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Unit Code & PJM 100 - Explore Project Management
Semester 202410
Title/s Fundamentals
Qualification Title Diploma In Project Management

 Before commencing an assessment task, it is recommended that you:
o Review the relevant learning material for the unit/s; and
o Read the assessment instructions carefully. If anything is not clear, speak to
your Assessor.
 Complete each assessment task described in this document and submit your work in
Blackboard for marking.
 All tasks must be completed individually. Plagiarised work will not be accepted.
 Any words, ideas or images that you have taken from another source must be
 Once the assessment process is complete, upload the items listed below to your
Blackboard Student Portfolio:
o All portfolio evidence.
o Other assessment documents as required by your teacher.

Your Portfolio
 The Student Acknowledgment and Feedback Forms in this document show the
portfolio evidence required for each Performance Criteria (PC).
 All documents you upload must show your name, student ID, signature, and date.
 If you are making a video or voice recording for your portfolio, please include the
following information at the start of the record:
o Your name and student ID
o The unit title
o The Performance Criteria being assessed
o The date recorded.
 Any digital media such as a photo, video or voice recording, must be accompanied by
a Digital Media Evidence Form.

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 1
Task– Project Report Assignment
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate knowledge of a Project Management framework.
Performance Criteria
PC3.1 Explain project lifecycle, project phases, and tailoring.
PC3.2 Describe the project management process, process groups, and knowledge areas.
PC3.3 Identify project documents and project reports.

Learning Outcome 4: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using a project
management approach.
Performance Criteria
PC4.1 Describe the importance of project management.
PC4.2 Describe potential challenges to project management.
PC4.3 Examine the significance of ethics and sustainability in project management.

Task: Scenario based Written Assignment

Scenario: Planning and Managing a Fundraising Event
Imagine you have been tasked with project managing a community fundraising event titled
the "Community Carnival." The goal of this project is to raise funds to support a local
community centre and its various programs, including after-school activities, healthcare
services, and vocational training.

The event is scheduled to take place in three months where the “Community Carnival”
project aims to raise AED 500,000 for the project in order to provide education support for
underprivileged children in the community.

Instructions:  In this assignment, you will apply the principles of project management to
a real-life scenario:
 Planning and Managing a Fundraising Event.
 Your evidence should cover the topics given in next page(s):

LO3: Demonstrate knowledge of Project Management Framework.

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 2
Question a. What is the project lifecycle and how does it apply to the "Community
Carnival" project? Provide an explanation (PC3.1)

b. Explain what are the specific phases involved in the "Community

Carnival" project, and what activities are included in each phase? (PC3.1)

c. Explain how can the project be tailored or customized to meet the

unique requirements of the "Community Carnival" project? (PC3.1)

Question a. Describe the activities that you will include in the project initiation phase

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 3
for the "Community Carnival” project. (PC 3.2)

b. How will you describe the project scope statement for the "Community
Carnival” project? (PC 3.2)

c. Describe the key activities that will be included in implementing the

"Community Carnival” project management plan. (PC 3.2)

d. What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you prepare for the
"Community Carnival” project? Describe (PC 3.2)

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 4
e. Describe how will "Community Carnival” project deliverables be
accepted and communicated to the stakeholders? (PC 3.2)

Question Identify different types of project documents and project reports necessary
3: for the "Community Carnival” project. (PC3.3)

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 5
Question Describe the importance of managing the “Community Carnival” project.
4: (PC4.1)

Question Describe the challenges you might face in managing the “Community
5: Carnival” project (PC4.2).

Question a. How can ethical behavior and sustainability practices contribute to the
6: overall success of the "Community Carnival" project? (PC4.3)

b. What are the potential risks of neglecting ethics and sustainability in

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 6
managing the "Community Carnival" project? (PC4.3)

c. How would you as project manager examine and promote a culture of

ethics and sustainability within "Community Carnival" project teams?

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 7
Grading Rubric – Summative Assessment 2
Performance Not Yet Competent Competent Competent with Merit Competent with Distinction
Criteria 0 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 84% 85 – 100%
Task– Project Report Assignment
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate knowledge of a Project Management framework.
PC3.1: Explain project Did not present a Present a satisfactory Present a thorough explanation of the Exhibit an outstanding and sophisticated
lifecycle, project satisfactory knowledge of knowledge of project project lifecycle, project phases, and understanding of project lifecycle,
phases, and tailoring. project lifecycle, project lifecycle, project phases, tailoring by giving one example with project phases, and tailoring, providing
phases, and tailoring from and tailoring from the additional insights or applications for one example of an in-depth analysis of
the given scenario. provided scenario. each from the provided scenario. their interconnections and practical
implications in the given scenario.
PC3.2 Describe the Did not present a Presents a satisfactory Present a thorough f knowledge in Exhibit an exceptional grasp of project
project management satisfactory knowledge of knowledge of project describing the project management management processes, process groups,
processes, process project management management processes, processes, process groups, and and knowledge areas, exceeding
groups, and processes, process groups, process groups, and knowledge areas by giving one example expectations by illustrating their
knowledge areas and knowledge areas from knowledge areas from the with additional insights or practical interconnections and practical
the provided scenario provided scenario applications for each from the provided significance with one example relevant to
scenario. the given scenario.
PC3.3 Identify Fail to present a brief and Present a brief and basic Present 2 different types of project Exhibit an exceptional understanding of 2
different types of basic satisfactory level of satisfactory level of documents and 2 project reports project documents and 2 project reports,
project documents information relevant to information relevant to including their typical use and exceeding expectations by elaborating on
and project reports different types of project different types of project importance, with additional insights or their varied roles and significant impact
documents and project documents and project applications from the given scenario on project management within a given
reports. reports scenario.

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 8
Grading Rubric – Summative Assessment 2
Performance Not Yet Competent Competent Competent with Merit Competent with Distinction
Criteria 0 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 84% 85 – 100%
Task– Project Report Assignment
Learning Outcome4: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using a project management approach.
PC4.1: Describe the Insufficient and/or did not Present an acceptable and Present thorough comprehension by Demonstrate a nuanced and
importance of project present an acceptable and sufficient knowledge in providing additional insights in comprehensive grasp of the importance
management. sufficient knowledge in describing the importance describing the importance of project of project management by providing two
describing the importance of project management management within the given scenario. varied, detailed, and well-explained
of project management within the given scenario. examples illustrating their
within the given scenario. interconnections and practical
significance within the given scenario.

PC4.2 Describe Unable to present an Demonstrate an exceptional

Present an acceptable and Demonstrate a thorough grasp by
potential challenges acceptable and sufficient understanding of 2-3 potential challenges
sufficient knowledge in offering additional insightful examples
to project knowledge in describing the in project management by thoroughly
describing the 2 possible of 2-3 potential challenges with
management. potential challenges to analyzing and articulating their far-
challenges in project mitigation strategies in project
project management. management within the management within the given scenario. reaching impacts on project outcomes
given scenario and success within the given scenario.
PC4.3 Examine Unclear to exhibit sufficient Exhibit sufficient Demonstrate a deep understanding of
Demonstrate a comprehensive
significance of ethics knowledge examine knowledge to examine the examining the significance of ethics and ethical considerations and sustainability
and sustainability in significance of ethics and significance of ethics and sustainability in project management t by providing two insightful examples of
project management. sustainability in project sustainability in project within the given scenario by providing 2 how they could be assessed, along with
management management t within the insightful examples of how they could proposals to minimize the environmental
given scenario. be assessed to minimize the impact in project management within a
environmental impact in project given scenario.
management within the given scenario.
Add rows as required

