Sarvade 2017 Wasteland Treatment

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Waterlogged wasteland treatment through agro-forestry: A review

Article in Journal of Applied and Natural Science · March 2017

DOI: 10.31018/jans.v9i1.1147


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4 authors:

S. Sarvade Damodar Gautam

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya 14 PUBLICATIONS 95 CITATIONS

Dhananjay Kathal Prabhat Tiwari

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Jhansi


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Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9 (1): 44 – 50 (2017) JANS



Waterlogged wasteland treatment through agro-forestry: A review

S. Sarvade1*, D. S. Gautam1, D. Kathal1 and Prabhat Tiwari2
College of Agriculture, Balaghat, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur-482004 (Madhya
Pradesh), INDIA
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan
- 173230 (Himachal Pradesh), INDIA
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Received: July 21, 2016; Revised received: December 19, 2016; Accepted: January 5, 2017

Abstract: India covers 147.75 mha degraded area, whereas 6.41 mha area confined to waterlogging problem in
Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana,
Kerala, Rajasthan and few other states. The transpiration principle of plants is used in bio-drainage treatment to
reclaim such problematic areas sustainably. Evergreen broad leaved species recorded high transpiration rate and
contribute highly in reclamation of waterlogged saline soils. Short rotation fast growing tree species like Salix,
Eucalypt, Acacia, Albizia, Terminalia, Prosopis, Populus were the suitable species for such areas. Agri-silviculture,
agri-horti-silviculture, silvi-pasture, multipurpose woodlots, strip plantation and boundary plantations were widely
used for reclamation of saline-waterlogged conditions of India. In agri-silviculture system, Eucalypt based agrofor-
estry systems are widely used for reclamation of waterlogged areas as compared to other woody plant based sys-
tems. 0.84–0.86 m total drawdown of ground water in 3 years Eucalypt tree species. The vertical and horizontal root
spreading of tree species is one important character for capturing and transpiration of excess water from
waterlogged area. From the present investigation, longest root system was recorded from Prosopis cineraria (20-60
m) species.
Keywords: Eucalypt, Ground water table, Transpiration rate, Waterlogged area

INTRODUCTION ter-table restricting the normal aeration of the crop

roots”. Heavy rainfall, poor drainage, excess irrigation,
India has only 2.4 % of the world’s land area and nour-
hard pan, shallow water table and seepage from canal
ish 16.7 % of the world’s human population and 18 %
cause the waterlogging problems (Pandey et al., 2015).
livestock. The human and livestock population contini-
The criteria for defining waterlogging and different
ously increases pressure on existing land resources for
types of area waterlogged are given in Table 1. Arid
their daily needs. On the other hand, the country cov-
and semiarid regions of the country are affected mostly
ers 147.75 mha area under different soil degradation
due to canal irrigation without provision of enough
classes explained by National Bureau of Soil Survey
drainage, which increases water-table and secondary
and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP). Under these
salinization problem.
categories salt-affected soils spreads in 6.73 mha
For sustainable development, we have to reclaim such
(Million hectare) area and waterlogged in 6.41 mha
problematic areas and maximise the country’s culti-
area (including 1.66 mha surface ponding and 4.75
vated area. The reclamation processes includes bio-
mha subsurface waterlogging) (Anonymous, 2010).
logical, chemical and mechanical measures. Under
The area under salinization, alkalinisation and water-
biological measures, tree based systems have the po-
logging was 3.2 mha according to National Remote
tential to reclaim waterlogged and saline soils effi-
Sensing Agency (NRSA) in the year of 1990; however,
ciently and sustainably by improving soil health qual-
21.7 mha was reported by Sehgal and Abrol (1994) in
ity. The short rotation, fast growing tree based agrofor-
the year of 1994. Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar
estry systems showed potential in bio-drainage treat-
Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Punjab, Tamil Nadu,
ment to prevent waterlogging in canal-irrigated areas
Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, Rajasthan and few
(Singh and Pandey 2011; Fanish and Priya 2013).
other states of the country are experiencing problems
of waterlogging and salinity (Anonymous, 2009). MATERIALS AND METHODS
Commission on Agriculture (1976) defined waterlog-
Data on plant species used in agroforestry systems of
ging as “Excess water in the root zone due to high wa-
India and their potential transpiration rate is collected

ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online) All Rights Reserved © Applied and Natural Science Foundation
S. Sarvade et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 9 (1): 44 – 50 (2017)
Table 1. Criteria adopted by Gov. of India and different type
of waterlogged areas in India.
Type of water-logging Standing water depth
Waterlogged <2.0 m
Shallow lowland 0–30 cm
Intermediate lowland 31–50 cm
Semi deep lowland 51–100 cm
Deep water lowland >100 cm
Potentially waterlogged 2.0–3.0 m
Safe >3.0 m
(Source: Anonymous, 2009; Pandey et al., 2015)
from the scientific papers published in reputed journals
(Agroforestry Systems, International Journal of Bio-
resource and Stress Management, Journal of Plant Fig. 1. Bio-drainage concept with an example of
Stress Physiology, Current Science, Tropical Ecology, agro-forestry system.
Indian Journal of Ecology, The Indian Forester etc.) cess soil water by deep-rooted plants using their bio-
and technical reports/bulletins of research institutes. energy”. The deep tree roots reached up to excess soil
On the basis of collected data this manuscript is water and can pump out it easily without deteriorating
formed for showing further research views in such the soil environment (Fig 1). The term bio-drainage
areas. first time documented by Gafni (1994), however
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION earlier Heuperman (1992) used term bio-pumping to
describe the use of trees for water table control. It uses
Bio-drainage: It may be defined as “pumping of ex- the transpirative capacity of vegetation and especially

Table 2. Agro-forestry systems used for treating the salt affected-waterlogged areas of India.
System Tree component Crop OR herb OR Reference
Agri-silviculture Salix spp. Wheat Kumar et al., 2012
Eucalyptus tereticornis Rice/ Wheat Ram et al., 2007; Ram et al.,
2011; Wicke et al., 2013
Eucalyptus tereticornis, Acacia nilotica, agricultural Biswas and Biswas, 2014
Albizia lebbeck, crops (basis of local
Terminalia arjuna, Prosopis juliflora need)
Populus deltoides Berseem, rice, wheat, and Singh, 2011
mustard under
Eucalyptus tereticronis, Acacia nilotica, Rice-wheat, Guinea grass Singh et al., 1997
Populus deltoides (Panicum maximum)-
Oats, Rice-berseem,
Cowpea-berseem, Pi-
mustard, turmeric
Agi-horti- Zizyphus mauritiana, Punica granatum, Egyptian clover, wheat, Tomar et al., 2003
silviculture Syzygium cumini, Emblica officinalis, onion, and garlic
Tamarindus indica
Carissa carandus and Psidium
Silvi-pasture Prosopis juliflora, Acacia nilotica, Leptochloa fusca, Singh, 2011; Singh et al.,
Casuarina equisetifolia, Chloris gayana, 2014; Behera et al., 2015
Terminalis arjuna, Tamarix articulata, Brachiaria mutica, and
and Pongamia pinnata Sporobolus spp.
Multipurpose wood- Acacia nilotica, Albizia lebbeck, A. - Dagar et al., 2001; Khan and
lots procera, Azadirachta indica, Cassia Shukla, 2003; Basavaraja et
siamea, Casuarina equisetifolia, Euca- al., 2007; Singh et al., 2008;
lyptus tereticornis, E. hybrid, Leucaena Behera et al., 2015
leucocephala, Pithecellobium dulce,
Pongamia pinnata, Prosopis alba, Pro-
sopis juliflora, Terminalia arjuna
Strip Plantation Eucalyptus tereticornis (c-3 and c-10), - Toky et al., 2011
Tamarix aphylla, Prosopis juliflora,
Terminalia arjuna
Boundary plantation Eucalyptus spp. - Ram et al., 2008
S. Sarvade et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 9 (1): 44 – 50 (2017)

