received shall be inspected carefully for condition and quality. The quality can be checked from the
specification made in the purchase order. All discrepancies must be noted in the GRN and be
transmitted to the purchaser for follow up.
The following checks should be made to confirm the shipments with the purchase/delivery order.
a. If the purchase order number shown on the shipping document or delivery order notes are
the same;
b. If the description of items are the same;
c. If the number of items and their quantities are the same;
d. If the quality, specifications, unit price, amounts, and totals are all the same;
e. If all other information entered in the supplier’s invoice are the same.
2.5 Storage
In order to ensure efficient utilization of storage space, store items should be kept in as minimum
space as possible and in an orderly manner. All store items require special protection from
pilferage and fire. A successful stores operation is dependent upon adequate storage space and
When items are delivered from the Head Office store to Branch Offices, instead of SIV Store
Delivery Note (Annex 18) will be used.
The Store Return Note a form for issuing goods to be returned to the Store. The form shall be pre-
numbered and printed. Distribution is as follows:
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Bin Card is kept by the store for controlling the items at its disposal in quantity only (Annex 10).
Separate Bin Card should be maintained by the storekeeper for each and every stock item. All
issues and receipts of items should be recorded in the Bin Cards.
To enable the storekeeper to maintain sufficient stock, the reorder point of items shall be written in
each Bin Card.
When the storekeeper receives requisitions, he/she checks the bin card balance and indicates all
items that are available with their bin and shelf location on the requisition in the remark column.
When the balance is insufficient to completely fill the order, the storekeeper will explain the
situation to the requisitioner. If any of the requested items are unavailable in stock, Purchase
Requisition is prepared in duplicate by the storekeeper for those items, and sent for approval by the
concerned authority.
The physical inventory should be taken by an inventory committee composed of staff from different
departments. The result of the physical count shall be reported by means of the Inventory Sheet.
Inventory sheet is a form used to itemize inventory counts (Annex 11.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
The ED or his/her delegate in accordance with the overall approved budget of a given fiscal year
authorizes the acquisition/construction of fixed assets.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Fixed assets may be disposed due to various reasons including: being obsolete, spoiled/broken,
hazardous for human and animal health and not transferable to other organizations. They are
disposed as per the directives issued by the Charities and Societies Agency (Directive No. 6/2003).
A disposal committee to be appointed by the Agency will be responsible for the procedures for
disposal of fixed assets. The procedures may include the following:
NEP+ shall prepare a written proposal for the disposal of assets stating the condition of the
The Agency shall approve the proposal for disposal of the fixed assets;
The Disposal Committee shall responsible for the disposal of the fixed assets;
Disposal of fixed assets by means of sale or transfer shall be executed by public auction;
NEP+ may request to get the proceeds if the fixed assets are disposed by sales.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
4.1 Objectives
The main objectives of the Transportation Management guidelines are to enable NEP+ to:
j. All drivers and passengers must use seat belts at all times;
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
k. A violation of any of the traffic rules and any act of omission by a driver of a vehicle contrary
to the provisions of the Civil Codes of Ethiopia shall be the sole responsibility of the driver
l. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug, which affects driving
performance, shall constitute a major infringement of the rules of this manual and those of
the appropriate law and, therefore, shall be subject to a serious disciplinary action;
m. A driver of a vehicle who fails to inform NEP+ and the appropriate authority in the area
about a vehicle accident in which he/she is involved and who does not submit a written
report to NEP+ with full explanation of such accident, including any malfunctions and
damages of the vehicle within reasonable time, shall be subject to a disciplinary action.
When the speed meter of a vehicle is not working, the name of the place where a trip is made
should be filled.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
A planned periodic maintenance and repair must be made to NEP+ vehicles to secure their well-
being and to reduce unnecessary costs. The plan is scheduled and implemented in accordance
with the suggestion of the manufacturing company. After each repair the HR and General Service
Officer shall complete the Preventive Maintenance Record (Annex 16).
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Annex 1: Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority
1. The group/position noted in the Levels of Authority table is the lowest allowable position
with that particular level of authority. This means that any position higher than the one
noted as having authority for that process/action also has authority for that process/actions.
However, not all individuals with positions within an authority group will necessarily have the
authority over all processes/actions noted. Within a given management unit specific
positions/individuals will be designated so as to make the authority levels relevant to
individual management units;
2. Individuals with positions within an authority group can temporarily designate their
authority to another staff formally;
3. An individual formally acting for a more senior position has the authority level of that senior
(acting) position, unless limited by instructions of a more senior person or authorization
given to a bank, etc
2. Inventory Management
2.1 Gate pass Computer, furniture, HR and General Service
equipment, vehicle Coordinator
2.2 Vehicles for weekdays and for Finance and Administration
weekends and field trip manager
2.3 Store Issue Finance and Admin Manager
2.4 Disposal of fixed assets and Inventory by the ED and Fixed
Inventory Asset by Agency
2.5 Used papers, NEWS letters etc Finance and Administration
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
3. Transportation Management
4. Finance
4.1 Banking Operations
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Purchase Requisition Form
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Store Requisition Voucher
S. Description of Items Unit Qty. Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total
No. Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price
Total Price
Winner Price
VAT Amount
Total Price Winner
Signed by Committee
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Detail Criteria for Evaluation Bid (Model)
A. For Goods
a) Experience of the supplier
b) After sales service
c) Delivery time (availability of goods on stock)
d) Validity of offers
e) Point of delivery
f) Price
g) Other point relevant the goods to be purchased
B. Services
1. Focus/specialization of the firm (5 pts)
1. Directly related to the task/assignment
5 Points
2. Moderately related 3
3. Slightly related
2 Points
d) Extremely lower than the minimum requirement in the TOR (25%) 2 Points
Please supply the under mentioned items as per your proforma invoice No.__________
dated ___________ in accordance with the terms and conditions stated below
S.No P.O. date Date expected Ship Via
Sub total
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Original – Supplier/Vendor
1st Copy – Accounts
2nd Copy - Stores
3rd Copy - Purchase
Goods Receiving Note
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Distribution of Copies
Original-Receiver, Approved by: _______________________
1st Copy- Accounts Signature: __________________________
2nd Copy – Store Date: ______________________________
3rd Copy- Pad
Remark ____________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _____________________________________
Delivered by /Name & Signature Received by/Name & Signature Storekeeper
Distribution of Copies:
Original- Accounts
2nd copy- Deliverer
3rd copy- Pad
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Transport Service Request Form
To: Finance and Administration Department
From: ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________
Requested by Approved by
NB: Please note that you have to fill this form a day before for the next
day morning trip, the same day in the morning for the afternoon trip.
Please also note that for a field trip the request should be filled three
days in advance.
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
NEP + Procurement and Materials Management Policies & Procedures Manual
Vehicle Maintenance Request Form
From: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Work Requested
2. Check Brakes
3. Washing/Greasing
5. Check Body
6. ______________________
7. ______________________
Annex 16: Vehicle Maintenance Record
Vehicle Maintenance Record
Department ___________
Car Plate No has been received as per the conditions stated below.
No Particulars
1 Kilometers Reading
2 Brake Shoe
3 Hand Brake
4 Lights
5 Horn
6 Exhaust Pipe
7 Tires
8 Mirrors
9 Sun Shades
10 Wiper
11 Clutch
12 Gear
13 Battery Condition
14 Tools and Others
I the undersigned will be responsible for all damage and loss which will occur to the vehicle and
goods on hand while they are under my custody.
Original: To branch storekeeper
2nd copy: To HQ storekeeper
3rd Copy: To pad
Note: The second copy will be returned to the HQ storekeeper after the receiver signs it.