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 9
Grading Rubric – Summative Assessment 2 (Breakdown)
Task– Project Report Assignment
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate knowledge of a Project Management framework.
Performance Criteria Not Yet Competent Competent
60 – 69%
0-59% 60-64% 65-68% 69%
Did not present a basic Present a basic knowledge of Present a basic knowledge of project Present a basic knowledge of
PC3.1: Explain project
knowledge of project lifecycle, project lifecycle, project phases, lifecycle, project phases, and project lifecycle, phases, and
lifecycle, project phases,
project phases, and tailoring and tailoring by giving one tailoring by giving 2 examples for tailoring by giving 2-3 detailed
and tailoring.
providing 1 example for each example for each from the each from the provided scenario. examples for each om the given
from the given scenario. provided scenario. scenario from the provided
Did not present an Present an understanding of Present an understanding of project Present an understanding of
PC3.2 Describe the
understanding of project project management processes, management processes, process project management processes,
project management
management processes, process groups, and knowledge groups, and knowledge areas by process groups, and knowledge
processes, process
process groups, and knowledge areas by giving one example for giving 2 examples for each from the areas by giving 2 detailed
groups, and knowledge
areas by giving one example each from the provided scenario. provided scenario examples for each from the
for each from the provided provided scenario.
PC3.3 Identify different Did not present the 2 different Present 2 different types of Present 3 different types of project Present 4 different types of
types of project types of project documents project documents and 2 project documents and 3 project reports project documents and 4 project
documents and project and 2 project reports from the reports from the given scenario. with sufficient detail from the given reports with appropriate detail
reports given scenario. scenario. from the given scenario.

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 10
Performance Criteria Competent Competent with Merit

69% 70-74% 75-79% 80-84%

PC3.1: Explain project Present a basic knowledge of Present a thorough Present a thorough comprehension Present a thorough
lifecycle, project phases, project lifecycle, phases, and comprehension of explaining the of explaining the project lifecycle, comprehension of explaining
and tailoring. tailoring by giving 2-3 detailed project lifecycle, project phases, project phases, and tailoring by project lifecycle, project phases,
examples for each om the and tailoring by giving one giving 2 examples with additional and tailoring by giving 3 examples
given scenario from the example with additional insights insights or applications for each with additional insights or
provided scenario. or applications for each from the from the provided scenario. applications for each from the
provided scenario. provided scenario.
Present an understanding of Present a thorough Present a thorough comprehension Present a thorough
PC3.2 Describe the
project management comprehension of describing of describing project management comprehension of describing
project management
processes, process groups, and project management processes, processes, process groups, and project management processes,
processes, process
knowledge areas by giving 2 process groups, and knowledge knowledge areas by giving 2 process groups, and knowledge
groups, and knowledge
detailed examples for each areas by giving one example with examples with additional insights or areas by giving 3 examples with
from the provided scenario. additional insights or practical practical applications for each from additional insights or practical
applications for each from the the provided scenario applications for each from the
provided scenario. provided scenario.

PC3.3 Identify different Present 4 different types of Present 2 different types of Present 3 different types of project Present 4 different types of project
types of project project documents and 4 project documents and 2 project documents and 3 project reports documents and 4 project reports
documents and project project reports with reports including their typical use including their typical use and including their typical use and
reports appropriate detail from the and importance, with additional importance, with additional insights importance, with additional
given scenario. insights or applications from the or applications from the given insights or applications from the
given scenario. scenario. given scenario.

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 11
Performance Criteria Competent with Merit Competent with Distinction

80-84% 85-89% 90-94% 95-100%

PC3.1: Explain project Present a thorough Exhibit an outstanding and Exhibit an outstanding and Exhibit an outstanding and
lifecycle, project phases, comprehension of explaining sophisticated understanding of sophisticated understanding of sophisticated understanding of
and tailoring. project lifecycle, project project lifecycle, project phases, project lifecycle, project phases, and project lifecycle, project phases,
phases, and tailoring by giving and tailoring, providing one tailoring, providing 2 examples of an and tailoring, providing 3
3 examples with additional example of an in-depth analysis of in-depth analysis of their examples of an in-depth analysis
insights or applications for their interconnections and interconnections and practical of their interconnections and
each from the provided practical implications in the given implications in the given scenario. practical implications in the given
scenario scenario. scenario.
PC3.2 Describe the Present a thorough Exhibit an exceptional grasp of Exhibit an exceptional grasp of Exhibit an exceptional grasp of
project management comprehension of describing project management processes, project management processes, project management processes,
processes, process project management process groups, and knowledge process groups, and knowledge process groups, and knowledge
groups, and knowledge processes, process groups, and areas, exceeding expectations by areas, exceeding expectations by areas, exceeding expectations by
areas knowledge areas by giving 3 illustrating their interconnections illustrating their interconnections illustrating their interconnections
examples with additional and practical significance with one and practical significance with 2 and practical significance with 3
insights or practical example relevant to the given example relevant to the given example relevant to the given
applications for each from the scenario. scenario. scenario.
provided scenario.
PC3.3 Identify different Exhibit an exceptional Exhibit an exceptional understanding Exhibit an exceptional
Present 4 different types of
types of project understanding of 2 project of 3 project documents and 3 project understanding of 4 project
project documents and 4
documents and project documents and 2 project reports, reports, exceeding expectations by documents and 4 project reports,
project reports including their
reports exceeding expectations by elaborating on their varied roles and exceeding expectations by
typical use and importance,
elaborating on their varied roles significant impact on project elaborating on their varied roles
with additional insights or
and significant impact on project management within a given and significant impact on project
applications from the given
management within a given scenario. management within a given
scenario. scenario.