Table 3. Tree species used for bio-drainage treatment in salt affected waterlogged areas of India.
Plant species Tree Family Rate of tran- Source
Acacia tortilis, A. nilotica, A. farne- Mimosoideae 2.63 m mol. Devaranavadgi et al., 2005; Akram et al., 2008;
siana m-2 s-1 Dagar et al., 2012
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth Mimosoideae Arunachalam et al., 2014
Alnus cremastogyne, A. trabeculosa Betulaceae Sharma, 2012; Arunachalam et al., 2014
Azadirechta indica Meliaceae 2.88±0.2 gm Pagare et al., 2014
leaf-1 hrs-1.
Butea monosperma Fabaceae Arunachalam et al., 2014
Callistemon lanceolatus Myrtaceae Toky et al., 2011; Anonymous, 2013
Casuarina spp. (C. gluaca, C. Casuarinaceae Ram et al., 2008; Toky et al., 2011; Dagar et al.,
equisaetifolia, C. obesa) 2012; Chaudhari et al., 2014; Pandey et al., 2015
Dalbergia sissoo Fabaceae 2.67–3.28 m Devaranavadgi et al., 2005; Anonymous, 2013;
mol. m-2 s-1 Prasath et al., 2014;
Eucalyptus spp. (E. tereticonris, E. Myrtaceae 2.72–3.06 m Ram et al., 2007; Akram et al., 2008; Shakya and
calamdulensis; E. hybrid) mol. m-2 s-1 Singh, 2010; Toky et al., 2011; Ram et al., 2011;
Dagar et al., 2012; Wicke et al., 2013; Chaudhari
et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2014; Arunachalam
et al., 2014; Pagare et al., 2014; Pandey et al.,
Grevillea spp. Protaceae Chandel and Sharma, 2011; Arunachalam et al.,
Leucaena Leucocephala Mimosoideae Devaranavadgi et al., 2005
Melia azedarach Meliaceae Toky et al., 2011
Morus alba Moraceae Arunachalam et al., 2014
Parkinsonia aculeate Caesalpinioideae Dagar et al., 2012
Pithecellobium dulce Mimosoideae Sarala and Maheswari, 2012
Pongamia pinnata Fabaceae Ram et al., 2008; Toky et al., 2011; Pandey et
al., 2015
Populus spp. Salicaceae 13–200 gpd Anonymous 2009a; Chaudhari et al., 2014; Singh
tree-1 et al., 2014; Arunachalam et al., 2014
Prosopis juliflora, P. cineraria, Mimosoideae Toky et al., 2011; Dagar et al., 2012
Salix babylonica, S. monosperma, S. Salicaceae 10–50 gpd Anonymous 2009a; Anonymous, 2013
xuchonensis tree-1
Salvadora persica, S. oleoides Salvadoraceae Pandey et al., 2015
Syzygium cuminii Myrtaceae Ram et al., 2008; Toky et al., 2011; Pandey et
al., 2015
Tamarix aphylla; T. troupii, T. ar- Tamaricaceae Akram et al., 2008; Toky et al., 2011
Taxodium distichum, T. scandens Cupressaceae 0.3–18 gpd Anonymous 2009a;
Terminalia arjuna, Combretaceae Ram et al., 2008; Toky et al., 2011; Anonymous,
2013; Pandey et al., 2015
Bamboos (Bambusa cacharensis R. Poaceae 2.58 m mol. Nath and Das, 2012; Chaudhari et al., 2014;
Majumder (Betua), B. vulgaris m-2 s-1 Prasath et al., 2014; Arunachalam et al., 2014
Schrad. ex Wendl. (Jai borua) and B.
balcooa Roxb. (Sil borua).
Brachiaria mutica Poaceae Anonymous 2009a; Chaturvedi et al., 2011
Dichanthium annulatum, D. carico- Poaceae Anonymous 2009a; Chaturvedi et al., 2011
Leptochloa fusca Poaceae Anonymous 2009a; Chaturvedi et al., 2011
Panicum maximum Poaceae Singh et al., 1997
Phragmites australis Poaceae Anonymous 2009a; Chaturvedi et al., 2011
Cynodon dactylon Poaceae 4.5–14.1 mm Anonymous 2009a
Sorghum bicolour Poaceae 2.0–9.8 mm Anonymous 2009a
Trifolium spp. Fabaceae 4.5–9.9 mm Anonymous 2009a
Typha spp. Typhaceae 8.5–28.2 mm Anonymous 2009a
S. Sarvade et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 9 (1): 44 – 50 (2017)

