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o Review the relevant learning material for the unit/s; and
o Read the assessment instructions carefully. If anything is not clear, speak to
your Assessor.
Complete each assessment task described in this document and submit your work in
Blackboard for marking.
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Blackboard Student Portfolio:
o All portfolio evidence.
o Other assessment documents as required by your teacher.
Your Portfolio
The Student Acknowledgment and Feedback Forms in this document show the
portfolio evidence required for each Performance Criteria (PC).
All documents you upload must show your name, student ID, signature, and date.
If you are making a video or voice recording for your portfolio, please include the
following information at the start of the record:
o Your name and student ID
o The unit title
o The Performance Criteria being assessed
o The date recorded.
Any digital media such as a photo, video or voice recording, must be accompanied by
a Digital Media Evidence Form.
Learning Outcome 4: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using a project
management approach.
Performance Criteria
PC4.1 Describe the importance of project management.
PC4.2 Describe potential challenges to project management.
PC4.3 Examine the significance of ethics and sustainability in project management.
The event is scheduled to take place in three months where the “Community Carnival”
project aims to raise AED 500,000 for the project in order to provide education support for
underprivileged children in the community.
Instructions: In this assignment, you will apply the principles of project management to
a real-life scenario:
Planning and Managing a Fundraising Event.
Your evidence should cover the topics given in next page(s):
Question a. Describe the activities that you will include in the project initiation phase
b. How will you describe the project scope statement for the "Community
Carnival” project? (PC 3.2)
d. What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you prepare for the
"Community Carnival” project? Describe (PC 3.2)
Question Identify different types of project documents and project reports necessary
3: for the "Community Carnival” project. (PC3.3)
Question Describe the challenges you might face in managing the “Community
5: Carnival” project (PC4.2).
Question a. How can ethical behavior and sustainability practices contribute to the
6: overall success of the "Community Carnival" project? (PC4.3)
PC3.1: Explain project Present a basic knowledge of Present a thorough Present a thorough comprehension Present a thorough
lifecycle, project phases, project lifecycle, phases, and comprehension of explaining the of explaining the project lifecycle, comprehension of explaining
and tailoring. tailoring by giving 2-3 detailed project lifecycle, project phases, project phases, and tailoring by project lifecycle, project phases,
examples for each om the and tailoring by giving one giving 2 examples with additional and tailoring by giving 3 examples
given scenario from the example with additional insights insights or applications for each with additional insights or
provided scenario. or applications for each from the from the provided scenario. applications for each from the
provided scenario. provided scenario.
Present an understanding of Present a thorough Present a thorough comprehension Present a thorough
PC3.2 Describe the
project management comprehension of describing of describing project management comprehension of describing
project management
processes, process groups, and project management processes, processes, process groups, and project management processes,
processes, process
knowledge areas by giving 2 process groups, and knowledge knowledge areas by giving 2 process groups, and knowledge
groups, and knowledge
detailed examples for each areas by giving one example with examples with additional insights or areas by giving 3 examples with
from the provided scenario. additional insights or practical practical applications for each from additional insights or practical
applications for each from the the provided scenario applications for each from the
provided scenario. provided scenario.
PC3.3 Identify different Present 4 different types of Present 2 different types of Present 3 different types of project Present 4 different types of project
types of project project documents and 4 project documents and 2 project documents and 3 project reports documents and 4 project reports
documents and project project reports with reports including their typical use including their typical use and including their typical use and
reports appropriate detail from the and importance, with additional importance, with additional insights importance, with additional
given scenario. insights or applications from the or applications from the given insights or applications from the
given scenario. scenario. given scenario.
Did not present an acceptable Present an acceptable Present an acceptable understanding Present an acceptable
PC4.1: Describe the understanding in describing 2 understanding in describing 2 in describing 3 important aspects or understanding in describing 4
importance of project important aspects or simplistic important aspects or simplistic simplistic examples of project important aspects or simplistic
management. examples of project examples of project management management within the given examples of project management
management within the given within the given scenario. scenario. within the given scenario.
Did not Present 2 possible Present 2 possible challenges in Present 3 possible challenges in Present 4 possible challenges in
PC4.2 Describe potential
challenges in project project management within the project management within the given project management within the
challenges to project
management within the given given scenario. scenario given scenario
Demonstrate an understanding of Demonstrate an understanding of Demonstrate an understanding of
Did not demonstrate an
ethical considerations and ethical considerations and ethical considerations and
understanding of ethical
PC4.3 Examine sustainability by providing 2 sustainability by providing 3 sustainability by providing 4
considerations and sustainability
significance of ethics and examples of how they could be examples of how they could be examples of how they could be
by providing 2 examples of how
sustainability in project assessed in project management assessed in project management assessed in project management
they could be assessed in project
management. within the given scenario. within the given scenario. within the given scenario.
management within the given
PC4.1: Describe the Present an acceptable Present thorough comprehension Present thorough comprehension by Present thorough comprehension
importance of project understanding in describing 4 by providing additional insights or providing additional insights or by providing additional insights or
management. important aspects or simplistic applications for each of the 2 applications for each of the 3 applications for each of the 4
examples of project important aspects explained from important aspects explained from important aspects explained from
management within the given the provided scenario. the provided scenario. the provided scenario.
LO3: PC3.1 Q1: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
LO3: PC3.2 Q2: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
LO3: PC3.3 Q3: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
LO4: PC4.1 Q4: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
LO4: PC4.2 Q5: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
LO4: PC4.3 Q6: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document
Student Acknowledgment
I confirm that:
1. The portfolio evidence for this assessment has been submitted in Blackboard Learn;
2. All submitted evidence is my own work and does not contain any material that is subject
to copyright or that has been submitted previously for assessment (unless requested by
my teacher);
3. I have read and understood the Academic Integrity information in the HCT Student
Handbook, including possible disciplinary action for academic dishonesty.
Signature: Date:
Student Comments: