Final Manuscript
Final Manuscript
Final Manuscript
system. The goal of transport policy was to make effective decisions concerning
public and private endeavor. Still governments were often the most involve in the
policy process since they either owned or managed many components of the
Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most
and improved technology over the last century had resulted in a continuous
development. In low- and middle-income country's alike, the current potential for
regulations in the transport sector, and rising social cost in terms of congestion,
pollution, and accidents, especially in emerging large cities and countries. For
example, transport costs in Africa - with its poor infrastructure network – were
(in Cameroon and Chad, respectively) cost on average 11 US cents per ton-
the fast piece of urban growth occurred in African and Asia. While the provision
variety of factors. Because these factors were not well understood, there was
often a risk that transport investments were not caused effective and did not
produce the range of expected outcomes. Setting priorities in the strategic use of
policies could produce growth inducing effects and reduce social costs. Dr. Brian
Slack, Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, and Dr. Theo Notteboom. The geography
Prior to 1991 Local Government Code, tricycles were also covered by the LTO.
and large fleet costs therefore the importance of local transportation reduces
national transport infrastructure, including roads, railways, ports, and airports, but
they also provided the regulatory and governance structure within which regional
and local governments, private operators and transport users operate while there
modes, there had been relatively little research and literature on the ways in
wherein the NTP was formulated to help achieve the governments vision of a
transportation are not well implemented. Citizens did not follow rules, signages,
and turns, E-bikes are not registered, reckless driving, parking in an intersection,
parking within 5 meters from intersection, disregarding traffic signs, failure to dim
This study was very beneficial to all individuals because it determined the
need to follow the transport policy and implemented rules. Thus, this study
the type of equilibrium between travel demand and transportation supply. Travel
demand existed at different levels and varies spatially; it included total amount of
travel in an area, the demand for travel between specific origin destination pairs,
the demand among variable modes, and demands for routes within each mode.
The market prices that people pay for transportation can include time, money, or
a generalized cost that includes both time and money. G. Wilson (2020)
George W. Wilson might be explained by differences in two main factors: (1) the
The first depends upon the quality and quantity of resources in the regions
served, the actual change in transport rates and service, and commodity price
levels. The second depended upon an awareness of opportunity and what might
be broadly defined as attitudes toward economic change. This theory told that
and accepted by the community, that way the members would have the need for
adjustments and the demand for updated and improved rules and regulations
would rise according to the system’s need. This theory would raise awareness of
the transport system, the more opportunities created and acknowledged, the high
chances of the community being aware about the transportation system as part
people use to select travel modes. Previous research from the travel behavior
and psychology fields provides the foundation for a five-step, operational Theory
through each of the five steps: awareness and availability (e.g., offer individual
marketing programs), basic safety and security (e.g., make pedestrian and
convenience and cost (e.g., institute higher-density, mixed land uses, and limited,
more expensive automobile parking), enjoyment (e.g., plant street trees and
transportation for long term outcomes was not only dependable to its rules and
convenience, affordability, and enjoyment for them to make decisions and shift
study, if this theory was applied, this would raise awareness for the community
knowing they would be the ones to travel on their own unlike taking cabs and
commuting, the ride and obedience of the policies is dependent on the driver.
Conceptual Framework
This study was directed to determine the Senior High Students’ level of
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 Address;
1.4.1 Allowance;
2. What was the level of awareness of the Senior High Student's in terms of:
2.5 Policies?
3. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations could be
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study was directed to determine the Senior High Students’ level of
based on the transportation policies of Calbayog City that they know. The
ABM, and 25 respondents from GAS, with a total of 100 respondents from the
Senior High School of Calbayog City National High School. This study was
improves, the transport system would perform better and be more convenient for
Transport Operators. This research would be beneficial for them because if the
citizens improve their knowledge about transport policies, the need to tighten the
Drivers. The citizens being knowledgeable about the transport policies would
help the system function well and smoothly that would help them transport faster
LGUs. This research can provide valuable insights to be the of guide LGUs in
Future Researchers. This study would help them develop new tests, diagnosis,
Fare matrix. An official document from the Land Transportation Franchising and
Regulatory Board that serves as a guide to passengers about the mandated fare
kilometer in their areas. Any machine that transports people, animals (live cargo),
airplanes, and spacecraft, for example, are vehicles. Some dictionaries, however,
stress that the term only includes devices that transports people, live cargo, or
Passengers, 2019) In this study, this term referred to the list of the fixed fare
transport situation and encourage more active involvement from local authorities.