Table 4. Length and basal diameter of main and lateral roots of multipurpose tree species.
Tree Species Main Roots Lateral Roots
Length (cm) Basal diameter (cm) Length (cm) Basal diameter (cm)
Acacia catechu 143±7.3 8.6±3.1 99±7.9 2.4±0.3
Acacia nilotica 215±7.8 15.4±1.1 139±10.8 2.3±0.2
Albizzia lebbek 118±36.8 11.4±2.1 141±16.7 3.7±0.3
Azadirachta indica 117±22.3 12.2±1.4 82±7.6 2.5±0.2
Dalbergia sissoo 130±17.0 10.1±0.5 134±11.9 2.5±0.2
Melia azedarach 92±6.7 12.4±0.5 66±3.50 3.0±0.3
Morus alba 72±6.2 9.5±1.9 160±13.6 3.0±0.3
Prosopis cineraria 288±43.3 9.1±4.3 157±20.2 2.7±0.3
Zizyphus mauritiana 102±1.8 9.2±1.2 112±14.0 2.4±0.4
Populus deltoids 85±10.4 26.4±2.4 271±60.9 6.8±1.0
Eucalyptus tereticornis 179±12.4 17.9±1.0 167±23.3 3.5±0.3
Leucaena leucocephala 148±32.7 11.7±0.6 72±6.3 2.7±0.3
(Source: Toky and Bisht, 1992)
Table 5. Suitability of tree species for saline soils (Adopted from Dash et al., 2005).
Tolerant Tamarise troupii, T. artiaulata, Prosopis juliflora, Pithe cellobium dulce, Parkinsonia aculeata,
(ECe 25–35 dS m-1) Acacia famesiana
Moderately tolerant Callistemon lanceolatus, Acacia nilotica, A. pennatula, A. tortilis, Casuarina glauca 13144, C.
(ECe 15–25 dS m-1) glauca 13987, C. obessa 27, C. glauca (FRJ), C. equisetifolia (FRJ), Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Leu-
caena leucocephala, Erescentia alata
Moderately sensitive Casuarina cunninghamiana (FRJ), C. cunninghamiana (Aust.), Eucalyptus tereticomis, Acacia auri-
(ECe 10–15 dS m-1) culiformis, Guazuma ulmifolia, Leucanea shannon ii, Samanea saman, Albizzia caribea, Senna
atomeria, Ferminalia arjuna, Pongamia pinnata
Sensitive Syzgium cumimi, S. fruticosum, Tamarindus indica, Salix app., Acacia deanei, Albizia quachepela,
(ECe 7–10 dS m-1) Alelia herbertsmithi, Ceaselpimia eriostachya, C. velutina, Halmatoxylon brasiletto
trees to reduce elevated ground water table of an area 268 mm annum–1 by 240 trees ha–1 against the mean
(Heuperman et al., 2002). Highly transpiring tree spe- annual rainfall of 212 mm. Plantations of E. tereticor-
cies selected to mitigate waterlogging conditions nis act as bio-pumps and therefore, Ram et al. (2007
(Shakya and Singh, 2010). The average annual rate of and 2011) recommend closely spaced parallel strip
transpiration was 3446 mm from a 25-ha plantation of plantations in shallow ground water table (g.w.t.) areas
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia nilotica, Prosopis of semi-arid regions with alluvial sandy loam soils.
cineraria and Ziziphus spp., in Rajasthan (Heuperman Behera et al. (2015) reported agri-silviculture, agi-horti
and Kapoor, 2003). -silviculture, silvi-pasture and multipurpose woodlots
Short Rotation Fast Growing (SRFG) tree species such prominent systems for treating salty and waterlogged
as Eucalyptus spp., Casuarina spp., Terminalia arjuna, conditions. In case of agri-silviculture system, the rice,
Pongamia pinnata and Syzygium cuminii are used in wheat, berseem, mustard, cowpea, pigeon pea, sor-
bio-drainage treatment in waterlogged area of the ghum, turmeric and oat annual crops were successfully
country (Pandey et al., 2015). The different tree spe- grown under Salix, Eucalypt, Acacia, Albizia, Termi-
cies, their growth rate, growing stage, density of plants nalia, Prosopis, Populus tree species (Singh et al.,
and other soil and climatic conditions may affect bio- 1997; Ram et al., 2007; Ram et al., 2011; Singh, 2011;
drainage potential of tree species (Dash et al., 2005). Kumar et al., 2012; Wicke et al., 2013; Biswas and
Multipurpose tree species of different agroforestry Biswas, 2014).
systems used in bio-drainage treatment are given in Tree-crop combinations under agri-horti-silviculture,
Table 2. The use of bio-drainage treatment depends on silvi-pasture, multipurpose woodlots, strip plantation
ground water EC, when its value goes higher than 12 and boundary plantation with their reference are given
ds m−1, bio-drainage cannot be workable due to accu- in Table 2. Many scientists reported suitability of
mulation of salt in tree plantation strips (Kapoor and woody perennials in solving the problem of salty-
Denecke, 2001). waterlogged areas in India (Table 3). Among the all
Ram et al. (2011) reported 0.84–0.86 m total draw- tree species, Eucalypt species was widely used in rec-
down of groundwater in 3 years of April 2006, 2007 lamation of waterlogged areas and reviewed more au-
and 2008 under Eucalyptus tereticornis+wheat (clone thors as compared to other tree species. The main and
C-7) in fields of Haryana (Northwest India), where 10 lateral root spreading of tree species is one important
% area (0.44 mha) is waterlogged resulting in reduced character for capturing water, vertical and horizontal
crop yields and abandonment of agricultural lands. spreading of root system covers more area for absorp-
They also reported 30.9l day–1 tree–1 average transpira- tion and transpiration of excess water from water-
tion rate in the 5 year old E. tereticornis, which was logged area. Prosopis cineraria have long (20-60 m)
S. Sarvade et al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 9 (1): 44 – 50 (2017)