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 12
Grading Rubric – Summative Assessment 2 (Breakdown)
Task– Project Report Assignment
Learning Outcome 4: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using what project management approach
Performance Criteria Not Yet Competent Competent

Below 60% 60-64% 65-68% 69%

Did not present an acceptable Present an acceptable Present an acceptable understanding Present an acceptable
PC4.1: Describe the understanding in describing 2 understanding in describing 2 in describing 3 important aspects or understanding in describing 4
importance of project important aspects or simplistic important aspects or simplistic simplistic examples of project important aspects or simplistic
management. examples of project examples of project management management within the given examples of project management
management within the given within the given scenario. scenario. within the given scenario.
Did not Present 2 possible Present 2 possible challenges in Present 3 possible challenges in Present 4 possible challenges in
PC4.2 Describe potential
challenges in project project management within the project management within the given project management within the
challenges to project
management within the given given scenario. scenario given scenario
Demonstrate an understanding of Demonstrate an understanding of Demonstrate an understanding of
Did not demonstrate an
ethical considerations and ethical considerations and ethical considerations and
understanding of ethical
PC4.3 Examine sustainability by providing 2 sustainability by providing 3 sustainability by providing 4
considerations and sustainability
significance of ethics and examples of how they could be examples of how they could be examples of how they could be
by providing 2 examples of how
sustainability in project assessed in project management assessed in project management assessed in project management
they could be assessed in project
management. within the given scenario. within the given scenario. within the given scenario.
management within the given

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 13
Performance Criteria Competent Competent with Merit

69% 70-74% 75-79% 80-84%

PC4.1: Describe the Present an acceptable Present thorough comprehension Present thorough comprehension by Present thorough comprehension
importance of project understanding in describing 4 by providing additional insights or providing additional insights or by providing additional insights or
management. important aspects or simplistic applications for each of the 2 applications for each of the 3 applications for each of the 4
examples of project important aspects explained from important aspects explained from important aspects explained from
management within the given the provided scenario. the provided scenario. the provided scenario.

Present 4 possible challenges in Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate a comprehensive

PC4.2 Describe potential
project management within the understanding by providing understanding by providing understanding by providing
challenges to project
given scenario additional insights or practical additional insights or practical additional insights or practical
applications of 2 potential applications of 3 potential challenges applications of 4 potential
challenges in project management in project management within the challenges in project
within the given scenario. given scenario. management within the given
PC4.3 Examine
Demonstrate an understanding Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate a comprehensive
significance of ethics and
of ethical considerations and understanding of ethical understanding of ethical understanding of ethical
sustainability in project
sustainability by providing 4 considerations and sustainability by considerations and sustainability by considerations and sustainability
examples of how they could be providing 2 insightful examples of providing 3 insightful examples of by providing 4 insightful examples
assessed in project management how they could be assessed to how they could be assessed to of how they could be assessed
within the given scenario. minimize the environmental impact minimize the environmental impact minimize the environmental
in project management within the in project management within the impact in project management
given scenario. given scenario. within the given scenario.