(Techopedia, 2011) In this study, the term referred to the degree to which
Public transportation. Provides personal mobility and freedom for people from
people. (Smart Cities Dive, 2018) In this study, this term referred to the system of
transportation where passengers are charged with fares that vary according to
Transportation. The movement of goods and persons from place to place and
Dictionary) In this study, the term referred to the movement of vehicles from one
location to another.
In this study, this term referred to the principle of action proposed by the
and literature to strengthen the study, justify and elaborate the existence of the
Related Literature
who benefit the transport policies, it was a must to be aware of the policies that
In the article The Geography of Transport System, it was stated the goals
and purpose of transport policy, this includes: (1) making effective decisions
economic, and environmental goals and aspirations with reality as it evolves. (3)
safety regulations, and environmental regulation. Dr. B. Slack, Dr. JP. Rodrigue,
want to achieve and what our system needs, this way the officials would need to
improve the regulations and rules to achieve the goals and acknowledge the
regulations in accordance with the changes and adjustments. With the population
Policy (NTP) was formulated to help achieve the government’s vision of a “safe,
the transport sector has manifested recurring challenges, including the lack of
The authority noted that until legislative policies are passed, policy
changes and reforms that can be administratively undertaken under existing laws
need to be adapted and implemented to be able to respond to the urgent
The NTP IRR applied to all elements of the transportation system and all
those involving the movement of people, goods, and services, and the provision
the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the National Economic and
identify, review, and address the strategic resource needs of the transport sector
for the short, medium, and long term, including the assessment of the previous
implementing the rules and regulations to follow. This also showed the long-term
benefits of these practices and how it affected lives of people and the future
implementation and effective strategies to improve the transport system, the level
of awareness of the members of the community would rise to a more likely level.
would come to reality the second they implement improved, safe, and well-
social equity.
significant impact on social and economic outcomes. For instance, policies that
promote the use of public transportation could reduce traffic congestion, air
pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, while also improving access to jobs
and services for low-income and minority communities. Similarly, policies that
can promote physical activity, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and improve
public health.
that did not adequately consider the needs of low-income and minority
process. This approach was intended to ensure that transportation policies are
transportation system and can have significant impacts on social, economic, and
these policies.
transportation also had significant impacts on the environment, public health, and
policies, such as road tolls and congestion charges, that incentivize the use of
regulatory policies, such as emissions standards for vehicles and fuel efficiency
standards, that reduced greenhouse gas emissions from transportation; (3) land
funding, and lack of public support. In addition, some policies might have
mobility. Pricing, regulatory, land use, and public transportation policies have
Related Study
car use, public space, mass transit, nonmotorized transport, road maintenance,
administration took the lead in taking space away from cars. Success was
difficult to appraise given the short time elapsed. What was clear, however, was
that people supported the measures once they saw results, and the mayor left
office with a record approval rating. The busway project, Transmilenio, was a
prime example. Decisive and persistent leadership, political will, and strong
In the research Transportation and the New Generation: Why Young Peopl
e Are Driving Less and What It Means for Transportation Policy by Benjamin Davi
s, Tony Dutzik, Phineas Baxandall, this report reviewed the trends which showed
that today's young people were driving less and using transportation alternatives
more. They were avoiding or postponing the buying of cars and acquiring driver's
licenses. The report also looked at young people's priorities and preferences whi
ch were leading them to drive less and discusses why the trend toward reduced
driving among young people is likely to persist. Finally, the report discusses the i
mplications of these trends for transportation policy. It was stated that policy mak
ers and the public need to be aware that America's current transportation policy,
which was dominated by road building, was fundamentally out-of-step with the tra
s. The report concluded that it was time for a new vision for transportation that ref
ess of transportation policies. The study identified and synthesizes various studie
n achieving sustainable transportation goals. The review revealed that the level o
s, particularly the public. Factors that contributed to low awareness levels include
need for policymakers and transport professionals to develop and implement effe
The passage concluded that there was a need for policymakers and trans
port professionals to develop and implement effective strategies for improving the
it was more likely that people would support and engage with sustainable transpo
rtation initiatives, which could help achieve broader societal goals related to sust
as critical for their successful implementation. This study examined public aware
in Nigeria is generally low, with only 35.5% of respondents indicating that they we
re aware of any transportation policy. The study also found that educational level,
age, and income level significantly affect public awareness of transportation polici
es. Furthermore, the study identified factors that contribute to low public awarene
ss of transportation policies in Nigeria, including poor communication channels, l
mended that the Nigerian government should improve public communication cha
ortation policies.
