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User Guide

What’s in the box?

Your new 9Barista espresso machine

Heat exchanger plate
User guide




Basket cap


Group head
Heat exchanger
Boiler o-ring


Safety valve

Heat exchanger
How to make an espresso

Step Fill the Boiler with

1 cold water up to the
fill line on the inside.

Step Screw the Group

2 head to the Boiler.
120ml water


You can speed things up quite

a bit by putting your 9Barista
on the stove to heat up while
you grind and tamp the coffee.
Be careful though, you’ll need
to get the Portafilter back on
before the machine starts to
deliver hot water. Only attempt
this once you know you’ll be
fast enough.
Flip the Portafilter upside
down and put 20g of freshly
ground coffee into the
Basket. Tamp down the
coffee firmly, making sure note
the ground coffee is nicely
levelled. Then place the
Getting the fineness of the
Basket cap firmly back into
grind right is one of the
the Basket.
most important things when
making espresso. It makes a
big difference to the flavour.
A good way of getting this
20g coffee right is to measure how long
it takes for the coffee to
come through; it should take
approximately 30 secs. You
might need a few attempts to
get it just right.
Step Flip the Portafilter
4 back the right way up
and put it on to the
Group head. Twist
to seal it shut (the
two handles will be
roughly at right-angles
to each other when
the seal is made).

Step Place your 9Barista on

5 the stove. It should
take between 3 and 6
minutes to produce a
coffee. If it’s too fast
or too slow, adjust the
You might need to use the
Heat exchanger plate. The
plate is needed if:
• you’re using an induction
• you’re using a gas cooker
• you’re using another type
Step of cooker, and it’s taking more
When all the espresso
6 has come through,
than 6 minutes for 9Barista
to reach temperature and
pour it into your cup
produce a coffee
straightaway to make
sure you keep all that
wonderful crema.

40 ml
Milk Descaling

If you want to Unlike most espresso machines, 9Barista

add hot frothed rarely needs descaling. Although limescale
milk, there are may build up in the Boiler, it will not
some excellent necessarily impact performance. (We’ve
(and inexpensive) never had a machine malfunction due to
milk-frothers limescale.)
available. Nevertheless, if you live in a hard water
area you might want to descale the Boiler
every few months or so. After descaling,
make sure you rinse it well, or better still
run a cycle without coffee.


When using your 9Barista espresso remove the 9Barista from the heat
machine, please remember to source, and either use a lower
follow basic, sensible safety cooker power setting or less finely
precautions. 9Barista operates ground coffee with the next use
at high temperature and high of the machine. Under correct
pressure, and the user must read operation, the Safety valve will not
and follow the instructions below, open.
before using the machine. • Never attempt to unscrew the
Boiler or the Portafilter from the
• Do not touch any metal part Group Head when the machine is
of the machine once it has been hot, as it may be under pressure.
heated; it’s going to be hot! Only • While 9Barista is producing an
touch the wooden handles. espresso, steam will appear from
• Do not leave your 9Barista on the Chimney. Keep your hands
a heat source after it has made an away, to avoid being scalded.
espresso. If it is left for too long, it • When disassembling the
will overheat and the Safety valve 9Barista machine, be aware that it
might need to be replaced. might still contain very hot water.
• Never leave your 9Barista Always cool the machine down
unattended on a heat source. under a tap and exercise caution
• If you hear or see steam when separating the Portafilter and
appearing from the Safety valve Boiler from the Group head.

Cleaning your 9Barista takes only • Leave the parts to dry or

a few seconds and is best done towel dry and reassemble.
in a kitchen sink. You should give
it a quick rinse after every time
• If storing your 9Barista for an
extended period, we recommend
you make an espresso.
you remove all the water and
clean the machine.
• If your 9Barista is still hot
from making an espresso, run
• After prolonged storage,
rinse the Boiler with water and
it under the tap until it is cool
run the 9Barista once with coffee
enough to grip.
in the Basket and discard the
• Unscrew the Portafilter from coffee.
the Group head, remove the
Basket cap and knock out the
• Not suitable for dishwashers.
spent coffee grounds into the bin. • Do not use abrasive cleaning
• Rinse the Portafilter, Basket
cap and the top of the Group
head under the tap.

More intense flavour Less acidity

• Use more coffee • Same amount of coffee
• Use a coarser grind • Use a finer grind
• 30 seconds extraction • Longer extraction ~ 35s

How to Start Here

adjust the 20g coffee
shot flavour 30 seconds
extraction time

Less bitterness Less intense flavour

• Same amount of coffee • Use less coffee
• Use a coarser grind • Use a finer grind
• Shorter extraction ~ 25s • 30 seconds extraction
For more
on making the
perfect espresso,
coffee grinding,
accessories &
troubleshooting visit


Giocoguado Ltd, trading as 9Barista, UK company number 8871739

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