PJM 100 – Explore Project Management Version Date Owner Page

Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 14
Performance Criteria Competent with Merit Competent with Distinction
80-84% 85-89% 90-94% 95-100%
PC4.1: Describe the Present thorough Exhibit a nuanced and Exhibit a nuanced and Exhibit a nuanced and
importance of project comprehension by providing comprehensive understanding of comprehensive understanding of the comprehensive understanding of
management. additional insights or the significance of project significance of project management the significance of project
applications for each of the 4 management by providing two by providing 3 diverse, in-depth, and management by providing 4
important aspects explained diverse, in-depth, and well- well-explained examples illustrating diverse, in-depth, and well-
from the provided scenario. explained examples illustrating their interconnections and practical explained examples illustrating
their interconnections and practical significance within the given scenario their interconnections and
significance within the given practical significance within the
scenario. given scenario
Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate an exceptional Demonstrate an exceptional Demonstrate an exceptional
understanding by providing understanding of potential 2 understanding of potential 3 understanding of potential 4
PC4.2 Describe potential additional insights or practical challenges in project management challenges in project management by challenges in project
challenges to project applications of 4 potential by thoroughly analyzing and thoroughly analyzing and articulating management by thoroughly
management. challenges in project articulating the far-reaching the far-reaching impacts of these analyzing and articulating the far-
management within the given impacts of these challenges on challenges on project outcomes and reaching impacts of these
scenario... project outcomes and success success within the given scenario challenges on project outcomes
within the given scenario. and success within the given
PC4.3 Examine Demonstrate a comprehensive Demonstrate a profound Exhibit an exceptional understanding Demonstrate a profound
significance of ethics and understanding of ethical understanding of ethical Demonstrate a profound understanding of ethical
sustainability in project considerations and sustainability considerations and sustainability by understanding of ethical considerations and sustainability
management by providing 4 insightful offering 2 insightful examples of considerations and sustainability by by offering 4 insightful examples
examples of how they could be how they could be assessed, along offering 3 insightful examples of how of how they could be assessed,
assessed to minimize the with proposals to minimize the they could be assessed, along with along with proposals to minimize
environmental impact in project environmental impact in project proposals to minimize the the environmental impact in
management within the given management within a given environmental impact in project project management within a
scenario. scenario. management within a given scenario. given scenario.

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 15
Student Acknowledgment – Summative Assessment 2

Student Name ID No.

Unit Title/s Explore Project Management Fundamentals

LO & PC Portfolio Evidence Requirements

LO3: PC3.1 Q1: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

LO3: PC3.2 Q2: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

LO3: PC3.3 Q3: Task- Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

LO4: PC4.1 Q4: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

LO4: PC4.2 Q5: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

LO4: PC4.3 Q6: Task –Scenario based Written Assignment in this Summative Assessment 2- Document

Student Acknowledgment

I confirm that:
1. The portfolio evidence for this assessment has been submitted in Blackboard Learn;
2. All submitted evidence is my own work and does not contain any material that is subject
to copyright or that has been submitted previously for assessment (unless requested by
my teacher);
3. I have read and understood the Academic Integrity information in the HCT Student
Handbook, including possible disciplinary action for academic dishonesty.

Signature: Date:

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 16
Assessment Results and Feedback – Summative Assessment 1 (Part 1)

Student Name ID No.

Unit Title Explore Project Management Fundamentals
Assessment Results:
Based on the Grading Rubric, choose the most appropriate Grade Classification for each PC and assign
a percentage value within the range shown. You will then use these PC Grades to calculate the
Summative Assessment Grade. See calculation notes below.
Grade Not Yet Competent
Competent with
LO & PC Classification Competent with Merit
PC Grade % 0 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 84% 85 – 100%
LO3: PC3.1
LO3: PC3.2
LO3: PC3.3
LO4: PC4.1
LO4: PC4.2
LO4: PC4.2
Summative Assessment Grade %:
Calculation Notes:
 If any PC has a grade % in the Not Yet Competent range, the Summative Assessment grade must be in the Not
Yet Competent range, regardless of other PC grades.
 If all PCs have a grade % of 60% or more, the percentage values for all PCs should be averaged to determine
the Summative Assessment Grade %. Use whole numbers.
Assessor Feedback:
Please ensure feedback is provided for all PCs covered by this assessment.

Student Comments:

Assessment Feedback Acknowledgement:

I acknowledge that I have received and Student
understood feedback from my teacher Signature:
about this assessment. Date:
I also acknowledge that all grades are
interim until approved by the Internal
I confirm that I have provided feedback Assessor
about this assessment to this student. Signature:

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 17
Assessor Name:
Signature: Date:

Countersigning Assessor Name (if required):

Signature: Date:

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Summative Assessment 2 V4.0.1 August 2024 HCT 18

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