geria. Educational level, age, and income level were found to significantly affect p
ould also tailor communication efforts to specific groups to maximize their impact.
llution, and increased transportation costs. Transportation policies were often imp
lemented to reduce congestion, but their effectiveness was not always clear. This
ewed articles published between 2010 and 2021 was conducted, resulting in 50 a
rticles that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that a range of transport
he effectiveness of these policies varied depending on the context and the specifi
c policy implemented. Additionally, there was limited research on the long-term ef
mitigate this problem, transportation policies are often implemented, but their effe
icles published between 2010 and 2021 was conducted to evaluate the effectiven
pends on the context and the specific policy implemented. Moreover, the study re
veals that there was limited research on the long-term effects of transportation po
en different policies.
Overall, this systematic review provided important insights into the effectiv
Research Design
Descriptive Research Design would allow the researchers to make the study
more specific and more fixed of the at hand. It would allow the researchers to
answer what, when, where and how rather than just the why in regard to the
profile, grade and strand, and the survey to measure their level of awareness on
transportation policy. To directly analyze and interpret the data and specific but
This study was directed to be done in Calbayog City National High School.
The scope of this study was focused on the Senior High School students of all
strands (STEM, ABM, HUMSS, GAS). This study took place in Calbayog City
National High School Senior High Campus during the Academic year 2022-2023.
It is important to conduct this study for this time it is very relevant and timely for
The respondents of this study were 100 individuals from CCNHS Senior
High students from all strands (STEM, ABM, HUMSS, GAS). The respondents
were chosen randomly to give equal chances for every population. These
Distribution of Respondents
Table 1.
Profile of the Respondents in terms of:
Respondents Population N %
HUMSS 1021 25 25
GA 442 25 25
ABM 214 25 25
STEM 410 25 25
Questionnaire was the most applicable instrumentation for this study. The
researchers constructed a Likert Scale for the respondents to describe their level
of awareness regarding the laws and statements given. After the validation of
demographic profile namely; age, sex, grade level and section, address,
allowance, marital status, family size, birth rank, and the level of awareness that
easiest for the respondents and their convenience would be a big help for them
to be induced to answer the questions briefly for it is very attractive for the
respondents for providing clear questions that needs direct answers that usually
questionnaire that compressed the respondents’ age, gender, and year level.
The level of awareness of Senior High School students of all strands about the
Statistical Treatment
informational coefficients that should summarize the participants’ given data set
which in this study was a sample of the population. This included the calculation
This chapter presented the results, the analysis and interpretation of data
gathered from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said
data were presented in tabular form by the specific questions posited in the
Table 2.