tap root system and high transpiration rate as compared Jodhpur, New Delhi, 20.
to other desert plants (Gallacher and Hill, 2005). Toky Anonymous, (2009a). Phyto-technology Technical and
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Conclusion 1:13-24.
The 6.41 mha area of India is confined to salt affected Chandel, R.S. and Sharma, B.L. (2011). Declining Himala-
waterlogging problem. Reclamation of such areas is yan bio-resources–a threat to farmer’s livelihood. In:
prime requisite for re-silencing the pressure of increas- Short rotation forestry and Agroforestry: an exchange of
experience between CDM countries and Europe.
ing human and livestock population. Among the differ-
Marchesi di Barolo, Barolo, Italy. 67–75.
ent treatments, bio-drainage is one of the vegetation Chaturvedi, S., Kaushal, R., Tewari, S. and Dhyani, V. C.
based systems used widely for treating waterlogged (2011). Agroforestry: an integrated land management
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from tree species are basic principle. Agri-silviculture, Environmental Botany, 1(1):45-53.
silvi-pasture, agri-hori-silviculture, multipurpose Chaudhari, S.K., Dagar, J.C. and Toky, O.P. (2014). Bio-
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all agroforestry systems, Eucalypt based agri- Education and Technology Policy Forum. NAAS News,
14 (1): 11–13.
silviculture system was widely used vegetation system.
Dagar, J. C., Singh, A. K., Singh, R. and Arunachalum, A.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (2012). Climate change vis-a-vis Indian agriculture.
Annals of Agricultural Research, 33(4):189–203.
Authors would like to thank the Dean, College of Agri- Dagar, J. C., Singh, G. and Singh, N. T. (2001). Evaluation
culture, Balaghat for encouraging and providing assis- of forest and fruit trees used for rehabilitation of semi-
tance for writing the manuscript. arid alkali soils in India. Arid land Research and Man-
agement, 15:115–33.
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