Profile of the Respondents in terms of:
2.1 Age
Category F %
16 12 12
17 43 43
18 32 32
19 4 4
20 3 3
21 4 4
Did not respond 2 2
Total 100 100
With accordance to the survey, most of the respondents were 17 years old
and that is 43 both in frequency and rate, next in line was 18 years old
respondents that was 32 in frequency and rate, third on the rank was 16 years
old respondents that was 12 in frequency and rate, fourth on the rank was 19 and
21 years old that was both 4 both in frequency and rate, in the bottom line was
20 years old respondents that was 3 in frequency and rate, and in completion to
the 100 respondents, dismally, 2 respondents did not disclose their age.
Table 2.2
Category F %
Male 27 27
Female 69 69
Did not respond 4 4
Total 100 100
and that was 69 both in frequency and rate, next in line are male respondents
that was 27 in frequency and dismally, 4 respondents did not disclose their
Table 2.3
Category F %
Within the City 10 10
Outside the City 68 68
Did not respond 22 22
Total 100 100
With accordance to the survey, most of the respondents lived outside the
city and that was 68 both in frequency and rate, next in line are respondents who
live within the city and that was 10 in frequency and rate, and dismally, 22
daily allowance and that was 69 both in frequency and rate, next in are
respondents who received 150-200 pesos daily allowance and that was 17 in
frequency and rate, third on the rank were respondents who received 450-500
pesos daily allowance that was 6 in frequency and rate, next in line were
Table 2.4.2
Family Size
Category F %
3 7 7
4 21 21
5 25 25
6 13 13
7 18 18
8 12 12
9 2 2
Did not respond 2 2
Total 100 100
With accordance to the survey, most of the respondents were families of 5
and that was 25 both in frequency and rate, next in line were respondents who
are in families of 4 that was 21 in frequency and rate, third on the rank were
respondents who were in families of 7 that was 18 in frequency and rate, fourth in
line were respondents who are in families of 6 that was 13 in both frequency and
rate, next in line were respondents who were in families of 8 that was 12 in
frequency and rate, in the bottom line were respondents who were in families of 3
that was both 7, at the bottom line were respondents who were in families of 9
that was both 2 in frequency and rate, and dismally, 2 respondents did not
Table 2.4.3
Birth Rank
Category F %
1st 33 33
2nd 27 27
3rd 14 14
4th 8 8
5th 10 10
6th 5 5
9th 1 1
Did not respond
2 2
Total 100 100
that was 33 in frequency and rate, next in line were respondents who ranked 2 nd
at birth that was 27 in frequency and rate, third in line were students who ranked
3rd at birth that was 14 in frequency and rate, next were respondents who ranked
5th at birth that was 10 in frequency and rate, next in line were respondents who
ranked 4th at birth that was 8 in frequency and rate, next were respondents who
ranked 6th at birth that was 5 in frequency and rate, at the bottom line were
respondents who ranked 9th at birth that was both 1 at frequency and rate, and
Table 2.4.4
Grade Level and Strand
Personal Data Category F %
Grade 11 45 45
Grade Level Grade 12 55 55
Total 100 100
ABM 25 25
STEM 25 25
Strand HUMSS 25 25
GAS 25 25
Total 100 100
students that was 52 in frequency and rate while Grade 11 students is 45 in both
frequency and rate. The respondents were equally gathered with 25 respondents
Table 3.1
Fare Matrix
Part A questions N Mean
minimum fare from Calbayog City to Rawis had the highest mean of 3.000 that
was at Neutral Level. Next in rank was the respondents’ awareness on the 15-
peso minimum fare from Calbayog City to Sabang that had a mean of 2.960 that
was at Neutral Level. Third in rank was the respondents’ awareness on the 8-
peso minimum fare from Calbayog City to Capoocan and 15-peso minimum fare
from Calbayog City to Naga that both have a mean of 2.930 that was at Neutral
Level. Ranking last was the respondents’ awareness on the 22-peso minimum
fare from Calbayog City to Malajog with the lowest mean of 2.840 that was at
Neutral Level.
Table 3.2
Safety of Passenger
Part B Questions N Mean
Unauthorized motor vehicle modification. 100 3.52
a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs and/or
jurisdiction (section 12, R.A. 10586) had the highest mean of 3.96 that was at
Aware Level. Next in rank was the respondents’ awareness on the law on
Reckless Driving that had a mean of 3.90 that was at Aware Level. Third in rank
was the respondents’ awareness on the law on motor vehicle operating without
parts that had a mean of 3.620 that was at Aware Level. Fourth in rank was the
door that had a mean of 3.530 that is at Aware Level. Ranking last was the
Table 3.3
Security of the Passengers
Part C Questions N Mean
on display.
Valid N (listwise) 100 3.892
pedicab/timbol must have a registered plate number had the highest mean of
4.400 that was at Very Aware Level. Next in rank was the respondents’
mean of 4.280 that was at Very Aware Level. Third in rank was the respondents’
display that had a mean of 3.880 that was at Aware Level. Fourth in Rank was
motor vehicle and/or its renewal that had a mean of 3.480 that was at Aware
motor vehicle with the lowest mean of 3.420 that was at Aware Level.
Table 3.3
Part D Questions N Mean
Drivers must have an official 100 3.48
copy of Tariff display on the
Driving without a valid 100 3.42
License/conductor’s permit.
Failure to carry driver’s license, 100 4.28
Certificate of registration or
official receipt while driving a
motor vehicle.
Overcharging/Undercharging of 100 4.40
Failure to attach or improper 100 3.880
attachment/tampering of
authorized motor vehicle
license plate and/or third plate
Valid N (listwise) 100 3.500
drivers must have an official copy of tariff display on the vehicle had the highest
mean of 3.920 that was at Aware Level. Next in rank was the respondents’
or official receipt while driving a motor vehicle that had a mean of 3.470 that was
at Aware Level. Third in rank was the respondents’ awareness on the law of
Driving without a valid License/conductor’s permit that had a mean of 3.410 that
was at Aware Level. Fourth Rank was the respondents’ awareness on the
Level. Ranking last was the respondents’ awareness on the law on Failure to
plate and/or third plate sticker with the lowest mean of 3.320 that was at Aware
The purpose of this study was to measure the level of awareness of the
provided the summary of the findings and concluding remarks based on the
analysis of the data collected. Apart from that, this chapter presented the
limitations and the suggestions for further studies based on this study outcome.
Summary of Findings
Based on the findings of the study conducted, it was found out that the
profile of the respondents in majority were 17 years old in age, mostly female that
ranked 1st at birth, mostly were Grade 12, and most respondents were from
(ABM), and General Academics Strand (GAS) that all had a frequency of 25.
2. Level of Awareness
With conformity to the survey distributed, Senior High School students in
Transportation was at Aware Level. From the result, the level of awareness of
Senior High School students on Fare Matrix had a mean of 2.932 that was at
Neutral Level of awareness, Safety of Passengers had a mean of 3.736 that was
was at Aware Level of awareness, and Policies had a mean of 3.500 that was at
Aware Level of awareness, in total mean of 3.515 that was at Aware Level of
Level possibly because most of the drivers did not display a copy of the official
fare matrix in their vehicles, thus it was not accessible for passengers unless
displayed on vehicles. Students were also less likely to question the fare charged
by drivers since majority of the respondents were minors which are more likely to
pay no matter how much fare charge the drivers asked because of seeing them
at Aware Level hence students are fairly conscious about the safety measures
when they commute and the condition of the vehicles they took, and considering
that they were senior high school students, they were more likely to value their
time and thought it would consume them more time taking second looks and
was at Aware Level possibly because most of the students lived outside the city
which might mean they were more likely to be advised by elders of being wary of
Level possibly because the respondents were students and mostly minors so
they were more likely to be prohibited from driving and use public transport, by
that it would tell us that they might only know policies that are noticeable on the
traffic signs, drivers overcharging of fare, etc., compared to the policies that
make less impact than the general policies like failing to dim lights when another
turns, etc., although some might knew or had been in these situations, it was
possible that they were not aware that the practice of these behaviors on the
1. Shift modes and routine. Individuals should drive on their own to be more
transport, the obedience of the transport policies was mostly dependent on the
driver not the passengers, they would care less of what was happening during
the ride, some were; using their phones, taking a call, playing games, talking to
each other, reading, and if it was a long ride, it was also a good idea to sleep.
2. Display a copy of the official Fare Matrix and make it accessible for the
public. The fare matrix was not accessible to passengers unless drivers display
one in their vehicles so if they didn’t, the passengers would just pay any amount
the driver asked especially that the respondents were mostly minors, which mean
they acknowledged the culture wherein elders should be respected and obeyed.
3. Acknowledge the law. If there was a situation where a person violates the
law, make sure that the authorities take action to hold the person accountable of
their behavior. The authority of the city should exercise their power to control the
violators of the law, it should not be invalidated by money nor discourse, if it did
and witnessed by the public, they would either think it was not a violation or it is a
4. Put permanent traffic and road signs. In Calbayog City, street names in
proper areas were the only streets that had a permanent name sign, streets
outside the city should also have a permanent street name sign as well as to
indicate how far the city was from their current location for commuters and
travelers. This would help them know if they were going in the right direction and
estimate how much time they had to get to their destination. In addition, it would
also help ensure their safety and security as passengers from horrifying events to
5. Both driver and passenger should pay attention on the road. Passengers
could learn from the drivers while they drive, just simply observing the turns they
take and light ajdustments on the vehicle should be a good start to improving
passengers, if passengers would pay attention to the road, they could let the
driver know if they needed to focus more on the road, tell them what turns to
6. Conduct a seminar for drivers and commuters. This way they should be taught
about the road policies and regulations, what requirements to comply, who are
qualified to comply, where to comply, and this should be an opportunity for the
citizens and authorities to interact and be open for suggestions and ideas to
Bello, O. M., Adedokun, M. O., & Salami, A. O. (2019). Assessing the level of
awareness of transportation policies: A review of existing literature.
Journal of Transport and Land Use, 12(1), 167-187
Davis B., Dutzik T., Baxandall P. (2012) Transportation and the New Generation:
Why Young People Are Driving Less and What It Means for
Transportation Policy, Retrieved on
Stiles, J., Kar, A., Lee, J. and Miller, H.J. (2017) The Geography of Urban
Transportation, Fourth Edition
Appendix A
Curriculum Vitae
Age: 18
Educational Background
Age: 18
Age: 17
Age: 17
Place of Birth:
Age: 19
Age: 21
Philosophy: “Gustuhin mo ang ayaw sayo kung ayaw padin sapakin mo.”
Age: 22
Age: 20
nang problemahin.”
Part 1
Very Very
C. Security of Passenger Aware Awar Neutral Unaware Unaware
Fraud in relation to the
registration of the motor vehicle
and/or its renewal.
Driving an unregistered motor
A pedicab/timbol driver must
have id/licensed on display.
A pedicab/timbol must have a
registered plate number.
A pedicab/timbol must have
emergency hotline numbers on
D. Policies Very Unaware Very
Aware Aware Neutral Unaware
ACTIVITIES Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 March
Title Hearing /
Drafting and /
encoding of research
Submit chapters 1 to /
3 to the
adviser for
Pre-Oral Defense /
Reproduction of the
corrected copy of the /
research proposal
Validation of the
proposed instrument /
Fielding of the /
Data Gathering /
Revising the
corrected part of the /
Working for the
corrections and
suggestions of the /
panel/encoding of the
clear copy for the
Oral Defense /
Binding of the
required number of
thesis/dissertation /
copies to be
Submission of the
bounded copies of
thesis/dissertation to /
the office of the
Appendix H
Particulars Budget
Title hearing and other expenses Php. 460.00
Pre-Oral Examination (research, Php. 1,020.00
encoding, reproduction of materials,
advisory of committee and panel)
Data Gathering Php. 900.00
Oral Examination (research, encoding, Php. 1,270.00
reproduction of materials, advisory of
committee and panel)
Thesis Final Reproduction Php. 1,545.00
Total Php. 5,195.00